Action Movie 2024 : GODS OF EGYPT | Full Movie

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[Music] few know the whole story from what I recall it goes something like this before history began Egypt was the birthplace of all life a paradise worthy of the Gods who created it so the gods decided to live there alongside their lesser creation man but there was no mistaking the gods amongst The Mortals who worshiped them the gods were taller with gold running through their veins instead of blood and they could transform it will into all manner of frightening beasts Egypt itself was divided between two Mighty Brothers Osiris the god of life was the Beloved king of all the lands made Bountiful by the Nile his brother set ruled the far Barren desert finding both strength and bitterness in his isolation but then the time came for Osiris to Crown a new king his only son Horus it was a decision that would test the brother's Bond and the fate of all [Music] [Music] Egypt but the gods are only half our tale it had become clear that they couldn't shake the course of Destiny alone a man of exceptional judgment wisdom and fortitude would be needed unfortunately I was not such a man but before you dismiss my younger fool hearty self remember never doubt a man fighting for the one thing as powerful as any God love stop this dress is hopeless I need to buy some ribbon to even begin to make it suitable for the coronation I say we spend tomorrow together instead we are spending tomorrow together at the coronation we're blessed the God shall give us a new King in our lifetime Horus you know I couldn't care less about the gods well they care about you over here be give it back I knew you wanted to wear something special did you steal it from a shopkeeper or from someone's closet it was quicker than waiting for the gods to answer my prayers the gods give us everything we need yes the generosity knows no bounds you look beautiful Z when I asked you to run away with me I promised you a good life dressed as worthy of a princess a new one every day rivers of jewels to Adorn you a Golden Palace to raise our family and how many children would we have a dozen I would do anything to make you happy and how is Horus the king to be preparing for his great day lord of the air quite an occasion last night already crowds pressed cheek to cheek to catch a glimpse of you you look Splendid [Music] eventually but don't discount Horus yet either because when it comes to the fate of the world in one's hands even Gods can be surprised by the strength they possess if I was to be crowned I might have spent the proceding hours proposing a message for my people could the people love him more maybe Lord Horus doesn't think we need boring speeches except when it comes to toasting his own Glory many toasts were required was doing Deeds of which songs will be sung the great line he slayed was terrorizing Villages it was good all the more song worthy that's nice that's fine thanks you a shame I've come to late but here I am sober and clothed don't tell anyone I have a bad reputation to keep come here come no hard to believe but you look like a king if that's what excites you am I to jge jewelry excites me then look to your WR if the evid is not too great The Bracelet of 42 stars to remind you of the Demons I slayed for you from more valuable treasure Egypt has never known this whole thing how can the goddess of love not know what love is it's not betting any girl who fluts her eyelashes Mighty lion Slayer I was celebrating the hunt you would know that had you been here I value my freedom dead animals lesson well you have no problem wearing them I thought don't don't there's no way for a queen to behave then it's a good thing I'm not a queen can you imagine anything more dull than sitting on a throne all day what exactly are you asking me did I ask you something I'm not sure did you my lord it's starting [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] half God is [Music] of NE goddess of [Applause] protection sir thank you young man you've been awfully nice to strangers Today Show Me Your Hands what GI first Osirus hurry up to god of [Applause] wisdom greetings toad did you ever imagine that your former student would one day wear the crown of Egypt Horus sensed a range of attributes some of which may well correlate with the leadership position if he's lucky PR s king of all Egypt hail ra Lord of Light ha Lord of Light my father has seen fit to bless this day as you all bless us with your generosity a token from someone with much and from someone with little but when both die and stand at the final gate what is their value then I say they are equal symbols of lives well lived all are welcome to the afterlife this is my legacy but today we crown anuki and one day he will have a legacy of his own my son Horus lord of the [Applause] air are you ready I am wait wait sorry I'm late 3 days to cross the desert and nearly one more to pass through all your admirers set brother good to see you and you brother there's always a place for you here such a big day for the family you must be proud I am look at you nephew magnificent at least someone here will make a fine King I was afraid you wouldn't come no I wouldn't miss it for you a hunting horn from the skull of a r that flatten 10 guards slower than me it's beautiful yeah try it out from set come on let raw himself hear [Applause] you I think someone heard you what is this set you recognize it father gave it to you kept me alive for many a night in the desert fight me Father don't stay out of this son why in a thousand years of Peace what