Scammer REGRETS trying to Scam ELDERLY Man (animated)

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[Music] Julie with reward redemption you recently visited one of our affiliate websites and in appreciation we have a $100 rebate voucher for you redeemable at popular stores like Walmart Best Buy Home Depot and many more press one now to call into the rewards department to receive your $100 rebate voucher all day what is your price on your last name Josh there's vodka hi I'm John our database that you may be receiving or $100 gift voucher starting to see places like Walmart sci-fi and hospital congratulations and so what mailing address would you like me to sending to you I can't hardly understand what you're saying you're all distorted I'm sorry okay so just to make sure that I'm not talking to a minor what is the year of your break 1919 so response okay so you are going to receive a $100 gift culture that is good to use at a places like Walmart Target Best Buy and most people so congratulations thank you and the what mailing address would you like me to send it for you come on billing address nice underwear mm okay what is the zip code that's five two three five two eight oh five a zip code no Davenport Iowa nah five two oh five two eight oh three Josh Davenport IOL song yeah Shh correct so what is address okay all girls on so you're going to receive your chit in five to seven business days okay and all of this is valid for one year so if you want to take your time using it that will be your option and the best part is you're not limited on what you purchase so you can purchase anything from your merchandise including all the way down to your groceries if you like so definitely you can buy anything you want with your device and along with your rewards in the same package you will also be receiving some paper information about our no money-saving program that will help you and your family to save a lot of money and a thousand stores reference and vacation discount so just take a look and see if you're going to benefit from it if you like a quick if not there's no problem regardless of your decision so one hundred dollars here's our failures to keep something okay so the only thing that you need to do is to cover your own processing and activation fee of your rewards which is $4.95 and it's just a one-time fee only okay just remember that yeah so where do you want me to put that on your debit or your credit and brother code data beads our MasterCard whatever it's up to you so much guys do you have right now read you right which card in the best survey Wow Oh God MasterCard I'm not sure what time I should okay okay no problem you can use your MasterCard older one has five one four zero seven zero zero zero you with me so far whoa one zero you know want scratch all that only this might be saying just I don't want the my mouth shut do a top-down saucer let's go my visa just in case my wife uses that wash your heart of that falling true zero four nine five zero one zero hmm - because you don't take the mat and it's fast right - no continue well I meant if you my American is fast no should I take notes a nice fresh good okay well just the cash let's go that's enough okay then let's go back to MasterCard to us four digits of the MasterCard that's three nine nine so that's on the master card ID is it other digits already previously okay what is the side quite now fourth digit of your card of only one four zero seven zero zero zero one zero do you want a sausage as a master code yes sure I did not complete the number yet okay I'm going to read back your MasterCard number it by one four zero correct - seven zero zero zero Josh okay and the next number is one zero yeah what is the next five eight okay and the last number is so much one you want to be sure to MasterCard although a second just checking what is the expiration date of this card 123 okay and a three-digit at the back of the card h1 MasterCard and Visa the MasterCard Visa okay okay the last three digits 979 7 to be sure that's reading at the back of your card of your MasterCard okay because I okay just five one four zero seven zero so zero one zero five eight three nine zero nine three nine zero nine okay all three okay so what you may take your card at the back of your card is nine seven two yeah okay that's it okay so what is your prize name again - go okay Wow so the last thing that I'm going to do is to transfer you to my senior supervisor on the other line they're going to read you the summary of the paper information on what is coming out to you in the mail along with your $100 here but before that they're going to say for once again your information from your first name to your card information okay okay so and also they're going to give you a confirmation so okay so please stay on the line don't ever hang up your phone no matter what so knowing of your phone I'm going to transfer you now okay here we go okay yes I think is so much building this especially Davis one of the operations supervisor how are you doing okay thank you thrashing how are you I'll be doing now I'm doing Buffy I'm doing good as well sir thank you so much for asking I'll be doing my final verification process so officially send everything I'll see you today with no mistakes and any delays and I'll be reading up see also the benefits of the program that your birth even comes along with $100 as well as the cards I mean as well as the breakdown of your gift one by one and later I want some done I'm also going to give you a confirmation number so that you have the assurance and guarantee that you will be receiving this with Norma C and can easily okay so before we get started sir let me give you a voice the customer service phone number if at 800 okay so zero three zero five six - sure 2005 thank you sure Chuck straight yet I'm told it's okay yeah it's okay sir and you don't have to be worried because that numbers will be inside a welcome package that we're going to sign up for you by the way what year were you born well yeah I sorta sighs okay so please bear with me and let's begin now for Quality Assurance purposes this call is being recorded on thirty state which is October 17th of 2017 and again this is Ashley Davis with a verification department and for the recording purposes of this call these verify here for a spanner last name trashcan what's the phrase theme Robert Robert yeah what about your last name Transco how do you spell your last name that's C isn't Roscoe any chasm Roscoe hey Roscoe install okay Oh bear fight to me also your address okay 39 bucks Trey Davenport Iowa verify also your zip code that's five to eight also and bear fight to me how do you spell your street address that's Bob straight this I thought you wasn't what it is three torrid 38 39 Josh both straight and this is a house or