Sarah Jakes Roberts Speaks On Faith, Forgiveness, Strength, New Book 'Women Evolve' + More

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wake that ass up in the morning the breakfast club morning everybody it's dj envy angela yee charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club we have a special guest on the line take two that's why uh we were supposed to uh we actually did this interview last week but the audio sounded disgusting and trash and i tried to tell them but nobody listens to the little envy nobody listens to literally even you didn't speak you sent text messages in the middle of an interview where no one's looking at their phone cause they're doing an interview well it's very hard to take a guy with all that beijing on his chin seriously when you're done when you die jake's robert hey what's up family good morning good morning sarah's got a new book out called woman evolved break up with your fears and revolutionize your life what is this book about miss roberts this book is about eve really the eve from the bible who i don't know if you're like me i used to say like when i get to heaven i'm going to drag eve but as i was studying no because this had one job like i don't know how far we can get into this but we gave her one job and she failed at it miserably at least i thought until i started studying her life and realized that i'm actually more like eve than i care to admit she knew better but didn't do better but her story doesn't end the moment she eats from the forbidden fruit there is redemption connected to her story and when i discovered that redemption i felt like i wanted to rescue eve and any other woman like her who knows what it's like to get stuck in life but still want to move beyond where they are can we stay here for a second because i've always looked at eve and i've all she's always been perceived as evil in the bible i've never even thought about the redemption aspect of eve i don't know why i even never got to that part what is the redemption aspect of eve well eve ends up ultimately paving the way for jesus to enter the world so those who believe in the christian faith know that she is ultimately the gateway for divinity and yet we see that her actions in the garden have really vilified not just her but so many women have been affected by it corporately as it relates to equality and professionally in our society and culture eve is kind of the woman that set the tone for what it means to be a woman in general and i feel like as we rescue her we're going to see other women begin to see how they can take their place in the world as well so if jesus died for our sins and he came after eve is it like retroactive forgiveness for eve with jesus you know i would like to believe that i think that um at the end of the day i think there's so much to eve story that gives us insight into what it means to be humans in general and um the idea that god told them to be fruitful and multiply to have dominion i hear tones of leadership there and i feel like that speaks to man's belief that men and women can serve in having dominion over the earth so i think that jesus ultimately gets us back to god's original intentions so eve is kind of our home girl because she puts it back in our place now i was growing up in the church you know you know your dad is bishop t.d jakes and i just feel like that would be difficult growing up in the church like a lot of pressure a lot of you know the world is watching you the congregation is worth watching you so how was that it was a lot of pressure i'm grateful that we kind of were adults when social media began to take its place because listen because if we would have been growing up in this day and age when i got pregnant i got pregnant at 13 and had my son at 14 like this would have been stuff that like went viral and yet in the context of our church community there was a lot of heat but um we were sheltered and that it didn't take on this uh you know virality that we see things taking place on now but it was difficult being raised as you know the daughter of td jakes with everyone looking especially when you've had some struggles in in mountains to climb like i have the dad said he was so shocked he said you know he didn't know you would ever have a boyfriend dating anybody so he was like he was just shocked yeah yeah what was that conversation like when you went to your dad and said hey dad bishop t.d jakes with this congregation in church how was that conversation okay so my sister snitch she told my parents that i was pregnant but i do also think it's important like you guys know bishop t.d jakes but like bishop t.d jakes is someone i saw sundays you know saturday nights and sunday mornings monday through friday he was my dad you know and i think any daughter who has to tell someone who was like their superhero that i'm in a situation that i don't think you can save me from finds it challenging and yet he tried in his own way to put on his cape and rescue me and yet even with his attempts i started to work through my own shame and guilt and insecurities and that was like almost a 10-year process of finally finding my worth after that 10 years so from 14 to 24 you didn't you didn't get to a place of worry till you was 24 yeah for sure i think that um you know and you know maybe i was 23 but i really feel like it was 20 right up until that 23-24 pocket but i mean you've broken the church it's one thing to like do something that the church doesn't agree with but anytime the church doesn't agree with you can leave the church and find communities somewhere else right but when you are a teenage pregnant woman like whether you are in the church or in society and culture like there is really no community that says you're welcomed here and we understand you and so it did take me a long time some toxic relationships and bad choices to really try and figure out like well where do i fit and it wasn't until i really came to the consciousness that i fit anywhere i am placed that i began to see my life change do you think you suffered from imposter syndrome i know we talk about that a lot as women how we feel like we're not worthy to be in the spaces that we're in do you feel like you dealt with that you know i i i did deal with