Saturday Night

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One of the funniest things I noticed was franco made a big deal about not being able to clear Prince's I would die for you, and later while talking to Lorne you can hear 1999 coming from the background.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CompellingTaxidriver πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I get to post this tomorrow!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/waymonster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

i know she had just had her baby, but it’s weird that Amy isn’t shown at all in the doc (other than her voice in the cold open and a brief appearance during the good nights). Does she have an issue with Franco?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Moneyball99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

ha, watched this in the week

actually thought it was kind of... boring? like few interesting insights, but compare to how well the SNL BTS vids or something like the South Park documentary and there's not much substance.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bestieverhad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you so much for posting this. I started watching on my phone and ended up watching all 90 minutes with the phone propped against the night stand. This was filmed 2 months after the live show I saw, and this particular in-between casts is easily one of the best ever. I'm so glad they got this on film, and it's such an amazing documentary of what the essence of SNL is..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CoryTV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
you [Music] [Applause] from New York [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] era come to start with you I have an idea like the movie of the most dangerous game where you bring a bunch of people to your state and you're going to hunt them for sport and you're explaining the rules and you're just really worried that they're gonna get into your neighbor's yard with your navel okay the pitch meeting is we know what it is but how do you feel like going in is it a load of bullshit well my theory on the pitch meeting is usually when something sounds really funny that person doesn't intend to actually write the thing because if you have an idea you don't want to blow the joke so if you if you pitch something that sounds funny you've you've blown the joke of the sketch and then people won't be surprised on Wednesday when you read it bad idea where you go into a hail and hearty soup shop and you're dressed as a medieval King and I'm your servant and you sort of proceed through all the different soups and keep living that you're displeased [Laughter] it's it's a mixture of 50 50 50 percent bullshit 50 percent actual pitches no idea no idea well hi Fred and I have an idea there's a carpet commercial for Empire carpets it has really weird figuring out something with it you might be the musical consultant in your real taskmaster or you might be one of the singers but something having to do with that sick and you're the drama teacher filling in and then you are trying to raise money for a play idea you have which is Dangerous Liaisons done in a hot tub Jacuzzi all right well uh two shows two Christmas they're lighting the tree on Wednesday which is always an exciting time here and he's really good at it so [Applause] I'll just say this because it's getting some really pretentious but like my writing days are really important to me like the chemistry what's going on in my life because ideas come I don't take it for granted it in ideas gonna come with some luck something and that's how it is what Italian talk show hosts we're gonna like one for you and you'd essentially be playing yourself but you're kind of it's kind of like when you have to do press junkets and you go to Italy and it's just the guy is just very well and not very well in ill-informed you guys like impressions and stuff and I go low-rent variety show yeah it looks like the Charlie Rose set but then like very like puppets will come in through it and and there's no there's no guarantees there's no nothing he's just like tonight when I'm at work I hope that what I come up with is at the very least somewhat entertaining at the table and there's no way to know no way to know I was saying to build being done I like I think I didn't think that's a documentary what is it like living with people like see like I'd rather like he explains it like if he knows like a long explanation of the plot like you thought that was real then I like you have a crazy night drunk monkey I was thinking maybe I Italy has a movie called mean Vinny vedecci right and is supported right my life is just like your life is very important I think we had a clip idea funnier the clip it's just it was just me and then just in front me is just a huge big just it's almost they act out like you know jump into a mosaic mosaic like you can't even show faces or right now there's just like full-fledged or just like everything the room is mosaic doubt maybe walk over to the table and then like the whole tables like anybody nice Italy or like yeah you had like slowly revived he comes in my post god oh god I think he's like an antenna this is almost a it just disappears and hi how you doing well great great gotta say I didn't really love it the first couple