IRS Scammer - Sny

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[Music] all right how can I be yes I guess it's a message on my answering machine said I had to call you back and that you've filed some kind of an allegation against me and when you do receive a call it was this morning I'm guessing a few hours ago right I believe that might be one of my officer was trying to call you can you just help me out with your first name so that I can go ahead and pull out the records for you and I'll let you know what is the reason of this book yes it's Robert Downey we're all but down just give me a moment all right your first name is Robert yes and your last name is no can you just fill out it for me do W and E why the or W and ey yes and what the current record mr. Danny is nine eight zero eight one nine eight zero eight one right correct alright just give me a moment I'm just looking at the record why my official audio who are you this is officer Nathan Benson from the Department of IRS recent pencils one of my yeah one of my officer was trying to call you I'll let you know what is the reason of this huh I'm just looking for the information can you tell me who it was that was trying to call me oh he was one of my officer right now he is not here might be he was trying to call you up and like I can see into my records that this is regarding your federal taxes which have been found incorrect under your name Oh what I dunno like do you file your federal taxes every single year mr. Downey yeah yeah every year hi Pam and and like alright so like how you how you was finding a federal Texas by an accountant CPA TurboTax oh boy hunting a federal Texas I've reached H&R Block H&R Block mr. Downey H&R Block it's like online text paying system whatever the entering no sir you what yeah whatever whatever the imaan you enter into the system they will accept it H&R block its online takes being a system sir no it's not no then what is it it's they're attached from her Paris you drive their to their shop and they do your taxes it's not online you're thinking TurboTax TurboTax is online about you all fighting by w2 is form right I have to give them my W tools you are filing a text by 1099 form right no I don't fill out 1099 all right so you don't file the 1099 you're just showing into my system that the texts which have been filed under your name it was well incorrect it wasn't accurate the one which you have to file into your fertile Texas the m1 was filed in correct under your name what was the mistake and there have been a transposition of a number it means like this is for the year of 2014 to 2017 which have been miscalculated under your name it means that for the year of 2014 to 2017 the real amount which you have to come up with into your federal taxes was five thousand two hundred and eighty seven dollar instead of filing $5,200 your takes person have five $2,500 that is the math calculation which have been done under your name but due to that reason the government if you say are you saying I only paid twenty-five hundred yes that's correct you only come up with $2,500 and the reason the government is thinking when to defraud the government of United States I paid thirty thousand in taxes this year alone so as I can see into my record that there is a miscalculation which have been done under Union it wasn't filed accurate which you have to come up with that's the reason right now you're facing of legal charges and the Union because the text has been filed incorrect under your name I can prove I paid $30,000 five hundred and only oh five thousand two hundred but you saying that I only paid two thousand five hundred I know how much I paid and it wasn't two thousand five hundred all right now as I understand that you are trying to save me that you paid 30,000 but as I can see clearly into my eyes rickets when he was filing a text your text P or like it should have go for turbo text they didn't file that takes correctly there have been a discrepancies which have been done under your name and due to that reason there is still an amount which is outstanding under your name five thousand two hundred and eighty seven dollar which is outstanding under your name okay okay yes so right now I just want to make sure have you done this intentionally to defraud the government or it was a mistake well I'm not sure where the mistake was yet I mean you're saying I didn't pay but did H&R block filling the wrong the mouse or something because paid a lot of money are you eating food I understand I understand what you are trying to say me all right but that right now the point is like we are proceeding this matter inside the courthouse with a legal procedure okay so what is their intention what you want to do well I can send you a check how do I make that l2 by RS do one thing you can have a word with one of my officer alright can just let him know just give me a moment hello yes yes hello hi yes they're my eye I hope yes I'm good I hope my Opeth are in charge with explaining you each and everything right there's Nathan babe Benson okay so am but right yes and who are you Robert the Department of Treasury my name is Jim Garrison Jim Garrison's prob yes so do you have your case ID number sir no he didn't give me chase ID number okay just for the line let me fill out mr. robot okay oh man oh oh file your taxes in a lot five-year can I get that case ID number first yeah okay do have a pen and paper with you right now I do that's why I wrote down Nate Nathan Benson and Jim Garrison I'll write it down right underneath that case ID imagine that's important if I call you back right okay your teeth ID number is a t he isn't charlie each day kids in the Hattie just read it oh well that's read it I'll see seven dick tip on do dig on nine nine five 500 who told SCH seven six two nine five volt Oh sir if I'm sound like you're trying to rush you but this is long distance yes sir okay go ahead this is your case I right now the IRS found out mistakes on your text files which is the year of 2014 to 2017 yes you're repelling you're repeating everything that Nathan Benson said but I told you this is long distance so can we speed this up so I can just get your check and I know Nathan said I that he's gonna pass me to you so I can send you a check and where to send it okay who are you metal before I let you go an investigation on your case so are you aware about your amount which is depending on your text file yes there's five thousand two hundred and eighty seven dollars