DIY EDIBLE SCHOOL SUPPLIES! Teacher vs Supplies! FUNnel Vision Back to School Skit

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[Music] okay and okay me letting this go so what you gonna have to do is turn a little body round mottling back home to your house take it down and come back to school when you can you lease cuz you ain't coming up in my school with something that's just go back and crazy go crazy looking I mean crazy yo man yo mama crazy yo daddy crazy miss the principal Joker hey crazy I show you have some ideas my lord eight year old soon to be nine year old son is going back to school yeah you gotta go your way so celebrate the occasion we've got some edible DIY back-to-school hacks that we are going to share with you to day first we are gonna make some edible glue sticks using let's do this first it's easy yeah it's Elmer's glue yeah watch out your container like that sounds like it's about to get messy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you wince at it I know ripping I have straws in my nose well her difference here I go yeah go sucking up all the castles so here we go it's this kind of gross because we have garbage bag chemicals he spit my spit strong chemicals washable clear glue when you bring it to school in your backpack your teacher when she's like now look at DIY edibles go hack found number one let's move on to number two which hopefully is not a family so what you're gonna need for this is you're gonna need some Albert just a purple glue sticks now you see I'm not you know delirious those are basically just farmers that smile [Music] only one I share with you you want some really next up is the tummy babe [Applause] Maji now what we're gonna do melt these down melt these down put them inside of here oh we got to clean these out all right so pop that top whining whining whining are we sure this one's not candy why would you eat that last day it looks like blue dude where's this purple dye she's colorblind just to let you know no more bloody jokes on this channel we all know right now he thinks the glue stick glue looks like this like this blue that's mad hey can you tell these apart yeah this dark blue that's like doodoo Dicey's colorblind guys he's colorblind once again so what if it's purple [Music] [Music] he will join six primo Enda teams today I'm gonna sing for you a song glue stick glue stick I'll tell I love you even if you're purple even though I want you to be blue no I'm sure it's legit like 11:30 I know why we're recording at this neck so what we gotta do now is clean out the inside and then put it back and then we'll have a gummy bear glue stick right yeah excuse me my face is becoming very dull all right thank you call me man so first choose your favorite color Jolly Rancher I'm using purple because the glue stick is disappearing purple so I was just joking brother why are you magic tricks oh good purple yeah right [Music] now we gotta go to the microwave [Music] mind your business kid I like it no no everything is gonna be just below your and alright look see I told you the myth on the microwave itself on rapping so cool next you're gonna grab a spoon and let that fall into oh no oh no oh my goodness yeah oh yeah glue stick now just smooth up the top we swirl the Jolly Rancher glue stick into the fridge now it's time for the gummy one look at the extra Jolly Rancher I could just like keep pulling it out forever and ever you should be a new ping Jolly Rancher candy floss so with the gummy bears we don't have enough of the same Co same color so we're just gonna see what color it comes out to be I guess so I think it's gonna be what Wow how did just happen is this the Christian cup cuz it's kind of holy oh it's not all the way melted it's enough come on alright let's mix this up yeah turn round alright empty glue oh my gosh oh my gosh it's coming fast it's good no oh my goodness you totally like there's still one point you know yeah I wouldn't need it alright I gotta clean the sides Marcin I've got it cleaned up now we just have to put it on enough you use something huge from your from your chin that's my beard it's some gummy bear I'm pretty sure straight up the fridge here we go cocktail Oh see that Oh twist it twist it twist it the gummy glue stick is gonna take a little bit longer so let's move on to our next foot yeah it's 12:30 a.m. it takes a long time to make videos I don't know our next up we've got invisible tape and hubba bubba bulletin that's hard to say yeah what you guys can't see the invisible tape all right so they said I think so check your eyes because it's right here all right so open up this jumbo row of invisible tape oh yeah look at this well I got a mighty volcano that should fill me up oh goodness and take face look I have a gigantic earring I took all the place of cake grown up lip bubble gum yeah everyone gigantic sushi rolls Oh mochi from Japanese restrooms there's no powdery and pink flower easy stick yeah yo it's too big no doing it face and you might have to make it a little smaller you're just trying to find an excuse to eat yeah me neither let's just see if we can put the top line next up I've got markers and he's got no I never knew you thought of me like that I'm not doing this video aren't you oh you gotta get some nice bright colored markers now check this out you don't know when you take off a marker you've got little thing on top you gather market up and marker bottom hey I'm done marking your bottom all right now corny jokes aside you're gonna wanna fly it watch the bottom take out the little tube inside we already have two done there it is you see it gives my skin complexion it has a no market time so why do we want to do this why do I have your marker why do we want to do this why do I have your Marcus step again then we're putting nerds inside [Music] you for real what are you for real what do you mean is your name for real are you for real no my name is duddy nice to meet you brother my name is McMahon Nagel nice to meet you too Brooke no one touches my booth now what and then you gotta put the bottom back on yeah