that and it's funny i feel like even with mormon evolved when i was writing the book i felt so confident about it and the content because i just like was praying that god would help other women who were like me other eve women like if you say woman evolve you can hear like eve's name in there so i wanted to rescue every eve that would ever pick up this book and yet as it's been time for me to kind of push the book i've had to step into this place of like authority and leadership and belief in what's happening in my life and that was very much so something that initially felt like imposter syndrome but when i realized like i belong here like this is where i belong this is what i've been called to do like i'm anointed to do this i step into my anointing and my confidence in that as opposed to what my fears and insecurities say so you never had any reservations at all about getting in the same space as your father it's not like your father is just you know any old pastor or spiritual leader i mean that's bishop t.d jakes well i didn't have any reservations because i feel like i kind of stumbled into it if i would have intentionally like decided to be in ministry i may have had the time to have second guessing guesses and thoughts but i was just sharing my story about what it means to be a woman trying to heal trying to recover and grow and find her worth again and then when i realized it was affecting people and i was like praying for them i'm like well this feels like ministry and so i embraced it as ministry but i was still content to do it my way and i feel like even though there are similarities to my dad and as you know grace and anointing like that we couldn't be more different in some aspects of how we engage with the culture in the world around us yeah because when i when i watch your sermons you know when you uh are on some sundays or you know when i listen to your podcast you don't come off as a traditional pastor do you do you consider yourself a traditional pastor or spiritual leader no i but i don't think anyone should be like a traditional pastor because i think we all have our own unique grace and anointing but i mean on my podcast last week i did a dmx tribute episode because like i'm not going to act like the 90s didn't raise me in the 2000s didn't shape me and like i understand what it means to be a black woman in particular like in the culture and navigating faith and i feel like i've got to bring all of myself so that people can trust me with all of themselves and together we get to evolve into whoever it is god had in mind when he created us you're the perfect balance of ratchetness and righteousness and i'm gonna tell you something about dmx that man is anointed the same feeling i get when i'm around your dad is how i feel when i'm around dmx that man is anointed i believe that i watched a lot of his interviews and um even watching like demi lovato's youtube documentary dancing with the devil like i recognize that when you're battling with a disease that it can be difficult to work through but at the end of the day his anointing continued to shine no matter what he went through and i felt like even seeing people outside with the prayer vigil outside the hospital i just felt like that is a sign of your anointing coming through no matter what you've gone through he brought people together to pray and i think that's powerful you know sarah you said you wanted to drag eve right at one point have you ever wanted to drag people who speak on your father and say that he's fake and he's in it for the money have you ever wanted to put holy hands on somebody for that absolutely absolutely without a shadow of a doubt but i think that when people see you as a larger than my figure and i know you guys can relate to this like when they see you as larger than life they forget that at the end of the day like you are a person you have friends and family and children and you matter to them like this is someone who we're going to do life with whether y'all applause listen to the show or not and so there is this element of protection that you wish you could have for people who are in the limelight you know i i don't mind being in my dad's shadows because that means that i'm under the protection when there's heat you know and um so as i step out of that a little bit i'm more thankful that he's shown me how to walk this walk out so what about forgiveness though is is it easy to forgive when you talk about you know people going at your dad or even you being a teen a pregnant teen mom and i'm sure the congregation had things to say is it easy for you to forgive it's not easy always i think it depends on what's happening and how low the blow is you know but i think forgiveness is something that you're constantly reminding yourself that you've forgiven like sometimes i get frustrated with eve or sometimes i get frustrated with myself or someone who i'm in relationship with who i'm forgiving and it feels like i'm constantly renewing my mind to the reality that i am walking in forgiveness i don't think forgiveness is something that you flip the switch on and you're automatically walking in it i think it is a decision that you have to remind yourself that you have made over and over again what are some things you learned about yourself when you were writing this book um uh well i learned that this process this journey that i recall for a long time that i like stumbled into was actually more intentional than i thought there were some key decisions that i made um about what i would do about what i wouldn't do that really made the difference in helping me to find my place of worth value and purpose and being able to write down those decisions so that other people can do the same i feel like it's something that i didn't realize i had done but i'm glad that i'm able to share with other people now you know it was so freeing to hear you say that about forgiveness because that's something that i'm constantly working on because people are always like oh you got to forgive you got to forgive but i'd be like man instead of saying god bless a person i just say i hope a person gets what they deserve that's it and i don't even mean that in a positive and negative way i just hope you you want to come to have a nice