How to Create Custom Metahuman Face from Pictures

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hey everybody how's it going welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to talk about a tool that i saw on twitter it looked really nice it's actually a plugin for blender that would allow you to get a hat mesh with textures to use with match to metahuman so kind of like the same thing that we did last time with the scanning but instead of scanning our faces with the phone you're just gonna do it from pictures and um i think this this is very cool because that way you don't have to have a scan let's say it's it's somebody that's somewhere else that doesn't know how to scan uh it's not gonna bother doing it taking some pictures it's a lot easier or even some pictures that you see online you may want to use those as well now at the end of this video we're going to be comparing the results from this tool to the results that we got from the scan from last time from the video it's gonna be in the description down below if you're new to the scan thing with mesh to metahuman um i'm going to be comparing the results that i got back then with the one that i'm getting right now the difference being is that this has provided me a texture that i can use on top of the meta human uvs if you're not a 3d artist let's just say that the color of the face from their pictures can be transferred into the metahuman as opposed to using the textures that the metahuman creator gives you which i think could be an advantage i'm kind of experimenting with this tool in this video i didn't script it too much uh so you see me make a couple mistakes here and there which is fine i actually did it so if i made a mistake and i could correct it i'll correct it with you so let's get started all right here we are in blender and to install this i'm going to leave a link in the description down below so you can check out their video is very comprehensive on how to install this but just real quick if you have installed any blender plug-in so far you would be able to start this one as well just go here on install and look for it and just the download it should be very straightforward but if you're having trouble with that i'll leave a link in the description down below on how to install it again their tutorial is very good on how to install it for blender once you have it installed all you have to do is open regular project and it should be here on your right panel is this one right here face builder and as you can see uh failures builder 2022.2 you can also create a new head so we click on create new head now it gives us a very nice looking base mesh so if i was sculpting from this base mesh i'll be very happy because it's really good and if you look at the topology the topology for this one is amazing so this is what a base base mesh that i've ever seen and this is from where the program is going to pick up from the pictures and get all your details once we have this now you need to add your images so we click here and add images i'm going to browse to where my images are and in this case i'm going to select the images with the 17 because i know those are the most recent ones that i took i'm going to talk about what you need to do with the pictures i need to take of yourself i'm going to open my images and you can see them all here now we have one two three four five six and seven seven is the images that they recommend so the images that you're going to take of yourselves is uh fully front and no this one fully front profile uh one from above uh three quarter profile one from the bottom and another profile so i guess this one is three port is a little bit more of a profile but that's fine the whole point is that you have every single angle possible from your head so you can get the texture i'm just gonna follow this prompt that says press a view button with a picture file name below so you can switch to pin mode pin mode is going to give you a camera with the picture behind it and you're going to see in a minute by the way if you never use blender navigation is right mouse to scroll around like this and if you hold shift and i'm sorry uh middle mouse that was middle mouse if you hold shift and middle mouse you'll do pan these the panning is what you'll be doing when you are in pin mode so if i go to the first image turning myself if i try to just use middle mouse it's going to do that because it's on pin mode it's not allowing me to get out of this mode we'll talk about how to get out of here later but the good thing is that it keeps you right here and here on the bottom it's actually telling you what it does is if you want to escape if you want to press escape you'll exit left click to create a pin right click to delete a pin tab to hide and show so tab let's just hide and show the mesh there you go and now we're going to look at one of the most and one of the best things about this app is the align to face so if we click on align to face you're gonna see that the mesh actually um i think they're using some sort of ai but actually goes on top of my face with this picture and it does pretty well it's pretty close there are some things here and there that we need to fix but it is really close right out of the box so um i'm just going to go here and arrange a little bit and yeah let me show you if you click on this red pin you're going to move the geometry so if you've been to the metahuman creator this is exactly when you are in sculpt mode remember that it gives you those pins on top of your face on top of the metahuman face sorry you get this pins here as well the difference is in here you can add as many pins as you want to so these uh four pins are fine for my eyes it's going to bring my eyes all the way to where i think they should be and that's fine so let's say we want to move this down here and i want to stretch out the