SAVING lives with the new 15,600 IQ GUARDIAN role...? (custom mod)

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well i'm just a plain old crew member in this lobby full of special roles i'm not sure what i can contribute here guess i can just do my task i mean chances are people are just huddled around each other making conversation like i feel like i know exactly how things are gonna play out people are gonna group up people are gonna troll people can go oh my god what happened and it's almost like [Music] the point is i trusted blau because he seemed innocent he said go for rey then i rushed down rape and then ray stood there uh i don't know why and then and now he's dead you killed him saikuno we literally saw you all right next imposter you better kill me before i get you oh you're sure you detected you know i think it said something funny it said like the blood isn't the right color oh oh so now you know i'm the sheriff so i'm really gonna die i knew ray was an alien no one's that handsome i don't know if we should just believe him so quickly what if he's not waiting for you yeah what if i'm marinating you second what if he's marrying you why would he get me oh i love somewhere and then say he's please trade with anyone anybody wants you gotta go gotta hey let's see let's talk oh yeah yeah yeah hey jester chris you think you know me but you don't okay i guess i'm wrong i thought you were jester what makes you think i'm dressed obviously i don't know you as well i thought i did nope nope you don't okay i'm not jester and you wouldn't lie to me right no no i wouldn't if you're actually not jester that would be a big problem because i would doubt my ability as a human being no oh um have a good day what was that cat meowing oh my god guys leslie is acting weird but she told me she's not the jester so she must be the imposter yep but wait wait no no it can't be good enough for me i guess guys vote leslie [Music] this guy's toast yeah i'm like wow no crew made again there's nothing wrong with your pants what if i want to do my tasks all right can i trust you this time we send you to do a dangerous task so we'll send you to do comms when it gets called okay what do you think i am right now uh hopefully not imposter what if i am the imposter that would make me very sad but i'll still protect you oh wait come here if you want me 1v1 me right now i'm doing me right now i can hear you i gotta refresh your tune all right guys detective and i tried to inspect the body i unfortunately clicked report but i'm still the detective i know exactly what happened leslie yelled out in posture come 1v1 me yelled out ben jammin in the house and then he was a sheriff and killed both of them and that's pretty much it oh no no no no what is it called i've heard benjamin i heard ancient scream 1v1 me 1v1 well leslie was screaming in the light benjamin part but it's only because i saw h june say he wanted to be like benjamin when he grew up i thought it'd make him happy um he's dead now i don't know if he can ever trust anything cycuno says anymore because i know that's exactly what happened it was a sheriff's killing yeah it was very funny though i definitely didn't double kill with my teammate and self-reported that would be ridiculous look okay i'm gonna say it loud here me and ash may go into a quiet corner together so if i die i just want you all to go okay valentine's day give him one second ray [Music] [Music] please it's your hair now psycho no somewhere and then she sniffed it she sniffed it and said wait a minute this isn't my hair it's a different smell [Music] and watches the ship as they go sailing [Music] says the killer headed west did you see anyone pass by toast no i didn't see anyone pass by oh they must have run down then to that vent yeah church weren't you just with us yeah and then rent to office oh yeah i it was right under vitals i walked up me and jack i was reading out the report to him it says the killer headed west we saw toast come from there so it's not toast but i i guess uh the killer must have run down into specimen then if toast didn't see him yeah how far west is west i don't know just as the direction oh west it also said he had bells on his shoes yeah what did that mean i don't know what that means it's kind of like it what what does that mean do you guys know that nursery rhyme that the the you know bell's on her toes one you know i'd love you too was it the guardian sing it sing oh that makes sense [Music] let me inspect it i will read out the hints for everybody to hear were you guys let's go sniff west no jay wasn't with us he actually came from that way though on his shoes remix where did you come from where did you go where did you come from [Music] west west that doesn't sound like south east huh southeast i don't even know raise angels what is [Music] sunday hmm ray is dead oh that's unfortunate what let him work oh oh jesus oh jesus guys i couldn't expect the blind if i didn't found