your turn the man with Marco whoops I can't get these right please do it for me I mean partners in for me oh I don't see now what is it always taking it 14 and a half steps too far so there's two ways you can shake it into your hand with the top walk or you keep the top on have the back always at all times half way on that way when you want to take off the top you can just eat it out of the back yep laughs I could refill easy you can't refill it on the front no it'll take way too long if you're just doing it one by one like I am right now Wow I've seen a couple years when you're done yeah the glue stick is now ready with glue stick the gummy glue stick twist twist it's kind of stuck to one side but it's working yes worried that take a bite [Music] I think you took the whole thing up let's save some money on your dentist bill let's throw that one out this is DIY coca-cola bullies how old forget no wessel me this next segment is called pencil case hacks there's our last one here it's the coolest one actually it's probably the worst one so I would just leave the video now thanks for watching make sure you subscribe make sure you subscribe we're actually gonna do some sort of like pencil eraser type of thing so I'm gonna go ahead everything's coming out the back so what are we doing with these crazy starbursts besides raising them we eat no no no they represent them go to school I like hippies for life hacks yeah I like hip-hop we each get your welcome so we both get three pink starters right and then three red yeah why do different colors broadly three orange and three yellers okay wait wait let's have a unwrapping race you already have one done right I am mark get set go y'all having so much struggle no this this struggle is real [Music] I win I forgot to mention the rule if you're not at the table when the last person on racket doesn't win smoosh them together like any eraser smoosh no microwave needed although you could use it if you want to soften it up you should just go crazy with it yo are we making like a gigantic - colored eraser if you want - yeah I do or make new for colors what No yeah nicer ring what you gotta speak up here I'm at work alright I'm done with my racer check it out I'm knowledge nice to meet you that I'm nerd your racing number one racer number two actually looks like a good eraser alright now that's not it for a pencil case yeah except we have a stinky pencil says it's number two so what you going me for dis right is you're gonna need to take off this top part now this was your little creative wow that's just got a little sharp so we got a hacksaw right yeah what you're gonna do is you're just going you share me just anything why you frozen bro I'm God crash not Elsa I'll take an opportunity to stick a scholar than yo no just hack saw this little stars right quick you are awakened now recognize the gummy in your nose table Oh once you have the eraser on you don't want get a little drill you want drill right in the milk so once you have a hole you can get a little lollipop you can put this in the top of your pencil and look at your new eraser now only problem is I can't write you get a jiffy do it doing it your classwork like this you know some people get close they like Miz hey I got a question is it okay if I just write an essay real quick cuz I just love writing thank you Miss Hannigan much business Billy Billy is trying to rat on me I was like doing like a hacking thing they're quite Susie I have a good actors her name is Susie I bet you wanted to try this right I know too bad dog we forgot to tell you if you happen to have a teacher that's a dumb-dumb got the eraser one more time with the new pencil drill another hole breaking lollipop right on there and in case you're the dumb dumb she ain't gonna ignite this I feel like legit night you with this the teachers up at the front right she's throwing on a chalkboard she's like two very class I want you to write how old you are go ahead pretend you right now enjoy hey can I get one the Molly pots I'm gonna tell the teacher Michael happy Michael has a live pop you came in my class Michael is that a lollipop yeah it is that's a lollipop no it's not a lollipop it's an eraser uh-oh he's lying oh it's an eraser who eats erasers Miss Hannigan I need a racist from time to tell them occasionally now listen who threw that what was that so that is it for our pencil case hack uh-huh you got stuck oh goodness oh so we just put that in there and now you got two pencils to erase the tops and then two erasers there it is yeah was it up you're good to go teachers not thinking you got candy when you're not looking you could just be like oh I messed up on this algebraic problem potato racing okay no no be like why would you erase with nothing officer when you're done put your eraser back in the box ready good Lexi you got Lexi's you got Lexi's pencil case no it says Lexi on I'm telling [Music] sorry guys I tried to uh take care of the evidence I hope you guys enjoyed comment down below which one you like the best don't forget to subscribe click that notification button and peace have fun alright boy you put that candy back yep I'm believe you turn around alright let's see a book bag man we'll see your book bag yeah I see you Little John you better run block kick you again oh we got pencil case washable glue tape walkers marker sound funny there marker maracas mark Caracas also music class yeah I believe you and washable glue purple all right you good to go man thanks for listening to me you make you funny the way I talked about your [ __ ] kick your booty hey you better stop running over to you detention at the school boy go go go go go get about my house here's the job very very creepy outside oh my goodness look at that now I like that yokai ones like your mouth look at my masterpiece
Channel: FV FAMILY
Views: 84,633,775
Rating: 4.6546397 out of 5
Keywords: fv family, doh much fun, fgteev, family vlogs, chases corner, funny videos, funnel vision
Id: TPTdxGTX0vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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