Saving a 64 galaxie 500 from the junkyard. Its a big block!!!

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all right well i bought another car we gotta go pick it up of course it's got flat casings so i gotta get an air tank and we gotta head that way we got dad heading over there with the roll back see what you guys think about this car always airing up air tanks around here good morning rocky how you doing you want my keys huh no all right we got our air tanks loaded up rocky decided he wanted to go so we're going to let him go on his first uh trip to go pick one up of course he acts like he does this every day he's just hanging out he's like a dog i'm gonna say he doesn't smell quite the best all right here it is the big reveal this is what we bought let's get a closer look trying to sneak the roll back back through here it's kind of a top fit so this thing is i believe a 64 galaxy 500 and uh it's got a 390 in and i'm told you can barely get back in here because the briars but luckily i've got shorts and my flip-flops i was sent with me so uh that'll help me from getting hurt with these briars we should have left rocky over here six months ago let him eat all this down to uh where we get in here man it's got a nice grill doesn't it let's see if we can get this hood up yeah there we go okay we got a motor under here that's a good start looks complete even has a breather on it wow wait mine open nevermind i got to open i just thought it was stuck something's definitely lived in here and it wasn't rocky but the seats eat up pretty good there's actually a key in the ignition that's a good start looks like we got some uh drainage over there in the floor and i knew the car had some rust in it from where i had seen it before well we got some exhaust popping in here and some brake fluid so probably got some issues there this looks like some breathers for uh the valve covers maybe how many miles does this thing have 33 000 so we're probably at at least 133 by this time uh i don't know how long it's been sitting here exactly we might find some paperwork but he says it's been sitting at least 30 years well shoot it won't start if i take my flashlight oh it's got hubcaps that's awesome oh so it's like a matching set oh ralphie look at you that's a chevrolet cap there stop it my biggest fear there better not be a snake living in this thing what's up with the snake skins lately does that fit this car i don't know if it does or not got some more uh drainage right here i'm so scared to even touch this that's the jack base there but it doesn't have uh any car parts back here so maybe it didn't break down that's a super old mountain dew can that's metal instead of aluminum or i should say steel and set aluminum i guess all right we're gonna put some air in these casings to see if they'll hold any oh never mind rocky wants his rc cola again there's gotta be something up with these rc colas it got all over you too here you want some something he don't even like artsy cola raphael drank it what is that right there josh what does this touch looks like a snake guys over here grab the end of the tire do not touch me with it let's see what it is [Laughter] looks like this casing is airing up looks like this is some old demolition derby casings right here all painted up it was wiggling when you threw it out i thought the darn thing was real i touched it like the towel dropped down [Music] this one is like six inches under the dirt it may be aired up under there i don't know [Music] oh it's coming up look coming up out of the dirt like lazarus that's awesome i've had pretty good luck with casings lately it only has one lug nut on this side yeah i don't know if this one's gonna take air or not no way it was even off the bead and just like took the bead i heard it pumped yeah it's got one lug nut too that's all you need i think it's got a hole in it because it doesn't seem to be airing up and i'm running out of air now it looks like it may have been gold at some point and now somebody painted red and it's all coming off but it kind of looks cool this will be a really neat one to wash up so this thing is really in here it looks like somebody's cut the top out of this tree a while back and uh just let it fall over on the car don't try to get it out of the way comes your helper oh thanks rocky this hole there it'll amaze me now he didn't do anything it's moving i don't think the old two-year could have pulled this out either are those wheels rolling the front one [Music] okay he's checking the dirt out [Music] well here's the dirt report looks like we had some sort of creature action living in here for sure i kind of expected bigger ditches here where these tires were but maybe maybe the plowing uh filled those in looks like it had a tarpon over the front of it at some point but nothing really there's some carpet some carpet got out looks like it's got a little whiskey down in it right here i believe dead giveaway well let's look at it and see what we can see now it's up on here clearly we've got a little bit of rust action there how come every car i buy has these overload springs is there something i don't know about