SAURON ORIGINS Full Movie Cinematic (2022) 4K ULTRA HD Action Fantasy

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the world of men is ending in the fires of mount doom a ranger and a wraith bound together in death crafted the one thing that could challenge sauron a ring of power but power can blind those who seek it the great deceiver has returned to middle earth [Music] to rebuild his armies to rule the corruption will be contained no longer [Applause] the war for mordor begins wow i'm coming for you the world of men is ending [Music] i have seen it [Music] i have felt it in the fires of mount doom a ranger and a wraith bound together in depth craft the one thing that could challenge the dark lord [Applause] [Music] and even the strongest bombs can be broken the future i have seen cannot come to pass kill it death calls to you again ranger how do you answer [Music] italian this is beautiful where did you find it oh i still have a few friends left in gondor what's wrong my love the past is the past nothing can be changed must leave this place [Music] [Music] wake up wake up [Music] the wraith calls to you i call to you [Music] for you [Music] he calls your name calibrate more calibrate what has been done [Music] i called you here for a reason i called you here you will return him to me now you are brave for a man but it is not your sword that will save him how much are you willing to sacrifice to suffer i have given up everything not everything not yet you want the ring you would give me the rain ring for the rain and find myself beside him in your web i am and i deal only in truth i wouldn't give it up either wait take your prize [Music] [Music] he must mean something to you go to your puppet before he [Music] you dies doomed us my power was fast before and now you have given her mine i poured my life force into that ring then we must take it back the war you came to fight is not here the ring is lost so look to mina's eagle and the dark lords armies that surround it look to the poland here sauron will not stop until all of middle earth is dominated must be protected ugh even seetha i must know if she loves vision holds true in a bygone age my army marched on mordor he buried our honor dead in balance like this one my greatest warriors are preserved here protected by powerful magic and we use all our hearts to bring the virtues of the elves with us as we marched and you had the wondering yes with it i forge an army i led the charge against salon [Applause] [Music] [Music] the new ring our ring is not marred with his shadow it is perfect hmm [Music] and why would you save me who wasn't talking to you stupid ranger he is working for the spider no the dark mistress what is [Music] we share a common enemy in sauron and you can't always choose your allies you don't i know why you are here return what you have stole silence ring maker you forget yourself stolen you begged me to have it and what have you tally i am here for me you seek to save it even though it may already be lost there must be a way there is truth in your vision cry me another to what end for knowledge to dominate oh you don't have to tell me here is your truth you will move out the ranks you got to the bigger the target the higher you rise [Music] in trouble she dies many will pass before sarah was defeated this knowledge can guide our hand if we kill this assassin perhaps this future will not come to pass she can be saved she will live or die with honor and it will not shift the tide of war it is castemia who must be protected if he falls victim to this assassin we will lose the palantir who you found impressive for the bright lord let's hope his death has changed which she loves soul from will go the way of all flesh we only need the seeing star how much of your soul was lost in that ring the dark mistress will be pleased this is the work of the witch king he told us we must get my ring back and we will but first we have to deal with the traitor within evening [Music] makes mints of their faces [Music] he has his uses the orcs numbers have swelled beyond cult they're preparing for another push no one has seen your father since the last battle i have men looking for what new devilry is this the witch king himself comes to negotiate my father's plate my orgs [Music] and upon his defeat your and all that is flesh shall suffer i come from you understand that the uruks are incapable of mercy but my father may already be dead ignore their taunts we mustn't allow them the uruks love spectacle if we can distract them in the arena we can sneak into their camp and find my father can i ask this of you give them a show to remember try not to kill him too quickly oh upheld by end of the bargain [Music] and your champion has upheld his for fighting this pitiful enemy the dark lord promised mercy gaze now upon the bright lord i make no such offer and give him this message i come for him italia the ring is lost but i will have my answers is on the verge of collapse we need the poland here the palantir have i not given you sight over your enemies that is what you seek isn't it oh i will grant you your vision but how much are you willing to forfeit in the bargain oh your soul there's hardly any left i must know customer the final attack is coming the palantir cannot fall into the witch king's hands we must return to minnesota [Music] [Music] we're moving up from the lower city where are the arches i want every man with a bow up on the wall now general castermere pulled us off or to be held in reserve why would he do that we're beyond reserved where is customary i need to find him as do i he hasn't been seen in hours gate get down i'm burning [Music] the city is lost save your people the truth you betrayed us i did this for you retro for your survival the blood here means nothing i would give all of dondo to save you what of our people of our honor [Music] there is no honoring death