Scan to MetaHuman Tutorial for Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys today we're going to be looking at there's a new release mesh to metahuman for unreal uh this is insane this is a complete game changer um basically what you can do is you can take any scan data or model you've created yourself you can uh pump it directly into the engine and in i'd say 10 minutes you have raw data scan to a usable fully rigged character that is ready to go and very short amount of time it's it is absolutely crazy so yeah let's jump into it what we're going to do is we're going to take this scan data and turn it into a metahuman see what my size preferences are here centimeters y up i'm going to go to my grid 100 units which is a meter so i definitely need to make sure that okay so that's a one meter cube all right so that's about two meters which is like six five something like that let's scale this down to be about right definitely not perfect but let's go with that i had previously cleaned this data up but it looks like unreal like has taken care of most of it my cleanup wasn't great because like my proportions got a little out of whack when i was trying to transfer it so we're gonna try to just use raw scan data and see what metahuman can do with it so all right i'm just going to export this out as an fbx now let's open up unreal we're going to launch and this only works on unreal 5 right now so we launch on real five let's make a new project here okay first thing let's make sure that the metahuman plugin is enabled so i'm just going to turn this on experimental brand new and restart engine all right now that's on let's just get rid of a lot of the stuff get rid of that okay starting out with nothing in here i'll just leave the volumes and lights and stuff in there that's fine put up my content drawer i'm just gonna dock it all right make a new folder metahuman print let's import our scan data i'm gonna make sure that i'm combining meshes in this drop down here that's just so that they don't come in pieces all right everything else looks good and this is a massive file with a crazy amount of topology completely unprocessed scan okay so here we go we got our scan here let's pull it in and just rotate this up and just position this correctly it's going to turn up the exposure a bit now this data this uh texture data we're actually not going to be using any of it because it's not very high quality it's just directly from the scan itself uh i'm only going to be using it for the the program to be able to to process the mesh properly go to this folder here i'm going to right click go to metahuman metahuman identity we'll just call this metahuman rent double click ask me to login all right so first things first you're gonna have this menu here and it's going to have an a and a b toggle so here's my meta human thing here so we're going to go up to components for mesh we're going to grab position this thing right i guess it didn't save should probably do this in maya but i don't think it matters so much all right i'm going to go to unlit mode and whoops the field of view i'll go to 15. the body i'll just pick i'll just pick the tall muscly dude even though uh i'm kind of tall but not so muscly okay i'll pick that now we'll go to neutral pose and what you need to do is the way that i think that it's using this data the reason i'm going to unlit is so that it can track where the positions of your face are uh there's a little weird scan data here but i think that's what it's not used for texture at all all that stuff will be in metahuman so just go to unlit the field of view is at 15 just so it flattens out the features you need to frame up the face so that it's like in this region here then what we're going to do is we're going to add a frame so we'll just call this brent frame and the way that i think that this works is that you can add multiple frames for like ear position stuff like that i'm not exactly sure how this works yet so i'll just go with one for now and then we can always change it later so so we'll just go with this one and then what we're gonna do is track active frame now just think for a minute okay so here we go we have uh try to figure out where the position of features are and you can go in now and you can kind of re-target position if it's a little bit off sometimes it'll be this is probably fine but just kind of showing you you can do this if you need to looks like this one's a little bit off and i haven't messed with this too much yet so i don't know if i should be going to like on the edge or the outside uh just trial and error i guess this just came out today so my laugh lines look good for the lips i think it should be a little higher because there's a little bit of a mess up there actually no i think that's okay i think it's just the texture is messed up okay so now that we have that let's do metahuman identity solve just click that there we go we have already got a meta human face uh working so after we have that this is just a b it they try to fill in the data and there's a little bit of a weird bump here from my hair and it's like interpolating that as my actual head so you might want to clean up stuff like that but we'll just go with it for now then let's do just click on the mesh to metahuman and what it'll do is it will send this data to the metahuman backend where it'll calculate all the data then send it directly to your bridge where you can open it up in character creator so let's get get over there we're just going to wait for a minute for this to load all right metahuman is now available in creator let's go over there all right so i'm going to open up my bridge and it is this one here that i just did so let's start the matte human creator and we will load launch the latest one all right so that's a pretty crazy cranium i got going on there uh because it calculated my my hair from that scan as uh as my skull shape maybe i've just got a weird skull shape the