First Start in 37 Years? 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 XL Resurrection: Plus 1961 Willy's Jeep Update!

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either flooded or ain't getting [Music] i don't know what in the heavens we just did but this compression in this motor is horrific uh we don't know what we did to it but we did get it to store it's been flooded are we going to say it cranks it up all right news is y'all see ya bye all right y'all welcome to another episode here on restoration my name is david i go by rev here on youtube i'm a full-time pastor and in the fun time yeah we like to work on these old rigs so in today's video we're going to have fun seeing if this 64 galaxy will start y'all reckon it'll happen probably not [Applause] so let me let you in on the secret of youtube when you hit that subscribe button it is absolutely free to use but it immensely blesses me all right y'all here's just uh here's the old man say hey old man there there's the shop y'all still haven't uh got the backfill in he's got doors built on the front so we got a lot more work to finish there yep today we're gonna be starting a 64 ford galaxy xl and obviously you know this is not it so uh he bought the body we got some metal work we're gonna have to do on the other car uh so the body uh that we got is uh this body a lot of this back here is gonna be used got him uh got him a hood [Music] get that old hood scoop on that rifle that'll make it i'll give you about seven eight more horsepower on it yeah i'll take you plenty of right all right y'all so uh let's go see the one we'll try to start all right y'all now we're up here and we're gonna look at the car we're gonna try to start today now the old man's here to my uh left and i don't want to upset him too much but this is a rusted roached out 1964 galaxy but it is an xl model so i think it is worth the money and the time it's gonna take uh to actually get this thing up and on the road again let's take a look at it all right old man you want to show there it is 64 galaxy 500 xl so there it is got a little bit of rust i mean just a few vent holes back here in the back i mean nothing little bondo won't fix uh she roached out pretty well yep there uh there's the interior i think we can work with that dash but it is an exhale that's a neat little piece of trim right there that ain't got it in here and got it wobbled in huh last tag on it was 80 there's 83 i don't know what the bottom is ain't one on the bottom so 1983 is the last time this rascal is on the road that trunkly is a little dented there it goes oh there it is just a tad bit of got three hope caps for it or two hubcaps for it one spinner broke off [Music] i'm surprised it stayed in here on the ride you spilled your coffee yeah so you got a little bit of rust got a little bit of rust on me oh yeah we knew this all right so we got the uh he's got the other one of course and we'll cut and drop a lot of metal uh into this one uh let's keep looking on this side here we go front end ain't horrible on it pop the hood all right y'all here it is let's see what the motor is let's see y'all reckon we can get this roached out galaxy to run today i think if we driving it down the road in a year we'll be doing all right always on the bottom right here way down yeah way down on the bottom all right y'all there she is ding ding ding is that the 390 you think i think it is 393.52 somewhere around there well i would think it'd be a 390 in xl but we don't know really yep probably it's a 390. all right it's got a power steering i mean it ain't horrible uh we took the top off yet yep so y'all think these old restoration boys can get this car running again after it's been sitting here like this um dip sticks gold dipsticks gone yep it was probably on it or in it it's not locked but it's not locked up so it motor turns which is good um i don't know if the carburetor froze up or not but look at all them we got a few carburetors laying around how did these sweetgum balls get in there something brought them in there out of scene i guess open it up all right y'all so i want to explain a few things about our channel while the old man gets this off some of you have said uh i i saw a commenter that said i hadn't seen him sell a car yet um we're not a car lot we got a we got a lot of cars uh but not every one of them is going to be for sale uh i think i'll probably get rid of the 67 galaxy when i get it on the road old man i'll probably get rid of a few uh uh he'll probably get rid of a few of his trucks that he's got got three more back here that's part of the things that he has bought um but we're not guaranteed that we're gonna get rid of anything we might end up liking it more than we want to sell it um and two somebody said uh i've not seen them really restore one you want an update on the 65 galaxy you want to update on the willis jeep we only have basically one day where i can come over to the family graveyard and work on some of these rigs uh i don't have a bunch of time i'm a full-time pastor and when i say full-time it means there's a lot of time that we've got to put into that there's a lot of work that goes into it so it's not going to be very fast on this channel so i've got a couple hours today and i said hey old man you want to see if we can get that car running and