forehead because i do have a big forehead so i just add a pin here and as you can see i can expand this part of my head add another pin here let's bring down this side over here i'm not super worried about the ear but i'm going to add a pin here and i'm going to encompass this part again you can add pins and you can remove pins as well just right click and remove the pin so just click there and as you can see the lips are a little bit offseted i just want them to bring them down i think here is fine everything else is okay let me just mess a little bit with the neck and there you go okay this is very uh close to my face i think i missed my nose around here it's a little bit larger let's extend that make sure that it's capturing every single part of my face all right okay i think we're done with this one let's go to the next picture and uh i'm just gonna go to the profile because that that's is one of the ones that's different so over here you're gonna see that this mesh is pretty much facing forward and i'm facing uh to the right so if i click on align face you're gonna see that it actually rotates the mesh so that's why i think this uh plug-in is so fantastic because there's not that much job that you have to do aligning things it it does it for you pretty much right of the box so you just have to add a couple of pins here and there just to make sure that everything is where you wanted it to be so again i'm just going to push my nose all the way down here and you can see that i have a weird bridge here i have a bump on my nose so let's create that i'm going to add a pin here it's going to bring that up another pin here it's going to help me create a bump like that and uh yeah very important to have most landmarks of your face i'm just going to bring this back over here put this eye this is not where it's supposed to be i'm just going to bring it up again it's not perfect it needs work from you but i think it's fine it does a pretty good job right out of the bad and all you have to do is just add a little bit more pins and you should be good to go there you go and i think i need another pin right around here so i can bend that over i think we're good except for the ear let's bring it here all the way over here and where is the the head is ending here okay i think because i don't have that much hair anymore so just bring my head around this way okay i think that's good let's do another one three quarter view all right three quarter view pretty good um you get the this by now what i'm going to do is i'm going to time lapse the other pictures and uh you can choose to slow down or not if you want to see what i'm doing but it's pretty much just a line face will align the mesh to the picture move the points and uh until you get as close as possible to what you have here on on your picture so i'll see you in a bit all right as you can see all of my pictures have a pin i've gone through all of them and the modifications that you do to other pictures will most likely move what you've already done previously so you can always go back and see if there is something that got moved that you didn't like or you want it back to where it was uh fortunately some of the movement that i did after i switched to other pictures did not affect my other segments as much but that's something that can happen because i've seen it in in other videos i'm just gonna put my head that way but this to me the front view is probably the most important i'm just gonna undo that i don't mind the ears that much because they are not the biggest landmark of my face there is a little bit over here i guess i need to correct bring it over to this side there you go you see how i just removed the pin that was there before so yeah to me the most important one is the the front one probably for you could be another type of picture but again i'm just going to check them all [Music] see how they're looking and i'm very happy about how this is um looking now so what i need to do is go on exit pin mode if you click here it'll actually take you to your mesh and again you see that um it's like i've sculpted my face a little bit it's not the prettiest one however one of the good things about this is that we're going to translate this into the meta mesh tube metahuman so um there is some work there if you know c brush or if you can sculpt in blender you can come and smooth these out i believe my landmarks are already well demarc so if i were to go and send this to zbrush i'll probably smooth this parts out a little bit but i'm just going to leave it as it is so you can see the result as right out of the box without anything uh any other retouching now up until this point we have done pretty much the same thing that i've done with the scanning tool that i did last time so it's not that different however the most different part is going to come right now so if you scroll down over here to the right you can see there is a word that says textures it also has blend shapes um i don't know how this works i'm not going to use them because we're going to be using the blend shapes from the metahumans but apparently you can create blend shapes with this as well which i think is cool but all you're going to do is click here on texture we're going to bring this to 496 by 4096 and we go to metahuman so you can see that if you click on the uvs uh the uvs is going it's how it's it's gonna unwrap your face and i'm going to tell it to do meta humans because that is going to be the exact texture of the metahuman that we're going to get out of metahuman creator later on to overlay it and get the actual texture of my face now for this you can see there's the create texture button so we click here we have all the images that i load you can pick and choose which images you wanted to to use you may not want to use all your images in my case i'm just going to use them all i'm going to click