Scar being the best disney villain

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that's the cutest [ __ ] thing i've ever seen in my entire life life's not fair is it and you shall never see the light of another day didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food oh my god can you let me do what i need to do what do you want so you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning oh now look zazu you made me lose my lunch you'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you he's as mad as a hippo with a hernia ooh why quiver with fear now scar don't look at me that way it's what she deserves [Music] him impeccable timing your majesty why if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners sarabi and i didn't see you at the presentation of simba that was today oh i feel simply [Music] must have slipped my mind you should have been first in line well i was first in line until the little hair ball was born that hair ball is my son and your future king oh i shall practice my curtsy is that a challenge temper temper i wouldn't dream of challenging you hey guess what i despise guessing games and i'm gonna rule it all yes well forgive me for not leaping for joy and bad back you know ankle scar when i'm king what'll that make you a monkey's uncle you're so weird you have no idea what um ciao anyway so he said i can't go there and he's absolutely right far too dangerous only the bravest lions go there well i'm brave what's up i'm sorry sir i just can't tell you an elephant graveyard is no place for the young prince oops [Music] well i suppose you'd have found out sooner or later you being so clever and all oh just do me one favor promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place no problem there's a good lad you run along now and have fun and remember it's our little secret oh surely these lions are not all that bad oh oh scar mufasa i practically gift wrapped those cubs for you and you couldn't even dispose of them kill mufasa precisely hey uncle scar will i like the surprise simba it's to die for oh look sire the herd is on the moon go faster quick stampede in the gorge symbols down there what do we do what do i do i'll go back to hope that's what i'll do scar brother help me [Music] i'm having a [ __ ] panic attack right now i need to calm the [ __ ] down cause i'm gonna have to pick because [Music] the king [Music] but the king is dead and if it weren't for you you'd still be alive kill him sing something with a little bounce in it's a small world after all oh no anything but that if you were half the king mufasa [Music] i'm a little surprised to see you alive tell them who is responsible for mufasa's death it's true you see he admits it no it was an accident if it weren't for you mufasa would still be alive it's your fault he's dead do you deny it no then you're guilty no i'm not a murderer oh simba you're in trouble again but this time daddy isn't here to save you now this looks where familiar i seen this before anyway [Music] oh yes i remember this is just the way your father looked before he died and here's [Music] you did this for what why not why why not why though the hyenas who are the real enemy it was their fault it was their idea your majesty [Music] oh my friends [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: ur mom
Views: 70,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: villain, disney, thelionking, scar, disneyvillain, sarcasm, king, thelionking2, simba, mufasa
Id: BSpmcATLwgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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