Why Wouldn’t You Accept The Upgrade // Who Is The Holy Spirit // The Upgrade // Michael Todd

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come on transformation church let's give god a shot of praise in the building oh if he's been good to you if he sustains you if he has been the one who has always seen you in your need and didn't just meet the need but exceeded it let's give god a shout of praise hallelujah i feel the presence of god in this place and i know the presence of god is in your place somebody say god is here and i want you to know that's wherever you are there are people right now that are watching all over the world and i want you to know that god is omnipresent through his holy spirit and he is right where you are so i want you to lift your hands right now all over the world and i want you to just begin to ask god for what you need come on father i need peace right now come on no out of your mouth not not ethereal god i need i i've been having such a sense of depression i need joy right now come on he's right there it's better that jesus god the holy spirit be with you in this moment than pastor mike being there come on tell them what you need father i actually need to rest i've been sleeping but i haven't been resting holy spirit help me to rest come on i want you to ask god for whatever you need right now god i need to be able to focus god i need to be able to focus on you i've been distracted by so much right now the holy spirit is right there with you yeah wherever you are we say holy spirit you are welcome here come flood this place and feel the i must fear your glory god is what i know somebody needs this to be overcome by you just somebody say holy spirit you're welcome here say it say that's all i want you to say right now now welcome into your heart welcome into your home welcoming me into the places that are dark just say holy spirit you are welcome here say holy spirit in the middle of the depression in the middle of the anxiety in the middle of the addiction i want you to right now lift your hands and tell him he's invited safe oh in the middle of the marriage that is hard to be in in the middle of the financial depression in the middle father god of my own insecurities somebody lift your voice and say holy [Music] this is our prayer through this whole series we're going to speak it in faith let us become [Music] holy spirit do what only you can do father you know what needs to happen [Music] i only can speak but you can touch father god come on i dare you to just say let us [Music] thank you god holy spirit becomes so really [Music] [Applause] father god [Music] father we would never start a series about the holy spirit without us giving you an invitation so today tens of thousands of us are gathered and father even if we don't know everything we're getting into and we don't know father god we may have questions or doubts or bad experiences right now at the beginning we say you're invited you're welcome here come on say it out of your mouth holy spirit you are welcome here come on say it again holy spirit you are welcome here put your hand on yourself and say holy spirit you are welcome here put your hand on your mind and say holy spirit oh yeah you are welcome here father we're welcoming you father we have a plan but you have a purpose today i thank you that you would interrupt our plan with your purpose meet us at the point of our hurt need brokenness and father do what only you can do the holy spirit is moving right now some of y'all don't even need the message all you needed to do was make space for him and he's coming in right now and he's healing he's answering questions i don't know what you need right now but he does right now some of you forgiveness is flooding your heart right now some of you there's a conviction you know you were doing stuff you weren't supposed to do you didn't need nobody to catch you the holy spirit right now is turning your heart towards the father father come in and do whatever you want to do in jesus name we pray if you're ready for the holy spirit to do what only he can do could you give god a shout of praise all over oh y'all gonna play me all over the world let's give god the biggest shout of praise is that the best praise you got let's give god the ruler of the universe the god who sits on high the god that lives in us let's give him a shout of praise hey i feel god if you're sitting next to somebody high five him and say get ready come on if you say it in the chat come on tell them get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready oh man i've been waiting on this series for over four months and um if you're joining us for the first time i want to say welcome my name is michael todd i am black and my shoes are yellow i just want you to know that we love you and we've prayed for you and we believe that this is a divine moment that was orchestrated by god i know your friend told you you got to watch with me or your girlfriend was like if you don't watch church with me we can't go out no more okay that's fine if that was your situation but i believe all of those things were just a means to get you in a place where you could be loved where you could hear truth in a world where you don't know what the truth is today depending on where you get your media from and who's around you don't know what truth is but i'm telling you today you're going to be introduced to the truth the way and the life and so i'm so grateful for you and um i think today is going to be um i told our team i think everything changes after today and i don't i don't i don't say that lightly and i don't make these false claims how god has been dealing with me about this series and what i'm about to share with you today i would i would encourage you to gather your family text your friends like get like right now no for real like i mean text somebody shared the link because i believe that god is about to supernaturally do something for your understanding today and it's going to change the trajectory not just for you and not just for your children but god is a multi-generational god for your children's children the things that happen in the things that you hear and the things that you decide today the choices you make will transform you forever so today if you're excited for the word could you wherever you are in the building at your house watching it's on rebroadcast could you put your hands together in expectation of what god is about to do oh come on right now this is saying you know what i believe something good is gonna happen i don't even know what it is right now see faith doesn't take you hold on stop you don't get it see in church one of the things that we get to do is we get to praise god before it happens it doesn't take faith to jump after somebody gives you a 50 000 check that's that's a natural reaction what takes faith is you looking at what you don't have and you begin to praise god for what you know he can do what i'm saying is that i believe god is about to do something to this series that's going to transform your life now the proof if you actually believe it it's going to come out in the praise i'm about to give you five seconds to do and i know some of you are sitting in your your curlers and you're at the house in the bed but it would behoove you to let god know that he's more important than what you're doing right now and i dare you to start showing i feel something right now i dare you to start your week off saying god i'm gonna give you the highest praise i got so for what you believe is gonna happen at the end of this service why don't you give god some praise right now hallelujah no i dare you to give god i dare you to give god some praise right now thank you god y'all about to see what's about to happen glory to god you may be seated it's crazy when you stand in a moment you've been picturing for months i'm just taking it all in because