Bought what was left of a 1953 Oldsmobile off marketplace, Will it run and drive?

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all right well waiting for the wife to get home hitched up to trailer gonna go look at an oldsmobile i think it's a 53 uh basically it's got an old 303 in it so i'm kind of wanting to use that for uh i don't know like a hot rod project on the road what's desirable to me is it's a manual so he says the motor stuck so i don't know how bad that is but i guess uh i guess we'll find out later all right well this is pretty much what we drove in the pickup this to me was the big winner although it's stuck so i'm hoping i can fix that but it still has the dash and the school steering wheel but we'll go over it better when i get home [Music] do [Music] [Music] she's home i'm gonna make up a little bit of room so i think i want to goof with this thing a little bit and uh see if i can get this motor running that is the plan this is the automobile rocket so this is a 51 or three sorry i think it's a 53 no idea how to decode that but whatever i think this is a 303 if i'm right uh when i bought it the valve covers and stuff were off but it's very clean under there so i don't know all i know is he says like it doesn't turn over so i don't know how stuck it is what i'll probably do because i got the opportunity and the rest of the car is pretty junky is uh i'll get it close to the shop i'll just slam it in gear push with the tractor maybe something will bust loose do not know but uh huh these are a different style steering than like the uh other chevy's it's pretty swanky although this thing's had a had a pretty hard life but this guy was selling it he was just gonna sell the motor or i could have just bought the motor and i didn't know how much was left of the car but i inquired and it had a lot of good parts on it still like the windshield's still good it's got some wiper marks and junk in it but i don't know what i could use it in but that was good the back window was good there again i don't know where i'd ever use this style of window in because if i'm chopping a car this wouldn't work out very well a lot of the cool stuff is already gone and missing like that but you know it's still got a few cool bits on it the body itself is pretty trashed there's really nothing left it's got a like lots of cool little pig knacks and things i guess you know the the whole the whole of the car she don't uh she don't she's not very good the best part though to me was still it had the gas the had the dash all the gauges it still has the cool you know the oldsmobile the horn button and all that stuff so i'm thinking i'll take this dash narrow it up and stick it in a hot rod of some kind uh my coop is kinda this would be cool in it maybe this will be my first version of it i don't really know what i want to do with that car yet that one i wanted to do a hammy with a blower like that's kind of like my goal with it but i do have a sedan i do have a tall tee so i'm kind of mixed i'm thinking this tee i played with a long time ago would look pretty cool with an holes in it i'm kind of bored of the small block thing like most of you bored with the ls i'm pretty bored with a small block and a hot rod i want to set my game up a bit but anywho she's home look at that tire man that is a cool tire uh the other windows i'm hoping is i can actually get a whole set of 15s for uh the 54 inside i didn't actually pay attention to them you know this one the tire's not doing so good but the rim is still what i'm looking for this is open this is a little it's a little wobbly all right i can't open it because i got my my steering lock is on so she'll go in a straight line okay anyways let's try to give this thing a push see if that motor will spin loose if it does that would make my life so much easier [Music] definitely a big negatory on that judging by the drag of that wheel oh well i'm going to sit in house for a bit i'm going to come back and have a look and see where we get well it's in the shop um i guess first thing i'm going to do is just try to put a bar on the front though pushing around didn't do much so i'm not sure what that's gonna help but we'll give that a shot see if that'll work just a lot of hmm there's not a lot of things looking good there this is like full of rocks i don't know what that's about okay well let's try a bar [Music] nope let's not wreck that [Applause] should we try the obvious just throw a battery on it and see what the hell happens [Music] oh you gotta be kidding me i'm missing a star i'm dang it [Applause] that sucks a lot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well i didn't realize i'm gonna guess he sold the starter off of it that's puts a big hamper on this thing jeepers well let's see if i get a bar in there and try to push on it or something that sucks i might have to just pull all the plugs and pickle it for tonight and see what happens [Music] [Music] well there's not too much more i can do tonight i uh filled the cylinders up with some pb blaster i