Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes - Cheesy Potatoes - Easy Recipes

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welcome back everybody today we're gonna be making something delicious and something cheesy we're gonna be making some cheesy potatoes since you're here hit the like and subscribe button and make sure that the notification bell is rang check me out on social media that way you could get a notification of all my new recipes to start off with our ingredients we're gonna need 3 cups of shredded cheddar cheese you could use different cheeses you can use pepper Jack Colby Jack whatever cheese you want to go with we're also going to be needing 2 cups of whole milk 4 tablespoons of all-purpose flour 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter and finally for our cheese sauce we're going to need 2 teaspoons of garlic puree or 2 garlic cloves chopped up or 2 teaspoons of minced garlic now for your potatoes now this is going to vary on the size of potatoes you have ok my potatoes these were it looks like they're in season so they were kind of decent size potatoes so what I did is I peeled them and I sliced them with my mandolin now be really careful mandoline can do some harm so be really careful using that so after peeling and slicing each potato I put them and arrange them in my baking pan now like I said this is going to vary depending on the size of the potatoes but this allowed me to get the exact measurements of how many potatoes I needed to cut so this actually ended up taking 8 for the size of potatoes that I'm using today but like I said you could have some larger potatoes than I'm using or you could have smaller potatoes I'm using so that's how I measured that out so peel and slice and then place them in your baking pan that way you can get the exact measurements and I'm kind of like a little bit towards the top of the lip is how I stacked everything so with the cheese sauce and extra cheese in there this is gonna be perfect and it's gonna feel very nice so the reason why I got them in water is so that way they don't turn brown on me because I don't need these right right now because I still have to make the cheese sauce so keep that in mind if you do prep these ahead of time put them in water because if not they're gonna turn brown and discolor and they're going to look a little little ugly so just let them soak in water okay so you want to turn your heat on to low when we make any sauce or any gravy and we do the rule you want to make sure that your heat is low so we're gonna let this come to temperature a little bit and then we're gonna lay in our butter now that somewhat heated up we're gonna go ahead and drop in our butter and we're gonna allow that to start melting now be really careful with this you don't want the brother to burn so just make sure that it's low heat now we're gonna go ahead and add in our garlic go ahead and mix that garlic in with your butter we're gonna let this come to temperature just probably about for like another minute and then we'll add in our flour we want this butter to be a little bit hotter than what it is now and keep stirring you want to keep that butter move in like I said you don't want this to turn brown on you you want to keep that butter nice and clear I'm on low heat as you can see it's coming to temperature we gotta call right you're starting to smell that garlic it's got a really nice smell nice pungent smell to it [Music] so I didn't keep whisking almost there all right after about a minute or so you'll see that the garlic paste is already kind of sizzling so now what we want to do is we want to add in our flour so go ahead and add in your four tablespoons of flour and mix that together now since we're making a cheese sauce we're really not going to be cooking this rule dark so that we just want like a light rule so we're gonna be letting this cook for about a couple minutes when we get that butter incorporated into the flour and we're gonna let that cook for about two minutes just to cook out that flour taste but when it comes to the rule you got to stay active on that whisk you want to make sure that that you're you're whisking to keep that whisk moving okay so I think we're about right where we're at with our Zyliss all right now it's got a nice light brown color that's about what we're going with so now we're gonna go ahead and take our milk and I'm gonna add one cup at a time now you're gonna notice that it's gonna start thickening up on you go ahead and put half of that mixture in and go ahead and coorporate it now it's about only 1/2 a cup so let's go ahead and add a little bit more just go ahead and mix that in [Music] now you're gonna be thinking like hey it's like really thick no no it's not working but that's just the process let's go ahead and mix it in it's gonna be a little thick it's gonna be a thick gravy at first but once we add in the other cup so they'll come out nice and smooth and then we're gonna add in that cheese melt it all together so you just want to at this point you just want to continue whisking okay right now it's too thick all right so now we're gonna go ahead and add in slowly add in the rest of our other cup of milk now you're probably thinking like hey this is too loose no look this thickens up quick we still have to incorporate the previous rule that we had with this new milk plus we're gonna be adding in cheese so you want to make sure that you got everything nice and smooth you don't want it loose you don't want it chunky you want to make sure that you incorporate everything I'll just go ahead and mix and we're gonna bring that milk to temperature now even though I had that milk out to room temperature you still want to heat it up so that's about 70 degrees so we shock the temperature so now we're gonna just keep whisking make sure that we incorporate all the flour mixture and just keep doing this thing all right right now is a perfect time to add seasoning go ahead and add salt pepper to taste go ahead and add some salt okay we'll just add a little bit because now we're gonna go ahead and add the cheese once this comes to temperature now this sauce is actually the same sauce I use for mac and cheese so this sauce is actually good too from anything so if you want a good cheese sauce this is it right here alright now that we got the milk to temp now we're gonna add in probably about half of this cheese so we got three cups of cheese I like to have you know some really cheesy stringy cheese in this but so we're probably gonna use about a cup and a half of the cheddar cheese and so we're