SCARY ROBLOX GAME! BEAR CHASE! 🐻 = 🏃 FGTeeV Creepy Hide and Seek (#55)

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you're gonna die die die to the die die die like a french french fries cuz they used to be potatoes but now they are not get out of my face this lady is a boy mttb buddy it's my boy ft TV Shawn and today we're going to play roblox yeah Bambi is creepy it's just called the bear but the game is gonna scare now I got out my jerky shirt because just in case is scurry but real quick before we play just so that we can clear things up cuz there's some confusion on the back of our big fig ft TV SOI up here it says six to collect or maybe seven one two three four five six and that's the seventh one it's the turkey shirt limited version so if you find this one in the store this one is 10 times more rare than the regular deaths Luca Sean's back he's got stickers did you put them on yeah Mike okay their front my remaining TV in our large TVs we've got stickers in the back getting requires at least two players to begin no if only we had a second player wait chase you're here why don't you play okay alright yeah chase is playing oh you're ready right here Matt floating which one do we want to do the bathroom the lab or your ex back room alright let's do it back room why you going to get this bro so Road I'm the bear hunting good survivors no mercy chases the survivor you look at me dude look at my dance ends oh my gosh I got the coolest dances mMmmm ever then Dan Dennett is that I'm a ban that Dan 10s then I've got a chair that's antenna to that can you tease I don't got nothing can I have some please then it's at 10 to 10 where you at cake Judy's doing the flaws give me the keys Oh give me the cheese - this is so creepy like no matter which way I face I always face the camera oh my god only 30 seconds left do you actually need to play with like a lot more people than just one all right it's time that we join a game with a lot of people because that was kind of good little bit yes we're together Oh see our stars that's how you know we're together see star stars if you want to use star code FG TV on roblox you will help support us with all your roebucks purchases right yup I'm dope at parkour bro no we're not yes I am I'm bad at it yeah I mean round oh man right now there's like I'm good no [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] fine we got 50 seconds while we're waiting okay good I'm a master at parkour I know you are daddy stop shy always be my best friend I fell how much I this this one looks kind of spooky only one person is a survivor look there's two bears wait there could be more than one bear yeah we could spectate oh that's the survivor and there's the bear there's two bears over here everyone pick this one why is that guy staring at me because whoa that a youtuber with the star come on everyone bow here go here no you guys know I'm a survivor Oh chase is a survivor okay so we just have to hide from the bear whoever wins into this round gets to open up a toy this is creepy all right oh goodness what is that oh geez yes wait what'd I do with it you give it to the guy that says give me the cheese why what does he give you back I don't know probably like a key to escape what is this how is this a puzzle oh do does this give me the cheese yes all right let's see what give me the cheese does deke your cheese now what now while what do you give me mr. bear boy I got two out of four puzzles oh goodness it's a bear there's a bear it's on my trail it's on my trail I gotta run I'm gonna fail the bear is over there yeah Josiah oh yeah guess what yeah so wait so neither me or chase gets to open that toy all right we'll try again whoever wins gets to open up the limited edition special and both survivors complete puzzles to reduce the timer wait I don't get this you trying to connect it yeah but is there gonna be a bear behind me oh oh that wasn't me that created the plushies last time it was a group effort I got it okay there's no bear coming guys get out of my face lady ooh goodness gracious oh my goodness oh my god that guy says oh my goodness nice a team so one complete the puzzle get out of my face this lady is such a disgrace Holy Smoke Allah my got cheese okay I'm going to complete I'm going to complete it and go to complete it and come on quickly can we go to great yes I complete a puzzle daddy is the best study is defense not the rest up there that's the bear ah we got oh dude this is a puzzle wait how do you do this it's not a puzzle Oh chase you're right here ah what is that thing only got this puzzle you got it we got three puzzles there's only a minute left the timer just went down [Music] [Music] oh dude I got the cheese I got the cheese okay so I don't know where the other puzzle is I feel like this is it scarecrow maybe back there scared ready one two three Rob oh I know how to scare it I gotta show up my really horrible dance moves ready II dance [Music] see I scared it okay pazzo hey it didn't work them 34 seconds left hey yo bear where you at game over bear couldn't get us ha ha Oh someone got the last puzzle anyways mat boating lat let's do lab guys we're both survivors I just want to be the bear I know no one told me it was gonna be bare naked I'm out of here the bear laughs what the bear laughs yeah you had a hair bear I hope I'm the bear I hope I'm the bear I hope I'm the bear that I'm up in here oh all right ace if you get three people I will let you open this all right a mini TV well then you gotta be the bear and then you got a scare but if you don't then you ain't open up no mini TV air many TVs don't have hair or do they do I have a feeling like I'm gonna run into chase first for some reason like I'm just my luck daddy look on I'm on the floor so you can see me yeah oh do right here puzzle I mean I'm definitely not at a puzzle I just told chase where I was just great yes and yes I got a puzzle No [Applause] [Music] I'm spectating this guy's hiding in a corner and there's a derpy bear he's crawling on the floor for tonight gave me my kids back within minecraft [Music] Keeney's actually taste I can help you okay this guy is in a corner does that help and this guy's next to a bunch of stuff on the wall is it Pooh Bear she's in a dead end Oh found him found him way whoo this time oh you got her oh wait did you get me oh man all right fine taste gets to open okay okay but