customer you will deliver what was promised you will hold to our bargain my daughter's freedom customer no she's free to die with her people [Music] father [Music] alive god to your destiny oh [Music] up ranger you will not claim him today [Music] my lord i have the plan it is with the spider you have served me all of them uh [Music] so it is true [Music] you killed me and yet you live what is that like to die and live again do you feel pain do you suffer what of the city of the palantir the nazca would have taken both they belong to the dark lord now then i have failed what if you keep fighting he wields the light of galadriel he can recover the rain your rings are the cause of all this elf lord you can see i see who are you i'm the blade of galadriel since when does collateral work with assassins great threats make for unlikely alliances you know this better than most now tell me more about this ring we crafted it to defeat our own but it was lost to the great spider sheila the nas gold will be drawn to the power of the ring we cannot let it fall into sauron's hands the light of collateral give it to us stay your hand my light will protect us but it will not leave my side we must move quickly try to keep up so [Music] [Music] turkey balls [Music] why sacrifices must be made why no take the ring [Music] build your army your path will be made clear [Music] the ring has fled you must destroy this ring it belongs to us your legend holds true kelley brimball this ring is different we can use it to defeat sorrow i strike down men corrupted by these rings do not become one of them when the time comes i will do what is needed perhaps get as far from here as you can the ring rates will return they always do our pads will cross again [Music] do you hear that sound that is the forest of canaan and not our concern [Music] italian [Music] we need to build our army [Music] there that encampment is full of warriors our warriors [Music] [Applause] change it and unlike this fleshly where is your rot [Music] your buttings do you grow do you wither no no no a lifeless beast are you but no for you die and die not lifeless but deathless [Music] you cannot defeat her what would you suggest i do throw down your sword and kneel i will not kneel to this thing well it seems this cannon isn't as powerful do unleashed to rise and rise again in a whole goal what have we unleashed the cry of the forests the scream of the rivers great spirit of khan cry and glamour you have worked cracked and creviced until now i opened the dark lord he stokes its a fire for all little baby what have we awoken on dead ring maker your fork sinks mccrack across the land fire woken by a cold metal ring we'll hear your call allow us to help yes you win you [Music] bellrock waits he rises in doom shadow fight till death and rise again you will fight soon and soon death will defeat undead may hold the polante but the hyder themselves are vulnerable and now we dismantle it this fault belongs to the bright lord now can't hear anything in this i thought i recognized that voice right bank so much to catch up on where do i start how about your death what you been getting hit by the hammer there's a headache at most i mean you want to kill a new rook you got to take the head clean off does the job every time well most of the time i think i don't know never really be sure about that oh i'm quite sure it's all the time allow me to damage you bros welcome the man is a friend the old log watch him make sure he don't do anything suspicious like you know kill me how did you end up here well i was captured by some slavers actually they weren't all slavers two were cannibals ones and necromancer fun bunch they captured this olog oh he was in rough shape we were cage mates until i sprung us out of there oh log jumps out arms go off flying and then here we are the best of friends oh right i should tell him about the fourth thing thank you for that it's kind of a long story ranger killed the old overlord now it's ours ranger oh yeah i named them after you i'm honored well it's been nice catching up in a woman bro lord of me just came by to tell you that the fort's hours now right lord well you are welcome to it right lord me and range are done with the overlord game it's a right pain you gotta feed your followers train your followers make sure you don't get killed by your followers yeah it's a right bother oh well your worries are over because now i'm over no no no no no not you anybody but you whatever you need ranger me and ranger have got you covered wait ranger ranger it's a little confusing in it but the point is brews cannot be overloaded zoupatkin i'm not working for these two i'll tell you they're wrong there that works out perfectly because we got no current openings for halfway fools they have their uses you bear mustard overlord with care maybe you read my mind i am a mighty vicious olog's friends [Music] so that's how the chosen are created i thought it'd be more festive the nas gaul is entirely focused on the ritual this is the perfect time to strike [Music] foreign you survived how did you find me it was easy i just followed the trail of dead orcs the neighborhood did she escape minnesota we were ambushed i lost her many of our brothers were captured some remain in hiding sauron's armies continue to hunt us israel is resourceful but no one survives in lord or for long we have a way out i just need to find her and whoever's left then we must find them all ah oh you were right i might need a moment you cannot delay when you finally draw an escape to the west have a second chance in life i've already lived two lives [Music] i was born somewhere near umber heritage that is a long way from minnesota my order sent me the condor as a guarantee of peace but the herodrim had other enemies i was to return but by the time i was 10 we lost contact [Music] lived a good life in minnesota i was respected i was happy