2 Pounds, 2 Days, (6 Meals) *Day 1* - Limited Budget Food Challenge

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I love the idea behind it but I stopped watching because I just get depressed bc it makes me realize how much more expensive my city is :((

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/superuwu1000 📅︎︎ May 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's time once again for a limited budget food challenge and the budget for this exercise is going to be this two pounds and with two pounds i'm going to try and buy food for myself for two days so this would just be me not jenny not the dog not anyone else just me three meals each on two days so six meals in total from a budget of two pounds i'll also in this video be addressing some of the misconceptions that people had about some of the previous challenge videos now this wouldn't be a challenge without some rules and permissions so to start with i have two pounds to buy food for six meals for myself and it has to be six different meals i can't just have the same meal six times so two pounds for two days is easier than one pound for one day just because economy of scale is a thing so to make that a little bit more difficult we're gonna have some more restrictions this time so no travel by car it's only gonna be on foot and that includes both the shopping and any wild food foraging that i do world food foraging is going to be on the permitted list as usual but my limited range on foot means i can't reasonably get to the coast so that's a shame because i know there's some wild asparagus in season at the moment now so-called urban foraging is going to be out of bounds this time so no surfing unclear tables for condiments or sugar packets restaurants aren't open for indoor dining here at the moment anyway so also forbidden and most of the many spices and ingredients that i've already got in my cupboards so no curry powder no stock cubes no sugar just two things salt and pepper i will allow myself to use anything homegrown that i can pick from my garden but before you get all excited about that we're only talking about a few evergreen herbs here sage rosemary thyme bay leaves oh and rhubarb i suppose but i don't really see me eating any of that if there's no sugar as usual full use of kitchen facilities and equipment will be permitted including the oven hob and food processor water from the tap is also permitted finally tea and coffee but not milk so those are the rules let's go shopping starting with a three mile walk to tesco now sainsbury's is about half that distance from me but more expensive and i know people are going to say tesco is more expensive than aldi or little but here's the thing that might be true when your shopping includes prepared meals baked items biscuits coffee cheese fresh fish frozen pizza it definitely doesn't hold true when all you have is a couple of quid the prices of basics such as rice pasta and the cheapest canned foods in fact for all of the sort of items that can make a budget challenge work are pretty much in lockstep across tesco asda aldi and little [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] so [Music] [Music] if i could just pause here because something people always say on these videos is just get ramen noodles i got so many of those comments on the previous videos and yes you can get ramen noodles for 14 pence in tesco but ramen noodles would be a fail in a challenge like this for several reasons firstly they're just not very good value compared to some other foods even the flour i bought or a bag of rice is better value than those ramen noodles in terms of the amount of food energy you get out of it they're not very nutritious they're not exactly a meal and this challenge i have to make six different meals [Music] so [Music] [Music] so here's what i'm actually get for my money so i got plain flour that's a kilo of plain flour for 20 pence it was an end of line or something like that and they were reducing it down so they reduced that down to 20 pence so i actually got two of those i was gonna buy flour anyway i was expecting to pay 45 pence for a kilo and a half i think it is but i saw this and it's 20 pence for a kilo so i got two kilos of flour that's gonna do me pretty well for my calorie budget i should think i got this which is 500 grams of cooking bacon as opposed to bacon for eating raw so that's going to be my main protein that was 75 pence i've got a kilogram of carrots which was 40 pence i got a tin of baked beans in tomato sauce which was 22 pence the mushy peas have gone up in price actually since i last visited so it wasn't worth getting peas instead of beans it also wasn't worth getting spaghetti hoops in tomato sauce because although they are a lot cheaper than baked beans they are not so high in protein so they're not so nutritious so i decided to splash out to 22 pence for my can of baked beans i also got two bananas but i'm not really very happy with the way the bananas looked i may end up having to fry them make fritters or something like that because they look quite green and hard i think i'll probably put them on the sunny windowsill and see if they ripen but we've only got two days to play this anyway and that lock came in total then to one pound 98 so i have two pence change out of my two pounds budget so that's pretty good we are obviously gonna have to supplement this with some forage greens and things but that shouldn't be a problem at this time of year there is also one more thing as well which is a huge bonus to me given that i've got flour to use which is if you ask nicely at the bakery counter they will give you fresh yeast so i've got a block of fresh baking yeast