years cuz I was always it was just a different atmosphere I was new I was scared there was a huge cast it was like 16 17 people and trying to get stuff on was really really hard so the Empire carpet thing we wrote up a version of it okay and I was just curious do you sing do you want do you because yeah right now we have you in the role as the person singing [Music] how do you interact with them if you've never met them before probably want to worry about them on the show I mean sure what are you gonna be doing well I said I think we should get more the more you get to know them as people the first part of the week the more comfortable they feel and and the more they'll maybe push it and have fun and in go nuts eventually we grind you down to the point where you're something like like you just just you know just you can get as big in the okay in the yeah crying stuff as you wanted okay here we go I just wrote a joke Michael Phelps was named Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the year so finally some recognition for Michael Phelps there we go that will not be a joke that will ever see the light of day that's what we call a page filler at least that looks like I've done something productive these are the like we get these every day these are the set ups with news stories in them but if there's no good news on here what I do is when I'm really done with it I go over to the window if I need more news stories and I look down at the NBC ticker down there I wait for a good story to come across there and then I try to write a joke off of that I don't have a lot that I've written so that's what I've got so far I'll come back tomorrow with when I'm more rested and give it another pass so you pretty much right by yourself for a while and then I know everyone's just super busy I think everyone's really excited to jump Malkovich's here and yeah I tend to I have to write down my ideas like quickly before I forget I'm just waiting on other people to get done writing so that I'm not getting to work with them but I don't want to go in there looking like an idiot so I have to plan it out first I kind of want Casey to ask like a person like a question like about if she got a period or if she like cases security yeah she's like the mean one like she froze they're dead all right Gertie truth or dare truth not my turn this coming up Aleve my 10th episode I still can't believe I'm new to the show so I've just been trying to work with as many people as possible the last one should be like she plays it's like action-adventure or something like bear with me as I'm trying to describe this and she's a bride and she has like her bouquet and she like throws the bouquet and it explodes ya know this is live TV like what am I thinking I always felt like it's asking someone to write with you it's like asking someone to go on a date it's the most Awkward humiliating I like humbling just like knock on the door and you have to do it three times a night basically mic routing or am i trying to like I guess hear what if I want her back like you know kids wanna yeah yeah yeah they wanna ride yeah I'm trying to get it on that's good she's like okay and you're really hurting me you know it's like musical chairs you don't want to be the last one writing something you know conveying that a the performers are hired to be performers or they'd be writers so you do need help so you may have this like lacking voice but it's gotta be given structure and so the writers need the actors and vice versa it's very symbiotic effort every every few months yeah I just wonder if it's clear that while we were in we were using the minimum like memory eraser while she was pregnant again it's a strict advice of dr. Crowther a baby boy named Hank was put into town men in black memory eraser syndrome mother and I were so happy into using that we did it while she was pregnant against our doctor's orders when the baby was born he looks like a curled up the fist a shrimp eyes yeah really sex stuff well here's the difference here's to here's what I'm seeing that I didn't see when I hosted is you know I show up and they pitched some ideas to me but I don't but you know you know you don't see all of it all the effort you know and all the work it's just like they picked some ideas and then boom there they are the next day yeah you know what I mean no now you know to why like it's that thing where you going to the if you like anything tell us this if you have an affinity towards it because somebody's gonna be working all night on something what do you and I thought it'd be good if I came in positive and couch don't forget your tops way to go phone phone ringing off the hook I love it phone ringing who are you I love it who are you I love it what's this an apple your hide my pants are down my ankles you think we should start with that one or start with this one it's a more classic sounding party sack lunch you don't have much formal education you're doing a great job cop I'm promoting you to glass hello glass your job your concern makes me excited for you look at you Johnny all this down what's number two pencils you're number one in my book I'm keeping this I'm joking it's yours Hey look at this you can put this phone up on the wall this phone's black a trailblazer [Laughter] I like the first one is a classic gets right to it you know do you think this one gets I'm gonna go the mudslide do you think