and then it fell so now you commence your third life the only life that matters is the one with israel but we have to find her first and that we will [Music] [Music] i see [Music] i've it's everywhere for you and i you come i'll escort you to hennepin you'll be safe there no i'm not leaving mordor not till all of our brothers are free come now you'll speak of this later my father sacrificed all of municipal for my safety i will not be protected any longer not by you not by anyone you drew you will die out here then that is my fate but i'm staying go go reinforcements will be here soon we will meet again [Music] i'd say that was one of our most successful missions grave walker i can hardly remember this scared young soldier i met in the lower city you mean the one that saved your life from that captain that's the one dark magics infest the very bones of this city it is no longer a municipal it's now mean a small gun i tracked the ring wraith here after we drove him from shelob's cave came to lick his wounds all we did was chase him off be on your guard [Music] foreign so what has been done to you [Music] kneel before your king [Music] were you granted vision yes then you understand these were once great men but they could not resist a ring of power sauron's rings were designed to subjugate their wearers i realized that too late but now i have crafted a ring that is perfect this one is pure pure what i wonder [Music] i'm making a habit of saving you i think i prefer the version where you don't impale me where is the nascar nearby can you keep up do my best it was not the first time being to face helm was it i faced each ring wraith more times than i can count and you've never defeated them not yet and why do you keep fighting in the war against darkness sometimes stalemate is victory [Music] from now the battle must be won you should have given me your daughter's hand when i asked for your daughter's safe return please don't fight him if you kill me you'll start a war war has come [Music] so my lord hmm you how could you you stood beside sauron as he gave these kings the very rings that doomed them those rings were meant to bring order someone knowing what you know now still you crafted a new ring we crafted a ring why else did you pick up my hammer it is not noble men we are dominated by savage orcs and it is with this army that paul sauron has wrought will be undone no matter the cost a drink would be a great asset um rise and join our glory rise and join the shadows army what do they on earth they are summoning death but it will be death for all [Music] um fools no one can tame a ball wrong um this foe is beyond us killer broomball not with the spirit of our side woken by the three flames burn us you'd walk in you woke him no rest for you no rest for we deathless one she is truly a power to be reckoned with the spirit of kanan has witnessed middle earth's devastation and its revival many times over she was here before any of us and she will be here long after we have perished god we bring light to your remix and end your fire [Music] we defeat undead [Music] you have sacrificed much longer for buried was targeted by karnan in doom shadow aghast my forest destroyed my brood scattered now again fire is buried drowned in ice and from decay come bloom the circle is unbroken it was an uruk in gogarov zog race or clings a necromancer he is near stains air with orc baseboard beset be set by death they come for you by my oath we will find him and honor your sacrifice fetter the foul or return them to dust the violet is the land curse cursed easter maker ranger you've got trouble bruce has taken over your fortress i figured that was the plan when he stabbed me in the back from the back right through to the front i mean you were like sorry the point is the other orcs know that you had bruised with your now and i know he broke free which has caused quite an impression let me tell you orcs are lining up to follow him now i'm not going to tell you how to do your business but you need to put a stop to him right away and you might want him out to rescue a rescue yeah he's taking over a bunch of prisoners one of whom is your overlord i'm pretty sure do i want to save them where this way really it was like you were stuck on a spin wyatt ranger you've got trouble bruce has taken over your fortress i figured that was the plan when he stabbed me sorry the point is the other orcs know that you had bruised with your and i know he broke free which has caused quite an impression let me tell you orcs are lining up to follow him now i'm not going to tell you how to do your business but you need to put a stop to him right away and you might want him out to rescue a rescue yeah he's taking over a bunch of prisoners one of whom is your overlord i'm pretty sure do i want to save them where this way really it was like you were stuck on a spin just quiet well i guess that's it then you can get back to your warmongering and uh hello we are not done here [Music] in his fortress oh your fortress and our owners at fortress oh and the fortress was mine it's a wee bit drafty but oh the views i mean you i made a lot of improvements to that place like your tunnel yeah i had an escape tunnel smart thinking i thought you know great if you need to get out that's for sure we could use that why we don't need to get out if we could use it to get back in oh right where is this tunnel this way i'm pretty sure [Music] there is the glorious sniveling crap i would manage to get you here bruce i'll show you snip what have you done with radar shut your trap [Music] come down here we'll end this this is just a beginning first it has to hurt pain ah rose come back here you run piece of shrek he's gone but we'll see him again we'd better because i'm not done with him listen to me we will find ranger we'll take care of bruce once and for all well i'm not just gonna sit on my ass and wait i will