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yo guys what's up scammer vaults here and today we call this scam called dizzy store Co not to be confused with dizzy store calm because there is one belt called calm but yeah dizzy store Cove basically we find this is the real email of the owner of this scam so I'm gonna get in contact with PayPal and see what I can do um maybe send them this invoice link or something but or you just send up the phone over to emails but yeah I'm gonna see what I can do regarding calling PayPal and see what they can do to help me to do it yeah well yeah so we basically find the the name of the person but I tried looking up to see if I can find their Facebook page or something like that but there's too many people with this name I can't I can't say who it is because there's way too many people um what's his name I thought it was a guy's name at first but fairly it's a girl because he said she and yeah but this video is pretty crazy and I think you tell by the title this guy is pretty stupid too yeah so if you guys want to give this video like just definitely give it a like if you liked it and also check out my Twitter you know I but uh I mean I tweet a lot of cool stuff he's on my everywhere today so you should definitely follow my Twitter but other than that I will see you guys next time I hope you enjoyed the video and oh yeah text me tonight comm check out the forum alright peace hello yes your body right yeah anybody yeah I took so how can I put it on yeah I've got a message to call this number okay are you getting cook ever learning computer are you getting from around here okay can you be that the tell me on the tail that what's written under our error is a number numerical one automatic one like what is exactly written on the address so that so that I just can justify the what is happening to us and says do not ignore this critical there if you close this page your computer access will be disabled to prevent further damage to our network [Music] okay so actually what I will do that I'm going to get in lot air computer and then a quick diagnostic to your to figure out the root of the issue from there okay so so you need to do is follow some I in productivity writer yeah I am okay so that you have to do is literally di lookie any keyboard yeah okay I pulled it to that there will be a full black key ended yeah okay you'd have to press full flat key and along with that you have to press are okay okay I thought what is popping in front of you says run okay now you have to type it it let's go Henry it's more handy space it okay yeah so it's it's it's space it and click into okay okay so now what come again do okay so weird excellent written oppose it at that deal will be a question mark of yellow garage it yeah yes ok now click that ok know what is showing up okay so are you uh are you see I'll jump to URL yeah okay just go to it jump to you model okay now you have to type w-w-w-w-w-w-wait dot-com support me I'm sorry for that it's Hupp ort the booth dot me MP o support dot M II sorry yeah still WPW okay no so I click to Google now yeah it coming to down some things is nothing that is now it's still loading the page okay okay do you have a Janette connection right yeah okay so it's good big-time I guess it will be asking for a code a six digit code then after that you'll be asked to download the app another land hello yeah does it happen that by says LogMeIn rescue by log man support connection okay yeah did our people dip digit code yes okay type five one four eight five one four eight five seven five seven yeah and download uh yeah and then now just download the app click start down yeah let me know when the download will be finished and make the run file what do you mean I mean that you have to run the file as well and it gets downloaded a somebody else where it says friend save and cancel at the bottom well what it three says run save and cancel you have to learn it click all the positive icons you are showing this much might be yes allow user access Bondi bring up a box here try over it you can watch it is on the box okay yeah yeah I'm getting it let me just see once each you like this will be bars over you have to talk with it the pocket on it goes back now I'm getting logging tear from I didn't think connecting with and be peacekeeper okay okay yeah it says window tech with like access to your computer you know I'll be diagnosing the computer so so I just about server for your view I'll be taking the watch Solomon going down do I click okay yeah [Music] no no I'll be looking to your computer okay okay now you did you sit at the part and just relax and the hello you are the transfer you yeah the transferring your causes a senior technician will be helping you now okay also had to hit this number of my tutor you guys should definitely follow my twitter at schemer volts real spicy so what what's wrong with that thank you for holding the line this site John the Senior Technician how are you doing today sir I'm doing okay all right okay so sir I just got your file here and I can see it screen in front of me so first of all I just want to know that sir what kind of problem you're facing I got this message here see this okay all right all right this is the first time you're getting this kind of message yeah all right no problem let me check that okay give me a moment please so okay so first of all I just want to know that sir like are you only the one who's using this computer or someone else also use this just me it's my personal computer can you hear me sir yeah it's just me my personal computer did you make any kind of recent changes before getting this message no not really I barely use my computer so far today let me check that okay I'm going to diagnose your computer first so it will help me out so let me all right I'm going to check here all the drivers first first quality know very well that drivers are the backbone Orkut divides okay drivers like a virus of an engine of the car you can also say that so if the drivers is not working so your computer is not working properly I'm going to check your all the drivers which is very important so these are your system drivers okay you can see this yes okay here's the problem now you can see that I'm going to highlight these things you can say this did you stop all these drivers or this automatically it stopped here because most of the important drivers are currently stopped here okay you can see this and then start sending your thumb and