What If Scar Raised Simba In The Lion King?

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what if scar didn't kill Mufasa here what if his plan to take over Pride Rock instead involved corrupting Mufasa young son what if scar raised Simba to be his heir and groomed him to hate his own father this is fan scripture with the lion king being one of the most popular animated films ever it was only a matter of time before Disney brought us the live-action remake well it's still animated but you know what I mean usually on this show we try and improve a film that we think could have been made better that's not the case for this episode I loved The Lion King you loved the Lion King it's not something that needs improvement instead I took this as a challenge can a compelling film still be made if we change a major event in the story think of this more as an Elseworlds tale or an else Disney worlds tale the animated Lion King will always be there as a gold standard and no underwhelming direct-to-video sequels or unnecessary photorealistic retellings can change that so let's do something different with the same pieces in play and the same spirit in mind let's craft a divergent and maybe even darker take on the story [Music] the beginning of the film has to stay the same we still get the presentation of Simba as he's introduced to his future Kingdom scar and Mufasa scene after this will also remain untouched this sets up their characters and relationship as siblings who don't exactly get along very well as in the original version we see Rafiki add Simba's image to his wall and it's at this point that our changes start to take effect while the end goal is the same skaars plan is different he hates Mufasa and quickly murdering him isn't enough he wants to make his brother truly suffer and completely kill his spirit first the birth of Simba provides the perfect opportunity to do just that not long after Simba's presentation we'll say maybe a week or two scar and nacks his plan he sets up a situation where Surabhi is alone with baby Simba and tasks a few hyenas to steal him away so Robbie quickly chases after them as a zoo alerts Mufasa the hyenas brings Simba to the gorge where Sarabia and Mufasa witness scar appeared to chase them off and save his nephew before he can bring Simba to safety the same stampede from the original film begins scar takes Simba in his mouth and runs ahead of the herd of wildebeests Mufasa bolts into action and is running through the Stampede trying to get to Simba and scar unbeknownst to the king the hyenas are steering the herd toward a nearby cliff scar gets there first and appears to have no place else to go the wildebeests are still running at full speed while some of them suddenly try to stop themselves as a portion of the herd starts to turn around Mufasa gets stuck in the middle of the chaos ahead of him he sees scar slowly backing up toward the cliff as some of the wildebeests are forced over for a moment one of them obstructs his view when they move scar and his son are gone when he breaks free and dashes to the edge there's no sign of them the herd has dissipated leaving Mufasa alone staring into the abyss so Robbie approaches and seeing her mates expression knows something terrible has happened that night we see scar emerge from a cave at the bottom of the cliff he places Simba down and Shenzi Banzai and edy him after confirming that the pride bought the act they turned their attention to the baby lion I don't know scar we're supposed to convince this thing it's your son doesn't he we see scar raised his paw high into the air and in shadow it starts to violently swipe downward Pride Rock is in mourning as Mufasa sombrely stares into the night sky from here the first time gap of about six months is observed in the Outlands Simba is now the age we see him at for most of the first half of the film this is where we see him interact with scar for the first time Simba has a gash on his left eye that matches his uncle's and through their conversation it's apparent that scar and the hyenas have raised Simba to think scar is his father this scene shows off Simba's energetic and pure true nature being corrupted by scars dark ambitions he's brutally training symud to be his heir and fills his head with lies the story he comes up with is that Mufasa usurped him as king after killing Simba's mother Mufasa banished scar and his son to the Outlands it's a rough life for anyone who lives out there and Chen's ease pack of over 200 hyenas often struggled to get food for scar and Simba while surviving themselves this results in Simba growing up more desperate and hungry there's a ruthless edge to him that will present itself as he gets older back at Pride Rock sometime later we see that Simba and scar are still being mourned but with the pride needing an heir to the throne Surabhi and Mufasa have conceived another son this is kaya the name comes from the Disney Junior show the lion guard and is what Simba calls his son in that series but here kion is Simba's brother and the future king of the pride lands even more time goes by and when kion is a full-grown cub we see a lot of what happened to Simba in the film happened to him he grows up petrova Nala here's the circle of life speech from Mufasa sings I just can't wait to be king and gets mixed up in his own bit of trouble from time to time kion is shown to be a little more cautious than symbol though he's a bit more mature and responsible for his age this results in Nala being the more mischievous one and we still end up having the elephant graveyard scene that plays out the same way except one of the hyenas taught kion about Simba's death maybe he'll never be found just like his brother to this point kion has not been told anything about Simba so he's very confused by that statement Mufasa ends up saving them and mentions the hyenas have been bolder lately and stealing more food from the pride lands he then proceeds to scold kion as he did to Simba in the film that scene progresses the same way until kion