ok and um it's just going to load for a little bit you can see there's some number going on i'll be right back once this is done all right now as you can see it created a decent texture of my face so one of the things that they told me is every picture angle that i mentioned is because of the texture if you didn't have the picture from the bottom it would have not picked up the bottom of my face same here with the top so the reason why i picked up the most important size of my face for the uvs it's what i was after so there's a little bit here under the eye i don't care so much about the eyes because we're gonna use a meta human eye so i'm not worried about that there's a little bit of overlap here on my lips i'm guessing one a couple pictures got overlap here because they are not perfect maybe the lighting wasn't the best but the good thing is that we have pretty much the main textures of my face and i guess another part of this tip is if you have a beard um it's going to be in your texture that's why i actually shave my face before doing this um just so i can get a more clean texture there's a little bit of hair here that we'll probably need to take care of but for the most part it is pretty good so once we have this all we need to do is export it out um just select your head which is over here fb head and we're going to go into file we're going to export and where it says export fbx in this case it's going to export whatever you selected so i'm just going to throw in here i'll give my name and over here the changes that you need to do is where it says path mode we're going to click here and we're gonna select copy and we're gonna click this little box what this does is it will pack the texture along with the fbx so that way when you import it into unreal it will bring the textures now i don't need any of this so i'm just going to click on mesh because we don't need like camera lamp amateur whatever now we are going to come down here in our unchecked bag and make animation on geometry the other important part is where it says smoothing in normals only you're going to change that to face and that is it we're just going to export fbx or give it a second and it should be good to go on your folder now what i'm going to do is open unreal bring everything it will continue from there all right so as you can see i've imported the fbx and it came with the material and texture so i double click my mesh and you can see it's just a normal mesh it doesn't have too much to it this doesn't have any normal map or anything it's just a mesh with the fuse so with this we are going to be using the meshed metahuman to create my actual head now if you have never done the mesh to metahuman i'm going to leave a link in the description down below in how to scan your head for free there are chapters you can follow just choose the chapter where i talk about the metahuman master metahuman tool so you can go from there if you are brand new to this process because i'm just going to breeze through it uh otherwise this video is going to be too long it will tell you how to do the plugin and everything else so i'm going to type my name here and we're going to add my face my face is called the same as the channel okay there it is and actually it looks pretty nice we're going to pick the neutral pose and i'm going to position my camera in a way where i can see myself head on i'm going to go here i'm going to go 25 let's see i guess instead of going 25 i'm actually going to go 30. so it's not as jarring there you go now what we're gonna do here promote frame track active frame [Music] it's loading trackers and it's gonna take a little bit i'll be back when it's done all right it's done and it was done actually pretty quickly so let's get over here just to make sure that it picked up everything that i wanted to picked up so let's see this should be here this should be a little bit further up and you could leave it as it is it actually it wasn't bad it did a pretty good tracking if i'm honest but i'd like it to be as close as possible so that's why i'm just doing little motions here and there just so it's closer to my face you go you can even do the ears and the eyebrows if you want to i don't think that's necessary for this case just going to close the mouth a little bit lips are good everything is good okay i am happy with what i see i'm just going to click to metahuman identity solve all right since uh looks like it was done let's see what it did if we go to b there is my head and actually looks pretty good it does have a few bits of imperfection from the main mesh uh oh the ear is a little bit squished on this side uh but it doesn't matter we'll fix it once we are in the metahuman creator that's one of the things that i like about the metahuman creator if things didn't turn out perfect we can fix them afterwards same thing over here so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to go and select the body i'm going to select total and athletic because of course why not and i'm going to click on mesh to metahuman all right here we are in metahuman creator and again the a the that ear is squished but i'm just going to edit selected i'm going to go to custom [Music] mesh and i'm going to do let's stop this animation let's do this and there you go so the ear is kind of in a good position so again i usually don't mind my ears too much let's say they're not perfectly symmetrical but hey who is symmetrical nowadays so i'm just gonna go in reshape my skull which are the parts that are not too well like around here it's not very symmetrical as well or some little problems here and there just taking care of them [Music] over here the chin i'm going to leave it alone it does look like i'm a little bit more overweight i'm actually at but it doesn't matter everything else is good i'm good with the eye proportion um i'm going to leave everything