sawing a monster pine log # 408

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[Music] foreign for two months yeah and we'll talk about that in a minute super thanks is Zach Williams thank you sir thanks Zach and uh let me see if this uh I'm just making sure yeah we're on here I've filmed these before and we didn't have no microphone and that's a bad thing um thank you Zach Williams Happy Birthday to Steve plattner his birthday was yesterday Friday I don't know how old you are but happy birthday enjoy it and there's a video to go check out um Sasquatch family Sawyers that's the vid that's the actual Channel I'll try to put a link in this video for that they are sawing some Old Redwood old growth Redwood and I guess the story is back in the day when they cut the big redwoods they left all the tops and stuff laying and they're still they're still logging them today and you ought to see this I want to get a hold of him I want some rail cap for my deck out out back of my that would be awesome hey we got a couple things here before we get into the um this is from let me see if I can read the name here I wrote it down I'm getting very forgetful Jackson Holland made decent I'll take us up to the camera for you and this is Crystal that they actually etched I don't know if the sun's going to be too much of a glare but look at that that's going to hang inside of my cab here so whenever you see me the beginning of the videos you'll see the Detroit Crystal and we got a license plate and this is a North Carolina plate from TJ TJ Joel and he's the guy that sent us the carrying crosses yeah well right here it's always in my pocket how about that it's made out of uh olive wood from the holy land and I keep that in my pocket since he gave it to me and I do approve I still have mine at home sitting with you and he's from Wilmington North Carolina thank you so much we'll get this up on the wall and everybody's been asking what are we going to do since easy is gone and a couple people I think Bill Alice has mentioned it we're going to have the return of bus all Buzzy today yes we are and there's a little bit of trivia for you here uh bus all Buzzy has been in jail 18 times buzzar Buzzy has been in prison two times can anybody guess why put it in the comments and uh we'll see yeah we got it we've got to get his mind right so what do we got going for today oh nothing we got some Aspen up here we're going to fourth quarter and I don't know if this video have the pine on it but we yeah I don't know what I'm gonna it depends on how how I'm gonna film this today you're either going to see a couple monster white pines that I'm going to make a stop sign out of so if you don't like it I'm sorry that's all I can do you got to do something we don't have a band Mill we don't want a band Mill and the band Mill behind the wall is not ours we ended that right there and we got some a little piece of locust and then we got the two honey locusts so you will have some videos coming your way and I'm also going to try to throw a bunch a bonus video in as well this week so that's a lot to do well talking with song Let's get done by now let's get going okay everybody let's get started here and I want to show off my my new Detroit Diesel Crystal and that's just beautiful I don't got a place to hang it yet and also uh TJ Joel I forgot to say that uh that um license plate was off his Ram I forgot all about that so I just wanted to mention that every time we do an intro I always forget something so I try to okay let's just get let's get things fired up here and we got a monster on board so if you don't like the stop signs then I don't know what to tell you so let's keep let's keep going here I just lost the camera here buddy all right let's get this big monster log on we had a pause for a station identification here and it's a monster like a big log once a while the outside is log is really rotten um couldn't be a little bit of waste they open up the knees a little bit more we'll go with that to start with just get around the deck I don't know how she's going to roll on here almost missed that headlock completely this is going to be a disaster I can see it now but that's the fun of doing these big logs and all we want to do is just get enough area to clear the saw let's go with that so if we stand on that head block face we'll be all right okay let's get the dog he's involved here you have one here when they're eight foot long and three foot round they do cause some trouble when we got past the saw and if Eddie can snap that off we can get moving here perfect that's all we needed to do we'll deal with that little thing later all right now we're gonna start making stop signs turn it right here so I have a little bit more control on it all right the other dogs grab it a little bit we're going to roll it Forward okay let's start there again eventually we'll bump her back I'm gonna try to get one board off here and that's not waste there everybody that won't be a board I moved up it moves sideways on us and roll back straight oh that'd all be dealt with here in a minute all right that's what we needed to do today oh my God I'm gonna do something here drastic shelves moving forward that's what we needed to do anyway let's start this face open all Beach art vanities here in a little bit beautiful that thing slid forward take a thin one all right and what's going to happen here is eventually this thing's going to drop down on that back lowering our country work I'm good all right want to actually more sound than I thought it would be that we got our flat plant again there it goes I just want to get just a flat spot on it and try to recover a piece of shading the bust that off that's another usable board now we'll have it where we can advance it into the saw we'll be able to take a few out of here we'll break up a little bit off or not I might get another go for it there's the saw and the wood's looking pretty good when we're getting into the log here a