Saving a BIG BLOCK GMC From a Shed Full of TRASH!!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard digs we got a special one here today we are back at the property that we were last time where we got that square body chevy roddy as you can see we've got an s10 out we've been using that and as you can see there's a camper here might not make sense right now if you didn't see the other episode but you can check that out here and that'll explain what exactly we're doing in short we bought a camper for 500 bucks drove it 120 miles here and decided to camping it and get as many cars as we get running this weekend that we can get running this weekend and in this episode as you saw in the thumbnail we will be working on the other square body currently you guys know exactly as much about this truck as we do nothing besides the fact that it's orange and white as you can tell let's venture around to the front and see what the hell we have and what it's going to take to unbury it get it running and driving and get her home okay so this one is gmc 1500 unlike the other one which was a chevy 1500 this is a 73 01 of 73. this truck is a two wheel drive we thought it was four wheel drive but it's not we don't see it very well in pictures we do know that right there is a 454 big block in a 1500 looks like we have four flat tires so i think step one is going to be get the air compressor that we found in the corner over there out and air up some tires and try to get this thing outside where we can work on it i don't know how long it's been sitting has anyone seen a sticker on the license plate did you say you saw one 2012. so okay nine years a little bit longer than the other truck so i don't think it's gonna just roof right to life but i don't know so far everything out here has so if you watched the last video where kevin and mook revived the other orange chevy that was in the shed you'll know that most of these cars are absolutely decked out and you'll know why because the gentleman that used to own these automobiles was a trucker so just like he liked his customized trucks he also liked to customize his daily drivers so this thing is absolutely covered in it's not junk but it's not exactly helpful either ever smokers tins here triple quadruple mirrors visors chrome uh windowsill things five antennas naked woman on the hood a bug deflector bumper markers headlight hoods all of it if you saw the last video you also know this place is full of cars and absolute mess yes we're gonna be trying to pull as many of them out of here as we can and yes most of them are going to be for sale so keep an eye out for that we'll make it a very obvious announcement when it's time this guy apparently i think went to clearance racks and just bought them out as all this stuff laying on the floor eighty percent of it's brand new like brand new socket set brand new whatever the hell that thing is screwdrivers brand new five piece pry bars like just all sorts of tools all over the place so what we've done for this video is we've brought no tools with us and we're going to use whatever we can find here to try to get these trucks running we did bring transmission fluids we learned that last time let's start making a tool pile or a big tool bucket and then we'll have our toolbox i'm going to take a play out of nolan's playbook and set up a table to use as a workbench it just so happens there's a table here a pair of vice grips needle nose pliers i found these hammers and a screwdriver set 27-piece socket set and a bigger screwdriver set i found a four-piece socket set and a four-piece combination set battery charger shop rags a big old pack of wrenches oh another pack of wrenches on the bottle big red if you don't drink big red then you i found a pair of electrical stips creeper these are spark plug wires from last time and enough trailer lights to light up the whole county okay so in like eight minutes we came up with all this we've got screwdrivers hammers a couple things of oil sockets pry bars you name it should be enough tools for the weekend angus is currently charging up the air compressor it's time to put some air in these tires and get this thing out of here i think we need to get the hubcaps off to get to a couple of the valve stems so uh first tool coming off the table pry bar let's make it happen all right there's one are those side shirts they are what four they're not for this oh yeah jc whitney box sure enough 73 to 77 mc full monte carlo monte carlo oh yeah mc very well camera man monte carlo oh yeah that would make sense yeah it's sitting on the wind with a purpose oh yeah they're taking air these are arguably better than the tires on the s10 which we intend to drive back and forth to town as a shuttle since we only have a camper hey fuel hose throw that on the table there's another one right by your foot oh my god i can't believe yeah it's going oh that was pretty bad it's it's not really that bad but it was dead flat here's the battery we brought i'm going to see if we can get one of these that we found to charge up all right brought our good battery that we brought along with us so we're just going to swap that out here real quick see if we have any any life out of this truck and it's already a top post so that's nice and i also just found these pliers so that's also nice oh my god they've got the actual battery hold down still in use it's amazing to me because i own one of these trucks i didn't know this is how it's supposed to be there i'll set that in the poop where are you now the battery tray is rusty sucks but for the most part it's there all right we've got our battery hooked up ready to go uh before i pop inside to see if we've got any lights or anything i'm going to go ahead and check the oil