Make A Professional MainMenu And A Settings Menu In Unreal Engine 5

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hey everyone I hope you're doing well and welcome back to another tutorial so in this one we are going to look at how we can create this main menu for projects here I have set up this uh background and these animations using free Assets in Marketplace and also we have this settings menu which is completely functional for example here you can change the quality of the game and as you can see uh it will transform how your game looks with only a simple and easy to setup system here we have these uh buttons these text which have animations and also this animation for the settings menu I have also changed the mouse cursor and as you can see it's not the default cursor it's a customized one which can have help your UI look even more professional uh this is not hard at all and you can uh set this up easily just uh follow this tutorial and I'll explain step by step how you can uh create these menus these animations and how to uh make the options functional so without further Ado let's jump right in and see how it's done [Music] okay first let's talk about how we want to set up our project here I have opened up first person template and I have not changed anything here I just U made a new folder and name it UI assets here I'm going to add all of my assets so you are able to follow the tutorial easier and see what's happening how I want to set this up is that I want to have a main menu level and inside it I want to throw in all the widgets and the background and the animations so here right click create a level and name it our main menu it's a blank level and there's absolutely nothing inside it here we want to set up a background set up a camera lights the scene and this will function as the background of our main menu here you can uh just add some basic assets for example uh you can add a plane uh and then add a directional light add a skylight and also at a height F okay then add a sky atmosphere and light up the scene let's also add a cube here I'm going to scale this uh plane to for example 10 10 and 10 and then add the camera to the level Let's uh go to the camera view and this is going to be our background the wigets will appear on top of this image and here we are going to have the main menu and here we are going to add the settings menu for the background you can do a lot of things for example you can uh add your third person character to the scene and go for a studio lighting you can just add a simple image or in our case uh you can uh add an environment and add animations and make it much more beautiful and professional here I want to go for a Sci-Fi look so I'm going to use some uh sci-fi assets from the marketplace and I'm going to also uh use a character to make it uh much more interesting here I'm in the epic games launcher and uh for the background I'm going to use this polar sci-fi facility this is a free asset in the marketplace and it is a very decent project so just search for a polar sci-fi facility and download it and add it to your project for my character also I'm using this Paragon meru or M do I don't know how it's pronounced but uh it's a very very beautiful character it has a lot of skins it has a lot of uh amazing animations and it's a very valuable asset uh the Paragon characters are all uh decent assets and you can use them your projects here just uh search for a paragon and uh you can use all of these beautiful characters for free so choose whatever you like download it and add it to your project all right this is the polar facility project so open it up go to the maps and uh for example let's open this one and this is how it looks it's uh a decent facility and it has a lot of uh details it has an exterior uh particle effects decals and a lot of objects and assets uh you can use this as it is but I prefer to clean it up and make it a little lighter I also want to change the lighting so I'm going to change how it looks a little and then uh use this as our background I don't want to go over how I'm going to change this because it's not uh an environment design tutorial but I'm not going to do much I'm just going to delete all the exterior assets a couple of uh these particles and I'm going to put my camera here so I don't need these models and rooms here so I'm going to delete these as well feel free to set it up as you like and make it optimized and clean to be able to use it easily in the main menu level all right this is what I came up with I deleted all the unnecessary stuff and this is all leftt here I have uh the assets and for the lighting I have a couple of Lights to light up the interior and it looks like this just uh drag a couple of Point lights into the scene and light it as you like I also added this uh steam particle in the background to make it h little more interesting and I change the name of my camera to UI camera this is also my camera view and now as you can see we have a very decent background for main menu for your camera you have a couple of settings that enable you to make your image even more interesting uh for example you can add some Bloom to your image or you can add a little bit of uh a vignette and make the edges a little darker feel free to play with these settings and make it all look as you like okay now the final part of our setting our environment is to add the character so let's uh get out of this camera view and here open up our Paragon character go to the characters heroes meru animations and drag in one of these animations to your level I'm going to use uh the idal a animation but uh feel free to explore these animations and maybe use one of these goofy animations here okay now let's go back to the camera view and see how it looks and yeah as you can see we have a very interesting background for our main menu now we are ready to create the widget and add it to the screen so let's start the next part of this tutorial all right first let's create the main menu so go into the UI asss folder right click and create a widget blueprint hit user widget name it main menu and open it up here we are able to design our UI and add all the UI elements from this pallet tab here and then here in the graph editor we are