Saving our BEST FRIENDS in Pikuniku!

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hey guys welcome to crew live and today's live stream is sponsored by epic games don't forget to use our creator code it's funny on the epic game store to support us welcome everyone welcome happy friday we are back with some more pikuniku and we're gonna beat this game for everyone who's joining us welcome welcome last friday we uh we started peak unique when today we're gonna beat pete nicu just return to albanco yes we must save the little critters from from the hat person's trouble i forgot i forgot your name money i'll remember money free money money money brains that's all i free money blob and don't forget to hashtag crew live on twitter we'll be reading your questions and this game is very fun for those who are new it's a puzzle game we're going to solve puzzles together with this [Music] what's up everyone welcome oh i remember our job was to turn the power back on we gotta go our dog was to work on our legs because it's like everyone's like happy friday happy friday everyone we're so glad you are so how do we turn this power back on anyway you hit it with your legs you kick it you got to kick everything now you kick the red button easy one watch that oh okay it's just a bunch of um uh-huh oh wait that's wrong that is wrong you gotta get to the green button so you gotta kick the yellow button see see guys this is why there's five brains and then all of these brains together we shall solve the epic electric puzzle watch this you probably should have fixed the blue button first why because yeah you have to click the yellow button to get back to the blue button okay you know why it's this watering can hat can we put on a different hat yeah i don't think we need this hat anymore guys let's get our different hat i forgot the keys oh it's right here stream do you remember oh there you go all right let's make our hat something cool swag oh yeah look at that guys no see big brain let's go wow we're like electricians at this point well that was easier than expected huh good job good job everyone good job kf we got this there's so much to fix where do we even start okay you gotta move the red thingy so you can get to the green thingy now go to the green thingy kick the green again i'm sure there's more sophisticated terminology but we're just gonna think there is no good terminology i wonder what happened to that little monster that got taken by the money man the power is back on we should be able to ride to the metro now no the screen's gone sorry i i think the music's a little too loud for me i'm gonna i'm just turning it down a bit there you go is it too loud you guys yeah let let me know just put like an emoji it's like i can't hear it it should be good now or should we be shouting should we be shouting i think i think maybe this this episode let's just roll i feel like rolling like this walking like this that's how you want to roll everywhere yeah sounds good thank you thank you you guys are back for anyone that's joining the stream that's how ezra walks can we show up yeah he travels really fast he's slow boy fully extends his legs all right let's go where should we go to the lake the lake oh yeah dude we gotta go on the subway we are saving people from did you say buy free money did anyone see that ad that's so scam it's inviting that metro is fast it was fast it's a real shame no one got to use it hopefully that will change i'll wait there [Laughter] oh my gosh hopefully that will change now that you fix it my line dragon the lake is straight ahead i can't wait to take a dip lake let's go to lake people use these excuses don't push us oh wait you don't got the glasses man wait we need we got our own little crew now see it's sunshine huh where's the lake where has the water gone i bet sunshine ink has something to do with it let's go find that worm the worm the worm oh the one that went into the albuncle remember yeah oh yeah oh the worm okay now i remember the brain's name mr sunshine right is that it do you ever remember mr sunshine mr sunshine's the worst mr sunshine does not spark joy to us let's go long legs long legs sunshine gives money no surprises here wait that's the lake oh my gosh so that's why the lake is all dried up he's drinking it too fast the robots built a dam so they can suck up all the water it's worse than we expected it's moon or the worm with a pinecone head ah there you are have you seen this yeah we figured it out what can we do to help you i don't know you should meet mother first hi there mother big worm mother who is mother my mother oh okay makes sense i don't think we want to meet your mother where do you live we live in the old mine deep down under the lake you can access it by the elevator in the cabin what oh you guys are fancy you don't need the key though luckily i brought it with me huh wait i probably lost it okay figures do you have an idea idea where it could be you lost it while i was digging my way up here it shouldn't be too far they said the worm needs to chill well time to dig find a cat tunnel oh what what is this minigames [Music] oh this is so cool i love these oh the graphics amazing dig down easy [Music] [Music] well if i was a key i would hide at the bottom easy can you find another key like a silver key oh no or what ah oh he took it away from us was that i feel old where's the wiggly boy he must have gone to the mine and we should now we should too now that we have the key let's go we got sorry i'm kind of tired of the money no the coffee the coffee should not make you tired we have some coffee guys we're ready we're pumped than ever let's go happy friday everyone what's up what's up welcome to the stream welcome to the stream if you're joining us we got long legs along with our little friends and we don't like mr sunshine yeah we're after mr sunshine mr sunshine stole everything away from us nice we got a trophy we got picked up cool arcade game let's open this little cabin as the little worm says it's inside the cabin chick there's elevator that's so cool wait kf do you guys like arcade games yeah let us know we love our kids you found the key sorry about that follow me my whole family is down there whoa we're not worms i guess we'll have to take the normal way go ahead we'll follow you cool fact about worms when i was a kid i saw a worm and gold tricked me