Mob James on Suge Knight Dissing Him, 2Pac Not Knocking Him Out, Keefe D in Jail (Full Interview)

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all right here we go mob James welcome back to Vlad TV good it's good to be back Vlad yeah I mean this is where you kind of got your start you know at the beginning of your whole interview career this is where it happened yeah right here yeah so you back again yeah as you should be well we got a lot to talk about today it's been a while since our last interview and the first thing that we have to talk about is the whole Kei D situation so on July 17th kefi's wife's house got raided in Henderson Nevada right in connection to the Tupac murder when you found out that that happened and you actually know the wife yeah I know Paula there you go um when it happened were you surprised no why well I've been saying for years well when he first started doing the interviews and all that I think this was uh 2019 when he so-called himself was going to start the book and uh I was like that was a bad idea and I actually told Lil Kei his son pops need to kick back then with Gangster Chronicles I had him come out to Beverly Hills and we was going to do something together and when he got to doing all of these interviews it was like he need to kick back but you know you can't tell a grown man so no I wasn't shocked at all I knew it was coming well okay so we talked about that because Kefi was you know we did two interviews with him and our last interview I talked about that whole thing when he went to Gangster Chronicles I thought that there was an interview that was supposed to happen but he said no he said he showed up and was like where's the money after our interview you went on the Gangster Chronicles and you did an interview with mob James in the same room no I didn't no hell no weren't you and MOB James were you and MOB James ever in the same room yeah I went up to this little Studio where he was at they as me they asked me to get on there I like hell no where the bread at get on that no he didn't ask for no money him and little ke came and we were we had a proposal on the table that me and him sit down and talk about the mob and the Southside beef and fixing that situation and where do we go from there with the Tupac thing and all the that happened that transpired there and he came he seemed like he was a little nervous and I told Lil Keith here I give you my pistol hold my pistol ain't nobody going to touch nobody in here and uh we talked he said he wanted wanted to do it he left nothing never happened yeah because after that I try to get you guys together in the same room and I tried and I tried and I tried and ultimately it it didn't happen well even with that I don't know why he needed security I come by myself so it wasn't no problem with me standing in front of him or anybody else well I would have had my own security there I know that's I would have had actual LAPD or retired la PD it would have been a completely safe environment when you told me that yeah I thought he understood that yeah I told that it was going to be security but I I guess he didn't want to he didn't want no parts of it okay so on July 17th the house gets raided I guess they had seized a gun or something which I'm sure had nothing to do with the the Tupac situation who's going to keep a gun or some bullets not dead you know 30 years later so but I guess they had found like some newspaper clippings and stuff like that around there not that it means anything but it is what it is you know you know to me I guess the weird part when it comes to these types of situations is like if you if you you get your house rated and you know that there's a situation that you're involved in especially a murder that you know you're involved in why would you stick around like me personally if if I knew an indictment was coming my way a serious one I would leave the country well I believe he already knew that because he had already talked to Metro he had an interview with Metro way before anybody saw it coming okay so when the raid came one thing we don't do if you know they F to raid you clean house after they raid you know they coming after you right at that point I'm not doing no interviews you can't talk to me about Tupac I'm not going to say nothing now here you got 20s something years you free but you talking to these people you getting on blag you getting on Ed dialogue you giv them the ammunition that they need even after they raided your house well I don't think he did any interviews after they raided the house dialogue cuz he told Art that he got god with him and he good he know he good so he really believed that he couldn't be touched and and why would you think like that you're a gang member you a a ex gang member from Compton you know everything that's going to happen you done seen this before you done been to jail so he just wasn't thinking at all he wasn't thinking at all well the raid happens and the grand jury indictments start mhm I know a few people that were questioned during the grand jury um I can't say who it is because I guess there's they called they came they came to my house okay so they called you oh they they came to your house they showed up at your house yeah they wanted a uh a shirt with all the guys I had on it okay they wanted that I wouldn't I wouldn't give them a shirt so when they go to talk about Tupac situation I only mention what had happened before where I was at when they got the KPD I don't know nothing about what KPD did but what he's saying right and just to kind of reiterate that night you were in Las Vegas you were at Club 662 doing security right you didn't see Kefi D you didn't see Orlando I seen the Cadillac when the Cadillac pulled up so you saw the Cadillac I said I said the white Cadillac before anybody even mentioned what kind of car they was in so you saw a white C did you see who was inside no okay cuz it was night time yeah got it okay so you got question and you just said I don't got anything to tell you well I basically told him I'm raising my grandson I don't got time to be going to Court are going to get involved in this this man is letting y'all know where he at where he stand with this no man leave me alone and then the uh da had called me when they was doing the grand jewelry Reggie was supposed to go down there and uh when they called well can you just you have a few minutes I can't tell you no more than what I told the detectives I don't have nothing to do with that well your input you have stated that you saw them there I just want to place him there I can't come to court for that yeah so I didn't hear nothing else and then he got arrested right because technically a white Cadillac is just a white Cadillac there's probably hundreds of white Cadillacs in Vegas that day that could have been anybody it might not been anybody but it could have been anybody right the good lawyer is going to argue that part right okay so the grand jury indictment ended up going through and from what I understand this is why it took so long because grand jury indictments is not a one-time thing it could just keep dragging on for weeks sometimes even months right which I think is a very unfair system you don't think so the fact that a prosecutor can create a grand jury and keep bringing info to the grand jury month after month with no defense the there's no defense lawyer there saying okay this is no this has nothing to do with how the federal system work I mean they doing the same they wanted to make sure they had KPD when they came and got it yeah they didn't want no hung jewes and none of that so they allowed this man to do what he was doing so however and how many witnesses they had and they had they got quite a few yeah you know what I'm saying um your video out order the dialogues and everybody in every where he done been interviewed they got it it's all public yeah right well okay so he gets indicted and and I just want to say this one of the grand jurors I believe is this guy named dirt Rock his homeboy yeah do you know who that is yeah do you know him personally no okay I don't no they from no okay got i' I've heard of him you heard of them yeah so from what I understand he was part of the grand jury and what he said was interesting he said that Orlando was not the shooter it was actually DeAndre Smith aka Big Dre he said that was the actual shooter and he said that Dre and him were I guess living together at the time and and Dre told him the whole story and according to Dre he did the shooting but he didn't want to take public responsib ility for killing Tupac so he allowed Orlando to run with the story because it made more sense for Orlando to be the shooter anyways in terms of his street rap and everything else like that I mean that's something that they would have to agree on and for Orlando to be the type of cat he was I'm not going to take a a a body and it wouldn't me well he's not technically taking it it's just the the reputation he's not no don't go that that way doesn't work that way no you you if everybody in the hood know you didn't do it why are you saying you did it that's the stupidest so KD said itself yeah he said it I passed the gun he said I ain't doing it I passed the gun he said I ain't doing Orlando grabbed the pistol and Bam but what does that matter it's four cats in the car that committed a crime yeah from where I'm where I'm from you going to jail we all going to jail the same situation KD in now everybody know he didn't pull the trigger but he's he's facing murder life yeah I mean but I will say this though I talked to someone who was in the car behind Tupac when it happened who saw the shooting okay and what they said to me and I brought this up to Kefi in our last interview was the arm that they saw sticking out the window was a big meaty arm it was not a skinny arm and Orlando was skinny yeah that's what they said they didn't say they saw the shooter they didn't say anything else and it's not this is not Suge talking right this's a car behind Su and Pac they said the arm they saw was a big arm it don't matter though I mean you got to look at it if it was Orlando or the other one it doesn't matter in terms of what Kei is going through right now right yeah it doesn't matter at all well what Kei can say whatever he's saying the only thing that matters this dude put himself there he keep putting himself there oh Tupac was shaking like a come on man break dancing yeah break dancing and so it don't matter which one of them cats did it they all together they all together so they committed a murder and then here you got one out of out of four talking about this is what happened this is how it happened it don't matter who did the shooting well on September 29th Kei was arrested in Las Vegas uh footage of his arrest got released because of the body cam footage and uh the cops didn't really even know what they're arresting him for they just there was a warrant so they went and got him and they were like what are they arresting you for Kei was like the biggest case in Vegas history he almost sounded proud when he was saying it he sounded proud when he was on y on on BL he sounded proud he believed that people now he's recognized this why he doing all these goddamn videos and that's what killed him all of these damn videos he doing and then you living in Vegas man shut the up and you making the police look like some goddamn idiots like they can't do their job so now but he ain't paying attention that they're watching him yeah and with all these videos they sitting there watching it we got to get this guy this making us look stupid and he in jail well yeah he gets arrested he gets charged with murder he pled not guilty um from what I understand the death penalty was taken off the table that's good yeah but he's 61 years old 60 61 62 yeah so unless it's a time served situation or a slap on the wrist like probation why would they do that well I'm just saying unless it's that it's essentially life in prison it is right you get 10 years that's why they took life off he going do that anyway death penalty off they took the death penalty off but I mean this how I feel at my age now three months I be four months I be 59 if I go out there and commit a murder that's the rest of my life in prison if I get 20 years yeah that's like I'm done yeah so I mean make it worth it it don't it don't make sense I think he got cancer or something something going on with him well I think he had cancer because I remember in the beginning when I did my first interview he did the BET interview he said I think he said he had cancer during that interview so maybe he thinks at that point that he doesn't have much to live much time to live so it is what it is you know with me like he wrote a book when I did the interview with him I had the book in my hands already and that's what people got it up yeah people think that I got him to confess all this stuff and somehow you know I had a hidden camera record Bing him know like he sat down just like you're sitting right now there's four cameras pointing at him multiple audio you know there's you got to run a wire up your shirt like so you reading out of the book I'm reading out of the book we you know we read through the book and I have a whole blueprint from the book that I'm essentially navigating the interview with okay so I mean people can get mad at me all they want which they always do but I'm saying if you're going to write a book about a crime you did I have no problems interviewing you based on that book okay I didn't just dig you up somewhere with a bunch of information and I'm not putting you on the spot right and connecting you into a crime that you had no idea that this interview was even about that no you wrote a book you're coming in to talk about the book The co-writer sitting right there next to us you know what I'm saying like it just it just is what it is so he pleads not guilty he was given no bail did that surprise you no so in these situations it's always a no bail it's always a no bail why is that or the bond is going to be high a million dollars they know you can't afford it so you going to sit yeah right and like I said he had reached out to me to do a third interview and he wanted a deposit I paid him a deposit knowing that I'll probably never see this money again knowing that there's probably an indictment on the way but he's just trying to get his money together so I'm like all right fine go ahead take it I have no expectations of ever getting it back I'll never get it back because he gets arrested but now he's sitting in jail with no bail at one point we actually broke the news that he actually didn't have the money for a lawyer so he needed a court appointed attorney right which is crazy to me he is over with a cour court appon it um he needs a lawyer he might have action but going in there with a public defender yeah no for a murder case yeah that that's impossible and I think he actually did get a lawyer after the fact his original lawyer I'm not sure but it's definitely not something a 60-some year old wants to be in at this point in his life no now there were rumors floating around that he was attacked in jail I heard that too is there any truth in that uh people that I know you know I lived in Bas I moved to Bas in 99 and I know a lot of guys out there I was in the motorcycle club the whole time the whole thing and one of my club Brothers a friend of mine explained told me that it happened and then I heard it from renie so I'm like okay that might be true it might be true one thing people don't understand Vegas is different from California from us those cats out there love Tupac and I said this if he go to jail for this wait till he get to prison if he get attacked in the in in in in the county he going to have a problem well he's going to be in state prison when he go to state prison which is Gang infested it's too many guys that that love Tupac and then the cold thing about it is these youngsters that ain't never met Tupac wouldn't even here today died 25 26 year old kids love Tupac and and I said to Reggie he going to have a problem in jail