able to code and program our UI so first in the designer mode uh let's add a canvas panel to frame our UI and set it on 1920 by 1080 next I'm going to add a grid panel this enables us to manage all the elements in the UI more efficiently but without it you can uh add the buttons and the text too but having this will help us make the animations much more efficient and easier to control here you can add columns and rows to the grid this grid panel will actually create a grid for you and you can control all these children based on the grid you make so for example here if you add two columns and two rows and Define the percentage here let's go with 50% for each you will have a 2X two grid here and for example if you add a button to the grid panel you can control it like this here in our case we want the grid panel to cover our canvas panel so first let's anchor it to to the canvas panel like this and also zero out all these offsets here so it fills the canvas panel entirely now I want to have two columns and one row so let's uh delete these rows create only one and set it on 100% now for example if I add a button you can see that I only have two columns and one row this way I separate my screen and to the left I have my main menu and to the right I have uh the character all right now let's uh delete this button and start creating our main menu you want to add a couple of items to the main menu for example we need a text we need a line we need uh four buttons and we need to uh add all of these into a canvas panel we cannot uh add them to the grid panel and control them easily so I'm going to search for canvas panel add it to the grid panel and my canvas will uh cover the left side of our my grid now I can add everything I want to this canvas panel and manage it easily make sure uh your canvas panel is aligned like this we want to fill it horizontally and also fill it vertically to cover all the uh left side of the grid the first thing I need here is the name of the game so let's drag a text on our canvas panel and then I'll anchor it to the left side of the screen then adjust the placement for example let's put it here and also bump up the size in order to do that just go to the appearance Tab and in the font section just bump off the size for example let's go with 100 here you can uh choose your font family for example uh let's go with this Coalition font which I found in Google fonts but uh feel free to use any font that you like actually I'm going to decrease the size to 80 so it feels the left side of my screen and doesn't go here here you can change the content of your text we want to put in the name of the game so let's name it for example uh Coalition this is actually the name of the font but I think it's a cool name so I'm going to use it for the game as well next I want to have a line below my text so it separates the name of the game and all the other buttons below it so here drag an image on your canvas panel anchor it to the left side of the screen like this and then adjust it okay good now we need to add the buttons here we can uh drag buttons and copy and place them on top of each other but better way to do it is to use a vertical box so search for vertical box drag it on the canvas panel and carry it to the left side of the screen and place it here what this does is that it uh helps us manage everything that uh we put inside it and we no longer need to adjust the placement of the buttons and the text by hand so if I add buttons to the vertical box you can see that it will place them automatically and it helps us to I keep everything organized so here I want to have four buttons so at actually before adding the button let's add the text on top of the button and then after that I'm going to copy my buttons so drag a text and let's uh bump up the size of the text for example go with 40 line it like this so it's at the left side of the screen and now I can just uh duplicate my button but here what I want to do is to set the opacity of the button on zero so we no longer see the button and we only uh see the text so here you can just uh go to the background color of your button and set the alpha on zero now now we have the button and we can utilize it and Define some events for it but it's invisible which uh looks much better in my opinion now what I want to do is to have uh three other buttons other than this one so just uh select the button and duplicate it three times all right now let's change the content of the text the first one is going to be a new game so let's type new game and also change the font again I'm going to use the Coalition font so yeah it looks much better now the next font is going to be settings this will be for example credits and this is quit game okay now we can do some adjustments first of all Let's uh drag this vertical box to the left side of the screen so this aligns with our main text here next I want to increase the space between the buttons so I'm going to uh select the text and here in the padding just add some padding on the top and the bottom of the text so let's go with 10 and 10 the next thing I want to do is to remove this extra space here in the button so here I'm going to select the button and again in the padding add some padding to the right side of the button let's go with 500 it was too much 250 or 260 270 240 yeah that's good so yeah do this padding to make it fit the text again for the settings go with 260 or 90 or 340 320 yes 320 is good for the credits 350 and for the quit uh 500 amazing okay uh the next thing I'm going to do is to make them a little smaller I think they are too big compared to this main text so select them all and here in the appearance font just decrease the a font size to 35 or for even 30 the next thing I want to do is to add some animations to these buttons but before that let's just add the viget FM made to the screen and see how it looks in order to do that first we need to possess the camera that we made here now if we just uh play the game you can see that the default camera will be possessed and you're also able to move around in the scene which is not what we want so just let's go back to the camera view and then in order to possess this camera and keep this camera view we need to go to the level