everything changes after this charles everything changes after this dad everything changes after this bree i've been burdened with the task of representing a topic and a person of god that honestly is taboo in the church most people feel like the person of the holy spirit is not a person at all it's a feeling it's goosebumps oh i went in there and what did the pastor preach i don't know but the spirit was there and it's this ethereal mystical i don't really know what it is and he got a bad pr spin because he was called the holy ghost you all know i don't mess with no ghosts and there's this like idea around it as i've walked on my christian journey i have found that there is no greater resource to my everyday life than the person of just say it with me say holy spirit let no say it one more time say holy spirit and for everybody that maybe came from a different background or you were raised around crazy people it wasn't the holy spirit was crazy it was those people who were crazy some of us have been indoctrinated with different things my job for the next seven weeks is to represent to you who what and why god sent us holy spirit now i know this may be different for some people because you've never even experienced this and some of y'all come from religions and backgrounds that don't even talk about the holy spirit he in the bible but we just ignore him like you know that cousin or that uncle that come to the family reunion but nobody talks to y'all all know we got that one family member that that be there but uh i ain't talking to uncle jimmy that's what we do with the holy spirit and today i'm coming to normalize the holy spirit and i know for some people who are intellectual thinkers like i don't even know i got you i know some of the people that just want to come into church and bucking i got you too and for everybody who thinks that it's something that's supposed to be on the back shelf and and not really um put on display for the world to see i got something for you i'm asking you for the next seven weeks buckle up i have way more revelation than i have time i have been oozing i didn't sleep much last night i literally told charles i said i woke up and thought it had already happened because it had already played out in my mind but what i'm telling you is god is about to revolutionize revolutionize your life through the person of the say it with me say holy spirit say it with your chest holy spirit okay okay okay so i'm gonna bring it back all the way down and i'm gonna walk you through this i am a teacher in this sermon series okay so i need you to get something to write with cause there's so much information that you're gonna have to understand what god is saying take it on your phone and i want to welcome you to week one of a series we're calling the upgrade somebody say the upgrade now let me just ask you a question how many of you like upgrades hands lifted in the the chat in the building if if if i'm going to buy a new car the way that that person knows that they can really make me come back is if i say yeah for the price i want um the basic model or just give me a little extra if you can and they come back to me and say well sir because we're having a special today you are going to get the deluxe package with all leather seats and all the trim and all the different things you're going to get the upgrade the first thing i say is hold on i told you i only had this much to spend when they come back and say to me sir this is no charge to you this is a free upgrade everything in my spirit begins to leap for joy because i get to experience the highest level of the model that i have but i did not have to pay any extra or anything be taken away from me when it comes to this life with christ i want to submit to you that there is an upgrade that is free of charge that has been paid for in the nail prints that jesus took two weeks ago we celebrated easter and everybody shouted that he got up but we don't talk about what he left he got up he got up and he's gone now and we shout about something that happened while something is still available to happen okay i'm getting ahead of myself what jesus did is give us an upgrade and i'm gonna prove it to you in scripture but it came alive to me because i believe um charles it was in december when i called you it was bath time and i'd like to give y'all behind the scenes of how god really speaks to me so you don't think it's something he just does to me like we in a white stage and stuff but i'm not special like this is god doing this i was it was bath time i was giving bella a bath and it was in december and i call it the december download i've been praying god what are we going to do for this next series and literally in that moment god gave me the messages for anchored in that moment as i'm scrubbing my son's tushy he gave me i'm just being very honest of how this happened he gave me the entire series of anchored he told me the name paper chasers for the financial stewardship series and he gave me this series called the upgrade and then he told me that pastor charles is supposed to speak four weeks in june he's supposed to do the entire series oh it's about to be nasty but charles i called you on facetime he's like what's up pm i said i got it i got it and i was saying i can't i can't write it down cause i'm wiping booty but i need you to take this down is that how it happened and from that moment the holy spirit said to me he said michael he said this year we're going to get anchored and they can't be anchored without me write down the first unofficial point you can't be anchored without the holy spirit he is the only god that is active on earth today and i know i know it's messing with some of your minds right now but i'm going to walk you through this entire thing but it got to me because i in my personal life had an upgrade available and hadn't taken it i want to empathize with all the people who may have gotten saved 15 years ago and you've ignored the holy spirit for 15 years i want to be able to sympathize because i don't want to be somebody that comes from a self-righteous position of like you ain't got the holy spirit no no no no that's what religion tells you and that you don't speak in tongues you don't got the evidence it's not evidence it's benefits we'll talk about that later but i'm telling you there are some things that we have to walk through and i need to come from a very humble position because back in october i paid for two iphone 12s i bought one for my wife and i bought one for me i was completely out of storage but i was still using my phone october came and went november came and went december i had a break you know what this is when i'm gonna transfer all my pictures it's very simple they made it just put the phones next to each other just put the phones next to each other mike and download all your stuff get all your apps back december came and went january came and went february came and went and my wife looked at me and she said michael my phone no longer charges she said i need a new phone i said i bought you a phone and i've been holding it for four months she said why in the world would you spend our money and not let me experience what was paid for i said i don't know i just been in march came and went and then she got ignorant she started talking about me two people if she would miss a call she said my phone was dead but michael upgraded me and has not allowed me to receive my upgrade today i have a confession to make natalie has an upgraded iphone 12. my iphone 12 is still in the box this my real phone this has been sitting in the front of my backpack for almost six months the thing that people wait in lines for the people that people have gone into debt for all the power and connectivity in the world better reception ability to know where i'm at no matter where i'm at sitting waiting and available yet i have not received