gonna go ahead and incorporate that and we're just gonna go ahead and let it melt together now as you add just go ahead and continue stirring it's gonna melt it and then it's gonna incorporate once you get enough cheese in there it becomes more like a workout because of the cheese is gonna stiffen this up you know cuz it's gonna be pulling so yeah just keep whisking if you're if you feel your arms getting tired you're you're you're doing good and trust me when I make this your arm does get tired because you're constantly whisking and then you got the resistance from all that cheese I mean look at this look at this sauce I'm not even done yet so still got some more to go so this is about a little over a cup and a half you know that I I this part because I go by the thickness you know cuz this this is like the main part of the dish so you want to make sure this has the right texture the right flavor because this is what's gonna coat everything in the baking pan so right now is actually a perfect time to check for seasoning if you need any seasoning is right now is the perfect time to do that and had just a couple more shots of some salt and actually you know what if I wasn't making this for the kids adding about a half of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper really does a nice nice kick to it but this is for the kids and I know they'll be complaining that it's too spicy so just a little tip there if you like like a nice little kick in it this cheese sauce with a half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper it's a really good stuff after a couple minutes and you get all that cheese melted nice incorporated like this sauce this is gonna be wonderful with all those potatoes so go ahead and keep this on low and I'm gonna go ahead and drain out those potatoes and dry them up a little bit and we're gonna put everything together all right so now that we have our potatoes strained and dried up a little bit now we're gonna go ahead and mix in our cheese sauce and we're gonna give this a toss because we want we want those potatoes to have some of this sauce all over the place so just keep that in mind really easy I'll just go ahead and mix tell you matters it'll work out okay so now once you see that pretty much all your potatoes are pretty much coated in the sauce then we're going to go ahead and transfer this over to our baking pan okay after about a hundred turnovers it looks like our potatoes are finally coated so and when you transfer this off of the baking pan make sure you get all the cheeses on the side also so let's go ahead and get our baking pan and get this ready for the oven all right so now we're gonna go ahead and just butter up the bottom of our baking pan that way don't stick because we are we do have a cheese sauce so it does stick a little bit sometimes so make sure you get the sides and the bottom of the the pan alright now that we have our baking pan all greased up now we're gonna go ahead and just bring in our potatoes start laying them out on this dish you know it's the best part it's the edges when you get those nicely just you know cooked up edges that's the best part you know we got that cheese all right do not pass up on this sauce you want to make sure that you get that sauce in there so if you see any little crevices go ahead and scoop some some of that sauce between there all right so now that we have all of our sauce and our potatoes in now we're gonna just take the remainder of our cheese and we're just gonna go ahead and sprinkle right on top oh I can't wait till this done I can't wait till this is done it's gonna be nice and gooey this is a little bit over a cup you know the remainder of what we had from those three cups because I did add a little bit more cheese into the sauce like I said that saucer you got to just kind of eye it and spread some of this out so we're gonna go ahead and cover this in foil now we're gonna cook this for about an hour at 350 degrees okay so for the first 40 minutes we're gonna have it covered and the last 20 minutes of the cook time we're gonna be removing the oil and so that way we can get a nice you know crisp on the top and get a little bit of golden-brown going so 350 degrees for one hour and the last 20 minutes remove the foil so let's go ahead and get this in the other all right we've got some goodness whoo oh [Music] yeah [Music] well that looks so good now I actually let this cook for about an hour and 10 minutes just to get that top of the cheesy potatoes nice and golden-brown as you see we got a nice top there the cheese sauce is really really bubbly now we want to let this cool down because we want that cheese sauce to set and if you see any little pockets of grease go ahead and remove that but uh yeah this is done I let it go for about like an hour and 10 minutes but yeah all we got to do now just let it let it rest I could not wait for that 30 minutes it's it's perfect it's got a good cheesy sauce I got and the best part the part that I like is these little crispy part for the cheese chars up that's my favorite spot so let's go ahead and give this a taste Stables nicely cooked just cut through like nothing [Music] there's a good cheesy flavor and this is just a base you could do so much with this you can actually dice up the potatoes and make like it like a cheesy potato casserole adding some bell peppers some onions some different herbs this right here is just my base cheesy potatoes and it's creamy it's you know you got the softness from that potato really really good stuff if you're new to my channel considering it in the subscribe button now we can see future videos just like this as always I'll leave the link in the video description and in the comment section so that we can go to my website cooking with Kirby comm to get the full printable recipe now I have these videos they're really good you should try them out now y'all be beautiful and take care [Music]
Channel: Cooking with Kirby
Views: 334,323
Rating: 4.9105911 out of 5
Keywords: cheesy potatoes, cheesy scalloped potatoes, scalloped potatoes, how to make scalloped potatoes, cheesy scalloped potatoes recipe, potatoes au gratin, au gratin potatoes, au gratin potatoes recipe, how to make cheesy potatoes, homemade scalloped potatoes, easy scalloped potatoes, scalloped potatoes with cheese, how to make au gratin potatoes, scalloped potatoes recipe, side dish, side dish recipes, cooking with kirby, best scalloped potatoes, easy recipes, easy recipe
Id: 3plMRMZQq24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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