IRS Scammer - Elderly Man Threatens Trespassers (animated)

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[Music] [Music] using voice-changing software I posed as an old man Rob Haskell IRS scammers are no match for this old-timer let's have some fun thank you for calling IRS how can I help you yes I just came in a bathroom when I saw mr. phone call ah what's this about caller yes what's this about so could you confirm your first name my last name so that I can pull up your record to tell you for the details I use flat wide IRS try to reach you Russian pushrod trash go Bob nah no one drop dead aside - one Rob a sneaky spell out your last name toshko Shh yes okay Oh Oh miss Trask oh just be on hold like me pull up your record all right okay hope okay thank you for all you malign mr. Trask oh no bother I check your records read receive an activation call about your unbelievable arrest Maureen which is issued against your name in the case of tax reason where you have been found as a primary subject benefited by a rock amount of taxes that's why the IRS has filed three allegations on you it has resulted in on the label risk mode okay mr. Tasco did you receive any phone call from your local police department yet no all right then do one thing grab a paper and pen and write down some important information about your case I'll go and read it I came prepared all right I saw people you know well I didn't ask for anything mister miss chocolates write down your earnest or and ID number with this one 0 0 / 3 4 9 2 a16 converts right yeah yeah then right right on the ID number is an apple C as in Charlie flash ten number seven two five three one - okay Sam how's this gonna haunt me yeah then write down my badge number my ID number i rs.450 to six pressure or this process information and open that information for your security the thing is that mrs. Haskell Internal Revenue Service has learned apparently coded on your last five year taxes and they have found that there are lots of errors like you're not paying your taxes as we go some of those error varies in amount depending on your name - or any government which is 3340 $6.23 right now which you owe to the government okay 3346 dollar twenty two aside okay okay the chocolate you know who is taking care of your taxes whoa Oh phew and when you submit your paper habitat properly and articles are you are trying any software like how can you take your it in file now you make your region safe I do i I mean ah ok we can't go up that is our handi-capable you know no you make chosen here you know you can't do this myself I can't help myself I'll shoot I'll show people okay we can't mrs. Tasca let me know I have been listing it basically how I just and all this mistakes are you not aware about the situation I wasn't aware of fact all right that is the oldest mistake from your site because mr. sad pathetic your teammates while you tactics you have to check properly then you have to submit the file the thing is that we are receiving the amount from your site but the thing is that we are not receiving the whole amount just because of those error that amount phonetic on your which you ot be gone so mr. charcoal you have two options to resolve this situation the first of you can fight the case against the government in the coat house a does for what the IRS have a six evidence against your written file once he goes the case the government going to show you for more than $45,000 as a penalty again we'll just 89 and the inside is a clear of petroleum imprisonment and the second option to resolve this situation you can simply resolve the situation to play that amount of the government all right so let me know your credential charcoal we want to take care of your taxes or do you want to go business legal way what I'm not paying now I don't think I owe it I did my own taxes I don't think I you are to first mr. Roscoe you are not going to pay that amount over default first we are also providing the or documentation with my garbage CPA my CPA explain you why you all the money what is the mistake front of you once you're the steadman certified then you have to pay that amount of the CPA right now there isn't but the right now there is an arrest warrant issued against your name so you have to follow the procedure to cancel the arrest warrant once you cancel they are a store and then I will send you the CPA I'd replace with the all legal documentation he will provide you the file are you owe the money once you understand then he can simply pay them out alright I am clear do you know I don't come no in for further alloys yeah but right but right now you have to cancel the arrest warrant to showing your intention because that is the federally recorded light with the home light security and the Sheriff Department right so you have I'm just not telling if you are if you are willing that is the onus mistake so Misha just do one thing you can appoint our best criminal lawyer can fight your case against the government but the government have a six evidence the clear evidence once you lose the case the Corbin going to show you for more than $45,000 if you want to fight the case no problem unjust would seal the legal way to signature on the arrest warrant and fax it to nearby local college situation and the power power they will arrest you and put you behind the bar for 90 days of custody then you can call your lawyer to fight a case function so can I go to the legal way to get arrest you you can try but they're