Easy to Make Beef Jerky with Ground Meat

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hi I'm buzz Ramsey and we're here today to talk about how to make ground turkey ground meat into jerky strips using a jerky gun the smokehouse jerky gun with some drying screens and and your favorite smokehouse which might be a little chief or Big Chief smokehouse and so now you can do this with ground meat we've got ground hamburger here that works for this ground venison you know if you're a hunter you can use ground venison that you maybe mix of oh I don't know 10 to 15% you know that with grind it and just make it into your regular hamburger and so we're just going to add a spice to it and so and then we're going to put in the gun and make jerky so this ground meat I'm just going to put it in a mixing bowl now I'm going to do about the package of the mix we'll do about 10 to 15 pounds of meat now that depends on your taste if you are you know if you like a little spicier a little more flavor you can you know use a little less meat with it you can also cut it into batches now here I want to do just enough so I can fill a little cheap smokehouse so I'm going to do about three and a half pounds of ground meat I'm going to do it in two batches and it takes about the recommended recipe is about one tablespoon per pound to me now we like a little spice here so we're going to pep it up a little bit but you can do it however you want depending on your your taste so I'm going to do about like I say about a half batch so I've got about 1 and 3/4 pounds of meat here and so I'm going to add three now I just took one of the packages and dumped it in the bowl now I'm going to take 3 tablespoons about three and a half tablespoons of the mix and just put it right on the meat now what I like to do for this is a little bit on I want to put two on there so far so I'm going to get this work in there a little bit gloves good deal for this and pics in there a little bit roll it over the big thing when you're mixing it is to get evenly spread out through the meat so we're going to do that by shaking it around if you just dump it in there it's going to be a lot harder to mix with meat then if you if you then if you spread it around all mix this up real good and take me several minutes here and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to let this I like to let this bowl once I mix this really well I let this sit out for about 3-4 hours just a room temperature and that allows the spice to permeate the meat and once that's done I'm going to load it in the gun we're going to show you that too and we're going to put it on the on the drawing screens okay so we've had so we've let our on meat sit for three or four hours just just out in room temperatures fine and allow the spice to permeate the meat and so now we're going to load it in our jerky gun and and put it on drying racks now there's two nozzles for this there's a you can make round jerky just like just like you buy in the store or you can make flat strips there's two different nozzles for this so we're just going to load the meat in here now what I like to do is just put it in the tube because you do get some air in there and I like to load it in the tube before it's it's you know you hook it up to the to the gun okay so then I'm going to take this plunger and it's good if it's out just a little ways on there and just fit it in there it's pretty tight fitting and then screw it right on to the gun okay so then my meats on this end of course and we're going to start off doing round just like a regular pepperoni making pepperoni with ground beef so then we just put the nozzle on real easy and now it's ready to go this is just like a you know this is for for food use but it works just like us like a grease gun now I've taken my screens my screens for a little cheap member we're doing three and a half pounds of meat which is about right for little chief and I've taken my drying screens and I sprayed them down with a nonstick spray so that you know the pepperoni won't stick to the screens and now we're just going to apply it on there you just line it up and actually you can put these pretty close together so you can get a lot in here and we're just going to make round pepperoni pepperoni strips so you're making beef jerky out of ground beef is all we're doing and of course like I mentioned you can do it with venison - ground venison you stick that venison and grind it at about ten percent beef fat beef or pork works and you can do it with you can make this out of your venison trim what we do with a deer elk or game like that became is will will grind it ourselves and then we'll mix actually will sometimes mix about a about a third pork shoulder that will just be pretty inexpensive and will allow you to extend the amount of meat you have you know add to it a lot and then we'll add about ten percent beef or pork fat to it and then you got a whole lotta a lot of really good hamburger if you make breakfast sausage out of it it's still a lot leaner than the breakfast sausage might buy even with those ratios okay so we we ran one tube of meat through there so I just took the end off unscrewed it there's a little bit of meat there right on the plunger and I'm going to move that plunger back and back to the bottom I'm just going to undo it and fill it right up again and on this next one we're going to put a different different head on it and and show you how to make this group the strip pepperoni so now we're just going to put the other nozzle on and this will give us flat strips we filled our filled the gun pulls about a pound and line that up and we're going to take this screen and we're going to set it right over the one with the round pepperoni style we're going to put it right on our smoker smoker rack here it just goes right on your screen sets right on the rack in the smoker and so now we're going to another screen and we're going to do it again you'd think that this would