Destroying a scammers PC! + Reaction [MEMZ]

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another job you're so stupid you're so stupid you can't even scam you just got your computer destroyed idiot yo guys what is up scammer vaults here today I am bringing eyes another banger of a video we're coming out hard man 2020 is gonna be crazy you know there's a lot of stuff going on right now but we're gonna make the best experience that we can out of it and we're just gonna have some freaking fun you know what I mean so yeah I hope you guys can enjoy this video this is a crazy video and this guy gets very pissed at the end I even had to censor out some parts because some of the things he was saying I just can't have on YouTube so but this is it is a definitely fun video this is I've had such a good time making this video so yeah but before it starts if you guys have like scammer numbers and stuff instead of putting them in the comments if you go to text you Marie Snyder comm it's always in my description you could post numbers there and then other people can see them and they can scam bait them or people who are just looking up numbers can find it and know that it is a scam in turn saving other people from getting scammed so yeah and also my Twitter and discord those are in the links below too but yeah other than that I hope you guys enjoy this video like I said this is a banger I know you guys are gonna enjoy this I know you guys are gonna enjoy so yeah leave a like on this I don't know I've never said like oh this gets like 2 K 3 K likes let's see what we could get it but yeah other than that I hope you guys enjoy a sweet know I know you guys are gonna enjoy this video yeah I hope you all having a good day but I know you're gonna enjoy this video I will see you guys in the next one peace now what do you see let me see here it says hold on and types of around there it's a b c d the @ symbol 1 2 3 you said yes hello yes ok did you type it twice now scroll that what option do you say okay what option do you see at the bottom I see it says apply and cancel click on apply okay now what do you see click on yeah okay hello all right do you see your computer screen do you see what that says when did you from where did you get this do you see what that says yes yeah do you don't don't do that what are you doing huh what happens there's nothing you could do now huh what what are you doing I'll open your Google open your Google you see this man John where's all your stuff huh not sure what your computer's not gonna take that God huh if you can restart it all you want it's not gonna turn back on now keep watching keep watch it's gonna happen you know what's gonna happen when you turn it on it's gonna show a picture of a hug oh look it's looking up half life what he restarts it it's gonna show the cat up clicking as fast as I can so he can't oh now it says how to remove MEMS oh gosh I think it's starting a lag I think it's starting to lag bad I think it started the leg really bad look I'm trying to click it as much as I can Oh get rekt his computer's so slow I wonder if you guys can hear my mouse click I'm literally clicking my mouse as fast as I possibly can because he's trying to go and oh there we go I thought to do anything anymore I just heard a static sounded that waked that she was closed unexpectedly oh my gosh that guy that guy's gonna turn on his computer and he's gonna see he's gonna see a dancing freakin cat on his screen he's gonna see a dancing cat on his screen oh my gosh look at look at this Oh Oh mad that was hilarious he sounded mad he was like you he wanted he wanted I bet he was probably really pissed and wanted to cuss me out but at the same time he's trying to save his computer and I don't know if you guys saw the chat box that he had open or not but there was another scammer connected to his computer and I guess he wanted to use his computer or something but guys computers oh I will do if he's turned it on by now because when he turns it on he's literally gonna see this he's gonna see this oh I bet his buddies in the call center oh man they're gonna be making fun of this guy okay I'm gonna call him back I want to see if I can get that same guy and see see if he's pissed what the Amazon Connect virtual contact center can enable you to do press one to be put in queue for an agent do to securely enter content three to hear the result this flow demonstrates changing the priority of an individual contact in the queue and will allow you to request a callback and because I'm in rescue I'm in like an example Teske will hold on let me call with another number because I was in like a freakin test queue I called it right what let me let me call again with another number hey let's call your call is very important to us and will be answered in resident ha hi can I speak to the guy that just got his computer destroyed the guy who just got his computer destroyed who got a computer destroy yeah the guy in call center I just destroyed his computer huh his Windows 7 computer the little dancing cat where's he at let me talk to him dancing cat yeah just ask the guy that got his computer destroyed asked the call center and you'll know who it is the one that got his computer destroyed boy is he a coward he doesn't want to talk to me I can hear them talking in the background put me on speaker where's yet let me talk to him yep hello huh you ain't gonna be scamming nobody you piece of crap ventured huh what yes it was so stupid you're so stupid you can't even scam you just got your computer destroyed idiot not working my computer you did yes it was you idiot huh oh yeah the Windows 7 computer in India ha that's somebody else's ha yeah you know I can look I can look where it was you know that's why you are logged into your voice call software ha bhenchod ok Terry market you also before I deleted it before I destroyed it I got all your call files here your sales tracker your static lines your transcripts check it there are markers ok look at this I got a whole script here from unitary machi toot Bakr chilled huh ok tell me I just told you it'd been chilled I even got your little script you come to India I would do Amazon schedule you won't do crap you've been chilled that's why you have to scam for a living you piece of on to you piece of crap huh yeah been chillin you scam people cuz you're too stupid to do anything better with your life huh you piece of crap you huh huh you huh not Blair I'm at this sensor that part if I don't want this oh god he was pissed oh man I might have an uncensored version somewhere else but that guy was pissed oh my gosh that's hilarious he bet I bet cuz he was so mad he probably turned it on and the fact that he said that it wasn't his computer he's hilarious I literally have his script is he these guys were running like a bunch of different scams they're running an Amazon scam they're running a Windows scam he has like people's credit card numbers and stuff in here their home addresses and stuff yeah this guy's a piece of crap oh but now he can't access any of that because it's all it's off the computer and on top of that he can't even turn his damn computer on so he can't scam anybody else yeah that's that's good right there oh man well well I hope you guys enjoyed this video because that was hilarious the this guy and it's funny I think these guys were in an apartment too I don't think they were in an actual call center because you could hear how close everybody was together a lot of the times these little groups of people of scammers the little groups of scammers will create a group so a group site ok little groups of scammers will create a group let me say it the right way and they'll scam like out of their apartment and stuff so I think that's what was happening there cuz it didn't really sound like they were very far from each other they were talking so I don't reckon they're in an actual proper call center oh yeah they even have a transfer script for Medicare live a Medicare scam going on like wow oh man well I hope you guys enjoyed this video I really hope you guys enjoyed this video yeah other than that I will see you guys in the next video that was hilarious right there that was like I hope that he doesn't know how to even format a drive and he literally throws that computer out cuz that would be the funniest thing in the world yeah other than that I hope you guys enjoyed for the last time said it like 20 times but I'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 539,816
Rating: 4.9634638 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, Tech, support, scammers, scambait, rage, scambaiting, Exposed, ScammerRevolts, SR, SRArmy, scammer prank call, angry scammer prank call, memz, scammer vs memz, scammers pc destroyed, Destroying a scammers PC! + Reaction [MEMZ], scammer rage, scammer extreme rage, SCAMMER'S COMPUTER ANNIHILATED, destroying a scammers computer, Scammer's PC DESTROYED, scamming the scammers, HE RAGED, DELETING A SCAMMERS FILES, salty scammers, pranking scammers, comedy, DESTROYED, funny scammers
Id: tz96AbWQUN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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