How to Make Awesome Smoked Salmon Candy!

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hey piscatorial el combate to the channel here Washington State we're on the shelter in place and can't even go fishing hope you guys are at home staying safe and healthy figured since it at home might as well do another video and this can be a video that takes a little time as far as the smoked salmon goes today we're doing one on candy smoked salmon alright so for this smoked candy salmon recipe we're just going to need these simple ingredients we're gonna need the canning pickling salt turbinado cane sugar which is just pure cane sugar then 100% real honey just using the Walmart brand and then pure maple syrup and of course salmon now you saw in the last video we had some pretty good success out at the Everett black mouth Derby and so here's some of the black mouth from that Derby and we're gonna smoke that up today so you're just gonna you just you know whatever Sam you like you can use you know king salmon sockeye salmon coho it all works just great then you're gonna need a a plastic or glass container for the brine alright so now let's show you how to put this brine together and get this process started okay so the first thing we're going to need is water so I have four cups of water that we're gonna pour into the tray and now I'm doing kind of a smaller batch just some of the less premium pieces of the same if you're doing a whole salmon you might want to double this recipe do 8 cups of water and then the next thing we're going to add to that is the canning pickling salt I'm doing about 3/8 of a cup if you're doubling the recipe probably 3/4 but 3/8 of a cup of the king pickling salt just kind of spread that in there then we're gonna use the turbinado of cane sugar alright and we're just going to have the king sugar in there like so a whole two pounds of sugar then we're going to take the real maple syrup and again this is a 32 ounce bottle of maple syrup and so we're just going to go ahead and pour the whole contents the whole container in there like so yeah this brine the recipe amma showing he's gonna cost you right around 20 25 bucks and ingredients so it's a little spendy but this is definitely some good smoked salmon about 20 years ago I would say almost I went up to British Columbia for a family vacation we did a fishing trip and we got some of the same we caught a smoked up there and one of the processes was this candied salmon I'd never heard of it before and it's just absolutely delicious but it is a little time consuming to make it and I got nothing but time right now so I figured might as well show you guys how to do it now we have the honey and we're gonna pour this whole container of honey in there and then you're just gonna want to let this kind of dissolve you're gonna take a just go ahead and mix it up a little bit and then let the sugar and the salt kind of dissolve into the solution all right so once we got our brine stirred up the next thing we've got to do is cut our salmon into strips you're gonna want to make sure you pull all the pin bones debone the semen which I've already done and then just to show you you're gonna kind of do about anywhere between a half to a three-quarter inch strip just like that and then you should be set for this this one's gonna be a little bit smaller I want to have a really sharp knife I'm using a Dexter Russell fillet knife all right guys so all the pieces are cut now we're just going to put them in the brine okay so as you can see all the sugar and salt is dissolved and we just have a liquid brine and you're just going to drop the strips of salmon into the brine and then this Brian can go anywhere from about 11 to 14 or 15 hours I'm gonna shoot for probably a 12 hour brine so this is gonna soak in here overnight and just go ahead and drop those salmon in and then this will go covered in the frigerator you want to agitate it every couple hours until you know if you're you're doing this during the daytime you can do it throughout the day I'm going to be doing this one overnight so I'll agitate it every couple hours till I go to bed and then tomorrow morning we'll go ahead and take these out to dry they'll have a lot different look they'll be a lot darker and you'll see the next steps tomorrow all right guys it's the next morning one thing you want to do for this smoked salmon recipe is take the oven rack out of your oven hopefully have a few solo cups laying around and get the rack elevated because that's what we're gonna hang the salmon on now it's time to go to the refrigerator and get those salmon pieces out of the brine alright so this is what the salmon pieces look like after a nice long soak of about 12 hours and now it's time to hang them on the rack and put a toothpick through like so and then you're just gonna hang them on the rack to air-dry this air drying process is going to take probably at least 24 hours so like I said earlier it's definitely not a quick process but definitely well worth the time and effort keep putting them on the rack and make sure that your racks high enough that they hang freely and I'll have the rest of these done here in a minute alright so we've got all the pieces hung up one of the things you might see happen is some of the pieces sometimes we pull through the toothpicks so keep an eye out for that if that happens just kind of toothpick the other end still gonna taste the same once it's all smoked the other thing I didn't have any newspaper but might be a great idea to put a newspaper down because as you can see my paper towels are soaking through but it's what I got right now and we're sheltering in place so we'll make the best of it and we have soap and sponges so we can clean that up later but basically we're gonna let this sit now for at least 24 hours so I'll see you guys tomorrow all right guys what's the next morning and it's time to get this salmon in the smoker yeah it looks really good didn't check out this one here I don't know yeah that's maybe better light I'll put it up by the light and you can see kind of how translucent that salmon is it just looks like candy so anyway we're gonna get these loaded in the smoker and get that smoker process started all right guys so we're back at the masterbuilt smoker as you can see it looks a little different than last time it has this side box attachment and basically what that is is a cold smoking attachment so it's not using the heating element in the actual smoker but a second air unit and it's just going to push that smoke in and what that's gonna do is give your smoker a lower temperature so it's going to allow that candied salmon to absorb the smoke without drying out as fast so we're gonna tribe out I'm thinking four to five hours today well check in three hours it's already starting to roll some smoke but we got the salmon in there and hopefully it comes out good so just wanted to kind of show you the setup I have two racks in there with the thinner pieces up top and the fatter pieces towards the bottom because the heats rising from the bottom so it'll cook those ones faster and not dry out the top skinnier pieces anyway we'll check back in three hours all right so our three hours into the smoking process I added a little external temp probe into the smoker since we have it turned off we're only rolling like 75 degrees so it might take a little bit longer but still good to check it so that's what we're gonna do just see how these are looking here yeah they still got a bit of time so we'll put them back in don't lose all that heat there's not much of it and we'll check back later alright guys so I ended up actually smoking this salmon for right about 6 hours today it's been kind of a crazy day it's been raining and then the sun's been coming out and it's been raining and so I was having a difficult time getting that temperature up to that 120 mark so for the last hour I cheated a little bit plug the smoker in and brought the temp to 120 I brought the thermometer out you can see there it's a got an internal temp of about 118 but should be done now and yeah it looks like it's where I want it to be will bring it inside give a little taste test alright guys so there's the finished product you got candied smoked salmon right on the plate just break that apart a little dry in the thinner spots but absolutely delicious let's take a test right now oh here we go mm-hmm yep that is good stuff um you can you know kick a little bit longer or trick times I mentioned you just got to kind of play around with it but it's definitely a delicious recipe takes a few days but if you have to stay at home right now you might as well give it a shot go out to your freezer grab some salmon if you don't have any salmon in your freezer on your next grocery store trip by some wild caught salmon and give it a try and let me know what you think and as always guys hope to stay safe out there and tight lines to you when you go fishing next [Music]
Channel: The Piscatorian
Views: 15,000
Rating: 4.9250002 out of 5
Keywords: masterbuilt smoker, salmon, smoked salmon, salmon candy, delicious, tasty, awesome, homemade, home cooking, smoked fish, how to
Id: DS4clLDRscg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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