in the engine and pop our lid off see what shape we're in under there and it's low it's a quart low but the oil looks to be in good shape so we'll dump some more oil in that before we get it going too far i'll pop off our poop cover all right cool okay oh god i was afraid this was gonna explode in my hands oh god oh no yep just coated our header with oil that's fine that that's how we'll know it's alive throw that back on and probably kevin pop in see if it uh it's a little crank bingo bango oh man there's a lot of stuff in here hey there's life behind you oh hell yeah we got cab power i'm going to guess is 103 000 miles not 3 000 miles blower motor works you know it's a chevy just can't turn that off yes are you ready sir uh ready as i'm gonna be here [Applause] so what i don't understand is the only things you hear on a cb anymore are spanish so all these guarders up here on every car there's like five and they all say playboy on them what i've learned is these are actually air fresheners back in the day and this is the thing truckers did which made sense because you know truckers and accessories like all day there's a clock a clock a clock a compass a compass a compass and a clock air pressures by your knee and toenail clippers that's some serious ibuprofen money that does help pain go away it is an effective ibuprofen who knew i got like five bucks now i found this magnet and it just kind of wiggles around nothing is there starter in this truck no it's got a starter in it everything hooked up i can't see but assume so i think it's a wiring issue now the starter issue well i'll tell you what i'll hit the key you smack on the starter oh i heard it keep going i have a ton of amperage in here do that lights work yeah does the horn work yes well just got up it's really hard to get around under this truck there's a bunch of junk on the floor so i think we should push this outside get the shovels oh boy [Applause] got a big old brush some used antifreeze that'll probably be useful i'll fly right out of there there's one of these i'll walk a walk and wake up ew kill it kill it with fire [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay yeah that mirror wasn't gonna clear anyway [Music] we'll hook a real chain up [Music] we're ready when you are [Music] that's it [Music] good [Music] i did i was for sure that i was gonna break so i like looked at jesse i'm like [Music] that's impressive at least one part of the rope was good [Applause] okay well starter sticks okay the starter just kind of moves around a little is all that's funny so i don't really know what i did i was just testing voltage and it's just all it took was the magic touch of this device so this is our lucky voltage tester now we're gonna keep this for life good news truck spins over lesser good news doesn't spin over great let's throw another nail in this side and see if it's a termination issue otherwise we'll probably pull plugs and throw oil down the cylinders that's better it's still not great but it's better well should we check that we have spark might as well let's do it [Applause] looks like it might have been a re-man car it's really clean let's disconnect our fuel line while we're up here though dang it i can hear this tire leaking i need a one inch no problem let me just dive into the tool box [Applause] how about a one and a half there's got to be an adjustable wrench somewhere that's a pipe wrench but it'll work i don't think it will but you never know how about another one and a half if i were an adjustable red you know i've still i've been here for a few days and i looked through all this place a lot of times i've never found like his toolbox or like where the tools are kept they're just kind of like that's where i keep my wrenches until i buy some next week what size did you need one inch no that's just 1360. all right here one inch no way oh my god i need another one i'm just kidding oh yes thank god we finally found a vacuum eureka that sucks oh my god more accurately i don't know where we are is this a crab is there a crab on my head what angus what do you think crabs look like what are crabs in your mind i'm not a doctor how would i know it's a bucket i didn't sleep very well last night it was cold i was too scared to turn the heater up all the way because i was afraid that we might burn this shed down this would be like a hay fire because as soon as you start it it just smolders and there's no stopping it because it's literally pieces of paper touching from one end to the other and the other problem we had was there was a barn full of hay that would have been like a hay fire if anything went wrong so we were a little chilly all right let's check for spark go ahead angus nothing as we would expect all right so just simple same thing every time we're here except for this time it's a big block chevy which is a first for us but now we got to reach way to hell back there pop that cap off and clean up those points do we have sandpaper do we all right angus you go find sandpaper or something of a sand clean up points device i'm gonna take the cap off so it'll be hard to see with our weight mechanism over top of it but the points are right next to the condenser like right right next to them like under it i guess i'll see what i can do and we'll go from there we'll know what we know when we know it okay so a little more investigation that showed us that our feed wire for the coil is dead so i found this jumper earlier we were doing something on the s10 it was just sitting in the sitting in the shed just like all the other tools we've had so i hooked that up so we should have 12 volts feed into that let's go ahead and see if we got spark hit it sir all right still nothing keep standing at this point i guess