these are the most important drivers which has your computer running good or these are linking this is the drivers for your important application or important software so and what I can see here your most of our drivers are completely stopped it means there is something wrong on your computer or my opinion network which is making unwanted changes with your drivers or with a ok programming ok so I'm going to figure out what kind of problem it is so we will fix that out okay me a moment please what are my drivers my character something yes most of the drivers are completely stopped it means that something is wrong on your network or might be on your computer which is making unwanted changes with the drivers or with your computer programming can you can you hack them back so they can work again sorry can you hack them back so they can work again to fix it yeah of course we will yeah we will we'll fix that problem okay but first of all I need are going to check that that where these are coming from so once that will be fixed so you will not fit any kind of problem in the future okay it's gonna hack my drivers to fix some guys so okay can I have your post name please sir yeah Tommy okay what's all this stuff these are like I'm going to I'm going to open the logbook off your computer who will make all the records which is happening on your computer okay so let me check it out first who makes the who makes records like I'm going to opening your logbook off your computer who will make all the records it is happening on your computer I thought I said Google makes like now you can see this first of all the number of even 433 and you can see the date and the time is I'm going to maximize this just give me a moment you can see I'm going to show you from here itself if you see this warning theater the warning warning warning and you can also see the date and the time as well so these are the Holly intensity infection which already taken a control over off your computer programming file and they already start making changes with your drivers and also with your other computer programming and this is yes someone trying to enter your home network and they are trying to find something on your like computer or whatever you are searching on the internet because it happens when you use internet when you work online you know very well that most of the unmowed when you click on the unwanted links websites are add something like that it only comes from there ok so when they enter your whole network they will start they will start making changes with your drivers or computer programming and also whatever thing you are doing on the computer like internet search thing or something else alright this is that this will also affect that thing as well so this is the main problem you're facing you can see this 433 errors and the warning and it comes not only from today you can see this oh my god it is too much we need to remove all these things and also we need to put the security on it so nobody can enter your home network node to the hacked one star drivers yes that is this is the main problem just in a moment I'm going to run the small scan here okay on this scan is complete I'll get the results on my GPS that what kind of problem you are facing okay okay okay now now you can see this the foreign address like from the outside someone trying to enter your network you can feel it yes these are the foreign address okay okay and right now they are online and there okay let me first of all let me secure our connection from our side okay okay give me a moment so hits one the whispering again this you talking yes together she's in the user directory that's like there you go not working out he wants a toy he's typing yeah like what exactly you are doing on the computer when it's happening sir I just look at some news websites okay [Music] yeah okay all right so first of all just okay all right so these are the things which we need to be fixed okay first of all the infection the errors which you are getting on your network and also I have the drivers we need to update all the drivers and we need to remove all these messages like we need to stop the hacking website from a website or links from your network okay and my turn is to write all right he or if yes because sir I can see here it is not only on the computer it is on your network it means whatever the device which is connected at this moment on you're at your home that is also may be affected with this kind of problems okay so this is a serious problem because you are getting this infection on your network not only on your computer okay so whatever to think if you are doing if you like if you are searching for like for you can also say that the searching websites or if you are going to purchase something online okay but if you put your card details or something like that that is also maybe you will also fail is a big problem with that okay so we need to fix all these problems so I'm going to first of all I'm going to open the notepad for you so I can write down each and everything okay okay all right first of all can you please have them can you please write down your name in the phone yeah can you please write down your full name all right and can you please write them in your data both Twitter and your email address as well okay really slow okay all right okay so these details here and I'm going to write down what we need to be big cleanup and tuna optimization do you have any security on your neck and on your on your computer or on your network sir I'm not sure okay we need to give you the network security on your network which is very important right now for your all the devices it is at your home okay and all right let me check more things I'm going to check your older relatives it is provided by the Microsoft Corporation okay and you can you can see this there now here's the you can see this your all the services you most of the services I'll stop here okay are you weird about this er no are those ones not - yes these are also infected so it seems like there is something big any network which is humming you're not a network and also your computer programming so we need to also update the Microsoft software okay all right right now these are the things which we needs to be done okay and first of all and it all these all these all these take like one are to come out to fix all this problem alright so and also let me clear this thing see you sir these are the like cleanup and tuna and optimization and update