day nope have the day you you do you deserve you know but charlemagne you've evolved a lot like i listened to brilliant idiots i've listened to it for years and i think even seeing your path and the whole black men don't cheat movement like i think to see your growth i think it's really great for you to be stepping into this place with your influence where mental health is important where we're talking about our spiritual journeys in whatever capacity that is and so i think even you freeing people to be able to say you know i hope they get whatever they deserve and i hope they trip over a rock and that their shoes are always sliding off of their feet it's very powerful thank you thank you but you know we want forgiveness too so if we want people to forgive us we have to also be willing to forgive absolutely i think it's more difficult to forgive when you haven't practiced self-forgiveness and if you don't know how to forgive yourself then it's even more challenging to feel like i need to forgive someone else it depends what they did it depends depends what what they did if you should give them a not in my opinion some people are just uh it's not going to you know they say the main reason for forgiveness though is for yourself like for the burden of being angry and having these feelings towards somebody when you could let you ha like letting that go does feel freeing dmx said that you can just come to a place of forgiveness by the just trusting people to be who they're going to be and in a way that is freeing because it's like i'm not going to keep expecting for you to walk with integrity to say the right things and do the right things i'm just going to trust you to be you and in a way i feel like they're forgiving and forgetting are two different things and just because i forgive you doesn't mean i've had to forget it and i feel like that's exactly what dmx was kind of speaking to in that clip that we've seen recently and i also think empathy is really important too because people come from different spaces and different backgrounds in their life and it might cause them to act in a certain manner that we don't understand because we don't come from that space but i've met so many people that on the surface you might say okay what's wrong with this person but then when you hear about their background how they were raised the struggles that they've gone through it kind of makes you feel more empathy toward why they may act the way that they do now and then you can go back and be like okay they do need some help yeah i totally agree i see this a lot in parental relationships a lot of people i talk to are dealing with like how do i forgive my parents for not giving me what i needed emotionally and spiritually and i feel like to your point that it's easy to see it from the perspective of a child who was in need but a lot of times when we've taken the full picture of our parents we realized that they didn't get a lot of the things that they needed in order to show up in life i try to break that down in the book just how we zoom out of the picture to see the fullness of a person so that we're not just defining them by our experience with them you know and how do you how do you deal with faith and with people in congregation with your faith and the reason i ask that is you know during the pandemic it feels like some people might have lost some of their faith and you know just seeing family members pass away and family members get sick you know the elderly and younger kids and everything going on in the world what do you tell people during that time or during this time man i give people permission to be where they are i think one of the mistakes that we can see played out in religion sometimes is forcing people to be like god is good even when your heart is grieving god is good even when you feel fragile like there's literally a part of the book where like is god good question mark of course i know the answer is yes but there are moments where you don't feel the goodness of god and i think we've got to give people permission to be there so that they can experience god and their grief you know and in the i wholeheartedly believe that it was never god's intention for us to have pandemics for god's intention for us to experience racism and the social injustice that we experienced and yet this is very much a part of the reality of what it means to be human and so the promise isn't that everything will be good or that your heart won't break sometimes the promise is if you keep walking this thing out i can show you how to work everything together in a way that it turns out for your good for your good doesn't always feel good though right you know it's so many great messages that you that you have in women evolve um one that i really love is uh you talk about past failures and you say you know past failures should not be the focus why should pass failures not be the focus because i mean it's like driving uh forward but looking at their rear view i mean i lived like i said earlier like almost 10 years looking at this past failure of you know just a teen pregnancy which was actually the fruit of an insecurity but that was still the only thing that i saw for 10 years and in that 10-year span you know there were so many other ways that i could have been showing up in the world so many different ways that i could have been healing and so to look forward is to say okay here's my wounds here's my openness here's my my brokenness but how do i heal where i am now instead of looking at the damage that brought me here in the first place you know it's hard though right because past failures may not be my focus you know i may have evolved i may have you know worked on healing some of my wounds but we live in this era where people always want to bring up those past failures you know so even though pathways may not be my focus but you have a generation that's always bringing them up how do you deal with that boundaries boundaries are so important and i think you've got to know what boundaries you need if being on facebook and people seeing your process and talking down about it makes you feel like i don't have anywhere to be then maybe you have to get off the face but you can't always communicate where you are in your