there live yeast so i'll better make bread and probably dumplings and a few other things that need leavening maybe pizza base or something like that although we've got no tomatoes but i'll be able to make things that rise hopefully because we've got yeast that was free of charge so anybody can get that wasn't really urban foraging because that is something they do for any customer who asks really that's our purchased ingredients so we've got that plus salt and pepper and water in the kitchen plus whatever i can forage all the shopping i've done the day before the actual challenge but i did go on foot to the supermarket it was a six mile round trip and my feet are a little bit sore could have been done on the day but of course then it would have disrupted breakfast and things anyway so we will start tomorrow morning day one breakfast got this bacon there's not an awful lot of fat in here so i'm going to try and save the fat for something i want to do later breakfast this morning i'm going to try to make a kind of breakfast sausage burrito i'm going to use about probably a quarter of that bacon and i'm going to try to see if there are any no there are no whole rashes in here so that kind of limits what we can do with other things i was going to look at making bacon wrapped bananas for example but there's none of this bacon is suitable for really wrapping anything up it's all little bits this bacon comes from the the ends and trimmings of when they're slicing nice looking bacon to put in packets so all the bits that don't that are missed shapes and don't really meet the grade end up in packs like this i gotta say it's not often as broken up as this it's usually usually you do get some recognizable rashes in there but not today it's got a nice smoky scent to it so it should have lots of flavor i'm going to use about that much bacon but a handful the rest of this bacon i'm just going to put in this box now and that can go back in the fridge until i need some more i've got some sage and chives from the garden just about five or six leaves of sage and three little strands of chives and these are going to go into the food processor i will snip up the chives because otherwise they tend to just spin around and end up whole in there i'm hoping that later in the day and tomorrow we won't need to rely quite so much on homegrown flavourings because i'm going to get out and do some foraging this morning so hopefully that will see us through for some additional flavors right chives and sage are in there we're going to have a good grind of black pepper which is a one of my permitted kitchen ingredients and we'll give that a whizz around i'm just going to form that into a kind of a patty nice and thin so it cooks quick and i'll just fry this over a medium heat until it goes crispy it'll shrink a little bit because this bacon's got a fair bit of water in it meanwhile we've got to prepare some sort of flatbread so this will be a completely unleavened flatbread i've got i suppose i have got yeast but i haven't got time to do it so i'm going to just go for half a cup of flour is that gonna be enough three quarters of a cup of flour and then just enough cold water to make a stiff dough that seems about right a little bit of flour on the board and that's the dough i'm not too worried about that i'm going to reuse this bowl in a minute for starting the yeast so let's get that and we'll just get this bread dough this unleavened bread dough kneaded up a little bit actually quite difficult to need such a small amount of dough it's this but we'll do our best okay that doesn't take very long to come together now this is just general purpose flour so this is just plain flour or all-purpose flour and it's got enough gluten in there to make bread with that which surprises some people you can buy special bread flour of course which has a higher level of gluten in it but you don't always need to i might not actually need all of this so let's have a go with half of it to start with try and roll it really thin this does need to be rolled out as thin as i can possibly go because there's no yeast in here it won't rise at all except maybe from a little bit of steam as it cooks so really i'm just going to try to make it as thin as possible so it can cook quite quickly otherwise it will just end up like a brick suppose what we're making here really is kind of a chapati or something it's looking good it's coming out nice and thin now just got to move it around every now and again so it doesn't stick to the board maybe a little bit more flour okay that's about as big as i'm going to go with this because i'm going to cook this in a pan over here at cooker the bacon sausage patty is starting to brown up a little bit i've got a cast iron pan here on a nearly full heat i'm just going to heat this up nice and hot i'm going to try to cook the bread in here so straight in with the flat bread so i don't want that to be screaming hot or else it will just toast on the outside and not cook actually cook the dough while it's cooking on one side i'm just going to roll out that other piece of dough you can see that's steaming now and you can see we've got a tiny little bit of a rise there from just some trapped air or steam that was inside the dough okay i'm going to take that out the pan now because that's as far as i want that to be cooked for now and then same thing with my other flat bread into the pan just check in again on this sausage oh that's looking good this flatbread i'm just going to give it a little bit of water i'm just going to with a pastry brush just moisten it all the way over baked beans not going to use all of these obviously because this has got to last me