blueprint add an event begin play add the get player controller note and then and search for set Target view with set view Target with blend yeah this is what we need our connect the event begin play to the function and next we need to assign our camera into this uh New View Target input so let's drag our UI camera into the event graph and plug it in now you can see that when I play the game My UI camera is possessed and I have uh this camera view for my main menu level here what is happening is that uh the default camera actor is floating around in the A and I can control it with WC in order to deactivate that just go to the main menu level blueprint and here set input mode UI only connect the get player controller and now uh giving input other than the UI is uh deactivated and I don't have the floating sphere anymore okay the next step is to add the widget we made to the screen so here drag off a wire search for create wiget and then here in the class section choose the vget Fate this main menu is the vget Fate so select it and next add it to the viewport connect the return value to the Target and now we should uh see our main menu on top of our screen yeah it's looking pretty great and another thing we need to do is to activate our mouse cursor here when we play the game and go into the game we don't have the mouse curser anymore so here just drag off a wire and set show mouse cursor and turn this on for the Target we need this get player controller so let's copy and paste and plug it in now you can see that my uh cursor is visible and I can uh select my buttons using the mouse curser the next thing I want to do is to add a blaring effect to the background of my UI so here search for a background blur and drag it on top of this canvas panel here let's uh anchor it like this so it covers the whole area and zero out all of these offsets now here in the Blair strength let's bump up the strength to for example four and in order to make it go back you need to put it on top of our canvas panel here in the hierarchy the order is from bottom to top meaning that when you have something at the bottom of the hierarchy it's on top of uh the other elements here so if you want to make it uh go back you need to put it on top here all right now here let's see how it looks yeah here as you can see we have a blare and you are able to make your text pop up using this blare effect you can of course play with this strength and for example if I put this on nine you can see that I have a much stronger blare here but here in this case I think four was good so let's put it back on four and continue all right uh the next stage is to animate these buttons here I want to make them uh a little smaller when I hover my mouse on top of them and also to change the color so in order to do that uh I need to make some animations for these buttons here okay let's uh create an animation and name it hover one by the way if you don't have this animation window here just uh go to the window and select animation Let's uh spell it properly and now you can see that we have an animation and here we can add tracks to our new animation I want to add an animation to this text here so select hover one then select the text and here hit track now you can see that I can choose this text here select it and next we want to add uh a color and opacity to change the color and also a transform to change the scale for the color we want to go from uh white to a light blue so here just uh select this track here hit this to add a key and put this on 0.05 change change the color to whatever you like and add a key frame now you can see that I have this animation and it goes from uh White to Blue in a very short period of time you can just uh control this and for example make it a little longer to be able to see the animation easier all right uh let's also save this color here in order to save your colors you can just uh drag this here and when you want to add the color to the other text you can just use the exact color you used for your new game option hit okay and now we are good to go just add the transform which is going from 1 to 0.9 so so here at the key frame then go to 0.1 and for the scale set the X and Y value on 0.9 and add a key frame now you can see that I have the color transformation and also uh the scaling down effect at the same time all right now we have our animation and we want to play it when our cursor is hovered on the button so select the button and here scroll down to events tab if you don't have this make sure uh this option is checked you need to make it a variable to be able to Define events for it so here uh click on on hovered and we need to play the animation here so let me delete this and start from scratch to show you guys how it's done just uh you need to uh search for play animation function and drag the animation you made and plug it in the animation What's Happening Here is that when our cursor is hovered on the button the animation we made will be played it's very simple and easy to understand just play and you can see that when I hover my mouse the animation is played but when I un hover the cursor nothing happens we need to play the animation in Reverse to make it back on its default uh settings so go go back to the designer and then here Define an event for on onhover again play the animation but this time we need to play it in reverse so change the play mode on reverse plug the animation and you're good to go compile and play and you can see it's working perfectly we can also add sound effects to the buttons to make them even more interesting just select the button and here in the appearance Tab and in style you have these pressed sound and hover sound options for the Pressed sound I'm going to use this click on button q and for the hovered sound I'm going to use this flashlight switch sound compile and play now you can hear the sound effects all right now we need to repeat the same process for this settings this credits and this quit button here uh but we don't need to make the animations for each of these buttons from scratch we can just duplicate this hover animation and replace the text with our new text just select your hover one hit control D to duplicate it and name it hover two repeat and create