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sarah shahi everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am excellent how are you I'm good you didn't make me spittin on NBC News spit on NBC I didn't put on CBS no I was only kidding I'm only hi nice so am I good I know I I'm only I'm the NBC because the cans of lipstick jungle oh yeah that was not good yeah but okay for us so I guess oh you always on our back nine oh I'm very happy well I can I use Jim didn't you or she was still in the air that's right we're still on the air right I actually got the night off tonight to come and be with you that's father nice know that Americans you were in that scene was I know that guys Donal Logue is a friend of mine is he really well you know hear anything no i i doesn't movie with him years ago you did i played a gay hairdresser hard to believe I do and he played my best friend your sassy but no no no no he was kind of like he was a well he liked me but he didn't you know he was gonna like oh yeah yeah yeah Donal can be very indecisive like that sometimes oh I don't think so with you he would be no he said where are you from I'm from Texas really yeah Gordon right Oh what part of Texas this little tiny town is called ulis it's actually it's right in between Dallas and Fort Worth and don't you guys know it at all well you live now Candace trillion lady there exactly Bernie you know what it's a great town it's one of those towns were like the local sizzler and Wendy's is where you go and I know these names John economy oh there's lenders oh yeah because yeah like I say you ever go to IHOP hi all right budget okay all right good good so um yeah you know it's a nice little timer everybody knows your name and you get a very nice like humble grounded upbringing and you you know you learn your yes ma'am your no sirs your pleases and thank yous done necessarily more the guns I think you saw how easily that is that for real I'm real you really can fire a gun yeah that was a 45 I find that very very attractive in a woman I think there's something very attractive about known as it yeah that's good too that's also good that little thing what the hell is that different people do that we'll look my hands Julia Pierson inspire yeah well hello well hello you going my way by now yeah and that that because guys the closest you'll get to sex on the show certainly the closest I'll get to sex on this one it is CBS yeah well you know we're slightly different here's the Columbia Broadcasting System here things are a little more kind of dignified okay sure yeah yeah now you move to text from here to here from Texas or yeah everybody goes to New York first no I did you know I I used to be a chiller for the Dallas Cowboys sure oh this is really you're paying me four hundred dollars to come here and talk and now you're telling me to shut up no it was actually a it was a race from yesterday your race just went up a little bit it didn't do ya thang Kanna me I do need it hey you hear that celebrities come on up 400 bucks or 100 big ones all right so you were a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys Thanks I was a cheerleader for the Cowboys any Cowboys fans know that fell flat did that yeah oh the PDF or the model that actually did pretty well well you're supposed to talk about Mickey Mouse I was going to talk about making mushy like my goodness I love Mickey Mouse really yeah Disney Lance the happiest place on earth you go it does Neil and the law when you're taken with it when you came here I you know I have some friends that are really into Disneyland and they got me into it now I have like the set of 10 these friends who are really into Disneyland why are they quietly through into Disneyland just like Donald was your bestie all right yeah but um no back to how I came here at some more interesting story but uh I'll be the judge of that related Williams yeah well but so yeah so I was a cheerleader the Cowboys and then Robert Altman came to Texas to film dr. Tina women oh right okay and he used our rehearsal facilities as his backdrops and his sets and I didn't know who he was and he just seemed like a really cool guy and you know and we hit it off and he he kind of became the catalyst he asked me one day what is it you want to do and I said well I'd love to become an actress but you know growing up in Texas I mean going to the moon is more feasible than actually coming to Hollywood and being on TV and being on a talk show when the whole thing said I know because in Scotland is like poem straight to LA when I grew up it was like what you got to do talk show host in America you've got it I titled out Shepard what do you want oh I'll do the talk show were you doing very well oh thanks very much garnish that's great my fiance's part Scottish really was more yeah y'all keep going well normally I don't talk about right now but they're all look you have goes on again it isn't it lovely Oh everybody loves wait that was a shot of your pants that wasn't a money only after we spent 400 bucks as anyone again no no I guys do some hang time Doug had a whole time just like scheduling it very much he's very nice yeah no no no yeah cuz around on the big money not 400 100 bucks yeah I were even talking about I don't know you're from Texas oh yeah you're from cannot land your fiancée is part Scottish yes he is yes no no he's from Scotland or his parents are