Another trip to the mill to cut a non popular type of wood and testing the Doyle log scale footages!

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that [Music] is what's up guys we're here at uh Mark's Mill bus motor I gotta hold of some Aspen logs at work they were nice enough the other guys we worked something out with the mill and cut before they gave me a couple I got three of them we got one more over there right about there um this number that's the 60 not not zero nine it's the board footage so this is a eight foot log and then this is my tree scale stick so that side is for scaling the tree while it's standing this side is a log scale stick it has your 8 10 12 14 16 and you can get 18 foot logs on that end so it's very important when you scale a log you do it inside the bark so you see that end is inside the bark and this ends inside the bark about 15 inches right there so 15 inch log at eight foot long is 60 board feet now that's Doyle scale Doyle scale grows uh pretty sizably this one here is oh it's like 15 and it's a 10 footer she got 75 board foot on that one but what we're going to do is we're going to Mill These logs and then we're going to scale the footage that comes out of them when we're done and compare it to what's on here because it does grow because Doyle scale allows for loss in the center of the log the pith and also um for defect but it does grow and I will say it's to the Sawmills Advantage but once we get it milled we'll scale out the lumber and we'll give you an idea of how much it grows plus I've never milled Aspen before and neither has Mark he's fixing his heater he run out of Asian or maiden voyage on aspirin yeah so if you see me in any of the video running around chopping on the logos because there's some dirt in it and I don't want it to get in this saw blade and what I've noticed with Aspen there's a couple different genuses of Aspen but the two popular ones around here are quake and Aspen and big tooth this or they're called Sawtooth this is Big Tooth Aspen it's in the Poplar family but you see on this one how tight the bark is and this one how coarse the bark is and I don't know what causes that but I've noticed the tighter grain ones or the tighter barked ones are a more stable log stable tree less rot but I have one of both this almost looks like Cottonwood but it's not I have one or both because I kind of want to see how they open up so see the differences same tree but it's like it's like when you get a cherry that grows in northern PA and a cherry that grows in southern PA it's two total different things so give us a moment here we're thawing our hands out and get back at it we're gonna put you on this last walk right here foreign foreign thank you foreign [Music] foreign foreign thank you thank you normally you just use the edge throws up so we're just going to use the carrying foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] so we have three foot six Plus so we'll call it two foot six so that's four that's six foot six foot plus seven foot two eight foot who called eight foot six I mean it's more like eight foot nine and then we have this four by four it's a little over four and four uh four inches but we'll call it a four by four and now that'll give you oh geez I gotta think about this it's like it's like having a board that is if you slice that into one inchers that would be like a 16 inch wide board eight foot long so let's go with 8.5 because it's 8.5 wide times eight foot long times one inch so we're already at 68 board feet and if you count this you know it's not as waste for some Mills would because that could fall apart or be the pith you would add another 16 board feet to that you have 84. so this grew by 24 board feet pretty wild huh and Doyle I forget at what size that ratio starts to change I think the bigger logs the better you do the littler logs is where the logger loses out so but it allows for Waste things default like usually that would be kicked out as waste so pretty wild man pretty wild it's not bad Lumber it's pretty yeah that's really different I've never saw it before but did you I mean as sharp as my teeth are on that saw it was only on that one face it really gave me this really fuzzy but um yeah it uh I don't see why that wouldn't make good cabinet guts and stuff it'd probably make a good drawer box yeah but like dust frames and things like that and uh also this would probably make some good paint grade trim yeah but you can see already distress oh I was watching you Mel it yeah and it was actually pulling you can see it was pulling dogs loose on on the carriage so I can see the other problem with this is probably the stability until it dries yes Uncharted water for me but I cut that tree Mark milled that tree and someday I'll make something out of it I don't know what it won't be exterior what's that what was your footage oh if you count that it comes to what I 80 84. 84 you had it and scaled on the log at 60. so if you don't count that and and all the people out there that hate Circle Mills uh I don't I'm gonna see how you could hate with theocracy and the speed speeds where you pick up and we've still got a lot of footage out of a 60 foot long so I hope to get to a mill someday to show you most big meals today will use a circle rig like this to square the log off just to get a rough three three cans four Pace four faces that are semi-flat you know they might have weighing and stuff on them and then that log goes through uh band you know like a resaw for a band saw and I I toured that one mill up in Emporium Pennsylvania yeah they were cutting 125 000 one shift 125 000 feet 14 inch wide double cut band and big resource yep the nice thing about these Circle Mill will take more abuse oh yeah like dirt and stuff coming off a fan mail doesn't like that no they don't and they're a lot more expensive we're gonna change the teeth out on this saw they've been in there for two years wow there you go alrighty folks hope you enjoy hopefully I get back to cutting soon here
Channel: nuts319
Views: 32,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XQoxMgbgGL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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