not awesome yeah I got a shotgun right here I'm not trying what do you have I have your file I have diabetes and I have the rest for it if you want because I already provided option to resolve the situation oh I'm not giving you my money I forgot my torch is coracoid I'm not asking the money mr. Chow's go I'm just saying once you have your all documentation my officer explain you why you're the money okay then you have to pay the amount that I'm saying I'm not saying you have to pay that amount right now I'm just saying you have to cancel up your wrist foreing you showing your intention so that I can send you the CPA at you know stuff with the all legal documentation they will explain you why why you owe the money and what is the mistake once you understand then you have to pay okay okay so what you have to do in order to cancel the arrest warrant all right so mr. Chow's for be honest with me so that I can help you out okay so the thing is that first of all mrs. Tasca what you need to do once your arrest warrant is cancelled I will provide you the confirmation code tesselation ID of your arrest warrant all right you can keep that ID with you and right now what is the procedure you are not you are not able to pay that amount by the ANA check you over any credit card however any debit card because right now you are the criminal person in the eyes of IRS government so what you have to do you have to pay that amount by the electronic tax paying router sister knew her son Sean Michael can you let me complete let me complete look once you have your God you can once you have the voucher that taxpaying voucher you can confirm the registration code so that I guess use the email for different departments have Stasi departments Sheriff Department and homeland security department and the voucher your money will be safe in your vows or you can safely keep the voucher with you all right you and go to your home and I will send you the CPA with the all documentation they will explain you why you owe the money once you understand you can just simply hand over the voucher to the CPA and the my CPA provided the recipe all right Roger so oh I don't think so mr. shott so because I forgot my cartridge hmm permaculture but I already told you I have your file the clear evidence I will send you with my CPA at your place they will explain you then you have to pay no I do not understand I understand I don't repel I do not apply I've got I shot them listen who you are I'll shoot if you don't think so so that I can go the legal way to get your rest then we will see you in Dakota know what you said you'll see that I'll shoot my way out of that just like you oh yes you know what I washed once he lose the case the government recover that amount for any situation to seize your property and your bank account and block your social security number for in future benefit you are not getting the any benefit in future now be a coder happened young man I'm not asking the money I'm not interested in your money so much wrong do you want to lead a rescue no problem I've got a showing right here nothing about it yeah we'll ask me I've got a shotgun right here I'll [ __ ] why you shooting what's your current Oh Ashley I'm gonna [ __ ] on my head and Westman I'll shoot him how how many office only can shoot him how much bullets you have in your gun Oh a box a schmee no let me tell you that is a foolish okay sorry Judy fraud to the eye Alexi okay I'm just sending some police at your place you show emotion these come but yes you can shoot it no problem that is not my concern okay but once you behind the bar you can see the custody what is the custody have you go in the custody in the police custody do you know about the custody considered this is not a caution avowal elect let you see what is the custody after a couple of hour I will show you what is the custody custody after a couple of pepper here because I I trying to each and everything to resolve this Croatian I know he never sent I'm not interested your money mrs. ask why I'm just trying to help out because you have a reputation you know that's why I'm telling you you're a good watch I don't know I got I do each and everything your ever turn why you're the month to the documentation once you understand then you have to pay net goes it's a charge okay you are not paying that amount once you are not getting said if certified the direction of this case you don't pay any amount my CPS claim you again and again what is the mistake why you are the money once you understand then you have to pay right now you have to follow the procedure to cancel the arrest warrant you need to get the federally taxpayer ouch er once the voucher with you just confirm with of also registration code so I will shoot the registration code for different Department so then they will provide me the cancellation ID but I cannot then and then I will cancel your arrest warrant I provided the cancellation ID you can keep that ID with you but then I will send you the CPS but you said I have to pay before you cancel her front oh no you don't need to be any of them out once your rhetoric is not canceled you shout out what's right understand don't have to pay that I am said you don't need to pay that amount but you need to grab the text wave also with you so that I will send you the registration code yes you have that amount okay if you are satisfied then you have to pay first you have to cancel the arrest warrant all right octopus yes you don't need