How To Make Scalloped Potatoes - The Best Scalloped Potato Recipe #ScallopedPotatoes #Mrmakeithappen

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back today i'll be showing you one of my absolute favorite side dishes this is my recipe for scalloped potatoes but before we do that please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure to hit that bell and enable notifications as well all right meet me in the kitchen it's time to make it happen in order to make these scallop potatoes we're going to need four to five medium-sized russet potatoes as you see here these are traditional with like baked potatoes and things like that uh they're gonna work perfectly for this recipe so first and foremost we want to peel these potatoes so break out your peeler or knife whatever you're comfortable with and make sure you peel each of these potatoes oh almost lost one if you leave a little bit of skin on there it's not the end of the world so you know just get most of it off looking good and repeat that process until all of your potatoes are peeled next we're gonna go ahead and wash them thoroughly with some cold water rinse all of that dirt and stuff off of there we're working with some nice clean potatoes there we go next we'll need one onion you can use a yellow or white onion for this doesn't really matter we're gonna leave it whole though so just peel the skin off of it and then we're gonna slice it really thin as you'll see here in just a moment so use your sharpest knife that you have and try to make these onion slices as thin as possible about like so if you own a mandolin you can break that out and use that just be very careful this thing is super sharp and it's one of the most common ways people end up cutting themselves in the kitchen they do make guards and things like that for them to protect you so you know invest in one of those if you do have one just want to make sure you stay nice and safe in the kitchen we're going to use it for our potatoes as well mostly because we want them to be nice and thin and all evenly sliced we want them to cook at the same rate and all of them to be nice and tender is also a great way to make the best potato chips you've ever had in your life but that's a recipe for another video but if you're smart and you have some leftover then fry them up 350 degrees all right moving on to the star of the show the sharp cheddar cheese use whatever your favorite brand is i like cracker barrel they make a pretty good product break out your cheese shredder and shred up the entire block of cheese there we're gonna need one and a half cups of shredded cheddar and then about a half cup of mozzarella if you have it next we're gonna make our roux if you've been around this channel for long you know how this works we're going in with three tablespoons of good quality butter along with three tablespoons of purpose flour get in there with your rubber spatula mix everything around until that flour is absorbed into the butter and forms almost like a paste like consistency you want to cook that mixture for about two minutes to cook off the raw flour taste it should look just about like so once you get there turn the heat down to low and then we're going to add in some dry thyme along with a little bit of nutmeg just a pinch guys remember a little bit goes a long way with nutmeg we're also going in with some cajun seasoning i kind of use this as all-purpose seasoning so whatever your favorite go-to seasoning is also add in a little onion powder give that a nice mix the roux is going to be smelling absolutely amazing next we're going to add in our whole milk that's two cups to be exact as always guys specific measurements and ingredients are provided for you in the description box below so make sure to check that out gonna bring that mixture up to a boil that way the flour has the ability to absorb itself into the liquid and then we're going to reduce that temperature down to low or turn the heat off completely because we're going to add in our cheese so we're adding in a little bit of that cheddar cheese we want to make sure that melts nicely along with some of that mozzarella we want our sauce nice and smooth looking good that is a perfect cheese sauce guys oh man this recipe is so good i can't wait for you to try it silky smooth looking good next we're going to preheat our oven to 400 degrees and we're going to take about two tablespoons of butter and grease our cast iron skillet or baking dish whatever you decide to use for this you guys know i'm a little partial to my cast iron skillet that's my baby just make sure it's nice and greased with butter or you know cooking spray whatever you decide to use we just want to make sure that nothing sticks to the bottom next we're going down with the first layer of our cheese sauce that we made just a nice thin layer this recipe takes a little bit of effort and a little bit of work but i promise you that it's worth it now we're breaking out our arts and crafts skills here and we're going to layer our potatoes beautifully as you see right here you don't want to stack them too much on top of each other because you want them to try to cook evenly so they need a little bit of elbow room looking good next we're going down with a layer of those thinly sliced onions you can use whatever type of onion you like a red onion work fine here as well so we got a layer of our sauce a layer of potatoes a layer of onion a little salt and pepper and then we're going down with some of that shredded cheddar cheese this recipe is packed with flavor guys super cheesy nice tender potatoes perfect side dish to go with whatever your protein is going to be for the night and it just looks beautiful so you'll definitely impress your house guest with this one if you do make it make sure you tag me on social media on instagram or twitter i love seeing you guys recreate these recipes i appreciate all the support you guys give me so then we went down with another layer of our cheese sauce and then another layer of potatoes basically making a delicious potato lasagna essentially same rules apply again another reminder guys all of the specific measurements and ingredients can be found in the description box below so please make sure you check that out another layer of that salt and pepper just to make sure those onions have some seasoning going down with a layer of mozzarella and then another light layer of cheese sauce smooth that out like a rocky relationship there we go and then we're going down with our last layer of potatoes this was about four medium-sized potatoes i had a little bit of leftovers that you can make like i said some potato chips with or you know chop them up and make some breakfast potatoes in the morning looking good all right one last layer of the cheese sauce a real light light layer here you don't have to go too heavy on top and then we're going to cover it with the rest of our shredded cheddar cheese and pop that bad boy in a 400 degree oven for about 45 to 60 minutes depending on how thinly you slice your potatoes you want to use like the fork test to make sure they're tender the fork should penetrate the potato with very little resistance that'll indicate that it's nice and tender and ready to eat and that goes to a 400 degree oven after about an hour this is how we're looking absolutely amazing going down with a little chopped parsley for a pop of color i think this counts as a money shot oh man scallop potato food porn you know i got to try this and you know it's way too hot but you know how i get down i don't care i'm used to it by now you do want to let it rest for about 30 minutes before you try it that way you know everything has a chance to come together i think the face says it all this one is delicious guys can't wait for you to try it leave me a comment let me know if you're planning on making this don't forget to give me a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell and as always thank you for your support
Channel: Mr. Make It Happen
Views: 545,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scalloped potatoes, scalloped potato recipes, potatoes, potato recipe, how to make scalloped potatoes, cheesy potatoes, potatoes au gratin, potatoes au gratin recipe, how to make potatoes au gratin, au gratin potatoes, scalloped potatoes recipe, easy scalloped potatoes, best potato recipe, potatoes recipe, scalloped potato casserole, mashed potatoes, baked potato, potatoes in the oven, mr make it happen, cooking, chef, food, food videos, recipes, side dish, sides
Id: SWCELjQeb_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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