looked inside it looks like there's a little bit of crunchiness there on the one the two back cylinders well this one that one and a little bit on the other one uh let's see i don't know we'll see what happens i'm going to dig around and see if i have a starter that'll work on here seeing has it doesn't have one so kind of sucks i have another rocket a 324 so i'm gonna guess the starter will work with it i just really want to use this motor because this one's got a manual so that it's my other one has that automatic that junkie automatic behind it so hopefully this will work but anyways gonna call her night good enough for now with any luck [Applause] lots of luck maybe something will move tomorrow probably not but hey you got to be optimistic right hey dinglings want some of that too oh we can look at all this stuff you got on you well day two we've let that pickle overnight is it gonna do anything probably not but let's try anyways right seeing how we're missing a starter i should find one but it'd be best if i can get the motor to try to turn a little bit i don't know if i can get at the bell housing anywhere i'll see if there's an inspection cover underneath and if i can get that off then maybe i can get a bar on there and give it a twink and i guess this is one of those times it'd be nice if it's set on a hoist but not a biggie we'll uh have a peek underneath and see what we got for inspection covers looks like i found something doesn't look too bad i'm gonna guess that's a cover to get at stuff oh and i got the wrong size okay i'm gonna get that off i'm thinking that'll get me right at my ring gear to which you can pry things that a feller shouldn't pry on and see if we can get some stuff to move [Music] [Music] look at that let's get a bar you know seeing how this car is on the ground kind of limited to what i can pry on here with let's see this thing would be great if i could get it in there let's try from the other side [Music] or i could turn it a hair well it wiggles let's go with that so that means it's not stuck technically ah look at that oh you know what i gotta find a starter this is a sucker i'll bump over if i can find a thing stinking starter well it moves like a half inch kind of wiggles back and forth so we're kind of getting somewhere i guess maybe it was like that i don't know just observed this craziness look how over engineered this gas pedal is when you uh push the bottom it pulls the top which hits that lever and goes on which goes to another pivot right here holy dino man there's no way i'm reusing any of that holy i don't know i think i'm gonna go i have another rocket but like i said it's got that junky what do you call it automatic that went behind it so i'm hoping i can just i hope it's got a starter i'm hoping it's the same so i have one here oh oh no starter starter there's a whole lot of suck there dang it another chance is something else here fits like that would that fit would that work let's find out okay amazingly that bolted up but i don't have a proper bolt for the top so i sort of did what i shouldn't do and cross threaded something in there only because i want to take that one out that stud out and put a different bolt in so that said i'm fully expecting this thing just to go clunk or to be quite honest i'm a little worried i think it's going to make a horrendous noise because i don't know where that starter goes or belongs to i think it's from uh the six cylinder devil this is just believe how ghetto that is all right my remote start to be honest i'm a little worried what's gonna happen but ouch ouch hmm actually seems like it works well that's cool i mean cool and not cool but i need to raise this thing up i need to drag this thing around that's what i need all right well that's interesting unfortunately everybody's gone so i'm just by myself we should get this tire off though put a better tire on here [Music] okay i definitely don't have a wheel for that [Music] well that's not a great tire i grabbed she's a hissing got a hole somewhere oh you know right there nice sidewall cool [Laughter] maybe if we take the weight off it it gets better or put weed on it all right we got to try two things here because i don't have anybody with me won't stop me from trying to drag this thing around i couldn't hook the tractor up and i'm just going to drag it around hopefully this thing will bust loose kind of easy the motor's got a little bit of movement so i'm hoping it kind of wants to do something we'll have to give it a try here i'll uh get my truck out of the way and i'm just going to take the loader here i'm just going to pull it back and forward just kind of try to rock it and see if i can bust that sucker loose i don't really have many more options i don't have anybody to give me a hand just to rock it down the road and just keep stabbing the clutch i guess i could put the tractor in gear and see what happens but that wouldn't work out well in the end [Laughter] all right let's shuffle some stuff and try this out [Music] [Music] that didn't work at all i