and said it was a gummy worm and i said wow gold how dare you how dare you troll me was so weird they grabbed wait but did you kill it no i didn't eat it do look like like real worms you know what i mean you know what i mean i remember it looking like a gummy worm but it moved it moved i'll scoop that wall kick that wall who lives here what's up there you see go out through the laughs go out through the left yeah you have to go through the left you block the entrance don't you guys think it's weird how we used to play with bugs but now we're terrified of bugs i've never played with the bugs me either when a ladybug crawled to me i didn't like it really i played with like bugs warm ants and ladybug but now i'm scared of them ladybugs peeps i just really hate it okay guys let us know do you play with bugs are you like creeped out of bugs i feel like when you're a kid everything is just more like innocent you know you're scared of everything you have no fear you look fearless and when you grow older what's up yeah you inspect the bugs and then you get creeped out and scared i know dropping balls is a moth rocco loves monkeys and butterflies [Music] oh what oh i see you need to push the barrel no wrong way oh no no no it doesn't matter have legs bro i'll kick it out [Music] oh i see how it is edgy is power oh now you gotta kick that down we're gonna use our long wait but you gotta time it no why oh you have to time it what do you mean you can't just kick it down you have to slowly let it roll and now it's kind of like hard because you have to kick it the other way okay you have to walk into it push it up wait go go run go run run run fast okay wait wait chill chill chill when you're having a [Music] you gotta push it slower funny that's too fast you can't everyone's saying the bugs are you well see guess we're on the same boat here you are bugs what if bugs thinks humans are ear too i mean humans aren't and they're like bugs bugs being like ew humans you think where you you're eating come on okay then i need to push it oh what i got it okay that worked you get that money you'll get money please i don't think so no distraction who cares about the money huh we're you're saying this now then later we're going to need that money i know uh that's wrong i think so that makes sense oh that doesn't make sense no that's wrong oh no oh you got to move it to the right yeah yeah whoa what's this what's here is that the family home what wait that looks like mr sunshine um what's wrong with this well dark thank you so much for everyone who is joining us right now we are playing pikuniku for those who are new pikuniku is a puzzle game of non-stop puzzle fun i also just like saying pikuniku uh yeah so not to mention yes long leg game let's go what do we do here exactly chat yeah ideas i just like keep these around um i think you just gotta climb yeah we can't really you can't jump on those um house block things everyone's saying these look like little ants you oh here's a question from jaden they said what's your favorite carnival snack snack snack ooh good question funnel cakes or elephant ears funnel cakes yeah i like mini donuts yes i love mini donuts i think my favorites like super super curly fries i'm getting distracted by carnival food guys what's your favorite part i also like the potato swabs um funnel cakes but i don't know if i really like funnel clothes okay but all i know is people call me it's fun also in autocorrect of course you love funnel cakes funny i am it's funnel don't call me funny please their lemonades are the best too oh that was sad i know i'm being lazy it's my fault i'll go fix that pick up those legs funny i will everyone i don't know why i like lemonade so much oh okay so everyone's saying these aren't ants it's the brain thing it's mr money maybe mr uh money had like said mr sunshine yeah yeah i had a civilization before what happened isn't that something you took all their stuff are you lost no no yeah we totally were doing it we're super cool nobody comes here anymore the people from this town were actually very nice some time ago they started building a metro which would have connected all the towns of the island oh that sounds nice everybody was delighted what happened to that though but as they dug closer to it the volcano woke up and engulfed the whole town i don't believe anybody survived the eruption mr sunshine survived well we have things to do i'll wait for you at the elevator it falls the last we were touching faster last bodies what the heck that was more like um burnt to a crisp bodies let's push this head this is a skull of someone some someone will bring you to light oh what what are we doing do we help our friends blowing it up oh let's go now what you make this elevator go down don't worry my dude i got your backs oh i like those thank you wiggly worm that worm is so weird you're weird and wiggly i've never had a wiggly friend before well now you do me yeah wait do you remember that caterpillar you found oh you mean penelope yeah she was wiggling we lost touch after she turned into a butterfly though oh it's been weeks i hope she is okay huh yeah probably probably um quick sway this wouldn't be draco though he hates butterflies yeah let's go he would not reminisce over a butterfly friend yes he would be like oh good riddance you have grew wings and flew away good riddance i don't know why you don't like butterflies they're missing switch butterflies are cool but they also i blame that one spongebob episode okay a spongebob episode if anyone knows what it is it was it was very creepy all those sounds is it also because we went to that butterfly museum we were young and they were like they were they only sat on your face i literally don't remember going to a butterfly museum i don't know no that wasn't wasn't it like at school or something he was holding uh a butterfly and he was like crying while the teacher took the picture or something i swear i have them no it's all relating to the spongebob episode spongebob i don't know jacob it seems like i need to find that picture everyone's faint memories but like there's a really funny photo i don't even know if we like have it anymore but it's a photo of like uh draco taking a picture near his butterfly but he's not even touching it he's like pointing at it i don't know if we can find it though guys it's it's so while back but if we