Fun with a Social Security Scammer

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social security scammers call me this one actually happened before my last post but i guess i got mixed up when i was working on the files jack smith the same scammer as last time called me but two days later this is the prior one let's have some fun [Music] this call is from security administration the nature behind this call is to inform you about a suspension notice we've received against your social security number by the federal crime and investigation department we need to talk to you as soon as possible again this call is from social security administration and to reach our department press one call on same number i repeat press one now you have reached to the social security administration this is officer jack smith how can i help you oh i don't know you guys called and said i had to press one you guys had to talk to me what was he called about i don't know it was like you called and said i had to press one i don't know can you tell me what it's about yeah i know whom i'm speaking yes what's your name danny chasco daniel daniel chasko daniel yeah d-h-a-s-k-o yeah please verify your social security number um not over the phone in order to give you the information you have to verify your social number i i'll give you the last four digits but that's it not over the phone what is it it's one eight seven five is the last four and what's your birthday january 23rd what year 1985. all right mr just gave me a moment okay yes the reason you were the reason you were contacted today was to inform you regarding some legal enforcement actions filed on your social security and we have got an order to suspend your social security number right away from your name because we have found many suspicious yes because we have found many suspicious activities done on your social oh geez it happens to me a lot again what do you mean by again i keep getting phone calls where my socials being suspended and how long you're getting the call i i don't know i've got i got one just yesterday and i got one a couple weeks ago saying that my socials being suspended i'm not sure what i have to do about it have you did you hung up the call on the officer well i didn't hang up right away he swore first what i didn't hang up right away he swore at me first he threatened me yes because there is a case under your name and your social security i know and the investigation is still going on yeah i know so if anyone tells you that you are going to arrest get arrested because of the case file you will hang up on that i should hang up or i shouldn't will you hang up on that okay i didn't understand are you saying i should i'm not [ __ ] you will you hang up on them i'm asking you will you hang up on them if anyone tells you that you're going to be get arrested because of the case will you be hung up on them not they don't swear at me too when he said he was going to arrest me but then he said start swearing first so i knew that it was probably a little hang up it was scary i hung up because i felt like i had to take off but nobody came so i'm okay they didn't put me behind the bar so i'm all right so you want to get arrested you want to go behind by no i don't want to go behind the bar security is trying to be kind with you because we have checked your history i know that's the thai guy we have seen that your social has no other complaints in past that is the reason social security administration is trying to be kind with you and to cooperate with you but also mr tasker you need to cooperate with the u.s treasury department and with the drug enforcement administration because this is the case of drug trafficking and money laundering if you will not do that that's what i got that other guy said said something about texas i don't know but i wasn't too in texas so i don't know it was false identity actually i'm asking you to so that's why i'm asking you to cooperate with the u.s treasury department so that we can find out who is the real culprit who is misusing your information if you don't do that what happens with the task for everything has been under your name and your social security you are the primary suspect if you forward this recording and there's five people to the good house then your arrest warrant will be signed up with the investigation officer and then you will be getting arrested so do you understand what i'm saying there's an arrest warrant on me right now if you don't cooperate i have to do that you have to do what sign the arrest warrant under your name oh there isn't an arrest warrant just not yet anyways you're saying right not yet it is on hold because the investigation is still going on oh thank god it has been signed but if the officer can yes it has been signed but it is on hold because of the social security has kept your file on hold oh my god i'm getting arrested yes you will oh my god i know that's what i knew i shouldn't hung up i'm sorry i didn't know i won't hang up i didn't know there was an arrest warrant i didn't know i was getting arrested now you want to get arrested or you want to cooperate i'm going to cooperate i don't want to get arrested oh my god i can't believe i'm getting arrested i didn't do it whatever it is that you're going to say i did i didn't do it yeah so that's why you have to cooperate with the government so that we can find out who is the real culprit who is this is your information yeah we gotta find out who who did whatever it is that you're gonna tell me that they did but but you didn't tell me yet but it wasn't me i didn't do it the other person did something whatever it was he did yeah so now mr chasko you have to submit all your personal information to the u.s treasury department so that if they can differentiate what are the real assets that belongs to you okay i live in a house i live in a house right here on in state and and i have a car it's a toyota coincidentally it's a toyota corolla i know that's what you're going to say but that's what i own it's a toyota corolla it's a dependable car and and i painted it back a couple years ago okay i'm giving you details and i've got a garden i plant tomatoes and i got mint oh my god i don't know why you won't need to know all this information so that they can differentiate what are the real assets that belongs to you because if we forward the case file all these your case information to the u.s treasury department and let them know that you are not ready to cooperate they're gonna freeze each and everything that has been linked with your name and your social security oh my god my tomatoes aren't really an asset they're just tomatoes they'll go bad before so that's why you need to cooperate and you need to give all your information by saying that you are ready to cooperate okay so that you don't lose your video and cherokee purple um i also planted camparis i know it's a hybrid but i do this every year and they come out pretty good they're not quite like the original that's the information and i planted kentucky pole beans because i like pole beans more in a bush they're denser and they taste better oh my god i can't believe you need all this information what bank do you bank with you successful oh bank now okay um citibank and what's the other bank that you bank with that's it just city bank all i need is one bank and how many accounts you have in it just the one just a checking account how much you have in it oh i don't know 73 000 something like that it's not very much you don't have a saving account no i keep my money in the checking account and you have 73 000 yeah that's all have you done any investment no [Music] like 401k ira or any cds no i don't have any of that nothing that i want to talk about anyways what's your address sorry yes i imagine you are what i can be sorry you said you're sorry that's okay are you giving me the right address i think so no you don't need to think so you have to give me the right address the right one or the left one are you trying to play with me oh i'm sorry that was from my old place i don't live on anymore that's when i lived in a different part of right now it's i'm sorry i'm all choked up because they're resting you got me all scared i live on main street right now what main street main street what's the number oh five five main street something like that yeah close enough was the city name i can't believe you're still gonna arrest me what's the house number four are you trying to change your statement every time no if you knew what it was what did you ask me if you knew what it was why did you ask me a second time that's what you're doing because first you said it then you said it's four no you fight then you say now you're saying it's full well that's because i'm in a different part of my my house is very big and now i'm in a different part of my property i was at four before but now now i'm back at five but if i walk over into the other part of my i was all over the place i didn't know what i was gonna do
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 12,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey, social security, social security scam, social security scammer, scam-bait, original music
Id: 83laQjpSNX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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