Reset for the Revolution

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this is special i don't know why because i've released books before in the past but there's something about this book that makes me feel like it is my first book it's making me feel like like i've never been here before i have a feeling that it has a lot to do with me just finally feeling planted in the place that god foreknew before he formed me in my mother's womb i want to talk to you though today because as much as this is a celebration of woman evolve and i'm so glad that you are a part of it my goal my intent is to really bring you into the awareness that this is a celebration for you because what good is it if only one of us makes it to the other side at the end of the day i feel like we all have a responsibility to make sure that when we evolve that we don't do it on our own and so tonight tonight is about the revolution of you tonight is about what god has already decided to do in your life and i want to congratulate you because you took the step you invested in yourself you dared to believe after all that you've gone through after all of the reasons that you have to give up you have made a commitment to try anyway i know some of you are watching and you are on fire you don't need a pep talk you're ready to be unleashed and then others of you are watching and you feel a little skeptical and you're not sure cis it doesn't matter what brought you into this space i'm just glad that you're here i'm glad that you trusted us with your fears i'm glad that you're trusting us with your faith because i believe that this is a part of a divine appointment i don't know about you but i'm one of those crazy people who happen to believe that god doesn't do anything by accident and so i want you to know that we've already prayed we've already asked god to not just touch this message but to touch your message to touch what god wants to do down on the inside of you you're standing in a moment that is my message but i want you to know that this is just god giving you a preview of what he wants to do in your life and it may not look like this and it may not sound like that but he's got something that has your name on it and your name on it alone and i came to set a fire down in your soul i came to remind you that the revolution is just getting started but we can't press go until i make sure every woman is with us i have a no woman left behind spirit if you've got that spirit i want you to type it in the comments no woman left behind no woman left behind no woman left behind there's a generation that needs women to rise up and take their position our sons are counting on it our daughters are counting on it our marriages our finances our businesses are counting on you to let the revolution strike with you i'm not praying for someone else to take their pills i believe with all of my heart that when we come into the revelation of our revolution that we will see chains broken that we will see our identity revealed and purpose will come easy to us and so in honor of your coronation in honor of your revolution i prayed and i asked god what can i say tonight that would offer your daughter's breakthrough and he gave me something i'm so excited to share it with you i've been studying and praying and i just want to offer you something to consider some of you have already read the book and so this is just going to be icing on the cake others of you are just getting started or you haven't received your book yet and you know what this is going to be this is going to be preheating the oven because when god gets that book in your hands you're going to have all of the ingredients that you need to transition into who god always knew that you were my text is ruth 4 verse 13. [Music] ruth is probably my favorite book of the bible we already know that eve is my favorite woman in the bible but ruth 4 and 13 is where i'm going to begin ruth and naomi have been on a journey i don't want to assume that everyone knows this story but ruth is the daughter-in-law of naomi and they have been on a journey naomi was escaping famine from her homeland which was bethlehem and she found herself in moab with her husband and her two sons and her two sons married and they had these wives ruth was one of them another one was orpah unfortunately and devastatingly enough her two sons and her husband died so she took her grief and she began a journey back to bethlehem and she could not shake ruth she told ruth girl leave me alone go back to where you're from and yet ruth would not leave her alone i write i wrote a devotional all about this but there was something that i saw when reading it this time that made me want to share it with you so ruth 4 verse 13 ruth has found someone who is a redeemer back then in the biblical days if a spouse died if there was someone within the family line that they could marry there would be redemption for that family that bloodline would continue she has found a redeemer in boaz and verse 13 says so boaz took ruth and she became his wife and when he went into her the lord gave her conception and she bought a son then the women said to naomi blessed be the lord who is not left to you this day without a close relative and may his name be famous in israel and may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age for your daughter-in-law who loves you who is better to you than seven sons has borne him then naomi took the child and laid him on her bosom and became a nurse to him father i thank you that you've already decided to bless these women you did not create them and breathe your air into their lungs place them in their mother's womb to torment them father sometimes it's difficult to find the alignment with what we're have what's happening in our life in the blessing and wisdom and strategy connected to it father it is my