Mo'Nique on Tyler Perry Losing Her Family $10M+ | CLUB SHAY SHAY

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now to Tyler Perry's credit Tyler Perry called us up right and he said I can see the pain in you and I can hear it and I want to let you know that I I I would never do nothing to hurt you but the conversation kept going on only for Tyler Perry to admit he did start a rumor that I was difficult to work with he lied only for Tyler Perry to admit I was wrong and when my movie boo come out I'm going to say that right now here's where when you did that interview with cat I could respect how you do it because cat said you let them people lie in your face and your response was cat I don't know if they're lying or not right because I can only take them at their word at their word right yes well we sent you the audio of Tyler Perry I don't want you to take me at my word I want you to hear his words and what did did you hear that man saying what did you hear that man saying he said it what did he say is that is money you know you're not supposed to be recording people no no no no let me back up okay everything we did was legal and here's where a black woman really gets the kick in the ass had I not recorded Tyler Perry then it would have been my word against his and then on top of that it would have been he's so powerful we can't even pay no attention to that right well now I have him on audio which is is legal to do where we live right okay we have them on audio and do you know what some people then said why would you record him just like you sat there and said you know it's illegal to but did you hear what the man said I violated you I mistreated you do you know Shannon that's caused my family tens of millions of dollars yeah over a lie and a rumor is he going is he going to make a he's going to compensate you for that I want you to look in your camera yes and I want you to talk to Tyler Perry because you heard what that man said so ask himim will he compensate my family for that Tyler will you come on Club sh and let's have a conversation about the fair compensation for what transpired between you and Mo'Nique you can sit right here and she's sitting right here and you and I can have a conversation and we'll do you one better and give me five on that baby where do you want better Shay my husband and I sit right next to him see with this whole situation and some of the people that cat talked about ironically I have this issues with those same people there were people that reached out to Tyler Perry on my behalf okay and I was grateful for that okay there was Al Sharpton the Reverend Al Sharpton civil rights leader yeah I think sent him that audio he listened to it he said baby what that man did to you was wrong and you're like my daughter and we're going to have to get him to fix that right we didn't hear from Al Sharpton for six months the next time we saw Al Sharpton he was on a Podium talking about we don't need to fly commercial cuz we can fly Tyler Perry's private jet I said that's why maybe I'm not hearing back from him okay then we had our beautiful sister Stephanie Mills yes okay who is she don't play yes right I told her what happened sent her the audio now I don't know if she listened to that audio or not but however she called Tyler Perry she said Monique Tyler Perry does not want to revisit this okay fine right while we're on the phone Tyler Perry calls her back and says I will meet with Mo'Nique but not with her husband now you ready for this yeah and then Mo'Nique has to apologize publicly to say Oprah and I had nothing to do with messing up her career but that'd be a lie I look in the goddamn camera I thought you I thought that was a stage the way you look in the camera yes because you heard it yes right yes so when you have when you hear what this man is saying so I said Stephanie tell Tyler Perry never will I meet with him without my husband and I owe no apology so I'm not going to give one that goes away Kevin Hart now you know when Cat Williams said Gatekeepers yes Kevin Hart I do his um podcast yes and I want y'all to re listen to the podcast so you can hear it for yourself when he first comes on he says you're like my mother you're like my Aunt you're like my sister okay then we do the podcast we speak about the Tyler Perry situation Oprah Winfrey he said I don't really know Oprah but I'mma reach out to Tyler appreciate that Kevin kept his word he reached out to Tyler Perry Kevin Hart called me back about maybe a week or so later he said Mo I talked to Tyler he said he don't want to revisit it he said but I tell you what let's move past that Mo let's just move past that and let's just do great things so whatever that's what Kevin said I want you to hear me Kevin Hart let's move past that Mo let's do some great things together don't even worry about whatever y'all want to do I will partner with you I'll that can produced with you you just let me know what you want to do now let me say that before we go any further because I want to make sure I give Kevin Hart his proper credit when my family was up against the wall Kevin Hart wrote us a check and said here you go we're forever grateful for that when we were able to give it back we said brother we appreciate you with some interest on top cuz I don't never want nobody to think and my husband so I want to make sure I put that out there that that brother really helped us out when we needed to be helped out then when he came back with I got you I didn't ask Kevin Hart to do anything he said I'll executive produce I'll partner with you I said good Kevin cuz we're in a deal with inder Mo and we're trying to get our talk show back Mo whatever it is I got you now Kevin Hart is one of the biggest entertainers right now in the world right and was then we got off the phone with Kevin Hart we called in the mall immediately and said Kevin H said whatever we want to do he got us he's going to partner executive views they was