PIGGY CHAPTER 13: The Zoo? (FGTeeV Custom Character Showcase Mod w/ PUPPET BOSS #2)

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all right listen up we're off to the zoo and remember the rule no body feed pig oh oh oh yes Cecil oh yeah um do we still get a snack don't sure yes and last but not least change of plans everyone free piggy oh yes so but do I still get a snack sure whatever oh yeah what's poppin boy fdtv daddy and today I found a kid on the side of the road and I was like yeah you want to come to the zoo it's pretty cool can't find his parents I'm hoping we can find his mom and dad oh my goodness my head what is wrong with you I'm gonna chest bump my head Boop I just want to ask that all you guys subscribers if you don't tell them what happens John you had attorney two masses judge what do you mean yeah all right so listen we're back in the piggy custom showcase mod there are new characters out here okay it's scary out there before we go out there I gotta ask you guys if you ever buy robots consider using FG TV star code it's so fun when you type it in the little box it's so cool and it help support this channel yeah it's really fun you should try it and we really appreciate it Sean let's go ways that's your name yeah I'm such a psychic my gosh I can't believe it let's go to the sea you come here why what's in here wait did you say daddy brah brah I know I invited you to the zoo but calm down with the clinginess yeah I know I don't want to be George I want to be this thing yeah this is so strange [Music] she no picky little loud no no I'm asking why you calling me daddy okay we are here players the zoo we got an intermission what is wrong with my face we can't share the same Corona mask all right dude now here's the thing we have to escape I don't want to be in your body you have no brain that's why you're calling me daddy oh that's so sad fine you call me daddy if you want weird Katie we have to think of 14 more seconds of funny commentary why did it chicken cross the road gee but seven more seconds of funny commentary five more seconds of commentary hey but here we go you are trapped inside a zoo yeah reading find items and use them to escaping from the Zul solve whose leis to unlock of the items in the Scania oh yeah so now it's giraffe gonna beat us up does he finally get out the cage you just pull out okay here we go respawn okay we got a blue key I think that's blue oh oh I can't jump in there I'm totally following up oh I got a wrench hey where's the wrench oh here down there how do you know you beat this before didn't you yes let me get that I want to hog everything okay what key did you just get a red yeah right there right there yes let me get this this time hey hey hey we're sharing we're sharing I thought that wait wait it disappeared Oh God all right so what is that key for it right here this one this one no no wait oh that's wife I know that girl volunteer why pink your horse rot in there these spawns in there yeah well do where do we go I don't know this isn't quite fair come get me he's coming to get me oh you want to play ring around the rosey brim I have you know that I'm allergic to roses the AI is a little while I die how did you die oh he got you yeah back at you Becky you can come back in yeah quick come back here where's the blue key it responded it it oh no oh no okay I got the blue key I have no idea where to get jump to oh gosh oh gosh I'm so scared he moves extra slow it's even scarier you think it'd be not as scary alright here we go let's go oh can we go can we just cut I don't want to sit in a I'm not too fast to get into great a wall what was that sound me I can go back in that's horrible dude it's horrible news well this is the worst show ever ah he's China hop over houses whoa yes can I park your Tea Party lordy yes what's up giraffe a tea put what them let me get out let me own oh I'm stuck cuz he smell me does he smell me does he smell me where'd he go oh no he's killing me in the corner isn't he you're killing me in there go ahead the laid kill I understand the Matt do what's up where's the blue key what was the blue key don't show me where the blue key is and I will set you free you're so trapped in there it's called a volume adjustment sir oh you have to join in quick quick quick is that better yeah wait where's my key card I can only get the key card in single-player mode so it comes a time in a man's life where a stranger has to separate from the newly found orphan kid on the street cool deal I'll give you five bucks deal all right cool man all right so I've just separated we changed walk speed wait wait that's a thing there give me 33 oh my gosh give me 99 that was not like that the last time I played hard let's check out new new creatures Mandy Mouse all right no I just somehow I I let I let I want a youtube copyright striker guy out it's cool like nobody catching me now so like I guess all the new peeps are just kind of down here jukebox Joker that is like creepily amazing no okay this one is new for me I know he's been out for some time but I let him go what is this the Macy's Day Parade the creepy Macy's Day Parade I just love like I just tap it and you can't even get close to me beep scuba flippers on he's just gonna stab me in the butt cheek with his feet like animal hamster come out I need peeps to come to the zoo with me you I wanted you to come too where'd it go they're so slow come on me here where well what's this way what if my head is still gone hey what's it well where am I hello oh my goodness the mall no Shawn the mall gives me bad memories oh my gosh over there that's where she gave me the wedgie gave me to wish you wait a sec Shawn no oh no dude that's where she poured out my cup and said cleanup she Monaco's with a me mug put a mock up and say clean up I can't be here Shawn I'm getting pts did open a Oh penny you can never be a quarter of the man I am that's such a corny dumb joke okay King all right dude I was hoping that you could come to the zoo and like unleash your Royal Decree and banish peeps that don't let me use the blue key I'm defying the way the belts operate and I love it okay King where's