prayer that this would be such a moment where your will becomes crystal clear our desires are purified and we have strength father strength to walk out the journey that is ahead of us father i submit myself to you i say have your way let there be no nerves no fear no anxiety just your word this incredible word standing tall on the inside of me in jesus name amen you know if you're watching online i want you to type amen in the chat because there's nothing like having a strong amen corner i know i shared this a bit before but like i said this moment in my life feels so much like like my first time ever doing this like the first time that i've ever released a book or ever spoken before all of it feels so new which i feel like is such a blessing because sometimes we get used to doing the same thing over and over again that we wonder if there will ever be anything new again and yet god has revealed to me in this moment that when we follow him there are new ways that he's going to use us it's the same platform same method but it's going to feel new because we're different i feel that for somebody and that's not even in my notes for some of you the revolution isn't going to be that god completely changes your circumstance the revolution is going to be that god changes you and because god changes you your circumstance becomes new because you're bringing that new identity into an old circumstance and that's exactly what i feel like is happening now and that is not to discredit what happened before this moment my first book came out seven years ago almost to the date of this book seven years ago lost and found then a few years after that my next book came out colliding with destiny and dear mary and then don't settle for save came out and so this is my fifth book and yet this book feels new which begs to reason to me that even though i was operating in my purpose what i was doing is that i was being effective but i had not been planted yet that's something that i want to lay into for a moment and if you're taking notes i want you to write effective versus planted because a lot of times we think that the only way that we can be effective is if we are planted we ask over and over again what is my purpose what is my purpose how am i going to find the thing that is assigned to my life i've been doing things and i've helped people but i want to find my thing when i'm building someone else's vision it blesses them but i'm wondering what my thing is and i hear god saying don't discredit the moments in which you are effective because effective is what we do with the time that we have been given until next is revealed that means that you may have not closed the big deal yet that means you may have not moved to that city that you know you're called to yet you may not be with the group and community that you want to be with but that doesn't mean that you cannot be effective on this level as a matter of fact i would beg to suggest that if you are effective on this level i hear scripture in this that if you are faithful over a few things that god would make you ruler over many can you be excellent and effective where you are right now even if you don't know where you are to be planted effectiveness effectiveness i want to be effective i don't want to just be rich i don't want to be famous i want to be effective i want my life to mean something i want my life to produce results i want my life to be connected to someone's destiny there is something to be said about switching our desire and it's difficult in a culture that constantly promotes success as visibility but visibility does not mean effectiveness you can be visible but not be effective at changing lives and so my question to you is have you decided what effectiveness looks like for you without a vision that people perish a lot of us are looking for purpose we're looking on fulfillment but we haven't even identified what does effectiveness mean to me that's one of the reasons why i wanted to write this book is because i wanted to walk those who are reading it through all of the different elements that keep us from pinpointing what our vision is supposed to be and there are plenty of reasons why we don't even have time to work or focus on being effective because some of us are merely just trying to survive that would be effective for me i know that somebody's testimony if i could just survive this trial if i could just make it through this dilemma if this storm would finally stop raging then that would be effective enough for me and yet if i can submit for your consideration that there is something to be said about choosing to be effective even if the storm doesn't stop let's define effectiveness effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result i cannot even determine whether or not i am effective unless i have a desired result in mine that's why i can't just create randomly i'm aiming for something there's a vision that i have there's a vision that i'm shooting for and i will know that if i am effective based on whether or not i make this vision a reality there is a desired result connected to it and so then we have to ask god can you qualify my desire if my desire is to be effective and i can only gauge whether or not i am effective if i produce a desired result then i have to ask myself what is that desired result what is driving my desire that determines my results because i won't lie to you some of us desire a result that is based on our own fears and insecurities can we go there for a moment i mean tonight is about the revolution of you and this subtitle of this book says break up with your fears why would i tell you to break up with your fears because your fears can dictate your desire don't act like you have never been one of those people who said i'm never going to do this again i'm never going to do that again because we experienced