like oh this is incredible because when you put Kevin Hart name on it you already know what it is correct two weeks go by we get a call from indem mall indem mall says we just got a call from Kevin Hart's manager Dave Becky and Dave Becky said Kevin doesn't want anything to do with Monique so whatever she told y'all he doesn't want to do anything with her nothing you know he doesn't want any any kind of relationship with Mo'Nique so what changed between the two weeks and when and and plus he gave your check you gave the money back then said he would partner with you executive to produce whatever you need Mo hey we got you so what transpired or what do you think transpired between then that two that two we period well soon as we got off the phone and they told us what Kevin Manager David Becky said I called Kevin Hart immediately I said hey baby we just got off the phone with indal and they said Dave Becky called them up and said you don't want anything to do with me he said Mo that's that's a miscommunication I can tell you right now I said wait a minute are you okay though with this white man calling them up getting in between our relationship at something you said he said Mo I'm that's a miscommunication and we going to talk Tuesday don't worry about it I'm telling you right now it's a miscommunication that was two years ago if you talk to him I talk to him I've never talked back to Kevin Hart again so that's what we're faced with when you allow somebody to come in between a relationship with a woman that you said I'm like your mother you said I'm like these things I didn't ask you for that so everything that that baby was saying sitting here everything he was saying was on the up and up because when you hear people say get the anger out your heart oh man no one saying he's lying no one ever said I was lying it's so easy to Discount and devalue because of what we look like right however when it comes to tler Perry I will not allow you to discount or devalue because that is your voice on that audio M remember on Good Times when Penny's mother was whooping up on her and then and she had recorded it that's you on tape so how does it go from you saying you're going to give me an apology to now I owe you an apology but what do you owe an apology for what what what could I possibly owe you an apology for when you've admitted see when Lee Daniel says to me because cookie from the show Empire I was offered that role now taji toore it up baby it listen here however I was offered that then felita call me back and say baby girl they said you too difficult to work with but you hear on the audio that a man told David I was difficult to work with do you see how that cost my family yes and with no accountability because oh it's the great Tyler Perry no you've got to be accountable for that Oprah Winford you've got to be accountable for the things you've done with my family you've got to be accountable for that is there any relationship between you and Tyler and you and Oprah currently no no but I thought there was an apolog I I read was there that I thought I read somewhere that Oprah had issued you an apology and Tyler had issued an apology that's not correct no no the only person that's giv you an apology you saw it is Lee Daniels that's the only person so we are in a place swear we're too afraid to call them for what it is we're too afraid to say if it look like a duck and it quack like a duck what is it Shannon it's a duck so again you see the struggle of the black woman as I'm sitting here talking to you and you say MOA why would you record him but you heard the man violate me the first thing wasn't I can't believe that cat did that to you it's why would you do it and we understand it because we've been conditioned that way because when you you had to get somehow because when you're telling people these are lies nobody is believing Monique so now even though you have him record his voice and that's him and he's saying he made it up now is no longer oh man I can't believe he lied on mo mo why' you record it so now they put the owners back on you where's the win how do we win how does a black woman win when you say here he is right here and I look to the community and say how long do we allow us to keep being exploited used up taken advantage of and because we think somebody can give us an opportunity we just say sh I'm not going to say nothing if we keep operating like that Shannon you're going to have a whole lot of us sitting right here in this same seat almost telling the same story why do you think Tyler is afraid to meet with you and your husband why does it need to be you one onone when he meet with other representatives and and and and the CL their client what what is it about you that he feels it needs to be just you and he does he think your husband is some kind of negative influence on you he thinks the husband is saying things that that Mo'Nique probably wouldn't say if I just had had an opportunity to talk to her one onone what do you think that is let me say this people better better be glad my husband is by my side because there are people in Hollywood that know wherever you act up is where I show up people know in Hollywood baby Chan and I don't say it with for bad of Honor it's just what it is well I've had to say who you think you talking to and we sitting there with the president of the studio or the my patience level is not going to allow I've been molested I've been violated so the moment I see you trying to do it we going to have to address it my husband is nothing but a gentleman and you know why people have a problem with my husband cuz he right to it there's no we going to dance around the bush he's right to it and people like Tyler Perry people like Oprah Winfrey they look at my husband and say how dare you be so direct right how dare you not put your eyes down when you're talking to me how dare you do that my husband is also my manager why would he want to exclude my management