to pay I'm saying you don't need to pay that amount right now in the phone I'm just helping out where you get the tax paying voucher once you have your voucher with you your money will be safe in the voucher you can keep the voucher with you and into out reduce you have a registration code you can confirm the registration code then this is a square I will send you the send you the evils for different Department FTC Department Sheriff's Department and the Homeland Security then they will provide me the confirmation code of cancellation ID then then I will cancel your arrest warrant then I will send you the CP at your place with the all documentation then you have to pay the amount once you understand why you are the market right okay waiter you're a sentence you just said at this point I have to pay you say no no you don't I don't I don't need it you don't you say that there was some time so I just talked about you didn't just say well I understand I have to pay so that I'm said once you understand why you or the money what is the mistake then you have to say okay no no you just said once I understand I have to pay cut yep then my see add your place with the old legal documentation they will explain you why you owe the money but is a mistake once you understand then and then you have to pay I'm not saying you have to pay right now oh you're going so I'm just not going to pay it'd be cheaper bullets are cheaper than what you want you want 3246 I'm 23 cents I don't know [ __ ] I want you forever I can just shoot my way out of this just ask you I don't want any panty from your side I'm just trying to help you out to cancel the arrest warrant but you are not understand each and everything you are thinking about that you are going to pay that amount you are not going to pay that amount after - you have to send some stuff out on her son first you have to cancel the arrest warrant you have to get the voucher federally tax revolt sure let me know first of all missions mr. cha so do you have that amount in your checking account our in your saving account where is this amount oh god I know my mattress there are more not you bother I'll go home oh no no I'm not rush oh I didn't make all that money from paying I'm no pen no no I'm just informing so that I can are there because you need to get that extra federally taxpayer out you okay then because in the text I've out so you get the registration code so that I will send you the registration code to four different Department AB DC Department Sheriff Department and homeland security so let me know that amount in your checking account our you're serving saving account where is this amount with you under my mattress okay and you have any that any card how you we do that amount Wow I don't have it in a card it's in cash under my mattress okay you have in cash yeah all right I understand one car shows yes so you have a cash with you so mr. Chaco let me know there is any federally government authorized store like Walmart Target store nearby you George sure nothing we just don't help you which is store nearby you have a Walmart can happen it's a choice but let me tell you one day your your money will be saved with you shoulders when I don't know matter honey no one get your money your money may be saved with you much in the voucher in the voucher water or Akasha no my mattress I will tell you so just do one thing you can keep the cash which is three thousand three hundred forty six dollars interesting life yes you can take that cash once you have the cash just let me know and you can take do you have a car I don't you don't ok ok you can eat sugar go you can keep I beg you pardon I do have a car alright alright you can keep that cash with you and keep one pan and paper okay and one your identity keep one identity - and when identity one people and brand just let me know okay right here on the cash is on a mother mattress what do you need to do you need to reach the Walmart so how much for the Walmart nearby your place which one miniature well the ten minutes away so high your agent or do you know do you know how to book a cab I don't have a car are you have a car you can just sit in your car and take driving license okay and one paper and fat and cash with you and once you sit in your car just let me know I'm sure I will explain you first we have to cancel your arrest warrant I have not much time all right you okay I'm with you I'm be with you all line oh no watch the times I've never have to do a mr. Chow's call your money will be safe with you in the voucher show you back fold all right and we've also you got the registration code that I will sending the registration code to different Department of PC departments Sheriff Department and the Homeland Security so then in then after this tensor rest warrants to keep your private license one paper and pan and pick cash which is 3346 dollar twenty three cents and sit your car okay no I'm be online with you till your arrest warrant is not canceled function I'm not I I'm gonna shock of you so you can he went off with my attorney general alright okay we'll help you okay hello yes yes oh you call has been transferred to one of the attorneys Journal my name is Roman how are you doing today well the attorney journal who is taking care of your scale what ration run yes so uh may I know your name sir whom I am talking with can you be confirmed your full name confirmed it can you please confirm me your full name hmm Charlotte well transform okay Rob so