have you accomplished a land of people who dream of nothing more it's my turn now I won't fight I love you brother with all my heart I love you too brother well this truly is a big day for the family I set shall be your one true king king of all Egypt behold the fate of those who stand in my way God before me or [Music] die Mortals worship me of being slain my brother thought the afterlife was a gift I think your king should have higher standards from now on you'll have to buy your way in with riches earned [Music] your journey has just begun it's yours now many of us will stand with you but now is not the time I looked up to you of course you did that would be unwise is it true you still never miss doesn't that get dull I thought your sight was perfect you fight well are you so sure you're his son [Music] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] Z back Z [Music] yeah I'm do in Egypt a favor you're not fit to be [Applause] [Music] king [Music] [Applause] [Music] forgive me Father [Applause] and so set was King in the year that followed many gods stood against him one by one they paid with their lives for Mortals things were worse most were forced into slavery and denied even the tiniest penny to buy our way into the Afterlife blinded and defeated Horus withdrew into Exile those who prayed for him to save Egypt were sorely disappointed but I was never much for prayer I had found Z enslaved to a cruel Master but how could I free her from all this it was the madest of all plans you may not control the winds Z but I think you could close a shutter sorry my Lord pretty one if ever I find my desk disordered again I'll throw you outside to push stone is that clear come on come on a day I'd like to drop him from the great height morning one day I'm going to steal you away from him it's theft always the answer it is now in this world you're either rich or Nothing Even if you could free me what about my family our friends Can you steal all Egypt away from set only horse can free us you really believe that God's care if horse could come he would I want to show you something set Army returns with Spoils of War his vault will be unlocked tonight the perfect time for someone to sneak inside why they say horus's eyes are kept there he would have his power again steal from a God only a mad man would try such a where do you suppose we could find someone so mad the plans should be here as you built the Vault he set architect what's this uh set pyramid of sand he's built himself quite the fire pit he must cook massive feasts it's the pit at the center of the world the source of his power no feasts found it the treasure will pass through the front gate the front gate isn't the problem it's what comes after two Bridges rigged with traps us you both of them endlessly good thing I'm cheating welcome me properly Soldier don't keep the Queen of Egypt waiting [Music] I think you missed me I have to miss you I'm your prisoner after all oh this prison is not so bad well I'm miserable you have a funny way of showing him can I borrow your knife so if your hands a chance you kill me how could I kill you but you would if you could better keep your eyes open Lord set oh and U mistress perhaps I might come at a better time no come in don't be shy come on no one has ever so honored the great God raah you will pass over its peak and Marvel at the tribute you have built in his name is that it I'm sorry well can you make it any taller Torah yes it's a simple question well that what might be difficult um now I mean black s I'm joking tell me why'd your father choose you to be master builder rather than one of your brothers I suppose because I Pro to be the best my Lord As I Shall prove to be the best of my father he shall see it from dawn to dusk your satisfaction is worth more than gold oh gold gold you'll have plenty enough gold for the afterlife a toast to Egypt's greatest Builder a toast to my legacy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w where do you even get that many scorpions enough to make you afraid of your own shadow the circle is the trigger so I'll go around well that was easy [Music] [Music] [Music] a third Bridge doesn't say anything about a third bridge this is Criminal and only one eye terrific Z you'd say a prayer I'll roll the bones [Music] [Music] [Music] Z I'm so sorry as if using my house for your fornicating were not sufficient you dare steal from the King I pride myself in an orderly office s you never did understand that did you oh and this pathetic little trinket of yours will save neither of you I'm afraid said is your God it was all my idea liar give me back what you took thank you feed them to the Jack wait I took something else [Music] run [Music] you did it where's the other you know how hard it was to steal that one I love you forever Sor death is not the end [Music] Z I'll make it right Z I don't need any more worshippers tributes that rot and stink unless you brought more wine get out I'm no worshiper what are you some thief yes a thief I have something set took from [Music] you no moral could rup set Vault you ped one of my followers corpses they never even got close give them to me not yet give me my eyes I have a proposition you bargain with me you're lucky I'm willing to you can't strike a three-legged elephant you want a reward I suppose gold gold I can steal there's someone I want saved from what death didn't your father teach that death isn't the end it can't be done we'll figure it out you're Horus lord of the air or maybe I'll just TOs what I have in the Nile [Music] wait stay with the living stay with the living