healing process to just everyone right i explained this kind of like like when a wound is going through the healing process it needs to be covered for some time because if you open it up then infections can get in this is the same thing that we see happening the moment we make a decision and then air it out for everyone to have an opinion about now we are infecting what should be our healing process because we open it up for everyone else so understanding the boundaries that you need for your healing you may need to unplug a little bit you may need to change your music and your environment for a little bit because healing needs an environment and the environment that damaged us cannot always heal us and part of healing is being honest enough to say i need to remove myself from where i am so that i can heal and move forward and speaking of honesty we you talk about how when you know better you do better right and there's so many things that we ask questions that we know the answers to we know what we're supposed to be doing but yet we still don't do those things how do you get to the space where okay you know what you want to do like you use losing weight as an example right i know i need to lose weight you work out but then at night you eat some cake or something like that and it is a difficult thing to do right to know what you're supposed to do but then actually take those actionable steps to do them so what do you think people should do when okay i know i need to leave this relationship or i know i need to get out of this job or i know i need to make more money or i know i need to save more and stop shopping all the time what's your advice to people who can't move out of that space of i don't know i'm glad you asked that because in the book what i talk about is thinking versus knowing sometimes we think we know something but we're actually just thinking it like when i think i need to lose or when i think i need to lose weight i work out and eat my french fries but when i know i need to lose weight like you cannot tempt me with any carb i don't care how delicious it is but that's because my thinking has changed into knowing the difference between that is i have identified the barrier that kept me from knowing so in the book we kind of do these exercises to help you identify the barrier that keeps you from stepping into knowing so that your actions reflect what you know and i feel like there is a thought generally that keeps us from stepping into that knowing so we begin to dissect like why can't i activate leaving this relationship why can't i activate uh financial management in the way that i should and i think that a lot of times those are fear-based thoughts that keep us from stepping into the knowing but i really believe that as people read this book that they're going to be able to break cycles toxic cycles that have begun to plague them and step into the knowing of who they are you know queen queen roberts i i usually have therapy on fridays at three but i went to therapy this past monday i had to have an emergency session because i had an anxiety attack about a lot of things that are happening in my life good things actually and then women evolve you speak to this so my question is why do new stages of life bring new anxiety because it's an unknown it's another unknown i think the idea of can i maintain it um what who am i going to have to become to maintain it what am i going to have to lose because a lot of times we don't talk about the new stages of life do have laws connected to them right so if i graduate high school to move into college i'm excited about college but then i've lost the camaraderie that i built in high school and so that um gift of new is not often unwrapped so we come to a place where we can trust who we will be in the new so um you know this experience has taught me a lot with releasing the book and uh what i have learned to do in new seasons is to receive what it is teaching me about myself so that i'm not hanging on to the things so tightly that i'm afraid of losing it because who i have become in the process cannot be lost the thing could come and go but who i have become will be with me always you know so so what are you what have you learned what have you learned in this new season i have learned that i can really like speak up and engage in different worlds um you know we've been doing business stuff we've been doing faith things we've been doing things like this and i don't necessarily consider myself a speaker even though that's what i do a lot i get really nervous and i feel like i stumble over my words and yet i've had to really show up and put myself in uncomfortable situations and speak impromptu and i've learned that i can do it that if i slow down i breathe in my pace and i pace myself i can show up anywhere i am supposed to be there's a difference between like me showing up and my fear showing up and i feel like sometimes i've had opportunities and my fears showed up and i walk away feeling like man i wish i would have just been confident but confidence comes in grieving trusting and believing and um you have to be centered in order to do that wow you know also in a woman's evolve you talk about a person's purpose in life does not change it it evolves can can you expand on it sure so when i first started writing people didn't know that i was pregnant and i was still like writing things that seem to be connecting to their hearts and so i thought my purpose is to be a blogger this is the thing that i was born to do and then people started inviting me to speak after i shared my story and i would get up and i would speak and i'm like okay my purpose is to blog and to be a speaker and then i started walman evolve and then i'm like okay no now my purposes want to evolve and when i look at the common thread though of what i've done throughout my life whether i was a receptionist or administrative assistant in different companies the common thread is that like i am able to create environments where people feel safe enough to see themselves and that i believe is my purpose now whether that plays out on the podcast or in writing or in rooms with thousands of people that i believe is my purpose and it's even evident from when i was a little girl grown folks