else as it is yeah i'm just going to leave everything else as it is now we're going to go to skin this is the part where i'm not that happy with the metahuman creator because every time you sign skin you kind of look like um you you're you look very stylized that's that's what i'm trying to say every time you try to add a little bit of skin you look very stylish i think that's closer to my shade a mix ray so that's fine and you can play with this however you want but we're not gonna use this texture we're actually going to be using the texture that we got from the app and let me see contrast roughness okay yeah i do have a very oily skin let's go with the hair um yeah kind of like a bust cut let me see what kind of hair would i like to have not the one that i actually have all right okay let's pick this up because it kind of looks like the haircut that i have in my 20s not my 20s anymore let's go to the eyebrows this is closer let's see he's closer to mine there you go and uh i think this is getting me much closer to my actual look like even without the textures that we're gonna get later on from the plug-in i think this from the pictures is it's starting to look a little bit more realistic than the scan um there's a little bit here on my lip that i could fix so let's just fix that like that actually go here and that's why i like the met human creator so much okay so the lips are not like super weird in terms of yeah like this it's just subtle details and again uh your face is never never symmetrical if you have symmetrical face then uh you may be a robot just saying all right there it is okay i think i'm i'm good ice placement i actually have this is so weird i do have a kind of like a lazy eye on my left eye and it it actually captured it so this is much closer to real life than um that may not let's not be clean-shaven let's do this kind of like you know it's it's been a little bit it's been a rough week you know forgot to shave and uh i'm just gonna leave it there and we're gonna continue with let's say uh body proportions again uh very ripped myself i wish it looked like that but i'm don't doesn't matter it is a fantasy world that's why we call it the digital world let me just give me a regular shirt this is uh the one where i like to post the uh mr 3d dev graphics i'm just going to give myself a graphic there so i can substitute it for my logo later on let's change the colors of this a little bit darker more of a fan of the darker colors i don't like the rain so much i'm just gonna desaturate and uh if you just want to have the same color just copy the hex value that way you don't have two colors just have the one there you go we have one color shirt and i do need to wear some pants i like to wear shorts so jeans is fine and shoes let me give myself some um yeah yeah those looks like my sneakers okay so yeah this guy looks a lot like me uh except for may not be you know as athletic looking but my face does look much closer to myself than what it was before it's gonna look even better once we apply the texture so from here all i'm going to do is i'm going to go back i'm going to go into unreal engine [Music] okay now i have downloaded my metahuman as usual after you've done all the metahuman meshed metahuman work inside the metahuman creator your many humans should show up here should no longer have this symbol which i think is about human logo it should be here so here he is or here am i i should say and now we get to the second part of this whole process which is again one of the reasons why i like this plug-in so much is because we can actually use the texture now for this i'm just going to go into my metahuman because the first thing we need is the meta human texture so in order to get that all you have to do is make sure you go to the medic human blueprint go to the face and we need the element zero the material that's called mi head synthetized baked which is pretty much the face skin and then we go all the way down here and you can see we have different colors we have colored main uh cm one two and three they just contain a different wrinkling because there's a texture animation when you do when you do the blend shapes um so i'm just going to click on the magnifying glass it's going to take me straight to where this is and i'm going to export out the main i'm going to click here asset actions export all right when exporting i'm just going to throw it in here i'm going to call it face main just so i know what it is i'm going to save it in there it saves it as a tga so you're for this process you're going to need either photoshop or you don't want to pay for photoshop but you are going to need something that opens tga and something where you can blend things with now i'm going to go into my mr3d folder where i have my texture this is my texture it looks a little bit weird but this is what we're going to be using to add more realism to our metahuman so i'm just going to as a location export i'm going to export it here and i'm going to call it phase builder all right now for the texturing portion as you see i exported the face from the texture of my avatar that was created with face builder and here's the one with the metahuman now i made a mistake and did it 4k i forgot the meta human one was in 2k so if you are in photoshop just go to image image size just change it to 2048 you should be fine the point is that we can grab this and put it right on top of this one right here which actually can so if you can see if i turn down the opacity you can see that it actually occupies the same space as the uvs from the metahuman now there are some changes that we're gonna do here real quick but uh yeah just to show you that it actually fits so once you have this on there the first thing we need to do is get rid of the black areas we're also going to get rid of the eyes and other parts of my hair which