my upgrade and may that be a depiction of the body of christ today that you're sitting here wearing the name christ on your back you got the necklace you serve on the team you're walking around representing representing and representing god but you still have not received the holy spirit that is about to change for both of us this week that phone is going to be upgraded and in this series your life is about to be upgraded if you believe it in faith why don't you give god a shout of praise okay so the title of my message today is what my wife said to me and i'm going to say to you why wouldn't you accept the upgrade like why wouldn't you accept the holy spirit if it's already paid for if it's already given if it gives you perks and and and advantages that you don't have now why why wouldn't you and and this is an introspective question this is not for your neighbor this is not for your husband this is not for your wife this is not for the group i'm asking you why haven't you accepted the power and the person of the holy spirit and some of you like i just can't get with it i got jesus i got god but the holy spirit let me tell you how important the holy spirit is and let me tell you who said he was important jesus at the end of his ministry when you go through john 14 15 and 16 jesus is basically trying to convince his disciples it's gonna be okay i'm leaving but it's gonna be okay i ain't gonna be here no more but it's gonna be okay i'm not pulling and making fish into enough to feed everybody no more but it's gonna be okay because i'm about to send somebody who's your upgrade can i prove it to you john chapter 14 verse 16. this is jesus it's titled jesus promises another helper he said and i will pray to the father and hebrew word um in hebrew that word pray means ask so read it like that and i will ask the father and he will give you another everybody say helper underline that circle that highlight that he will give you another helper so that implies that jesus was a helper but jesus helped us in salvation that was his piece of the puzzle i'm gonna mess with some of your theology in this whole thing but you don't get it just stick with me jesus was an example to help us know how to walk on this earth with all the crazy that was going on he helped give us a picture he said but i'm going to send another helper that he realize in your bible that is a capital h that is not an it that is a god he may abide with you forever that's on heaven and in earth the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you write down my first point the holy spirit is not just a power he's not just a present presence the holy spirit watch this is a person michael todd is a person gary mcintosh our founding pastor who happens to be 70 today can we give it up for our founding pastor i love you man of god 70 years old we wouldn't be here without you but the reason i can celebrate him is because he is a person the person that you like and you've been crushing on the only reason you like it and crushing them you're not liking any crushing on trees well maybe some of y'all are and we have prayer for that later but but you you're liking and crushing on them because they are a person why are you going so hard on this is because the bible never refers to the holy spirit as in it so why do we it's not in it he is a everybody say person why is this important come close because you will never develop a personal relationship with somebody you don't see as a person the holy spirit wants a personal relationship with you so jesus talking to his disciples acted like it was a guy named gary gary's gonna come to you and help you and when gary comes to help you receive him because when he comes he's going to lead you into all truth i really wish that the holy spirit had a different name because if he had a different name many of you would accept him but when for some reason when it's holy spirit we think it's mystical he said no he's a person and if you realize that he is a person then you will develop a personal relationship with the holy spirit and the problem that most people have is our teaching we've just been taught wrong the only reason i'm here is to teach you right and hopefully represent this thing god is three persons in one it's god the father god the son and god the holy spirit we say that but we don't think about it like that we don't live like that see even in our communication it's like man i need god i've been struggling to do stuff so i need god you can get the person that's from somebody who's struggling with addiction all the way to the person in the penthouse like just want to give honor to god as i accept this award for making girls twerk on the floor like at every award show just want to thank god see people have an idea of who god is so they thank god but they don't understand when they say god that's three in one there's god the father god the son and god who holy i'm gonna help you walk with me on this and let me help bust your bubble god the father is not more powerful than god the holy spirit god the son you came from heaven to earth to so god i worship you as your cross at your feet he's not more powerful than the holy spirit i know all of our children teaching talked about god we think some of the people that are on earth know of moses david are more powerful than the holy spirit you talk more about being a david to a goliath let me stop help me holy spirit you have a better view of abraham than you do of the person of the holy spirit [Music] you've just been taught wrong it's one god everybody say one god say it like you mean it one god three expressions okay let me let me okay what is this it's water that that that's that's what we say but if you want to be very scientific this is h2o okay this is h2o i'm thirsty i got a strong that's good let me ask you a different question hold on real quick we established this is what it's h2o what is this you say ice if we go down to its basic form this is h2o now it's in a different form than the liquid version but this still is uh huh this is a different expression so when your drink is too warm you don't put more water in it it's h2o but you put a different expression of h2o into your drink and we call it ice what is this this is h2o2 it's dry ice and it's a different expression so if that was god the father god the son this is god the holy spirit still h2o but it takes on a completely different form and this is what god is about to do in your life you're about to see evidence of the power of the holy spirit still god still god still god still god still god still god god the father god the son and god help me the holy hear what i'm saying the power resides in all three of them and if you want to sum up your christian life and god the father the big man upstairs and what jesus did at the cross which was powerful then you will leave out the most influential part of affecting your life today can i help you god's done doing seven days he did everything he was gonna do in seven days think about it genesis in the beginning he said let who us who was he talking about wow us it wasn't just god the father he had a board meeting with the father the son and the holy spirit and said let's go ahead and make man in our image i got the first leg i'm gonna take the next seven days and i'm gonna speak to the void and i'm gonna blow life i'm gonna tell the ocean to come that far ah stop that's where the land is going to start and then i'm going to make birds and i'm going to make whales and i'm going to make i'm going to do all of that and on the sixth day i'm going to take a nap and i'm going to show people how to rest even when they're creating something that people will be enjoying for the rest of our life i got seven days on it and he created eden as a paradise and what ended up happening is the enemy came into eden and god said i'm done doing what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna stay with my kids in paradise i created the enemy comes in whispers adam and eve they fall out of relationship with god and now because he's holy there is a separation the only reason you may have never thought about this jesus is not necessary had sin not entered the world but since sin entered the world the father said y'all gonna make me get up but i can't because i'm holy and i can't change so i'm not gonna come down off my throne to save my kids because they didn't listen to me but i'mma send a big brother and i'm gonna send a big brother i need y'all to stay with me i'm gonna send their big brother and i'm going to make him take the whooping they should have got see some of y'all don't come from old school homes but in an old school home what would end up happening if the older brother or the older sister was with the younger brother or the younger sister and they did something bad everybody got a whooping why because the older brother or the older sister was the one that was going to be the mature one to take and guide and lead and be the example and they said well when i did it it didn't even happen but the fact that you did it let them think that they could do it so everybody getting a whooping what god said is i need to send a big brother to take the whooping for everybody else's sin so jesus i know phil and jesus said i'll do my part seven days 33 years i'm trying to give you a timeline of every god personality and expression what they were supposed to do so god the father worked it out for seven days and took a nap from one of them god the son came to the earth for 33 years and what did he say when he climbed up on the cross it is finished what was finished his part of the plan was complete when he died on the cross he said i did my part and right before he died he tells the disciples don't worry i've done my part but i'm about to send you i'm about to tag in y'all ever watch wrestling when they when they're at the ropes and they tag in their partner god tagged jesus and then jesus tagged the holy spirit [Music] and can i say it like this i'm a mess with your theology right here god's not doing anything else in your life god the father it ain't he's god will you help me he already did when he sent jesus and jesus even though you wear the cross around your neck he not coming to earth to help you do anything jesus help me anytime you call on him both of them stand here and say holy spirit y'all missed it god the father and god the son when you say god i need you he said he ain't talking to me and then jesus said he ain't talking to me it's finished and the holy spirit here i go where do you need me i'm everywhere you need to be where do i need to show up you have been blocking your god power of the earth and his name is holy spirit same name same name but different titles different functions different statuses different location it's god the holy spirit is god say it with me the holy spirit is god one more time the holy spirit is god but if you don't see him as god you treat him as extra if you don't see him as god you go past his power in your life that thing that told you don't go to the club tonight that was the holy spirit and you rather a feeling an aura a vibe oh i'm in some of y'all business i just got to ge i got to get the mood i got to get the atmosphere right the holy spirit said i've been here from the beginning of time when they were stalking alpha and omega that was me too you thought it was just god the father or god the son but when they said alpha and omega that was your boy too i know everything about everything and everybody and if you would tap into my god power you would experience god the holy spirit the holy spirit is god so in the beginning when they said let us make man it was a meeting between god god and god god god god here it is let's turn up well we got to create something in our image so god looked at god and said god [Music] i'm just trying to i'm trying to drive home a point right here holy spirit come help me you can say god come help me thank you jesus for dying on the cross and jesus says you're welcome jesus come help me he says the holy spirit's gonna come god god and god they still not getting it charles okay so so so let me build this out for you god is his name okay but then god has a title and we love god the father he's a good good father it's who you are [Music] he is he's a great father and then he sent us his only son now i want you to realize it was not multiple sons it was his only so it then is god the son and he has a name what's his name jesus so it's god the father god jesus and then guess what the third god's name is the holy spirit you're getting it some of y'all are going to be at the top of the class by the end of this this one i'm just having to take you through it because by the end of this it's going to change everything but god the father has a specific function god the father's function is watch this provider i'm going to provide the heavens and the earth i'm even going to provide my only son i'm going to provide purpose and plans for everybody but once i provide what i want i'm going to take a seat on the throne of the universe so if you need somebody in a different function then he sends jesus and his function is watch this very simply i'm giving you theological principles that will guide your life jesus function is savior so god the father didn't come to save you he sent god jesus to save you but this scripture tells us that after jesus saved us he doesn't have to save us over and over again and i know some of y'all have backwards teaching in your church that tells you you need to come to the altar every time you do something and mess up no that's the point where you repent and you turn back to god and i know some people use that as a manipulation tactic but what jesus did for us when you really actually receive the finished work of jesus christ it is a done deal when you put your faith in jesus christ i know i'm coming against some strongholds right now but when you put your faith in jesus you don't have to come to the altar every sunday and say god forgive me he already forgave you and he knew it before you would do it and so that's why he sent jesus as the propitiation that's a big word for all of your sins that means he died for the sins you did commit that you are committing and that you'll ever commit and what he's saying is your eternity is secure but your history is jacked up people don't know how to live they know where their eternity will be spent but they don't know where they're tomorrow [Music] so what did god the father provide for us a savior and then he said they're going to need something else to live so i'm gonna send god the holy spirit and his function look at it and john is helper now how many of us need help in an area of our life hands lifted high you need help in some in your marriage and your business you need help stop calling on the god whose function is not helping you i know it's rough but once you learn the function of god the father talk to him about provision and that's the crazy thing he already done it he ain't providing anything new he just waiting for you to discover what he provided do you know that there will be no diamonds ever made again because when god made diamonds in coal mines he made them all for one time but do you know for the next centuries and eons we will be discovering things that god put there years ago because it's not about finding out about god it's about discovering what he's already placed there what i'm telling you is you is when you get in a relationship it's not about god help this marriage it's no god help me find out who you created me to be so i can be the right person in this marriage it's never about what god will provide it's what god's already provided so he said jesus and then he sent the holy spirit to help you now this is the one that's going to