the body what did it say oh i found the body where is it oh did you jay did you did it you found the body and there was cycuno and g nelly and ash standing next to it i was the detective inspecting it and you reported it and spedici what was ash doing i went to comms okay she nearly said interesting things though what did she say she said rey ash cycuno yeah because i left them in med bay together as naked beans and i just wanted to make sure they all came out alive ray obviously uh was violated ray got decapitated well you guys know i'm the judge it's like who knows detecting could be ash admittedly i did leave him but i wouldn't ask you am i big braining if i think it's you no that's small sorry all right if you didn't get this momentum big brain when she's imposter oh oh i voted for toast but i think it's toast in there oops oh well guys do we have to i don't think it's time to accidentally vote on ash and i accidentally is everybody everybody oh god jay you're enjoying this way too much for my liking jesus friday today you oh god if i was playing valorent i'd say give me a corpse like cipher oh oh hi who is next i'm pretty sure we got it right then right i mean i'm kind of scaring everybody right now yeah i'm kind of leaning towards you honestly it's not me i'm just very happy the game would be over right if we got it wrong yes so jay must be innocent so it's toast oh host what do you think i don't think so wait didn't two people toast yeah who was that jay and ash oh oh that's ashley's trying to clear toast why would jay vote for because wait i thought jake said to go for ash i think he's trying to get a free pick yeah remember when jay lally announced i voted for toast and then one second later it's ash guys i voted ash oh yeah i do remember that that's a little weird jay did you vote for ash or toast last round i voted for toast oh why yeah so happy we got ash out miss click oh don't you be using it for the voting menu you have to click twice miss click twice yep nice misclicks kill him we could just vote j here and then definitely no we've got one oh no yeah the safe thing would be vote j right you know that sounds pretty safe to me oh god oh god now you're right you vote for jay nelly said vote for jay leave the church now all right we got you nelly we got you backed up well i haven't invented it okay okay you guys know [Music] wait wait guys don't call the button here jack and coach come on oh my god wait wait wait wait what the hell no stay at the button in case something goes wrong and then check vitals every once in a while okay detective what do you have all right here's my deduction i know exactly what we have to do okay jack has it been 20 seconds yet yeah all right kill me jack and we'll see what janelli does all right [Music] oh jesus oh my god nelly what'd you see i didn't see anything everyone was naked oh my jesus girl so nelly what happened was that there was a guardian and an imposter between toast saikuna would i okay one of them guarded and one of them tried to kill and failed what do you think happened um i don't know i'm i'm very nervous right now i'm scared who's rattling that's that's my nerves because i'm so scared in this 50-50 situation okay no it's me i'm taking my blood pressure medicine oh okay no you take your medicine you just in case you blow this because it's gonna spike no okay nelly who are you most source of [Music] oh benelli i'm the guardian and i protect the psychonauts from spadaisi ah and what do you have to say jack huh uh that but reversed changed ah [ __ ] i don't think about that oh my god no no i'm the guardian i'm the guardian no no nelly i'm the guardian no nellie i have to take my blood pressure medication because i'm the guardian you hear the rattling don't make me spike don't make my blood pressure spike nelly you gotta vote jack dude do you know what i actually am gonna vote jack only purely because when blau tried to blame you for a kill before you were so defensive and i don't know where this defensiveness has gone from you jack i think that might have been last round because i killed blau this time that was the best [Music] sorry the reason why i was so quiet was because i had to set my keybinds to toggle deafen and what that's why i couldn't talk right away because i couldn't mute myself and people would hear me all right so where's lily pichu because i'm gonna go kill her that's perk a b fire by i really wish i was paying attention to who i saw coming down but i didn't but i saw her like in the hallways um on the right side of the map okay is that where the body is yes that's where tina's dead i don't think it's because we passed each other on the left like recently yeah i don't think it's brooke yeah i i just passed corpse and toast and electrical uh was alive about seven seconds ago i don't think it's bread man because he came down with me and i saw broke out lights so it's not those two either i feel like it was a oh my gosh i don't want to say