do gone we'll don't worry chill dude it's the legs okay coin yeah those coins are you know oh whoa barrels for days i like where this is going go down do you know where they are dropping them oh you gotta open the thing and let the barrels feel like we need all of those barrels so yeah no no you don't you sure are you sure this is not gonna like kick me in the boot you don't it's just one button i don't know i feel like you gotta kick something you gotta kick the thing again what what are they doing i gotta keep the lever you gotta kick the lever oh okay up boom i go back but what was the point well then what are the barrels for they lifted the that gray wall thing excuse me oh right here right here i see it hey coins who is scared of butterflies oh i think you need your water and can head oh yep definitely see i said do we need it you guys said no and now it turns out we do oh i hate this hat oh here's a good question chat from youtube said crew what's your favorite food in 2021 2021 has barely started exactly that's why it's a good question don't ask dumplings funny you gotta keep the hat on fine um i don't know um i guess was going to have his dumpling era for a while it's hard we don't go out so it's just like i don't know what kind of thing i made one of the i like black noodles i like people what's it called you did that for one i think i can't pronounce it i don't know no no that's no you can't say pizza because you didn't have it yet for 2021. funny um one food i don't know i just said the question is too stressful can i say a snack i really love hickory sticks right now okay that counts oh i like the other day lunar made like what was it called lunar that thing we caramelized it and it was like a dessert and it was really good flying oh oh oh flan yeah it's really good luna's best chef maybe we can make like a crew cooking episode where luna shares her delicious sweet recipes so you guys could try making it it's like i think that's enough skulls funny oh wait and then the other is it last week draco tried to cook what did he do to cook and it was salty i got dracula like a dumpling book dumpling book for like his christmas present but it came really late because of like all the shipping delays and stuff and then last week he tried to cook do you want to explain i went into the kitchen and then guess what draco was doing he was reading the ingredients so lunar could cook it for him he was like it was a vlog-worthy moment honey yeah but he was all like he was all like luna i'm ready and then she came down and then he was like put i need to leave that amount of this that and then luna was like doing all the cooking and he was just standing there telling her what to do let's just say um it was very salty he made various yeah well i didn't like the cookbook well the cookbook was made up bad recipes we're not going to say what it is hey but we learned something new if we didn't have that we wouldn't have tried mixing learn something new don't don't mix extra salt with extra salt guys yeah it wasn't just sorry i was reading twitter huh mother they're here oh i'm so excited i want to be the mother where's the mother where's the mother oh gosh [Music] bro hello mother hello children why did you give her that book i like it who are you i believe one of your children asked us to come and help you with uh a plumbing problem what the heck yes something to do with the water oh i see maybe i'll talk older well for years water was pouring down from that pipe on the ceiling we drank it showered with it cleaned the place we like to keep it hygienic around here but recently the water has stopped flowing and now if i stay no and the place is unsanitary saw that giant robot draining all the water from the lake we can help you with that that would be great but before i'd like to ask you a favor alice we're here to help ernie one of my children has gone missing oh i believe he was searching for another water source deep down in the mine but he hasn't come back yet i'm beginning to think he might be some kind of might be in some kind of trouble can you find him first um where's ernie i'm a bit tired yeah me too no guys hmm all right can you go find ernie of course we'll wait for you here lazy chilling with the worms obviously wiggly worms great off you go i'm gonna find ernie wait is the green blob gonna come with us oh that's just us see what's the minecart so cute okay that's adorable and remember what do we do with walls around here wait that's how you get out oh you're supposed to go deeper in the mine this is wrong go back on that minecart are you sure can we just yeah she said are you sure the mom said deeper in the mines that's not deeper that's like out the elevator okay fine then you gotta go down she said her mexican heart is happy but i don't know if it was coco i don't think it was i think it's not a chocolate flan no i don't think it is wait but i i like computers a lot in fact i even started to develop a video game but er it takes so much time here you can try it if you want it's a bit rough but i think you can play with it if you find a console [Music] yeah you should try making it lunar delicious i mean you should try making it wait why is it coco do you mean coconut or you mean like chocolate coconut coconut oh coconut flan sounds yummy too everyone's saying wiggly wiggly wiggly yes that's how wiggly the worms are speed run those legs sprint oh yeah i forgot what am i doing roll roll i forgot i forgot the roll button roll um detract your legs i need to look at the controls real quick so okay crew lover from youtube said what's one dumpling flavor that draco can't stand seafood shrimp [Music] oh are you okay man okay dracco are you okay that guy don't look too good let me just uh hey what happened to you are you okay you've kicked him up oh hi my name is annie oh no despite my current look i'm a worm oh no nice to meet you okay ernie is adorable can we just say that oh and we hit like and i found this beautiful green fountain oh my gosh it looked delicious so i drank it all turned out it was not that good and now i want to get back to my mom but i can't move oh my gosh can you help me are we gonna have to roll ernie back oh my gosh oh my gosh ernie you're so stupid this is so cute honey guys oh my gosh everyone's saying ernie's adorable yeah ernie is how are we gonna get ernie back everyone okay we must