stay with the living she's gone beyond where I can reach her but you're a God gods made of a thousand of your years but we cannot cure mortality it's time for her to walk the path there must be something you can do I've done all I can and thou who art Everlasting send your servant to guide the dead to New Life nuas come forth you are released the doors of Earth are open to you you must begin your journey she died a slave without treasure she won't be allowed through the final gate what do you offer she can't pass into the Afterlife for you Lord Anubis governor of the Bose who is upon his Mountain I have only my smile so be it z z the dead don't speak to the living stay on the path now give them to me you've done nothing my eyes spend the rest of your days wandering around sightless I have nothing to lose do you understand I will do anything see her again or I die time you want to hide from me learn to talk less [Music] here where's the other where's the other well I'm not exactly sure but I I'll snap your neck you must hate s for what he did to your father the pyramid I know how to get into set pyramid how how oh it's where he keeps his power locked up right if I could get you inside could you kill him how would you do that I saw the plans tell me I'll show you go on if you bring Z back there may be a way no one may leave the afterlife once entered but the journey through the nine Gates will take several days to complete and only the king can make AIS turn back if I kill set and take back the crown before your beloved reaches the final gate I might be able to save her try to keep up my magnificent bloody hounds you are the true sons of Egypt you are my children of iron and blood no father could be more proud the rebel gods have choked on our Spears arest have retreated to NEP the stronghold where they now stand ready to face us but you my Legions of the desert will bring them reate so take your fill of gold and if you should fall in battle and travel the nine Gates tell my brother who it is you worship come on ready fall in forward box my lord your Royal treasury has been breached U wasn't the ey meant to lure those loyal to Horus to their deaths yes Lord and weren't your traps what was the term you used Thief proof yes Lord can you pick up the trail I'll find him and find whichever of his allies was clever enough to steal back his eye it was a mortal Lord a mortal who is she his servant in my defense Lord believe me I'm very curious to hear what your excuses but not right now yes Lord well it appears you're not the cleverest mortal in Egypt after all this thief is so what is your plan kill the god of the desert you must kill the desert itself kill the desert how do you kill the desert must go to my grandfathers they'll help us with our task your grandfather you mean r the son God R so where exactly is your grandfather you're been funny right you think I'd put any effort into trying to amuse you it seems flying would be useful right now without both my eyes I cannot trans transform I need to pray for strength that's not encouraging be silent we'll reach the bottom of this mountain much quicker than you reach the [Music] top great raw know my name the lord of the air seeks your [Music] Embrace grandfather I need your help [Music] please impressed h stay in my shadow why just do as I say hail thou great God Ra normally when a bird lands on my boat I kill it before it can what is this you dare bring a mortal to the source of creation he's valuable to me I could not leave him behind ah why have you come I would only ask something of you I will imag case I shall stop what I'm doing and heed your bidding grandfather I'm sorry I mean no disrespect you don't know the difference stay there be quiet I have work to do and put the Mortal below deck if you want him to live [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a crawl back to Shadow you stinking worm you shall never Feast on my [Music] creation try as you might things would be different if I could dwell amongst my children in the garden of the Nile it is my burden to fight the demon ofus night after night Egypt must never be destroyed by chaos so you see there are things worse than said you're wrong that demon isn't the one who murdered my father murdered your son they are both my sons they were both equal in my eyes as is all of my creation and the uncertainty of its Destiny is my will so what is it actually that brings you here allow me to fill my flask with these Waters the waters are not [Music] mine you plan to quench the desert fire to kill set to become king as your father wished grant me the power to fly again I heard your prayer the first time I let you come here and I grant you passage home but after that without both my eyes I doubt I'm strong enough to beat set so become stronger have you been so lazy for so long that you've forgotten every God's life is a journey when you stray from your path you grow weak why are you lugging around this Mortal yeah had the go to strike a bargain with me not worth the Papyrus it's written on what does it matter he is but Immortal I do not approve of rules but I'm uncertain you would be much better Lord the last of the Rebel gods have retreated behind her walls every last one yes sir good then they're right for the picking isn't this a bit excessive she'd want them to fight to the death anyway she was your wife all the more reason to kill her from now on this will be the way of things our way better get used to it come is it right that a goddess should perform such labor since you became king the need for burial shrouds has been great you