okay so as you can see our test light is on i have it hooked to the positive side of the coil and the negative side of the coil so it's being powered directly off the leads on top of the coil what i'm going to do is reach in and open these points with a screwdriver and as you will see the test light goes off and you can hear the spark and i can see it jumping the points so that is what's happening when your points are opening is they're removing the ground and it causes the coil to discharge at the same time i can bring this over here and you see we have spark so this is testing my points and my coil at the same time saying they're good so now if we crank we should have spark you'll never guess no crank now what all right we got spark let's put this all back together throw some fuel with some oil in it hopefully kind of i'll free those rings up throw that down the carburetor and see what happens give her a little squirt let's see if it makes any noise oh gosh we've got our fill line unhooked so we can see if our fuel pump is going to work and see what kind of fuel we got go ahead sir see if she makes some noise yeah i guess what bro are you kidding me okay i just i just shook the steering wheel for the fun of it and cranked the key and it cranked i wonder if it'll do it again now that i've said it out loud all right go for it sir all right hang on let's check for spark again on the bright side we have 30 psi of oil pressure that is good all right go ahead right we've got spark at the coil let's see if we've got it at the plugs yep we got spark what's your deal it's not the best not gonna lie i'm not spinning fast enough that could very well be an issue it might be a dynamic compression issue where like you said we're not spinning it quick enough to build compression motor might be a little worn out or something you just never know that's pretty much all the juice i can give the damn thing though all right one more time there we go [Applause] a lot of [ __ ] just came out of the exhaust don't know what changed but something changed all right hit it again [Music] stinky well nothing out of our fuel pump do you got anything on the gauge yeah a million a million fuel hey it's just like the other one i'm excited to pump but who's surprised one more time let's see if we get some fuel so we got nothing come out of the fuel pump i don't particularly feel air being pumped out either to be fair this thing also has dual tanks on it is it and it's got a selector yeah it's it's not like a normal chevy dual tank system it's like somebody else added a non-gm tank to the driver's side it's just a big rectangle tank you got a big manual selector yep right there on the floor try it let's see what happens i'll see fill this bowl one more time hit it no fuel do we want to toss what we have in one of the tanks and see if it picks that up what do we have like a gallon yeah i don't know if that's enough to make a difference but you can try so we're looking for the second tank fill which i think might be in the bed wait a minute dude this truck's got a wood bed i didn't know that was an option also has a spare tire which we might need well if the tank is built from the bed chances are that's not the one they use because there's no getting to it this amount of crap oh we found it you'd have to like either do some crazy lay on the ground stuff to get the hose in there or take the wheel off or take the skirt off and those are all bolted on we ain't using that well let's throw this one gallon of gas in the tank we can access let's see if we can get this thing to move some fuel i doubt it but we can try all right hit it i'm gonna go on a limb and say we need a fuel pump well angus is finishing up taking off our fuel pump we've got one order we gotta go pick it up it's gonna be an adventure in the s-10 we're uh i'm gonna get this brake lit off and see what's what hey the same story as the last one nothing in the rears so we should at least have half a pedal let's see if we can find the leak and fix it plug the whole thing off or just magically bleed it like the last truck found some in the shed it's older than me guaranteed still looks good so we'll uh see if we can bleed that out kind of like we did the last one which is just pump the pedal for 10 minutes see if it magically works again yeah we're getting air out of that that rear so just keep her going i guess certificate of title he just kept the titles in the cars it makes it really easy for us if they have to go through the attorney still but uh 73 gmc and angus oh a five dollar bill well after stepping on the brake pedal for a long time once again it rebled feels perfectly fine so i guess at this point we'll hop in the old s10 danger our way 25 miles down the road in a truck that sat for we don't know how long with tires that are terrible get parts for the s10 and this and then return you got cold last night i did oh my gosh those are mints there you go come over here yeah it was sitting on top of poop like lots of poop if you guys are seeing this video for the first time while it's still new and just posted on youtube you'll notice that it was about three or four days late from our regular schedule if you're already subscribed to the channel you've probably seen the community post and know why but for those who did not see it this is because my parents place just got hit by an ef2 tornado in the last little the ratio storm thing we had come through iowa so instead of editing this video on a wednesday and thursday like i usually do we loaded the truck full of chainsaws and equipment headed north and helped everyone clean up good news no one was hurt no real loss of property occurred a couple old buildings that we were intending to take down anyway simply blew