turn it over he said yeah come on so we're going to make a video today because we got time to see if this old rascal run y'all think it'll happen we'll let you have to see copper locked up all right we got a full barrel oh well copyright ain't locked up of course it's not pumping too good where is it well i'll let dirt drivers actually look at there you messing up their nest old spring works you haven't covered up ain't it got one in the back too yeah still on that's perfect still on there man that thing will run still got gas look at them sweet gumballs you got something to get all that off with i got a leaf blower i don't know if we can blow it off or got to put the breather back on what you gonna do that's just part of making a nest just kind of lay in there though ain't it sweet gumballs make good rett nests i had a squirrel in my house before i came today in your house yeah went down in the closet and the cat was at the door i opened it up in that squirrel it was like the mississippi squirrel in the pastor oh in the past i put the cat up shut the door real quick put the cat up tried to let it out the front door and that rascal ran toward me i don't know if i was scared or if it was scared but at least one of us was i can guarantee you that because i know i was cause i thought he's about to run up my britch's leg he took off toward our glass door in the living room and he hit it about 90 miles an hour wham and it hit back but he was like hey i got this so he kept hitting it and thank goodness i got over there i had a box in my hand held him in the corner and then opened that door and boy when he got out man it was it was like uh it was like salvation had come to that squirrel he threw his hands up was praising the lord i was too because i was glad he's at the house the only one mad was my cat when i let the cat out old skylar was like hey man where did my friend go uh he wanted to have it over for supper all right we're cleaning it off and then we're gonna blow it off right as good as any of them will get i guess all right y'all so we've cleaned off the top of the engine sorta ish and you left the doors up and i blowed trash into the i bet the battery i i guarantee you i mean i bet we don't run the battery down you leave the radio on did you i might have and somebody might have you turn the switch on i'm gonna let you know if i hear a radio going off all the way around this car i'm getting out of here uh i don't care the battery's still in your truck yeah that's right if a radio starts going off it's paranormal activity let's just see what the points look like they have bad ain't bad at all really not as bad as i was anticipating look where it's look where we stopped it at looks like the points is open nope all right y'all all we're doing is just rotating the engine making sure there's no hot spot hard spots making sure we don't hear any noise in the valve train making sure the points are open and then closing and the motor i mean the motor's free motor is turning i mean not a i mean we're not gonna say that it's uh gonna fire off and run but i mean there's no hard spots in it should run we got a tumbleweed over there see i've been turning it so fast oh tumbleweed i think that's all the way around on me yeah you turned it one time all right y'all so it's not hung up so no need to tell us you could have been a vile uh nope everything's good we uh we're gonna put the battery on it see if we got fire you do have your tester i do all right you're ready to turn this off okay there you go all right y'all never any time you uh there's that one i don't hear it ticking all right there's your ground all right y'all y'all reckon it'll do anything nothing all right just a quick check to see if the solenoid is uh is hot turn the battery over no fire but it does that fairly well i wouldn't burn it i mean we don't get no fire there all right we know the starter works all right y'all this is the way we've got it uh we have a hot wire that is running from the hot side of the battery to the coal so it's hot there it's hot through the coal and it's hot at the points so when we turn it over it ought to be firing at the points and it is not not that i see points are hot but i don't see it fire i don't see it you see if you got fire in the point itself that's what i was looking at i do okay you got fire in between but it's not it doesn't seem to be um we're going to now i think we have sanded the points good so daddy want to hook that up and we'll check and see if we're getting fire everywhere all right this is just a tester i've got the tester hooked up to the ground of course you get fire uh there we go fire there and should have are you getting farther now can you take it off the bed it must not be hooked up here well we're getting fire there we're just not getting fire through it now what happened we're just getting fire through the coil walk up well we ain't now oh cause we're on the bottom oh all right y'all so we're going to see if we're getting you want to turn it over matt well i'm holding it hold it there you go how are you all right we're getting good art here watch here sparking in there right all right yes so unplug that we're gonna hook everything up and see if we're gonna get fire out of the top of the coil see if the coal is firing coil i have so much hard time saying that