little bit there's your man with her something happened here shortly when he went rolling down on me there we go I got a couple more off of here piece of one by five that's actually some nice looking Pine I'm really amazed and every board coming off here is going to be usable so we're going good now she's going to drop down here shortly and we're almost done with Mr Master dog believe it or not oh we won't need him in the boy connect that Pine poisonous smell good all right we'll get a couple short ones off and that's why I like to throw these on here once and I'll just just a lot of fun all right I'm amazed at how beautiful that darn wood is these logs were destined for nothing they were gonna we're gonna go Popeyes all right and you can see the rot right there but this might be able to recovered a little bit out of that a nice six inch board there right get ready to put one of these down that didn't even stop right I'll tell you what let's get rid of some of that flatten that baby out all right doggy started there's Mr laser take a shipment he says Shimmer off okay that's better and remember in the beginning I said we'll get rid of all this uh overhang stuff there's nothing wrong about this and your Friday video is going to be something very similar to this this let's put this down I'm not going to clear this that's better just work whatever facing you work when you're doing this oh no they covered a nice pile of wood off of this already and eventually you'll end up to be a square can what kind of shape would you call that it's not quite a stop sign it's like a stop sign that got hit by a tractor trailer that's we'll go all right we are within Striking Distance let's put this uh put this face down on the headlocks the back I'm just out of here Mr MasterCard you can go away that's good there is Mr laser and let's get the dog he's holding it let's start there that Little Rock there and these Vineyards seem to get more abuse of this nice perfect solid man how's Mrs Horvath going I know she likes when I use the master dog all right I'll tell you what let's face itself out the dogs out of the way we got a little fud not quite a bit of but we're getting there I'm gonna take this off in a couple pieces man there's a piece jammed in the salt beautiful I hope that's not making Heat I'm just trying to get to where we're past all the rod on that face all right let's lay that down oh this is the most interesting look I've solved in a long time let me tell you oh let's make a usable face here anyway I'm not gonna I'm not going to cut all that off at once there we go something inch out of that all get cut off everybody go right to the edge here he's got some nice wide boards that's for sure and I'm looking at that little dot on the other side see what we're on the pit here okay that's about dead center and we got some 11 and a half inch wide boards to take here all right let's get back to the laser here good and we'll box that uh heart one more time I need to look at my watch and see how long it's been since we started this I'd like to count up the board foot on this now we're getting into the nasties all right let's roll that other face out now I can come up I can turn here I think all right let's take us down to about a six inch wide all right let's get some one by six we'll never believed you if you'd have told me that long was gonna stay where it stayed on that is amazing to me I'm gonna take a couple off and turn that uh turn that back then I'll get him some better wood off the other side of that that'll put us right to the edge of the pith that'll throw it into the piece of turbine all right last turn everybody that's better all right let's saw this down to the end here in fact I can't wait to see this video everybody we'll take them off a piece of too much you might be able to use it all right let's go down to two inches good enough all right we will talk to you when we're done we'll see you then [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] there it is and here's my Aspen which turned out really nice and that Aspen if you're watching this video you've already seen that being sawed as a random solving video and uh that's Eddie's Pine mixed in here's Eddie's Pine and you're going to have to maybe the next video you could unveil the uh surprise possibly okay and then also yeah buy yourself some merchandise so we have we have the the merchandise store which there's a link in the description and there's something new for the merchandising store um I don't know uh is Mike Morgan watching outdoors with the Morgan's they're selling fire starters so Eddie and I come up with our own fire starter if you watch that other video sawing that Aspen this is what it created so there's one bag available so you better hurry yeah I don't think we're gonna yeah go over to check out without outdoors with the Morgan's uh he sells he sells fire starter and I said I told Eddie I says we have got to show this we used his and it worked really well and uh I'm not sure I'm going to try to put that out taking the video of uh when you were sitting on that chair this morning I think I should put that in there it was pretty funny just a little accident Yeah Yeah Eddie had an accident oh no so and we had bust all Buzzy with us and we missed easy Mark and uh hey thanks for coming along if you could please hit the like button please subscribe if you haven't already and please share it with somebody and let's get this channel to grow so we'll catch you on the next one thank you all right bye-bye it's April Fool's Day oh we look Buzz we look all right do we look styling it looks like you're pissing yourself oh my God oh yeah [Music] everything's bad that's funny uh here we go good morning YouTube morning I'm here with the Eddie and [Music]
Channel: mark galicic
Views: 207,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jqfeGke0VSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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