mess you up i've been hitting towards it all the way but i just need you i'm just trying to make sure you get right theology and i'm not being um uh facetious or i'm not trying to be um into semantics like if you say god i'm praying to you i'm not saying like it's three in one okay but i'm trying to get you to recognize the the family member that y'all act like don't exist i'm trying to just get you to recognize that uncle jerry that's crazy he's a real person and the reason that he's addicted to that and the reason that he's going there because he has a real story like we treat people that aren't like us or that we don't understand we treat them like they're less than human oh i know how you treat homeless people just because they don't have a house like you you think because you're riding around in the toyota corolla and you live in a high rise that somehow you're better than them be careful unless you be the one that fall down and you've dehumanized people oh i see some of my fellas who have dehumanized human beings because you've been addicted to pornography and now you see women as a sexual object instead of something that god created because of the perversion in your hand when you don't know something you dehumanize it when you don't know something you make it less personal that's why some of y'all the the the commercials of children in africa don't move you no more you see the children with their bellies and they're eating out of thing and you threw away what they would eat for a week and it doesn't even compute to you anymore because what you don't know about you make less personal oh is that why we have racial problems in the usa right now it's because you was raised around all black people and you was raised around all white people and you go to the lake with all hispanic people and i got a black friend and he's the guy that you pay to work for you and he's the token that comes to your thing the reason you've made it less personal because you don't know him and the reason you've made the holy spirit less personal it's because you don't know him god the father is a provider god jesus is a savior god the holy spirit is a what helper and they all have a current status look where god's current status is the father look at it his current status is set apart and holy that's why god couldn't come to earth because he couldn't mix with the sin i can't do the sin like for me i can't do smoke so like when i go not because i don't like people who smoke it's just like it does something to me like when i go into a hotel room or i go into a car and i rent a car it's like i can tell immediately medium i start the water i like having an allergy i can't i can't do the smoke so when i go and rent a car and i get in and somebody was you know blowing them trees and making things happen i ain't got no problem with you i just can't drive this car because i can't do that that atmosphere is not conducive for me to be exactly who i'm supposed to be it begins to impair who i actually am so what god said is i can't do sin like i created a perfect earth and i just can't do sin so it literally tells us in the bible that eden is still a place that is hidden from humans because it is guarded and gated by angels because that's a space that only holy is accepted in only perfect is accepted there but god is so loving he really is a good good father that he said i can't stay without my children so instead of them coming here i can't let them come here because i can't do sin like i can't do it but i'll pay for it and so i'll send jesus and now jesus has a status too where's jesus status look at it he's seated on what he seated luke 22 69 said that when jesus finished his assignment that then he was seated in heavenly places at the right hand of the father hold up so when he said it is finished as savior he went and took a seat that's his current status right now we worship you jesus he is in his lazy boy in heaven like that's it i like that song use the thing i do i do i do use the stack he is in the lazy boy reclined seated read the scripture do you know the holy spirit and his status put it on the screen active he is the only god expression still active [Music] and you don't even think he real something told me to not go that way and there was an accident on the highway something it was god god god the big man upstairs he said apart he's not down here he created it but he ain't down here god the son yeah yeah he's seated he done with y'all he had 33 years of this ghetto world and he was like i'm pretty much done with this think about it the only god that is still active in the earth today is god the who holys if you don't get anything else that i say the reason you have to receive and release the holy spirit in your life is because he is the only god that is active in every part of every day of every moment of every breath that you will take for the rest of your life and then he won't leave you he will escort you to a heavenly home if you put your faith in jesus who saved us and you will be introduced to the father who provided all of it for us i'm telling you right now the holy spirit is god and the crazy thing is i could go to tons of churches today and there are people that are lifting their hands raising their voices and they don't even recognize the person of the holy spirit can i just sum it up for you all of them have a location i just told you but some of y'all at the head of class god the father's location at this current moment heaven and that's where everybody's trying to get to yeah yeah god jesus his location guess where it is heaven but do you know where the holy spirit is right now he's on earth he's right next to you and he's right in you holy spirit make yourself come alive to people right now oh don't think that i'm about to teach a message about him without him like i'm gonna have random stops and pauses because some of you right now something on the inside of you is starting to move you're starting to release and wake up you're understanding faith is coming to you right now and some of you need to understand that he is a person why wouldn't you accept the upgrade why wouldn't you allow him to be god in your life so god the father write this down god is our father you can just go straight down the thing and see it god is our father that provides who is set apart or holy and he's in heaven how do we know that matthew the lord's prayer that everybody says it tells us where god the father is our father which art in it gave you his gps think about the scriptures you read and how disconnected we are because of how we've been taught it tells us where god the father is in heaven who is jesus jesus is our savior who finished his assignment and is now seated in heaven that's why luke 22 69 tells us but for the son but for now on the son of man he will be seated in the place of power at god's right hand i'm giving you scripture for everything who is the holy spirit he is our helper who is the advocate and he's right here right now on earth and he wants to work in your life that's what the scripture said in john 14 16 and i will ask the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth who the world cannot receive because it needs there sees him or knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you he will i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you can i say it really plain to you the holy spirit isn't extra he is essential [Music] he's not a condiment to your god's your god equation he's not ranch he's not a sauce he's a sirloin he's the meal he's god and nobody ever told me that i thought the holy spirit just in church and going around like the holy spirit is here and it's like oh yeah god is oh i feel the holy spirit holy spirit what happened the holy spirit was there but there was not much explanation that the same holy spirit that was there when you was dancing was there when i was looking