the King King I need you to follow me buddy mr. P you don't look like you would kill me you look like a rube thanks guys you're scum of the earth - I knew it I knew you were chopped you into french fries if I had the opportunity well you want to try to play the zoo again yeah okay just give me one more second I just want to change my walk spin to a thriller you're gonna push me if you can catch me sir she stops on you're being corny right now King come and follow me okay I'm only I'm just unleashing the King let's see what else is down here Oh pretty little bench and a little flower lily pond with a living frogs go all day long get on the fast track yes there we go you're still slow all right ready King come in here and tell them how powerful you are but guess what boy you ain't sober you just jump you going to dizzy you go fall down at nipsey's well okay cuz I'm swell good luck whatever bro are you spit go ahead okay let's do this good luck Fuji TV I hate when people call me Fuji TV know why calls me Fuji TV hey guys I'm Shawn that's my grandpa Wow I love my grandpa I miss him I haven't seen him in a long time grandpa if you're watching I love you but he doesn't watch my gameplay videos he says I'm annoying quick funnier in seven seconds why am i pitching my nipple well that's not a little that's it that's a big huge boob okay we got it we got it daddy how do you bring the brew hear their plans that's a plan yeah good luck Vicky tippy wait click wait that's a click right there wait dude it's clickable which is kind of I got through Sean okay you get everything else oh I got the hammer wait wait okay fine fine dude up going up to see if Rapunzel is still letting down her golden extensions Oh poke a jump rope Oleg how'd you get trout ah you got me man when she French onion dip Rojo Maya vase a locket Lapuerta azul vertical stick can i'm pig try to get me hey piggy you can't get me hey piggy you sweat always building so much a fortnight that's not blue know shut you know I'm colorblind where is he drop okay where's blue then ways that blue nope what don't die don't die you can't die but you died yeah Shawny buddy do you want to restart yeah wait you're gonna make me sacrifice myself to the gods of vbe well let's get him to kill me in the middle of nowhere get ready okay kill me right there while I'm over here kill me you rich clay he's witchcraft bro fine let's do this we have 27 seconds wake me up when it's zero cut Barbie's sweat I do like Barbie what don't die this time promise if you don't die I will give you this FG TV mousepad that's available on shop that FG TV that come along with this piggy merch go get it wait I found no it's glitch dude we gotta restart yeah we have to get picket come and get me if you did you dared can we just be friends please I look up to you I really do I admire you are you gonna kill me please thank you hey Sonic the Hedgehog what the head Bob don't ever call me that he'll you know what I'll do though you know I could tickle you you won't be able to stop because I'm so strong yeah don't stop I'm responsible for whenever we find your parents what if your whole life was in the third-person view that was weird no bad exactly that's what I was gonna say do bad job yeah okay I poop a rap I had not no rat bro you're talking about 6 9 ha ha Oh blue key I finally found blue key this is blue key that is not the same color man y'all can't be messin messing with a colorblind guy this amazing oh goodness no I cannot get trapped in here with that what happens if he follows unit there's nothing in here this is a straight foolery this is shenanigans and define it come on no way are you jumping on the trees don't leave me you better not but there's no other way what are you doing we don't even have a die you die yeah scissors okay what's this max thank you that ya got to ask what do I do with it I got chopped down trees you have to craft a bucket why do I gotta let this guy out hey man come out here ahh hey man come out here go to the party I'm gonna stop yelling at me like where's a plank at he's still up there's this creepy looking at me now you know you don't go nowheres okay tell me where it is 10 do it that way go that way this way this way drei okay I'm going Drake tell her turn yep turn yeah Oh up here if there's a plank yeah oh that thing so you walk on that tree yeah that's amazing I can't get it oh come on is glitch they even eat your dad I know kill me me you know what kill me from down here coming from up there thank you yes four powers prevail bruh daddy I learned that chips Bobby playing poker let me see your poker face now you gotta know like when the person's eyes happen you got to slowly roll into like oh I gotta tell you a story about that when I was a kid I fell on my butt ever since then I had a crack in it alright please don't die okay did you just die sure can I just play without you well Shawn you're in luck you know why cuz I can't even pick up the wrenchy I might as well like kill the piggy committed murder and they're gonna mind your business any second now I know it blue key open open ticket lot I had to do this without Shawn because he by mistake somehow kill adder goes here hammer right there he's up okay we've got a key color right here I think it's pink it looks kind of Pinkel which is purple and pink pretty cool come on buddy you kill my son way to me son I mean stranger on the side of the road way too many times I'm messing with you though wait what did I open okay in here we got our Baba Baba well I don't know what color is this oh oh oh oh oh that's probably up here is this purple this is probably this color yes it is I hope you don't come in here Oh break quickies go actually I can jump out the window so we all good hey brother stuff out I could've died man matter with you oh no oh no no how do I do Kim yeah please don't die please don't die open this door nope that's not the key oh this must be it yes you's a liar okay here we go plink come on down here boy see you've been duped in the half up here put it down what's it here man give me something good to eat I got her what the heck I use a rope for oh this thing ah ha ha