mr. Rob I think one of my officers have explained you each and everything so you understand each and everything or you want me to explain once again I would like to return Russian okay well the thing is the IRS has done the statuary caught audit of your large pipe your taxes and we found a lot of mistakes in your taxes and some miscalculated tax amount is still pending on your name which you owe to that government and the amount is three thousand three hundred and forty six dollars which is still pending on your name control assertion which is our government yeah 20 percent penetration yeah so right now on this recorded line I want to know your clear intention regarding your case so how you want to deal with this do you want me to help you out to cancel your arrest warrant and resolve the matter outside the court house or do you want me to proceed further with a legal way by get you arrest I would like to know your last name you saw us Roman what's your last name it's Anna cen and a romance Anna sure no okay um you can sell your place if you want well I've got a shotgun right here water are cheaper and three thousand dollars sorry consume the place if you want but I've got my shotgun right here and watch a cheaper than $3,000 I'll say hard money that's what I'll rob this is the pending amount this is a misguided amount under your name because right now we check your records you have a good reputation you don't have any kind of criminal records and if you go to the government if you face any kind of legal consequence you have to pay a thousand dollars to the lawyer because he will fight a case against for you and the government will charge you more than $40,000 as a plenty which is much more than three thousand dollars so it's totally depend upon you you want to pay the three thousand three hundred for the six dollars to the government or you want to pay 40 thousand to the garnish and go behind the bars I'm not pressing here Oshiro man I can sorry I'm never going to play everything I'll shoot an effect on mr. rabe right now you are not going to pay over the phone or to me first of all we just need to cancel your arrest warrant once we can cancel your arrest warrant I will be authorized to send our government CPA the certified public accountant at your place we will come at your place he will hand over you all the documentation in black and white he will explain you wait I made the mistake then you have to break this payment to the CPA who will coming at your place you casual people ask us our understanding that I know that I owe you I believe you I'm not paying if you shouldn't cross I'll shoot on with my shotgun Rob you are not you're not you cannot break the law this is the law are you are understand you want me to help you out or not where you can just say just close that so nobody got shot you all these amounts to the government you have two babies Amma yes you have to pay this amount to the government not to me I just only guide you how you can pay and I will help you out to cancel the rest warrant the brush where you can control just clearing it up coz I'm a parent so do you have this amount with you to pay to the CPA oh my gosh and that's what extent right there under my dad is a mod sorry I've got my shotgun right with me right now so so comment don't worry yessiree I'm not paying so you don't want me to help you out you want to go behind the bar I will go with my brows a scent of water water wash better oh whatever Rob I will promise you you will be definitely behind the bar in next 40 minutes okay if you are not paying three thousand three hundred forty six dollars aibum I'm sending the cops at your place you get your rest and I promise you within 40 minutes you will be behind a bar and you are BIA behind the bar wonderful next night upcoming ninety days without any bill how do you know when just fire fire you say you're just assuming that I can't show while we're at us I will shoot my way out of us like a Wild West right macho you know so you want to pay or not that so you want me to proceed further with a legal way by get urs butanol okay no problem then just wait just simply hang up this all and just wait for next 40 to 50 minutes okay well show everyone children yeah just hang up this call and I will see you in that pottery workshop now I wanna try and sign when we work something out here and just we can easily understand me I'm going to answer just for engine solver so you can hear what I really sound like and have you ever heard the word scam baiting thirty minutes of your time have you ever heard the word scam baiting that's thirty minutes of your time I just wasted between you and your partner and crime first - what are you guys mean but let things are you're reeling you're so stupid up the trap Robin is handli the simply hang up this calls and just wait for like 40 to 50 min look mom and I will let you know who I come on we both know this as a scam come on do one thing hit like button and now do one thing hit subscribe and leave a comment
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 48,085
Rating: 4.8971429 out of 5
Keywords: animation, cartoon, funny, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, original, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, african scammer, prank call, crank yankers, scambaiting, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey
Id: 8GuglsshRR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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