I'm writing the check out right now but who do I send it out to there right now the IRS contacted Germany because you're a primary right now are you my money is not good enough for you you're big enough to accuse me but my money is not good enough for you you want to take payment sir we can't accept your amount from the higher oil can't accept your money right now because you're a primary the fit right now we're gonna get two lawyers a fool instead you know if you want to hire let me know one thing what is their intention what you wanted you right now do you want to resolve this case or do you want to fight against the IRS I guess to resolve our I'll get a lawyer and force you to take the money a lawyer can force you to take that money if I'm trying to pay you you have to accept the payment if you were to pay that amount and you have to pay this over this quiet fully monitored and recorded online because right now if you have to pay this amount by yourself because IRS can't accept your money okay I will I got a debit card right if you are each off the debit card okay it's three seven nine zero one nine six six six seven one eight six two two okay and I repeat for me yes sir yes three o'clock nine seven one six six seven six one five two 0-7 the right now your card details with me my receipt you know what to say yeah no no no sir I want to the that your right person so I don't need your car details right now if you interfere I was standing amount back to the IRS so you have to pay with a EFTPS do you know the meaning of the EFTPS sir no EFTPS means electronic factual text Eamonn system which is you have to pay due to IRS hey do you have to take won't fit you do you have attacked alternate route you with you right now I don't know what that is like the alternate process which is you have to pay to the EFT velvety the electronic federal tax payment if you have to register your text well choose on your name I use my debit card to buy these online these vouchers can I just debit card to buy these things online perchik if you wanted yes you have yes sir you have to buy this voucher from your site in this over this fact fully monitored and recorded online so do you have well okay I'll buy it okay I can buy these vouchers off of you on this recorded phone line yes let me give you my card numbers zero hello I don't need your credit card numbers you have a car out there it's a debit card I don't need you yeah I will choose off of you hello you can't buy for me you have to buy into a government authorized to a government authorized or whatever well the store say that it's government authorized on a sign yep it's a nearby to you which is I will locate it for you if you want okay do you know the government or Estonia by you which is a fee vs Walmart Target yeah we got target but that's the regular store that's on that government store that's just a regular store there's a department store you can go groceries and Anna alcohol and they got beer there and a lot of things it's not a government store yet it's a preview and store yes you have to buy the gift card which is the Google Play card you know the Google Play card yes yes I seem there yeah yes you have to buy a go Google Play code which is $500 each $500 you have to need to buy Google Play card sugar from the Walmart from the Walmart so and I will register that vouchers on your name so what I need eleven of them do you have to get ready to get the Google Google Play card to John Yarmuth nearest authorized oh okay so right now you to this in this fat early monster recorded online so can you can you get ready to get the card thank alternate vouchers which is the tact alternate cultures well we have a Walmart right here in Syracuse so I could take right off okay so can you get ready to get the car sure sure okay it's not that far Oh get ready to okay so let me know where are you right now I'm in my living room I can grab my keys slow okay and you want me just go to the car and take off yes get ready to get the car right now right to let you read the parking lot is just let me know okay I'm bringing my phone with me of course yes you have to bring with your phone okay yeah with you okay I am in my wallet and get a lot driving license ID proof the pen and paper with you I I brought this this paper with me I'm getting in my car real balls we're talking I brought this paper because I want to make sure that I have all your information I want to make sure that when I get inside there I can give them the information to let them know what I need so I'm in my car you let me take off yes all right when you reach the parking lot just little okay all right I'm on the road okay when you reach the parking lot just let me know okay okay in a third party I'm pulling in okay okay I'm here I'm still in my car though let me head in okay this is agent to your car okay let me tell you one thing you have to buy a Google Play card okay you have to buy a Google Play card which is a $500 you have to take it then Google Play card which is each of $500 okay okay not sure if you're doing some bad weather but it takes 11 of them just a little bit Mather it takes 11 to cover five thousand two hundred and eighty seven dollars it will take eleven google play cards yes yes I know that I will do that for you but let me know what you have to buy 10 Google Play card which is the each of five hundred dollars upload the money to the Google Play card which is the five hundred dollar and one Google Play card you have to buy two hundred and eighty-seven dollars yeah that's kind of what I just said okay and one we will play card which is you have to get the two hundred and eighty seven dollar oh yeah and that's what you said now we both said we're both saying the exact same thing yes you don't have okay this is a loving heart because you have to buy 2287 dollar okay I'm saying four or five times and let me tell you one thing when you get the car when you purchase the car don't tell them you for the IRS if you tell them for it was for IRS they will charge you per card $200 I don't want to do that yes okay so go inside the store and if they ask for the card for just tell them it's for your personal use okay all right okay just go to the car to go inside slowly get the car and when you when you get the car just let me okay okay okay I'm going out now excuse me okay no come excuse me ma'am could you tell me where to google play cards are okay aisle three all right thank you noise for my own personal use I don't know terrine no no it's