the pain we experienced a rejection i'm never going to try again i'm never going to have faith again i'm never going to pray again i'm never going to connect with god again because i did not like the result that i received last time that i did that and so now my desire is based on my fears what i desire is to make sure that i escape ever having to feel this way again i'm trying to escape the famine of fear i'm trying to escape the famine that has cap that has happened as a result of me missing in different areas of my life i'm trying to escape and when escape becomes our desire then god is always going to bring us to a point where he's able to change our desires again that's exactly what we see happening in naomi's life naomi was effective in her desire to escape the famine okay so i told you when i gave you the little background on this story that naomi was escaping a famine that was taking place in bethlehem and so effectiveness for her looked like escaping this famine how many of you can think of moments where you felt like effectiveness would be escape not confrontation escape so naomi makes this decision to move from what has been happening to her in ruth one and six it says and then she arose with her daughter's daughters-in-law though that she might return from the country of moab for she had heard in the country of moab that the lord had visited his people by giving them bread so she went from trying to escape the famine that was taking place in bethlehem then experiencing such great loss that she had no choice but to go back to bethlehem because once again when your desire is based on escape when your desire is based on you trying to avoid something i want to avoid failure i want to avoid rej rejection and so that's driving me and someone has been effective in letting their fears dictate who they are and how they show up in the world but i hear god saying that this is the moment this is a season in your life in which you are going to break up with your fears that your fears have been effective at dictating who you are for too long that your insecurities have been effective and that it's taken you down to nothing and now you don't have faith in anything at all and now you don't have confidence or courage to try anything at all because your fears have been effective in making you sit down but i hear god saying that it is time for you to evolve again i hear god saying that it is time for you to break covenant with the very thing that has kept you bound because if you're going to make a new covenant to revolutionize your life then you're going to have to be willing to break up with the thing that has kept you bound i feel like somebody needs to serve fear notice that we don't go together anymore i feel like somebody needs to serve fear notice that i'm going to have to divorce you that i want to try this thing again i'm ready to write this book i'm ready to go to therapy and get the help that i need i'm not afraid of seeing what's happening down on the inside of me i'm not afraid of dealing with this issue that's in my household i've gotta break up with my fears i gotta break up with my anxiety i have to do whatever it takes to make sure that it's no longer effective in controlling who i am i hear god saying that it's time for you to snatch your identity back i hear god saying i gave you free will which means that you're waiting on me to move but i'm waiting on you to move i'm waiting for you to come to a moment where you decide i'm tired of living this same old day over and over and over again i'm ready for the spirit of god to start waking me up to the new thing that he's doing in my life i'm breaking up with your fear i'm breaking up with you anxiety i'm breaking up with your stress you cannot have my mind anymore you can't have my heart anymore i'm taking it back i'm taking it back i'm taking it back i'm taking it back why am i taking it back because i'm ready to revolutionize my life i'm ready to see why god created me i'm ready to see how god can redeem everything that i went through i'm taking it back i'm taking it back i'm taking it back i wanna see why i'm in this city i'm gonna audition for the gig i'm gonna try out for that role i'm gonna do whatever is necessary god send me back to school i'm ready to study i gotta break up i'm sorry fears but we gotta break up i'm sorry fears but we gotta break up this is exactly what happens for naomi when she realized that the famine has taken control of her life and now she's lost too much trying to escape the famine she heard a word that god had sent bread to bethlehem and naomi decides that if i can't have my sons back if i can't have my life back if i can't have my joy back then god sent me to the place where you're sending bread god send me back to the place where the bread is i hear god saying that her desire switched and that's when the revolution began because the revolution was connected to her being hungry for his bread i want to be where the bread of god is god where are you speaking god where are you moving god where do you eat my creativity god where do you need my passion i want to be where the bread is i wanna be where the breakthrough is i wanna be connected to where the power is i wanna be connected to where the anointing is naomi said i gotta take myself back back to where back to where the bread is she heard she heard that god was sending bread she's not in the position where the bread is but she heard that god was sending bread i don't know who you are but god said if you don't hear anything else let this moment be a testimony to you that god still sends bread did you know that god still sends bread give us this day our daily bread give us this day the wisdom that we need for this day god still given creativity god's still giving passion god's still giving breakthrough god's still doing miracle god says i'm still