it's like Tyler you should want my husband to be there you you you may want him to be sitting right there so that way we can have a conversation that everyone can be heard but I appreciate you Shannon because most people are too afraid that's heard the tape they're too afraid to say no I heard it and this is what he said I appreciate TS Madison because TS Madison was the first one to say no I heard what he said so when folks were trying to jump on her she not down for the black woman listen baby y'all don't even understand the fights that SST to be having when ain't nobody watching for the black woman right so I appreciate you looking in that camera right well I mean look sometimes there are some some black people some not all some that my grandpa used to say mo is that if you're not careful you'll become the very thing you despise the most in a person now what do we despise most about Trump supporters pres ex president Trump is that no matter what he says no matter what he does they give him an out there's some people in our community no matter what powerful black people say or do in our community we'll give them an out and we can't and we become the very thing we despise the most what we despise most about President Trump's ex-president Trump supporters is that no matter what he does or says it's okay yes we can't do that you can't we can't if somebody is wrong like you said MO if somebody's wrong we have to be man or woman enough to say they're wrong regardless of what comes along with that they don't know they don't understand what them saying I'm sorry will mean for them see when I I read the because that's not for you and I'm sorry is not for the person that you offended it's for you because currently you're in hostage your feelings because you have to live with that KN live with that what you've done so when you see a woman say me turning 70 I'm so happy because I've never hurt anyone stop it stop it because there's a black woman that has been calling your name for over a decade that you seem to want to make go away and I know I'm not the only one would you want would you say if Oprah called Mo today would you sit down and have a conversation with her let me tell you what I'll do if Oprah call me today Shannon sharp we will sit down and have a conversation with Oprah Winfrey we will sit down and have a conversation with Tyler Perry we will sit down and have a conversation with the presidents of lion gate we will sit down and have a conversation with anyone that is I'm going to say brave enough to sit down and have a conversation but what happens is within seconds within seconds if Tyler Perry was to sit right here you would say man I heard you what you trying to tell me about this sister within seconds Oprah Winfrey would know that people would say hold up and I'll go back to Tyler Perry you know why Tyler Perry don't want to talk to my husband cuz he can't talk around him my husband don't care nothing about that man's money we don't care nothing about your title we care about your character brother we care about your in and what you going to pay what what you what you going to pay how you going to make it right how you going to make it right cuz if I am your Aunt Mary and I really belong to you as I really Belong To You Right Now Shannon I am your sister M and you heard something that was wrong yeah how how can Tyler Perry make it right Mo give you a job give you your si give you a Sit con okay you know what Mo sitcom you're going to be the executive producer I'm going to be a Co executive producer you going to do the sitcom if somebody cost you Shannon Shar millions of dollars yes do you want to be compensated for what they cost you for a lie and a rumor yeah so at that time I was making roughly between $2 and $3 million a year right I sat in that for over 12 for over a decade like 12 years you did the math over a lie that he admitted that he told not something I'm making up you admitted that brother how do you make that right you got I'm sure you got lawyers have you uh had a conversation well what happens is when you take somebody at their word time time time we don't need to go to no lawyers Tyler you know what you did just make it right and if he doesn't make it right what will our community do what will our community say because today is me tomorrow is you then what yeah we've got to hold him accountable what did what what what what cat say we've got to you got to tell Tyler Purry come on now you got to do it Shannon you got to tell them you got to tell it Mo obviously when you do when you do stand up you go to a lot of different cities a lot of different clubs yes it's a lot of different promoters has everybody always been on the up and up with Mo'Nique or they you try sometimes people try to take advantage you're female you black you're heavy you're not going to say that like Mr from Color Purple you're black you're ugly you're not going to do that but you know people try to take people would would try to take advantage of anyone but seemingly like us their team were willing to take more advantage of us I've had to tell the promoters call the police cuz either they're going to come get you or me they're trying to hold up on the money call the police because and this was this was like $75 can you IM $75 like you know where we come from yeah if somebody get you for $25 that's a problem yeah for sure imagine 25 million yeah we've seen people lose their life for $25 for sure imagine somebody getting you for Millions how you supposed to feel would you let it go n hell no right so when people say mo just let Let It Go yeah but it's easy for people to say Let It Go when they haven't lost anything come on baby it's easy to say come on but when you've lost how do you it's kind of like it's kind of like you know hey someone should just get over it you should you can't tell somebody how to grieve how long to grieve because you're not the one that's hurting they didn't do it to you they