not no I'm not it's nothing to do with the IRS it's for my own use yes okay I need 11 of these thank you okay I'm back in my car okay yeah okay did you see the card back panels we just crash crash panel did you see the crash panel hi this is against air I have to UM I'm gonna contact our H&R block because she said something about um that this could be a scam she said this it that uh do you see she said to some about Indians are doing this scam and they're having us by Google play cards and if there are so many of them yet but I believe that if you think it is just cam if I ask you for the debit card credit card for your detail I asked you for that I was willing to give you my debit card details but I already told you I don't need your debit card or credit card eaten and go do that I want how are you if you don't get any tea here details I don't need you're not going to pay this amount right now I will arrange the meeting tomorrow back to Alfea my p.m. my officer in charge will be coming at just those tape and he will take T the barcode did you see the barcode on this Google Play card I had him in my hand but I put him back on the shelf but I do remember seeing a barcode yes sir as a barcode on it is right on the back yes officer in charge will be coming at your doorstep he will take the card and he will scan and take off the money from you and they will serve you all the documentation okay I don't know sir an arrest warrant on me I don't remember yes all the documentation paperwork regarding this case they will curve you or in front of you take a money from you okay and after that they will show you all the paperwork so so you wouldn't need to right now after the paperwork I will cancel the earliest warrant okay come on now I'm just word yesterday after right now I am just doing your treasure in your card to your name travel update is all the card to your name okay so they're not a race meets Raven no they will not rescue the PI will cancel the arrest warrant right now well if they see me today though will they arrest me today yeah no no they will come at your doorstep they will take the money from you into your home they'll come at your home devilish they will take the voucher from you visit Google Play card they will take Google Play card from you okay I'm gonna do you a big favor I'm gonna do your group a great big favor I'm gonna go to the bank and just pull out five thousand two hundred and eighty seven dollars so when they come tomorrow I'll hand them the money in cash ah that makes you half a doughnut getting cash sorry sir but they can't accept your money right now if you want to say is going to resolve this case you have to do EFTPS yeah no tomorrow you know wanted to take I told you that they can't accept our money from you why not if you want to pay that it is the way because you have to resolve your case because if your outstanding amount so if you cannot your attack if they're coming your way is to get paid why can't you just take cash I'm gonna give you cash how is cash not better than these stupid Google play cards because it will be the way because you can pay your outstanding amount how are you even gonna get money out of google play cards tell me how you gonna get money out of them I will register right now your all the card on your name and they will scan barcode tomorrow by your front in front of you okay and they will take the money from the barcode oh but but I'm not gonna do it like that I'm gonna wait um till you guys come to my house tomorrow and I'll see ID do you guys all have to UM give me ID and show me your badges and then uh just so that I know that this isn't a scam I know you're not trying to scare me this way I get to see your ID right now if you want to do feeling like that then I will just hang up the call and I will is accurate that I just want or nothing because this is the last way because you can pay your outstanding amount because you are just a crime loo right now because your primer is a sec right now what am I suspected of I'm a primary suspect of what because because you are doing a text for that reason this is the V if you didn't pay your outstanding amount of which I'm willing to Google all you can take you can search in a Google also which is the ESP yes if you want ya EFTPS golf maybe which you can get there from IRS guv yeah yeah I know and I get also you are right there is a place that you can pay with a check and that way at least I know that to IRS is getting it and my swag I know I live how can I know that you're not scamming me I know that there's a scam out I'm not I mean you sound Indian are you Indian hello did you know that this is long distance for me and you put me on mute you're making me waste my money on long-distance phone calls by keeping me on meal Oh a tray it's not long distance any place in United States that's good okay so if you think you have come then you can just wait for 45 minutes okay Britain of your officer was coming at you wait we've been on the phone for 32 Oz why why would it take 45 minutes for the Syracuse please to drive to Syracuse but he will coming at those do that right now okay well why would it take 43 minutes they live five minutes down the road why would it take 45 minutes for a Syracuse police to drive to something problem because you work on vdr okay okay how about if I just draw these Syracuse I'll see if there's an IRS let me just start up my car and find out who knows maybe they're not even on their way I will right now I will contact them and I will send off with rotate this hang of the line another eye I am thinking it's a scam and I'm driving to the state police right now to find out to see if it is okay when I go to the booth okay okay just go to the bullet faces right I am too so I'm done I'm driving to the state police are now open okay and transitive called bullet officer will you stay on the water will you stay on the line while I get there yeah okay yes yes I was like okay good they won't take me too long to get there okay I'm pulling in right now hit like and subscribe or I'll see you soon [Music] and leave a comment [Music]
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 77,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, scambaiting, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, phone call to scammer, phone call to IRS scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey
Id: PwYjOpD7sz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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