word coil or coil and uh so everything's hot plug it up there i'll unplug it here and that should be firing when you turn it up we're gonna see it should arc don't touch them together it should arc in between it all right you ready yeah oh yeah fire fire fire all right so we're going to see if we're getting i guess right here is good enough see if we're getting it wait a minute this thing might bite me you look over heavy bites right now i will don't be laughing oh yeah it hit y'all see it it fired up y'all all right so we know the spark plug is still sparking this one is so we got one out of seven um i mean the engine is complete i mean the engine looks like uh pour some gas in it and she'll fire we got one out of eight we inject the other seven yeah one out of uh one out of eight but we didn't check but one we don't know about the other seven so it's time for gas in it y'all reckon this car will crank the tag says 1983. we don't know when the tree fell on it uh but we do know it has been a long time since this old rascal is run if we sprinkle this a little bit of gas down into that carburetor and it uh and it barks off don't do that while i'm talking and it uh and it marks off it's gonna be amazing uh i don't reckon it'll uh i don't reckon it'll crank but we're gonna we're gonna try well this is our little mountain dewbop so we got our uh we need to be sponsored by mountain dew uh because we use their bottle so often uh so we're gonna pour the little bit of mountain dew out and the old man's gonna drop some gas in it and uh we'll go from there hopefully she will don't get any gas on that paint job now i wonder what color that is gold gold you don't have to push button daddy i got no zip ties on it you got it rigged all right so we got a little bit of gas there well you don't need in the back we ain't trying to rib it up yet it'll all go to the same place you're just giving it more that's just about right all right y'all will it crank me will it crank will it crank we got it all right everything's on ready to go she barked all right let me open it up just a little bit is it in out of gear don't matter you think [Laughter] whoa she might crank i wish we'd have got pictures of this baby where it was sit oh my lord if i were to cut the trees we did i got i will show y'all right now we'll insert that footage all right y'all see it that's pretty bad it was uh back into some trees uh what do you what do you want to do what what you want to do i want to feel the carburetor up now all right well let's take a little more in it let's just see if it'll bark look for a little more it already barked off i can't believe it okay ready a little bit right all started and pulled out i know i ain't putting nothing in it let me put a little bit more good lord all right she backfired you ready yeah we're gonna make it pump we're gonna put gas in it i ain't gonna sit here and pour gas in it that they might backfire on me mm-hmm that's smart all right you ready yep she's ready she's ready to run i think she's wrong all right y'all we're gonna take the top of the carburetor off and see what it looks like and see what it looks like and then fill it up with gas and see if we can make her run she's already barking off so without a doubt we know that the ignition system that we have set up is working coal's working uh condenser everything on it is working as it should so now we just got to get gas to the sparkulators the spark plugs and we get gas down into the cylinder and it's gonna fire so uh that's what we're hoping for look at there it ain't uh it's hard to see it's got a little bit of crud in it yeah i've got to blow that out as best we can then we'll put some gas in it and see if she'll crank come back with leaf blower oil pressure gauge is broke uh and it's pumping oil out of the top so that tells us that it's pumping right on me yep it's got oil in it and the oil's pumping uh that's not the cleanest carburetor in the world but it's not bad either and the kicker that it's not bad is uh we've seen worse so i'm gonna put all the floats back on it and fill it up and go from there all right y'all that's the first swig of gas yeah it's going it's gonna go back there that's the first swig of gas this rascal's had in a long time uh see it's already going down because the front is going to go to the back all right as far as it's going to go because it's going let's see if the accelerator pump accelerator pump the accelerator pump works i mean it's tight but look at there who in the heavens would have thought the accelerator pump would have worked on this dog on car where's all that gas going it's going to the back every time you hit that squirt it's squirting and putting it down there i mean your accelerator pump is leaking the gas ain't gonna go down anymore i was hitting that i never should crank it with a top off or top on i don't know i'd hate to burn this ground up it did backfire one time dude yeah let's put put the fill it back up that ain't going directly into the motor is it no it's dripping out of the accelerator pump but you have old bug on you bug flew on me hear me yeah told another day and no joke about the old witch's broom you know what what uh what noise does the witch's car make you know the answer broom broom and uh one of my good subscribers said that offended his mother-in-law that