drivers remove all the infection and update Microsoft socket is all are not be like you know you do not need to pay anything for this but for the network security which this will because this is a software which is a fixed by the technician manually on your network okay right and this is the signature security for your all the devices which is at your home right now and this will this network security will stop all that bad stuff outside from your network which they are trying to expect okay so this is the security which you have to pay for that okay and for this network security I will show you these are like plans for this I will show you all the point okay give me a moment first of all there are three types of line for one year okay one year of network security and the second one is three years of network security and for lifetime okay so these are the three plans for one year you will get like me a no sir how many devices I care home for computers I just have one computer you just have one computer okay and the way you have a cellphone yeah - okay so give me a moment for one year it will be like for two years it will cost four sites for three years it will cost you three 49.99 and for lifetime it will cost you four 99.99 and let me clear this thing to you sir this is for like with for one year but every year and for a lifetime this with this you will also get the technical support for that much of period of time if you go for lifetime this you will get the technical support for lifetime and if you go for three years you will get the technical support for three years of technical support three of course like if you will get any kind of problem with your computer with a network you can call I will help you out with the number you can call on the stare at that number directly and I will give you the reference number you can call you can provide that reference number so you will get the support without any cause okay numbers I will show you so like you first of all so which plan you have to go with that so then I can transfer your screen to our technician so they can start fixing the problem taking that put the network security on your network change the turret go to lifetime man a lifetime okay so give me a moon please just give me a moment for lifetime okay okay what's the number you said sorry like you write it on a piece of paper here okay all right so like just give me a moment so I'm going to transfer this call here's the billing department so they will help you out the procedure all the processor and then they will transfer your screen to the technician so they can start their work for one for like it takes like one in our two hours to complete fix all these problems okay so just yes of course they will write down each and everything for you stay on line okay [Music] so that was loud so now I'm getting transferred to the billing department my better they better send me the I'm gonna be mad damn phone so this apparently being transferred this is what being transferred to sleep quiet psyche thank you so much for staying online you're speaking Victor I'm from the building team how are you doing today I'm sure it seems that you are facing some of the network issues with your computer so we would go ahead and install the Microsoft network security onto it and it was burning clean up all these things from your netbook and make it safe and secure for you all right okay now may I know sir how would you like to pay for it since the charges would be $499.99 so how would you like to pay for it debit card Oh you said that I could you give me the toll-free number so I can write it down yeah then I would give you all the details possible okay well what's the number it want it or you force them into it four point four three thick don't okay all right now full registration I would require your first and last name that appears on your card it's Tommy Williams my name is okay Tommy Williams come on sorry all right how about the email address that you would like to register of the account it would be the same you have me below all right and the phone number that you would like to register it would be the same number that you're calling from yes all right so the number is 4 0 1 3 1 4 9 2 6 2 correct yes I'm sorry about it yes going to give me a second you get that yes all right how about the billing address where you receive all your bills your home address on the chippy voluble 46 Sherman Lane Middletown geek spelled out for me it's Sherman Lane Jimmy yes Sherman Lane Middletown okay hit good it's Middletown City Rhode Island all right and further zero to a 4-2 venture and the total amount that will be charged on the corner card will be $499.99 so what card would it be would be a Visa or MasterCard Visa Visa can I get the long 15 digit card number oh you know we don't do it you like a website hey you guys don't have like a website you do it here yes sir we would go and definitely do that give me a second I will send you the email recipe where you can go ahead and make the payments from the email all right would that be okay okay sure just give me a second so can I go ahead and send you all the details on your meal for that I need to go and place your call and hold for a month would that be okay okay sure just hold the line first okay so I'm guessing right now he's just gonna literally write out an email and make it look like a website or something so this is gonna be curious Ceri interesting interesting I have the email of into the chrome on here so throw away account for scammers I don't think it there it is the bottom surface can network not secured yeah he's probably literally just typing up in email right now he's gonna send it it's nicely gonna be you're just sending it to you out so I get either these guys don't just they just really don't want to show me the website they don't have one but they're sending it from their website email that I'll be able to see that in the email obviously so and if they sent it from a personal email don't have their personal email address would be very good for him but will be good for us hello I guess I'm still on hello it's really not a sin you try to say hello okay get a talk or something but I guess while we're sitting here there's something a channel just I'm not gonna tweet about it I think cuz I'm 6ks relief the next week milestone but we just had five thousand nine hundred subscribers we're currently at like five thousand thank you so much for staying online trend and in what has been sent