this one outweighs its welcome we at West [Music] the hellbug prelude to a crap so I've been promoting things for quality products at great prices : fired today [Music] what do you think about I'm the director he's singing the song and you're the Empire carpet man so I'm doing this off key in bed but or whatever makes the loss works i'm judy blume judy judy judy judy yeah don't comment on anything I want to look at everything on the internet literally and now I want to see that I didn't see nothing now fucking turn it on right fucking now fuck you pussy it's not on the Internet how do you know he's on the Internet it's on the internet it's on my 25 fucking blog fucking hard as [Laughter] [Music] louse works opportunity bloom judy judy judy judy blue [Music] ya know your your sleeping pattern gets all mixed up in this place but you you just learn to kind of live in a haze and we want it to last forever because it feels so good alright also want it to end because I know how good it feels at the end I'll get maybe an hour of sleep for two hours of sleep I'll just sleep on my couch last week I got 25 minutes spirit and her vagina are amazing yeah something about it you just somehow get the word vagina in here see it's just cuz it's your your first first time doing that you guys are so tired you do it a couple times you get used to it the worst thing though is like probably we're gonna finish the thing probably work on it for about a half hour 45 minutes and then I would guess we'll try to get one more going if we finished by 8:00 so that's that's the thing is you always will see what we always think like get one more in but if that had been the one that we were finishing by eight then we would still feel like we get one more in okay we're gonna go back to her Oh looks like an old-ass yeah how'd you know I did I'm in awesome shape now really yeah they look awesome I feel awesome I have my comedy fever dreams we have a lot of really good ideas and then I wake up and realize they're terrible idea did you dream the one I have like crazy um yeah like I don't have I don't sleep well I've tried to have dreams that like I should be working because I sure they're very easy to trace dreams you don't need like one of those books is history mate so your dream was basically what I'm seeing right now yeah like you in there for you it's that funny yeah but I'll have like a lot of like oh that would be funny and then I wake up for like that's not sad because you can't think I'm gonna attend so here you're also sleeping well so the question is we can go with drama teacher or soup stop one of them should be first right hey Frank dude that's how they put it up last night it's only 10:00 to 10:30 in the morning wasn't gonna now asleep do you love that but we're talking about the Tuesday he knows it's his have to give up easily I went to sleep at about but 8:00 in the morning again then woke up at 10:00 in your office sir blanket in it Chris my mommy got in unison oh how about Larry King yeah more like a start with porn or so early but it is it is soft on the porno and what do we say we're ending on horse horse cops and quitters but that connects I kept it in yeah yeah because it's um it's mostly crazy and there's some singing in it enough and he says eat a bowl of dick it's hard to follow and then are we going to do like let's see if we're inspired to the horse cops just bump it bump it loud good that's how do you like it the sound they found resident the night's cul-de-sac and bought a minivan if that same cul-de-sac with a young man they pushed away which was 11 years old and lived alone he was independently wealthy based with baseball card collection the fact that he only ate cereal or say the Delian to England which Twain hit it off would be an understatement they became best friends that was the same middle school where they both excelled in phonics then on the high school where they're still tied for the school record of pole vaulting then they went to a very expensive college and graduated in 10 days they into space that they moved to San Diego and became dog food inspectors they co-created Murphy Brown and used the money to build a rival white house they drove a double-decker bus and headed over 15 Dave Matthews conference their hair was perfect then one day they marked the line whoreson the became policeman they never were stopped if you don't like it well you can eat a whole again [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you do it like a program talkin boys cocks I just earned it here's a real question should I write Jacuzzi Jacuzzi right I should not write that you should not now you've been asking that question for two days I always said go ahead if you insisted I can't do Jacuzzi Aniyah that we we're like up to 50 no yes all those okay so three yes isn't it maybe [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry I think the main part of us now welcome a lot of people talked about this to Steve you sought out this confidence before you get the show and then you get the show which should be a kind of validation but you're immediately acting and doing comedy with people that are at the top of their game in their field and they're often have been on the show for seven years and then operating it such a higher level that you immediately compare yourself because you can't help but and you have zero problems I thought a few club sides