Their Sawmill was too Small for this Walnut Log

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- Welcome back everyone, my name is Matt. Today, got a little bit of a special guest, adventure kind of thing. We have Chris and Ryan here today and we're gonna be cutting up some large walnut log that doesn't fit on the sawmill. So you know, they know a guy with a sawmill big enough to cut this giant walnut log that they got. So here is the log that they brought over a couple weeks ago, and today we're gonna be cutting. We got, it's just like a stumpy, short, stocky walnut log. Got a crotch, we got a buttress base situation here. And we are a little over five feet wide, up here at the crotch. And I think like, four and a half feet long or four and a half feet wide here at the butt. And we'll get some real measurements later, but this is just slightly too big for Chris's saw. So over to the saw, or over to my saw, this thing goes now. (forklift rumbles) This may end up being the sketchiest thing I ever saw. Yeah, what's the fun if there's not a little bit of sketch, you know? Oh, that's (laughs) okay, more up. (measuring tape rattles) Okay, that's where it's, oh, I think it'll sneak past here. That's where it's gonna be. All right so thanks for coming guys, Chris and Ryan. - Thanks for having us. - Yeah, absolutely. - You guys, I hear your saw is too small for this. - A little bit. (Matt chuckles) - What saw do you have at your place? - Wood-Mizer LX250. - And that cuts to what width? - 55. - And what is this thing? - I don't even know, what is it, 68? - Yeah, it was like 67 on the one end. - 67? (Matt laughs) - Too big. Too big for mine, so. - So here it is. And this thing came from? - Oklahoma. - So tell me the story about that, you guys go log shopping sometimes and decide to take long road trips and bring back a little companion? - We had our guy down there that does a, he buys and sells logs, and calls up and he said he had this one for us. And we went down there and was kind of surprised how big it really was when we got there. It's a monster for sure. - Next time you gotta ask him, I need the big stuff. - Yeah. - This is fine, but I need bigger. - Yeah. - So what are you trying to get outta this thing today? What are we trying to do here? This is like, you came to the barber, you take a little off the top or we got like a fade? - Yeah, a little off the top. - What we in the mood for? - Just some really nice pretty slabs, I know you're gonna make those happen, hopefully. - So we're gonna try and come in here and we're gonna set up our cut space off the pith. So I've already gone ahead and I lined up the pith from each, the crotch limbs as well as the butt. So it's all kind of flat in the same plane. So we're going off of that center line and we're gonna come up some distance. And then whenever you guys decide what thickness you want, we'll figure out what that is. - Yeah, so we can get some beautiful tables out of this thing, hopefully. - There'll be some pretty wide ones too. (saw hums) (hammer whacks) (forklift rumbles) Yeah, that's heavy. (water splashes) (bucket clatters) - Oh, of course the bucket. (laughs) (water trickles) Look at that. - [Ryan] Not too bad, I only got one wet foot. (laughs) - Oh, this is cool, ah, it's peeing on me. - Yeah, this side's really strong. - Yeah it is. - Oh yeah, we got a lot of nice buttress figure down there. - Yeah. - It looks like it comes up quite a ways actually. Hard to tell if it's the milling or- - No, there's some undulation here. See, you do have compression figure, at least halfway up the tree. - Yeah. - Which is super nice. Is this bark, that bark inclusion? - Yeah, it's a little bark inclusion down the center. - Okay. - Really pretty. - Okay, I'm all wet now. Yeah, okay. I don't know. Okay, well let's roll it over and then we can start actually cutting some slabs without it rocking and rolling. (forklift rumbles) (metal clangs) (log thumps) (hydraulics hum) (metal clangs) (wood squeaks) (saw buzzes) (hammer thuds) (hammer taps) Okay. (forklift rumbles) I guess I got it. I got it that time. It's skills, you know, it's just skills. (water splashes) Nice perpendicular cross grain, splash shot. This is kinda weird. It's got this like, weird blotchy thing going on. Or it's like, actually oxidized? - [Ryan] Crazier the grain looks, the better. - I mean, it's plenty darn crazy. - [Chris] Oh, right here is my favorite, perfect. - [Ryan] That compression curl? - [Chris] (grunts) Yeah, it is really brown right there. - [Ryan] Yeah, it is weird how it- - [Chris] Like it started drying there. - I like it. - I like it like that. - [Ryan] It's only gonna get better from here boys. (saw buzzes) (forklift rumbles) (metal clunks) (forklift clanks) (forklift rumbles) - All right, here we go. I got my brand new Matt-size bucket. Let's see if I can do something cool with this. (water splashes) I kind of missed a spot, but I don't think that's gonna matter 'cause holy crap, look at this thing. This one's actually got like, a lot more weird stuff going on in it. Doesn't it? - That's just gorgeous grain, look at it. - [Matt] It's like, it's all over the place. - [Ryan] It is. - [Chris] Dang. (water splashes) - [Matt] That actually was like, perfect coverage. That's a high score. And you get the loft automatically 'cause you're up in the freaking air. - Yep. - It's (laughs) cheating at loft. - [Chris] Go big or go