protect ernie at our cast okay yes whoever hurts will be hurt by kf and crew you do not hurt ernie let's go ernie roll ernie away only no one shall hurt you they're saying the worm is so cute is there a button to press [Music] the right button oh left button you got to and then right button this is like the willy wonka factory and then left button and then uh right button right button right button right button hurry hurry oh okay left button i don't know what i'm doing okay right button i got it i got it i got it okay right button just just tell them left button i don't think you're gonna all right button again left button again no no no no no no not the right one yet left button again right left left left again you have to get it to like you have to get him to push to the right he's just stuck there ernie you gotta cooperate with me yes sir he has to get yeah keep pushing it until he gets like he doesn't want to whoa that worked that worked that worked okay okay okay okay no no press left again press left again press right wait right again right again oh okay um left all right nope left again can i bring you home right again ernie all right left now are you sure yes left now [Music] yeah ernie everyone's saying ernie is adorable oh i just want to pat ernie on the head ernie is just so cute oh wait sebastian from twitter said it's pronounced f l and the o n so flan flowin don't rely on me to pronounce things right i said it's flawn it'll be flat in my heart no it looks like a giant mountain dew all right ernie okay you gotta go find a button we gotta get you out of here everyone is just in awe everyone in the chat is just in awe of how cute ernie is but what are we are we supposed to go up there i don't know just keep walking around uh where are we going exactly just keep walking just keep walking just keep walking you guys touched that red switch yet nope oh okay it's up it's up wrong okay cat saying protect ernie roll protect ernie at all costs thank you so much oh there's like 26 you're gonna have to jump on ernie to get in the hole insane thank you crazy welcome thank you for supporting that stream we appreciate it but all right in celebration this is ernie for everyone who's new meet ernie ernie is uh ernie trying to bring ernie back come on his mom no ernie ernie no no no delicious water no no please no ernie drank a lot of green water and ernie beast's a little bit sick right now come on ernie let's go ernie come on let's get more girls don't drink green sewer water come on ernesto okay okay that's good you ready jump in the hole um here's a great pun from velvet they said what do you call two worms in love two worms soil meats soil meat okay that's good oh isn't that adorable pop yeah soil turn it up okay let's go early ernie deserves every single piece of fat art barney i'm just follow this game is so cute guys we have to talk to ernie bernie wait why are you all green and round [Applause] some green water and i drank it all it wasn't very nice oh ernie you reckless worm at least you're safe this red thing helped me thank you we don't have water but at least the family is all here now i think your friends have something to tell you when they're back uh no they're in the back oh sorry i read that wrong and then i took the elevator and then the red thing kicked the button and then something exploded and then attorney has life stories i i want to take ernie though can we just bring ernie oh ernie's still talking i can't er come with us hey you're back we've discovered something worms are fascinating creatures fascinating wiggly creatures look at this what's happening wow maybe we can get the giant robot to help the wait with the worms help how we're going to go okay wait it's boss battle time wait the worms floats yes it's boss battle time time let's go bone worms all right we got our glasses everyone's saying cue ernie please steal him take him to the end i don't think you can guys [Music] [Applause] we got a trophy i love ernie oh no no that was helping it was helping yeah okay you just exp you're just watching this i think we just experienced an epic movie that was cute all right here we go oh yeah you see that i did that all right time to beat the giant robot at the lake that is drinking all the water and made ernie drink green water revenge for ernie you gotta roll to it well ernie let's go kf let's chat ernie ernie are you ready to fight the robot hey yeah let's go okay let's do this okay then all right the robot is furious stay out of his shots oh and also don't fall yeah don't fall don't fall jump you just gotta oh what do we do thank you hey you're wasting water until it's out of shots you got to wait yeah come on right here you can't extract everything oh that's just wasted we must destroy you you're wasting good water the robot is out of water he has to refill watch out we're moving worms for life oh jump down okay legs kick him hurry no you go in the straw what if you roll into the straw yeah yeah what if you roll into the straw and kick it oh yeah that was smart oh i can't believe that worked i love it the chat type they're all saying for ernie for ernie whoa whoa whoa ernie needs clean water yeah you took all of ernie's water this is revenge oh look at the worms they're taking the hits the robot's squirting water into the lake yeah that's good you're wasting water you need to stop you need to stop you're bad nope stop now okay back to the lake let's go fly this is so cool and once again then [Music] can we just say it's like a boba tea when there's that boba that won't go up [Music] you have to start over now you have to do it five three more times i know by the way i goofed up not to distract you but we're getting the cutest ernie fan art oh my god all righty wait can you send it to me on discord i'll show everyone the live ernie fan art right now after after this of course i need to see show me the cutest live ernie fan art wait which which chat am i sending it over so then in the crew the crew chat oh oh my gosh now you gotta walk back because you didn't first try again it's okay bro i think i think i need ernie art of luck just so i could get past this okay i need to check is it there i'm going to share with everyone there's a few i'm just uh give me the best rainbow i can help and if you guys want to look at it hashtag crew life i'll try my best to be ernie i keep goofing up i'm not