sawing hardwood blocking for Adam # 432

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[Music] foreign [Music] well we're going to make you a little video we got to cut some yeah blocking four by fours and six by sixes for my buddy Adam that I work with at the airport yeah and he's going to start uh working on some heavy iron and he needs something to stack it on so uh yeah when he's working on heavy equipment he just needs blocking to uh crib up whatever so we got some real price logs yes we'll we'll get it out but yeah we'll get something out of it six by six is four by four so I'll give you a little peek here on the log deck of what we're sawing and we will get this we will get this to work here we got old mantle piece to do we're going to make a little random a little random video of that but here you go this is this is what blocking logs are all about they're absolutely junk and uh they don't have to be clear in fact knots probably make them a little bit stronger so all right let's get up in the cab and get going okay everybody let's get things fired up here and and this one's for Derek uh he wants to see the blade ramp up for some reason I have no idea why but he wants to watch that blade spitting the whole way from from start to finish and it does the same thing it spins round and round goes a little faster just making sure my microphone is on here so you can hear me we are cutting some Oreo garbage so let's just get the carriage back while we're we're watching the blades spin all right Derek that's all I can do buddy we're gonna get to work all right we're gonna sell these on uh the first one short I think everybody knows what that means short long two headlocks and we're just trying to get you something even though it's not much this first log is under under so we're gonna make it happen so let's just put her on the first two blocks sort of the second two blocks see if chili gets involved here chewy says take some of that here's a difficult log here everybody what do you do with something like this ah we're gonna try that let's try that I hope it doesn't drag on my uh head blocks they're on my noses someone had noticed it on the last video they said did you see that log roll down on the front well it was hitting it was dragging my uh it's dragging my log deck we're just gonna Whittle it down I'm not gonna get too oh it's gonna clear it how about that this is going to be a six by six or whatever I decide I can get out of it we got a flat spot now we can now we can play games with the car rules and if you have anybody watches freaking cheat this was a very unhappy log let me make sure my tapers are away okay we're gonna take some heavy cuts off he's getting tangled up he is but that is some actual uh really clear maple you can always use maple now we can get a full thickness off that'll etch out a nice Fork all right now we got a square Corner that's what we need it all right Mr lay try that and we'll take it down to six inches from here not worried about Center to fifth never thought I'd get something useful out of this we're at eight inches you can't really want four by six so I'm going to take another face off before I take it down into blocking I kind of laughed at this log when I seen it that right if I can get a seed here what do I want to do with this want to go six by six on it now it's actually an eight by eight but he didn't specify something that thick I got a nice board there we go six and a half all right let's take it down to six that's close enough all right let's take the other face down to six inches I'm sure what's going on inside that structure there for a couple of nice six inch cords but let's see where Mr laser is out there he is perfect and we'll get down to six inches let me see where that fits uh just flip it one more time this is you guys want to see a video anyhow so we're not in a hurry I already put my work day in so let's take it down to six inches a 470 a little bit too much so let's just uh you call that good there's our first piece of blockage all right uh ready let's get our next victim we'll do it instead of a short video we're gonna do a short talk video okay this one here we're going to square an eight a quarter behind it into four four by fours Just Gonna Roll now see certain logs will tell you what to do with them and this one's one of them all right let's get rid of all that real ugliness start little piece out all right I'm gonna take I want to get a face that I can almost have eight inches of flask all right what I'm going to do is I'm going to put that down on the blocks normally I turn it back to the knees but I just don't want to deal with I came and put my taper up because as you can see my taper is beyond where I can catch it so and we'll add some boards out of this know us nothing goes to waste here at first motor production and almost got a square Corner form to get into where we need it all right let's go get our eight and a quarter by eight and a quarter out of this there's Mr laser you might actually get a couple of these supports out of that right thank you yeah yeah it's beautiful wouldn't it that's for sure all right I would like to get a little bit more face off of that back so while we still have a little bit let me just see where a full set takes me to let's take this yeah we're gonna print it gamble a little bit here that's just too nice good it's too nice to throw to throw away all right back to our job and we're going to take this face down eight and a quarter put the dogs away because we're going to be carpeting these down into four inch uh all right there's Mr laser I just want to make sure I can get a full board in the gym you know this is what actually smells good there's eight in the corner how about that and yes that was a very lucky guess all right let's put that face that's I want it out we're not even going to touch the sets that forward thickness is with his feet good enough there's my eight and a quarter now we're gonna get on to four we're gonna split that twice so Eddie's going to reload one we're gonna get four by fours all all all that close enough I'm gonna watch these ones there they'll try to pinch up on the back of the splitter all right let's come back up to the scale here just put this in handle this Carriage feed can be touchy at times all that close enough thank you Eddie will load that one back on once you slide them down away Ed all right Dougie's got a hold of her we only got one more after this to cut but we're done with this video but I try not to disappoint you all right he's going on four inches that's close enough we're not being close enough it might be with enough 64. all right one more victim wait you see this one you'll love it and another one we're going to solve a little mantel piece I might turn it into a random sewing video I don't know boy that log is just uh it's got some politician in it for sure it has for sure all right let's just go with that all right let's open it up and see what we got yeah get that off of there someone's asking about D parking well there it is all right all right gotta watch when someone pulls on anything on it you got to make sure nothing's gonna move on you on that I'd go like dogs are pretty good and we got we got a six by six so we'll be all right all right I think this one will sit back nice when I flip it back to the knees I think let's just continue taking this down I don't think I'm gonna even get another board off of this just want to make sure we don't get stuck pieces of wood down there that's why I'll just take my time you know what there's gonna be strap anyway so let's take it down to final six six there it is foreign Jimmy says take yourself some of that stop there should be real close to him what we need to be and it was okay let's go down to six inches thank you oh wow we have another alarm to solve it's gonna be a yeah when you're cutting block you get stuff it don't take long all right let's get on to our six inches that'd be all right it shows not the worst recovering off of that anyway all right there we go and that's not too bad of a yield for you talk about bad logs but hey what's that some nice that was some nice Maple and that red oak was like unbelievable that we pulled out much good wood off of uh basically firewood and here's a random sawing video that you will see this is just a four and a half inch well it was supposed to be four but you said leave it a little bit thick so it's a little heavy on on four but it's uh just the Live Edge mantelpiece and uh that'll look lovely yeah you'll get to see that that'll be coming up and uh yeah circular Mill isn't really the tool to be using for mantle pieces but everybody likes the they like the saw marks they like the spiral saw marks in fact the people then the band Mills bring us logs and say hey can you cut us a mantle piece they like the saw marks so you tell me that's what we do so hey thanks for coming along I hope you enjoyed your Friday video and uh we might have some monster Maples coming up on our next uh yeah that's what's this what's the butt end of that log yeah so it's a big one we might have to Barrel saw it but it's it's been sitting for a while so we might get some spalded Maple so it'll be a neat video so all right again thanks for coming along please do us a favor please like please share and if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and we'll catch you on the next appreciate it thank you [Music]
Channel: mark galicic
Views: 31,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2khaQWlyYDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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