used to tell me my business my mother would be so frustrated she's like why do you know they're going through a divorce and i don't know but i think that sense of people feeling safe has been something that's been with me for a really long time how do you how do you think having a baby at 14 helped you evolve as a as a person man my work ethic because at 14 when you have a baby like when other kids are like thinking about high school my daughter's 11 now and i just i see how young i was at that moment like she's 11 and she's ready for lip gloss and she wants nails and so she thinks she's more mature than she is and i realized just how young i was to be 13 years old finding out i was pregnant and so instantly my mind switched into that of like what should i be doing as a mother who am i going to have to become and so i think that that's contributed a lot to my work ethic i think it's made me wise for my years as people say because i'm able to talk to women who are 50 60 years old on a journey of evolving not because i am their age but because i understand the weight that life puts on you at a really early age you know the we had we had the great bishop t.d jakes your father on this week he said that you hid your pregnancy is that true oh yeah i was four months oh yeah who why are we telling folks be pregnant yeah i was four months pregnant before they found out four months pregnant wow and you said your sister snitched on you she sure did she wrote a letter and left it in the mailbox with her handwriting and um what yeah you know it took me about ten years to forgive her for that too she might have really did you a favor she did she definitely did me a favor because i'd have probably been giving birth in the bathroom before they found out but um my sister um she's always been that way though where she like doesn't mind saying what needs to be said regardless of the outcome i'll never forget being in high school and they were talking about teen moms of course i wasn't bringing my son to high school with me so they didn't know i was a mom and she stands up in the middle of the cafe and she was like my sister had a baby at 14 and she ain't no hoe i was like oh god that's what she does and we love her because she says things to people on instagram and twitter that i could never say and yet she just lives her life the way that she is she's amazing that's great you know sometimes it takes for people to really hit like the bottom for them to evolve do you feel like for yourself you had to really hit a low point for you to realize what you needed to do oh yeah definitely i um this like i wrote about this in my memoir so i won't go into details but i had this moment where i had cut up and someone called the police on me and the police were like i'm not going to arrest you but you're going to have to go see a cps officer at this point i had two children and i was walking out of the cps office and i was thinking to myself if you don't stop if you don't get yourself together you're going to end up in prison you're going to lose your kids the very thing you're trying to do to prove that you're a good mother you're losing because you're trying so hard to build an image for other people and i really feel like that was the rock bottom where i said like i'm not going to go out like this this there's got to be something better for me than where i am right now but you do realize that's why people like myself gravitate toward you you know what i'm saying because you've been through real experiences you've you've you're openly flawed you've you've you've had wounds that you tried to heal like i don't like people that come off as perfect i hate perfect acting people yeah i mean i didn't know that that's that would be what people gravitated towards me for but i do think that as we talk about people in faith in general i think a lot of times when we see people leaving communities of faith it has to do with the fact that like they don't see themselves like i don't see myself up there so i don't see how i'm supposed to do these things that you're telling me to do and yet we do see these little like meech groups like i would say what my husband and i are able to do where we do lead in authenticity even my father as well authenticity and transparency because at the end of the day i don't want you to just do what i say i want to live a life that shows you that it's difficult for me to do it too but at the end of the day we keep reaching we keep stretching and pressing towards that mark because we do believe that there's a higher calling now this might be a stupid question but you do you do listen to hip-hop how did you feel when you used to hit brenda's got a baby [Laughter] this is a great question i think i don't know um you know i do feel like i felt like you know i can understand brenda but you know for some reason dear mama stood out in my mind more because i wanted my son to be able to say that to me now even though i wasn't a crack scene you know i think the idea of this broken mother whose son still found a way to honor and value her really played out in my heart is something that i hope my son would be able to say about me wow you know also when woman evolved you discuss giving yourself permission to embrace that the possibilities are working in your your favor can you can you can you can you build on that oh okay so the book came out on tuesday april 6 and pre-launch like we were working on all of these things right that we thought would make a successful launch and we were trying to get like a daily uh national morning show that didn't work out i was supposed to do the breakfast club the audio was trash but that didn't work out and i started feeling like you know it takes a lot of work obviously you know um charlemagne and then i know envy and angela you guys are working on books but like it takes a lot of work to put a book out and there are some things that they feel like really propel things into the next level and we didn't get any of those things on the initial week and yes i held on to that faith that it was still going to work together and for my good and that it was going to be okay and like we saw the book do unprecedented unprecedented things especially for a faith author like i'm not talking about