sending bread [Music] but i gotta be positioned for where the bread is that's why this woman evolved community is so important because every single day i see a testimony from someone that reminds me that god is still sending bread you're reading this book you're going to be holding this book and this book is going to be a testimony to you that god still sends bread at 13 years old while i was rubbing my pregnant stomach god says i still send bread when i was going through a divorce and moving back home with my two children god says i still send bread the revolution happens when we come to a place when we decide god i want to be where the bread is the bread may not be in my comfort zone the bread may not be in the place where i feel like the biggest person in the room and the smartest person in the room and sometimes we think that the bread is connected to us having it all together but we need bread the most when we don't know what to do with next some of you you're watching this message right now and it's not that you haven't wanted to revolutionize your life you just didn't know what to do with next what do i do god what do i do with what i have left how can you create a revolution out of all of this grief how can you create a revolution after all of this disappointment and yet naomi moves into the direction of where the bread is you know what i love about this is in ruth one and six she says that she heard that he was sending bread and then you know what she does not too long after that ruth calls her naomi and she says don't call me naomi call me mara for the lord has dealt with me bitterly and when this happens it was a sign to me that god can still give bread to the bitter he can still give bread to the bitter he can still give bread to the disappointed a lot of times we think that when we go back into an environment and that's what happened naomi goes back to bethlehem and they're expecting a version of her that who doesn't exist anymore and a lot of times we beat naomi up because in this moment we feel like she should have had faith and she should have shown up as who she was anyway but can i talk to someone for a minute who understands what it's like for life to change your name everyone is expecting this version of her that doesn't exist anymore and naomi had the courage to say i am not who you think i am anymore the revolution depends on your transparency and your authenticity i'm going to need your vulnerability god is not impressed by who you pretend to be you can know all of the scriptures but at the end of the day if you are walking around like you aren't bitter then it doesn't matter how many scriptures you know bitter is not an indictment frustrated is not an indictment disappointed is not an indictment you are human you will have permission to be all of those things so don't pretend that you aren't when you are and naomi naomi takes her bitter self where the bread is oh i feel god on that god please allow the women watching this message right now to recognize that they can come to you just as they are god says sometimes they can't reach and stretch for me so i have to get down in flesh that's why he came down in flesh i have to come down in flesh so i can get to them it doesn't matter how low you are it doesn't matter how depressed or discouraged you are god said if you call on me i will come down in the depression don't wait until you come out of the depression don't wait until you come out of the grief i can meet you right where you are and naomi is evidence of this so naomi makes her way back to the place where god is giving bread i want to talk to you for a moment about making sure that the right thing is leading you you see naomi was being led away by the fear of famine when this text first begins and ruth won the fear was leading her the fear was driving her and the revolution will not begin as long as fear is driving your decisions it's not until she makes the pivot and in the pivot what she decides instead is that i'm going to allow my desire to be connected to god my desire to be where the bread is to drive me and lead me [Music] and so when we find naomi in this text she's standing in a revolution and she doesn't even know it i want to talk for a moment about why the revolution is necessary in genesis 3 and 15 and you guys know if you don't know you're getting ready to know when you finish reading this book eve is my number one homegirl in the bible hands down i rocks with her okay but what happened in genesis 3 and 15 when god gives the curse to the serpent what he says to him basically is that in order for her to overthrow what took place in this moment it's going to require a revolution you see because what happened in that moment was really this power grab and god was trying to make sure that he maintained his power in the garden but the enemy came with his sneaky deceptive ways and he took the power away from god and now the serpent thinks he thinks that he has power the serpent thinks that he has power depression thinks that it has power disappointment thinks that it has power darkness thinks that it has power but what it doesn't know is that a revolution is a prerequisite for walking with god which means that anything that thinks it has power over you that is not god has to be rendered to a revolution a revolution must take place a revolution is a necessary component of god's strategy for every life if you're taking notes i want you to write that down a revolution is a necessary component of god's strategy for every life every life will have a revolution connected to it because of what happened in genesis 3 and 15 the serpent had the upper hand but when jesus got on the cross and put death to death and anything that stands in opposition to you having access to god a revolution had begun but it is on us to step into and walk in the authority and power and