when they found out he's the guy that killed Tupac well I mean wouldn't he be in protective custody at that point I mean don't you think the prison would understand met ain't giving a he made a mockery out of them he made them look stupid for a long time they ain't trying to put him in no GP he should be in the medical ward somewhere even if if he if he got cancer he should be somewhere out of the way no they ain't give him no so they're putting him with everyone else yeah yeah that's crazy well Las Vegas PD reached out to me multiple times they're blowing up my phone they're leaving voicemails they were calling me over and over again and I was just you know ignoring the calls because I'm like I don't have to cooperate right and and finally the detective left a voicemail that basically said that they want all the raw footage from the interviews and uh I just never responded I'm not planning on responding unless I have they're going come to you they can come to me but I don't have to cooperate no you don't that's what I'm saying and I'm that do and they could try but I don't think they could I'm still the media right you see what I'm saying so I have protection over giving up but why do they want that they already got a enough well I I think what they're thinking is that there's some stuff on there that I haven't put out that they could use in this case right but in my case you know how my interviews go essentially unless you're coughing or you go to the bathroom everything is part of what comes out so they're barking up a tree where there's nothing there so even if I did cooperate they would have nothing but I'm not see my whole thing is like if you sit down with me and then you get charged with something I'm not going to turn around and cooperate against you right just because I respect the fact that you sit down with me right to me just my morals won't let me try to throw someone under the bus who sat down and did interview with me for my platform well you you actually said and I know they watched this video when you said you solved the case well if he now this is the police thinking oh he think he solved the case let's let's link up with him and let's see if we can get more footage from him something we ain't seen right so the da say go after of him sure make them phone calls yeah and and when I when I heard you say that I was like why blad say that you know how people already think about blad what they think about blad when when blad made that statement you heard everybody I told y'all I told y'all his his what you call him was it this I told y'all it was that so I told Reggie I just wanted to ask blad what did he mean by that because are the doogue believe the same thing what happened was you are didn't do nothing wrong y'all y'all journalist and y'all sitting here and you reading from the book so Kei did know what he's saying he knows what he responding to so you can't BL you can't blame blad or nobody else he did an interview with because he he he put himself out there in a situation where he know he couldn't have got out of so he can't go back to you and say man blad them know what they was doing they set me up no they didn't you wrote a book and everybody out here got to understand it yeah man say no if you don't want to talk about it yeah say no comment it was too late for him to say man I don't want to talk about that dude I'm cool dude I don't it's too late for that was that a KPD impression it that's pretty good actually come on man come on come on you asking me questions right but that you know what I'm saying you got to understand especially from where we come from you know what you doing to yourself and the amount of money you getting paid for these interviews is not going to get you a bond it's not going to pay for you a lawyer yeah that's true and you ain't saving this money so when I seen him in court and he's waiting another two weeks to try to get a lawyer first thing I said is damn man ain't even got the money for a lawyer yeah I I mean look when I say I solve the case I'm I'm talking Loosely I'm not the police I have no ability to solve a case people don't understand it right the only people that could solve the case is if he goes to court or and gets found guilty or if he pleads out that's the only way the case gets officially solved right and honestly a lot of the credit has to go to Greg kading he's the one that got the confession and he got the audio the confession which essentially put everything together when I say solve the case I was the first one to actually sit down with him and get a video of him telling the whole thing from the very beginning to the during to the after right to the why it happened who was involved everything else like that laid out chronologically along with other people kind of you know different sides of the story from the EDI means to the to the you know Chris Carroll the first responder showing up and everything else like that I put it together so to the hip hop world I solv the case to my audence it's understandable yeah how you put it and the way you put it because you I mean the questions that you ask are did a good job too but the questions you ask he answered them and you would sit here and say man this sitting there telling the truth he just telling on himself like what the he he not getting it he not list listening to the questions so ain't nobody at fault the Crips Compton Crips was telling him to shut the up his his own peers was telling him dude you need to shut the up you you know what you doing but it didn't matter to him you know what I'm saying so at the end of the day the only person you can blame is yourself period Well the trial set for June 3rd 202 24 and he going to sit in there all that time for the next six s months for the next seven months he's going have to sit in this cell dealing with all the Tupac fans that are locked up with him no bond No bail until the actual trial unless they come up with some sort of plea deal early on at which point he'll just go to state prison a plea deal Las Vegas do it like this Las Vegas said okay take this 10 to 25 that's the only deal we giving you it ain't like California where here they say take this 15 years flat Vegas going to say 10 to 25 10 to 19 you going to sit in there that 19 downn there so you don't get the 50% that California does in Las Vegas in Nevada you get it but they do the it's it's like a double jeopardy you can do your 10 like a life sentence 10 to five fire life then you start going to the board to see if you can get released and they keep denying you they and they they keep denying you my boy in jail out there and he had 4 to S 4 to8 something like that he down there on his seventh year damn sixth year so they ain't bullshitting what's the cuz I think I incorrectly said California State president because he I keep forgetting he's in Nevada so Nevada got to stay prison in terms of the gang situation is it similar to California or is it different no they just general pro General general population they they got pretty much the same thing but are they going to put k d a way where he can't be touched he don't have no enemies in Las Vegas so when they go to talk to him he got to tell him he fear for his life and then they gonna put him in there in a sale by itself off the yard he ain't GNA be in GP right so he's going to be in protective custody and what that's 23h hour lockdown one hour walk around in circles and that's that's a long time to think at his age well here's the thing and we talked about this uh I was on Lisa ever show on Street soldiers it was me me um and a lawyer and we were kind of talking about the whole case and so forth and the lawyer said you know look from his point of view it doesn't seem like there's any sort of new information that Las Vegas PD has you know they have the book they have the interviews they have the various grand jury people and so forth but there's no like Star witness that's like you know I was the fifth person in the car I was sitting between Dre and Orlando and I'm going to tell y'all like no like like you said like they talked to you but you said well I saw a white Cadillac but I didn't see who was in there right so can't he say look I said what I said to Greg ktie because I was facing life over the PCP charge so I told him what he wanted to hear and then when the footage got leaked guys like Vlad and cam Capone started offering me money to sit down with them I'm broke so I just told him a bunch of nonsense because I need the money for rent but I wasn't even there I wasn't involved all this is a lie for money and to avoid prison time from whatever 15 years ago that's gonna be the argument the lawyer makes right but you got to look at it he done implicated and then went to New York to get it Bon zip he done did a lot of outside that's going to tell see going to court and fighting cases you got to prove to the jury and I just needed money and that's the only reason why I do it they not going to believe that we already guilty when we sit the down so I mean he can go that route because he needs something yeah but no that's no well yeah I mean I talked to TK Kirkland who was a regular on my show him and Eric Von zip live together they own a house together like I think Woodland Hills and Von zip is a known criminal he's known for robbing people I remember when I interviewed Mike Tyson Mike Tyson talked about how him and and zip robbed Don King for a big bag of money you want to hear a story about zip so one day Dawn comes and tries this with me put around 600,000 and in the bag you know believe it or not $600,000 is heavy I know you guys think if he told you guys grabbing bags like um Tony Montana com in there they're not grabbing bags like that you know mean like a that might be that might be 12 11 pounds a million bucks is probably like 75 PBS it's not something you can run around run the block with you know what I mean so um it was um it was crazy when we were had all that money you know and so well we're were talking about Dawn huh yeah so um I don't know if I should even say this but um no itead ask another question it zip took zip took like six took the $600,000 really yeah from who from Don he came in with the money he trying to do something and then di to dip to your thought just let's come back later we talk about he walked them out the door hey man let me get some of that money to pay some people I gotta pay the people WDC the come back just come back and zip you never met zip have you I haven't zip is such a gentleman please come back not right now now he just not feeling well dog click click bye and then we F like wow we G to have a part let's get some that's just everything we got to do it tonight that's $700,000 right there and the story is was that after Tupac got killed well Kefi said that there was a call from puffy and puffy said oh was that us and he basically acknowledged it and the understanding was according to Kefi was that puffy was supposed to pay a million dollars and The Story Goes that this money went to Eric Von zip well Eric kept it and Eric kept it right now I talked to TK Kirkland and I said number one have you ever been around zip and Kefi he said lots of times have you ever been around puffy and Von zip lots of times did Eric Von zip ever tell you that he knew Kefi or have you ever seen the two of them together we all been together okay so Eric Von zip and Kefi 100% know each other yeah absolutely okay so so you've just just made that connection official yeah yeah yeah we all know each other that's not a problem okay no I feel you and Eric Von said for everyone who's like oh he's snitching on Eric no Eric has passed away yeah not it's not even snitching it's just that we hung out like yeah like I I I don't know what happened after we hung out with their situation but we all know each other like it's it's no secret okay yeah it's no secret so so keii saying that he was associating with Eric Von zip that's 100% true I heard that story yes that's 100% true you have personally seen them together yeah yeah absolutely have you ever seen Eric Von zip and puffy together they used to hang together all the time all the time yeah have you ever seen key D and puffy together no never no okay never got it and I'm like well the rumor is is that puffy gave zip this million dollars and he kept it and bought a nightclub he goes well I don't know about that but I do know that every Von zip out a nightclub in Harlem called Von Zips around that time the story that key said was that puffy called him after the murder and said was that us and he they said yes and puffy allegedly sent him a million dollars they sent it to Eric Von zip and the story was that Eric Von zip kept the money I heard he bought a nightclub right he did he did buy so that far's true yeah yeah Co zip code zip code let go zip code did he had money in in that time frame I don't know right I don't know now now if that happened Eric Von zip is dead now by the way he died of cancer some years back so I'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus it just is what it is at this point you know if the money never got to Kefi or Orlando then that kind of protects puffy to a certain regard unless there's some Bank transfers that they could prove or whatever else but I personally and people have asked me this you know because I did like Pierce Morgan and a bunch of other uh interviews I'm like I don't see puffy being criminally implicated into this thing what do you think to many people are speaking on puffy right now you got you got everybody talking about puffy right now now um and if they don't look at puffy of the reason why this happened then they really not doing their thing you know what I'm saying so you know with all the that dude got going on and and they said he done this person is dead that person is dead I don't know I really can't say but I'd be worried if I was him that they just going to with me you know he can he can forward to good lawyers he can do that oh yeah but you know sometime lawyer a can't get you out of certain yeah and if they really want to get him they're gonna go after them yeah I mean look at Tory Lanes he went spent all the money for all the best lawyers and he's still wind up going to jail doing 10 years right now that that so it is what it is man yeah I mean I don't yeah I I don't know like I said Puffy's going to be able to afford the best lawyers he's going to completely deny everything as he should well he can deny it but you got keep it D that we know each other I ain't no third party here yeah you know what I'm saying that's what makes it easy for for the da because he he got them together you got a cooperating witness and then you got social media putting them together all the time you hear kbd saying oh yeah man he woo woo woo he he gave me a million dollars and we bam oh is that us come on man you both of them implicating their s but KPD ain't done he know more to the story than we do yeah and and he going to use it if necessary well that's all all he has right now right so that's the only carard that he's holding is to implicate a much bigger figure than him which is Puffy which like you said he's really a villain right now because the whole Cassie situation and everything else like that exactly so the difference it really ain't a difference here you still going to prison KPD they not g to let you out just to get puffy you don't think so no I don't know that's a pretty big bag for for a DA puffy you know what they the the the fiz and everybody use this card I get I got two murders over here they know it's going to be hard to prove but if you give me him and him and him we'll let you walk on this and they only do certain people like that so just to get what they want my crimes are forgiven that's that's and you know KPD just was facing 15 of life in federal you know with the that he had going on and then now you got a hot one and then here we are now you could bargain your way out of this one come on man yeah it's uh the system is up and they and and they use it how they see fit yeah yeah and I remember when when I interviewed Kefi and I asked him why the