business it's not psychology i'm not a philosopher this book about women and faith and eve in the bible was like top 10 on amazon for a couple of days number one in a few categories and um i just trust and believe that it's all working together even though it doesn't look like the doors are opening that i want it to open well that kind of fits the theme of the book right like uh you said you shouldn't let our obstacles become our our god yeah absolutely and then you work what you have right so i've been on instagram live like they like they paid me to get on there like i've been working listen okay i've been working what is within my reach and some uh the credit of the delegation that's what i call the people connected to the woman involved community they have held it down for me like woman evolve is like a sisterhood and i feel like the you know head sister in charge but still one of the sisters and they have been pumping this book promoting this book that's one of the things i love about the movement is like when they're with you they are with you yeah i feel like i see everybody opening up women evolved boxes on instagram uh yeah we tried to just send out some more influencer boxes but you know even with that like i didn't want to just send it to people who had big you know big platforms i sent it to the members of the delegation i sent it to my team like i sent it to people who have been influential in creating the woman evolve movement and then of course some of my friends who are influencers with larger platforms but i did want to make sure everyone felt a part of it what are some ways you still feel like you need to evolve oh i need to evolve in receiving love i need to evolve in accepting this new normal for my life i walmart evolve started in 2017. i was speaking for a couple of years before then but i spent more time afraid and insecure than i have spent you know stepping into who i am as the woman i am now and there are moments where i feel honored and valued and respected and those feelings feel so foreign to the broken part of me that i have to work to like let my walls down and receive those moments where love is at the door now i want people to get women involved and read this stuff for yourself read this stuff for themselves but why why shouldn't we let our obstacles become our god can you tell us give us a little bit anything you worship is just going to increase in your life if our focus becomes our obstacles and that is what our perspective has been trained to always look for and so to shift our focus towards gratitude towards the possibilities the limitless possibility trains our perspective to believe that there's always faith that something could work out in another direction when i made my obstacle my god my obstacle was overcoming teen pregnancy that was my god for almost 10 years when my journey then shifted to just becoming a better person and working what i have available in my life that's when i began to see my life evolve in every area relationally in friendships wise and even in my confidence and self-esteem but i had to remove this big idol of trying to fix what happened to me you know you gave this sermon last month that um you know i i shared it with a lot of people and it's funny because people were even sending it to me like i didn't watch it but uh wet wood still burns could you break down what that means absolutely wet would still burn just crazy because that those words came to me before i had a text before i had anything to build the sermon off of i just heard those words wet wood still burns and then i found this text in the bible about the prophet elijah and he was facing off with the prophets of a false god and he builds this um altar and he puts wood on the altar and then they pour buckets of water on it like three times buckets of water and then they he's supposed to pray down fire from heaven and the premise of the message was that no matter how wet we have become no matter how submerged we've been in our fears and our worry and our stress and the climate of this culture that we can still burn there are so many people who have lost their passion their creativity their zeal and zest for life right because so many days have been so stressful and disappointing and yet you can still burn right now a lot of times you feel like i gotta wait until this thing airs out i gotta wait until this thing passes and yet fire can meet you exactly where you are but there is a process which i of course i went into and the message that allows that fire to meet us you know one thing i saw you talk about was your spirit right and making sure you don't let other people dictate what your spirit will be and i think that's something that is great advice as far as setting intention for your day and not letting other people affect you and you knowing okay i'm coming in here and this is who i am and what i'm going to be instead of being on the receiving end and being passive about that can you talk about that absolutely for me this is the difference between self-care versus soul care so okay i'm doing the breakfast club it's like what i'm gonna wear what's my hair gonna look like i need to get my nails done all of that is self-care but the most important part about coming into this opportunity is my soul care where i take a moment and take inventory of my soul okay maybe i feel afraid maybe i feel nervous what are those fears and nerves rooted in and then more importantly like resting in who i am what you carry that this may be an opportunity where someone receives a reflection of you know god's love for them or they receive hope and inspiration and that comes from the soul and if i'm not intentional about taking care of my soul i could come into this moment and those fears could show up that anxiety could show up but when i decide to sit in the fullness of my soul the fullness of my identity then when i walk into the room i don't need anything from the room i'm a gift to the room and i feel like we have an opportunity to do that whether we're at the grocery store or on a platform like what we're doing here now soul care is our ability to change the world from the inside out so what do you do for self care what do you do every day to make sure that you you are grounded and