themselves into the burn pile we had a whole crew of family and friends show up to help mom and dad clean up and to keep them moving forward we needed supplies food diesel a whole bunch of stuff that we needed to spend money on and the bank was closed because it was a weekend normally this would be an issue however due to the sponsor of today's video current i was able to access all my funds and control everything from my phone and keep working this right here is the current debit card now if you're unaware what current is it's banking modernized it's finally been brought into the 21st century like i just mentioned current allows you to control all of your finances from your phone because of that current has made banking faster and simpler you can remote deposit a check into your account using your phone's camera and direct deposits can happen up to two days faster which can be huge when it comes to paying bills or emergency reliefs such as this one and speaking of emergency reliefs current allows you to set up savings pods within your accounts these can be great for projects general savings funds or emergency needs this card is something i wish i had years ago you simply sign up for an account receive your card and then manage all of your finances from your phone it doesn't matter if i've made another trip to o'reilly's or gone down to the steel dealership and bought the biggest saw they have available every time i use my current debit card i get points for cash back i mean what better excuse to go buy the big chainsaw than when your parents backyard goes from a pine grove to a pile of pickup sticks turns out five and a half horsepower on a 25 inch blade is a lot of chainsaw you feel like you got hit by a truck after doing that for three days i would never want to get in a fight with someone who runs a chance all day in the logging industry so if you guys are interested in modernizing your banking experience with control over your finances from your phone quicker direct deposits and points for cash back you can head to the link in the description below or go to junkyardkevin that's junkyardkevin now if you'll excuse me i hear a dirty chainsaw and a bottle of tylenol calling my name [Music] [Music] all right as you can see things have changed we drove the town got ourselves some parts washed up the truck filled it up too washed up we got about five minutes of light left maybe let's go ahead and get that pump on there and see if we can get this truck to move some fuel [Applause] there's no looking for hose clamps in the garage to finish up our fuel system here which is now done we came across these two boxes these are eight tracks this truck has an eight track player i've never been able to listen to any track before we've got reba mcintyre abba um way [ __ ] way lon jennings is in here give me that give me the daggum waylon greatest hits it's not the honking tank euros but it'll do it's hockey talk let's let's make it let's find a sacrificial one anyone any of these you don't recognize um i recognize jerry reed and jerry lewis and tammy one at blondie i've heard that oh there's another whale on waylon and willy what about peaches and herb peaches and herb you know what we're still together that sounds like the perfect perfect thing to throw into the eight track and see if it eats it there's a radio even worse stick it in you try turning it on and back off again what are v b and t volume based treble it don't work that smells like poop so bad just straight hog [ __ ] okay well i'm sure another one of these cars are gonna have any track player so we'll try that one well if we don't that music maybe we can make a different kind let's see if we can create the music of our people and fire up this 454 and make it actually run off of its fuel we have gone ahead and put a fuel filter in line before the pump god damage dank outside okay angus i'll tell you when to cut it if i see fuel i think there's a kink in our fuel hose yeah we got a kinked fuel hose who could have ever foreseen this except for those who put it on me all right i primed the fuel system by filling the fuel filter before the pump it was a little old fuel pulled up so i don't maybe just kinked looks a little more relaxed now we'll see go ahead angus hell yeah we got fuel it's nasty but it's there and it's filtered so not to worry about it all right let's hook that back up it just took a little bit of priming to get that diaphragm wet and get pumps are really good at pushing they're not good at pulling a diaphragm pump is your best option for pulling versus a vein or a clicky clackety or an electric pump diaphragms can pull from a tank if you have to run an electric pump you have to put it low below the bottom level the tank if possible as low as the car as you can safely and back like a foot or two from the tank they cannot be up here they cannot pull they can pull as long as they have the line full and they don't need to pull that fuel all the way up the line such as this one was trying to diaphragms can do that electrics cannot either way sometimes when you have maybe a little tiny hole somewhere in the line or you're pulling a little air or the pumps just been sitting for a long time there's a bunch of rust in the line sometimes if you throw a little fuel in front of that pump so it only has to pull this far instead of eight feet it can get that prime and then it's more efficient at pulling fuel and like you can see we move fuel let's get this hooked up and make this thing run that is spectabulous there's our campfire starter it is it looks strawberry it smells someone here go ahead sir ignition she's running oh she's a sadder oh no you broke it there we go i'm pretty happy we can say we know why this truck was parked fuel pump