i don't know got some bondo action here apparently this thing only came from with a factory with four lug nuts i guess really nice grill like we talked about it's got some rust action there oh man look at that old oil filter there that thing looks really old but really overall i mean the the quarters and doors and fenders and stuff aren't terrible for a car that's been sitting outside for 30 some odd years rocky's trying to get him a mustang i guess over here he chops it off oh it's cleaning it up for us that's awfully nice been a long time since been uh in the wind like this i guess rocky's got a full belly of uh weeds and rc coal drive funny with all that weight on the back because i got a big block cast iron everything hanging off the tail of this thing can you make it there you go we're back home we're gonna try to sit this thing down inside the building i don't know how we're going to get off this bed though i got some dawn dishwashing liquid and water here to try to help this thing come off the roll back with four locked up casings [Music] oh gosh so we're gonna have to use a snatch block to get this thing off of here because it is not one to even slide just a little bit that roll back is real light on the front end right now so this is what you do use this thing chain at the back of the trailer the roll back run the cable through it and it'll pull your vehicle off instead of pulling it up on it we got it hooked around the back of the frame rail in the very back and magic huh it's kind of hard to see your car with flat casings [Music] and it's plowing to the left going the wrong direction so we switch sides with the snatch block cable to this side hopefully it'll steer the car the other direction maybe it's still coming off there pretty darn maybe we can steer it over this way with the jack now we've had to put a jacket on the back to keep the quarter from getting killed by the rollback well now that we've got it in the building here's you some old ford ads for this car i know how much you like them if you're like me but uh really cool old ads here there's a four-door model got the whole family in there huh on the lake and right here we've got one just flying up a hill kicking the dust up as it goes look this woman was an old widow neglected golf widow i never heard of a golf widow before that super torque ford climb heels like a yodler i didn't know how fast yodlers could climb a hill really like this whole picture i love the old clothes they're wearing and the hairstyles and the homes in the background it's really cool this one i believe is some sort of spanish ad from what i can tell this one here is from canada which is kind of neat as well and this one i'm going to add in some old nascar pictures because i love them so much my dad was always into impalas and we looked at old nascar pictures of old impalas and stuff and uh i guess that's some old uh tv cameras they put on the cars back in the day but i love the the old stock car racing back when they look like real cars i mean i don't know why they ever got away from this they should still be looking like real cars and not front wheel drive cars either right a real rear wheel drive muscle car just like this and i just can't get enough of these old pictures of the old nascar racing from back in the day and this one right here is really cool check out this wreck man that guy does not look happy that he's wrecked that thing i couldn't imagine being in a wreck at you know 150 miles an hour in a 64 model car like this safety was not the number one thing really back then uh like it is more today i love this is probably my favorite nascar picture right here that i found i love the two of them going around the curb like that right on each other i hope you like these pictures ellie's wondering where all this dirt came from she's figuring it out with her nose man that was a job to get that thing in here it's a good thing we had that snatch walk it really saved our loss there now we can actually get the hood all the way open but yeah you can definitely say it's the fe motor because the intake goes underneath the valve cover rail that's how i always tell i don't know we need to get that breather off there and see looks like it's got an aftermarket uh fan on it with no shroud at all but it's got factory exhaust manifolds it's got an alternator shouldn't these have had a generator let's see what's in here nothing oh filling crickets jumping it's got an old four barrel it looks like was that a carter maybe i don't know maybe it's ford's own thing and i messed up their house at night what is this guy is that the television clear vision optical filter somebody tell me what that's for oh i guess there's nothing in the glove box is there it had a padded dash i just noticed that was probably an option at this time if i was guessing it looks like the original old ford keys man they look cool i always like these uh keychains my first car my 63 nova had this same kind of keychain you know of course it said no on it i just noticed it has the old hose in a hose trick i don't really know how that's working out unless they got some metal in there oh it's a big