hover three and also hover 4 now for hover two we want to assign the animation to the settings button we can just uh select this select this and replace our text with our new text which in this case is called text block here is the name of this text block here so when you select it and right click on this you can replace it with your new text now you can see that I have the animation for this as well again for the credits just uh select our tree select this text block select the text for the credits which is named text block underscore one and right click and replace it play the animation to make sure it's working correctly and then repeat the same for this quit option all right now we need to play the animations for the buttons just select the button add an un hovered and on un hovered event and play the animation just uh copy these functions here and this time we want to play the animation hover two so drag it connect it to the animations and we need to play the animation when the cursor is hovered and we need to play the animation in Reverse when it's un hovered so plug it like this and we are good to go I'm going to do this for the two buttons as well just select the button and add the events this time we are going to use hover Tre and finally for the quits option we are going to use hover 4 all right now everything is set and let's test it yeah they're working fine and now we need need to add the sound effects too so just go to the designer select the buttons and here in the appearance just add the sound effects you can also just copy and paste the sound assets here just right click copy and here paste it again for the hover sound right click copy and paste all right now we have the sound effects the animation and everything is working perfectly the next step is to program these buttons so when we click this new game we open up a new level when we play this settings we open a new widget and get access to the settings for the credits we can uh add some text to uh show the credits of the game and for the quit we need to uh call a quit game function so just select the button and here add an event for unlicked then we just want to open level by object reference and here you can select a level that you want to go to uh for example let's choose first person map and now when I hit the button I go to the first person level the thing here is that that I can't give input uh in this level because we set our input mode on UI only so here after we open the level we want to set input mode back on game mode so search for set input mode and set it on game only here add the get player character excuse me get player controller and and now we should be able to yeah give input to our first person character all right next for quit we should add a quit game function so unclick search for quit game and that's it now if I hit quit I can get out of the game okay the next thing I want to do is to create an animation for this whole canvas here I want to uh make a transition from outside of the canvas into its place so here uh select your grid panel and put it somewhere out of your main canvas for example minus 100 minus 1,000 and then we want to make an animation and move it back to its place so here create an animation and name it main menu animation then keep the grid panel selected and here create a track for the grid panel and then go for transform here in the translation go for the x value and add a key and next after for example 1 second put it back to its place which is 1,000 now you can see that it's sliding into the main canvas panel okay now in order to play it we want to uh go to the graph and here we have a event construct just drag off awh and play the animation what this means is that every time the widget is constructed we can see the animation we made Let's compile and play now you can see that we have this animation here okay the final step is to create a widget for our settings menu and then connect it to our main menu widget so let's go back to our UI asss folder and create a new widget let's name it settings and open it up again we are going to repeat the same thing we did for our main menu first we need need the canvas panel put it on 1920 by 1080 and then add the grid panel the grid panel is the same we want it to have two columns and one row so first let's anchor it like this and zero out the offsets and then create two columns 50% % each and one row which is 100% next uh we need the canvas panel for the right side of the grid so make sure it's a child to the grid and then put it on the right side next search for background blur and add it to the canvas panel uh let's bump up the strength to five again make sure the background blur is a child to this canvas panels so first let's anchor it properly zero out the offsets and now we have it right the next thing we need is a text so search for text add it to the canvas panel and anchor it to the right side of the screen put it somewhere here and scale it up I'm going with our Coalition font and maybe first let's uh change the text to settings and place it properly all right amazing uh the next thing we need is a vertical box so search for vertical box and add it to the canvas panel I want to Anchor it like this and and put it here we want to have four settings uh for our project we want to have a player name a gamma uh quality and a difficulty and also a back button so we basically need five rows here and our rows have two columns so in order to manage them easily we need to add a horizontal box here so search for horizontal box and add it to the vertical box then search for text and add the text on top of your horizontal box now here we have the text and here at the right side we can have our drop down menus or text boxes let's change the font to the Coalition font and then add a little bit of padding on the top and on the bottom all right it's looking good and now we can duplicate the button so here select the horizontal box and it's control D to duplicate it the applicate it four times and then start uh changing the text the first one is player name next we have gamma next we have difficulty and then we have quality the final one is back and we also need a little bit of space between our back button and the others so select the button