could have been a queen you should know why I could then when I asked you to marry me why did you say yes I remember when you rode out of the desert impetuous dashing so handsome I braved those stinging winds just to be at your side and imagined the great Deeds we would accomplish together it all sting some parts were sweet perhaps I still thought thought we could have been happy I should have been enough to fulfill you nothing can fulfill me that's why raah was wise to ensure you would never have a child why no one will know until it's too late maybe next time keep flying until we're actually on the ground but ra gave he took back I thought he was helping you I got what I needed the whole of the Nile cannot quite set fire but a few drops from the water of creation can kill the desert but is fire gone said will be weakened vulnerable what would happen if I drank that you would be refreshed then you would die it doesn't seem right but the water of creation would kill I would kill you for wasting my water what's this so you don't have to bring me something to drink cup in your hands I'm not your slave my father taught me it's Unworthy of a God to strike a man he should have told you to get off your ass and get your own water sorry Father this is becoming unacceptable where is C of Horus up your behind alongside the goat you keep up there where is the Eye of Horus right here I thought you were crawling sess in the mud somewhere cut him down [Music] see brothers without his other eye he is weak even if I were blind death raft of Limbs you're still no match for [Music] me you'll be glad to know I didn't fall to my death phas wrong the deal doesn't count if I die the whole point is the sight and I both to be here together breathing behind you [Music] please help us we are going to die after you are you sure you can do this I saved you didn't I oh you saved me only because you're useful to me you know what would be useful your other eye I could steal a bat for you if you like don't t my patients mortal my name is not mortal what is it then Beck very well Beck the roads will be watched Now set will send better Hunters well that didn't go according to plan did it no Lord my nephew did all this with one eye I underestimated his strength tough to kill that boy like his Uncle where's he going who's he allying with his only Ally is the Mortal it's hardly an army is it I overheard them the Mortal spoke of a bargain he'd made with Horus this is one ambitious mortal Horus has agreed to bring the mortal's woman back from death are you sure I'm certain of it Lord you should really get that attempted to yes Lord thank you good job you should have trusted us with this from the start haven't we always left you satisfied that satisfy me again did you let your wife live sooner or later you and I will end up just the same the Land of the Dead and its nine Gates is it accurate Mistress of the West don't call me that I left all that behind soon I will rule all the world the Land of the Dead is the final Kingdom left standing you want things you can't have I want you to take me there that you're a living Soul yes and you were a living Soul too when you were counselor to the dead you know what's waiting for me if I go back you have your little bracelet to protect you from those demons it's not that you m it tell you the darkness what have brought out in you no ah you're not so good goddess of love I know then do this prove your loyalty to me and we can have everything [Music] together you're not in your father's St I was wondering where he was now I know thanks for someone who bans the will of Man by batting her lashes they not very clever how long has he had his sight why do you care I'm yours now I'll do as you've asked even if I kill Horus of course who cares about her I have thought you'd be exhausted from so much lying I loved neph this once and I took her Wings imagine what I'll do to you do that and I'll hunt you down I suppose it's better than running can we find a less unpleasant campsite next time this used to be a garden like you've never [Music] seen what happened it was my father's first temple in his generosity he opened the ground so the poor could bury their own here set has corrupted his teachings my father Lov this place so said brought him here to be butchered his body was cut into 14 pieces the heart was never found set salt of the earth no it was my mother's tears before she took her own life I failed them I'm sorry raah told me I was on a journey and if I reached the end I will be Mighty again how does it end with vengeance dance with my spear through set skull is that the storm there's no clouds set Hunters riding their pets those aren't pets a cat is a pet I can't withstand their venom not as I am now then I guess we should run run Mortals do it all the time run faster I got [Music] can't run faster I [Music] can't come on we have to kill them we when you go fishing what's most important I don't fish is the quality of the bait it's too dangerous are you worried about me no it's just my aim with the spear is not what it was then get closer before you throw [Music] it hey beautiful I meant the snake [Music] a that worked great let's go again this time the bait needs to Dango longer I'm going strike the weak spot from behind and how do you know they have a weak spot I don't but they must [Music] right excellent you've made it Angry too bad you can to fly neither can you you just shut up and stay out of my way pretty girl you don't belong in battle burn her what a lovely creature you are let me help you you are so very cold warm yourself I command [Music] you quick C your company was preferable you're welcome for saving your life while I was sitting blind in my father's tomb you Shar a bed with the God who pulled out my eyes why would I was this on someone who can't see why would I ever trust you again he's slaying all the gods who went bow to him that includes me we're breaking into set's Temple Horus is going to kill him how are you planning to get in him he's seen the plans he knows the way what about the Sphinx have you forgotten about that Sphinx set captured it to God's fire it will kill mercilessly all who enter they cannot answer its riddle you can answer the riddle right we shall ask to for help why would you ever do that on purpose so we won't have to die any sooner than is absolutely necessary let's [Music] go did he give you that dress I chose from what was provided so you chose the one you thought to please him the most I dress to please myself why you don't like it too much I'm the goddess of too much and there's plenty I've given you you've never found excessive now it's maybe too little you never used to be so hard to please you're slowing us down I think it makes you look very good what did it look like before oblivious oh but in a cute way oblivious of what exactly you always take me for granted what with your eye you should have come to get me don't I mean enough to [Music] you be a dear and fetch me some clean [Music] water would it kill you to say please I'm really not in the m go get it me I command you you're all the same AR you what's her name I can make any man woman God or beast do my bidding unless their heart belongs to another you're in love your names [Music] Z I'm so [Music] sorry I promised her a proper home money for her family respectability I gave her nothing she wouldn't have been with you if she didn't love you believe me I know I'm going to make it up to her but I thought she forus is going to bring her back he said that I know it's hard to see past his short temper in proclamations of Revenge but he's not so bad it is hard to [Music] see there it is [Music] is that him then of course not then who are they his trusted servants the only trusts himself rich with generous compost colorful mainly in the green and red spectrums variegated varieties with inflorescences composed of multiple florids each with the modified C wise lord of the Sacred word we seek your counsel once a weed Abed and burned now prized for the Vigor of its oils and the sustenance of its leaves what what is its truth you turn around you prefer the you from behind no I well yes you know I can't lie turn I'm not going to risk looking at those tricky eyes of yours 47 excuse me the percentage of knowledge I have so far recorded I'm not even half done to I only need the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx a child could educe while you're here go ask the riddle and come back and relay it to me I'll solve it one of us would have to die well draw Lots come with us H one night I'll give you one night h no you won't a set Must Be Stopped before it destroys us all you see the wisdom in that don't you this is far too important to risk I can recite the true names of the stars I know I've seen the World created from Sand and Water I contain all the wisdom in the universe more precious than some Crown I have it it's mystery it's Essence it's truth it's lce your father dropped his guard that was not extremely stupid but now I'm forced to write down everything I know as a defense against the remote possibility that set War finds me I'm sorry that the corpses of my parents have inconvenienced you apology accepted now get out but you have to help us careful I outn you whoa it's fine I'll do it I thought you were a stray baboon I told you I'd be the one to face the Sphinx your chance of failure is overwhelming I'm sure but before it kills me I'm going to tell it that I asked the god of wisdom to come but he was afraid he'd get the answer wrong this is the cleverest strategy you could devise playing on my ego how vain do you think I am um that's well fine fine let's go bye well done thank you you knowah can never come back the king doesn't have the power and yubis doesn't have the power you deceive him he will probably die trying to break into set's pyramid he offered his life because he thought he could save her he believes what he wants to believe you've been blind in more ways than one you really watch the world come into being I don't lie where were you watching it from if nothing had been created yet if I even attempted to explain your brain would liquefy and run out of your ears I did not choose a Path of Revenge I chose none of this you tell me what kind of power do I really have you have the power to make this right he deserves to know the truth I need him to get us in to choke sets fire if he refuses we'll all die is that what you want [Music] it's too dangerous to cross the plane we'll wait for Darkness but we're running out of time I say we cross now and I say we [Music] wait all the time you were aart she never forgot you you've always been in ha's heart you know yes she's got a big heart room enough for a crowd in there tell me oh wise lord of the air why do you think said that you live she did it for love you'd punish her for that I didn't want her help I only ever wanted one thing you know I think everyone's a fool but you my Lord are bigger than most are we thinking about her of course you are I was once known as the Mistress of the West my duty was to help dead Souls make their way to the afterlife you traveled to the Land of the Dead I'm the goddess of love even to those