we don't need for that i'm going to use a mask um that is how i usually work in photoshop that's uh i was thought instead of erasing things just mess things up so it's just better so there you go i'm gonna do some masks here and we're gonna get rid of the eyes because we're gonna use the meta human eyes and as you can see the border of the head ends here so you can tell just when you're going to be uh done stretching this out because we are going to have to stretch this out and i'll show you a cool way to do it now i'm just gonna get rid of these parts right here and i'm gonna get rid of my shirt of course because we don't want that to show although from this point beyond like from this point below it's pretty much that area that's under the neck and the metahuman so if you if it's a metahuman that's wearing clothes you're probably not gonna see it anyways but you should uh i was gonna get rid of it i'm also going to get rid of this black spot so just pretty much do this get rid of everything over here and we're going to fill this out with the clone tool in a second uh you get the gist of what i'm doing so i'm gonna time lapse this and i'll be right back all right so there's that how about a nice mask on it uh another thing that we need to fix is a couple of areas with shadows like this part under my chin this part that has a lot of different colors than this part so i'm also i'm not going to fix the eyebrows because we're going to have the eyebrows groom on top of them and i've already tested this a couple times these actually don't have any problems if you have um very dense eyebrows like i do if you do have um eyebrows that are not as dense it may be a problem but uh for the sake of this tutorial i'm just gonna leave it as it is for the other parts we're just gonna use the clone tool in this case to kind of get rid of that very thick shadow that we have over there so make sure you are on your image if you're working in photoshop and there you go a little bit better now let's fix this nose fix this part over here okay now the portion that's really important is getting rid of this bad coloring that we have on the other side before we finish with this texture so i'm just going to go here and do this probably there you go it's in the center what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this layer i'm going to apply mask to this part i'm going to select inverse and we're going to do what i told you just not to do which is erased but we're going to do it anyways because we just got rid of everything else so that's fine now that we have this part right here on uh this layer what i'm gonna do is uh flip it to the other side so we go to edit transform uh flip horizontal and there you go now all we have to do is grab our move tool move this all the way to center and there we have it now another thing that i need to do is i'll probably add another mask here so i can get rid of those hard edges so we have some hard edges let's see around here there you go that we don't need those hard edges on this parts and there you go pretty much got rid of the difference in coloring that we had on this side we do have a symmetry on some of the marks that i have on my face we can get rid of those and what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to merge these two layers so it applies the mask and everything else i'm just going to use the clone tool and as you can see it's it's not a big thing actually yeah the mark is on this side not on this side it's um somewhat quick job there you go just so things are not super symmetrical and i could even use the healing brush like [Music] it's just to so spots are not exactly the same there we are this one and there you go okay all right i think we are good and everything else that we need to do is uh the other thing is i do uh i didn't apply makeup or foundation to my face which is why my face is usually a little bit oiler on the other side so to get rid of those highlights i'm just going to go filter there's a camera raw filter which pretty much will give me the same options that i would get in adobe after effects for the coloring so i'm just going to go into highlights and reduce the highlights a little bit same over here oh i'm sorry not lights looking for highlights right here and again nothing too fancy just moving a couple of things otherwise we could just use the healing brush on these areas and uh it kind of helps out sometimes it's not the best corruption but it does help out a little bit uh let me see i don't know what's going to do here oh okay there you go i actually got rid of that see what we can do there no that's not good and i think i'm going to leave it at that now the next part would be to extend the texture area which i'm going to do with the clone tool and again i'm dividing this into chapters so feel free to skip this part if you just want to see the results uh chapter is going to be in description and uh with that chapter thing that youtube does so i'm just going to you already saw me using the clone tool i'm just going to time lapse this part all right not gonna lie this is very bizarre seeing your face lay down like this because it looks like i don't know if leather face just took off your skin but this is what we're going to use so i'm going to do two versions i'm going to do one version like this which doesn't go so well and i'm going to do another version with a little bit of blending here all right i went into metahuman creator and made a lighter skin version of myself it's never going to be like that because this one because the lighting condition when i took the pictures were pretty different but just to show you that i did make some changes to the diffuse map now there are a couple things that we can do to kind of blend this so like i told before i do have one of like this just to show you how it looks and we're gonna do another one