interview with you didn't happen he said that all his blood friends told him not to do it oh he got blood friends that's man that didn't matter to me if if if he allows somebody to stop him from getting his money and it don't make sense with the that he was doing now you got some Bloods telling you a comp Legend Bloods told me not to do it come on man I mean after this situation happened Orlando yeah he was laying low initially but he was still living in Compton at the time no he was in Compton long be somewhere oh he was in he was hitting different spots he wouldn't he wasn't in Compton at all no cuz people were that know of him was speaking on him and saying his whereabouts he wouldn't he wouldn't on burs and he wouldn't on California so no he wasn't just hanging on in the hood so he went to a different city but Long Beach and Compton um yeah that's not exactly close it ain't it ain't too far ain't too far no it ain't we if if I want you I won't go get you yeah but did nobody have addresses on Orlando did you ever see Orlando after that no yeah not at all of course when he got killed it had nothing to do with the Tupac situation at all no he died how he lived it's a triple murder over uh over Drug Money the little dude was with the business and a lot of people don't understand his name was out there already you know from the street so he wasn't going to take laying down so when he died how did you feel I didn't feel nothing nothing at all I don't I didn't have any attachments to him I didn't break bread never broke bread with him never hung with him he was from the other side I didn't have no it was like okay well you ain't got to worry about that one no more right but had you run into him before then it would have turned into something oh yeah it have been totally different see he a youngster but with his energy just being a older cat or whatever you probably wouldn't have had a choice and I wouldn't have second thought it I it would have been just what it is it would have been onsite yeah if he would if from his energy banging in it like that oh yeah right you were thinking about your own safety as well in the situation like that oh yeah I'm GNA get you before you get me yeah well since our last interview sh started doing a podcast collect calls with Suge Knight right uh him and Dave ma from The Source they they actually use some uh some AI animation to kind of create the visuals behind it and um they talked about you in the first episode so Suge said that you claimed you one of his day one guys and you were not a day one then who did he get who was there it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't me who did he know that was in it like that well I think he said bury it should did not know Bury Bury was doing a 9-year bid for attempted murder he sh never hung out with bury ever never never kicked it with bury sh never kicked it with rock Chism sh never hung out with neckbone SH never kicked it with Juju Shady Grady nobody it was just you he came to me yeah okay he said a couple other things about you he said that you originally a right is that true no okay why why that narrative I got kicked out of come to unified into the third grade for what knives chasing people at school with knives you were chasing people with knives in third grade yeah so they kicked me out of company UniFi School D hold on hold on I want to talk about this for a second I remember when I was doing in third grade and and knives and chasing people was not part of that why are you chasing people with knives in third grade you're a little kid at this point yeah you're hold on uh nine years old right yeah we moved to Compton what was that 7374 okay I go to Stephen C Foster and all the guys in there I'm a new kid me bury wased second we go to school and I go to my class these cats picking on me the next day they picking on me I left school went home got two butcher knives came back to school butcher knives yeah I got two pocket knives you're going all the way to the top with it butcher knives I went and got two butcher knives and went back to school and I waited for them to with me again wow and when they started I start swinging the butcher knives chasing them uh this one cat Michael I'm poking him in his ass as I'm trying to poke him in his ass as I'm chasing him uh they take the knives from me uh police come they kick me out of school they send me to a psychiatrist all that other and uh they kicked me out the District I couldn't go to I couldn't go to school there no more so I had to go to uh Parmer Lee in La okay which was around the corner from my grandfather's house and from there we young cats we ain't on no gang banging so Billy turnup SE run and all of these other guys were my friends until the gang came when they start being a c this is where paru came in but I stayed friends with the majority of the gang bang and didn't interfere with that so by me having and being around those guys run being my my best one of my best friends from Kitchen I don't know where she'll get I was a kitchen right yeah he said you're a kitchen didn't he call you James Williams yeah who is my grandfather and my mother maid name is Williams okay James Williams when he when he when he uses ficticious to get my driver license a fake license I'm on parole so they got a license for me and James Williams and that's where he got that from okay so convoluted man all right no he's just a stupid don't know and and I mean he was saying outrageous I lived in a garage a alcoholic Su if I was anything of that how did I get to you you know what I'm saying and if I was that off the edge should wouldn't have made it as far as he did well he also said that the reason that you don't like Tupac was that Pac he said Pac put you on his on your pockets what does that even mean saying Pac knocked me out boy let me tell you something if Tupac would have touched me sh also said him and my brother bury laughed at him if my brother wouldn't have whooped Tupac ass for knocking me out and sucking sh in his goddamn mouth I'd have got up I'd have shot bury I'd have shot Tupac and I'd have shot sh and I'd have shot Tupac again you would have shot your own brother yeah I shot my baby brother I forgot about that that was an accident but that was an accident though yeah but you don't he yeah out to shot him because he laughed at you and didn't step in for you getting that's my blood we didn't we didn't get down like that and just think if Tupac would have did that to me how am I in a position to bodyguard or watch any of these other cats Tupac would have been on on on the A1 list and nobody in Compton would ever believe that dumb i' have beat the they had a problem well Suge also said free Kefi D and he also said that Kefi was not the shooter for whatever reason sh have being in a position that he's in say what the you want you behind bars yeah say what you want you want to prove to the cat next to you that you ain't with the didn't do that but she got to look at it like this you had a whole Hood behind you out there fighting shooting and doing everything else putting their life on the line for you key Deacon honestly tell you I saw the bullet go in his head I thought he was dead and then you going and say this dumb everybody in their mama every all the homies it's like that out of line for that so you pretty much telling us us and what we did for your scary ass and hear you saying freedom and and and this and that no he went against the grain on that do you ever see you know CU look sh got 28 years right right out of those 28 realistically California State Prison how much time do you think he'll actually do before it all depends if he give him 80 but I heard he got 10 more 10 more so they probably knock some off okay but Su is in his mid-50s right now Su is 58 years old 58 years old getting out of 68 I'm sure is not something he's looking forward to he ain't got no choice well but here's my point he does have you know a feather in his pocket which is potentially cooperating in this Kei D case because from what but Kefi said him and Suge locked eyes he said I I I've known Suge since high school we played you know football together whatever else Suge is the only living person that could actually put Kefi in that car right in terms of a witness Kei did already said me and Sh like th I understand that that puts him in the car I understand that but Suge but he could come back and say well I just said that to gu some money if Suge corroborates that then at that point kefi's cooked right right if Suge says yes I saw Kefi D in that car and the reason why I knew it was Kefi is because we grew up together we played football together you know I mean whatever whatever we've been to each other's homes we go back if he does that then that would be almost 100% conviction of Kei D and it might work out deal say listen you do this we'll let you out right now right could happen I know it's state and and you know it's California NADA but you know how these deals go they they can't not go 10 years and say you can you can walk out of here but I see man I've seen these I mean I don't I've interviewed Sammy the bull he got a few years for like 10 bodies right but he cooperated against everyone he took the stand against anything they asked him to do right so I I've seen these types of things happen especially for high profile but knowing suar do you think Sugar's never cooperated by the way he'll never do it he'll never do it he'd rather sit in jail yeah for the next decade and come out an old man that he he ain't gonna do that he can say free keep D all day but he ain't G to do that why do you think he won't do it I know sh Suge Ain't Gon to do that but Suge as we've talked about didn't grow up a gang member he he became you know once he became rich and he he surrounded himself with that but this is not what he came from right right he had a two parent home he played football his dad had a pool in the back of his house you know what I'm saying like he he went to college etc etc etc but yet he's still sticking to the story St he's not cooperating he's still being that that street guy sh sh one thing sh did get from being around bun and all of us and Sh know the streets he know the streets and that's he not going to do that period I know he ain't gonna do that so he's going to keep that to himself that's one thing I get at he ain't GNA do that what about when key D dies what about when he die do you think that Su will come clean as to what happened about Kei D after he died to the police yeah I don't know he might when the die he ain't what you call him it's possible right because think about it Kei D cooperated against Orlando after he died right not to say that sugar and you know kef are the same person but well see in the streets everybody know what the is going on and Sh know what the is going on because we were at War war with another game because of what sh was saying where we was going with that and then for him to go where he went with it it's just like what the but everybody know what's happening and this I can't say but you know everybody know what the is going on and so they should you know a lot of this is is the re your reasoning why everything was going the way it was going because of what you were doing with puppy you know his you know what I'm saying and behind us you you you having meetings with these but it's so many people that was losing their life behind his coward ass so you know can't nobody tell me about CH Knight he full of but one thing he ain't going to do is with the police yeah I remember I had Michael J white on the show mhm and uh he said this one time he had met shook before but it was a while ago so I don't think shook remembered who he was you know Michael's a big oh I watch all his little movies uh what's that blood and bones blood and Bon outlaw Johnny Black new one check out this new one oh you got a new one on new one yeah it's a western movie yeah I like him yeah but you know he's he's a good friend of mine he lives right around here he's on my show all the time he's a big strong dude he's a martial artist everything else like that he told about this one time he was in Malibu and he saw Suge just like hanging out by like by a balcony or something at a restaurant so he W he starts walking towards Suge just to say what's up to him he say sh saw him and didn't recognize him he said Suge was getting ready to just jump over the balcony thinking that he was about to to attack him and when he got close like yo Suge what's up Michael like oh okay he said like Suge got Su didn't have all his guys with him and everything else like that then my girl at the time takes me out to we go to joffre's in in Malibu and um the uh the um matri D is taking us this way but I happen to see Suge and his his wife or I don't know who it was at the balcony area outside and so immediately they're walking this way and I'm like so surprised to see him and he was just in a jovial mood like he was just kind of you know just looked like he was just having fun he was out there and I was just so surprised and I just I walked toward him and he turned as I was walking toward him and he goes he like bristles and he kind of looks over the back and I went he about to jump off I didn't know what was but he just was like he got real tense and I and I walked up and I'm like hey and I kind of grabbed him on the shoulders like you you okay he goes yo man he says I'm out here chilling with my lady or whatever and I see you walking up and he says instantly he just sees threat yeah right I was like yeah but we got no beef he says yeah but I didn't I had to he said like he had to like put it together like yo do we have be like and so I was like no we ain't got no be but it was a funny moment cuz he was saying the last thing I thought was I I see somebody threatening walking toward me out here and it was is we both laughed about it I mean listen su's human anyone can get I mean sh's Gott knocked out sh's gotten shot like it's you know just like the rest of us can get knocked out and shot it's it's different with Suge didn't say okay I need y'all to shoot me so I can be a gangster he didn't know he was going to get shot um I've had I've had Su in so many situations where I could have did something SHO it was so easy for me to be mad at him opposed to hang out with him because I was getting a check I'm coming to the office you got something to say I I see you up there he won't be there but my check will you know what I'm saying I know what type of cat Suge is it wasn't Suge it was the twins his cousins so we've been in a lot of me and sure since from 88 until bunu got out of prison sugar has been I ain't gonna put my foot on his neck no more but you know the that dude said on on his podcast pissed me the off so I say Suge Suge is he ain't that dude he ain't that dude for him to even be talking I bet you if sh was on the street right now sh wouldn't say have the that he's saying you know what I'm saying so me personally I'm GNA let him be a you are who you are and whoever believes Su is this and that I'm here to tell y'all sh ain't never had a red rag in his pocket sh ain't never carried a goddamn gun sh ain't never did sh was in the house before dark Miriam was he ain't that so for him to be talking like that maybe I man just going to put that out there I ain't going to do it but I can tell everybody that he ain't punking me and he never have and none of the cats that were were assigned to him you know what I'm saying he ain't talk to bun he ain't talk to neckbone none of these dudes so all that he doing behind bars is is a joke man you know what I'm saying this KPD the only reason why he's saying that I got Crips on this side I got a on this side I got two bloods on this with me maybe I can say face and I'll never testify I'll never this even in jail you ain't that cuz you wouldn't being no you be on you'll be out there walking the yard if you was that you just a big dude I mean what is sh situation in prison is he in protective custody or is he in general population he in protective custody okay Su has Su has stepped on a lot of and there's a lot of