looked at my footage and it's like yeah that did nothing so that was a complete waste of time i know i have a little bit of give on there uh i think all i'm going to do is just pickle it some more let it sit i think i actually have some diesel in the diesel will do it maybe i'll just go back to that blaster stuff and just rifle more into everywhere see if that will free stuff up we'll just dump half this can in here and then let it sit for a while trying to avoid tearing stuff apart if i can but in the end maybe we'll have to hope not all right well didn't see but i sprayed a whole bunch of that stuff in then i just found some old brake fluid i had so i threw that in there [Laughter] whatever anything i could find we'll spooge in there and see if it uh does anything i'm gonna let it sit gonna go grab supper uh wait till my compressor turns off and then uh yeah come back after supper i'm gonna pull it out one more time because i don't have any hoists free i guess i could make one free but we have like a big mobile lift out there so i think i'll lift the car up and i'll just try with the pry bars where i can get a good live leverage on it and see if we can get this thing moving a little bit i know it moves maybe it's just not like and there's too much give in the whole power train that it doesn't want to it there is some movement on the crank so i think i can get it to move i hope i can get it to move i don't want to be spending days at this like i have before [Laughter] i have i think a starter that works on there we are just getting there all right let's go for supper man that's a cool [Music] tire [Music] had a few gopro malfunctions but essentially we got everything dribbling out of there it turns out the motor isn't tight [Applause] i can uh oh this is so hard to film i can if i do this i can go one tooth at a time [Applause] so i've been doing this for a little while i'm going to continue doing it till i get one rotation of the motor and uh then i'll set her back down and try to [Applause] uh what do you call it i'll try to do something i'll try the starter again [Applause] i can't multitask very well but uh she's a rough one there is not a lot holding this sucker together i may or may not have done that oh look at that eh there's nothing holding that door section of the car on surprising though the middle is actually pretty good man that is a funky looking eh and i bet you this is gonna be the selector style manual i actually built a weird shifter for this in my one hem rod car so if i built it for the other one i should be able to build it for this one once we get her going it's turning over we know what's gonna happen now um i'm gonna keep cranking until i get one full turn out of it then i'll be comfortable seeing what happens [Music] i'm gonna try this again i pulled the car out i spun it around so i can actually see what's going on and maybe get more weight on the back of the car see if this motor will turn it's still turning hard even though it turns easy on the crank but that could be because i whatever have leverage or something so being that i'm still by myself here i'm just gonna try to lift and push on the car and i can see the front if she's doing something [Music] all right change of plan wife's not around i have a friend of mine coming by rolly and uh we're gonna try to uh drag this thing up and down the road i'll be darned if i can turn it by hand this sucker either i'm gonna blow a tire or it's gonna turn over we'll find out uh once rolly swings by here i'll get him to just haul ass and that thing and i'll uh i'll just sit here pop in the clutch hoping that thing pops loose hope so it's been a while still waiting on rolly i'm thinking i'm just going to find random junk around here that a is scrap and b is extra weight so we have more traction these have been sitting here too long i don't know what else i got [Laughter] random things to throw in there [Music] um [Music] all right well we've dragged this thing around the yard it wouldn't start i'm kind of dumbfounded why i won't start on the starter i have tested this it does work i'm kind of wondering if my gong show of cables is backfiring and hurting me here um when you put the starter in the truck it like clicks but this does work so i thought maybe the starter was bad but turns out it's not i'm wondering if it's my cabling as garbage like if the ground cable is like toast i don't know i have to figure that out but regardless i'm gonna put the starter back in even though it's the wrong one i'm sure it'll work and we'll see if this works again see if i can get it to turn over at least [Music] [Music] oh survey says oh i think my battery's no good here i need another battery stat all right we're going to attempt to double our cranking power here a new day fresh start gonna try this again the uh i'm gonna go in the shed grab some new cables so i'm thinking i have bad cables that's got to be what it is because the battery can take a load with my battery tester so i'm just thinking there's just a bad cabling situation going