who have died I was young easily seduced seduced demons this keeps them at Bay the bracelet of 42 Stars one for each of the Demons was slay to free me that's when I knew I loved him Zia needs to know you're fighting for her so she does not lose hope z z z can you hear me Z who is it who's that haor Mistress of the West mistress I speak to you from the land of the living your beloved is with me be Z it's me I knew if that was the way you would find it I'll see you listen put your beet together again you can return but how I'm helping horse in return he's going to help us is this really the Beck I love I know Z I can hardly believe it myself Beck me trusting the gods but I was wrong Z Horus is a just God as you said he would be you're probably thinking I told you so right now well yes just a little bit so good to hear your voice everything's going to be fine Z trust me orus is going to bring you back I know he will back [Music] back it is forbidden for the dead to speak with the living go there's a wheel inside when you turn it the sand stops moving we just need to go go through the door good thing you saw those plans if you didn't know which one it was this would truly be impossible back yes you do know which is the door right yes of course it's this one no no it's that one no no it's this one hold the [Music] bones [Music] you guessed well I find your dependence on chance troubling if you continue to survive I may need to study you further now now which way to the Sphinx Tres PA in house the king also my r or cease to be go on I'm waiting I never was am always to be no one ever saw me nor ever will and yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe what m i order you are order I never doubted you incorrect try again please that was a completely suitable answer you are purity what never was always to be in the future nonexistent imaginary yet yet it exists and never was always to be yet I have the confidence of all who live and breathe Mortals live and breathe maybe stop thinking like like a god that I might as well stop thinking wait wait I have it you are tomorrow [Music] [Music] B one [Music] [Music] drop I should thank you you lured him from his Library so that I didn't have to the final piece you coward open this cage and fight me again hasn't she seen you lose enough can't you allow me to spare you one last moment of embarrassment before you die stop recognize this did he tell you he could bring your woman back from Death it's not possible not even for me you expect me to believe you I don't have to lie how else would a blind useless guard get you to help him go on ask him poan is it true back poan no [Music] shame you weren't on my side I admire someone who doesn't let death stand in his way but this is what love get you it's quite fitting that you'll both die together here in my house I'll miss the conversation and the [Music] rest [Music] [Music] you denied me Vengeance Z thought you were the greatest thing in all of creation every day she prayed for you to save Egypt but you didn't come I was in a Tom I didn't hear no you didn't listen all you care about is your stupid Vengeance I started to think I was wrong about you but I finally learned the lesson of the Gods we don't matter to you well now you know Ren this come forth mistress you are still as lovely as the first Dawn PA what are you doing this mortal's beloved Bears no treasure for this chaos perhaps we can help her you ask much mistress it would require a very speci special treasure indeed no no like this no for you Mistress of the West yes Grant him passage to give it to her himself you will see her one last time thank you no no I forbid it we're both guilty of deceiving Beck this will make amens not like this not with you I command you to release me you can't command me you know why I'm the goddess of love if I don't do this I'm nothing I can't lose you again [Music] take it do what you need to [Music] [Music] do the of two truths where we shall be judged step [Music] forward what do you offer step forward I shall live [Music] forever what do you offer step [Music] oh step for what do you offer what do you offer [Music] Z said receive the golden wings of mempis may they protect him from those who will har [Music] the car of to god of wisdom allow him knowledge of [Music] all the heart of Osiris Grant him dominion over all [Music] hands the allseeing eye reward him so no enemy can deceive you look glorious Lord I know father I noticed the tower impressive I built it for you if it were any taller it would be in my way turn your eyes from your sailes and look at everything I've done what Osiris never could I rule all that breathes all that is breathed upon none is mightier below the sun then honor me as I've honored you if honor had been your intent you might have abstained from muring your brother so you do see everything down there tell me father do you care what happens I care more than you know then why was I cast out alone go walk up burning sand when my brother played Barefoot by the shores of the Nile why did you make Osiris King and why did you give him a son and yet you denied me the chance to even give life this was your test you didn't test him I gave Osiris the crown of Egypt and when the time came he didn't cling to his power he gave it away freely he passed his test and that wait your I've passed mine not yet it's true I did not want you to have children this was a kindness because I did not want you to miss them as terribly as I have them I need you to take my place here this is how your test ends my son there is no greater burden but no greater honor