can be on the Caterham from super happy okay one Moroccan drizzle with crackers there you go please everyone sit no one moves Jason hi I'm with the United Nations we've got a foreign dignitary here that just needs a quick bite just make sure you take what the soup stop his Highness wishes to dine upon your savory offerings I am told in this country there are bras to rival those of the broth masters of the Rhine go what up little boy so there'll be much talk across this day oh my belly groans with the pangs of famish neighbors well we got 20 different kinds how am I to know upon which broth to bestow my favor I never wanted to be an actor but I always wanted to be a comedian okay if that makes sense okay I still don't particularly consider myself an actor hey subscribe but be warned should you fail him again we shall take our business across the thoroughfare to a rival soup - Sheree yeah that is not a word I've never liked taken classes for acting you're like I don't think I've ever done anything particularly dramatic or intense like but I feel like I could tell a dick joke pretty good like what I trained in received apology declarations are everywhere bill in case your parents putting the finishing touches on the tree Wow are we getting the calculator then we went to Macy's ice are you asking the guy if they soaked up [Laughter] after the nominee but it sounds like you take the writing very seriously and not too seriously that I trample all over it I can't strangle it but I seriously enough that I'm like this all these people in this room I want to waste their time I don't want to make it boring you know any means so like a padam it's got a that's step one um is there a lot of pressure yeah there's some pressure but like that I tried [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the first word of the impression I knew the train had gone off the tracks and I had made a horrible mistake and I had six pages to come [Music] [Music] something you doing something well in advice but when tell me your experience when you're reading yeah my experience is I wanted to kill this home die but it was so bad it I started laughing I didn't I did you into a dark place because I'm like so that's why while I was singing and I said I'll work on this invention I mean it was the wrong every part of the process is wrong the choice the impression the moment in the middle the middle to end the end of it afterwards I put my head man suppose while we're on recording studio friend the Empire up the impart carpet man sits in a pushchair we know why you're here do this commercial to get a freaking date I know what you were doing now get in the goddamn booth and stop trying to butter up no no [Music] [Laughter] okay okay you ready or what okay go now sing it go 5/8 age to 300m [Laughter] we'll do it again 800 come on 805 again I don't know what you again mr. Jarvis I was like what are you doing I like drama teacher I like vampire movie I like oh my carpet I like a lot we're gonna have a hard time legally but I think we should so what your honor that's fun sir yeah I definitely Empire carpet I like vampire movie I like drama teacher I like 1297 Christmas is there anything on about of the soup stock or anything like that don't do anything that well but no wearing they got lost between medieval King anyway yeah but there is there is something in the UN that somebody from a you know with some kind of dignitary trying soup sir did you like the liaison in a hot tub of your clothes whether they drive over it's quite clean and quite wait the borders acting in it yeah the better it is yeah it's are better but it takes a while to get to it because it's setting premise for wrong sir yes were you on duty bloom or the dog furs I [Applause] think if I think I do yeah yeah I mean I think there are other people that can do the door first but I think that that John well when he starts talking in the duty room piece man it'll be an easier pistas no no I'm sort of missing a silly money jacuzzi even if we had cast to it I won't have cilia beating any vampire will be silly yeah that pie is very silly alright our carpet is real and we'd like drama teacher more than those filming sense what Phil the text would be taken out taking out of gas Ronnie yeah yeah just did you have to choose between good scenario you have to it's not think about it so thinking funny you because you don't see that coming no you don't yeah fart jokes if the farts can just get longer and there's not a lot else you can do with it yeah oh okay fantastic [Applause] [Applause] next I never tried out to be a cheerleader but I think it's like cheerleader tryouts where you just do the things everyone all the respective cheerleaders going around pom waving was great and then you just see the list on the wall that's it thank you the cry some people are happy that was the worst I think that was it really bad no just like play picks every week everybody runs to the corkboard is still a part in the West Side Story they got that's an ambitious I know for a new West Side Story but I did it so Jacuzzi is got a pre-taped Johnny and limbo which you might do tonight yeah the chance you might do it tonight yeah we won't know until the meal break when we can call them and bill would get some sound effects some Jets the reason I ask is that lots of reviews the pastor solo-e up very well is that there's some kind of like regulator on