scour every inch of mordor until i find him when i do you will be the first to know fair enough bruce is just the beginning the more power we gain the more others will seek to challenge it then we'll kill them no he must be made an example of where others will rise to take his place it will kill them as well why kill countless challengers when you can stop it all by breaking one because we are here to win a war just one this is the legacy of your rings this man died at minus evil these are no longer men you still do not understand but you will be made all who are called will serve the dark lord there is no escape even in death [Music] he serves the dark lord still you're injured it's nothing you saved us again you're right staying in mordor is certain do but i cannot leave my lady [Music] we will be doomed together [Music] the forest has been cleared they will not be back cursed is stuck by furious hunger a pact unfinished he brothers of corruption and its power will be his he must be stopped you're not coming with us are you the long winter calls my name forests of corn must rest in dwell circle cannot be broken go ranger come here you big glob you oh no it's good to see you too park knock numbers [Music] it's almost like he's talking thank you ranger uh grave walk now thank you bright lord we are even i don't want the food i don't want the food i never wanted the food you broke him i'd rather die and live like that that's the point come on ranger let's get out of here she's giving me the creeps you're a cruel one grave walker now every walking mordor will think twice before challenging us [Music] this is your faith is your daughter wetz we bring this water we have conquered the force of mordor but it is still not ours sauron's army advances ready to butcher every last one of us but we will not die under his rule we do not serve the dark lord we will stand forth on the battlefield and take this land from our own you fight for mordor you fight for the bright lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am the lord of the rings uh [Music] you will serve me for all eternity you are mine find peace in death [Music] he was not yours to release and he was not yours to enslave i did more than that you broke someone's hold you dominated him and i will dominate salon his armies will be mine we are meant to destroy sorrow sauron cannot be destroyed caleb is right we fight and fight but evil always returns italian we can end this here you must ensure order is restored to light not darkness i will not trade one dark lord for another this is not the end i have fought for but you are not the only one fighting no he is not this is not about your petty vengeance or mine this is about restoring order to mordor to all of middle earth the end thought for how you are but a vessel and there are others [Music] the lady galadriel sent you here for a reason together we can bring sir onto his knees we can finish what our people started so long ago [Music] [Music] foreign oh [Music] our sacrifices are not in vain this is the only way so huh see the future you have robbed a bright lord instead of a dark one you pitiful man i gave you sight and yet you still do not see you showed me a fate i could not change you are wrong [Music] when you and keller brimble forged a new ring of power i saw where your path ended locked in battle against sauron at the top of baradar and you won zaron was enslaved and the bright lord rose in his place the armies of mordor marched forth under his banner and middle earth fell under his heel that is the future i fought against the future you prevented because you saw calibrimble for what he was [Music] your war is not yet ended talion whether a bright lord or a dark lord rules baragor the balance of power must be maintained or all of middle earth will fall venus mogul yes the ring is gone i asked you once how much are you willing to sacrifice [Music] open your eyes dally open your eyes um as long as i have breath in my body my fate is my love you must have rocks in your head this is mina's morgue and you are one man i am one but we are many i am not of darkness yet and i am not your brother you cannot see me nothing of my souls remains that i banish you nina smalls you will serve the bright lord now in the body of elf or man you are unchanged um sauron and keller brimble became one locked in a prison of perpetual war a flaming eye casting its shadow over mordor italian had retaken the city of minas mogul but his war was far from over his greatest battle would be fought against the shadow within himself and the tower to the east to hold back the darkness to save the world of men [Music] italian held back the forces of darkness for decades but the dark lord's ring had a will of its own it is over together italian finally fell and joined the nine in the years that followed the one ring was found the newest of the nars ghoul traveled with his brothers to the shire in pursuit of and then after decades of war darkness gave way to light a new fellowship and an unlikely hero death came death to sauron death to his dominion and death to tally who walked out of darkness and found freedom [Music] so [Music] cracked crushed [Music] erased you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 4,565,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lord Of The Rings, Sauron, Origins, Sauron Full Movie, Sauron Movie, Sauron Origins Full Movie, Sauron Origins 2022 Full Movie, Sauron Origins Cinematic, Sauron Origins Cinematic Movie, Sauron Origins All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Sauron Origins Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2022, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Fantasy, Fantasy Movie, 2022 Movie
Id: lrWHf60Kl5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 58sec (5578 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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