with his his his lineage is Scottish but he was actually born in Texas and then raised in California and know a lot of work well for you yeah yeah yeah well that's good well I'm very glad you came you look here behind me here I the car back again combined good lovely so well done mrs. hopes for the NBC and you know I love them of course good and you're a child I know you are a child it's my job all right Society of a genocide [Applause] [Music] my next guest is a beautiful actress who will be a guest starring on Chicago Fire which airs Wednesday nights on what is it NBC NBC lovely Sarah Shahi everybody fair enjoy ha yes Sarah a lot of people at home will be wondering why you didn't do the talk-show walk across from there over there and then everyone can look at your legs which I'm doing that why why why did you know walk across you have a store of food I I do I do i I did this marathon over the weekend for it was a it was a fundraiser for cancer like a real murder like a real marathon let me let me start over my definition of a marathon is running anything more than two minutes okay this was a 5k that's not a matter of time but but hey man hey it was for me don't hate on me it's like it's like people have gone jazz crazy but like the audience is clicking their fingers you're calling the IP a jazz fan love jazz love blues and I heard you play a mouth organ that I want you to know a little bit later I also play the harmonica no yeah you really oughta find of jazz yeah no I am I did this I did this movie in New Orleans last summer and I got really into the blues and every now we went out to a different jazz blues bar and the harmonica just really kind of just got into my blood that's good do you play yourself and I know I just got one though and I want to learn so maybe you can be my teacher no no I K maybe I could yes the doctor told me to elevate it so here we go no this is a Late Late Show right it is now it is no I like your dress very sparkly you know what some girls are just bored with more glitter I rehearse that bit I was hoping it works yeah here's the thing about this show anything rehearse is going to stand up pretty badly yeah we'll be careful that's all I'm saying yeah how things when you've got uh you've got a little uh three-year-old I do all right yeah you mean three-year-old human it's not like a real child yeah I know it's a human yeah and like do you ever have those moments where you just go why usually during the monologue I yeah yeah I happen to law yeah yeah I have a three-year-old son who's the love of my life yeah it's a lot worse they're they're lovely but you've been your green room right now eating up all your chocolate terrorizing everybody it's not well the thing is to remember is not my chocolate uh yeah I I don't think is it mine technically because I'll take it if it is I don't think it's my nothing to CBS Joe did they give you chocolate NBC they did give me lots of chocolate really which and what's that show you're on Chicago Fire I'm doing a guest spot right now in Chicago Fire and with the Georgia firefighters firefighters more specifically I play Taylor Kinney's girlfriend's right and he's just hot he's does agent Bellamy girl ha oh there's a horse in the corner so work looks like he's doing something else is very late lately oh yeah oh yeah that's how he passes his time yes you said a moment what are you doing this fire time sure what's it called again fire fire yeah yeah so you you play the girlfriend of the hot fire fire yeah good nice oh yeah you make over them yeah you do any firefighting glad you guys had booze back there really I just worry address back there I don't encourage that either I mean what the hell's going on here your kids running around eat candy and the booze back there hell's going on we're gonna have the ideas what's going on that's Jeff where am I who's that guy that guy you think I'm not gay anymore I don't know my nothing as a firefighter was here you'd be right back to where you talked that's your gay robot friend my gay robot skeleton Powell yeah it's my buddy we go back a long way well I want to be going 20 30 years 20 30 years we were his Montville together I was a poppycock and he was stick out or whether you're big didn't stick well speedy speedy I don't think Japanese thank you probably go again never heard of us we were very we were the tenacious d of our time right yes yes yes yeah it's very excited to see them yeah no that's good because they'll be coming up next we're out of time do you fight you want a piece of fruit I would love a piece of fruit what do you fancy a banana okay there you are it leans a bit to one side but you'll be all right [Applause] we can be dictated to be patient [Applause]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 4,318,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, craig ferguson compilation, The jayleno fly, geoff petterson, geoff makes craig laugh, craig ferguson talk show, the late late show, craig ferguson flirting, craig ferguson flirting masterclass, johnny carson, david letterman, funny moments talk show, late night talk shows, sarah shahi interview, sarah shahi hot, sarah shahi movies, sarah shahi scene, sarah shahi kiss, sarah shahi legs, sarah shahi funny, sarah shahi craig ferguson, funny
Id: VQ4qorEhG8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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