knowledge that the revolution has already begun and so when we begin to live with the consciousness of a revolution what it says is that anything that has power in my life that doesn't look like god will have to come into submission to the revolution let me define this for you a revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system oh i feel god on this a revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system some of you have been trying to overthrow what has been taken place in your life but you have not introduced it to a new system and that's why you end up in that same cycle over and over again and you're thinking to yourself but i remove that relationship i remove that insecurity i move to a new city why am i still dealing with the same thing over and over again and it's because a new system hasn't been introduced and i hear god saying that you got to know what the new system is so that the revolution can be effective and the new system has already been laid out if you would go back to scripture that new system says that i'm going to start walking in the consciousness that i'm fearfully and wonderfully made we're not talking about having a revolution for the sake of having a revolution we're talking about the generations depending on us introducing a new system what is the new system that god has assigned to your name what is the new system that is connected to the breakthrough that you have assigned to your name i hear god saying that this book isn't going to just help you overthrow what's been in control of your life i'm going to help you introduce a new system there's a new way of you showing up in the world there's a new way of you thinking those insecure thoughts are going to be overthrown i want to prophesy over somebody in a moment that there have been some things in your life that have been reigning over who you are reigning over how you show up in the world but they did not know that the moment that you clicked on this button that you were going to be entering the revolution i hear god saying i can overthrow it right now if you let me i'll overthrow it right now if you open your heart i'm trying to talk to somebody's shame you gotta go it's time for me to walk in the worth of who i am me being insecure has got to go it's time for a revolution do i have just two or three women i don't even need all thousands of you to get on board with this i just need a few crazy women who have decided to wage war who have decided to overthrow the government that has dictated the laws of what is possible in your life do you know what it means to overthrow a government when we overthrow a government we overthrow the laws connected to that government fear has been trying to tell you that you can't do what god has told you to do fear has been trying to tell you that you have to live within certain boundaries but i hear god saying when you overthrow the government of fear when you overthrow the government of depression that a new government is going to step in who is that government that government is the king of kings that government is what jesus came to do i came to heal you i came to section free i came to anoint you i came to bring freedom to the captives it's time it is i'm sorry but you gotta go i'm sorry but you gotta go it's not you it's me i decided that i wanna walk in who god has called me to be i've decided that my identity is more important than my past i've decided that what god says is more important than what the statistics say i'm sorry but i go i'm about to apply for this job i'm about to get the credit up i'm about to make sure that my heart is right i'm about to raise these children i got a generational curse to break my children i want to understand what it feels like to be loved my business is going to understand what it means to have structure my mother couldn't do it but a revolution is coming my sister couldn't do it but a revolution is coming my father couldn't do it but a revolution is coming i am the revolution i am the answer to the prayer that my ancestors had generations ago and i've got to step into this moment because while you're counting on someone else to do it someone else is falling short and it's not until all of us get crazy enough to believe that me with my broken past me with my crazy self me with this depression me with this bitterness i feel like i can still tap into a revolution you may not be ready to go full fledge yet but i hear god saying if you would just dip your toe in the water i just need one woman who will tap into the revolution is it you is it you is it you is it you is it you is it you who's gonna hold it down for your corner who's gonna hold down your square who's gonna hold out your family and there is enough brokenness and there is enough darkness for all of us to get on our square and chase a few thousand demons if one can chase one thousand and two can chase ten thousand i wonder what an army of women could do if we came together and decided that it's not gonna happen on my watch i wonder what an army of us coming together could do if we decided that i'm gonna revolutionize brokenness in women i'm going to revolutionize shame in women i'm going to make sure that i raise a son who knows how to take care of women i'm going to make sure that i raise a standard so that another woman doesn't have to settle again just pay me what i'm worth yes i understand that my creativity has a cost connected to it i'm gonna revolutionize an industry all it takes is one woman all it takes is one woman all it takes is one woman all it takes is one woman one woman crazy enough to say yes one woman crazy enough to believe in breakthrough i'm the only woman in this organization who believes that change can happen that's so right all it takes is one woman i'm the only woman in my family who believes that breakthrough can happen that's all