that sand was parked was the alternator i don't know why the other one was parked probably a translate i don't know but i don't think it sat there very long hang on i'm getting sprayed in the face with something it's antifreeze must be a hole in the radiator that's probably why it was parked look at all them lights what do we got around back [Music] everything works back here [Music] red black here we go let's drop this don't park what there's a lot of smoke coming out of places hmm seems to all be oil burning off the headers for the most part there's a lot of cooling right here though until you hood i don't see a hole in particular it's wet behind the water pump oh that's yeah that's do you think water pump i'm thinking water problem yeah i think it's coming out of the water pump bearing because that pulley's dry on the face but not the back we can still try to get that transmission working what do you think seven or eight quarts 21. 21. that was a good catch now it's gonna smoke well it overpowers the pig smell this is our big 454 powered air freshener smells like hot lettuce [Laughter] hey [Music] oh sad now how did you make it crank up shake the wheel up and down [Applause] why did that work i i shook it left and right [Music] yeah a couple more quarts and she'll be good to go all right so for the rest of the night our plans are to work on a different car until we get light tomorrow to drive this so for now let's move this thing out of the way might as well go do a circle in the yard right goodbye goodbye [Music] [Music] so [Music] that big blocky about the performance all right it's the next day in fact it's the end of the next day already we've been busy working on that you can see that in its own episode that being said it's now time to drive this thing to town still runs pretty poopy but it's only like 15 miles i'm sure it will be fine that's probably a better idea yeah get this cleaned up find a spot for a second person to sit and then hit the road oh we have to stop the dumpster first and throw a bunch of [ __ ] away we could just figure out where the dang balus resistor is we don't have a ballast resistor wait what's this does this run the lady yeah okay that goes all the way over to there to there just tape wires together somebody or are they an actual connection if i could just turn the lights on and run the ignition we'll be set bingo and then for extra security we'll even tape it look at that why does the sun go down so fast gravity [Laughter] wait come on [Applause] [Music] oh uh there's nothing under those that's just fiberglass all right let's load up and get the hell out of here next snap car wash angus is in the s10 behind us we got brakes good no idea how much gas we got i think we put like five gallons in so should be all right oh look at that sun it's very bright i don't have my sunglasses and ironically for once there's none in here all right unlike all the other vehicles we've driven this one's got some hellacious flat spots in the tires like it is quite bouncy if i do say we can get the seat to unlatch and go back so it's stuck in the full forward position so i can i have to put my toe at an angle to get onto the accelerator pedal another news though we're heading down the road at 35 temperatures looking good pressure's looking great got 50 psi it holds its own on the road pretty well we're doing it we're causing calamity a big block square body and getting passed by a ford ranger this truck was interesting it went from well there's no way in hell we're gonna be able to drive this one to oh everything works and we it was like three things that happened that we didn't change anything it just it was suddenly okay ignition suddenly okay starter suddenly i guess the starter was we figured that one out at the ignition it's hot wired so basically the water pump was leaking and now it's not that's that's what i mean that's what's happened here that's what the whole point of that sentence was we got about eight miles to town give this thing a bath and then head the rest of the way to one-of-a-kind customs and park it next to the other square body let's do it really quiet in here i'll tell you what so jesse and i decided damn it's getting kind of cold here my toes are cold we should turn the heat on i wonder if it's got heat then we remembered that i unplugged the blower motor because it was annoying and now we don't have any heat i blame you for my suffering probably for the last three days that's been true yeah that's fair like it's just generalized statement right there yeah i'll give you that one this thing is shaking apart i'm learning there's value to be had when you get a car running and the tires were low but not flat like flat pancake flat the s10 was low the other square body was low but they all rode down the road perfectly smooth once we aired them up this truck was flat flat and it is shaking our teeth out right now the 454 since you got torque and third we're up to 55 our temperature moved the tiniest little bit just like the other truck did so they must be broken the same the fuel gauge just says 800 million gallons just like all the other chevys we worked on this weekend oil pressure still holding 50 psi don't have any brake lights don't have any charging lights everything's happy hey wait a minute yeah i i don't know what that one's purpose is i let me show you what i see nothing i see two-thirds of the top here and this one it's same story however i did notice something keep front wheels on front that is where they go yes [ __ ] what was that should we see if we can scratch the tires yes [Applause] that was amazing the old girl still got it the 454 started running pretty good got some fresh gas through it marvel mystery all ran through did a little tuning