didn't do it to you it was done and and I will say this right now on your show I still love y'all we still love y'all you love more than make it make it right my husband okay say that again because you love y'all more y'all make it right yes indeed okay I fix him a poundcake my my husband would always say mama we ain't calling nobody out we calling them up and if we continue to call us up on our doings that are not right we get better as a people like we get better do you know why things were able to happen like they happened on The Color Purple why you oh you talk about the Reb you talk about I'm talking about the seventh one the one that just came out right right ain't that the seventh edition it's like the musical with Fantasia and and and teraji right right right right right right that that one with all our beautiful sisters you know why they're able to treat us like they treat us how are you handpicked and you audition no you handpicked you don't a dis it I want you to say that again Shannon because people don't understand how deep this goes when I watch my sister say it was an honor to be handpicked right then why ever would you audition yeah and the moment in my opinion the moment she auditioned they knew we got them we can treat them any kind of way we want to treat them we can do them any kind of way but why would you want to just because you can that doesn't mean you should but they did but they did how do you handpick me and then mistreat me yes and then I got to send a letter to you about the mistreatment that you gave me that's why they're able to get away with it that's why when I do interviews often times or these conversations people are too afraid to even address it cuz they don't want to be caught up like oh I don't I don't know I when you said wait a minute no that's the truth right I heard it and I don't want my character to be on the line as I'm being a person sitting there asking people about their lives and then not be able to stand in what I've heard that's why it made so much it was important for us it was important for us to get you that audio I don't want you to take my word yeah and anything I've said on this couch right now that don't take my word ask those people ask those people right and see what happens and then maybe after this come out they they going to label me again she's bitter she's not love yeah yeah you still you got 30 40 million of my dollars yeah I'm bitter the aage person going to be bitter okay I just want to look on your camera okay and and here's the thing because I got a king at home I'm not bitter I'm not bitter you just want what's right we just determine right not life is too good to be bitter but we're determined for you to take accountability right that's all I was very young when I had my first son I didn't want him to have to go to a college because that was all that my parents could afford I wanted him to be able to do whatever he wanted to do and there was a sacrifice in that right cuz when you trying to go get it you missing this right here oh you miss a lot the nurturing you miss all of that so you know all of that had to be dealt with so now with this group with my second set of children I'm a different mother than I was then so my whole thing is even right now we want to make sure that when we leave here our babies are good right and their babies are good and had Tyler Per not told that lie we would be on our way to that and I know people saying why she keep going back to that I'mma keep going back to that Shannon sharp till he takes accountability for it now we go to the Hoodie Awards Tyler Perry is there okay Tyler Perry calls me in his room now when I go into Tyler Perry's room his staff is in there now you ready to holler laughing yes okay I take my security in there with me CU I always want to have somebody with me right right Tyler Perry does this and the people scattered they all left out the room I said look at this right here you saw me and they all scattered that wasn't the life that's for the people you know light clap lights on lights off cuz they got their asses up out of there okay okay okay so at the time my security look at me I said you don't work for Tyler Perry you could tche so Tyler Perry says to me listen Monique we really need you to you know promote this film because if you get nominated for the Oscar your next movie is going to be $3 to5 million if you win it your next movie is $6 to8 million I said Tyler Perry who you talking to I'm a black woman when they gonna pay that kind of no I'm tell telling you that's what it is and and if you just go and promote it I said listen brother you can pay me to promote it cuz at the time now him and Oprah are producers on the film right I said you can pay me to do it I don't care where the check come from but y'all just got to pay me to do it he said I'm not in the habit of giving out money for free I said then I'm not in the habit of working for free but you gave TD Jake a check for a million dollars but that's another story and I'm back so when he then says that it's like listen we both mutually agree you don't give out free money I don't work we hugged Shannon when we were done talking we hugged do you hear me yes we huged like brother and sister like it's cool he understand okay Oprah Winfrey calls my husband I want y'all to take your time cuz I'm getting ready going yeah you that's your camera right there yeah cuz the people at home they sitting there like Moy what happened I'm going ready tell you she calls my husband okay my husband explains to her what's going on she says there have been times I've had to draw the line in the sand so my husband said well what is different between you and Mo'Nique you've got to draw the line and you're saying when you know they're asking you for too much she said you're absolutely right and I understand your position you're right in the position you're taking so when you're looking at me saying well what happened I'm telling