day here we got our first shipment of some merchandise to sell so we got some stickers and we got some t-shirts we got some red shirts and some black shirts they're gonna say this on the front and they got a big one on the back uh i designed it myself so uh these will be up for sale soon as soon as i figure out how to sell things on the internets little babies getting the hang of this bottle thing wawa's doing a good job feeding her well i think i'm gonna do something i don't like to do but this one is so nasty again i think we're gonna have to clean this thing so i believe i'll clean under the hood and try to get all the junk out of there and we might even come in here and try to clean the interior out while we got the vacuum out and maybe the trunk and get at least where we can get in and out of the car and you know be able to work on this motor back here check out these what is that check out these hubcaps and stuff i'm scared to death after we saw this snakeskin in here my wife better have not put another fake snake in here so are these for this car or are they just in here i don't know enough i'd have to look them up and see i put some gloves on because it's covered in rat poop and teeth or as y'all caught my we'll probably keep the old mountain new can i think this is for the side of the seat now that i think about it there's some floor pan patch panel this looks like some windshield molding that looks like a rod for something on the carburetor it's just a big old thick piece of steel what does this look like don't touch me get older carburetor return spring that's seen better days i wish you count the nuts in here i wonder if it's got more than the thunderbird had you got holes in it [Music] there's no telling what's going in there what is under here huh we got some sort of creature running away here's our jack base and this looks like [Music] it's got napa on it so that's a good sign [Music] [Music] so oh man [Music] well maybe i shouldn't have vacuumed all that out huh i took a little bit of the car with me that's not going to be fun to remake right there is it but i noticed somebody has already repaired this car before probably for rust reasons this is bondo looks like and then they've pop ribbed it on a patch panel here and bonded over and i'm sure that's what's under there we also have pop rivets here holding a uh uh what's it called patch panel in same thing on this side so looks like it's had some rust repair work done back when it was gold probably when they did this color change on it so we're just gonna close this trunk so we don't have to think about this right now i'm going to start cleaning up in here now i always like these little tanks they have it reminds me of the early uh thunderbirds like that the real early ones always had those we're going to try to get as much mouse poop out of here as we can i looked it up and these are supposed to be 72 to 76 torino hubcaps is what those are so these are not the caps for this car well rocky's decided to show up he thinks mama has something to eat i have nothing but uh he's gonna come out here and work with us for a second i guess let's check the oil see what we got in there that looks very dark and chunky so that's good that's what you want to see looks like somebody's trying to get this thing running maybe we got wires that have been stripped back and cut this is unhooked we've also somebody's cut the fuel line off so somebody is probably trying to get this thing going looks like they cut the heater hose down there too maybe to drain it to keep the block from freeze busting i don't know let's see what the transmission looks like sitting here well looks pretty red it looks like it's probably a little low too considering it's going to probably read higher with the motor not running we'll check it again if we ever get this thing running let's vacuum this thing out [Music] we got stopped up right away didn't we i don't know what this is looks like carpet or something i don't know if that's the only big chunk of course we got nuts always got nuts with these cars i buy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so oh oh [Music] well we got most of trash i don't think that carburetor's gonna need rebuilt what do you think i looked up the uh i actually decoded the vin number in the door on this thing so it's a 64 galaxy 500 two-door fastback of course it was built in louisville kentucky and the guy told me this is a 390 but unless it's been swapped from the factory this came with a 352 fe motor with a four barrel so it's probably a 352. the original color was prairie bronze which i guess is this color this gold color right here and supposed to have black bench seat interior built on may 29th of that year supposed to have a cruise-o-matic transmission which i guess was the predecessor to the fmx transmission supposed to have a 300 rear gear and i guess there was different trim levels of these i guess it was a custom and then a custom 500 then a galaxy 500 which is what this is and then a galaxy 500 xl after that so this isn't the top of the lime model uh check out this vine that's growing in here yeah that's pretty neat it's kind of