Creating a metahuman with photos tutorial

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let's go ahead and input this folder here and i'll just select everything control a now reality capture if you're not familiar with it this is actually owned by epic games as well they were purchased by epic i believe last year on the left side right now you're going to see all of our photos which looks good everything is good to go and really the next thing that i have to do here is just change the settings for my alignment so i go to alignment go to settings and i'll check this check mark or this plus box i changed the default settings here so just do 25 000 100 000 low you don't have to copy the same exact one you can experiment on your own so after that we'll just go to align images and this is going to do its thing that's pretty crazy with 46 cameras you can potentially scan someone and have like a scanning studio and again one of the things that i first see in the future is one day we're gonna have like malls or maybe go to a grocery store and they'll have like a 3d photogrammetry kind of like how we have photo booth now i mean that would be super cool though we just kind of walk in there and get a 3d scan like 46 pictures and then you know convert ourselves into 3d so i just gave you all an idea for y'all out there who's trying to make some money or start a new business go ahead and do that you know put those in malls 3d photo scan as you can see right now this model is sideways but that's all right i'm going to bring this to blender anyway all right so that's going to make sure our actual reprojection box is good to go make sure that everything is covered as far as her head which is good looks like nothing is ticking out too much all right so i'll go ahead and bring it back here again oh by the way i forgot to mention on the right side right here there's a quick start guide that'll actually walk you through step by step which is really freaking brilliant so if i go right here go to quick start i'll continue on and it's going to teach you what to do step by step now obviously i have a couple of extra stuff but if you can follow along or you can just read this here it's pretty cool now what i'm going to do next is go to workflow because i will now go ahead and calculate this i'll check this um i'll click this drop down and i'm going to do normal quality and again this is going to calculate the reconstruction all right so as you can see after that's done photo scan images we had even though it was only 46 pictures it did a pretty darn good job as far as skating the facial shape and a little bit of details in there so we're gonna use this and if i go to component zero right now this is our model go down click down right here you can see that it's seven parts and it's two uh 10.27 million triangles so what i'll do now is i'll kind of clean it up a little bit and just simplify things all right so i'm going to go to my mesh model and i'm gonna go ahead and clean the model i'm just gonna use some automated ones and then what i'll do is i'll shrink it unwrap it and then texture it so that is perfect so i created another model which is still 10.2 so it didn't really get rid of a lot too much but that's okay we're going to go back to our workflow and we're going to click on simplify tool now you're going to see the simplify tool right here i'm going to change this to absolute triangle count i'm just going to make this like two million one two three four five six i believe that's two million and i'll leave everything by default uh normal reprojection yes i want that enabled so let's go ahead and press simplify okay so once that's done it's gonna create another model which now an absolute 2 million triangles so that's what we're going to be working off of now and now let's go ahead and get rid of this or i can click this right here to kind of not select that so we don't have too much stuff right here okay so the next thing we're going to do here is actually unwrap it now again i'm not a professional at photogrammetry this is kind of just like the workflow that i kind of saw that worked last year so i'm going to go to mesh model which they change it used to be called reconstruction i'm gonna go ahead and click unwrap and let's see our unwrapped settings here i think they were still good from last year unwrap everything is good all right so yeah i'm gonna leave everything as default and i'm just gonna click unwrap the model's already textured yeah sure we're gonna retexture it after okay so now you're gonna see that it's checkerboarded so that is unwrapped now so that's good that's what we want to do uh what we'll do now is texture this thing okay and as you can see this went ahead and textured our model okay so the last thing we're going to do before export is actually retexturing it so that we can get some of the textures from model number one all right so let's go ahead and turn off unwrap so it's not too confusing then i'm going to go to tools and click on texture with projection and what we're going to do is the source model is going to be 1 and then the result model is going to be 3. so what else that's going to do is going to take all the good quality 10 million 10.2 million quality texture and bring it to our 2 million there so that's what we want normal reprojection is good and now i'm going to click on reproject and here we are look at that it's really neat looks pretty cool i'll go ahead and do that i'll uncheck that and what we'll do next is go ahead and export this so it's a 2 million so that's good we're going to go click here export and i'm going to export as an obj it's a lot easier to export to millions up in obj but if you want to use fbx you can if you want to so i'll just go to obj and i'll just title this girl so one of the cool things about reality capture is you're only paying for your exports and you don't have to keep paying if you're just exporting the same thing the software is absolutely free and you just pay for export i think this costs i think like 78 cents or something like that don't give it a lot to you but it's really not that much per which is still pretty cool so