at the end do don't knock me off the floor on the floor oh this guy's still sniffing the wall dude he's go into the cheese he's acting in the cheese okay so you're close to it right Oh No okay decided cheap it anyways chase gets to open it no no here you go sup bros wait everyone dance ready e Oh go guys yeah all right yeah all right oh no one listen speckle oh no oh no we're starting please let me be the bear oh my gosh faces the bear again wait can we switch so I can be it okay okay here you go oh you're switching okay hi shun you got to tell me where to find people ready dude okay they're all by the shiny stuff it's a lot of the shiny stuff I know don't listen to me I have no idea what I'm talking about half the time what done yes yes hello sir you're gonna run out of uh you know sprinting really soon say hello to berry cuz he's gonna get you here he's going to catch up he's going to get your butt okay okay I'll save you for last I'll get this guy first and then I'll just break like glass he's down he's down and so is this person he's down he's down and so is his Nick Nichols so is this grizzle I'm going to get you just stay right there cuz maybe I know shot the breasts oh I gotta get him I got no shot don't brush up you're actually making it worse for me did I get him did I get I think he died against the tree you killed four people yes I'm so good I know try not to get a puzzle that way I look like an ultimate beast of a winner this guy's just hiding up there it's time to surprise him like right now you're gonna die die die to the die die die like a french french fries cuz they used to be potatoes but now they are not I will test them make you fall down put you in the flat it's a grave huh it's a grave like goodbye Georgia says too much too much just too much taste our pets are uh all pets are ah I'm going to get you chase that tree is spooky oh my goodness I found him is that him nothing is it yeah are you sure it's him yeah how do I get him face I don't think it's hand dude okay just call that you just tricked me you just tried to steal time No you guys know I could have got chase but I didn't so really just there was one person left wait we're both bears geez okay let's just play one more round just dude look at us it's we're double berry weird there's so much flossing going on it's insane okay last round Oh people are done here dad that's enough fair duo's Denton's and and the bear duo's you get that guy I get this one yeah we will both share got him okay dude there's three left dude we're gonna win this yes okay go after him get him chase get him you can do it this map is so big how they expect you to rape oh my god she's taking forever yes yes yes yes you got him that's two left I don't see anyone here in the office stay on them and I'm coming towards you you're down on the bottom I'm chasing all my gosh chase please we have one minute left I see you chased up coming towards you where are they come on where are they yes do right here right here oh goodness okay I got this we got this chase we so have just won this there's no way they're gonna do a puzzle you got them it's up to me please FG TV buddy don't be a do feet gamer now is not the time yes yes come on this is an epic finale to the game take that out step on you yeah I am so glad we went out with that hasn't any repeated high-five chase now Sean gets to open up the FTTP mini TP point let's see Oh eat Oh cares about points when there's the mini TV waiting for us and a limited rare edition duddy with the gurkey turkeys all thanks to you guys we're in stores you guys Rock thanks for the support let's keep it going we got a book coming January 7 to 2020 that's a lot of years from now just regular 2020 let's go mini TV join in the time machine room I just went to Target really quick thanks to my time machine oh and we got it let's see it what do we get please your teeth look at all these guys let's see if I can set up all these toys before you can open a TV Robo Sean globes on a boy or yo Harry cookie my regular Chung Sun potato lo Goerke I lied oh wait I forgot one more Christmas Sean are you gonna get [Music] we got skinny bones flashlights now and we got Meg sticker and a funnel boys sticker as always with every mini TV you get the effects party which the flashlight turns it colors what the mystery who is it charged it's Doug's if it is that would be pretty amazing because that guy is so cool see something black like crispy bacon Oh Spooky's both skinny bones his name is I'll be back hi it's glow Duke it oh nice would you look at the color difference oh yeah cuz that one I think was the prototype that's glow-in-the-dark on this guy I don't think he's actually coming out oh whoa hey don't hit up white G but he's already sad that he got left out of all the packages by mistake sorry buddy let's see which one glows better the new one that we just got which is that one or the old one okay let's see oh our produce I didn't glow the new one glows well that's good it's better than the other way around boys glowing Oh funnel glow well he glows nice alright guys well that is it for this video we'll see you next time peace out beep hello whoa I think you were just standing right here daddy I am oh my god he likes to collect things this ghostly obsession rare fine things they call caught in the collection price of this trinket thinks it treasures galore pocket this pretty little hair brushing that goes lucky but his most prized possessions hidden away so rare do I even dare to show you the pain in this secret room the slack where the key lies these priceless figures from FG TV now you can own your favorite FG TV action figures available at these locations baldies fog machine malfunction no wait what dude there's one of those little airport things Wow the leak is leaking and can't watch out for the whirlpools what is this about is this an elevator can we party in the school elevator with Baldy [Music]
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 22,769,315
Rating: 4.6954794 out of 5
Keywords: scary roblox game, roblox horror game 2019, scary fgteev games, bear roblox, bear horror game, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, gameplay, skit, funny, comedy, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, fgteev new video
Id: ZTi8MSgAhoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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