like our wagon our wagon has one right there with the same car well you know what we do we spray them down with pv blaster all the stuff we might have to take loose we got the big shot today we got two plate kits i believe it's a 500 shot this has never been done before hopefully we can keep the rods and pistons here spraying this much i don't know if she can take it we're just going to let that thing marinate in that for a while and we're going to move on to other things this is probably the main structure to the floor right here this whole carpet this looks like our gas pedal here and we got a breather for the valve cover and another one that's cool empty brake fluid so we definitely had brake issues probably before we parked it so parts master a seal some sort of seal there for probably the transmission or something got my gloves on now because uh this is pretty nasty stuff it's old carpet in here i know these floorboards are shot might as well find out now how bad they really are oh wow this looks like straight up mud in here [Music] this is the actual this is like the glued down insulation that's underneath the carpet got some wrigley spearmint was that a tail light ring maybe what's under here something moving i think it was a mouse no i don't think about this we got a glass pack muffler i should have paid more for this car i decided to put my mask on since this is uh getting pretty dusty with ratchet and stuff here's new bearings that were in the box still from parts master so apparently they bought like a whole new set of bearings it looks like there's been like four bearings in here so maybe we have a bearing issue there's some sort of bezel we probably need to keep a bunch of this stuff and they've pulled out and been eaten this is our television screen here we found in here pieces of it and it's so brittle looks like our rear view stuck there in the seat too it's good to have so we got some floor mat action here we might need that what's this somebody's somebody's clothes looks like baby clothes or something this is the insulation in the floor it's all just drawn this right here is deep i mean there's a ton of stuff in this floor down here wow this must have been the master suite right here this looks like that uh memory foam there's another bezel this is the insulation again what's that some sort of pedal [Music] [Music] so another video i'm covering sweat and nasty of course well you know i'm really actually surprised this floor here looks pretty solid i was when i saw that i thought well the whole floors are going but this one's solid and that one over there looks solid this one is not obviously but it's like the opposite sides from each other for some reason rusted out but these two didn't i don't know why it's a shame these seats it doesn't really look like they were in terrible shape when it got apart but i'm really thinking about stitching that back together uh and maybe trying to save what little bit of that seat's left dash is in terrible shape but uh yeah i was it turned out better than i thought i really expected the entire floor to be gone but it does not look like it's that way at all we got the big shot again here we go might as well go ahead and hold them breaks up because you know you know we're gonna have to get into them now that i'm under here i think our exhaust used to be right there looks like the uh this thing had glass packs on it like any good performance vehicle should have and maybe that one just fell off of there i better go ahead and get the front too while we're at it huh [Music] that's what you guys think it i got all the junk out of it hey whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down girl that's not the shifter that's quit you're gonna break it quit what do you think about it you like it i think it'll clean up we'll have to clean the seats and stuff later yeah you don't like it no not at all oh well at least i got y'all support so we're going to end it off here with this car uh it's in really rough shape obviously so it's going to take a lot of work to get it going we're gonna probably have to uh you know put some oil down the cylinders try to get it running and we'll do that in a future video check out our second channel at sleeperdude2 check out our instagram at sleeperdude88 and our facebook at sleeperdude i appreciate all the views i have no idea what they're doing or where they learn this stuff
Channel: Sleeperdude
Views: 123,466
Rating: 4.9041486 out of 5
Keywords: ford, galaxie, fairlane, falcon, custom, 500, xl, 427, 390, ltd, ge, 289, edsel, corsair, ranger, torino, futura, sprint, lightweight, hartop, fe, big, block, small, 302, 352, mustang, coyote, swap, swapped, ls, supercharged, barn, find, vice, turbo, jay, junkyard, will, it, start, grip, run, drive, first, wash, garage, digs, 4 speed, 5 speed, 6 speed, cougar, thunderbird, 429, 428, 460, cobra, jet, lincoln, mercury, mighty, car, drag, mods, street, race, machine, tv, 351, cleveland, windsor, nitrous, road, trip, abandoned, neglected, parked, 20, 25, 30, years, 35, 15
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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