concentrating i have to concentrate all right got that you will lose look how happy the robots are to destroy me they on the bottom platform it goes to the dude i'm not jumping off i'm going to fall off again and then i'll lose for ernie yes for ernie okay i got there whoosh all right get in there uncooked boba and ruin this robot's life okay just three just three heads two more heads two more heads i forgot that i just had like one life that's why i was like messing around for the legs staying in mid is the best oh oh no no no no no i feel like it's going to get harder up down down stop down up down down drago stop you are not helping me man go down go down hurry i'll tr i'm trying i'm trying my best oh buddy yeah [Music] it's draco's fault he's rushing me he's rushing me he's putting pressure on this level i'm nervous i'm ner she's not nothing okay the pro of this is after i get to see beautiful ernie art so there's more rainbow you gotta catch more there's way more and study i know i know ernie has like yeah i'll concentrate only for ernie art mad fan art oh my gosh oh my gosh ernie fan club let's go i will be a part of it draco i'm not actually questioning yeah i love crew honey said what is your favorite tv show right now oh we recently watched sweet home yeah it films really good um but if you hate like scary scary monsters they're terrifying creepy monsters that look realistic you might not like it but i kid you not the monster faces are terrifying i don't think they're that i think they're really cool that lady is so scared only the beginning i feel like is it like almost like stranger things and that's scary and strange no no no no no it's not it's not like strange i don't know if you've understand this but like when i was little i saw this ghost image on youtube like it's more terrifying than that image so i don't like i don't know if anyone understands not paranormal it's like monster like zombie virus yeah don't spoil anything for anyone who wants to watch it don't say anything it's good it's a really good series yeah we've been watching that together on the first level of this boss shut up okay i'm being pro just ignore this this is just i'm just warming up i'm warming up for the brain you're warming up oh yeah i just pawned i punched without knowing come on i think kf is so fast at doing art i could never draw ernie art this fast if i lose after this i'm making draco play is talented you can't make me play yeah i'll go afk out of rage when you better lose i'm trying my best to win but this robot has no chill go to the bottom go to the bottom no it no the bottoms are cursed okay there time to go stop moving just don't touch anything i can't i like using my keyboard bro we got this oh my gosh what the what's up with this come on come on is the last one [Music] okay actually chill because it's the easiest guy [Music] no no no no no area twice right oh this is the last one come on funny dude i know go to the bottom you got this okay bottom bottom you got yours don't let's look stay still not moving don't jump don't touch stop moving those legs the thing's moving its own legs okay let's go last hit last set for honey i want to see the only fan art it is a straw stop hogging on finally yes okay i've watched you for a long time this is too much you ruined all my robots [Music] get him boys no no no boys no do you like our face it's like what oh oh excuse me oops who got captured indeed we kind of sunshine you suck oh man and don't even think of escaping yeah i am watching you from the room next door oh that's a cool setup hey so uh sorry we didn't see this coming i dug my way through here i don't think anybody saw me but this place is crawling with robots we have to get you out of here all right thanks oh there's a key i have an idea find a way to distract the robot i'll take care of the rest i know exactly what to do we just have to distract the robot but first i want to see some beautiful ernie art but oh my gosh this is so much um guys if you want to see the ernie art just go here i'll just grab a quick one because this i don't want to hog up the stream time yeah i have a picture i have a picture of her first from anna where's my stream okay everyone feast your eyes on the cutest photo ever of ernie actually there's many cute photos but i grabbed this there is a lot of cute photos yeah the luck of ernie come on ernie there look at the ernie photo we shall make it past this level look at that yeah let's get how do we distract the guard anyway the plan camera unbelievable i leave you alone for two minutes and you find a way to destroy something do you have any idea how long it takes to get one of these replaced we know there is so much paperwork and it has to go all the way up to my managers it is going to take forever yes good job good job good night so just so thanks for ruining my day don't destroy anything else i feel kind of bad yeah robots have feelings too no but mr sunshine doesn't i got nice here you go oh thanks yo we're in best worms i think the glasses just make us more like totally go off escape from the wall you're in the volcano wait oh man oh my goodness that is a lot [Music] the next room is full of robots you have to be sneaky if they see you they'll catch you common sense let's go through the vents oh what's that propeller hat oh it's like among us through the vents totally not suss at all hey why beauty lies in imperfection that's what a lazy person would say i fully agree to fix something still it would be nice to fix that door one day but it's okay beauty lies in imperfections oh you stop right now you're under arrest [Music] we saw red vent ah yes red is us in this situation okay okay i got it i got it i won't be whoa whoa whoa you're ready okay you gotta time it wait wait wait no now now now [Music] don't listen to drago here's a tweet from briony they said would you guys ever think about coming to england love you guys thank you for making my quarantine of course of course like honestly we want to travel the world one day it would be so cool like i want to see all the building structures and every place is amazing every country and honestly what are they doing it looks like they are making plans for a giant city we have to get you out of here robot we're escaping what were you saying rainbow oh i was saying that you guys really helped us during our quarantine too yeah you