and here add a padding on the top okay now for the player name we need a text box so here search for uh text box and drag it on the horizontal box here hit fill and then add a little padding to the top and to the bottom we can also add paddings to the right and left for example let's uh make a little space to the left side and also uh add a hint text here here we can input uh enter player name and also for the text let's set player one let's also change the background color to a darker one so it's easier to read the text here all right good now for the gamma we need a slider so search for slider and add it here again uh set it on fi and add some padding to the left side and also the right side Let's uh set the value on 0.5 so it's at the middle and you can also play with its color and it looks but uh here I'm just going to go with this a default style next for the difficulty we need a drop- down menu so here search for combo box combo box string and add it here set it on fi add the paddings and then add the options just add four options uh index zero is easy next we have medium next we have heart and then veteran or the selected option can be set on hard it compile and now you can see your options here here you can change change the foreground color for example let's set it on our blue color that we saved before and also make this uh gray area a little darker so it's easier to see uh go to style then in your button style you can change the tint in the normal tab just go with a dark color and hit okay all right uh for the quality we also need a combo box so just uh duplicate this combo box and put it inside this quality horizontal box uh let's adjust the padding so it matches with the other and then I change the options to uh low medium high and Ultra and set all the default value on I okay here I want to do some adjustments first I want to add all these dots in front of my text so just select them and add this to the text content next I want to line them like each other so just select this and add the padding okay it all looks good enough let's add it to our screen and see how it looks so far just go to your level blueprint and here in this create widget function or change the class to settings now you can see that we have the wiget and it looks very good and we are ready to continue here we have uh this text box in which we can enter the name of the player here we have these uh drop down menus and here we have this back button uh the thing we have to do is to first uh program this button so when we click it this widget goes away and our main menu comes back we also want to uh set these quality options on our uh graph so we can change the quality of the game by uh changing these options here in order to make this uh quality options work just select the combo box and add an event on selection changed here drag off a wire and search for string a switch on string using this node we are able to check that uh if the string is on low we can use uh this output if it's on medium this if it's on high this output and this uh would be the ultra one so here just change the name of the outputs to the quality settings that we entered uh in our UI so here go for low medium high and we so if we set it on low we want to get game user settings and set overall scalability level here as you can see if we set it on zero it means that the scalability level is on low one is medium two is high three is epic and four is Cinematic so here on low we want to set it on zero then we want want to add and apply settings function and connect the return value to the targets now we just need to repeat this for the other settings and change the value accordingly so just copy and paste everything plug them in and then change this value to one this to two and three for the ultra we are not going to use uh the Cinematic settings because it's not going to improve how your project looks significantly but it will uh make a huge impact on your performance so we are just going to use low medium high and epic settings compile and play and now as you can see when I change the settings you can see that the quality of my level will be changed accordingly for the difficulty you just need to adjust the variables based on the game you're making for example you can uh increase the damage of the enemies or you can decrease your players's health based on the difficulty of the game but here we don't have any games so we are not going to change anything for the difficulty and for the gamma I'm not going to cover it in this video because I want to prevent this tutorial from getting any longer so if you want to know about this please uh let me know in the comments so I'll cover it in another video the final part of our job is to uh program this back button and also this settings button so our uis can uh replace each other and slide in and out of our main canvas here we made an animation for this main menu so when it's uh added to the main screen it slides in we want to do the same for the settings menu so go to the settings widget and here create an animation and name it settings animation then select the grid panel and place it out of the main canvas let's set it on 1,000 and then then add the track for it in the track add the transform and in the translation just key frame it here go to 1 second and set it back on where it was yeah this is the slide and then in order to uh play it go to the graph and here you have the event construct search for play animation and play the animation you made now you can see that when the vget is added to the screen the animation is played okay now let's go back to the level blueprint and put this back on our main menu so when the level is opened we see the main menu what you want to do is to add this setting option remove this widget and replace it with the settings widget so here let's go to the main menu widget select the settings button and add an event on clicked here we just want to uh create the settings widget so search for create widget and set it on settings add to viewport and that's it now when we hit the settings button we have our set settings menu but we also want to get rid of this main menu here so here we can uh play the animation for our main menu so just drag in the main menu animation