you what happened but okay she's saying that privately but did she voice that publicly did you hear her say it I did did you hear her say it JT did you hear her say it no did you hear say Zach Regina did you hear her Tommy no one seemed to hear that publicly she said that privately now when she said that see everything we're saying to you it can be proven she had him on speaker phone in that when she was talking to him in that room was a man named Reggie Wells who just passed who used to be Oprah Winfrey's makeup artist who he had a conversation with me and my husband now for you babies that's good with the little internet we had a a show on called Monique Sydney finding a way to be unoffended finding a way to be unoffended Reggie Wells is on that show speaking about Oprah Winfrey Reggie Wells said Monique I was there that day he said and when y'all got off the phone he I looked at her and said why don't you just pay this woman the money she deserves it and she looked at him and Saidi won't be paying her nothing and he said that's not right and you know it's not right now that man shared that on that show so I'm not saying nothing it hasn't been shared so you have people that will say things in private but won't do it publicly I'm the person that I will say it in private and I'm going to say it publicly because that's the only way we make it right but you don't need somebody to talk good to your face you need somebody to talk good behind your back so if you telling me if you telling me what a great person I am in my face but you telling me I'm dog poop behind my back what good is that moom what does that make those kind of people Shannon that's what does it make those kind of people cowly that is cowardly see here's what's this when we have our juggernauts Oprah Winfrey Tyler Perry Steve Harvey the Kevin Hart these are our juggernauts of our community these are the people that our babies say when I grow up I want to be that I want to be like that so we have to call those people to the mat and say listen what are you teaching our babies your feeding poison because you're showing them your private jet I'mma show you my Mansion I'mma show you my fancy cars but my character is shot and I'm bankrupt I got a lot of money in my bank it's more zeros than some of them can than we can imagine but their character they are bankrupt those are bankrupt people so everybody that catch sat right here and told you about I can't wait to see your next interviews with those people they ain't coming on now Mo invite them I have they not going to do it well look I've already done Steve I have a relationship with Steve do him again do him again and I'mma say this I'm trying to get Oprah in uh in Tyler though baby we got him y'all come on stop playing they ain't coming on more F to you you know how and I don't want to put you on a spot but I'm going to say it because I appreciate you as a black man and what you're doing thank you if you are my friend and someone says to me Monique Shannon Shar wronged me and you my friend yeah I'mma call my friend you going to come to me and I'm going say hey is what they saying true and if you get to him and Han I'm going tell you till you fix it you and I can't talk because if you'll do them that way you do it'll be a matter of time before you do it to me so if Steve Harvey is your friend you call your friend up and you ask him is what our sister saying right man cuz if it is we can't do that to her if that's our sister see it took a transgender named TS Madison it was a guy named Jamaica Carter Jamaica Carter and our mutual Jamaica caught in our friends TS Madison was a mutual friend so Jamaica called me and said said would you mind doing TS Madison Show I go do TS Madison Show when I tell TS Madison when the camera Cuts I said listen your friend is wrong she said Monique Lee Daniels is my friend I said then you need to call your friend and tell him to fix this she said I will within a couple of days who did I get a call from Lee Daniels see that's a friend that's a true friend that's saying I love you so much that I want to make sure that's not on your heart or your conscience let's fix it let's make it right so when people ask Lee now when we did the Deliverance together how was it to work with Monique what it was as if we had never parted ways because he fixed it he owned it and he took accountability for it I can't now keep you to the Cross cuz you've owned it right I've had to be forgiven right so I appreciate that someone had grace and mercy with me so I'm going have that with other people when they take accountability for what they've done how much did you make for the role Mary impression I was paid $50,000 that's it that's it and I never complained because that's what I signed up for it was an independent film mhm right so when my friend called me and I'm going to quote him he said this one right here right here he said this is crazy by the time I got the page 10 I called him back I said what the hell is this Lee he said I know he said it's sick after my husband and I read that script he said mama if you play this with no judgment when he say action don't judge the character just become it this is an award-winning yes this is awardwinning so with all of that being said I never complained about the $50,000 I did everything I was supposed to do no nothing it is when they started asking me to become a slave it is when Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey started asking me to work for free it is when they started doing the bidding for whomever the gatekeeper was at at the time to say we can get her remember the scene in Sparkle you ever seen Sparkle with Irene Carol yeah and pH Mel Thomas remember when they was in the car cuz the Jew man was trying to get him to sign over that contract and he kept shaking his head like you will not get me to turn my back on this woman right that's what this is we ain't turning our back my husband ain't turning his back he