guys know a lot better these streams and everything this has been so fun lately thanks to ukf so we we just love you you're the wall right now we're hugging you but it's like it's also quarantined so this is a digital hug to this wall that's you just us i'm glad we have each other or else we would be a very forward and we wouldn't know what to do no no no funny wrong vent you stop right now oh don't make me replay that okay right vent left top vent you sure okay bottom right left middle we need to keep and everyone in the chat right now pay attention you're going to help us through this or else we're going to fail miserably you're going to sniffing tooling yeah remember photographic memory take a picture that we need to make it to the top right vent got it all right epic let's do this epic games all right oh yeah epic epic games who loves it when i say this video is sponsored by epic games you gotta go into the top oh no you gotta go into the left right i love all these cool games left middle where's the button no no no you gotta go into the left middle there's no button here [Music] you gotta jump down to the bottom right oh i'm getting caught up you cannot be seen you can't be seen run yeah now go back to the bottom bottom yeah go on they're saying straight then left okay to the vent and we got it top right all right i want to say top right good job kf big memory big memory let's go literal brain yeah big brain big brain 500 iq oh mr sunshine you disgust us oh no oh so this is it this is what is it this is what it is going to look like coffee yes all the buildings you requested are there where is my house have you been thinking about my house yes it is right there in the middle oh mouse ah i see will it be ready for the great eruption we already launched production whoa nice very nice i'd better check it out ooh mr sunshine's such a jerk he's not so surprised no free money he's just liar we must destroy him take this sunshine yeah that's what we think about your city the great eruption what are they talking about something is off uh-huh everybody has to run [Music] activating the lasers wait no wait i'm still there well that was mean go up there gotta go to the top van if we want top left if we want um um oh okay who cares yeah who cares about the trail when using lasers for evil i am turn it off whoa you gotta turn it off you gotta turn it off you gotta get in that vent okay wait can we touch that down there's that thing yep oh nice into the vent side for the final fight can you kick mr sunshine we will guys we got it there's no way we're not kicking mr sunshine nice all right pretty easy turn this off easy peasy oh that's if you want to get the badge if you want to get the badge nah who cares no i don't get up there oh oh oh oh it seems like we totally know what we're doing mm-hmm yeah so we know that yeah oh oh really for a badge we're going to do these steps all right i got it anyways up now you got to go um undo the other thing so you can actually get to the event i'll get you out we have thirty thousand people watching right now that's insane thank you guys so much for joining us thank you that's so crazy thank you thank you this little swag appreciation now went through on a friday i think like this time is just the perfect time to stream for us right guys yeah if you guys like this better everyone do you guys like this time because we'll we'll keep doing it yeah usually you used to stream earlier yeah we streamed a lot earlier and i don't think it's a good time for everyone to make it but this time it seems like the perfect we go down yeah these robots destroyed themselves they want us to kick sunshine in the face we're gonna do that for you kf yeah mr sunshine what is that thing showing the sunshine oh wait what that's a citizen what that's a citizen like a monster from the first village what i'm just gonna roll past this yeah i'm saying yes they're saying it's a good time no no no sorry you've been working on this for weeks and it's still not ready sorry we're talking about a new world here a perfect world sorry will they be ready for the great eruption [Music] sorry oh man sunshine's so bossy this is not what i asked all the citizens from sunshine town ought to be perfect you understand but nobody is perfect right nothing is perfect right make sure everything's ready for next month all right right [Music] whatever so this is my name yeah sunshine biggest nemesis hey our citizens we must help them escape we're here help us wait do you know them what are they doing here we must find a way to open the cages there must be a button i already know the laser laser hit that button get in that vent get in the vent yeah you gotta go go on the right vent some more vent things oh no you gotta go in the left van first we gotta kick this thing over oh we have to push the sun let's just get it to the side enough that's enough that's enough don't do more work than you have to push all the buttons let's go easy nope not that one what remember in draco's you don't need to push that button i'm not smarter is that am i going too far that's unnecessary you could have just kept left that button unpushed and then jumped back up couldn't you or no sure there's probably a reason why nope dude there's a reason why they did that they they're like whatever go to the end they want to make us do the whole route whoosh and we go out you go and roll again up now [Music] doing this once again and go to the left cat said rainbow 2021 sunshine nemesis yes rainbow versus sunshine i am there yeah oh rainbow right here thank you oh wait i thought that was weird dude that looks pink i think it looks weird thank you magenta thought i was going to spend the rest of my life in here oh what happened to you uh well remember when i won a special visit of the sunshine inc headquarters oh yeah i remember turned out it wasn't a visit you remember you who was it it's rainbow oh really that's pink i thought that was purple that's pink cha chat is this pink or purple it looks pink to me it's definitely not it's like i don't think it looks anywhere near purple okay fine i will sound purple they put us in these cages for days they took pictures of us filmed us took measurements what for they're making experiments calling them the sunshiners that's not cool is that a sunshiner oh no oh what is this don't worry they're harmless they're not very smart