on so let's do that let's swap that over first and then uh with any luck she'll turn over because the odd time it did go it did start turning the motor over so [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah really well that's a whole lot of suck so the only thing i can think of is there's like a bad spot on the starter or something uh we tapped it last night that didn't do it so i guess what i'm gonna do is pull the starter and uh let's tear it apart and see because i know it'll work if i just do one here but it seems like when there's a load on it it just goes right dead i don't have another starter so i'll have to try to see if i can get this one to work but let's see what's inside here i wonder if the brushes are like half burnt or something she's a little dirty i guess it could be cleaned up all right let's grab let's get this off will that work i really don't know what i'm doing or do you just do them from here hmm look at that huh well something must happen let's take it apart i'm hoping all i got to do is just clean up all those bits because again don't do that i'm sure this can come apart not a whole lot chalk it up to not knowing what i'm doing all i do know is this looks dirty so let's sand that [Music] which way am i wrong here or there we go oh look at that look at that mint do we test it or do i just live on the edge and just say it's gonna work all right all right well i've been underneath turning this like crazy and uh well i don't know i'm hoping i'm getting somewhere all we can do is try [Laughter] so there must be a tight spot in there yet okay cool well we got somewhere i'm pretty happy with that maybe she wants more juice maybe the battery's just tired just trying let's not jinx it i'll just go underneath crank it back some more and we'll try it again no big deal all right we have some success here it's uh i don't know if my battery's still not good because i just can't infinitely crank it [Applause] but my starter's getting a little warm so i don't know not sure yet all i know is it just feels like i got a lot of compression so that's a wind too i think i'll just pull the valve covers off just make sure nothing's weird's happening there but i don't hear anything hitting didn't stop so i think we're okay [Music] yeah i'm sure it's kind of late for checking if there was any interference well those are like solid liftery there's like no adjustment on anything so i don't know if that one's bent or what yeah that one's not working oh you know what it's actually got hydraulic lifters in it so they probably gonna have to pump up i was noticing that before yeah i could say i don't want to cook my starter she's not happy about this so those are all gone definitely sounds like there's still something tight mary well let the battery charge a bit it's looking okay not great but it's looking okay this one definitely doesn't want to move but so you can see it's got a hydraulic lifter i think that one needs to pump up i don't know anything about these motors but i'm learning as i go here we'll let this thing charge up a wee bit and maybe i'll go into and look at the points this is one of these things i feel that if i get the motor to spin and run everything's going to get better [Music] all right general senses everybody loves watching people clean points right you know i would think so what is this oh look at that oh not so much okay we need another jumper gable we just happen to have another one that we can poke onto our coil to which then we can attach to our battery and let's try without any thought let's see what happens hey look at that surprise doesn't work all right i sort of learned my lesson from last time not to file them while the keys on but at the same time you definitely knew when she started the work [Music] oh there we go minty that'll probably go away but whatever we'll try it alrighty well i threw all the plugs in gave each cylinder a little shot of gas let me give a little shot up there i have not checked the firing order i'm going by this in hopes that that's uh right along with our sparklater 1000 here tell us if we got some spark or not if she's uh screwed up or not but uh let's hopefully hopefully she can kind of pop and catch here oh all right i'm willing to try some more well man i gotta find a better battery definitely holding me up here while we're waiting let's give her a little shot of gas oh let's put it on boost that might give us a little more crank time not so much throttle shaft leakage not so good [Applause] no i'm not seeing spark i think my spark went away well it doesn't help that it's not turning over very fast either nope i lied there was a spark i need some better batteries here let's do that first and then we'll try this again all right contact i feel the firing order or something is off [Applause] [Laughter] all right well we had success because we had fire down here that was cool um i'm gonna have to look over the firing order i don't see how it could be wrong but hey i'm only going strictly by wires laying around the way they