that that lost their lives are in jail we got homies in jail right now that sh was afraid of and you know I ain't going to even say that that sh was afraid of and couldn't do nothing to rock Chism what's up my couldn't with him when sh say turn your cars in rock told him you and sold the car you know what I'm saying we had homies that was fighting against each other stabbing each other for this clown but they didn't want to listen to mob James the one that drank they was listening to this fool but we got homies getting killed so Su is he good where he at I think I did something with I believe it was uh Chris Blanchard remember from Channel 11 no from Channel 11 News Chris Blanchard did a story and when my brother was killed and I basically just told sh to stay the away from my family you know what I'm saying so when he continued to with my brother I went after of him I went up to the office looking for him I went there for him you know what I'm saying so sh need to tell those stories instead of this bull shitty doing yo your podcast keep it 100 on your podcast cuz I'mma keep it 100 on this so it is what it is well sh said that Kefi is safer in jail than he is on the street no he not but on the street he was perfectly fine he was living his life going where he want to go right he not Savor in jail I mean in fact if what you're saying is true he's been attacked in jail whereas on the outside no one's touched him no one no one touched him nobody was going to touch him yeah you know uh jail is a different story a different conversation shook should understand that and know that by now and he been to jail so many times uh the conversation is totally different in there than on the streets you know what I'm saying it can happen either or but TBD wasn't moving around like that he wouldn't out popping champagne in public doing this and that you know what I'm saying so he was good yeah well Su also called Warren gar and uh went through the whole thing you were around Warren G yeah I mean Warren G was from what I understand I've interviewed Warren G before like he was Dre's step brother right but he wasn't really accepted into death row like that and I remember he told me that the real you know the moment he realized that he needs to go was they were going on some big tour and he showed up at the airport and there was no ticket for him right so he was like all right I got to go do my on my own he would got to deal with Def Jam and then he blew up right you know regul later and everything else like that but I guess you know based on a interview that Warren did on drink Champs she called him a liar and everything else like that what exactly was that about war G basically saying let's get my out of jail sh don't want nobody to take credit for that he wants the credit for that Suge is basically a big old baby man if he can't have his way he gonna start talking like this whether it makes sense or not and and I wouldn't I wouldn't with Warren G when he said let's get him out of jail sh don't know how much money he had sh didn't put up $2 million cash to get to do what he did it didn't work that way so why War G couldn't have did it that way you know what I'm saying so sh wants the credit let sh have the credit and and but how you going to tell this dude what he wasn't going to do you know what I'm saying that's sh if sh can't have his way he start crying well on a different podcast uh he talked about the whole situation with Snoop and the shooting that happened and The Bodyguard right um he said he spent $6 million to keep you know Snoop from going to prison for life that amount seems pretty high I can't IM I don't know anyone that spent six million on a I don't think OJ spent six million on his case you know what I can blow sh gas out of the water but it a lot of went on and after Snoop dug them one that case they had the jury and everybody else celebrating with us eating big old potatoes this big lob eating yeah they kicked it with us a few of them yeah yeah one jur got up and did his rap song about the Cas and I I I ain't I ain't going to say more she you know where the where the camera at quit so Snoop don't order to him now he did he did do his thing with it and and because he hired us to come up there and make sure Snoop was good uh David Kenard did he did he give Kenard $6 million to do Snoop and they coming up that together no yeah that number just seems no he didn't way too high and I I've interviewed um you know st's bodyguard right who got off as well Malik Malik exactly and I guess didn't shook say that he had 100 Crips of Bloods outside the courtroom he had 100 who 100 Crips of Bloods outside the courtroom during sto's trial who had that sh said he had that sh ain't had no sh sh got at me and told me get some of the homies the Crips is coming up here scaring Snoop because the the guy who got killed was a yeah right no his homeboys was coming up there first yeah and they was worried about that so I said okay he told me to get 15 20 homies I had nine and me that's it so 10 people that's it did anyone show up in that courtroom causing trouble not or the court the courthouse or nothing nobody not one time since we was there not one gang member came up quiet the whole time period the easiest money I ever made okay because I guess sugar told a story about how snoop's bodyguard Malik got got beat up at a video shoot at Long Beach around the time of of the murder you know what I'm talking about yeah I heard about that what happed so you weren't there no I wasn't there but what' you hear no just Malik got into it um I heard about the crib dude that supposed to banged on them or whatever they was driving and they shot the dude whatever that's their personal I never got into nothing that went on with Long Beach or none of them dudes all of them guys that worked at death Road they'll tell you mob James wasn't around them I was a gang banger I wasn't hanging with them but if it came to me getting paid I'mma I'mma make sure nobody touched that that that was my job I never kicked it my brother and them smoke weed with Snoop them every day got high with him drinking whatever I never kicked it with danc and corrupt the only one that I know that was like that I ain't going out like that was corrupt and I said well y'all can't be mad at him standing up for himself and that was one conversation that's the only one I speak on what do you mean so what did corrupt do well you know how death Ro you had the hood there and and the homies was was them being them and right so you had all the pyu Bloods and then you had Long Beach Crips now corrupt was a roll 60s I didn't I didn't know that at the time I thought he came up under a big you yeah so a but but a rolling 60s was a Long Beach I thought he was from 21 with Snoop and all of them but but they were with each other I'm talking about back then so I didn't really trip off with Snoop being from Long Beach or whatever I never heard Snoop cripping the way he I never heard him cuz CZ cuz CU I never heard that so that ain't part of my job to bang on them you know what I'm saying just like Tupac it it wasn't my that wasn't my job but I'm not going to hang with you and fight people and do all that other dumb you doing because you think you this cat or you want to be from the hood you ain't from the hood and that's the only beef I had with Tupac you ain't the homie you not from Compton you you didn't you ain't killed nobody in this you ain't gang bang on another Hood so how the you think you from the hood that's Trayvon that's bury y'all that this ain't from the hood well well sh said that Tupac did more for for the Hood than like all these guys he he was more of a n Brown yeah feeding giving out turkeys yeah but he ain't did nothing else right and I wouldn't that dude I'm I'm not the turkey man I ain't got money like that was was Pac actually like ever officially ma pyu was he jumped in or anything else like because he had Mo tattooed on his arm at one point man there's a lot of cats out there doing that just coming to a hood just to fit in with a click but no was was MC Hammer around when you were around Hammer was at doing Snoop Dog yeah he was around too okay did you interact with him at all yeah I had a dance off with him after Snoop them one look it's funny and I hope that remember he was dancing and and then you know I'm little freaky dancing and doing my little Thug right and he dancing I'm dancing and I got a video it's a video out there that uh we was leaving the function and I was saying H didn't want to with me h don't want to with me and it we was just out there we was around everybody was happy Tupac off the and we was chilling and we had a little dance off and that can dance you know I can't Fu Hammer man ex what he's known for so I'm I'm we around but yeah Hammer Hammer was cool you know I never saw hammer in no or on on some you know what I'm saying so I mean you know he was from Oakland yeah I mean Al although I've interviewed people that basically said that hammer was a menace at one point like like I remember uh what was it MC surge said that uh hammer put a put some money on his head so when they came to La all these CRI you know I don't know if it was Crips or Bloods but I think it was Crips was always trying to get at him and then you know uh Red Man end up dissing on a song and he said the hammer rolled up on him like a 100 deep and was like I'm sorry Mr Hammer like he probably was with business you know yeah exactly never kicked it with him like that okay um shook said that he stopped Dre from uh getting a bunch of jail time from beating up a bunch of women I believe that I believe that but I mean there's the debar situation which is you know that that's actually you know in the paperwork but was he other was and you know Michelle a claimed that Dre beat her up a bunch of times did you ever see that see him beat her up yeah no I wouldn't no okay have you seen him get rough with women in general yeah really Dre Dre he beat up a woman what he ain't gonna beat up no dude I ain't never heard him beating up or or talking like that goddamn movie they did he was beating up us never happened okay so tell me when you saw Dre get rough with the woman I can't do that I Dr father's conversation he was very disrespectful to women Mich a her he was disrespectful you know and and even sh me you know a female couldn't tell me at that time and I think that's the same position they was in but Su said many times how Dre whooped on her ass cuz she was drunk or Dre beat up uh what's her name on the uh what's that rap show they had the D chick D bars yeah uh got at her cuz she said something out of line to him so I mean you know I've never seen him interact with a dude like that I took his goddamn car he didn't have no problem with me you took Dre's car yeah I took his The Chronic the one that he got in the video I took that Impala yeah okay I took that parked it in my yard and and Su came to get I told him there go right there just go through my gate and touch it just touch the so what you're saying is you've seen Dre beat up a woman but you're not g to talk about that situation I don't want to talk don't I ain't gonna say I seen Dre beat up no woman I said I haven't seen him talk disrespectful okay fair enough well another thing that Suge said was that his mom died while he was in county jail right did you know sh's Mom yeah you guys yeah his mama his daddy his sister them yeah I know them yeah she live right around the corner from us he said that was rough because he said that him and his mom were really close he said he said to the point where on Mother's Day she would go see him not his other siblings now he's the one that OB obvously made it in that family and I'm sure he bought her a house and gave her you know I mean allowed her to kind of retire and everything else like that no you're saying that's not true you're saying with all the money that sh gave away Mother's Day lunches and all that stuff he didn't take care his I say Su was full of and and his mom and daddy had to move when while he was in jail when moms pass pops had to move that they didn't own that house the place that they lived in it wasn't theirs really and I'm going just say sh was full of I ain't going to put his business out there cuz he ain't never spoke on my mother you know what I'm saying but he disrespected my mother you know what I'm saying but sh if people just knew Suge then they they they' be happy that he's in jail they' be like him why you think wack 100 came to his rescue was full of they didn't have money but Su had money they didn't know how much money sh was making sh family went well off in out the hood but you're telling me with the hundreds of millions of dollars floating through Death Row Records his parents still lived in the hood I can't I can't he moved imagine let me explain this to you he moved off the orchard he moved them off Orchard into another place a home that's supposed to been theirs that home wasn't paid for and then he lost their mama them house he didn't sell a his sister and them wasn't living good need to tell the truth about this clown and he shouldn't have never spoke on me his family wouldn't well off did he give did he give the brother-in-laws jobs he did that but at the end of the day they just like us went back to where we were and broke okay well I mean he said that basically on Mother's Day they wouldn't let him talk to his mother and then his mother took it hard she went to the hospital and I guess she died shortly afterward I can I can believe that sh had a very good relationship with his mama and his father and mom's mom his mama kept him out of Horn's way a lot of times sh had a good goddamn mama and like I said I can't I can't man that she was a good woman she was a good she was a good Mama and Sh sh was a mama's boy he loved his mama and I believe that and and I would have took it hard if I was sent in jail and my mom's passed away yeah so I can believe that and I would have took that rough I would have took that hard well he said that uh E's uh Widow uh tamaa messed up a billion dollar deal you know for Dr Dre because I guess he offered her a dollar out of everything that Dre does for the rest of his life and she turned it down the story doesn't sound right it just simply doesn't sound right because I don't think you could make a deal like that because I don't think sh she she can't have tell Dre to sign off something for the rest of his life he just doesn't CU he's like oh had he done it you know easy would have you know the Easy's Foundation you know I mean estate would have made money off Eminem and his Beats by Dre I'm like this doesn't sound right if if sh would have had something in that for himself I can see that well I'm sure I'm sure that was part of the deal but I'm saying like did you ever interact with tamaa or easy no nothing no I never I never I never business with SH I never interact with his business but Su is a shark sh took advantage of people that that were were that were scared and Sh took just like with Dre in this case why he's in jail now Dre walked away from Death Row let him go sh keeps everything now Dre them doing the movie Dre got money sh don't have money I'm going to get at this and I'm G to get some money out of it yeah but that that didn't work out it didn't work out so now you interacting with somebody that's on your level or maybe a little tougher well a little tougher than you and it didn't happen so he wasn't able to extort Dre and get Dre if it was somebody else he probably would have if the homies was still with ch at that time he probably could have did that well he t about a situation Suge that he was having like some sort of Afterparty Club you know party or something like that and a fight started to break out between mc8 and DJ Quick do you know about this at all I okay so so what he said was MCA DJ Qui were there they started to kind of get into it with each other and there was a dude who was with mc8 who was down with the rolling 60s and Suge basically was like y'all need to just go outside side with this don't don't fight in here whatever else they went outside