it's lily but i feel like it's literally that i passed by coming down lily med skin did anyone it was like a pink purple moment i want the girls girls pink and purple um uh-oh let's get it done girls get it done wait you also could have seen a more fling though yeah yeah sorry tina alright tina bobina see you later tina we miss you gina anonymous voting oh interesting oh don't give toast ideas all right lily you got medscan huh ah she got med scan that means you're gonna die she went right holy sorry i mean you got medscape what do you want me to do oh oh gosh oh it wasn't lily wait what this is uh right outside of comms i'm curious i know someone said lily scanned but did the other person scan also and did lily vouch for them yeah i don't think anyone checked her i don't think yeah there was like four of us in there but i don't think i'm gonna actually yeah where's the body at comms i was just with uh brett woman in uh brett in a while oh yeah corpse you did that thing again where you asked what the body was right after they said where it was oh sorry last time you said sorry as well but you were imposter oh i'm not saying that oh i'm not going for everybody is that what you want jack no i was just i'm just pointing out a fact i just love spitting them [Music] i feel like jack knows corpse very well so i am duly noting his suspicions hmm i think he would suss himself even more if he was jester not in like a slight s rhetoric type of way i don't think i've ever seen corpse jester wait where's the body [Laughter] you know i am voting you now hold up i have to kill corpse i think there's a good chance uh he's imposter i should also kill pokey i guess pokey's a little smart a little too smartphone good oh my god why is this like people here yes what's up i was just checking something you know i was really suss of it's pronounced jaden right yeah yeah uh i was really sassy you last round but i'm not anymore i just wanted to see if there were any kills that happened that were being run that's why were you sesame in the first place and why are you awesome okay i would assess you in the first place because you kept double backing on admin and there was a kill in comms which is like kind of close and i thought you were gonna kill me but then i figured maybe your kill was on cooldown because of the body that i found but i'm clear of you now because we were around each other at an empty corner frequently and there are no kills yeah uh i wanted to ask there should be four people who voted for corpse right who who was the four i think i was one of the four bretman dave right remember that bremen yes i voted him because he asked where the body was a third time okay so corpse did not vote for himself okay yeah so he shouldn't be good okay ooh good to know so are we go voting corpses are you detected you guys can vote i did not wait a second hey pokey you clear jaden huh wow that's bad news for you oh what is that pokey me what the girl band guys oh man i know corpse is a hundred percent clear yeah on the body after i found it because i saw him in navigation area and then i saw him come out of electrical where was it he must have come across from electrical to me who else is there then brett did you see anything on cams no i didn't hmm wait where's dave for a second i thought that you killed them no no i just stumbled across it no audible gasps don't none of that i know he didn't do it well i know i didn't do it so you know you're [ __ ] when you say something in everyone gasps you just i was following pokey for a lot of the beginning and then uh we went into nav and brooke was there and i left i have a question where's the body at yes how did you know i was in um security i was doing my one to ten in reactor and then it went across because i saw the cam was on and then saw you in the boxes uh okay because i didn't see you but i was at camp no no i just walked in and out to see who was on them i was on my way up when the body was right wait wait hang on jaden you said pokey was left with brooke yeah um pokey where's the body though it's above columns interesting so i did mine on the i did my tasks in navigation i came back went into admin finished my upload corps and dave were there and i have not left admin did you go through cafeteria or the bottom cafeteria hmm guys this i'm confused i miss voting for corporations is jayden voting for herself because she's the imposter [Music] i need to kill corpse okay i count 10 i count to 10 i count to 10. and then we do this and then we do another set of kill and then by the boom we should try and call a lightsaber all right jack you camped that okay no no we should just nice [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,480,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, guardian toast, custom role among us, among us mods, jacksepticeye toast, impostor
Id: swkMZwLZy1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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