that you're okay like we know charlemagne hugs trees you know he does whatever she does whatever i do so what do you do what do you do to make yourself ready for the day i breathe intentionally like i become one in my body um before i pick up my emails and start looking at the task for the day i breathe i acknowledge god's presence i feel like god i know that god is omnipresent and yet i bring myself into the awareness of his presence and i receive all of the gifts that come with his presence peace clarity vision love strength and i sit in that for a minute then i'll turn on my worship music which i feel like continues to just create an atmosphere for me and sometimes i don't always have time to like you know be a praying church mother in my closet for an hour before i start my day but i found that taking like five to ten minutes whether it's in the car in the shower to really center myself makes a big difference breathing is important you gave instructions on breathing in the book and it's so true because sometimes you know like you'll be working out and they're like don't forget to breathe because sometimes we do forget to just breathe and take those deep and you know breaths that and you describe exactly how to do that i do and you know why angela because i feel like when people look at their lives sometimes they'll find that they've been holding their breath for a long time life comes and it has these blows right that knock you out and uh you start holding your breath you're still alive you're still functioning but you're holding your breath waiting for the next blow waiting for the next issue and part of what i wanted the book to be is an opportunity for someone to really breathe to relief what they've been holding in and receive what awaits them and so i'm glad that you saw that part in the book because i felt like it was important for people to do that you know we have the same um steel sharp and still and you know your husband your king is mr torrey roberts how do y'all how do y'all keep each other sharp cause he's awesome yeah no my babe is like he's my coach and my teammate like he's constantly in it with me no matter what we're up against whether we're trying to tag team on the six kids that we have together or stepping into moments where we have business deals he's always like just sharpening me we always have this um conversation about our relationship he thinks very macro and i think micro and so when we come together we get a full picture now we had to learn how to dance and appreciate one another's perspective but as we've done that over the years i feel like we're just getting stronger and stronger as a unit when he wins i win when i'm winning he's winning we don't take no l so it ain't even no need to talk about that and that's just how we show up to everything that we do we find a lesson in it never the loss wow all right you know my last question because you know we're talking about evolution when you evolve from your past failures when you evolved from the times you came up short we have to give each other grace i asked your father that i asked your father this question this week i asked kelly price it this week i asked it to you earlier too you know on the interview that didn't there but why doesn't this era give give more grace how important is grace grace is so important but i think that it's so easy to to make a judgment we don't really have a generation that has to sit with things because the even the way social media said we're moving from one headline to the next headline and grace is something that you have to really sit in it's something that you have to stretch your heart to make capacity for and yet i think because we're constantly inundated with information and experiences that we make a quick judgment so that we can move to the next thing and i think that what we're going to find in my husband and i talk about this all the time we don't fully understand the implications of social media but what i do think we're going to find over time is that people haven't had an opportunity to fully process the information overload that we're exposed to every single day it's way too much it's way too much well i mean i think it's only right we didn't do this with your father i don't know why but it's only right there we ended with a prayer if you don't mind leading us in a prayer absolutely god we acknowledge go ahead no i'll say i would take my hat off and i ain't got no hair cut and my hairline is in the middle of my forehead take your hat god we acknowledge your presence we acknowledge that you are all knowing you are all powerful and yet there are moments where we know nothing and we don't always feel powerful we invite your presence into those parts of our lives into our marriage dynamic into our family dynamic into our dreams our hopes our purpose you are all knowing you know the path that we will take and so we ask that you would bring us into alignment with what you're going to do in our lives that you would help us to release anything that doesn't look like you and embrace the goodness connected to our identity forgive us for thinking too small sometimes thinking too big and allow us to step with confidence and the assurance that you are always with us in jesus name amen amen queen sarah jake roberts the book is woman evolved break up with your fears and revolutionize your life sarah jakes roberts you are so necessary man i told you this before but you and your father man y'all really helped help the brother like me get through 2020 with y'all words man so so so thank you for being you thank ah thank you thank you guys for letting me come back once twice i did the breakfast club twice in one week you know what they just said they just said it didn't record ah okay i'll be back here saturday tomorrow now when everything clears up i definitely want you in uh mr torreira in studio i think that would be incredible for our listeners i always love that thank you all thank you so much sarah jake roberts it's the breakfast club good morning [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 171,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy
Id: pibeQArs9uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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