or what you mean right so I need a question to please open up your email on my emails my Chrome ok don't need a comb mmm give me one second negative leave the mouse for a minute did you send it yes I've already sent it did you send it to the right email yeah Tommy Lee's 42 you have a check again did you send it to the right one yes sir I have send it to the right one it's Tommy boomers 42 oh yeah give me a second okay today sir so invoice updated you and pay noise click on pay $4.99 and you have to pay with a debit or credit card correct you know what's now so paypal is the merchant it is a merchant from which we accept payments all right you might hope the name of PayPal which one of the biggest accounts in the world for receiving payments biggest accounts yes what happens is we have a merchant with paper it is a merchant through which we charge money all right okay right like you get the money transferred into your bank account we get it transferred to basil and then they transfer to us they are our merchants all right so you need to go ahead and fill in the card numbers that you would like to make the payments list it's $4.99 okay let me get my just give me a second all right you can fill the card number okay wait wait for second service for city no please go ahead and fill in the card on this and how long did you say it was gonna take for the technician to do that there's a place around close to 35 to 40 minutes right and Maxim above 120 minutes tops two hours minimum it takes at least 40 minutes okay oh wait I need to make sure it's right right you need to go down as well at the bottom you also need to enter your phone number again all right so once you scroll it down at the bottom you would be able to see your phone number [Music] the bottom move down at the bottom they could ask you for your phone number here it is here it is it leaned into your mobile number sure you don't have to put the waiver secondly you don't have to put it you just need to enter the numbers okay now go ahead and put it all right sure go down at the bottom and click on accept payment be at the bottom look at the very bone hey now no no and click on play now that's wrong right you can go back at the bottom and all right and click on ok all right sir let me make update it for you ok it won't get updated from there I need to get it updated so I would send you the new updated received all right give me one second so it's Middleton practice Midd le then town okay and it's here to eight for to correct yeah not zero three eight zero two eight four two all right do you want to take it it's forty got it alright jerks I have again send it across to give me a second you hear me say yeah somehow yes sir please click on pay $4.99 $4.99 yeah okay no what's the option you bring up that menu again okay so if you computer connected to internet yes access it says internet access Canadian accent Internet access sir but I'm disconnected from the computer due to some reason items on life just check the internet connection one more time okay okay can you open up Google Chrome at the top you will see the option where you need to open up a web site alright alright the goal for you is two two eight two zero six click on start download and you need to go ahead and run the file alright you take on groups and download yeah it's not doing at my end I asked you a question sure is your name Raji no check that mr. Jordan II who's Raja sir she's the owner of the account changes paper change imagine does she have facebook sorry does she have facebook my daughter she's the more ginger but does she have facebook three that's your face right I'm sorry sir I'm not getting your voice does your Facebook it's those done yeah what can I ask you something yes sir are you guys trying to scam people diseased or dark oh he hung up yet dizzy storico he hung up a beanie he was like ah but but if we go to this invoice details here as you can see here busy store dizzy store is what they call it here's a phone number which I don't know if I could try and call this with like I don't know what service or never know out but I'll try and call that number and then we got services at busy store Co this website which leads to dizzy stored at XYZ but service is offered and this is number seven so if we go to this invoice is this number number seven so yeah this is very interesting for engine and a five hundred dollars that's a real person named I looked it up on Facebook and there's quite a few accounts by that name and I can't find anything that relates to the website but might be able to do a search history but I'm not sure I can't really find too much yeah I searched in some in Chinese comes up so but yeah um sure I don't I can't say you know that without any proven evidence because there's quite a few of these profiles I can't say oh this is that person obviously you know that'd be that'd be really up in it if it wasn't them in YouTube's a little privacy thing they'll start whining about that but yeah there's there's too many profiles but yeah so that's this is their PayPal account here what it looks like so I'm gonna call PayPal and see what they can do about it maybe we can get their account shut down that really up their day what did it um yeah and uh maybe I'll call this number and I have a chat with her you know but yeah other than that I hope you guys enjoyed this video um I did post them the the pop-up on Twitter you know if you guys want to follow my Twitter I'm pretty active on there you know sometimes I post pop-ups updates from you know live videos and stuff so you guys just definitely check out my Twitter and like I said we're at five thousand nine hundred subscribers so we're on our way to 6k and yeah um I guess I will see you guys later peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 62,474
Rating: 4.8885016 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, stupid, scammers, Pro, scambait, event, rage, msinfo32, scambaiting, Exposed, SCAMMER HACKS MY WINDOWS DRIVERS, +1-844-454-3626, ScammerRevolts, Scammer Revolts, SR, SRArmy, SCAMMER GETS DESTROYED, SCAMMER ARGUMENT, SCAMMER NUMBERS, scammer numbers 2018, scammer fights the hackers, scammer hacker fight, scammer vs the hackers, scammer hacks my computer, scammer hacks my pc, my pc hacked by scammer, scammer exposed, scammer gets scammed
Id: 0QmpQTEzfz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 14sec (3554 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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