ain't signing up for something he know ain't right and people have a problem with that and we got to keep speaking on the Shannon because the next one's coming for real I would hate for you to have to sit another sister in this chair M and she tell you the same story so considering you won the Oscar normally when you win the Oscar not saying you going want another or get Oscar worthy uh uh uh scripts but there's normally a a run where you in you know two three films now Monique that 50,000 is 500 or a million or 2 million you you feel feel that you were black ball from that point and Monique did not make the money what she should have been compensated for future roles let's tie it all back in okay okay you have a man that says I lied on you yes I put a rumor out there on you and I said I was going to apologize but then you have another man that comes back when I'm off an Empire and says Mo they said you're difficult to work with you going to be problem where would they get that from well somebody that's as powerful as as Tyler okay so now I'm scratch from that yeah right now when it comes to movies I'm a difficult person to work with ain't nobody ever had a problem with me they never said did they say did anybody say that prior to pressure yes no not prior to pressure right I've never had a problem with nobody I long as I was saying yes you good the moment you start challenging we got to problem what about the Parker what about moisha had anybody said anything about Monique's character prior to pre her not wanting to do International press what she wasn't contractually obligated to do prior of that nobody said anything never I read that you said you read you this is a chapter of forgiveness that's your thing a chapter I didn't say that that's what the Gody Hollywood Reporter said okay don't put words in my mouth that's not what I said that's what okay what did you say Okay okay that's what he said listen what would it take mo mo what would it take for Mo need to forgive Oprah and Tyler Perry be accountable be accountable and you want Tyler Perry to say what he said on that tape you want him to say that publicly and he costs my family millions and you want to be compensated yes I want to be very clear about that if someone cost you Millions do you want that back absolutely so I'm no different than you right especially when I've done nothing wrong right especially when you've admitted that you've lied especially when you've admitted that you started a rumor yes you need to compensate me and my family for Oprah for Oprah Winfrey you owe me an apology see Shannon Oprah and I had a private conversation about our mothers mhm this the part people don't know right I shared with that woman me and my mother were going through now my mother's no longer here mhm right right and I shared with Oprah Winfrey what we were going through and how I felt and I was you know you trying to balance it out because it's your mother and I shared that with you and I shared with her my family what the dynamic was and you don't tell me you going to have my godamn parents I was getting ready to say godamn baby it was right there but you don't tell me you already have my mother and my father on your show and you think that that's just okay and the way you try to apologize in front of a group of woman if you think I've done anything wrong you're going to stop that right I am very proud of what you've accomplished in your life M we respect everybody right but we overr no one and Oprah Winfrey walks around like I can't be checked I I won't admit to that I'm wrong I'm a firm believer Mo no one is beyond reproach no one at all so when you keep saying what is it I'm going to keep answering you the same exact way so if you talk to your camera I'mma talk to my camera and see how they split the screen and we going to invite them at the same time you talk to him first uh Tyler Oprah I would greatly appreciate it if you two guys would come on Club sh Shay we sit down we have a conversation this is not an interview this is not hard-headed I want you to tell your truth Miss Oprah uh Tyler tell your truth and we can get to the bottom of this because hey we got an icon here sitting on this couch and she's hurting Oprah and Tyler I want to say I appreciate my brother shann and Shaw for saying what he just said and I want to clear something up I'm not hurt personally I'm hurt for our community I'm hurt that y'all would allow yourselves to sit in something that you know that you've done wrong and not say anything that helps us not so brother Shay have said y'all come on on the sofa Oprah this liquor is good okay and I understand you like cranberry and vodka okay Roosevelt cartright told me you drink that you like and you know he told me some other things with the drink that you like come on on Uncle sh Shay let's have a conversation and well you took yours all the way down and I cannot okay okay I cannot I cannot do that yeah you already did a good you did a good job than you Su now when we get ready to wrap up I'mma give you an exclusive on something that don't nobody know okay don't nobody know this and it's going to be something it's going to be something it's going to be something want to join Club sh Shay become an official member by hitting that subscribe button where you never know who's going to be joining us for drinks and conversation don't be late to the party because you know we like to do something before two something
Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 1,318,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Shannon Sharpe, Movies, Comedian, Actor, Behind the Scenes, Mo'Nique, Taraji P. Henson, Hollywood, Oprah, Baltimore, Tyler Perry, Kevin Hart, Netflix, comedy, oscars, hollywood, kevin hart, oprah, oprah winfrey, tyler perry, steve harvey, movies, agent, lee daniels, mo'nique tyler perry
Id: 4I8WCZjfZoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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