an apartment it's a hash and berry fight the meal yeah cuz we just planted I used to be yellow you're driving down the mailbox went black what my name is just can you spell out again y'all can you spell out again spirit three address vote sweet name yes it's book strict but just like bought but whether you want start of an a missing book you listen look look and Kevin and they decided 39 - soldier 939 Burke 3 Yosh okay hold on he said a zip code is five 3803 sorry let me let me spell it out for you Burt fellows vie for a boy correct Josh you for United is that correct rush hour for avert disaster act Josh that's poll named Adam and K for King [Music] John and then e for Edouard correct no there's no Josh so just be urk Josh just like I said okay and verify to me also verify to me also the phone number I mean your card number verify the card number which one to watch oh yeah do what American Express so the same card numbers say that you provided the MasterCard number Sherman you told him she talked to Janna same card number she talked to him I give a true different numbers she's such a huh which one do i dis only two MasterCard is only to match their ID numbers okay I want my visa on tall well she took my visa want all she said Justin tastes okay that's five one for one sure hold on hold on sir like I have here at five one four zero then the next number is seven zero zero zero but you said one zero please double check you all right it is a 7 it's kind of fit at all for my wall just seven it's the same polish missile I it is a 7 so 0 1 so 5 8 just like this outside okay let me check if he can use that yeah it let me check if you can use that Visa Card well not in my MasterCard I don't even know if it's Oh God these are Democrats and I have a Visa card enough master third one yeah go ahead read the number okay awesome okay for Joe Joe four nine five zero one oh sure sure one sure three one two eight three one three I sound okay what the great void number the first four numbers is four two zero four four two zero four is that what you said yes the first four numbers are for sure all four what about the expiration date the month and the year hmm that's fresh and a yes 11:23 eleven for anybody Josh what about the three numbers on the back of it the back of the MasterCard Visa card ma'am I mean sir oh no I'm sorry 297 - gosh okay let me verify it it's four two zero four correct gosh nine five zero one correct Josh zero - zero - correct Josh and then three one two eight correct no sorry one 331 38 oh there's a one retired that's fit it off once way one o gained more than a second sure Juanes can you please third right the double check the visa code number it seems that the code you're reading me is incorrect I know it's invalid course I'm not sure just been in my pocket is that there's a 1 or 7 maybe 137 maybe I can't quite tell no one c7 say what the same yes but I just need to make sure that everything is correct for us to make sure that you all receive this into your meal so please write the double check sir okay maybe it's three seven three try try three seven three one because I won't walk all at seven the way they printed us funny it's 3731 China doesn't work try 377 it will be still invalid okay there's a one at the end of our that is digit maybe that's a 7 because of the 731 3 7 I mean I torture the second set of numbers what says nine five zero one maybe that's a seven that's how it's we need to see them hold you know it's still invalid sir the truth yeah it's still invalid for photo you either for $5.00 you just say - just whatever right sir can we just ride the MasterCard the mess recorded you provided earlier okay I'll do that all right after I do a second okay heard us five one four zero one zero zero zero I'm sorry hon okay it's not a one that's that was a seven that's right - I didn't do these ones and sevens you can't see anything right okay sir that's five one I hope that wasn't a seven five one or seven four zero seven one zero zero zero one hope that's not a seven zero five eight swing nine nine zero I have here a 3909 oh I'm sorry no it just sucks a loser loser Nigel I have here a three nine zero nine three nine zero nine you're right twenty-nine so annoying so please double-check okay I'm looking at a pie that's hard for me to see once the servants because they they don't fight this now little line at the top I can't see it I don't have any class as that's why I wanted this long one else though huh by myself ah something glasses it's hard to really vest that one's and seven look the same sofa doesn't work just 27 were the ones are maybe it'll work yes over verify to me no the last four 909 and verify also the phrase for all need a phrase poor okay it's five one for sure or maybe it's 5 a.m. for so I can't tell for sure I have here three s five one four zero no double check it okay that's what it kind of looks like check this in my pocket Wow but you need to make sure sir because this call is being recorded I'm very not sure on the numbers that you're giving me we cannot receive it a process I'm doing the best I can okay charge one Joe Joe Joe oh no that's a southern I think seven Joe Joe Joe and you verify to me again the first four first yeah sure okay I although I also tried to double-check the address that you gave me and it shows here that this address also is not for this it address is not valid right the double check isn't right yeah the address that you're giving me yeah did you try replacing all the ones or sevenson with all the different possible College conduct combinations is there anyone we do sir no I'm on my sauce my wife's passed away what 15 years no okay I'm sorry to hear that but by the way digest that you gave me is 39 work three gosh and that was a five through eight text okay huh I'm here that's gonna die no I'm asking you to verify your address oh I'm sorry 39 bucks straight daddy I owe five - hey don't say okay but that address that you're giving me sir is invalid what I mean it's invalid that's my address I wasn't Davenport Iowa that's my zip code and that's the road I live on I mean it's invalid time valid I cannot find your address I trust you know what goodbye here defacing my time goodbye on the phone we're talking why are you here you've got a pretty voice if you like the conversation between Indian iris camera and Robo chesco please like and subscribe and leave a comment
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 30,097
Rating: 4.8897138 out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, scambaiting, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, phone call to scammer, phone call to IRS scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey, comedy
Id: t9N3r5Ha7r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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