some sort and we got burned on it the last caller yeah it's bad I can supply them sound effect oh right the question is only the mechanics at the top of John you know we'll talk about it I don't mean a because we don't need any kind of choreography for the sword thing right because they're in the jacuzzi right right okay but we do we do fencing sound effects ation oh great great and a final title card should that that should be married to the tape if it's coming off the preview it's a collaboration of many individuals from the producers to the writers to the you know right on down to the design teams people that build costumes people that build wigs for us people that build puppets for us they still are constrained to that window of two or three days and sometimes I will approach new people to do something and they will look at here let you like your crazy two days to do what each carpenter they'll take on the various job this is the hot tub set and the way that it works in this case is we're going to do the decking and the tub itself first and get it out up to the studio so they could have it to rehearse and the walls themselves will be built over here on the side and that way the stage and then if the walls don't get there they can still rehearse with the platform in the tub the most crucial elements of the set this is the set for the hot tub it sits on top of this platform but by building them separately I can now be held up by the walls not being finished yet between mrs. MacPhail I've been growing sure is hard being a girl also my nipples are the size of the coffee can lids but you knew that already anyway I think I'm gonna burn this house down now talk to you later god you're harder nice how long is this okay um let's see what we can do how much hair have you grown all over your chest and back which is perfectly normal that is a confusing thing to me if he's supposed to be a girl gonna mean it could be some other thing like a horn or yeah you know what thumbnail or no thank you you know what I try to do weird changes that are done guy right maybe song bro lactation like a blob of bleeding I made up that term on what about growing teeth under your arms oh so many babysittin molars I for another head growing tiny baby teeth under your arms I'm losing on the baby teeth that crow under my arm how many nipples have you grown some period nipples yeah how much of your nipples migrating this perfectly prehensile nipples yeah top nipples are bigger than the other four she's got a few guys have nipple soreness through to your bad your eyelashes longer Ariel's do all your nipples give milk or just the top to you guys pubic hair grows out to the hems right I explicitly just say he knows Conair that is what you just say so we'll just try it I think that one yeah hmm is this board for jhula but did you see the Betsy cautioned Rajesh yeah yeah give it to me no give it oh can we get it three week and look right at him yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] like from the top guys I'm just gonna leave this here there we go Sam Bob was paid off on an exterior and we all right drooling she's coming but you guys finish something first so nice of you thank you for coming fantastic and I'm so excited hear hear ciao it's a real part call me Gary or dare I really don't care what yeah you know coming in and it's like I I came in and I thought you know what the best way I think the best way to get not to get through this but just I think the best results will come if I just get turned myself over my in really it is it's like it's like people go to acting class and go I'm not gonna act like a tree I think oh they don't go to acting class yeah yeah I mean if you're not gonna surrender to the process then you can hope you you can learn nothing or do nothing I bought to you by myself mr. Thomas thanks but ladies first I love silly see ya really we're dju me if you ask people it's almost 90% true that whoever was in then whatever caste was when they were in junior high and high school that's who they think is the best caste hmm you mean so you'll ask people don't go no Danny Hart was the best of these people are you know there's people Farley's the best those guys with the best who know it was my you know it's like each time period has they're gonna try something crazy which at least to the beginning like looking in the mirror we gonna play some no where's the Sun no song just be serious you [Laughter] eyes from across the room down my drink while the rhythms boom take your hand and skip the names no need here for the silly games make our way through the smoking cloud maybe it's like a really basic answer but is there something to get out of comedy that element don't do or is it I just have always liked making me laugh I don't know just the way my personality developed that was like how he interacted that's how I felt like I was worthwhile socially it was early on I would make good July visions I sort of clung to that but so now any time I enter any situation that's kind of like what I lead with what is it about like dramas or something where usually say I'd like watching enjoy that bit I guess I just feel embarrassed like I've never felt like anyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I mean was doing a drama just like fucking kick-ass well he is that a pretty dramatic unity right here I think yeah we're serious than I was expecting