UE5 Live Link Face Motion Capture Tutorial using Metahuman Characters

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[Music] so today we are going to do some facial motion capture using the live link plugin in Unreal Engine 5.2 we're going to use meta human characters as well but first this video is sponsored by Blink Studios they make production-ready art assets for Unity and Unreal Engine they just launched their RPG Essentials Humble Bundle it contains thousands of hard assets 3D characters and PCs UI elements props and a lot more you can get all of this just for 30 dollars claim the deal before 10th of January check them out I'll leave all the links down in the description and thank you so much for sponsoring this video let's start with the video so first we need to go to plugins and enable the live link plugin [Music] so enable both of these plugins after that I'm going to add a meta human character so go to quicksil bridge in Bridge go to The Meta human section and here you can choose any character that you like so I'm going to choose this one if you want to edit this character you can short meta human Creator and edit it there but for now I'm going to leave it like that download it on the highest quality and add it in your project so once you import this you can find the meta human character in The Meta humans folder and all the meta humans import as blueprints so this is really cool so this is the meta human character blueprint just add it in the level so after that let's go to the second part of the video which is setting up live link so you can get the official live link app on the App Store tap on the top left and go to the settings and your we need to configure some settings so select live link then go to the subject name So currently my subject name is set to iPhone this is the name that's going to appear in Unreal Engine so name this appropriately so if you go under the targets we need to add our IP address so go back to your computer and open up command prompt here you can type ipconfig that's going to give you all the IP configurations and copy the IP address and paste this in the live link app so now the live link application is going to stream motion capture data to your computer to the Unreal Engine instance that's open if you did this properly Unreal Engine should be able to detect uh the motion capture data the data stream that's coming through so your iPhone should show up right here you can also enable the head rotation now I am going to enable the simulation mode this also works in the gameplay mode once in simulation mode you can open Live link again and as you can see live link is streaming data in real time this works really well I mean I'm surprised how well this works if this is not working you can double check one more thing you can go to the common folder you can go to face open this animation blueprint and make sure that all the nodes are set up properly Unreal Engine will do this by default so you don't need to set these up but again make sure that you have all of this properly set up on the right hand side make sure that your live link subject is showing up so we just tested it out now let's record the animation for cinematics so for gameplay purposes so to record this we are going to create a level sequence and I'm going to extend my timeline range [Music] so in order to record our motion capture we have to add this character blueprint in the sequence once you do that you will see some animation Windows pop up so this is new in Unreal Engine 5. close all of those and go back in the sequencer now in the sequencer we are only going to animate the face we are going to delete all these things except the face now the way you record this is you select the parent blueprint and you press the record button but this will not work in the editor mode you need to go in the simulate mode for that so go in the simulation mode check if everything is working properly and once you are ready to record you can press the record button that is going to basically record all the live motion capture data and add all the keyframes for you [Music] once you are done recording you can press the stop button to finalize your recording so now we have baked the animation data and if you play this you can see that our animation has been recorded so now you can basically add a cinematic camera record some vocal performances and like make a cinematic cutscene or something so this is really cool it is really surprising how well this works so I hope you learned something in this video if you did please leave a like down below subscribe to the channel for more videos like this and that's it I'm gonna see you in the next video
Channel: pinkpocketTV
Views: 156,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue5, unreal engine 5, metahuman creator, metahuman tutorial, ue5 metahuman, ue5 metahuman tutorial, ue5 metahuman animation, metahuman face animation, livelink face unreal engine 5, live link face app unreal engine 5, live link face tutorial, ue5 motion capture, ue5 motion capture tutorial, unreal engine, unreal, how to animate metahuman in unreal engine 5, how to animate metahuman face, live link face app iphone, ue5 virtual production tutorial, pink pocket tv, live link ue5
Id: hwZfM5Eypk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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