asks Mufasa about his brother Mufasa as demeanor changes and he mentions he was hoping to wait on telling him until he was older but it's true the King goes into the story of what happened to his firstborn son and younger brother kion is deeply saddened by this and asks if he'll ever lose Mufasa like Mufasa lost Simba look at the stars the great kings of the past looked down on us from those stars so whenever you feel alone just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you and so on i we dissolved as Simba gazing at those same stars in a quiet moment to himself scar abruptly interrupts by calling him inside he continues to fill Simba with hate and groom him to one day return to Pride Rock and take back the throne for his dear old dad this is where we get be prepared with the song focusing more on showing Simba a glimpse of the future and rallying the couple hundred hyenas they have on their side we can see that Simba is frightened by what he sees but tries to hide that emotion to appease scar I should mention that after this scene Timon and Pumbaa are still introduced but under different circumstances they sort of become Simba's secret friends and they're very important to his story because the scenes they share are the only times we see symbols good nature on full display they have a bit more of a rough friendship considering the circumstances but Simba likes them and trust them whenever scar catches Simba with the duo he tries to have them killed for food but they always manage to get away we can even still have Hakuna Matata however the big-time jump will be shown in a montage of Simba getting older and more adept at being a predator thanks to scars harsh training [Music] so it's a few years later and Simba is now a young adult lion it is also the eve of scars attack on Pride Rock we could have seen where he reminds Simba of all the things we fossa and his pride have done to them simple wanders off a bit after this he's ready to do what it takes to please his father but his heart is clearly not as invested as he presents to scar he meets up with Timon and Pumbaa who he vents his frustrations to Simba mentions that part of him wishes he could just go out on his own and be his own lion he flops in grassy brush nearby which sends debris into the air just as in the film the next morning that debris still gets to Rafiki who discovers that Simba is alive it's a joyous scene that turns more pensive when he realizes something might be fishy if Simba is alive what happened to scar he decides to sit and collect his thoughts before leaving to tell Mufasa at Pride Rock from here the focus shifts back to kion he is also fully grown now and the recognized heir to his Father's throne however growing up knowing that he is the second born son with a brother he never knew has affected him he's not very confident and often doubts himself Mufasa is getting older and a little slower and kion worries that he won't be able to live up to his father's strong legacy also we find out that the pride lands aren't in quite as good of shape as they used to be the hyenas have forced some herds away and they've been struck with a drought for quite a while Nala always reassures kion he'll be a great king she has become his greatest supporter and believes in his obvious leadership qualities even when kion doesn't this leads to can you feel the love tonight out in the fields as the Sun sets we then see Rafiki walking towards Pride Rock when in the distance he sees a huge pack of hyenas heading straight for it he rushes forward but is too late to warn the pride of the oncoming attack the attack itself is Swift and ruthless led by Simba with scar bringing up the rear in a safer spot kion and Nala finally reached the madness and tried their best to fend off scarce forces the lionesses battle with the hyenas but they're outnumbered kion encounters Simba and almost mistakes him for Mufasa before he can think too much Simba attacks they're just about evenly matched for a while before Simba pins him to the ground and the hyenas close in scar stops them by saying he wants kion taken prisoner his intention is to publicly execute the future king establishing scars dominance and having Cayenne recognize him as the true king before his death scar and Simba then turned their attention to Mufasa he's been fighting valiantly but the hyenas have isolated and surrounded him on the edge of Pride Rock however they do not attack scar breaks through the pack and reveals himself to his brother Mufasa is shocked to see him scar makes his speech about how he always hated him fossa he was a weak King and a horrible brother but above all else you failed to realize that to plan for the future you must rectify the sins of the past Simba walks forward in front of the hyenas his eyes filled with the anger scar put their who fossa is at first confused but soon recognizes his long-lost son Simba Simba XY's turned from rage to confusion he somehow feels connected to the Lions scar always called a false King with Mufasa distracted scar pounces he pushes Mufasa over the edge with a king just barely holding up Simba listen to me he's not scar digs his claws into Mufasa is pause and leans into whisp Simba steps forward but before he can speak scar throws Mufasa from the edge and he falls to his death Simba is shaken by what just happened he was defeated you didn't have to that a challenge no father Simba is bigger than scar but has been conditioned to fear who he thinks is his father for his entire life he backs down as scar marches forward to address the prime he makes sure to single out Surabhi she says he'll never be half the King Mufasa was he responds that he'll be certain times scars reign is merciless and immediate even though they can likely piece together who he is none of the lionesses will even look at Simba because he helped kill Mufasa and scar order Surabhi to be kept away from him at all cost the next night scar in Simba enters the area where they're keeping kion and Zazu we get a modified version of the it's a small