for two days this can at least for some meals and i want the beans here not the sauce so i'm going to scoop out a spoonful of beans onto there maybe a bit more that sausage patty is now done so i'm just going to cut that into strips half of that will go in this one so and then i'll just fold that in and roll it up same deal with the other flat bread which is a bit thicker so these two rolled up flatbreads back into that pan that we cut the bacon in the remaining beans i'm just going to put one of these plastic lids on from a nutella glass that'll go in the fridge people do say you shouldn't put metal things in the fridge metal containers it's going to be just fine this is overnight it's going to be just fine so just a little bit of toasting on the outside let's go and give those a taste okay well it looks like a nice cooked flat bread let's see what it looks like inside i don't know it could do with a bit of ketchup probably but we haven't got that could have put a bit more sauce from the beans in there maybe anyway let's give it a taste it looks okay actually that's really good surprisingly quite a lot more moist than it actually looks okay i'm going to finish up here and then we need to get that yeast started so we can make some bread fresh yeast and it's like a sort of it smells really nice actually smells like beer and baked things a little bit softer than i think i'm led to understand it normally is anyway going to break up this yeast into a bowl now normally when you're gonna reactivate fresh yeast like this and liven it up you mix it with water and sugar i don't have any sugar in the budget today so i'm gonna have to use flour hopefully fine i've got some water here that is just hand hot it actually feels neutral temperature when you put your hand into it and we'll have [Applause] a handful of flour in there rather than just being the yeast i'm going to try and make a starter here just mix that up to break up all those lumps of yeast that were in there a bit more flour since we seem to have plenty of flour yeah that'll do a nice moist mixture there but that's good because that gives the yeast a chance to really get going so i'll cover that and leave it somewhere nice and warm and hopefully we'll see that foam right up okay this yeast i think was significantly more lively than i expected and we can already tell just by tapping the bowl you can it sounds sort of hollow and it's foamed up already so i'm gonna actually make my bread dough straight into here that's gonna be two cups of flour i'm starting to wonder if i bought a bit too much flour to be honest and about two-thirds of a cup of water we're also going to have a good pinch of salt just mix that together bring it together into a dough that's good it looks a little bit dry but that's just because the moisture hasn't kind of worked its way through all of the flour at the moment so i'm not going to add any more liquid that is the right amount not even going to need that right now i'm just going to cover that and leave it for an hour while we go for a walk so this is a little bit of mixed woodland predominantly beach with a little bit of oak and birch mixed in i'm hoping that here we will find some early fungi either oyster mushrooms perhaps or dryad saddle maybe some george's mushrooms although it's a bit late for that and it's not really the right place but anyway we're gonna have a scout around this woodland and see if we can find some fungi some mushrooms to eat so plenty of fallen wood here but no fungi at least not so far so drawing the blank on that one the only fungi i've found is birch polypore over there which is sadly not edible so we have to traverse a field of curious cows and calves so we must stay away from the motherhood calf because they can be a little bit protective doggo on the lead because i don't think she'd chase them but they might get frightened if she's running around got lots of stinging nettles here and white dead nettle those are all edible in fact there's lots of dock around as well which is also edible especially when it's young like this i'm not going to pick that just for now because i'm hoping for something a bit better this plant here is red dead nettle and it's uh obviously a relative of that white dead net all we saw again edible has a kind of herbal taste but again i'm not picking that yet i've got some other ideas this is another edible here it's growing by roadside so i'm not going to pick it here this is crow garlic it looks like a big version of chives except the thing that differentiates it from chives is if we look closely at the leaves they're kind of ridged it can be cut and used exactly like onions or chives when it's like this i wouldn't pick it here by a roadside but it grows everywhere prefers sort of well-drained soil and grows on banks and sandy places i'm not gonna pick any just yet we will see if we can get some later here's something i will pick a bit of though this is ramsen's wild garlic or bear garlic or bear leek good stuff and this is the reason i didn't buy onions because i knew this stuff is in season and i knew i'd be able to pick it in abundance look at it all through there so let's grab a bit of this well that was not quite as fruitful as i hoped got my wild garlic which is good i shall use a lot of that but i was kind of holding out for wild mushrooms of some sort there are a few species that you can find at this time of year but we just weren't lucky today so i'm gonna go and give the bread a little need and then we'll go back out i've got another spot i can visit and we'll see what we can find there okay let's check in on this bread oh hello yeah that's doubled in size easily and you can see it's got