great I think maybe I'm the guy that pop isn't that was the tip sure was at least it's right in my sleepover tonight you're coming right oh I'll be there much Gerstein you got a training bra my mom said I had ready purity can you believe that pop quiz in math a sleepover tonight of course and girls [Laughter] all right stand by please every go stand by while Barry I'm Erica it's me Gerty I'm really nervous to sleep over tonight I love my friends but were playing truth or dare and I haven't told them about the changes my body's been going through I know it's perfectly normal for every girl but I can't help but feel icky it well wish me luck god it's not like doing a movie where people think they have to be perfect I mean here you get points for trying yes thank you anything right it's sexy and also too for your perfectionist don't come yet cuz nothing is ever perfect can you tell what can you do yeah let's just do that today I can choose yeah yeah be great thank you very much we want to Foley Barry are you there cuz it's me Gerty I'm really nervous about to sleep over tonight I love my friends but we're playing truth or dare and I haven't told them about the changes my body's been going through I know it's perfectly normal for every girl but I can't help but feel achy at outs well wish me luck god Oh bill he was really nice to me I was about to be like he's really cool john malkovich one of our greatest actors of stage and screen is returning to Broadway to reprise one of his most famous roles and it's we call how do you pronounce that they can't become Sebastien de Valmont we comped the way the first perfect the comment home becomes Sebastien de Valmont from the 1988 film Dangerous Liaisons except this time all the seduction lust and deception takes place in the hot tub now yes or no it's a view of course I'll merely confine myself to no no oh wait a minute how many times I've been to show what I've been to 563 shows when I went today I went to the first show ever back in 1975 George Carlin ganodi and Billy Preston of course [Music] [Laughter] that was weird spider-man would even talk to me or Evan all right you got to do one more because how I see you every time I see you now really Willem again I wanted to kill Andy Samberg now we had to share a car together he kept sticked in his head at the moonroof and said hey look at me I'm in a car I mean who does that I will um I gotta go I gotta go finish okay ready can you believe that pop quiz in math math mixing crazy are you cutting my sleepover tonight me miss the sleepover no way and girls and no kid stuff tonight we're gonna play truth [Music] I love my friends - were playing truth or dare everything I told them about the changes what body's been going to [Music] [Music] telling you in France models put nail polish remover on their faces and that's how they get rid of freckles I read it in Blair Magazine believe anything you read the Mona hey maybe we should sneak downstairs and watch The Late movie yeah yeah or you could stay up here yeah okay I'll start and I'll show you runs how it's done okay much truth or dare truth yes I wear a bra okay now I get to ask was always like [Music] truth wait there take my gun and let us examine you know truth eight months ago [Music] the first eight days it was kind of weird but by the third week I barely even knows dirty your period lasted three weeks no my only period lasted eight months which is perfectly normal well that wasn't that wasn't so bad my turn the Mona truth or dare when you think about a cute boy do you foam at the mouth and black out for a day because it's perfectly normal I don't think that's normal this is fun it's my turn again [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] so bill will come back and say D I'm sorry he told us we just meet let's put a little more Fred there and then Fred then you see this line yeah it's underlined this line give fredle or something like things just to make [Music] yes back to ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think when you go into any situation where there's this level of talent and collaboration with writers and actors and designers and musicians people are aware when there's cameras and so maybe we're not getting the full experience well you know I mean there's many surfaces to things I think when you have performers and cameras you get something else and sometimes that something else is better than what we're putting on on at 11:30 but I think it's an interesting you know it's combustible let's go find a doctor with low standards yeah so that'll be quicker one like that takes care [Music] [Music] [Applause] are we getting the calculator you don't know what you're getting nobody is promised anything freak out it seems like a lot of things are run the same way that they were you know from the very beginning but the shows lasted so long there's something that how do you stay current and all about different generate there's always been people every year and I think that there's a you know uh what people lack in experience they make up for in enthusiasm and excitement and a new way of looking at what's the biggest worry that you have a bad show yeah that's a really big word and but obviously I mean I don't think yeah I know but with the audience you can't you can't go in front of the show and explain that there's a large body of work that you know tonight might not be that