quarter sawing white oak and hit a nail # 464

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[Music] foreign lately oh Sammy's been living in your beard well Hiatus oh we went to the same Barber this week oh okay uh hey I got a happy birthday um Ray shank is 83 years old happy birthday so happy Birthday Ray and uh another channel that just popped up these guys are just starting out it's Andrew's Lumber it's a-n-d-r-u-w-s Lumber and uh they're running a Meadows number two handset Mill that's we we cut our teeth on The Meadows number one and uh there's just two guys and they're cranking out some nice Lumber and uh I kind of enjoyed to sit back and watch it remind me of yeah when we first started out and uh and also we're gonna keep everybody keep keep this in mind Paul Bunyan show coming up October 6th 7th and 8th and we will be I believe it's Booth 100 we will be with freaking Jeep uh John Clark and uh we will have boom plaques t-shirts we're gonna that's where we're gonna release our new t-shirts out um we got a brand new design Johann boss has been working oh you're gonna love this one beautiful beautiful work thanks Johan I really appreciate it um it is uh it's turned out above and beyond our expectations and uh you guys are going to like this we're gonna have a banner to sign and uh it'll be just a good time and we'll be meeting up with John Clark yeah yeah we'll be with Frick and Jeep in his booth and uh it'll be a good time I'm really looking forward to it and um a lot of comments that's why we're sitting in front of the log deck uh I guess there's people that think that that white oak weighed 50 pounds or something yeah you can't put a log on a carriage and slice it in half and then unload it uh we might as well call BH paint up and order a new song maybe a mandrel uh would bend a splitter off of it for sure and he was cutting that thing back one more time yes Pete just cut it in half order so Eddie was cutting it into the quarters and explained what was going on before I got halfway through it she was opened up this far on one side it's got a lot of spring but you're going to see some spring yeah it's going to fight this it's going to be ugly but we will get through it and other than that anything else to mention we're we're good how about how about a shout out to uh royal king out in Monaca uh tractor Dan stop out and see them if you're interested there you go I met him at a fair and he was a heck of a nice guy I told him I'd say hey to him and I did all right all right let's get busy let's get to work right let's get this show started and we're going to finish up where we left off on the last video we're going to do this a little different today and he said don't worry about the quarter sawing don't worry about me we're gonna just get this thing loaded and we're just going to solve through it this makes no sense to overthink this thing my camera mount seems awful crooked but anyhow somehow we'll make it through this everything's going to be here this one loads better than the last one to know until the cradles here a little bit more let's do it this is going to get that loader arm stuck like we did last time because with these knees up just a lot more this would be the last quarter song log we're gonna ever do this is stupid it's a bad idea and I can imagine trying to load this full that's why over the quarter sawing thing it's fun I do I'm gonna get this up pull up on a carriage a little bit get up where the weights it's a real pain that's what we want right there so I'm gonna have to buff this front taper up it's about all I can do there guys all right we're going to peel away a little bit here try not to waste as much but there's going to be waste the shorter song is wasteful it's what it is I get off of this long distance dragon on the back here this is going to be a big old chunk here leave the salt part there that way you have no chance of not grabbing teeth that's how much this log had sprung when Eddie tried to manual on your own kind of stuff we tried to explain everybody in the comments if we were to put this onto carries they tried to cut through this at a half this thing would have sprung this thing's going to continue to Spring that's a nice little piece of wood right there absolutely beautiful and we're going to keep sawing down so we're going to go from quarter song to riffs on eventually the plane song hopefully this thing don't uh try to explode on us some nice white boards now the saw does seem to be ringing as much but that saw got a lot of tension and it's brand new it's getting like a resonation coming out of it someone said check your check your uh sheer pins someone says your Saw's cracked the above I do periodically pull my collars look at everything everything is fine as of 15 minutes ago appreciate all the concern yet he said just come right down through it now I see some black staining showing up here and I hope it's not metal thank you something going on there we're going to have to take a look at this detector soon we're going to shut the camera down here for a second we're going to scan that with the metal detector making sure we didn't do any damage so we'll talk to you here in a couple of minutes all right we're going to cut the bad piece out here a little Donnie to the restaurant and come through again so I could have drove it down the other end of the truck just set it there for now and we're going to check that thing and that might have been where we pulled them screws out but I'm not going to ruin 52 teeth I think it was right here yep but we're not going to take a chance uh but we still got a nice chunk to finish sawing up here and uh I'm gonna have to I'll have to do some rotation here if you see what's going on with the um distance here if I if I continue on this is going to shut back then we're going to get tapered boards so I'm going to try to get uh Square edge here a little bit of a square edge here and we're going to continue on and uh we'll finish this thing up so let's get back to sawing all right let's get back to saw in here um Plus Motor fired back up let's get the taper out of the way and let's let's Square this thing up a little bit now I didn't