a bit of a spring to it we're going to take that out and give it a need now because that hasn't actually been needed at all i only mixed it there on the initial mixing it smells fantastic smells really yeasty almost alcoholic and you can see there was a little bit of wet there was a little bit of dry ingredients at the bottom of the dough but that's just been incorporated in now now normally i would add a little bit of oil of some sort to bread but we don't have any so i won't so this is bread made without oil it'll work it won't keep as well but it doesn't need to yeah and that's really gone quite nice and stretchy now and i've hardly done any work on that at all and it's actually it's still tearing a little bit but it is plain flour rather than bread flour so it will do that so i'm just going to need that for a minute or two and then back into the bowl cover it we'll leave it for another half hour well some lovely nettles here so i'll pick a few nettle tops that's for sure i'll pick them from the back of the patch and then they can be guaranteed to be relatively clean and free from animal wastes and soil splash from the past [Music] here's something to look out for when picking nettles that leaf there is all closed up and kind of sewn shut and it's most likely that there's a caterpillar in there so i've just i'm just gonna be careful and not pick that one this plant down here is hogweed and there are two different kinds of hogweed they're a giant hogweed and regular hogweed this is the regular kind and when we pick the little shoots like that they can be steamed and eaten as a vegetable people say eating like asparagus it doesn't really taste like asparagus the flavor is more like a somewhere between carrot and parsley with a slight taste of aniseed so i'll pick a few of these because they're going to be perfect for what i want for lunch today this plant here is called ladies smock or cuckoo flower and as you can probably tell from the flowers it's a member of the cabbage family on cabbages and mustards and from the leaves you might be able to tell it's related to uh watercress and it has a similar sort of flavor to watercress and radishes and so on now there's not much to it but i will pick a few of these leaves down here because they're going to give me a sort of radishy mustard type of vibe in the food that i want to cook here for lunch today the flowers are also edible actually as well so but i'm not going to take those i think because it's there's not many of these plants about so i'm just going to pick a few little bits now that i've found it in slightly greater abundance i am going to actually pick some of these flowers because as i say they're edible as well so we'll just take those stalks off where they snap and i've got to be careful because that there is buttercup that's not edible this here is ladies smock which is edible very important not to just indiscriminately pick things because plants tend to grow up amongst each other and some of them are poisonous and some aren't it would be a shame not to take a few of these lovely dandelions that are in full flower although i can tell the bees are enjoying them too so i shan't take too many so here's a clear example of why you've got to be really careful this plant here is cow parsley and this is edible i'm not going to use any of it today but this is an edible wild plant in the carrot family we also picked hogweed this is hogweed here and again another edible wild plant in the carrot family also in the carrot family is this lovely parsley looking plant here unfortunately that one will kill you that's hemlock water dropwort it has tuberous roots that look a bit like parsnips and parsley like foliage and it's deadly poisonous so you can't just there are no rules of thumb with foraging you can't just go and pick things that you think smell good or look good you have to actually be able to identify the species and figure out exactly what they are and know what they are and then you know whether you can eat them or not time for a bit of controversy this is japanese knotweed and it's a very invasive weed here in the uk it doesn't belong here and it tends to spread in damp and wet places so it's growing here by the side the river this is edible at least the small shoots are can be cooked like rhubarb apparently i'm in two minds about whether to harvest any of this and take it home because harvesting it and taking it home runs the risk of spreading it so i think i'm probably going to leave this it would add some much-needed acidity to some of my dishes but i'm just not going to take it home because i don't want it growing in my garden here's something we will have a bit of though this is garlic mustard or hedge mustard or jack by the hedges it's got many many names so i'm just going to pick some of the tender tops of that because these are going to be perfect they've got a kind of mustard some people say slight garlic aroma and they're not related to garlic they are related to mustards but that's gonna go well in the things i'm cooking today so we're gonna give this bread dough one more little need shape it into the final shape you want for the loaf it's going to need a bit more flour just give it a little need just to knock back the air out of it which will help to even it up okay and then we just form that into a kind of a loaf i don't have any oil so i'm gonna put it on a non-stick tray and then we'll cover that and leave it to prove for well about an hour or until it's doubled in size okay my bread's gotta go in the oven in a minute i'm not really all that happy with how much that's risen but anyway i'm gonna bake it i think it'll be okay i think it might just be a bit