and the guy from the roll 60s end up getting killed I was there that you know what I'm talking about all the homies was there that the boy that got stabed okay yeah so you know about the situation yeah I was there so describe to me what happened all when when when it broke out it broke out fast DJ quick start throwing all the homies start fighting different individuals no okay was DJ Qui down with y'all or was he just there by himself no he was with everybody he was with us he was cuz DJ Qui was with death throw at one point yeah all of us was together so that 60 PBS and all that throw that out the window all of us was there together and he had got into it with with with a cat I didn't know if they was Crips or whatever and then now you hear cats throwing up and saying they hoods so all the homies doing that now at the end of the day everybody in here drinking and all this so it went haywire me and sh was at the stage and I stayed at the foot of the the stage while Su and some chick was up there so sh didn't get into that yeah he didn't say he was he was getting into he actually was trying to get everyone out right no he wouldn't he was on the stage he wasn't trying to do the police let the happen the security that was there couldn't do it was too many people it was too many people when it was it was chairs bottles and everything else glass and everything else thrown in that Okay and then somebody from MCA side ends up getting killed the 60 guy yeah they're all 60s right who was so yeah where the entrance was he was like down there where the where the door was at and he was just laying there now everybody is coming out of the running out of there they actually the police contacted James McDonald Al McDonald and Timothy McDonald to come into the police station to to be question it was like godamn I didn't know my name my brother name and my other brother name these only you were involved in this fight at all I was watching sh on the stage you were his security yeah so why is we the only three that's being question damn that was crazy so hi go SU I think big youu got into the situation somehow the rooll 60s yeah yeah so I know they gave the mother flowers and well he he claimed that he gave the victim's family $250,000 he said they try to sue him and he just gave him $250,000 I don't believe it was $250,000 that's what he said because he said in in the podcast that he had actually met at one point like the daughter of the guy and she was like hey why did you kill my daddy and he goes well I didn't kill your daddy but I did give this money to your family that's been helping you out all these years that's the story that's the story he told I know he gave money and I know he son the Mother Sun Flowers which sending flowers or whatever situation happened happened on your watch it's only right that you make sure what happened and I don't think nobody was tripping off of that I think everybody got the tripping well we didn't even know to what extent the money thing came because now I'm is Big U big U pressed him and got $80,000 out of him so he didn't, was 80,000 yeah that's what you heard yeah so I mean you got the money pay your way do whatever you going to do I didn't sh I didn't care about none of that but when he did that here you got Bloods against Crips and you making sure the Crips get buried but when the homies was passed away uh Andre Johnson big Hook when he died you was like you ain't paying for that funeral but you'll go and pay it was totally the opposite with SH he know I got to make this right because a lot of Heat going to come to him because the big you yeah and his and his uh role in LA right so did did they ever was anyone ever arrested for that thing or was it just too big of a m nobody there was just too many people so to many people and no nobody well I mean rest in peace to the guy who passed in his family I'm sure it was a up situation I never heard about this before well the final thing I want to say about Suge in his podcast was he said that after Tupac's murder Snoop and Daz did a song on big Dre's compilation album big Dre was one of the guys in the car right and he felt that that was you know a big violation because here's one of the guys who was involved in the murder of Tupac and Snoop and D is supposed to be cool with Tupac and they're doing music with this guy that's what he said I don't know he say that he say free keep D what's the difference what's the difference yeah man listen Suge is an expert at creating chaos yeah there is no one better than than than sug Knight and throwing some stuff out there going back to the whole easy you know AIDS needle injection thing cuz you know that rumor had been going for so long and I remember there was a TV show that they kind of you know looked into all that and I remember like I didn't even know cuz I know crooked I right me and him were cool and crooked ey was actually with Suge during the taping I think it was like Jimmy Kimmel or something and when Suge said that on the way home they were in the car together and he was and he was like yo Suge you know you you know someone something about easy getting injected with AIDS he's like no but I be hearing people be doing like that so he basically admitted that he just made up the whole the whole situation but people have been running with this whole conspiracy this whole time you know those guys were having sex with different individuals a lot of mother yeah they was having you can see by the number of kids he has and he even I remember he was on Howard Stern EAS said he never uses condoms and you could tell by the number of kids he had like he has two sons named Eric from different women he had like two or three women pregnant when he died some of which he probably didn't even know about damn like yeah Easy E let me see how many kids Easy E have I bet he ain't got more than my little brother 11 kids my brother got him by eight your little brother has 19 kids that I count hey Timmy was having them knock on the door they was knocking on the door uh my name is woo woo my dad can I see my dad Timmy got a lot of kid yeah I don't think Timmy could pull out of his own driveway man his pull out game is pretty week have that it ain't happening he got all the grandkids all that crazy well just recently I was out of Miami and I went to Vanilla Ice's house oh my God and I interviewed him so we talked about this whole situation now leading up to the hotel incident Suge had actually approached Vanilla Ice at a restaurant twice one time at the Palm restaurant and another time at Benny Hana M were you with Suge either of those times no one of them okay what he said was I think it was at the Benihana one Suge basically showed up at the restaurant sat down and started eating vanilla Isis food in front of him well sh pops up at you at a restaurant yeah and he was friendly yeah then he pops up on you again at Benihana yeah once again rela too he starts eating your food yeah he asked he's nice he's always smiling and friendly you have to understand like this this picture that Vic Walters painted about him is a complete different picture of what most the people's public perception is about Suge Knight he had a good personality he was funny we got along Su and I really never had a a problem a disagreement or anything like that never heard that yeah see sh CH like bragging right sh would have said that um oh Vanilla Ice said that oh Vanilla Ice said Van Ice said that I don't know Van Ice said that I believe if it came from Suge but it vanilla I it happened to you the only thing I know about that is that Suge had a contract made up and he said chocolate is the one that did a certain song for him okay so so let's talk about the story for a second so like I said there's a new Vanilla Ice interview out right now talking about all this vanila ice blew up off the song Ice Ice Baby MH it was the first rap song to go number one on Billboard it sold like half a billion copies over time right it made so much money that when he got sued by David Bowie and Queen for sampling Under Pressure he bought under pressure he just bought the whole song so now he owns Ice Ice Baby and Under Pressure damn yeah Vanilla Ice is Wealthy by the way he owns like a 100 properties yeah I know like like we showed up at his house in Miami and like we pulled up to the house we're waiting for him we're waiting for him and he comes in from the house next door was like no coming over here we pull into this other house and that house we were at was connected to the first house damn and then there's another house afterwards that had a helicopter pad and some other I know he got money no he got serious money I didn't realize how much money he had he's he's wealthy he's not he's a contractor or some yeah he he builds homes pools and he did right with his money he did right with his money so according to him he wrote Ice Ice Baby when he was uh 16 years old and then you know when they started putting the album together they produced it they put it out whatever else now this guy chocolate claims that he did the song he wrote like eight songs on the album and he never got his credit wty W so he hooks up with Suge at one point and Suge starts managing him whatever that means and basically according to their side was that you know chocolate you know produced and wrote all all these you know all these important songs including Ice Ice Baby so Suge took it upon himself to try to get the money for that right did you know chocolate at all yeah you around we we had Fernhill records at that time chocolate used to come to the office 5555 Willshire Boulevard okay and he came up there I remember when sh had the contract done but this is suho gig Suge would would dealt with chocolate and chocolate and and chocolate got mad at me because I mentioned this before and he said I was wrong so so I'm I'm going to say it this way whatever Dylan Suge had with chocolate like other people Suge would go and talk to those people what sh did with vanilla ice is what he do with Dr Dre and other people that he has got money for so he went to Vanilla Ice to say I don't give a CH to said w w wo sign this goddamn contract you going to give him his credit what credit is do yada yada and vanilla I signed the at the end of the day that's all I know okay so here's Vanilla Ice's version of the story he said a chocolate had nothing to do with this with this song right he's eating in La shook shows up at his restaurant one time sits down with them introduce himself he's very polite very nice month later sh shows up again ice is wondering how how does this guy know where I am sits down with him again I think there's a Benny Hana the second time start eating his food like I said once again he's thinking how does this guy know where I am and then him and his two B Vanilla Ice and his two bodyguards are coming back to his hotel room when they get in the room Suge and five other guys are already in the room and he's just wondering how the hell did this guy know where I am and how did he get into the room right so he said it was five guys there was a rumor that one of them was the LA Rams or whatever else do you know who but by the way do you know who was in that room in that hotel room with Vanilla Ice uh I've heard two names thrown around I don't know if it's true or not Daryl Henley and Ron Brown Ronan Brown was hanging with SH tough okay Daryl Henley ain't that the dude that went to jail for the drugs I think so possibly I don't all the guys that hung with r Ron Brown at that time Jal Hy's a guy from the Rams okay there we go okay Ron Brown too oh Ron Brown's from the for the Rams also yeah he he with the Rams too and a lot of those guys Su was dealing with you know what I'm saying until they turned on each other but they was hanging around at that time so all I know is I wasn't there you weren't there okay so this's the story The Vanilla Ice said he said these guys were in the room with him he had his two bodyguards who were armed he said that Suge slapped one of his bodyguards and took his gun well then at one point you come back to your hotel room with your two bodyguards you open the door and Su is there in your room yeah with like Five Guys yeah what happens next uh I saw that they uh all had guns right away and that uh they're not to be with but they're very well dressed and smelled good and they were all smiling and saying they're huge fans and they wanted to take pictures for their daughters and their family and I did and everything was cool until uh Su said he'd like to talk to me uh on the balcony uh alone and I said oh okay it's fine with me bodyguard stood up and he got slapped down he slapped the bodyguards oh yeah himself or one of his guys I hate to tell you he slapped him so hard made him cry My Bodyguard oh wow yeah took his gun out of his took his gun from him too Suge took your bodyguard gun didn't oh one of his guys did no his guys if you want to call him that I think they were there for backup that's that's the story he told no I'm telling you that's because that would have came back at that time uh uh fer record was fresh sh was still out there being a bully true enough but it wasn't it wasn't none of us that that I wouldn't there for for no sh would have came back with that one sh would have came back and and said I took the gun shook with it no okay I don't believe it so when I asked if chocolate was there Vanilla Ice said he wasn't there initially but 30 minutes later chocolate did show up and his face was all up he said he had a big fat lip and a big bruise on his eye like a black eye like they just beat him up chocolate getting beat up is this sound like something that would happen or does this sound chocolate never got beat up on my watch um was people known to get their ass whoop when it was Fern records yes if they wern't saying the right they got their ass whoop but chocolate came there he was cool he was young too so he wasn't no type of cat so no I didn't I I wouldn't have saw that this ice a story you mean listen chocolate end up doing an interview where he basically talked a bunch of about Vanilla Ice which I'm sure he saw so I'm sure there's a certain level of animosity between these two right but ultimately Suge ice took ice to the balcony he didn't hold him out out the window or anything else like that like four heart you know The Five Heartbeats something El like that and the chains wasn't falling out of his pocket or whatever but he took him to the to the balcony and basically said look uh I run this city uh you know Dr Dre uh arcenio Hall Eddie Murphy they're all under me so if you want to have protection then you need to sign all this paperwork and I being scared signed the paperwork I believe that I interviewed Virgil Roberts who was the president of solar records he became the president I'm not sure if he was the president or the vice president or whatever I'm not sure if dick griffy dick griffy was alive but at one point he became president and he talked about that whole situation he said he said it was actually a little bit exaggerated um he said that when Su approached him with this guy chocolate said look you know this producer that I'm managing produced Ice Ice Baby and these other records and Virgil was like well could you prove it he goes well I have my handwritten notes he goes well this is cool but this doesn't really prove anything right he goes well I also have my credit on the original album that Vanilla Ice put out because before he got signed on his major label they put it out independently and his name was on the credits so at that point Virgil Roberts felt like there was enough to go off of they sued uh the record label that ice was signed to and then ultimately they paid up well he didn't get that goddamn much is he getting paid for a lifetime I don't know I mean according to ice he is getting paid forever I mean according to Virgil was like 400,000 you know he gave the money you know Suge got the biggest check he's ever gotten at the time you know when when when sh got that that deal in odd squar away chocolate went and bought a Mercedes he was he was coming up with a Mercedes