world scene but now scar is also taunting kion who will be executed in the morning the only alternative is banishment which he will allow to happen only if kyon proclaims to the pride that I okay scar will obviously kill kion anyway and he knows this Simba has not been the same since the attack he almost seems remorseful scar leaves and before Simba can follow kion scolds him he knows who he is and tells him Mufasa is firstborn is supposed to be the rightful king all his life he wondered what it would be like to have his brother around and now he wishes he never knew defiance and anger emanate from taya but Simba refused I don't know where you get your delusions but I'm not your brother scar is the king now as it should be Simba leaves unsure of his own words he walks far off to be alone where he is confronted by Rafiki through a slightly more aggressive version of this scene from the original Simba finds out the truth he is Mufasa son and everything he's been told by scar is a lie scar is my father no he is your father Rafiki gestures to the sky the clouds form something unnatural and we see Mufasa spirit shine through you have forgotten you are that what you have become [Music] simba can barely process everything that just happened what have I done Zima only you have the power to set Tings right Simba straightens up and accepts his responsibilities Timon and Pumbaa then comically make their presence known Pumbaa is completely exhausted and they say they've been trying to follow the hyenas for days they just couldn't be away from their buddy any longer from now on where he goes they go by the way who's the monkey what's the sky just talking to you what's going on here Simba smiles at his old friends Timon and Pumbaa distract the hyenas while Simba releases kion and Zsasz what are you doing saving my little brother the siblings share a silent understanding they quickly get the remaining lionesses and lead the charge against scarce forces with Simba Rafiki and even Timon and Pumbaa on their side the scales tip in the prides favour just as in the film a lightning bolt sets part of the area below Pride Rock on fire as Simba confront scar the fear of scar that has been instilled in Simba since he was a cub is gone Simba what are you doing stand down listen to your father listen to your king everything you ever told me it was a lie scar is starting to get nervous but he thinks he can still manipulate Simba I raised you your mind and like it or not we the same scar shows his scar - Simba who touches his own no scar I'm not like you this enrages scar who attacked Simba the hyenas tried to intervene but Cayenne holds them off when it comes to the point where Simba flips scar he does so over pride rocks cliff and into the fire below seeing their King fall most of the hyenas are chased off by cayenne and the lionesses rain starts to fall and puts out the fire a feeling of relief follows as Surabhi Nala and kion look on in a conflicted Simba some time passes and the pride lands look healthy again Simba has stuck around to get to know his family and it's clear that he and kion have bonded over this time they're having a conversation and it's apparent Simba is leaving he can never fully forgive himself for what he took part in and has decided to live away from the pride pride Rock was supposed to be his home but everything he's been through has left Simba feeling like he has to find his own home kion urges him to reconsider but his mind is made up plus most of the lionesses still aren't fond of him after all that's happened he walks off leaving his brother to be king as he walks farther away all the animals respond to his brothers King Lear or Nala and Rafiki joined kion with a small Cup who Rafiki raises to the Scott Simba boughs with the animals and leaves he sports a hopeful grin Timon and Pumbaa catch up to him as Simba goes off to be a rogue lion kion smiles back at him walking away in the distance he knows if Pride Rock ever needs him Simba will be back and there you have it the rogue Lion King or whatever you want to call it it was fun to really mix it up while trying to stay true to the spirit of the original film family jealousy reclaiming identity the circle of life but we threw a few new things in there to get to a similar destination in a different way Simba is still Simba in this version the core of the character is the same but he's been through so much more in terms of negative experiences and the way he was raised that he is also very different he's gotten more of an edge to him here and is basically a king without a kingdom I like the idea of Simba out on new adventures with Timon and Pumbaa maybe he finds a pride of his own or maybe he eventually returns to Pride Rock to save his family from an even greater threat or perhaps just to check in on his nephew or niece you can go plenty of different ways with it the lion guard show I mentioned earlier does expand the lore of the Lion King in some interesting ways I've only watched a couple episodes but the ideas are pretty intriguing you can also pull from there to come up with your own thoughts of where this story could have went next this particular fan scription wasn't the easiest one to write I rewrote big portions of this story a few different times and if you want to hear other ideas that almost made it into this video make sure you check out the fan scription pod at the link in the description we'll see you next time and until then I'll be working on my roar [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 3,448,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, the lion king, doug walker, what if scar raised simba in the lion king, the lion king review, what if, movie reviews, the lion king movie, movie editorials, fanscription, disney, disney movies, movie review, film review, walter banasiak, new lion king, what if videos, tamara chambers, malcolm ray, lion king, lion king review, lion king movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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