want to take a chance [Music] and there wasn't 300 worth of wood there what needs to be scooted forward I'm going to send as I get a laying down flat seven and done I'm going to send it down your way let's slide it forward let's slide it forward bring it on here in fact let me back that knees up a little bit more I don't want to take a chance to hit something there it's better it's gonna hit the song thing on the way through I'm gonna see if they can slide it forward yeah quarter song is well worth it that's what you get a lot of work because we didn't do no damage make sure I'm clearing my splitter there always fun so we're gonna get it and Mr laser says here I'm just going to get rid of that right now and I need a little bit more of a flat I'm going to take just a I don't want to take a chance to in trouble here it's not worth it yeah you've got to start weighing out with what the risk is worth versus the reward you're going to get back to the point I don't see each other do is I'm going to roll this completely around we're gonna knock it down and we're going to take a few boards off of that front face got back talk doesn't seem like it's still enough so I'm going to try to do is get a flat spot back here I come back to that face we were just on so I have a little bit more face on there that's very little base underneath that thing right now it's kind of a shame when we did but the metal in the log is it never ends good it hurts the pocket book all right let's take that top that you planted I don't know to go slide that forward a little bit myself thank you foreign foreign foreign all right we're back I lost my microphone so oh well it's all good you know oh maybe some people liked it again everything can go wrong does something's going on there why did that uh come out crooked I don't know well we're going to continue sawing it down anyway I might actually work that other face in a little bit that's a little bit better a lot of pith in this thing that seems to be where the crack is falling but this look had some shake in it and I'll be glad when it's off to carry just for sure thank we're gonna do right now is we're gonna put that down try to get all these cracks it's just it's not very nice looking that's for sure if there's anything under it yeah there's stuff under it let me get that out of there real quick all right got a little boom out of it get a big enough face to edge off or not you still probably get a four inch board out of that we're gonna probably see some more black stuff because there's where the other screws come out coming up next still getting some pretty Rays out of that they're slicing up nice though coming back into that cracking again we're still seven and three quarters so I'm going to turn that upper face out let's get some flame salt playing sawing out of it and run it all the way back to the end and I think that'll pretty much conclude this log I'm just trying to get up past my uh headlock base chewy you don't get along with that headlock base and we'll Edge that nastiness off I just want to try to get that uh bad spot out of there that's where we had done got metal out in the beginning with paint foreign s yep we did hit some more metal there is something here I don't know if it's a bullet you can look at this before we keep going something else all right let's see little Donnie can do here he has three bars on his light [Music] and there it is right there we only lost chip 14. so we didn't trash too much um it is what it is well that was heavy [Music] there's a boom one yeah three bars oh Sammy's watching foreign [Music] foreign we got sawdust going to leave so we got sawdust gonna leave we got someone else here still three bars all right and hopefully that metal detector don't find it there you go two bars good is he gonna do it can Donnie do it you know what sometimes you got to have some silliness around the mill [Music] foreign we got what one two three more cuts [Music] hey if any exactly exact deal is watching this right now we would love to try some of your products out on our Channel maybe a blower and Mark hasn't gotten part yet one bar one bar oh okay a little further buzzing there we go so one battery not enough wood to heat my house for couple days pull back you want to let fall okay last one I like that one hey yep can he do it come on Donnie that's your tub on well he did it okay Mark's gonna make sure now all right guys yay all right thank you Donnie foreign foreign there it is and look at that I don't have any water has anybody seen Nathan around lately but that is definitely look at the flecking in there it almost looks like the side of a fish now that's actually One log worth of lumber right there and uh here's here's another piece that uh absolutely spectacular that will be that'll be just a nice piece of lumber yeah and uh today's video is like a country song yeah I like it lost my microphone we lost four teeth on saw just everything it's just like a country song everything that went wrong and you know it was just one of them days it was just didn't want another one overcome though yeah but we survived we did survive so but yeah hey thanks for coming along and uh yeah please do us a favor if you could hit the like button and if you haven't also if you're new to the channel I see a lot of new subscribers coming on Welcome to the channel and do yourself a favor get your favorite beverage and a snack and go back and watch some of our older videos and then you can see where we come from and how we got to where we're at today I figured it out I figure you can watch them for 250 hours non-stop well that would be good 500 video over yeah I think we're at 501 videos and we're what are we at 69 300 subscribers as of today so thank you so much for supporting us thank you and don't forget the bunion show coming up October 6th 7th and 8th and let's just wrap this one up so we'll catch you on the next one thank you all right bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: mark galicic
Views: 49,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6EUWs3xu9pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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