and uh I was like okay he got paid but sh was doing that for a lot of people who else DLC he was he was with DLC he did Dre and michile a he went to TLC uh all right he was I believe Mary J blig A lot of people yeah a lot of people was coming to Su to get their fixed and to get what they what they felt was due to him so sh did a lot of getting people their money should I say yeah it didn't always work out I remember when I when Vlad TV was in Universal I remember going into one of the security rooms and there was a picture of Suge and it said do not allow in the building cuz I guess he had threatened the president of universal records and you know there's a arms Security in front that would take the president in and out of his car and you know Su being Su basically so yeah it was uh it was a crazy time now speaking the LA Rams wasn't there a fight with the LA Rams that you got into it in ' 92 yeah what happened su su uh everybody in the in the in the club I think it was rockberry or some like that everybody in the club partying everybody drinking sh goes outside he runs into the Rams one of the ram guys was with a female that sh was with the ram dude goes over the sh uh car and stretch the Str stretch the up so she'll come to us get us we all come outside it's like six seven big big old outside right so now should choose to go off at the mouth talking and I think she cousin one of the twins took off and everybody else took off and we got to wear they ass out LA Rams yeah we we start beating the out of them okay and uh the only way the fight was over the police pulled up and Sh cousin was still beating the out the had him up under the car his head from this part right here was up under the front of the car and he's still beating the out of him and he the only one went to jail but by the time we got to the the office he was on his way to the office other day at the office a death row huh which sh should have start fighting this when he starts uh his car up no sh didn't do that sh came got all us and then went off at theor well uh puffy got sued by Cassie recently settled within 24 hours he already knew he already knew but in this lawsuit a whole lot of stuff came up and there was this one part in in the Cassie lawsuit where they're saying that puffy attempted to Ambush Suge Knight in Los Angeles like he found out suar was at a certain location so puffy one got all his guns and everything else like that um I don't know if it's true or not because you know how lost it go but was it really that crazy at that point when when it started yeah it was crazy uh all the fighting all the going back and forth you know losing Big Jake uh that happened to Atlanta huh yeah and that was allegedly done by wolf who's also dead now he's dead now yeah so and wolf was sort of the head of uh puffy security right and all of it started you know because puffy decided not to give in sh no more you know what I'm saying and he when he started staying away from sh and he couldn't sh couldn't get to him the way he wanted to it was on but where we up is we came in because of what sh was saying and how is treating him we didn't know exactly oh sh just mad at this cuz he can't get to him or get nothing out of him and now this war is on and everybody just decided to say him we rolling with you yeah I mean imagine if because it didn't seem like puffy was necessarily the aggressor in this situation puffy you know puffy I'm sure you know I mean listen biggie did some sideways too cuz when when the dog pound was taping New York New York in Brooklyn biggy got on the radio and basically said some that ultimately triggered a shooting that happened you got to look at it it's this ain't one-sided just because we from LA are they not to respond to to what the we giving them yeah yeah they supposed to so when they do respond Su is mad that that all these think they the oh they they fighting back come on man it don't go that way imagine if at some point somebody sat both of them down and said all of y'all are tripping right now y'all got the hottest artist in the world and imagine a tour a Tupac Biggie tour imagine a Tupac and Biggie a death row Bad Boy tour the the end of the East Coast West Coast War Tour all around the world America Europe Africa Asia the the Middle East Australia like if they just said this whole thing look we're all making hundreds of millions of dollars it's impossible for it look everyone knows that puffy did not set up Tupac right right or biggie did not set up Tupac to get shot right Pac was getting into it with the Haitian Jacks and the Jimmy henchman's and you could connect the dots from that yeah okay it's not a secret as to it wasn't biggie trying to get him killed everyone knows that really Pac and Biggie started out as friends right Pac used to go to Brooklyn and hang out with biggie you know what I'm saying like in fact when I interviewed Lanson Rivera he even said that after Pac got shot he went up into the studio where they were at and left his gun like behind the piano and then the police came they couldn't find the gun and Pac called them up called biggie up and Biggie sent his guys to go down there and get his gun back for him he and up getting jammed up in the hallway from whatever story was told by everybody who was there right whoever was there told the story he ends up getting shot he goes upstairs he he has his gun that he came to the studio with he hides it in the piano and then what everybody don't don't know is that pop big after that incident right and said big I left my gun in the studio send somebody to get it so I sent somebody two people up to the studio one of them is the only person who had access cuz it was taped off being investigated he was the only one could get past that yellow tape we retrieved Tupac's gun and made sure that cuz if Tupac had to got caught with that gun cuz think about it he the everybody's story is Tupac pulled his gun out he shot himself all right but no big his man he called his man and said yo big you know but everybody want to make it seem like Tupac set big up in the studio meaning that there was no animosity after the shooting they were still cool essentially right saying that imagine if someone you know like a Clarence uh aant you know or someone of that stature or Quincy Jones came in and said enough this is stupid we're all losing money you know for example okay I I'll tell you what me and wack hadn't talked to each other in 10 years MH right and I I tried to get an interview going with game wack was aware of it but he since he knew that we had some conflict from 10 years ago he said I'm going stay out of it and let y'all handle it it end up falling apart right right game was going to show up 3 hours late and the money situation wasn't worked out so me and me and wack we got on the phone and my first words to wack was listen you and I had a disagreement 10 years ago right I was wrong and you were wrong right instead of us arguing for the next 30 minutes about who did what let's just say it grown man we're here to do some business you have a a an artist that you're managing that I want to interview I'm willing to cut a check that everyone's agreeing to you're going to get a piece of this your artist is going to get some money in his pocket right what happened 10 years ago it's stupid because whatever happened 10 years ago hasn't affected me and it hasn't affected you we've all made lots of money since then you know what wack said sounds good to me let's let's schedule it you know what happened game came in did the interview wack was there there's a picture of all three of us together worked it worked that's right game you know what I mean got what he wanted I got what I wanted the interview's out now is doing great and wack is supposed to come in and do another interview with me for our first interview together that's cool that's cool we're grown men you know just like with pnum you know Suge had to get over his ego that's that's what play a big part with all of this this that be going on with different clicks and all this other and and biggest problem was being said no to and he felt like he was this high above everything and he with his body size and all that intimidation went a long way and then when people start getting it it it it didn't work no more but half of us that has these goddamn problems these dudes shouldn't even be they got money ain't no sense of fighting and killing each other you got money and and that's one of our downfalls as as black men as men period in this business because it's interesting because we did an interview recently with Doc right uh my man Justin hunt did the actual interview but me and DLC are friends man we we go back I have a lot of respect for that dude and in the interview Justin asked doc he said you were involved in the making of Straight Out of Compton as well as The Chronic mhm what was the difference between these two projects He had an interesting answer he said when it came to Straight Out of Compton there were guys that were you know affiliated with the streets you know may have been drug dealers may have had gang affiliations whatever but everyone there was really focusing on being musicians right and being artists and we're happy to be part of this creative process and we're all trying to contribute somehow musically to this project because everyone understood how big and important it was and how the they were doing before really yeah I mean it had a part in terms of the content but there was no like gangster happening or whatever else now when you then look at what happened to death row he said the majority of the people maybe not a majority but a lot of the people that were in the studio were guys that either had just come out of prison or on their way to prison right they had nothing to do with music they couldn't rap they couldn't produce they couldn't sing they couldn't manage they couldn't an anr they were just there basically because of sh's intimidation right and you didn't know what day when one of them would just start to with you start to make and he and and doc said it was stressful man all of you guys came together and made arguably the greatest rap album of all time to me that shows a sign of being able to harness different types of energies whether positive or negative to create something beautiful for the world what was the temperature tone during The Chronic sessions like there there's no difference between the sessions in in w days and The Chronic days when it comes to the music being made the only difference is that the element that's surrounding us while we're making music changed it intensified on that what you want to call gangster level where it started being just a whole bunch of uh Street Corner kind of people that were really about that life instead of being about the music life hanging out you know um with NWA was still Street guys um hanging out some guys were Street Corner guys but most of us were just musicians and most of those people were just happy to be around great music and so by the time it got to death row the only difference was these are guys that were either going either on their way to the penitentiary or just coming home from the penitentiary and and this was like the amusement park for them you know for the rest of us or at least for me it was a hell you know going in there and dealing with these folks on a day-to-day basis because I never knew which day could be my day that some terrible happens to you and you know but like I said sh was overly protective and folks knew don't mess with that one you know leave that want you know and so I always felt uh grateful to sh for that being able to exist in that space and not be you know so worried that something was going to happen cuz it was still guys that was hanging around with that bully mentality that want to poke you and push push your buttons cuz they know they can do it they know you're not going to do nothing kind of stuff Doc is not a little guy by the way Doc is like 6'3 I know him you know what I'm saying yeah this is not some little scrawny little dude it's like he's a big guy and he was just like every day he he was just stressful for him he was in there trying to because Doc is the creative guy he's writing the verses he's helping Snoop he's whatever and he's just like man I just he just he's like I hated that environment and all of them all of them should have felt that way you know coming up there and and you got all these big old guys and now they arguing with their girl and the next thing you know they mad we going to take it out on these that that's what would happen and you can't work like that yeah you know what I'm saying that was one of my reasons not to be in their way and Sh was told this many times y you letting your ego get in the way you letting this get in the way he done went from a green suit to a red suit he done went from cigars to popping pills he done went to drinking so Suge let his w w gangster get in the way and a lot of people ain't no way in the world you going to continue to make money with each other and you want all the money you don't want nobody to stand in front of you you you want to be up front you want to be the one that got the money you want you're the one that wanted to be seen I used to tell the homies look at us we pulling up in 77 Cadillacs and and and and capric Classics CX and sh pulling up in porches and this and that when the people see Suge see us the only person they see is Suge when we walk after sh walk through a door everybody else do this because they scared of us yeah sh dressed well got his red suit on his cigar and all this other we coming in looking like this right I remember during that time sh had diamonds in his ear that just didn't make any damn sense exactly they was so he had like like three or like four karat diamonds in his ear that was just insane he had to be like that even with the women he had to be seen he had you couldn't I couldn't be sitting there talking to a fine ass woman without she coming over there I'm the one with the money I'm the boss W woo woo man get the well I mean just the fact that Suge would have a baby with Michelle a who also had a baby with Dre he out of line is is just insane like I'm looking like in terms of me I have never in life had any relations with a girl that used to date one of my friends I just felt it was stupid it's a lot of them out there like that though that wouldn't give a take your leftover and and and marry him like sh did I'm just saying though like like but not only is this a girl of someone you're associated with this is the Superstar on your label this is the person who's making all this happen but I I guess from what I heard from sh's point of view was that Dre leaving he kind of didn't wasn't tripping because Tupac was already there he felt like Tupac was gonna you know fill in whatever void Dre had but which may have happened if if Pac had lived but you can't deny the musical genius that's Dr Dre period you can't deny it just look at the track record right and ultimately when Pac died that was it for death row so you got to understand Suge didn't care about none of that sh had to be seen he had to be the man and you know if sh would have just kept his straight business and and and transformed us from you know the gang attire to to to wear you know the button downs and the linen suits and the homies would have been cool with that Su had to be we had to be aggressive everywhere and everything we did we had to be AGG aggressive now what happened was all the he was doing now he working the homie over here talking to the homie over here and he telling him oh that called said you was a that said you didn't do this and you went in the hood long why the is you doing that type of so he start working us against each other yeah for us to fall apart and then this was his way of trying to get rid of this was on of the gang so if we start fighting and killing each other but what he failed to realize everything was coming back to him so when the homies start coming to him they did exactly what I did accepted the check opposed to getting that sh and dealing with him