oh this is a sunshiner it just looks like a robot trying to imitate both of you yeah that's it basically mr sunshine wants them all to be perfect but i don't think it's gonna get any better than this they're just robots after all so they'll do whatever mr sunshine tells them to do the great eruption sunshine town um okay wiggly worm use your brain oh come on you got this this is me doing math this math hurts my brain i think i get it putting all the pieces together come on mr sunshine wants to build a giant city where he can live on all the sunshiners at his beck and call that doesn't sound too bad what where is he gonna build it going to trigger the volcano's eruption and wipe the whole island so he can build on top of it okay it sounds bad we must stop him yeah so everyone rainbow the whole youtube chat is just saying pink so no problem i still wear a lot of purple not a purple inside i must have a really weird screen yeah you have a weird screen then yeah i have blue filter on so it doesn't hurt my eyes oh that's yours of course rainbow cat's saying that's me doing math too dude math just be hard sometimes math i'm not gonna say math is fun because i'm biased math is always hard math is like cool but i don't get it i don't get hard math oh wait is it it might be a trap oh this is all the tap this is the final boss i think oh snap like the full factory wait that's the corn that's the treat yeah that's everything that mr sunshine's stealing he stole the popcorn i mean he stole the corn made into popcorn he's stealing the trees and turning it into planks right right right i just thought he's paying for it but he's just sure not being careful he's using all the resources who's that oh it's our friends hello we found our way in we're ready to rescue you what are they working on in here everything mr sunshine is going to wipe the whole island with this volcano multiple intruders stop right there oops come here yes wormy help us escape let's go we can deal with the robots we'll be fine but you have to stop mr sunshine take the elevator are you sure why do we have to stop mr sunshine because you did nothing that's true we are the protagonist red swag has to do all of this oh i'm not ready so you gotta kick him for kf remember what he asked kf we got this i'm gonna kick him in the brain what you again why can't you leave me destroying this island in peace you know sometimes when you want to build something you have to destroy what's already there first that don't make sense and it's going to be bigger better soon this island will be an empty lot a blank canvas on which i will paint my perfect city oh wait but that's happening in real life you're insane how will you do it well i'm going to wake this volcano up and flood the island with lava oh once i'm happy with the result my robots will put out the fire with all the water i got from the lake then they'll install the buildings i made evil villains also have plans like this and finally they'll grow some corn there but um i really like corn i can see and there you go a perfect city and everybody will live peacefully me and my sunshiners there will be no accidents no fights no hate because i can control them all perfect people in a perfect city a little ironic mr sunshine and you're not invited the heck oh no no take care of him boys you gotta kick him jump up and like um kick his face i think you gotta wait for sunshine right wait wait wait no i think you just straight up jump up hold no no you catch space i need space i need space oh it's getting bigger [Music] oh wait there's gotta be concentrate what's that you have to jump on the arm i think you gotta jump on the arm when it gets close to um and ride it up to his face and kick it are you sure yeah i think you gotta jump on it i think you gotta jump on the arm i have this platform you should do a test when it snaps the next one try jumping on the wall i'll try okay wait go to the right go to the right you want to stop now jump jump on it jump on it wait do you have to get it to smack him oh yeah you gotta get it to shoot him by like jumping i think it's just at you you can't jump [Music] survive no i told you the point in this game is to survive so you watch grab that laser [Laughter] you can't stop moving funny there's three attempts of this so just survive three attempts yeah i was gonna survive until draco told me to do something stupid dracco oh you just did something stupid by yourself well i'm trying to be speed okay yo come here you have to keep moving funny you can't stay still [Music] your reaction speed isn't that quick fine you just move left and right this is the final boss the final boss is gonna be quite tricky three two one yeah yeah yeah yeah three times three times for you let's go don't hit the middle the middle is like cheap don't do that that's that's cheap move cheap move i don't think you should roll during this thing why i like your face you're scary no no no no no roll faster though yeah i'm talking okay please don't hit the middle oh i feel like this is kind of actually too easy this is easier than the other boss chat what do you think this is easier there's more oh okay now right wait till it grows bigger then move move [Music] ouch we kick ernie please don't die no i'm here to save you oh there is no one to save get rid of them well yes it's not much but it is enough for living expenses see sunshine i'm not what i'm not getting paid for this hey why am i not getting paid yeah mr sunshine can we not talk about can we talk about this later i mean these are pretty extreme working conditions and i'm not getting paid that's true that's true robot yeah seems wrong to me yes it's not like you don't have money and stuff oh come on you just have to push a button and zap people off it's really not that much do it yourself think of the free exposure and experience for your resume sunshine besides you'll get to be premium citizens once my city is built wait what is it 15 reduction on your metro card wow okay i'm not doing anything until i'm getting right yeah oh come on the robot rebellion well i don't care i don't need you anymore i can wake this volcano up by myself no oh no he's going to destroy the whole island you have to stop him jump on me thank you ernie ernie's mvp wait but who's going to get ernie out i don't know he'll come back we'll come back we have to come back for ernie stop