was too good i couldn't say it i love you mama mac i couldn't say that but i laughed i wasn't that's all don't tell her though but i did laugh that was funny don't she ain't she a subscriber i hope so if she's not she should be y'all i love the autolite 4100 which is this carburetor a lot of people will say they're also called shoebox carburetors because they're shaped like a shoebox and really all it is is all the light 2100 with an all light 2100 on the back butted up to one another so what it has is here when you kick the foot feed here it's got a vacuum uh pump back here it's a vacuum diaphragm it's a diaphragm and when it builds up enough vacuum it'll actually kick these back two ports in and uh it hits on this side and tells that butterfly there when to open up well man do you remember uh what we did to see if we could get the four barrel to open up on that 66 galaxy that i owned old man tied a string to it and we were going down the road to see if it kick in and i'd floor it and i said i don't think they're kicking in so we had a string hooked up to it then when i floored it he'd pulled a string on the passenger side through the uh down into the engine and it pulled it on the back of that carburetor boy at 352 said i didn't i ain't never known it go that fast so what it was was that diaphragm on the back had a hole in it and it wasn't kicking the back in this one has an issue with the accelerator pump that i was just bragging about it's there oh bao it's there but it's leaking so don't ground that out man if i had to arced on that battery all right plug it up we're gonna see if she'll crank all right y'all first time since 1983 y'all do the calculations 17 37 years 37 years first time it's been on the road we know it's not been on the road that long it may have cranked before then uh 37 years is what we're going to go with you ready yeah you want me to open it up a little bit let's just leave it a second let's pull this out the way you ready here we go first time in 37 years and it runs good she's smoking a little bit good lord what do you think old man i can't believe it this car was sitting in the woods i mean we we cut trees around it we did all this kind of mess and uh she cranked up and ran i mean she almost idled she uh got the old plugs in it old wires old plugs old wires condensed it's everything there's nothing we did not put anything new on it except sanding it but i'm going to take the hot wire off of it for a minute i don't want that touch nothing so uh you don't think we can make it idle what else we gonna do my goodness it runs and it actually didn't sound bad did it not what did you do you just let let the foot feed off i read it i revved it up and i i was gunning it i think i might give it too much gas or don't run it out of gas all right y'all we've got the gas line hooked back up we're gonna act like we're giving it gas even though there's nothing in there at the moment and let's see if she'll crank that girl was just about idling let's keep going don't know his foot baby it don't seem like he's got any gas in it it's pumping it out ain't it pumped it out it's going did i flood it you did something leave it alone listen to that doggone car idol oh look at the gas coming out the gas line oh gosh that's where it's going folks look at there look down there we got a metal gas line rusted through but she's idling this this dog on car was idling did y'all hear it it was idling with pumping gas out of the side of it we pumped a one liter of gas out on the ground what little bit didn't go in the carburetor i mean i don't know that's amazing all these boys at restoration all we ever do is just use up gas tank out the gas tank we just don't have no good no car with no gas mileage our gas tank won't get us down the road no way one liter well it did get down forward down though 65 daddy's on card one liter at a time all right so we got all our wires hooked up and let's see if she'll idle again yeah we got no water ain't got no water yet i got it between me so we need to go get some water all right let's see if it'll idle again if it'll idle we still got it that accelerator pump is leaking all right let's see if she'll idle again hook it up i dwell y'all reckon she'll start again let's see if it'll uh hopefully it won't pump gas out down there now um we're good you're gonna mess my key up where's my key oh god i put my key over here all right got the old master key everybody good idling nope i mean that is just something y'all can say what you want to that car is running that doggone car is running and it's not leaking downhill listen that car's eye is set up since 1983 is according to the tag look at the wheels on it they're a little flat again you're going to need to cut it off and go get some water look at that back in dude hey go go give it a little gas something sit here but you want to hear what a muffler sound like [Music] let's go get some water well y'all the old man don't ever listen to my dad jokes so uh i've learned i just have to tell myself hey ref yeah now listen now do you know what a sprinter eats before he races uh you don't know you don't need nothing they fast that dog was crazy all right y'all if you're seeing this footage it's probably a good sign uh we are actually we had so much luck we never thought i never thought did you think yeah i