are oh hold on maybe i screwed up look at this look at that nope nope this is how i'm basing my wiring all right i gotta find the wiring diagram which you call it firing order for one of these things and then we'll see from there try this in hopes that this is actually flammable the ziploc spark well no there's spark just not catching we got a lot of cylinders there a lot of lifters that are not pumping up here [Music] [Music] me [Music] well very unfortunate for me it looks like three of my exhaust valves are stuck on this side and this one doesn't seem like she's moving too good either why it didn't bend the rod i don't know but uh i guess we are forced to take this motor apart lame okey-doke anyways i guess i'll get started should be pretty straightforward saying i can just take this off the intake i can leave the one head on everything's working good on the other side so we'll see what happens [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm well this definitely wasn't where i wanted to go with this but we're here you may as well keep going with it it is what it is anyways we've got the head off throwing it on the bench it looked like pretty much every exhaust valve is stuck one valve is not looking very good but at least i'll know i'll have to do it because these are there they're there this one's like it works but you know there's not a lot of meat left in here that or at least it's built up but it's not sticking past like the other one so i don't know i'm going to get the wire brush i'm just going to kind of clean up in there and then we'll see what happens see what everything uh how it looks and then slowly start working the valves or maybe i'll just take it off take the valve out clean it because we're here it's not that bad i don't have any valves or anything so we're kind of like just gonna know that this one's probably gonna be half burnt in the back [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay all the valves are out i'm gonna take these to the uh wire wheel these are the exhaust they're all pretty stuck um i have to find a way to clean these out so they'll go okay i think there was only like one exhaust valve that didn't really care was cool with sliding in and out i don't know which one my one intake valve is pretty nasty there is definitely it is not good it might work i don't even know though is this like a chevy one i don't know how close it be dangery i don't even know how big it is no my tape measure or nothing i'm not even sure how you measure that i'm going to guess you just go to the size of it unless you go to the they look pretty big though whatever they are [Music] 1.7 so it's not that big i'll have to check maybe i got a crappy small block that i can maybe try to pull valve out if it's the same i don't want to tear apart my other motor it is together even though i don't know when i'd ever use it yeah whatever let's lap and see what happens but i'm pretty sure it's just gonna burn up in no time it's not much meat left on her but either way i still got to clean all these these exhaust valves are all not enjoying going in and out of these things here so we'll work on that clean these up see if i can loosen everything up put it back together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] i figure i got the head apart i may as well just quickly lap the valves even though i got one valve that's like toast but it is seeding but there ain't much left the exhaust one surprisingly which is the one the nicest shape i'm struggling with but i'll keep trying because well uh i need it to work like this one we're getting a face but it is a little pitted and stuff kind of limited to what i can do because that thing was just mass occurred in there so i'll keep trying i'm sure i'm not doing it the right way but it's working for me i kind of honed out wide and honed i just kind of cleaned out the the guides so everything's nice and free now and then i feel i'll just do some lapping compound and just walk it through i'm just connecting the drill and just kind of doing the uh the old one two into there this one i'm gonna do a whole bunch more times hopefully i can get her to come back to life here [Music] wheel it's together we know this valve is gonna be a problem down the road like it's gonna seal now but it won't be long before it'll get toast uh have to source out some parts i'm gonna need push rods too but for this round i'm just gonna bend them straight uh clean it up i guess all i'm going to do now is my head gasket in a can this is by far not the right way to do this but we got to find out if this motor is good anyways before we can uh proceed to order a whole lot of parts and stuff for it twitch is down the road as long as it's mobile right now i can always rebuild it later i'm gonna clean off this i am going to clean off this and then we can uh proceed to spray it with this and then we can put it back together and hopefully so i'm gonna do this quick then i can get it into the car like i'm gonna get it in the car go for supper and i'll probably come back