all you have done can be forgiven you expect me to joust with this Beast night after night until I die what do you want immortality immortality awaits us all in their afterlife I don't want to die I want to live forever down there in the lands I conquered my kingdom this should be my reward how the only way to achieve this is Unthinkable one would need need to Devour the afterlife itself you would unleash chaos upon creation you would destroy everything not destroy we shape I will take your place but I won't be sitting on some damn [Music] boat no God could withstand that but not just one [Music] God [Music] what do you offer this will buy you a place in the afterlife no not without you The Gaze has been broken chaos spreads a poker shall Destroy This Land Horus is our only hope now he's not the god what do you think he is z he lied to me give him another chance he only got this far because of you my strength is not infinite if the lord of the air has any plan to rectify this you should do so with haste if you don't trust him trust me I know we'll be together again R ven set us Unleashed chaos so how do we stop him you never give up do you only because Z told me not to you didn't tell her about our bargain yes I did tell her but for some reason she still believes in you we must return to the capital then we have a long walk ahead of [Music] us I prefer [Music] flying neph even Beyond Death she's trying to help [Music] [Music] us come demon setas ra spear he's drawing aulus to the Nile to the source of all life why to drink it to destroy all creation ra isn't dead and only he can can make this right but he needs his spear so how do we get it back maybe it's time we go [Music] fishing up in your surface I ask for your help Builder we have need of you the single greatest architectural achievement that ever was and ever will be my I mean Lord s obis stands exactly 2,220 cubits tall and not a rodof built from 7 billion blocks of granite 5 billion slabs of Tura Limestone and 9 billion talant of gold and the lives of how many slaves 5,930 no wait make that 5,931 don't you need him to get to the roof I'll see you up top [Music] [Music] you stood beside him as if he were your friend oh I know how it feels favor of a God that's intoxic is I'm sorry you picked the wrong one to follow he's improving your woman's still dead isn't she shame such a pretty girl s lovely soft skin riches for the after life you see I'm ready to die [Music] [Music] come theose this [Music] you should have stayed under the sand I can understand killing for a crown but this is madness of course you don't understand how could you favored son of a favored son help [Music] [Music] by the way apus is going to eat the Land of the Dead you'll never make it to the afterlife now [Music] what who picked the wrong God [Music] [Music] now I think I may actually miss our little G togethers but you still no match for me you're right not just the bait now you're just becoming a piss [Music] [Music] hor right [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't think your ey must have been more useful than a wounded Thief probably yes I'm sorry for everything I've done to you including this [Music] accepted [Music] I told you I'd F your other eye but you could have saved me some trouble and told me you didn't need it ra showed me the way but I didn't listen I believed I needed my eye to transform but my journey isn't to seek revenge at all costs it is to protect protect my people stop congratulating yourself you've got more protecting to [Music] do [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] feel the new king I thought you were the greatest of all the gods now look at you you have nothing I am the greatest god Spar you us I showed you Mercy I won't make that [Music] mistake [Music] grandfather there's still [Music] time enough Beast [Music] got [Music] e [Music] thank you you make a good team are you sure you're not a god what would I be the god of stupidity The Impossible be e I have never been in debt and yet I am in debt to you grandson ask whatever you will Mountains will kneel before you the winds will do your bidding answer quickly the forus still hungers the night is always coming I want nothing except what's impossible for me to get [Music] am I you've returned be you might want to help her z z I'm Horus my Lord I thought this was impossible impossible [Music] yes [Applause] and so wisdom had been found tests had been passed Second Chances given to live again to be whole again Horus mourned his parents they had long since passed into the Afterlife but he knew it was the wisdom of Rah that the final gate would remain as it had always been an un breakable barrier between this life and immortality you think I'm ready H true read this is a notoriously difficult state to achieve but you're close [Music] enough arise hor king of all Egypt from this moment on the afterlife must be earned not with gold but by Good Deeds compassion and generosity what we do how we act in this life matters are you thinking about her of course you are you didn't think I'd misplace Egypt's greatest treasure you think they'd miss me if I were gone a few days as Chief advisor to the king it's my duty to ensure they hardly notice but if anyone asks tell them I have to go help a friend I leave Egypt in your capable [Music] hands
Channel: NEW Action Movie 2024
Views: 8,078,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XU0_TNKr8eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 58sec (7018 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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