never thought that 64 galaxy would crank up that easily uh we got it running not only running idling with the old carburetor of course carburetors got to be rebuilt at least a new accelerator pump on the fur on the front uh motor's got ring issues we know we got to go through all that well we just came over remember what happened on the 67 galaxy i do all it was was a stinking condenser so we took the new one off and put the old one on i bought the condenser at the same place maybe they got a bad batch of of condensers i don't know so we got gas in the carburetor we've got uh daddy's gonna hook the battery up we got a starter wire to it everything's gonna be hot and she should crank we're hoping i don't man fire up all right get you hot until you cool hot to the coil all right oh oh thank god oh yeah what did i tell you what did i tell you [Music] brand new brand new condenser did y'all did y'all hear that now y'all think we're joking oh we went through and rebuilt the motor no we didn't this this uh this motor has not been to it since i came back and i took the old condenser that was sitting right here i took the old condenser off i put the old condenser inside of that dog on o'reilly has got a bad batch of condensers this condenser did not work on this truck this condenser did not work on my galaxy i put the old one on on both of them and they fired off and cranked up perfectly so uh o'reilly's y'all got a bad batch of condensers here's the box that come in i worried about it i ain't taking it back i'm just going to tell them how we're telling them now so y'all watch if you get a condenser it may be bad on the other takes two wires one wire for the hot coil yep so we're hot wiring the coil because the switch and all burn up and one wire to the cylinder the starter solenoid yep listen to there y'all that's the one jeep right there y'all listen that thing run this thing ain't running forever all right let's don't blow it up now we first got it cranked up pull the coil wire out i would say the exhaust got a little hot with some of that uh marble mystery oil we sprayed on it yeah we pumped all that out of this pistol dead on the head yeah all right y'all comment as you will um we have got two bad condensers from the same place no doubt my 67 galaxy would not run because a bad condenser i put the whole one on it fired right up this one we worked on it we made sure it had fire the only thing we did not do was replace the the condenser we put the old condenser back on it and every single time we hit the ignition it cranks right up cranks right up of course the carburetor is still adjusted a little bit too high oh yeah we got it it's the wrong we've got vacuum leaks everywhere we've got no exhaust hooked up the exhaust is actually rusted out in the bottom down here i thought for sure it was valves i thought maybe the valves were sticking that was a good running motor yep needs another uh needs all the pulleys every pulley you can think of slap off of it the water pump's locked up but y'all can say what you want to we're not um we're not through with a jeep man it'd be awesome we'll get this thing rolling again oh gosh you don't think we can get it rolling again yeah we'll get rolling again but we'd have to uh get a new generator look at the generator i actually got a buddy 67 67 staying here on youtube and said he has a old uh generator uh so man i may hit you up down there in good old macon georgia i think that's right where you're at so uh we want to say thank you all so very much for watching this episode we've got two awesome rigs one is 100 ford the 64 galaxy uh 500 xl and this one's got a ford heart but a jeep body we got it running again today too i'm absolutely amazed that we did this in about three hours time yeah both of them both of them in three hours time we're lucky hayden didn't take five minutes took us more time to figure out the wiring system yeah putting the carburetor on took longer than fixing it all right y'all we got it fixed so thank you all so very much for your suggestions i never would have assumed that all it was was a bad condenser but when the other one broke on the 67 galaxy i figured it out figured that out so i assumed it had to be the same thing here doggone that's exactly what it was we thank you all so very much for watching if you're not subbed we'd love for you to sub to the channel hit that thumbs up uh give me a comment we'd love to hear where y'all from and what y'all are up to me and the old man we appreciate y'all we love y'all so very much and we know no way of closing out any of these videos then saying deuces may god bless [Music] you
Channel: RevStoration
Views: 50,837
Rating: 4.9254527 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, ford, Galaxie, 1964 Galaxie 500 XL, junkyard, start, in, years, fe, woods, revival, roadkill, road, kill, motortrend, First Start in Years, Will it Crank, Will the Car Run, 1964 Ford Galaxie 500, RevStoration, Car Revival, Car Restoration, Father & Son, Family Car Graveyard, Car in Trees, Junk to Jewel, Check the Oil, Rev, Rev it Up, First Start, Will it Start, Smoke the Tires, Amazing Revival, The Old Man, Father Son, Exhaust Sound, Carburetor, 1961 Willy's Jeep, Condenser, Jeep
Id: -AnLz5zWqJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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