dense but that'll be fine and while that's cooking i'm actually gonna bake some carrots as well i've got these carrots i've just peeled them i could do something with the peels and then so i could make some more stock but i don't think i need any more stock so i'm just going to discard those bits apart from one little bit that will say for either i'm just going to roast these in the oven at the same time as the bread is baking just really safe to put in the oven on twice right let's take a look at this bread well it's a bit wonky but it has risen so i think that's enough of a bake it's not very golden on top but i'm not going to bake it much longer so i think it's just going to dry out so yeah that's a pretty pale loaf but it is cooked and of course it's pale because there's no oil in there it's just flour water yeast a little bit of salt it'll be fine though because i'm actually going to be toasting most of this so these are the carrots and without oil they have really just shriveled up and they've kind of turned into carrot jerky but that's fine because the flavor will have just concentrated in these so they'll hopefully be nice and chewy but at the same time really sweet so i don't know what i'm going to use them in yet but i thought it might be useful to have that on on standby as an ingredient i can add into something else so the world garlic i picked is kind of some of it's a bit past its best once it starts to flower it goes downhill pretty quickly and so you can see that some of the leaves are starting to yellow at the edges we've got brown spots on the leaves but that won't be a problem just going to rinse to get rid of any soil or anything like that and we'll separate it into stems and leaves so that the leaves will start in about the same place that's entirely stem because that was a flower there we go like that and these leaves i'll just chop up roughly and they're going to go into a pan because i want to make some broth also into my broth i've got my nettle leaves here which you'll see i'm handling with gloves because they will still sting you oops that's a bit of uh that's a bit of the lady smock we'll save that and again i'm just going to roughly chop these nettle leaves just so that they will release some of their flavor into the broth this is the garlic mustard or hedge mustard or jack by the hedges or whatever you want to call it i'm just going to taste a little bit of that leaf yeah just kind of like turnip tops really so i think we'll put most of that in the broth and also these hogweed shoots here well i think what i'll do with them is i will save the smaller more tender ones with my stalks here and the slightly tougher ones that there's a lot of difference will go into my broth pan now water pinch of salt fresh bay leaves from the garden which i'll just bruise a little bit now normally if you're cooking green vegetables like this you'd look for them to be crisp and fresh and bright green we're actually going to cook this until all the goodness comes out into the water next i've got my cast iron pan here i'm not using non-stick for this and into there a little bit of this bacon let's say about another quarter of the pack meanwhile over here we've got those stems of garlic and hogweed so with these i'm just going to chop them very fine just so there's no tendency for anything here to be fibrous i'm going to cut it into short pieces like this similarly with all of this flour stuff here so we've got the cuckoo flour we've got the garlic mustard and we've got the leaves from the cuckoo flour i'm just going to chop that roughly all of that's going to go into a bowl here next i've got a couple of carrots that i've just washed they're quite nice carrots so i shall eat the skins but we'll just trim off the stalk end there that will go in the stock pot just gonna actually squeeze out the juice before putting grated carrot in with the other vegetables the juice and all the rest of the little bits of carrot are going to go in the stockpot just sniff up some of those bigger bits of bacon because it will help them to cook and render the fat out of them quicker and then also into here we're just going to have those dandelion petals just the very soft yellow parts off the end we don't want any fluffy bits or green bits we'll just have the yellow petals not sure this will really make any difference at all but they it's just a bit of color and they probably do have some vitamins in them now as you can see a little bit of fat has rendered out of this bacon which is good and that's probably our most scarce resource on this couple of days so i'm going to spoon that off and reserve it right two things now this bacon is as cooked as i want it to be so that's going to come out carefully onto this board and we're certainly not going to waste all that flavor that's in the pan so just going to cover that with water and let that sit and all of this sticky stuff salty bits from the bacon will deglaze and that's going to be a very important part of the broth that i'm making it would be good if i had soy sauce but i don't i've got salt and i've got bacon so i just got to kind of wing it meanwhile the bacon i'm now gonna chop up just run the knife through it again and again until it's very small pieces yeah i know i should probably put a cloth under the chopping board to stop it sliding around but it's bothering me less than it's probably bothering you and now that is going to go into the mix with the chopped vegetables right the digloase from the bacon pan can go into that glass look we're going to be making dough again so heaped quarter of a cup maybe a bit more of flour we'll start with a quarter of a cup of water and bring that