she's back to life ladies and gentlemen the sunset in the sarger near iowa and there's a camaro every time we come in there's a classic car this is awesome i saw a square body last time we came through here weren't you in it i was in a different one all right let's give her a bath it's not the valve stem something else is leaking air oh boy oh boy hopefully we got this pill bottle full of quarters let's get it cleaned up so [Music] all right that's what we're working with let's get it all to that point this is why you wash your car really well after you do a like button buff everything is full of rubbing compound all this white compound no it's not there anymore all the cars we've been finding are full you have to shake the steering wheel again all the punches over hey all right let's continue on i'm gonna move oh my seat is sucked tell you what jess this thing drives really good better than the other one the other one was all over the road but it was also windy that day but with the exception of the tires being squares that big block is not a performance monster but it has a lot more torque than the other truck and it gets out of its way just fine it's it's a smooth riding truck it handles nice that's a red light ooh the brakes go every single direction but straight we did like a right left right oh my god this was a horrible mistake why is it shaking so much worse we're losing a wheel holy [ __ ] dude it is coming apart it almost start making pop oh it got worse what is this it's like shuttering like four wheel drive issues what the hell my mantis are flying everywhere okay something's wrong we need to pull over that is atrocious that tire's going flat we got an air tank with this so let's see if we get some air in it holy crap that's the worst vibration i've built my life all right let's go figure out what that was uh something is unhappy to say the least did you see anything uh yeah just how the whole truck goes as you go down the road and all of a sudden it started going [Music] is that what it was yeah i don't know if your tires blew the belt that one's low that one is low so let's get air in that got some air in that guy he's still quite unhappy about it letting us know that he doesn't want it anymore but it smells like brakes this this whole rim this whole area is a little warm there's just a lot going on in this corner so we pretty much need to make it as far as you can see and we're done let's see if we can do that oh oh oh oh there's a hole there's a hole quick find the nail and put it in i bet we ran over a nail or the nail that was in it came out oh no that's the worst quick find a nail and put it in that one i didn't catch that at first well time to go go fast not too fast ignition everyone laughs but it works [Music] all right let's see if putting some air in that tire help with that drastically aggressive flat spot that was done i have i can't decide i feel like no but yes at the same time we're not being bucked with a beam i don't know seems like we're still alive let's see if we make it the rest of the way ta-da we have made it one-of-a-kind customs surgery iowa get this sucker stuffed in the shed and building some cool semis and [ __ ] [Music] it's not any prettier i'll tell you that all right so this is not one-of-a-kind customs it's one of their storage buildings but behind us you can see what they do if you guys saw the last square body revival video you've already seen us walk through these and check out all the semis here if not go check that video out it's pretty cool i do want you guys to do something for us though there's three things actually first one-of-a-kind customs on facebook pull them up and give their page a like second same thing this time on instagram one of a kind customs ia go give them a follow show them some support help these guys get their business up off the ground and finally for those of you who have it one of a kind customs is also on tick tock so if you guys want to do us a favor go ahead look them up give them a follow give them a like give them some interaction show them that they're doing a great job here with these semis and if you guys are someone who operates one of these and if you guys are coming through iowa and need repair work done sigur in the iowa one-of-a-kind customs same goes for custom truck builds i mean that one's right in the name i should have to say that one so huge thank you those guys for storing these truffles until we can come pick them up or drive them home this one's going to be a pick them up not a drive home unless we bring tires because holy crap about lost all my teeth on the way home and the brakes still stink so with that our tire's going flat again turning back into the non-round shape it intends to be for the rest of its life and we're gonna hop back in the s10 head back to camp and do it all again tomorrow so if you guys enjoyed this make sure you subscribe leave a like leave a comment below follow one of a kind customs on social media like i said earlier and we will see you guys for the next episode peace i'm gonna go fall asleep on the floor of the camper you look funny dude i'm so tired stayed three days that's what you got it was wrong it's been fun the last time you were out here doing a video full-time real chipper this time you started chipper now you look like you'd rather just punch a baby [Laughter] yeah we'll see you guys after some sleep and a beer or two peace you
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 642,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, gmc, big, block, chevy, 454, one, of, kind, customs, saving, shed, full, trash, can we, will it
Id: Z9bYoFw4uxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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