like I said we should do so everybody accepted the check so he's free to do whatever like when he bring BR reggin them to the to the scene that was only because he thought if the police there the homies been to prison and all this they're gonna be like oh got the police here I'm pissed off why the is they here this don't mix you know like for example we had uh Nicholas Irving on our Show recently Nicholas Irving was uh his nickname was The Reaper he was an Army sniper they had killed 33 people in the line of duty he's he's serious and we asked him about what he felt about homeboy security cuz we talked about the whole takeoff situation right CU in my eyes which he agreed take off died because he had homeboy security he had well you know quo had his guy there he had dreadlocks pulled out a gun when the argument started to kind of ensue over the dice game right which I'm sure escalated everything next thing you know a shootout happens and takeoff was not even involved in the argument ends up dead right I I think I can get the mentality of you know this is my guy I've known him my whole life he's always had my back he would never let nothing happen to me but that could also be a hindrance that could also be a huge liability because he's willing to do that or because you know he he he's able to do that or capable of doing that it also can lead to when now you're put to a position that you may not want to be in or because he's not trained and he's not as good as you think he is just because he could pull a trigger on a on a on a on a Glock 23 every once in a while in the backyard doesn't mean anything you know it it's the last thing any security ever wants to do a bodyguard is to pull their weapon put their hands on someone most of the time 99.9% of the time your job is to deescalate deescalate deescalate never to even be in a position to where that can even happen and if it does happen if it does happen you know um there's ways of making sure that that problem gets taken care of quickly immediately and no harm to anyone else's uh you know is done probably wouldn't have not done the dice game to begin with um I don't know I'm a different type of security I get everybody wants to have fun but what is 30 minutes of pleasure for eternity of yeah dead you know I'd rather just have my client mad at me because I'm like dude we're getting out of here I'd rather you be mad at me for that than having to wake up the next day or make a call right after you get shot in the in wherever and telling the cops hey just got a you know an incident happened and the person who employed me I had no longer have a job because you know that happened when I knew that all I had to do is just avoid that whole situation hey let let's let's back out of this for a little bit things don't a real security guard person knows how to read people reading an environment knows the you're never I mean you're looking at your client but most of the time we're looking at everyone else we're looking at your intention what is what what what is in your eyes what's in your what what the uh what body language do you put off and yeah hot situations there's no point of hanging around it nothing wrong with you're not walking away as a client it's me you're still a tough guy I'm the one who ran you out of there not you so I don't know I'd rather have it looked at it like that as opposed to you know picking up someone's brains and I think that this is ultimately this is the perfect example of you should just if you want security there's so many options for professional security from Navy Seals to to whatever the else if you and you have the money I remember 50 Cent used to roll around with Navy Seals a lot Su would have never got what he wanted out of certain people with that type of security right because they're not going to intimidate anybody no that's not mind and they' been as long as you don't touch sh Knight yeah sh Knight had I see what say people working for him that was ready to fight that was ready to do certain things some casts was getting bonus a bonus if they knocked out a that night you know what I'm saying so you know Su was feeding his pups they was getting they they they their little just for being who they were and the homies was comfortable with living that life and getting paid for it yeah I remember we did an interview with this guy named tré he was uh a reporter mhm and uh we actually turn a cartoon into this story right and and the story basically was this was he showed up to death row to do an interview and Su is giving him the interview and he's talking all this kind of stuff and blah blah blah blah blah blah and at one point he said now what about the the lawsuit with Dick griffy and solar records m and he was like what did you just say he went got one of his homies and he said like this dude was just like ripped up and just and chug was like yeah this job about lawsuits the guy was like what and he was like basically like the way he described Su was basically almost had a had a you know was holding him back from like killing this dude right was just like yo man what do you want me to do with him no you know this guy was like basically ra to tear him apart right and uh she kind of basic had this whole show of force and then he took his recorder deleted everything on the recorder and had him redo the interview and answer the questions the exact same way but just without the lawsuit question wow but but this is how he would basically use these people who you are affiliated with right to just scare people right but the thing is though you can't scare everybody certain people are like like Jimmy ivine wasn't scared well I know at the beginning puffy was until puffy knew he had to distant himself from sh Aon when sh when certain individuals the homies was not with Su no more were not intimidated by Suge no more right he had actually mentioned my acon interview in the podcast he even cut to it and he basically said that Aon had messed with some underage girl I think basically has like a revenge of you know which I don't think is true I just don't think it's true but I think it was kind of like uh well you too I'm going to say some about you if you don't say about me right it's kind of wild man seeing sh be sh in prison because it's like when when the podcast is over he's going back to his cell it's not like he's out here and that's what he got to realize that's all it is now is that something to do I bet you when he went back to that sale he thought about the he said did damn I shouldn't have said that yeah I don't know I don't know but Suge has consistently been Suge I've never seen like an evolved Suge Knight all these years you know at some point like you know for example like game when I interviewed him he got into it with some dude on the basketball court end up punching him yeah so you know and uh he had to basically to avoid jail time cuz he went to jail before for some like this but to avoid jail time he had to take anger management classes right and he said he even mentioned the you know the woman's name he goes you know honestly like I learned a lot I learned a lot about how I manage my anger and how I deal with people and and now I don't I'm not as angry and you know and you know listen and dealing with game it's like and I've known game for like 20 years at this point I'm like I I can kind of see it I I I see what you're talking about you don't see like the same angry aggressive game that I've known before he getting older he grow growing up and and you know you got to deal with the consequences yeah so I I'm you know he get it some of us don't don't don't make it to that point to where we get it we just stay Reckless so he get it yeah but one person's in jail and the other person is out driving around the rolls-royces you know what I'm saying and they all come from the same place exactly and that's what we don't get and in fact you could say Suge made a lot more money than game over the years yeah you know because he was the label owner you know what I'm saying game has done well for himself but sh did really well well instead of being a a boss he wanted to be something that he always wanted to be he wanted to be those guys that's walking past his house and he can't go get off the porch with well shook said that uh he took a gun charge for Dre at one point I don't know that yeah I know I've never heard that before be talking man telling you well the Gangster Chronicles when I first heard about the Gangster Chronicles it was you Reggie and uh Alex Alonzo Alex Alonzo right but now the current lineup of the Gangster Chronicles is Norm steel mc8 and I guess saurin Baker all I didn't even know sa was in it well he's in the last two episodes it seems like he's part of the show oh I didn't know what but Mo I know sa I guess seeing a a middle class white kid being part of the line of of ganger Chronicles is somewhat amusing you know what I'm saying like I I wouldn't put myself in the gangster Chronicle I've been a guest on the show but I would be part of the actual permanent cast right you know what I'm saying this is not a shot of sa I just find it a little bit amusing because obviously he's not a gangster right you know what I mean um so what exactly happened from you know you're not part of it Reggie's not part of it was Norm part of it from the very beginning well he the one that they contacted Reggie and Reggie contacted me GED uh no I wanted instead of split it splitting that check half and half you know cuz me and him signed a contract 5050 you know on Gangster Chronicles Gangster Chronicles only but the the back door that he was doing I had no clue of I had no clue no business I wasn't business minded on none of that and and I didn't pay attention to nothing long as they took care of I was cool so Norm got to a point where okay splitting this this money it ain't making him look good I guess so he come and say well this goddamn uh allegations this this rat man is with our business against you yeah what the you mean what are you talking about so me I didn't give a what he was talking about so me and him just gradually stopped talking and when it was time after the last season let me get my money and I asked him when we going to start the next the next season oh we going wo woo me and him haven't had a word since February of last year I ain't said one word yeah okay because mc8 was on the show when you were on the show yeah there was the overlap yeah and I think mc8 is a good addition to that show that yeah he was yeah absolutely you know OG you know and this rap as well as you know history background I like mc8 um Norm steel got on the mic at one point yeah and stayed there yeah then like I said sauren Baker seems to be the third person and you said you're not making any money off this no okay it's a little weird considering that you know for example I took a certain level of Pride as to you know something I was the first person to put mob James on this YouTube platform and it took off to the point that it actually triggered him starting his own podcast and so forth I've never asked for anything by the way when it comes to you're right not not one penny in fact I even came on the show when you guys asked that was big for me too yeah so so I'm I'm just letting everyone know what my point of view is right to me it's a little weird that the person that I helped start in this podcast game who was part of this successful podcast is no longer part of this successful podcast anymore right well just like you were saying how game has growth I could have went to the streets with the I could have did a lot of things but what do that get me I'm not going to get no money I'm in jail I lose my grandson everything so I chose to walk away and and let people see I didn't give a about that Gangster Chronicles didn't change me so if I ever see a norm steal then we might have a problem we might have a problem it depends on how I feel but other than that I'm not going to let that situation interfere with where I'm at what I'm doing I'm still I'm still hanging in there it's you know I'm not I'm not tripping off DM I don't don't give a y'all if y'all make it y'all make it but gangster gangster Chronicles didn't defy me as who I am it helped me but like I said and keeping 100 blad helped me understand who M James was and and was the first person to allow me to vent you know what I'm saying not gangst the Chronicles yeah so but Gangster Chronicles was it helped me grow also you know what I'm saying well it was your project like I was happy for you I'm like okay cool like I'm still with with with James and he's still welcome on my platform but this is his own his own money doing his own thing and then you know charlot manne picked y'all up for the for the black effect and you know I'm sure there is some that and and I don't want to speak bad on that brother but he know I got a 5050 with with Norm you know what I'm saying so I'm trying to I'm doing the lawyer trying to see see what's happening what where I'm at I hear the show ain't doing what it used to and how it was but I don't give a about none of that let's get a lawyer do this legit and then now people can see me in a different light for sure because I know where he recording at I can go there but if something happened to him where they going straight to me yeah so it's been downn near a year and I I ain't called his phone I ain't said to him the scary won't even call and say man check this out this is wo so it's like gangst Chronicles norm and and and it is what it is well I hope at one point it does you know get worked out because I don't think that the show has the same magic as when you were on and I'll just be honest because I I listen to a lot of those episodes you know well he's a guy that won't like I we were saying earlier he want all the credit and he felt okay once we got this going now he think he can just go on and roll with it from this point and then now he can dish and do the money how he choose to it doesn't seem like it's that much money like it's not like like I'm looking at the YouTube views going like okay the YouTube is essentially zero right I'm looking the like I don't know the deal is on the podcast side but on the YouTube side it's not even hitting like a thousand views sometimes so that's essentially zero right so if there's money on the podcast side I don't know but a lot of times people don't want to admit that things worked because of the combination and the partnership of certain people like Dame Dash could talk all the he wants these days and said that he originated this and he was the main force behind that or whatever else but you look at where he is right now where Jay-Z is right now you could see where the real talent was in that group right exactly you know what I'm saying unfortunately you know Dame has taking his shots at me I don't care but you know we all we all looked up to Dame at one point you know seeing the whole Rockefeller how how big it got but when you look Dame hasn't dropped anything significant in the last like 15 years whereas J boom you know you know goddamn uh you know huge liquor deals you know um huge artists like like you know Beyonce's massive concerts like that this is all the Jay has his hands you know what I'm saying I'm sure in retrospect Dame would like to have been part of all that right so the fact that mob James is not in the Gangster Chronicles the Gangster Chronicles isn't doing all that well should make people think that maybe y'all need to put mob James back in the gangster cron no mob James will never go back there so that's it it's over no I wouldn't I couldn't deal with Norm this a dude I was calling my brother this is a dude that I was giving him credit for helping me and and and when I was in a situation you know what I'm saying this is a guy I sat back and talked to on the phone I had his back I'm if if if somebody touch you in front of me Norman we this is what it is and then the backstab sh okay man I ain't got time for this type of and then he didn't want me to know that he was he done so so many goddamn what Columns of this company shares of this company he probably