together into a dough i want quite a firm dough for this yeah i think we're about there actually so i'm just going to squash that down to make it absorb more of the flour you want a really nice firm dough here and i'm going to give that a good need because i want it to be quite strong now i'm just going to season this good bit of pepper and a little bit of salt there is quite a bit of salt in the bacon but there's not much bacon in there just give that seasoning of mix in let's divide this dough into pieces and maybe about that let's see how that works and then with plenty of flour on the board roll it out to a nice thin circle a spoon for that filling there wet the edges of the dough and bring that over and then hopefully what we'll end up with if i do this right is something a bit like pierogi or a bit like dumplings my first one's not going that great actually but plenty of time for improvement just pinch those edges together and then in my pan here i'm just going to add back in a little bit of that oil of fat from the bacon grease the bottom of the pan with bacon fat and then we'll stand those things up in there just going to double crimp those edges like that just kind of fold them over back on themselves and crimp them round i'm expecting that some of these might burst open as they're cooking because i think i might have overstuffed them we'll see herb broth has been cooking for an hour now i'm just going to strain that off lovely golden color and what we've got basically is a vegetable stock here my dumplings are ready they're in the pan we'll just give them a tiny bit more especially in the middle there of that bacon fat just round because i'm going to fry them first and then steam them okay they've just got a little bit of color on the bottom now that's as far as i'm gonna take them so this is the deglaze from the bacon pan which i'm just gonna pour in there and then we'll put in some of our vegetable stock as well and then a lid on and we'll just steam those kind of poach and steam those for 10 minutes or so until they're tender and fully cooked through now i wouldn't dream of telling you these have the delicacy of uh gyoza or even off pierogi but they look good don't they i'm actually looking forward to having these they've puffed up quite a bit including the flour probably because i didn't roll it very thin the broth has reduced down and probably some of it's soaked in as well as it's cooked so i've added a bit more broth that's gonna have concentrated the flavor so i think yeah we're done they are cooked we're ready to serve well they haven't stuck to the pan that's good but they are slightly browned on the bottom which is also good steaming cooked vegetables inside with lovely smoky bacon they smell fantastic it tastes amazing wow those wild herbs the garlic has just softened enough to take the edge off of it and that cuckoo flower is surprisingly radishy where some of them have just toasted a little bit on the bottom that's also really good but you know what that broth is incredible i mean that is half and half bacon broth and then vegetable broth but it's just bursting with flavor just incredible rich and complex and deep and left over from that i've got a jar of that stock the veggie stock left and a little bit of bacon fat in there which is now solidified so i will save those because you never know well end of day one and i just fancy beans on toast and why not so my weird dense bread here which didn't rise symmetrically i probably should have cut that across a bit deeper but well it's bread it's recognizably bread it's got a spring to it it's got a rather doughy interior but it's going to be okay while that bread's toasting i'm just going to transfer some of my beans into this pan i don't want the whole can probably about another third of a can i think we'll do for these two slices please excuse the general state of carnage here on the worktop there's been a lot of flour and dough and stuff worked here today and i haven't really been very diligent about clearing up but it's fine i'll have a big wash down at the end of the day okay i think that might be long enough in the toaster it hasn't gone particularly brown but it is nice and crisp and then beans with their sauce on top it's really not very elaborate and since we are not wanting to waste a single drop i'm going to use the rubber spatula to get the rest of the sauce out of the pan here okay beans on toast okay well hardly needs an introduction although i imagine probably to people outside the uk beans on toast may remain a mystery forever these tesco cheap beans got rather a lot of sauce but that actually works quite well with this dense dryish bread yeah that's perfectly acceptable little supper so that's the end of day one and now in day two we've got to try to make three more different meals got about a third of a tin of beans left we've got nearly a whole bag of flour about half the pack of bacon and most of the carrots so i think we're gonna be okay now it is decreed in this house that no one should eat toast without paying the toast tax good toast so that's the end of day one and there are a few mistakes in there most notably that bread which just was a bit of a disaster really and that's because i used too much yeast we'll reflect more on that at the end of day two if you're watching this at the time of upload day two will be tomorrow if not it's already in this card and video description thanks for watching and i hope you join me tomorrow for day two [Music] you
Channel: Atomic Shrimp
Views: 1,345,259
Rating: 4.924726 out of 5
Id: GbTn7vYBkeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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