needs a rope I saw that earlier too okay oh I gots me a buggy I got waters in the bucket alright now that I know is that B ah please don't kill me please don't kill me man I'm making progress down this way No oh you did with you ain't gonna catch me this time oh no way no how no sir yes all right here we go need a water bucket oh don't make me go back again oh right no okay I still got water in it yeah you just gotta you gotta conserve the water you gotta be like conservative with it like boom just a little bit for each door I'm fine you know you the yellow key card needed enemy tank I still got water here I still got water here there's no more burning building okay Moses ain't here cuz none of these bushes is burning yeah is that even the right Bible story probably not oh oh oh oh I got that right there okay alright all we need some scissors up in here okay okay okay I got this this color key I have no idea what color key this is oh I don't know like whales a key at hello or is this a key part I didn't think so I didn't know if you was like word blind oh no he's on okey here man oh oh that's back oh man that's all the way back over there hey man follow me back to the maze we need a shortcut this maze takes too long the cheezer's alright you know what listen let's wait let's go see what's the cheezer's about excuse me turn okay i like how i just be using these tiny little scissors that look like a for crafts just so that i can I got the X what's the X for I got ask me a question and I'm just gonna swap it for the key we make him progress man no this is getting serious man I can't find my way out yes that was a really close moment right there boom that ain't the key did I die no wait what that ain't the same key color what that's a different room oh my goodness gracious get out of there but that is my turn to venture back into the woods I should know my way by now but I don't you should know you don't way by now but you do you should go this way and that way and this way and that way and tell your mama that she crazy me this way and that way and this way and that way and tell your mama that she crazy crazy me there's a lot of walking back and forth yes he's not behind me open up my sister Simon Says the zoo's what's this what kind of key color is this didn't I open all the key colors we gotta wait to that fool come out cuz we just stuck wait what's this neither axe oh well what you gonna do it are you gonna try to chop me wait a sec you this could be a trick no what I do that because now I'm stuck oh my gosh that was dumb and a half now I got a literally wait oh goodness gracious oh goodness gracious well while we're over here let's check for another key it can't be that hard I know it ain't that color and there's nothing over here when the bow berry biscuits kind of shenanigans is going on her let's get him stuck in a tree get up here just stuck in the tree I'm afraid I feel like if I go in this trim against stuff okay I'm not but he might yes get stuck boy can't break stuff I don't know man I'm kind of upset I'm like yell if I use this axe this dude is gonna chase me and like if that's what's gonna happen I bet you he will that's not cool I need an axe oh my goodness man x2 I let him out oh goodness gracious he probably after me now right that's that's garbage though like this actual garbage though like ain't nobody gonna make a pizza with that nobody's gonna make a pizza come on chase me man I got one step come on man chase me man stop trying to smell the box that you came from ha ha ha hey I is so doofy I can win I can win until I go over here and then get stuck in this crack nope turn break no mames back let's hope that that tiger is still stuck and doesn't pop out and scare me because I will I will cry I bet you I need to use this key open up that room whoa whoa whoa you saw into the door open up that room and then it's gonna be like a blue key Cracker Jacks man yes man it stinks to be colorblind yo dinamita oh I got this now I just gotta figure out what to do about this maze cuz I know that they're coming come on man get out them no no no no you don't get to stay in the maze you got to chase me man that's what she was born to do so can I escape with the dynamite what's that other key for maybe once I do the dynamite it's gonna need that key this really really got at me wait where is he oh snap there we go I didn't see him there my goodness please don't let there be a crocodile enemies cuz that crocodile is gonna get stuck and it's gonna be the end of the video because I won't be able to get him loose I just know it and then I'm gonna get like double corner see no we got to get it to come in here is stuck okay come on follow me follow me follow me follow me go now we got to get it to go in that room right there so this is how we do it we go like this right I hope so I hope so no no okay no no come this way come this way come this way okay come this way yeah come in here okay this is like tricky AI times you for no this is a fart that's a fart that is a fart my G I technically beat it Adam I don't even get a batch for this Brooke done sometimes I wish I was still in the womb man it's so cozy in there comfort it you got unlimited food Walden sometimes it's gross because they you know I gotta poop where I sleep but still better than this I'm out y'all peace out wait I literally hear something creepy and crawly oh he likes water you can climb up the wall [Laughter] [Laughter]
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 44,835,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piggy game mode, build your own piggy map, custom piggy map, piggy chapter 13, piggy the zoo, custom characters showcase mod, piggy custom characters, puppet boss piggy, piggy custom, zoo map, bunny funeral, fgteev escape game, roblox fgteev piggy, piggy fgteev videos, roblox spider escape, roblox games 2020, roblox escape games, roblox horror games, fgteev youtube, fgteev gaming, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, piggy skit, roblox skit fgteev, fgteev skits
Id: G17vf2qlrZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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