right all it takes is one woman i want to talk to your fears for a minute i'm trying to overthrow the government of your fear i ain't even gonna lie to you sis i came to start a revolution on the inside of you i'm not even gonna lie to you sis i came to start a fire down in your soul one woman one woman one woman one woman one woman one woman can change the world one woman one woman god said i need one woman god said i'm sending my spirit to earth i need a woman i need a woman which woman which woman which woman which woman will unlock the door so that everyone can come through which one woman will unlock the door so that everyone male and female can come through everyone is connected to one woman everyone begins from the body of a woman and yet the woman is a gateway the of the woman is the tunnel [Music] that's why there's enmity between the serpent and the woman because if i can get the woman there will be no multiplication if i can get the woman there will be no environment for us to develop and flourish there have been plenty of women who knew how to raise young men not because they knew how to do it but because they decided god i'm going to need your help to do it and they've raised men who've gone on to change the world because it all started with one woman what you do woman will not just revolutionize your life it has the power to revolutionize every life since you're the gateway since you are the beginning not the end it starts with you [Music] naomi naomi thought she was coming to her ending when we find her in this text this is not the end this is the beginning for her and the reason why i chose this text out of this whole story and if you have time i suggest that you read the entire book of ruth but the reason i chose this story is because naomi is standing in a revolution and she doesn't even realize it her daughter-in-law ruth has given birth to a son new things exciting things incredible things are happening around her but it hasn't gotten in her yet did you know that you can be standing in a revolution and not even see it these women these women that they don't even name they come up to naomi and they say something powerful they say blessed be the lord who has not left you this day without a close relative and may his name be famous in israel and may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age for your daughter-in-law who loves you who is better to you than seven sons has borne him these women said hey hey girl you're standing in a revolution hey girl hey girl the grief had to let you go hey girl hey girl you got something to be excited for again hey girl this is not the end i feel like god gave me the responsibility to let you know to awaken you to the fact that you are already standing in the revolution of you this is not something that is about to happen this is not something that could happen this is something that has already occurred sis don't miss it after all isn't that what the women say in this text they say sis don't miss this moment naomi did something that you're going to have to do says in verse 16 that naomi took the child and laid him on her bosom and became a nurse to him we talk a lot about what they say they they don't want to see you in they don't want to see you be great but every now and then god uses they to let you know that he's still with you these women they served as notice to naomi that it happened we say all the time the revolution will not be televised i want you to know though that the revolution will be publicized because when god does something in your life that points back to him in him alone that's his way of saying i'm going to get the glory out of this in my mind what i heard these women saying to naomi is hey girl this is your moment god ignored you [Music] i know most of the time we want god to hear us but there are a few people who understand that sometimes the greatest gift that god gives us is that he ignored us naomi said call me bitter for the lord has dealt with me bitterly god said i don't even think about that right now because i know how this story ends i should say i know how this story begins it's going to begin again it's going to begin again i want to pray with you i want to talk to you naomi is standing in the beginning moment of her life when god restores and redeems what we've lost doesn't always mean that we get back what we lost but he does give us something that feels greater greater in a different way than what we lost this doesn't mean that she didn't miss her husband it doesn't mean that she doesn't miss her sons but god you gave me this daughter-in-law and this grandbaby that i didn't even know to pray for god says i've got some things i want to give you that you wouldn't even know to pray for and it's all buried in the shambles of what you have left naomi's life it lost its structure her husband her sons her life lost its structure do you know what it's like for your life to lose its structure i don't have this thing i was counting on anymore i was counting on this job i was counting on this marriage i was counting on going to school i was counting on that loan my life has lost its structure [Music] but just because something has lost its structure it doesn't mean it's lost its strategy we could tear this building down and this building will lose its structure but the wood that erected this building with the right strategy this building could come back and it may be different than it was but it'll be standing again that's my prayer for you sis for those of you who feel like i've lost the structure god where is this strategy in my shambles i hear god saying we can build again for those of you who are too afraid to believe that the revolution can come to you i want you to know that the revolution is already here can you open your heart and let it in everything shifted for naomi when she made a decision