good if we're all of the moment and if you're always as good as your last show and that's just today we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the show is now are having to contend with decades of material it's like working for Henry Ford as opposed to working for Ford Motor Company because now this is an institution but the good thing about it is then it reinvents itself every new cast the show the Sandler did is not this show this is not my show makes the show their own [Music] [Laughter] being Vinny vedecci [Music] [Applause] [Music] barn Baker [Music] [Applause] yes yes so you guys like really gauging I mean it seems like it's it's a lot of it is is pleasing that particular audience or gauging that audience well I think you do to certain like address though you can tell when an audience is dead it's like during dress then you go well now we have to ignore everything they said [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] but what they do is they give you that thing of that sketch you didn't think was gonna go well mm-hmm and it kills or that sketch you thought was super funny and it dies because when something dies it's really hard to go we're gonna stick bit eight hundred five two three hundred eight hundred five eight eight to three hundred Empire eight hundred five eight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on Vinnie Fred yeah you started a little high a little angry okay yeah all right so not so angry then at the time I think yeah dog sits up cause it's gonna get there okay um like we get up John when Fred starts yelling yeah can we take that cross to up with Bill in the foreground instead because I like syndrome yeah Bobby's entrance and Bobby's beat we're gonna go shorter on that yeah there's some internal trims in Bobby's question right okay cuz it ends I mean it's the cigarette of the mother yes I mean it really is funny cuz the whole week is building up for this you know the live show and then the live show happens and it's over like that [Applause] there is a crazy weight that comes with I don't know if you experienced that was a live show the difference between dress and air when you actually went on on air there is just kind of like energy this weird kinetic thing happening we're just like this is live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] when I leave here tonight I will focused I'll have an overall impression of the show but I will also generally just focus on the mistakes and it will take me a day or two to shake them off and then you already knew that anyway burn this house down now talk to you later god [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's like the host never you never have a free moment till I think Donna takes you everywhere you need to go you don't have to think anymore and just you stand there again it's part of that letting go and it's like you stand here while you're walking you're getting changed you know for the next thing and there shove you through a door and then you're in that scene [Applause] hey happy with it yes little hiccup with the prop headset is lying really fast and there's a cutting but I don't think anybody noticed it was only me and Fred were like a person he was like a person said okay that was perfect the second line got a big laugh I think it got the impression but yeah yeah if you want to see Nagios dissipation aristocrat in a cocktail without getting to know me socially come see you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you get the right mix of talented people and in all kind of connects there's nothing better and what it doesn't well then as I said this next week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks to TI and thanks to this cast this greatest gig in show business thanks to all of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright Eric I'm gonna start with you I won't idea about you're in a show where you have up it's like Knight Rider but you have a talking motorcycle like kids like talking Harley Davidson but it can't you can't hear the voiceover the engine you're a guy who you climbed um there's this mountain in Alaska called Denali and you climbed it and it's like your big Trump art car that you pull out at cocktail party to me like you know I climbed Denali and you meet a guy that doesn't know what that is and so he's not impressed at all he's like I've heard Mount Everest but I don't know I have one idea where you own a Mexican restaurant where the motto is it's all about the tortilla have an idea where you would be demonstrating a new hand cream in the department store but you won't let go of people's hands an idea where you have gained background in a remote romantic scene and you're easily grossed out by things so I had an idea where you play Jack the Ripper and you go to kill the prostitutes but you're really repulsed by them because they're really crude I'm just disgusting and then I had another idea where you're being interviewed by Robert Osborne on TCM for films and you just love a pill for people who are used to watching television with TiVo and they're forced to watch regular TV with commercials how's it now that's a wrap you
Channel: kjts101
Views: 1,603,304
Rating: 4.84166 out of 5
Id: Eu3LyygiSJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 14sec (5714 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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