we're gonna export it into one file format version is wavefront all right so everything's good text strings make sure we have everything export texture is yes and so i don't want it to export as a single texture because we do have normal layer right here okay so i'll press ok all right it looks like we are finished in 24 seconds so i'm going to file import wavefront obj okay so we have her in here now and she is all flipped all kind of weird way so i'll just click her and then i'll go i think it's this one yep so i'll go ahead and rotation the zero so she should be sideways like she was in the uh in reality capture and what i'll do is i'll just rotate her negative 90 and what i'll do is set origin to geometry origin so she'll be right in the middle she's looks like she's facing the x-axis all right so sponsor time real quick if you haven't done so go ahead and check out my how to make a movie in a real engine 5 beginner's edition in gumroad you don't need a mocap to do this i provide you the actual body animation files in the course you might need an iphone though if you are going to try and follow along with the facial animation so go ahead make sure you read the description of this course and if you want to support the channel this is the best way to do it so she is facing the x-axis right now so what i'll do is i'll rotate her so that she's facing the y so i'll click the model again r z and i'll just press 90 but as you can see that's not really correct so i actually have to rotate it and line up her nose pretty much and that should be good to go so if i go to x it's good she's actually facing the right way okay so let's go ahead and select her and file export fbx and i'll just name this to meta i think i already had a test one in here yeah i do so go ahead and click on mesh include an amateur make sure this is changed to smoothing to face and then i'll export this fbx all right so let's go ahead and drag right here and i'm just gonna rescale her to point one because whenever they come from blender sometimes they're like ginormous so play with the scale there i didn't obviously scale it in blender correctly so let me go ahead and just scale that down some and what i'll do now is just show you how to enable that plug-in if you haven't seen any videos on it it's called meta-human right here and we'll add that identity title scan double click and then we'll just find that mesh and here she is very very cool okay so what i'll do next is just click unlit so we can see a little bit better and click on this neutral pose press plus right click auto tracking and hopefully this is going to get caught wow all right so that did a pretty good job and i'll go ahead and click on identity solve and then i'll pick a body type for her and then click on mesh to meta human metahuman is now available so that is good let's go to bridge then and you're going to see this medium creator go ahead and start mhc by the way for the people who are having issues connecting make sure you all are actually logged into your epic account if you're getting stuck in that loop try that do that just try a different browser as well photo scan character pretty exciting let's go ahead and click edit i'll stop this so she'll stop moving and let's go to custom mesh actually i do need to play that to see if we get the eyelid problem looks like we have some issues in there so let me go ahead and close this down a little bit there you go that's a little bit better perfect maybe a 0.5 no it's still there so let's go to 0.4 okay so that's pretty good her head is definitely wrong because that's kind of like a weird shape so i'll just reset that to the template and again her forehead as well for the actual shape of your merry human you're gonna have to tweak it again in here so i'll go ahead and enable editing unlock only because i want this shaped a little bit better press stop and i'll turn on our sculpt here and this head right here is a little bit too big right and again this is your preference here so i'm not going to spend too much time in here let's go to skin and sign a skin for this girl i think she was a little bit lighter crazy so much fun look at that that is so cool and now we just have a unique meta human face just like that now looks pretty good right here and let's see if we can epic ray trace this you can kind of see it to think nowadays we can just do this with a bunch of pictures and reality capture like for 86 cents the future is looking so darn good so we can actually make her older if we want to you know that looks pretty cool i don't like perfect skin you know if you look in the mirror especially for me you're going to see a lot of imperfections and that's what sells it okay so i'm gonna leave it at that and we'll give her quick hair and that's pretty much it so let's see what kind of hair will look good i really like this hair the short braids updo so maybe a side sweep maybe we can give her a trinity haircut no that doesn't look good on her at all maybe this one that's cool how about the uh harry potter one there you go that looks like i'm going to turn that off that looks like it's a good fit well that's it guys that's all i got for you all today that's how you turn photos into 3d and into a meta human using the mesh2 medium plugin for unreal engine 5. now if you like this video go ahead and like and subscribe i'm trying to get 100 000 subscribers this year and i really do need your help you
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 52,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating a metahuman with photos tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Mesh to Metahuman Plugin Tutorial, mesh to metahuman, unreal engine 5 metahuman plugin, ue5 metahuman plugin, ue5 metahuman tutorial, mesh to metahuman tutorial, ue5 mesh to metahuman tutorial, unreal engine 5 mesh to metahuman, unreal engine 5 metahuman update, unreal engine 5 metahuman, photoscan to metahuman, 3d scan to metahuman, mesh to meta, metahuman plugin download, metahuman plugin reddit, metahuman plugin
Id: 3k9yI-3jksE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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