Big Hickory Log on the Sawmill Today, Woodland Mills HM130

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foreign welcome back guys today I have uh probably the heaviest log I've ever put up on this sawmill it is really big for around here and it's a shag bark Hickory it's uh 13 and a half foot long it's 21 inches wide at this end and 18 and a half inch wide at that end this is going to be a project so let's get going on this and see what kind of boards we can get out of it I don't get a lot of Hickory so this is going to be some pretty neat wood I'm thinking one thing you're probably going to notice right away is I don't have the log clamps up on this log holding it in place uh sometimes what I won't run into when logs are a little bit too big and they stick out too far is I can't get the log stops rotated up so what I do in that place is I'll take a couple wedges and pound them in here that holds the log tight against the back stops and also obviously keeps it from Rolling off the mill [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] so there was the first cut just taking the top cap off pretty uneventful we're still in mostly sapwood so we'll see what we get on the next cut should start getting into some nicer darker streaked wood [Applause] foreign [Applause] you guys can help me move this one geez that's only an inch and a half thick this is some heavy wood all right we're getting into some good Heartwood now look at that oh yeah that's the good stuff all right it's time to turn this log I want to flip it right over so the flat is on the bottom and I'm going to use this can yeah right unless you guys are gonna come help me I'm gonna use the tractor foreign [Applause] thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] I'm going to take another one inch board off the top of this and then probably going to take some inch and a half boards when we get into the widest stuff I think I'm going to do some two or two and a half inch slabs for bar tops and stuff like that we'll see what we can get out of it though [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign right here on the end the log was starting to get spalted all these black lines in here boy that'd be really cool if the rest of the log was like that now I got a couple more of these logs out there and dumb ones have been in contact with the ground so we might have a lot of spalting in them other logs these were cut about three years ago maybe two years ago I don't know if you guys can see this right here but I just did a blade change because right here I get a dip in the cut and then it ramps back uphill right here so once I start getting dips and waves going up and down that's past time to change the blade so new blades on should be good to go for the next cut foreign [Music] foreign bar top slabs [Applause] cutting them at two and a half inches thick man they are heavy well this right here is why the blade got dulled so quick and I just had to change it out spots like this when you get dirt on the outside of the bark you can see that blade traveling this direction is grabbing that dirt on the bark of this side of the log and it's dragging it through the cut and that really dulls the blade quick so I'm gonna go eat some lunch real quick and try to get these camera batteries charged before they die it's pretty chilly out here today and the camera is not lasting as long as I thought it would so after I eat we'll get back at it well lunch is all done I'm really full wife made chili that was great and now I feel feel really lazy but let's go ahead and get this log done and get everything cleaned up foreign foreign [Applause] so we got into the center of the log which is called the pith and we have which is fairly common a crack all the way down the very center so I'm going to take probably a one inch board out of that Center and hopefully we get most of that crack pith out of there and then the next one uh the next cut can be another two and a half inch slab hopefully it'll be clean [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign 's going to do it for that log and for us today I appreciate you guys watching I was excited to get into that Hickory log like I said I don't get too many of those and it looks like it made some pretty cool slabs uh we'll get those dried up and uh eventually somebody will have some nice bar tops or whatever they want to use them for now we got three or four other boards there for other projects so I got a couple more of these Hickory logs and a bunch more Walnut logs that I'll have to get caught up soon so please uh if you could give me a subscribe and like the video maybe leave me some comments below but until next time we'll see you [Applause]
Channel: Aaron Turnwald
Views: 180,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woodland mills, woodland mills hm130, hm130, sawmill, live edge, hickory log, stihl, chainsaw, john deere, john deere 2032r, john deere 2038r, hm 130 max, woodland mills 130 max
Id: eSveSRW0tsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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