that's kind of like blending it a little bit so the first thing that i may do and uh always duplicate your stuff in case you mess up i'm gonna go into image adjustment hue saturation and we're going to desaturate this and as you can see it's uh it's a lot closer it's not really the same but it's pretty close it's pretty close anyways i'm just going to leave it at that and the rest thing that i'm going to do is just use the blend here with the opacity and i think that's it i'm just going to leave it at that i'm going to save this one saves copy this is fixed for all right here i am with both of my avatars that i created the one over here is the one that i did with scanning so actually for some reason i use the um kind of like the medium size skeleton and i use the tall one for this one so you can differentiate them from one has the blue sleeves and the other one doesn't this is the one that i did with the scan app uh with the free app that you saw me do it last time this is the one that i did with the new method and um you know achieve a little bit of different result so you already saw my face in the intro of the video i'm gonna throw a picture of my face here just for comparison's sake and from these two i think this one looks more like myself and i got it from the scan uh from for this one i'm just going to use the texture that i made in photoshop like i told you before so i'm just gonna go here we all know how to do this and i'm just gonna add i'm gonna add first one the this one which i don't know why it doesn't show up but the first one that i'm going to be adding is the one that doesn't have the blending so i'm just going to throw it in here color main and uh wow it looks uh like i'm dead yeah this is very bizarre and not good looking at all let's just throw in the other one a little bit better i'm still um goes as wide as a ghost uh i'm actually a little bit uh pasty in the relax i don't go too much on the sun but yeah as you can see this uh this is the full on texture on top maybe i do have a lot of light on me but again this is the result that i got and we can actually revert back to what i have before just because this is uh way too way too light that's under i don't know i probably need to color correct that my thing is i think the result from the scanning it's a little bit closer to my actual self than this one right here it did a fairly decent good job right of the bed i tried to get it with the metahuman and as you can see you can use your own texture which sometimes help in this case uh the texture didn't help as much because there was too much oil on my face when i took those pictures now the keen tools are not free whereas the app that i show you was free so if you go to face builder uh you're not going to buy floating license you are going to either buy a commercial or personal license so over here you have the prices the floating one which i don't think any of you are gonna use this is for a company you just have floating license you can use on several machines commercial licenses for a company personal license would be some someone like myself or most of you at home will get the um [Music] personal license i think this is a fair price it's pretty robust and if you don't have the person to scan so let's say the the value that i see for this tool or this add-on if you will if you have several characters on screen and you don't have access to scanning several people then you can have more than one character by just using pictures you could always use the meta humans and try to my issue with the meta humans right now is i don't know i've used them so much and i've seen them so much on youtube that all of a minute human looked pretty generic so that's why from now on on my short films you'll you'll see uh people that look fairly different from the meta humans for instance um one of the other guys that i made the actor uh if you haven't seen him on twitter he is the person that i made for the comic short film and again pretty different from your average metahuman i made this one as well even though it looks pretty different like i can tell it came from a metahuman preset and that is my issue and why i like using the mesh to metahuman to get new characters so if you're in that position like myself and just want to create a whole set of new characters then you can just do it with this add-on without having to have the person to scan it without having to sculpt a mesh because for the short film character actually this one is from a sculpted mesh which is why it looks a little bit different but i think it looks much better than just your generic metahuman i think that was the intent of the mastermatic human tool so you have a little bit more of a range all right everybody before we leave as always thanks for everyone who's watching thanks to all my patreons and a shout out to my level two patrons over here on screen as always thank you for helping out the channel gonna help about the channel then the link is down below uh there is the twitter and the instagram if i want to follow the updates for the short film and uh if not there's a discord where there's a whole community over a thousand people that you can join and uh i can help you over there if you need some help myself i'm there myself uh usually during the week all right thanks everybody for watching and um i'll see you next video
Channel: MR3D-Dev
Views: 37,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keentools facebuilder blender, keentools tutorial, unreal engine, metahuman creator, epic games, custom metahuman, ue5, character tutorial, metahuman tutorial, mesh to metahuman tutorial, metahuman from pictures, scan from pictures, 3d scan from image
Id: xwXZDxPwXs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 58sec (2878 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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