stick to the screens but I'll take it these screens are real no stick and if you have a little little no stick stuff to it they they clean up real easy you lift this bit when this pepperonis done as you'll see it just lifts right off no problem and you can put these real close together you just want a little gap so the smoke can get between the between the strips and you're good okay now we've we've loaded we did one one tray around and three of the strip jerky and now this is something that most people don't do but those are their veterans that this do they'll add a little more of the seasoning to the jerky by just simply sprinkling some on it'll permeate into the meat and give you an instant jerky flavor when you when you bite into this so you just sprinkle a little bit on top of each strip just a little if you don't like if you think this is going to give you too much spice then what you do is you just back off on the amount of spice you initially mix with the jerky or with your meat your ground meat and and then your because you're adding a little more here now we like a little spicy so yeah we pep it up a little and then we have to throw a little just sprinkle a little bit on top and you can do this to you around your round shapes too real easy just a nice light little coating on here and this will this will give you a real a real distinct jerky flavor okay so we've got our our screens loaded up and on the rack now we're using a little chief top-load smoker and I know there's people who like the top load people like the front load we like the top load because a lot of times when we prepare our meat or fish we do it in the kitchen and then we take it take the full rack down and load it in our smoker with one easy step rather than making multiple trips with different trays of meat okay so we've got our ground meat jerky it's on our drying screens just slid them in on top of the on top of the grills on the smokehouse and we're going to drop it into the smoker really easy that's what we like about the top load it's one easy step from your kitchen to your you're smoking location and then we're going to add a pan of chips for our smoke flavor remember you want it you're using your smoker outside right on a non-combustible surface really important actually there are I think four different flavors of chips Hickory apple cherry alder and mesquite that's five and there they all have their own unique flavor some are real mild like alder Hickory has a distinct flavor and is is probably the wood used most with jerky and that's what we're going to use today the the chunks come with the smokehouse chunks these are the chunks which are a little bigger they smoke a little longer the chips are more finely ground a lot of times what we'll do is we'll use a few of the bigger chunks in the pan now these are a feeder cut up into little chunks and then we'll add some of the finer chips on top you can fill it up pretty good just panel chips we'll smoke for about an hour or less a little more of course with the chunks in there and you just put that into the front of the smoker smoker door right on the heating element and it won't take long and those chips will start to combust and it'll add the smoke flavor to your smoker now your your jerky like this is going to take you know this smokehouse will run depending on the outside temperature it's going to run probably minimum 140 degrees up to maybe a little over 200 degrees and which is the range for pasteurization and in this smoker you know with the with those temperatures you're going to look at two three four hours of smoking time doesn't take a long time for this jerky the idea this is you want to cook slowly or smoke slowly with that heat to gradually take the moisture out of the meat if you cook it with a real hot smokehouse of some sort it's going to cook it real quick and it's not going to be as good so drying it out and getting it just to the texture you like so it's good to check on it about every 30 minutes or so and get the texture you like you can press on it kind of feel it go okay that's the yummy flavor I like now the drier you make it the longer it's going to last I mean you can turn this into shoe leather if you like I don't like it that way but if you do it'll keep for a long time without refrigeration but most people keep this in the refrigerator they're trying to hide it from their kids and all their friends and it goes pretty quick so this will keep you know even with a fairly good moisture content and the real good flavor it's going to keep in the refrigerator for a few weeks or more so and we usually store it in the refrigerator in a you know in a paper bag with maybe some paper towels in the bottom so it can breathe a little bit that's a really good good thing to do so we're going to check on this in a few minutes and should be done before we know it okay our little chief is starting to smoke so we've got our ground beef jerkey going in here and it'll take well given this temperature by three four hours to get the right doneness and the right amount of smoke flavor that you know we like but this is what the final product will look like we've got our round round shapes and our flat shape shaped jerky here and and this is just the right texture we like because we're doing it ourselves we've got good quality meat here and we've added just the right amount of flavor with our with our rub that we want the right intensity with the right flavor that we really like and so you know this doesn't last long around our house and I'm sure won't last long around yours either
Channel: Smokehouse Products
Views: 707,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meat (Food), Jerky (Dish), Ground Meat (Food), Food (TV Genre), Smokehouse (Cuisine), Big Chief, Little Chief, Smoker, Beef (Food), Cooking, Kitchen, Recipe, Restaurant, Recipes
Id: ZpiOSbPzRrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 29 2015
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