at pornography how do i grieve the holy spirit if he wasn't there he's there everywhere so while i'm sending the dms he's there while i'm making the crooked business deal he's there he's not the third wheel on your life he's not the one tagging along with god and jesus god the father and jesus trying to get a word in he said if you need to know the truth ask me [Music] somebody say this because when when i look at the scriptures in john 14 15 16 you see this word helper translated another way it is advocate another word is comforter this word is translated here only five times in the bible and in john 14 15 16 talking about the holy spirit it the helper it's four out of the five times in the entire bible they're only talking about the holy spirit the helper for your life is the holy spirit somebody write this point down the holy spirit is my help say it the holy spirit is my help i'm training your mind and your heart right now to understand something that you may have not understood just say it one more time the holy spirit is my help there's nothing like knowing who to go to for help like like have you ever been at a restaurant or something and somebody can't help you what do you do can i speak to your manager because for some reason you understand that at that level i ain't gonna get no help you you just bringing me the the food but you can't they messed this up and i ain't paying for it it's like well ma'am i'm so sorry and i don't have to be mean church people y'all gotta stop being mean to people over your food they got to know you by your love not your ignorance okay let me let that'll be we'll talk about that in another but there's a way that if they messed it up okay but but what do we do i ask for somebody who can actually help me it happens in my household uh let me be a transparent we're hot at transformation church humble open and transparent and what happened at um at my house is that my daughter isabella she is in uh kindergarten going into the first grade and she's learning how to read and my daughter has sadly found out who to go to for help reading it's not me my wife for some reason thought that it would be good for me to help my daughter learn how to read and um it i almost lost all of um the holy spirit that was in me on one word the i'm sitting there talking to bella i said what does the word say bella she says to he no baby it's a blind word th makes and then i don't know what what why the e ain't making the right sound right now but it's the y'all know how y'all do whoever made up the english language y'all are ghetto because like there is a lot of problems she was like but e makes a long e or a i said i know baby but this word is the the cat she said okay i said all right now you try it she said to he i said god uh i'm going to need you to help me teacher i said no baby that's a blind word this says the she said what does it say daddy i said duh she said duh i said duh she said duh i said all right read the whole thing together she said to he i said in the name of jesus i rebuilt the spirit of ignorance in this house like i was and what she learned after the beads of sweat the pounding on the table and me walking away six times dad is not the person i go to with help she found out to go to her mother not because i couldn't help her but her mother was better suited to help her [Music] what what i'm trying to say to you is if you need help knowing what to do in your business god can help you jesus can help you but there's a god holy spirit who has been fashion formed and suited [Applause] to help you and you need to know where to go because the holy spirit is your help is there any area in your life that you need help yes you need help to know which business deal to take ask the holy spirit you need to know if you should leave the relationship that you've been in for 16 years with no commitment and no covenant you may not even even need to ask the holy spirit right there you know but if you're still confused ask the holy spirit you need to know god's will for your life ask the holy s so many people ask me all the time pastor how do i know god's will for my life can i paint a picture for you take the lights down for me in your life god what is my what is your will for my life you stand here and god shows you a glimpse of your purpose how do i get there i can't step outside of the light see so many people just keep it right here are trying to get there but when they step out they step into the darkness and now i'm at award shows now i'm living everybody's life the problem is you got money but no god the problem is you got a marriage but it is filled with things that don't have god and some of you today need to step back in to the light and god says now you got to get there how do i get there god i see myself being successful i see myself then you start reading your bible see there is a difference and i need everybody to hear me say this there is a difference between the the wills of god okay i need everybody to hear me say this very clearly there is a specific will of god for your life and there is the general will of god for your life if you need to find the general will of god for your life you read the bible i don't know what to do i don't know god's will open up the bible and it will show you steps of what the general will of god is so i don't know if i can be married to this person or this person what does the bible say about marriage that gives me the general will of god for relationships well what am i supposed to do in business the bible gives you general characteristics but when you need specific instruction see the bible tells you you should be married but it don't tell you who to marry [Music] and it doesn't say you should be married jesus wasn't married like but it shows you how to be married okay it shows you how to be married but it do not tell you who to marry if you want to know the specific will of god on who to marry you need the holy spirit because he's the one that say leave him alone but god he looks like michael b jordan mixed with a little bit of vin diesel with just a little bit of thor from the movie lord see because it would be easy if the bible laid it out and it was that simple but the problem is when we come to this life it's not a straight line we are presented with all kinds of options so holy spirit where am i supposed to live la is there new york is here tulsa is here where am i supposed to go you can read the bible all day and he'll say a sheep know my voice and a stranger they won't listen to but if you want exact instructions you need the holy spirit move to tulsa but father when i move to tulsa do i have a job move back to home god this business deal has all of the makings of what i've always prayed for but it's a ponzi scheme don't do it keep serving at that job keep praying for the home ah no i know you already signed and told them you were coming but call them back call them back no i know you'll be embarrassed but i'm about to save you four years call them back and tell them you made a mistake and just keep going forward where i told you to serve they don't see my gifting they don't see my talent because i'm making your character if i gave you the platform now you would ruin it in 36 weeks but i'm teaching you humility right now don't step out of the dark no i mean don't step out of the light and this is why the word god gave us this year would stay anchored because at the moment you start drifting i'm further than where i came from but i'm in the midst of god moving and i'm nowhere to be found in the dark in the light you can't see me here because i stopped listening to the holy spirit and the truth of the matter is the holy spirit is speaking to some of y'all and you in somebody else's lane [Music] well i saw them be successful like this god said your blessing ain't in this lane i know it seems like you further than you ever thought you would