later and cross our fingers we can get somewhere with this thing [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we have it back together more or less and uh you've seen me straightening these i at least know it's the first three i'm gonna have to find one if everything works out they're uh they're sort of straight as far as for the putting around i do it'll probably be fine but i'm thinking if you over get a little overzealous with it you'll probably end up bending them again so but we don't know so hook the battery up uh i just got to tighten a couple more bolts and we can see if this thing will fire up wouldn't that be glorious let's put my sparklator back on contest here's my gas we're just going full in we're just gonna fire it see if it'll fire arnold hey bush this one doesn't move at all or is that valve stuck oh really that would suck that valve is stuck [Applause] dang it [Laughter] wow we should be able to try yeah it's gonna pop out of there why no fire [Applause] i can't afford that one to go bad that's not hot charge up [Music] now we have spark now is it a compression thing sort of farted all right all the plugs are out compression test 75 pounds not bad 50 pounds 60 pounds 75 oh that's the winner 100 pounds that's the low one 25 pounds 70. ooh too low on this side that one is like 35 pounds okay atf in the cylinders it is [Music] contact [Applause] not high hopes seeing my valve trains working okay i just threw the valve covers on because i can do that nope not yet keep trying i need to tow it around the yard now that's what i do need well i guess that's as far as i get tonight i've been loafing around trying every now and then but it's just not happening she just don't got enough compression yet to run so uh my plan is tomorrow when somebody's around we're going to stab it in gear this time i tested a little bit it works now so i'm going to just drag this car around the yard keep stiffen some gas in there and i don't know even if you drag it it'll probably get hot enough that it should maybe start loosening up the rings and maybe she'll fire up this is what i hope we'll find out i basically don't want to burn up this starter because i do not think i have another one so unlike that dodge i to which i didn't really care about that one this one i kind of care about even though i threw in like three bent push rods and i got a burnt valve but i do want to see it run hopefully i can get the compression up that it's better and then a guy can tell if it's going to need rings and all kinds of things or not like basically a rebuild i would like to not have to go that far with this definitely have that if i have to go to the machine shop because that'll hurt that'll hurt a lot anyways till tomorrow well this is what we got going on we got a jerry can i don't know if i'm going to use it or not i had to put a battery in there because the fuel system's not working so well we've jimmy rigged it over to here i can control the fuel from the inside need be our batteries here i took the fan off because well there's no need for it smashing into there and then the good news is the kid's here so we're gonna hook up to his truck and drag it down the road for a while we're gonna probably go about a mile forward back see if i get the motor hot that said that reminds me i got to uh we got to do a follow-up on this one but we all finished [Music] so well somewhere in that endeavor we lost spark so probably most of it it's not a big deal she has loosened up that's for sure uh [Music] well we got some nice oil pressure yeah a little bit does not quite want to idle yet oh yeah let's get a couple heat cycles in there [Music] cherry [Music] all right our first drive [Music] our speedo works our temp gauge will not work and we got no breaks [Music] so we gotta take this very careful [Music] uh ah [Laughter] that's okay we'll let it cool down and we'll do it again nice and warm it's good that's what i want loosen up them rings well we got her running which is nice and hot gonna let it cool down still doesn't want to fire off the starter so we know it's still a little low on the compression scenario there i uh pulled the thermostat out of this thing and uh what i'm gonna do later once it cools down and i'm gonna pull it back i'm gonna fire it back up i'm gonna bring it to the front of the shop let it run hopefully it stays running dump the garden hose in it just so you can cool and just let it run for however long hoping that uh everything will get loose inside of her [Music] that would be the uh awesome but it's got good oil pressure it's not even really noisy or anything so i don't know so far it's a win if i have to throw money at it it's kind of good it doesn't rattle or make any weird noise if we can get it to consistently start and get some compression to bump back up into those cylinders this thing should be just cherry good to [Music] go [Music] so well we got her on high idle just running her like a boat see if they can idler down like the oil pressure everything's good you got a good 30 pounds