only got own 5% of the he got like five or six you done sold sold uh 30% 25% 15% he probably don't even own of it so this is why I don't do Partnerships I don't do shares I don't do Investments Vlad TV is own by Vlad and it's nice and clean right you come in you get your check you're not expecting anything on the back end cuz you're getting paid up front and it makes it clean right it makes it easy and that's what I never got into that part of the business mhm where I was concerned about certain so BJ uh um was telling me man this dude is this this dude is that that dude can't this and that with you and I was like okay um I got you let me see what's happening with norm and I should have listened to him but I didn't and we are where we are so I think and I think you know looking at it from the outside looking in if it was me let's just say that I had this idea to start the Gangster Chronicles what I would say is listen I'm going to own it and every time you do a show you're going to get a nice check and as the checks start improving I'll slowly start you know improving improving you more but I'm going to maintain the ownership so nobody has a weird kind of you know feeling that they're not getting with they should be getting or whatever else at any point anyone wants to leave they can leave but I'm going to I'm going to overlook it and I'm going to make sure everyone gets paid fairly right if we had that understanding i' have been cool would it all just think the problem is sometimes when things when someone doesn't have a lot of money things are just starting up you start doing these Partnerships like you know like uh this happened with this other podcast I am athlete like the dude that started it and and financed it there was two other dudes that were sort of going along with it and then when started to blow up they wanted a percentage he didn't want to give a percentage so they all left so now you got to that's where he at you see what I'm saying whated and that's because he probably wasn't paying everyone back then right so people were thinking hey I'm doing all this work for free now that things are going well I want my percentage and it's like we never had that conversation and now you know it's not going to be what it was right this is why I've always just paid everybody and and this is why my relationships with people have always been so solid me and booy we've been rocking for 20 years right booy knows he with me that dude is hilarious man yeah he knows it's clean right he knows he walks away with what I promised him right and whatever happens to me is up to me if I win If I Lose I'm not GNA go back to him and say hey man listen that last interview didn't do well can you give me back half the money no I'll never say that right I take my L's and my wins you know and this is unfortunately not everyone has a lot of business experience and understands this glad I did the same thing with that brother that man asked me could he borrow $3,000 here who is this Norm okay you know doing I mean I was under the impression we was good and then when that last payment came me and that brother ain't spoke a word he won't call he won't say to me and I think that's but other than that the only thing I can do at this point is get in trouble yeah so I'm like it it ain't worth it the way I look at it sometimes is that sometimes you got to monetize your losses like back in the day you know I've said this a lot had a problem I I'll say like this back in the day and I've said this before lots of times people are going to be rolling their eyes right now who are regular black TV viewers I decided to to become a drug dealer in my early 20s me and a guy who I thought was my homie you know I put up 17,000 for a kilo cocaine he came over my house with his son cooked it up made some comments oh something seems to be a little wrong with this or whatever then claimed that it was fake or whatever but the the bottom line is he ripped me off for that 177,000 right I was angry for years about this for years because I couldn't do nothing about it it was either do something violent or just take my L I can't go to the police and say this guy ripped me off for a kilo of cocaine and I remember talking to Freeway Ricky and I was I said this for the first time on camera when I told him this and freeway was like well you do know that if he didn't rip you off you'd probably go to prison and I said I never thought about it that way right right and I said you know something and then I remember I looked at that video and it made a bunch of money and I said you know something I'm gonna keep talking about this on my show and over time I've made more than 177,000 off this loss and me and this guy who I ran into once whatever 20 years ago in the club he no no I'm going pay you I'm going pay you and he never paid me of course if I ever see him again man squash that I don't care right you can keep that 177,000 you got your lick you would have done way better not doing that and with me because I was with him right like if you would have stayed on my team and rolled with what I was doing you would have made Millions but instead you got that 177,000 that was the last dollar you ever got for me and I made way more than that talking about it right you know I'm going to make a chunks just talking about it right now right so at the end of the day instead of responding to your losses with violence or just being angry and bitter about it figure out a way to make money off it well like me personally I'm really ain't tripping off of it I you know I'm not calling texting or none of that it's just another part of my life now I've been through this type of I dealt with this I dealt with it with SH them so I'm cool and and like I said I got more out of it than he's gonna get because I'm I'm still James McDonald I'm still M James yeah I still got my grandson is just me and him going on six six years so I'm good I ain't I ain't gonna run around here telling people I'm mad at Norm Norm but if if if I ain't gonna let him off that easy though but it is what it is well then you and Reggie have your own show together now well me and Reggie do still bombing but we do it a little here and there you know Reggie working out his and doing his which I'm not even tripping off of that yeah I showed up on bomb first yeah we interview me you know what I'm saying oh we had still bom we got still boming yeah bom first is Reggie I don't take nothing that ain't got nothing to do with me but I just do me uh blad I just you know I'm enjoying my time with my grandson school back back home just doing the backyard you we got a garden in our backyard all kind of you know we do we do us so I'm cool with it I ain't got no heart feelings with nobody just leave me the alone well uh the city of compson actually renamed one of his streets to to EAS e that's good that's good that's cool I mean I ain't going I ain't going to on him but I mean all the e e me and every other gang member in compon contribute to something M now what he did with his music and all that for him to be recognized and get a street sign cool I ain't going to knock him for it that's give it to him just just do well uh special ed the rapper did uh drink Champs recently and I interviewed special ed about this as well it's about to drop and he felt that when NWA entered hipop that it brought destruction well maybe that's his opinion it it it it affected people were comforting and all over the place a different way when NWA came and said we had a voice because they was strictly on the police that's how everybody in the hood was feeling so special ed that's that's his opinion yeah but get somebody else's point of view before you say some like that the all the rap they got out today is is talking about killing drinking females dogging the sisters out and whatever so I I don't even listen to this man I think that n NWA was cold I loved NWA man I mean at one point I sort of got a little bored with hip-hop and then when I heard you know easy East first album I was like godamn like this is so good and that's crazy a that didn't even know how to rap yeah but that that's the genius of Dre right to take did that I mean in fact boys in the hood you know if you watch the movie and this actually happened because me and yell talked about this like Ice Cube had wrote that song for some East Coast group and then they just weren't feeling the song so they just like walked out and then Dre was like Hey easy why don't you try because e was financing everything right like why don't you jump in the hoop in the booth and try this and he finally convinced e to do it and he had to just keep punching in punching out because he's real offbeat right and he made a classic boys in the hood was that song that launched NWA right there was many songs afterwards but if you take boys in the hood out of the equation there's a reasonable chance that NWA would have just gone down as one of these underground you know right Uncle Jam's army or you know what I'm saying or or or or Egyptian lover which were which were very well respected groups out of LA but were very underground to this day there is no Uncle Jam's Army movie that's coming out they're not going to be the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Egyptian lovers not like still revered as one of the greatest albums of all time and I'm fans of both these guys so when they hear this and I'm sure they will don't think I'm dissing you guys right you guys just didn't make that NWA impact which is undeniable which is what boys in the hood really triggered but to be fair I remember when I interviewed Alonzo from the world- class wrecking crew and he was heavily involved you know because Dre and yellow was part of the The Wrecking Crew originally he did say this he said that before NWA came out he would throw these shows in La all the time because he was a big promoter he said there a couple gangsters in the in the audience and you know would happen sometimes but he said when after NWA became as big as they were in La it'd be like 70 80% gangsters and it really popularized it and everyone wanted to wear black and everyone wanted to you know even in our neighborhood we listened to that and and they were just speaking some real and everybody gravitated to that yeah and man he has some good music great music so Kudos was to him man he got a sign street sign so kudos to him yeah and then Tupac got a street sign recently also right tacx Shakur way I was actually supposed to be there but life happened I wasn't able to go um and I thought that was dope right and uh just recently we lost um seight from the Dove Shack don't know you don't know who that is guess I won't even mention it um so yeah I mean Tupac getting his own Street and his own Hollywood star and everything else like that I think is dope right it's is interesting how in 2023 there was so many hot artists that were around in 96 that had number one songs that you just don't even remember who they are anymore we just pick and choose who we want to remember yeah you know what I'm saying that's all that about you know you can't forget a e you know what I'm saying Tupac Shakur you can't forget a Tupac because of how he died or the music that he put out you you you you you can't forget them some yeah you know so it's just a pick and choose who you want to remember who you like who you don't like I mean unfortunately a lot of it comes with dying young because I mean sh sh even said this in his podcast he said that you don't see Tupac with a beer belly and gray hair will yeah you saw him at his height goodlooking shirt off you know what I'm saying was Tupac man 25 25 years old 25 years old I'm 50 he was half my age exactly 25 and he got and people still remember him people people still love him yeah people still fighting over him yeah like what the hell people get arrested over him right now man so 25 years old man come on man the average one of us ain't going to see that no none of us are going to see it t Tupac was special he he he was man and the body own kind of way yeah he was he was different and um you know me being part of the Tupac story you know I mean because it's interesting to me I mean someone had pointed this out I remember I was talking to Edy from The Outlaws and he was like CUA I really got my start in hip hop when I made a Tupac mixtape it was called rap phenomenon okay it was me Dirty Harry and Green Lantern Dirty Harry was Nas's DJ at the time and Greenland was Em's DJ at the time so me this I was the new the new kid on the Block okay I'd put together this mixtape with these two guys and we took all these Tupac vocals and put different beats on them and then got all these other rappers to do verses like Alicia Keys and Buster ryes and um exhibit and Y clef and whatever and it be it turned into you know we got mixtape of the Year okay back when they had the mixtape Awards and um you know I remember when I first met Edy he said man he said you know how many of those mixtapes I signed my autograph on like you know it was like CU people would have him sign because it was such a big mixtape and he was like man you went from you know from doing a Tupac mixtape to being involved in the solving of his murder is you know that's a lie it's historical right you know like I'm now part of the Tupac story in my own way and that brings a certain level of Pride to who I am right because I remember when I first moved to LA in 2008 I was hanging out with this dude who's a who was like he told me who killed Tupac he was like it was Orlando I know him uh you know I I know his people this is what happened and he even said he's he like look this is how it works vad you my homie if we're walking down the street and a bunch of dudes jump on you and beat the out of you I'll go grab my gun and go shoot at him this is just how we operate right luckily that never had to happen but he's like this is and that's what happened that night a whole bunch of dudes jumped on somebody who was you know unlike me an actual gang member right and they one got their gun and they retaliated I've been telling you that all time and this is what happened that's the way and now as we can see with this Kefi situation it's now on paperwork right as to what happened and you know we'll see I don't wish you know and and people ask me like this is why I'm not cooperating with with Las Vegas PD because my goal is not was never to put Kefi in jail right I don't want Kefi in jail if Kei was found not guilty walked away I think that would be great yeah let him go and live his life let a 61y old man I don't want to see Kefi in jail it brings me no pleasure that Kefi is locked up right now when people would ask how do you feel I said I don't feel any type of way I solved the case four years ago in my mind I put it out there right the fact that Lo because I remember like people around me like yo like yo key just got arrested yo this is crazy like I didn't really realize until people like Pierce Morgan started calling me up for interviews and like that like oh people really care about my role this much yeah but to me it was I didn't care right you know like I said I hope Kei walks away from this and lives off the rest of his life but we don't know what's going to happen it's not in my hands but the end of the day I'm tied into the Tupac story my way you're tied into the Tupac story in your way Suge is tied into his way and ultimately the way that we've gone about it is where we leave ourselves or where we are right now to this day well I just think this time to let that man rest yeah and and whatever happens with Ki D he win or lose is over yeah all the other guys are gone it's over you know what I'm saying and and all these people on social media can let that go yeah that's how we're gonna end it mob James always a pleasure until next time peace all the time
Channel: djvlad
Views: 191,998
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Id: 7OaLgy8KQCA
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Length: 160min 9sec (9609 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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