be and people are recognizing you but man's applause is worthless if i'm with my arms folded they can applaud for you all day get back holy spirit what's the specific will for my life i thought i was going to be a music producer god i'll use your music but trust me go serve at that church greenwood christian center do the sound god i got a hundred thousand dollar opportunity in new york if you go you'll be successful but i'll take my hand off of what you're doing okay god they not paying me that much yeah but you're investing in your future who would have known that moving faders up and down for two years for barely any pay would produce a future that i could give other people jobs only the holy spirit could know so holy spirit am i supposed to marry natalie yep so that means i'm gonna have to apologize yep and that means i'm gonna have to keep apologizing yep and that means i'm gonna have to sacrifice for her yep and that means that i'm gonna have to cut all these other chicken heads off yeah and that hold on that and that means that means i'ma have to tell people my story because you asked me to be a pastor yep and that means even though it's decades ago when i tell the story it could potentially scratch the wound that she had again and i might have to say sorry again yep and that that lord the light don't feel exciting he said but what you did i'll give you a book called relationship ghosts and i'll let every failure you made turn into a testimony that will help millions of people who would have known the world would know me for my greatest mistakes except the holy spirit i wasn't going to do relationship goal i would never i failed the english class how am i going to write a book holy spirit said no products ever until you write relationship goals and somehow the holy spirit knew that it would be the number one new york times bestselling book in the middle of a pandemic and over 500 000 copies it's now being translated into seven different languages places i've never been will hear my story because i listen to the holy all i'm saying to you is no matter where you are right now even if it feels like you're completely in the dark i'm asking you to listen to the holy spirit through what i'm saying and get back in position so that you can step into the light and now when you read your bible god tells you yeah you need an assembly of believers that you can be around you need to get in connection with people that aren't like how you used to be and well what church do i go to there's 50 on the same block god tells you you don't need to forsake the gathering together you need to go to church but the bible doesn't tell you which church to go to guess who does the holy spirit you need to know the specific will of god for your life you better welcome the holy spirit can we give god some praise right there come on all over the world all over the building oh come on the light's coming on in somebody's life right now the holy spirit is coming alive i literally didn't make it through three pages of my notes i literally have ten more pages on sermon one but the holy spirit's doing this today and he's gonna do it for the next six weeks why wouldn't you accept the upgrade why why would i have all of this power available to me all of this help available to me because somebody said it was weird because somebody abused the term before because you were never taught about it i have a burden to help you experience god 3.0 see a lot of people don't realize that that there's three versions of god and when you talk about an operating system it just makes sense to me in my mind most of us recognize god but most of us have loaded up the operating system of god we say you know what i recognize him but it is my goal at transformation church we represent god to the lost and found for one reason that's transformation in christ what we want you to do is not just recognize that there is a big man upstairs we want you to recognize there's a god but we want you to receive god 2.0 which is jesus that's why at the end of every service in just a moment i'm gonna give you an opportunity to receive jesus and once you receive jesus the sad truth is this is where most people stop they just worry about getting into heaven and god said but i came that you may have life and life to the full and through this series my prayer is that you would release god 3.0 you would release the holy spirit i got seven weeks with you class [Music] i want you to recognize god i want you to receive jesus but i really want you to release the holy spirit and it is my burden to represent the holy spirit to you you don't want to miss one week of this message because what god is revealing to me is about to change the trajectory of your life and right now could you just lift your hands everywhere and we're going to do this at the end of every message just ask the holy spirit say holy spirit come on just say it like this may be your first time right now holy spirit i receive you yeah and this is what i want you to ask him every day specifically when we watch this message say holy spirit what are you trying to say to me through this message yo because the holy spirit's gonna highlight different things for different people the crazy thing about the holy spirit is he is not bound by time space he's not bound by by your sin you could be in a jail cell right now holy spirit is with you yay you can be in a penthouse right now woo holy spirit is with you as you heard bree say she was at a place that she could not even see if she would have joy again guess who was with her holy spirit you may be going through a divorce you may be in the middle of abuse you may be at the best moment of your life and holy spirit's trying to speak to you holy spirit what are you trying to say to me god make it clear show up i want to accept the upgrade come on just tell tell him i want to accept you i want to accept you i want to know you come on you don't have to do it in some weird way you can be normal and walk every day with the holy spirit in the shower holy spirit what are you trying to say on the track holy spirit how many more laps as i go to the airport when i'm planning my vacation holy spirit what are you trying to say to me i need you to speak matter of fact i don't just need you to speak you're welcome here you can be here any day you can be here at every moment i welcome you into my life [Music] i want to normalize men talking and more god talking yeah you love to hear pastor mike you love to hear your favorite pastor but if they're really talking they're only saying what the holy spirit is telling them and the crazy thing is why would you ask me when he'll tell you himself i need the pastor to pray for me no you need the holy spirit to say something to me for you skip the middle man i'm telling you i feel that thing god is saying skip the middle man you no longer need a priest or prophet you need to hear from god the holy spirit is available don't wait till sunday to get a word steal yourself and just say holy spirit you're welcome god i don't know how to not talk made mean to my wife holy spirit help me god i don't know how to stop having sex outside of marriage holy help me [Music] this is what you've needed not more money not more fame not more notoriety not a better situation you need the holy spirit [Music] speak to your children [Music] [Music] that's your heart your glory glory it's what we're actually longing for [Music] just one more time everybody just hang out [Music] take over my mind take over my body father cause your [Music] let [Music] this is god's goodness hey [Music] the holy spirit is speaking to somebody right now you're getting instruction right now let us he's calming your heart right now he's allowing you to forgive right now oh he's moving he's working he's active in the earth right now he's active in your heart right now he's active in your emotions right now [Music] real soft say holy holy put your hands on yourself yeah give yourself a big hug holy spirit you're welcome here [Music] hands lifted all over the world father help us through this series to receive god the holy spirit every blockage every barrier every backwards teaching every doubt i'm praying right now over the next six weeks like an onion you would peel back the layers of lies and let us be able to see [Music] that you provided god the father god jesus our savior and god the holy spirit are helping you're welcome here have your way if you're listening to this message right now live on rebroadcast you saw those three those three upgrades the god 1.0 god 2.0 god 3.0 i know i want you to get the holy spirit but i want you to know the holy spirit is involved in you receiving salvation did you know that see if you've ever like i know there's a god like there's something drawing me there's something calling me the bible tells us clearly in first corinthians 12 3 it says and no one can say that jesus is lord except the holy spirit draw them [Music] so even though you didn't fully recognize him that thing that's on the inside of you drawing him drawing you to him drawing you to jesus it's the holy spirit you know how you know somebody but you don't know noah it's like i always see you like this is our first time meeting but i always see you yeah you're always that's what this is the holy spirit's been whispering to you since you were a baby he's been drawing you since you were two and four and eight and he kept you from danger seen and unseen and he allowed there to be a hedge of protect that was the holy spirit today some of you have seen him but now you're being introduced but the best way to get to know him is through jesus and today if you need to give your life to jesus i feel like salvations are about to erupt all over the world i feel the presence of god and the holy spirit is there with you right now if you need to receive jesus or give your life back to jesus so that you can have a real relationship not just with god the father god the son but also with god the holy spirit today you need to receive jesus at salvation and the holy spirit has been doing work your whole life to get you to this point why would you not accept jesus why would you not today is the day of your salvation why are you so passionate about this pastor mike because it's the one thing that took me from being a liar a manipulator somebody who was addicted to pornography i had all kinds of bad and wrong things in my heart and god says if you just accept what my son did i provided the sacrifice but just accept it and believe it by faith not by works but by faith you will be saved and guess what then you get the holy spirit and he's going to lead you into all truth today receive jesus on the count of three if you want to receive jesus today that was provided by our father our good good father i want you to shoot your hand up all over the world and this is nothing to be ashamed of this honestly is the thing you should be most proud of more proud than graduating with honors and degrees all of that stuff you lose that when you leave here but the honor that you're going to be getting today after you accept jesus is your name is written in the lamb's book of life and for eternity you are saved one you're making the greatest decision of your life two it doesn't matter who's around you i am so proud of you but more than that your name is gonna be written in the lamb's book of life three i want you to lift your hands up all over the world if you desire to accept jesus as your personal lord and savior we're going to pray together i see you but more than me seeing you god sees you holy spirit is right there he's jumping up and down the person of the holy spirit says now i get to talk and walk with them now i get to lead them in truth now tomorrow when they're tempted to do that i can say don't do that and they'll listen to me because of the decision you're about to make right now transformation nation you already know how we do nobody prays alone here we're a big family so i want everybody to lift this prayer up for the benefit of those who are coming to christ can we say god come on say it out loud say god thank you for providing jesus to be my savior today i need a transformation i believe he lived he died and he rose again with all power just for me and today i surrender my life take over change me renew me transform me i'm yours in jesus name amen can we give god a shout of prayer oh y'all better stop playing there are hundreds of people that just gave their life to christ and heaven is rejoicing [Music] if you just made that decision i'm so proud of you because what you just did is change your life forever i want you to text the number on your screen text save to the number on your screen and we're going to send you some resources and we're going to help you we want you to go back and watch other sermon series this week as you're transforming go back and watch grace like a flood go back and watch relationship goals go back and watch planet not buried god is going to begin excuse me god the holy spirit is about to start talking to you if you release him he's about to start whispering to you he'll lead you in all well i need a meeting with the pastor no you didn't don't you need a meeting with the holy spirit he is ready to help you so proud of you and this week we're going to be rejoicing this is my prayer for transformation nation let the holy spirit speak all week don't grieve him don't stifle him don't be dodging some of y'all y'all keep noise going because if you got quiet he'd actually tell you to answer yeah if you are committed to the upgrade of your life this is what i wanted to say but i ain't get through all my notes but accepting the holy spirit is the ultimate upgrade see the thing about this phone is next year they'll have a new one and the year after that they'll have a new one and the year after that they'll have a new one if i'm gonna stay current what's now will not be current four years from now i'll always need another upgrade the thing about the holy spirit is once you release them in your life there's no upgrade needed because he is the ultimate upgrade the same holy spirit that told my mother and father to move to tulsa 30 something years ago as the same holy spirit that talked to bishop and pastor debbie and told him to start a church and reverse the curse and was the same holy spirit that told me that i was going to be a pastor and was the same holy spirit that told charles to shut down eden and come serve and it's the same holy spirit that told you to tune in today and it's the same holy spirit somebody say the same holy spirit when you release him in your life he'll be with you forever this next seven weeks gonna change everything i love you i believe you believe in you just one question why would you not accept the father upgrade pray for my brothers and sisters that this day will be marked in their life that they will accept you release you and now we'll learn about you we trust you we believe you and we thank you may this be the best week of their life father god thank you that they will hear you more clearly and a stranger they will not listen to thank you that whatever they touch father god prospers and father you sent a hedge of protection around their family their business and more than anything their mind god we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise for what you did today have your way in our lives in jesus name we agree go out and live a transformed life let's give god
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 461,981
Rating: 4.9364352 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv
Id: 1tC973QmXVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 19sec (5179 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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