following me well stop giving me ridiculous items to follow you away your legs can't compare to our legs we've been training for years oh oh that's popcorn you have to jump sounds dirty wow okay get ready to jump don't follow him too close i think you just because you got a popcorn rocket perfect ernie we love coffee concentration hey mr sunshine what's the point of living in the world if you're the only one in it mr sunshine itself no oh this is gonna be challenging i already have do you think this is even possible do you think making popcorn by throwing corn and lava is even a thing i mean it probably is but then it looks great science experiment okay what other cool ways you got popcorn using the sun using your very hot computer i mean yeah you could probably do that too rubbing it with your hands until it becomes so hot it pops i think that's dangerous don't do that your hands would burn before it turns to the wall oh it's going faster i'm trying to concentrate [Music] right over your head i know that was so so lucky oh it feels good stop it stop it don't press that enough it's lava time no water oh why'd you do that mr sunshine man do not listen to reasoning you evil villain oh no please no no no no okay i may have made some miscalculations regarding the volcano's power but you're too late anyway dude lava will throw through flow throughout the island and a new world will arise from the ash a perfect world sunshine's crazy destroy the world is that it wait do we get him take him kick him off oh my gosh it is time time movement moment we have been waiting for are we ready okay guys let's count down on three two one we union off can we get you ready in the chat yeah get your legs ready training them legs for days for this moment moment see this every day's leg day let's do a beautiful countdown three two one you yeah weren't expecting that [Laughter] oh he's floating away later sunshine maybe sunshine will be less of an evil oh well that this was unexpected yeah it was rejected i guess nobody wants my perfect city then [Music] but maybe a perfect planet no no no no no no no no no the sunshine planet no just wait until i land on it you'll see this is what happens when you eject someone this like float in space forever whoa what did you die oh it's a ghost buddy uh it was gold oh nice you're here is this the end of the world you never sent a postcard is that draco um um uh it's still gold right i'm no i'll say i'll also go i'm glad you made it through it's been a long time since we last spoke huh i'm sure you still have a lot of questions left unanswered there's so much questions we have who are you first of all yeah okay you do have questions what was the purpose of all of this oh okay i get it you obviously have questions you're not gonna answer our questions are you okay i was just using a rhetorical device i don't have time to answer them what am i supposed to do next okay stop i don't know just because i'm an ominous entity doesn't mean i have all the answers what youth these days you want everything right away well i hope you've got a time out of here at least out of there at least what else ah yes your score okay let me calculate that oh wait we haven't seen the game it's probably bad your total score is 1.6 honestly i don't know if that's good or bad i don't think it matters anyway you made some friends saw some new places save the world i think you did a pretty good job anyway i was checking in i don't want to take much of your time too much of your time well maybe we'll meet again later it was nice seeing you have a good day is that it okay thank you boss i think oh yeah we saved the same day we just talked to the entire i don't think your legs can handle that fall that was easier than expected oh good you're here we managed to stop the eruption by pushing this big red button honestly putting the abort everything button next to the destroy everything one is just poor design we're glad you're safe where is mr sunshine i would want to talk about it we sent him all right then we should be safe for a while oh thank you for everything you've done it was so nice having you around we should get we should get out of this volcano and tell everyone good idea little seeds wow we did it are you coming of course we're coming yeah we yeah we meet some we made friends our best friends forever you guys are the best yeah where's ernie don't forget ernie oh my gosh yeah you better bring ernie back are you going to be on the end credit screen show up we can't forget ernie oh my gosh that's it yeah thank you awesome beautiful game that's still good guys thank you so much for joining our piku niko stream i can't believe we beat it all together that was amazing if you're new here make sure to subscribe we stream every friday and next week we're streaming streaming something else epic hey it's the mr sunshine they're still there leave a like if you enjoyed we hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and that's it that's pikuniko everyone pikachu it's unique i just want to be here music so i wonder if there's ending credits like an ending i know i feel like there's an easter egg so we're gonna just sit here and chill we'll read chat what's up chat shout out to everyone who's still here thank you so much for the 30 000 viewers watching that is amazing thank you guys so much did you guys like this game yeah did you like the game let us know i'm but what happened to ernie i i know okay that might be an ernie easter egg we just have to like chill here thanks for playing i want to see what happened to ernie i think you have to make like your own ernie lore we are going to make one so ernie ernie's in a cool place now ernie now becomes mayor oh i think that's it did we just start over i think the whole game just restarts we just start over and try to get a better score oh well yep we saw it awesome all right have a good weekend guys thank you so much for watching we'll see you all next time bye-bye we love you bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,324,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, livestream, live, itsfunneh livestream, funneh livestream, krewlive, krew livestream, pikuniku, pikuniku gameplay
Id: 5h0FZ_vIgn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 37sec (4717 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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