home. - This is pretty like, huge. - That's pretty awesome. - [Ryan] Wow, that's the longest crotch I've ever seen on a log. (Matt laughs) - You gotta get out more. Because I can show you some big crotches. Yeah, it runs- - The entire length. - Yeah, you got 43 down here or eight feet long, and up here at the crotch splay kind of thing here, 50. No, actually to the bottom, the underside here is five feet. So yeah, it's a bit of wood. (saw buzzes) (forklift rumbles) Should be okay. - Better? - Seems like it. It would appear so. We'll see. That's a double. Oh yeah, that's, yeah. - [Ryan] That will pair real nice. (forklift rumbles) - To the stars. - Up, up and away. - [Ryan] Alrighty, (Chris chuckles) comin' in hot. (water splashes) - [Ryan] Woo. (water dripping) Looks pretty good from up here. (Chris chuckles) - All right, let's go to lunch. - All right. - Lunch time. (Ryan and Matt laughs) (water splashes) - Oh, would you look at that. - Would you look at that, huh? - Look at it. - Just look at it. - Just look at it. - (laughs) Crotch pocket. - So this one is, holy crap, look, a walnut. I didn't even see that, look at that. - Whoa, that's extra. - You got a little extra in there. There's your gold bars in the middle there. Gold coins, so anyway, besides the fact there's a walnut stuck in that bark inclusion, this one here, coming outta the center is quarter sawn. So we got some really nice straight grain stuff kind of bookending the weirdness of the bark inclusion in the crotch. But that's like, that's a lot of clear grain. There's not like, a whole lot of like, weird crazy stuff going on either. There's just a fun little, a few little fun sprinklings of fun, which is pretty cool. Well, we got a little bit narrower. This one has a lot more going on though. I feel like it has more like, figurey stuff going on here, in the bark inclusion crotch zone, smack down there in the middle? And we got more of those little dot things. Whatever those things actually are. Okay, let's see what we got for width here. We're at like 54 something down here. Through the middle, 51. This is probably the narrowest spot right here. That's like 47. And up in here at the widest, 62. So that's a big piece of wood. - How old do you think it is, Matt? (tape clatters) - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, 10. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 90, 100. - Like, 100 years old? - Yeah. - Fast growing southern walnut. - Pfft, long growing season. - [Chris] Only six months up here for walnut. Five to six months. (saw buzzes)\ (forklift rumbles) (water trickles) (water splashes) - [Matt] That got me way over here. I like the suds. So this one's got like, I don't know what's going on here around the bark inclusion, but it has like these weird like, grain outline things going on, which, I don't think I've seen that before. It's cool. It's weird but it's cool. This one's a lot more connected than the last ones. We got some fun figuring stuff with the crotch and bark inclusion up there. And then whatever the heck happened there, like, some kind of wound kind of thing? That then healed back up again? Ah, this is kind of cool. This one's bigger, it's got better crotch, but this doesn't have those cool lines around that bark inclusion. It has like, that little limb up there and I don't know, this is cool 'cause it's big. It's the only reason it's cool, because it's big. One thing I'll point out, this one here, is that we have like, little like, whatever these spiky things are, and you can see it like, in the wood coming out across. Yeah, like, three of 'em on this one, which is cool. (water splashes) Okay, this is cool too. This is got like, a lot of weird like, swirly things going on. It looks like clouds, or something. Then you got the buttress figure down here. (water swishes) Curly buttress, butt curls. All right, we got another giant walnut here, that we cut, so thanks guys, for coming. - Thank you. - Hopefully you enjoyed seeing this thing, whatever this machine thing that I made, is called, a sawmill, there we go. Running. - It's a giant. (Matt laughs) - It is. - Very cool and very capable. - Yes. - It seems that way. Yeah. - Yeah. - Well, I appreciate you for having Lumber One, and Arcade Design out here, and milling this massive walnut log for us so- - Yeah, are you gonna come back or are you just gonna like, abandon me after this? - Absolutely, we'll be back with more. (Matt laughs) We'll try to find bigger stuff. - Yeah, bring me some bigger stuff. - And please buy these, these are available for sale so contact Chris or myself, Ryan, and we'd be happy to have a discussion with you. - We're taking deposits as of today. - As of today? (laughs) - Taking deposits. - Now they exist. - Get 'em while they're hot. - All right, so thank you as always, for watching. I greatly appreciate. If you have any questions or comments on the sawmill, anything back in the shop or whatever, please feel free to leave me a comment. As always, I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have, I'm trying to talk too fast. And till next time, happy working.
Channel: Matthew Cremona
Views: 159,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, woodshop, furniture making, matt cremona, matthew cremona, fine woodworking, period furniture
Id: zQGRAiAkkt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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