to herself to move where the bread is my prayer for you friend is that you would wake up each day and ask god where is the bread where is the bread in this day where is the peace that will allow me to make it through this day where is the strength that will allow me to make it to this day you see the thing is that ruth didn't know it but she was moving to where the bread was in bethlehem but ruth was going to be the bread that naomi needed that means all along the way all through her destitution all through her fear all through her anxiety she was traveling with bread and didn't even know it and i hear god saying that when you move to the place where the bread is it's not just so that you can be filled it's so that you can become bread why must we become bread because no woman no woman no woman will be left behind from this movement i need to get my life together i need to pick up my pieces i need to sort through my past i need to erect these shambles because i made a commitment to not just revolutionize my life but to revolutionize the life of every woman connected to me i don't know about you but i don't want any woman left behind so i sat down and i wrote this book and i sat down and i cried these tears and i sat down and i asked god to only allow what he gives me to flow through this computer screen because i don't want any woman left behind you're thinking of a woman right now who you feel like should be connected to this message don't wait for the message to get to her you become the bread that she needs in her life don't wait for the message to get to him you become the bread that he needs in his life god says i will equip you and i will empower you and i will give you strategy to not just feast but to become the bread that this world so desperately needs we're off to the races from here from this point forward we got a world to win we got a generation to save we've got a sister to get up off of the ground i told them in the book launch team and i'm telling it to you right now there are women right now who are on their last leg they're feeling like giving in they are depressed they are addicted they are struggling to believe that life can exist after divorce after abortion after job loss after bankruptcy and i hear god saying they don't even know that we're coming for them they don't even know that we're on our way they don't even know that the revolution is being publicized so that they don't get left behind the revolution is being publicized so that they don't get left behind since i'mma need you to get on your square since i'm gonna need you to take your position cause we're gonna do this thing and we're gonna do it for the glory of god no woman will be left behind as long as we make sure we are in our position so spirit of the living god i ask that you would fall right now in the name of jesus don't just fall in this room fall in the household in the living rooms of every woman watching right now god you can fall in her car if she opens her heart you can fall on her job if you oh if she opens her heart father we're asking for your spirit to fall because we're ready to do the work we're ready for our healing we're ready for our breakthrough god we're ready we're ready we're ready for bread we're ready for bread we've tried to feed off of what hurt us for too long we're ready for everlasting life and everlasting bread so that we can become bread father receive first receive first our apology god we repent [Music] we repent for allowing fear to be the government in which we live our lives shame anxiety depression grief sorrow it's been our government for too long father when we ask for a revolution what we're really asking for is that you would overthrow the systems that have kept us bound but don't just overthrow at god give us insight on the new system we want to be effective in producing the desire to result in that desired result is to be aligned with your version your identity your reflection of who we are so father we receive we receive this word that the revolution is closer than we think we receive this word that we can be an active participant in our breakthrough we receive it god and we thank you that as we receive this word that we will become this word and as we become this word father we will become bread for another woman god i thank you for women who are connected to the women who are a part of this moment god i thank you that you're helping them to just keep hanging on until we get to them god we're on our way for our sister we're on our way for our cousin on our way for our mothers for our sons for our father we're on our way maybe we couldn't save our family member but the non-profit is going to make sure no one else has to suffer the way that we do maybe we couldn't save our family but we're going to make sure that we show up in the world that make sure it doesn't happen again not that same devil not that same devil not that same breakdown not that same curse god give us strategy on how to make sure we reach every woman who needs breakthrough god let it begin with this book bless this book as you've already done bless every woman who holds it in her hand may it become a tool in which she builds her life and discovers perpetual breakthrough in jesus name amen sis friends i love you i love you more than you know and i thank you for trusting me with your shambles trust in me with every piece of your heart i wholeheartedly believe that it is only up from here so let's do this work [Music]
Channel: Sarah Jakes Roberts
Views: 225,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarah jakes roberts, sarah jakes, pastor sarah jakes, woman evolve, sarah jakes roberts 2019, Sarah Jakes 2020, sarah jakes roberts 2020, woman evolve book, revolution
Id: fZsH61EuKE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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