original cleaned up day that i used the head was uh it didn't properly like interpolate the scan information so it kind of made my head a little too chunky and this one it's a little more accurate aside from this all right so once i have that let's click on it and then do edit selected pull this in and go to custom mesh so you could change things here oh there we go we can fix it overall region influence here we go that fixed it a little bit oh yeah that did a really good job okay cool so fix that that hair issue um and let's go to blend you could enable editing uh so you can you could actually mesh your face with one of the metahuman presets too which is pretty cool but we won't do that for now let's just go to skin and it will assign a skin texture just pull up a picture of my face here that's a noggin let's enable and editing let's see unlocking this character will access the sculpt move blend tools but undo stack will be lost observe your data we recommend making a copy of the character before unlocking it i will go ahead and duplicate and unlock all right let's see if we can get a little bit different different of a head shape on the top let's go for that one for now and we'll do some custom mesh blending blend i guess i got to put other inputs in there yeah it's looking a little bit more like my head shape all right let's get rid of this baby face i think i need a little bit more older texture to it and you could always do a feedback loop of taking this uh data and putting it back through uh another texturing software to like kind of modify the texture of the face a little bit lips are a little too saturated are the eyes hard to tell from this picture but my eyes are actually pretty blue so let's go over here turn off this blend kind of feel like the distance here to here is a little too extreme i fee i feel like that the distance of my eyes are uh a little bit further apart comparison to the the head shape because my head's pretty i have like a thin head it's like my head kind of stops here it goes up like this so this is like without a like it looks kind of like i have a fat head here uh let's see let's go to custom mesh again let's do sculpt i'm not sure you can change the side very much okay maybe here like a weird bump here i should undo that i don't know if i can i think it said there's no undo function wasn't there there's this weird lump on the side here i think that's from like my sideburns maybe i can go back to this part regional influence yeah that smooths it out a little bit i guess the hair will cover some of that too all right let's get a style they don't really have my hair style maybe i get something close-ish actually not bad that's probably the closest they have for something that looks like my hair kind of all right i got some kind of crazy eyebrows we've got this big arch on them those are probably the closest all right i've got kind of long lashes and i usually have like a stubble all right that is pretty close actually crazy all right so let's export this over so pause this it's definitely not a one-to-one but it's pretty close all right so the changes are already done leave creator and there we go so i'll close this pixel bridge here we go sign in there's our metahuman and download this should take a while once i imported it it's going to ask me to enable some settings and then i'm just going to bump on railcar real quick let's put some clothes on this guy all right so i'm just going to click on the metahuman again and we'll just do start metahuman creator button over here this is how you can edit existing things you've already made there we go alright so let's click on the one we had metahuman brent and it's selected all right so now just uh bumped the program and i'm just throwing in my new metahuman with my face on it looks like i'm still missing a plugin so i'm just enable that all right let's set up a like a lighting situation that's a lot like the one that's here all right go to lights put a rectangular like back here and you're gonna make this blue be similar to this guy here actually just going to kill the sunlight and have a little fill light on the bottom but i gotta tell you man this is crazy close uh the hair is a little weird because i just never wore my hair like that but it's really close i didn't even texture this i just took the scan directly auto magically just creates it re-projects your scan onto a fully rigged metahuman head it exports it into the metahuman engine and in 10 minutes you are in metahuman creator making yourself or whoever else which is a fully rigged uh fully facial make mo cap ready to go control rigs everything it's pretty wild i gotta say let's let's let's uh let's mess around a little bit with uh the sequencers see if we can't get let's just do uh anim test i met a human in and i'm gonna turn off this hat okay actually that should be working oh there we go let's just zoom in a little bit more let me get this in focus let's try like a 2.6 closure up a bit all right i'm gonna go over here that is so wild uh let's see let's see if i can change my field of view a little bit field of view do like 16. there we go mouth stretch or neck oh here we go that's the switch for the uh the locator that is so weird all right guys well i will be back with more uh unreal stuff because i'm really getting into it now um thank you so much to diana gabby jett brian gabriel sky nick i know i'm missing a bunch of people but all the people in epic are so awesome and it's made this fellowship so enjoyable to learn from all these people that are so good with unreal and to help me make my short film which you guys will be seeing that short film probably someone sometime in july thanks so much guys i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Brent Le Blanc
Views: 215,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: no3wvt8S7E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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