and plug it in and we want to play it in reverse so it goes out of the screen here and next we just want to remove it from parent so we don't have the main menu anymore so search for remove from parent so in order to uh play the animation we need to give it some time our animation last that's 1 second so add a delay and set it on one so we give it some time to play the animation and next it will remove the widget so technically it's not there anymore and we need to do the same for the settings so before that let's uh play it one more time and see if everything's work right yeah yeah good okay now just go to the settings and in the designer we need to implement the same system for this back button here we did not add a button and it's just a text so go to the comments Tab and here uh drag a button here on this horizontal box and then put the text on top of your button now just put the background opacity on zero and here Define an event on un clicked so here set un clicked and now we want to uh create widget and select the main menu here add it to the viewport and then play the settings animation in Reverse so here add the play animation function plug this in and put it on reverse so it goes out of the screen I'll give it a delay and set it on 1 second so it has a some time to play the animation and then remove it from parent all right let's compile and play and yeah it's working perfectly we can also add this uh effects that we made for this buttons here for our back button as well so here go to the designer mode and select the button then add the sounds the press sound was click on button q and the hovered sound was flashlight switch Also let's uh make an animation for it so create an animation name it hover and select this select this and add a track then add the color and opacity and also a transform for the color we want to add a key frame here then after half a second we just want to change the color to our blue and add the key frame all right and again for the transform just add a q frame then go forward for half a second and set the scales on 0.9 actually the time should be at 0.05 so just reduce the time of the animation so it plays faster yeah and then let's add the events so select the button and then here how the text color is changed to Blue so here just set it back to White and make sure everything is working correctly and then here just select the button and create an un hovered event we want to play the animation we made and on on we want to play it on reverse so copy and paste and set it on reverse plug the animation and then add the UN hovered event compile and play and now you can see that we have the effects and it's working properly however here we have a bug and as you can see when the animation is placed these options in our uh combo box menus are messed up they are misplaced and we need to fix them the reason is that when we play the animation the location of these uh combo boxes are not matched with the canvas and uh the vertical box we made so here we need to make some small adjustments to make it work correctly so go to the uh designer mode and here we have this grid box out of the canvas and when the animation gets played it comes in but this causes the bu so instead we are going to place it uh at the middle of the canvas and then here in the animations put it here and then put it back to the middle of the canvas so here just uh zero out the offset so it's fixed at its location and then here we want to go from a th000 to zero so what's happening here is that when this fidget is added to the viewport it goes into this location and then it comes back to our screen this should fix the bug here for us let's compile play and now you can see that our combo boxes are working correctly all right uh we are almost done the final thing I want to do is to change my cursor to make it look a little uh more interesting in order to do that first we need a PNG file as our mouse cursor so find whatever you like and then drag it into your content browser next create a vget blueprint name it uh mouse cursor and open it up here just add the candles panel and then set the size [Music] on for example 70 and 70 and next drag in an image search for image and drag it on top of the canvas panel anchor the image like this on its default and then set it on 35 and 35 then here in the brush section just drag your PNG and now you can see your cursor the thing here is that uh this field function at the middle meaning that when you click on something the middle of your canvas panel will give input to the UI so here let's drag this here so it's at the middle of our canvas and works properly you can also change the color for example here let's set it on blue and compile now in order to use it as our cursor all we need to do is to go to our project settings and here in the engine section go to your user interface here in the software cursor just select the wiget you made and that's it now you can see that we have our new cursor here yeah we are done congratulations you made it through a 1 hour tutorial which is not an easy task at all uh everything here is working perfectly we have the settings this player option here this slider uh this quality which is completely functional and the back button and the animations are working perfectly yeah that's it for this video guys and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you learn something new from this please please uh leave a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel That would mean a lot to me thank you guys for watching catch you later
Channel: Unreal ART With Alireza
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, ue5, ue4, unreal engine 5.4, blueprints, widget blueprints, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 games, unreal engine ai, first person shooter, main menu ue5, settings menu unreal engine 5, settings, mouse cursour, mouse cursor, UI, UX, ui design, ui animation unreal engine 5, game design, game design for beginners, game development, game dev, game development for beginners, indie game dev, indie game
Id: NOEM8mVk2r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 34sec (4354 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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