on her right now nothing else works but [Music] well that was very unfortunate at the end there that was my starter making some noise i guess it was stuck engaged kind of shlunked in there so there's uh no life left in her she does run when you push start it i'm gonna have to source a starter but it does surprisingly other than the noise you were hearing was actually the starter the motor is very quiet maybe i'll have to rig up a rad and something really quick why not still some water in her put a ghetto rat on the front maybe we can take her for a little drive yet i guess i'll end up pulling the starter off because it's no dang good now so that'll probably be my plan i'll pull this starter off i'm gonna find something some kind of a rad that i can just hang on the front here and uh give her a little push start tomorrow and take her for a little drive a little victory lap i almost feel like it would start if it had a starter because now it does it within a car length of a push she pretty much fires and goes we didn't we're not doing anything with the fuel system we are just using uh that because i don't have any alligator clips i'd have another battery to run my fuel pump but the clutch works good i haven't shift past first gear but that's good oh there's a whole lot of wind here from stuck to running anyways she needs some tlc but we'll figure it out all right found a rad we got these awesome hoses see how everything fits oh like stock look at this oh man that is slick that's not going to go anywhere get some hose clamps [Music] [Music] um [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i let that one run a little too long pretty much murdered up that starter oh well push start it is we got our jimmy rigged up we got our rad i've attached the fan now if i'm smart i should check to make sure that that doesn't touch oh no we got lots of clearance so we're good maybe i'll wire that back it'll be fine ah that's okay and then inside we got our safety fuel tank so that's yeah she's a little rough not a lot holding this girl together oh yeah look at that nice door gap that is mint watch this one that is tight tight tight tight anyways we got our ignition fuel system right here oh i didn't think this through dang it all right i need a longer wire all right trevor stop by that's awesome he's going to give me the push start and away we go oh it's not too bad i wouldn't have pablo in here but there's like nowhere for him to this thing runs nice now we have no breaks so we gotta strategically do this uh yeah she's kind of kicking a little bit little bumpy [Music] well that was quite the success i am very happy with that we got a little bit of seepage from the water pump at the end there the fan was touching but still got water in it oh so much wind uh yeah i don't know happy happy at least i got a hot rod motor now that's the plan don't know when or what i'm doing but all i know is it runs so i'm not scared to put it in something you can always fix it from then on but at least i know it's mobile doesn't seem to smoke that bad or anything so yeah we'll see we will see uh i guess the only thing to do now is i'll probably just throw it in the row cover it up or find an air breather or something for it and uh eventually one day i'll get around to sticking it on something but yeah that's awesome well i think i'm going to prop that up maybe take her for one more spin one more victory lap go for a ride see if i can make room maybe pablo or somebody wants to go for a ride but i don't really just because of the big hole and this hole i don't want him to stumble around because he does like to dance around so anyways let's see if it'll push start and then i'm gonna see if i can even do it by hand just run it down the driveway and see if i can get her to fire up that'd be that'd be nice i doubt it [Music] [Music] well there we go pretty exciting so she runs drives that's a win maybe this winter i'll have to build a hot rod that i can use this motor and that'd be kind of cool anyways she's not uh there's not a lot left of her she's pretty rough everywhere but uh i guess i'll get my fuel and that out i'll drain the water out of it wrap her up so we don't want any water getting in there don't have to redo this again [Laughter] but so anyways i don't know hope you guys enjoyed it and uh as always thanks for watching and we'll catch you on the next one later [Music] you
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 509,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will it start, will it run, oldsmobile 88, abandonded, 303 olds, rocket v8, oldsmobile rocket v8, revival, rescue, forgotten, oldsmobile 88 rocket, oldsmobile 88 delta, 303 oldsmobile engine, oldsmobile rocket v8 engine, oldsmobile 303 rocket engine, oldsmobile 303, will it start old cars, will it run again, will it run and drive, oldsmobile 303 engine
Id: hLAQhqFvxP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 21sec (5541 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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