KUZCOOOOOOOO (being the best main character ever)

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foreign [Music] hi excuse me two seconds here um I'm the one in the car remember this story's about me not him okay you got it all right we're gonna move ahead sorry to slow you down that llama you're looking at was once a human being and not just any human being that guy was an emperor a rich powerful ball of Charisma oh yeah this is his story actually my story that's right I'm that llama the name is Kuzco emperor coosco I was the world's nicest guy [Music] as you were saying what's his name [Music] boom baby Trot out the ladies let's take a look see hate your hair not likely yikes yikes yikes and let me guess you have a great personality is this really the best you could do but but your highness I have been nothing if not loyal to the Empire for for many many years hey everybody hits their stride you just hit yours 50 years ago what isn't it great it's my birthday gift to me I'm so happy at my birthday celebration tomorrow I give the word and your town will be destroyed to make way for this [Music] so if I were you I'd pick up some change of address forms on the way home but but um where will we live hmm don't know don't care how's that and he will be dead before dessert which is a real shame because it's gonna be delicious boom bam baby let's go whoa no touchy no touchy when I give the word your little town thingy will be bye bye bye bye oh boohoo oh yeah everything was going my way [Music] [Applause] where'd you come from little guy no touchy [Music] ah my face good my beautiful beautiful face okay okay llama face what happened buy me a gift oh for me why I don't know what to say hit the road Bucky you're gonna leave me here well I was gonna have you in prison for life but I kind of like this better why did I Rush my life for a selfish brat like you I was always taught that there was some good in everyone but oh you proved me wrong oh boo hoo now I feel really bad bad llama oh don't tell me we're about to go over a huge water fountain yep sharp rocks at the bottom most likely Bring It On low blood sugar huh yeah it's a curse well as soon as we get something to eat you're walking the rest of the way you just saved my life huh so okay so I'll admit this was a good idea when will you learn that all my ideas are good ones don't [Music] [Music] think [Applause] [Music] please with this disguise I'm invisible excuse me not like it [Music] [Music] really so you're tired of being a llama yes yay I'm a llama again wait [Music] you know [Music] oh yeah
Channel: dahjEt_
Views: 1,643,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uL9n2b_wP0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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