How to Make Fish Jerky

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hi Howie the butcher back got the great new idea for you fish jerky I love it I'm a fisherman always have extra fish usually and in Flint they're not hiding reason for it if you like jerky you like fish you're gonna love this also it's great it doesn't mean refrigeration I do keep it on the long term and the refrigerator doesn't have to be though you take a longer trips anywhere it just like any other jerky lasts for quite a while there we go the materials that you need to make your fish jerky first of all a dehydrator or an oven you can do them you know no more than 150 degrees two pounds of white bass or any fish that you have extra want to go buy whatever doesn't matter it's all good just don't use well ice to get a fish soy sauce any brand any time you want to use low sodium whatever garlic powder onion powder black pepper now if your guy that likes a lot of spice a lot of heat you can read that cayenne pepper and a really unique seasoning white pepper is really good on there so if you almost buy sit up and your extra pepper if not this is this is a pretty good pretty good the recipe right here you're gonna need a sharp knife we covered that in a previous video so check it out I'll go ahead and steal it even though I'm not pretty sure and then we're gonna start slicing our fish in the scripts so now all you need is patience you will take five or six hours to get dry so we'll get started I'll show you how to do it okay step one we're going to slice the fish now we want to get keep them as consistent as we can you want a quarter inch or less and try and get a uniform slices you can it'll drive more evenly so you want to go across this was just half a filet s how it was originally you want to go across the grain I can use your sharp knife and just cut nice little even spirits it's just like that folks not that difficult but likes to keep it as consistent as you can alright here's all of our fish all cut up quarter-inch strips or less nice little strips they'll turn out great and dehydrator or oven and then we'll get started with our seasoning I always start with soy sauce I don't can't tell you the exact amount I just put it up until it gets saturated I suppose maybe I don't know third cup the most probably for two pounds and we'll let that set and soak up I'll mix it around so it gets all nice and saturated you can tell already this fish saturates the soil saturates really fast and fish so it doesn't you don't have to let it set a long time like like beef you might want to let set longer to get the seasonings worked in it real good so you can tell it's already you can tell from the color Tory's soaking in the fish but it doesn't take long okay got our soaked up now we're gonna add our other seasonings it doesn't matter which order you use garlic I can't get enough garlic I just load it up again amount I basically just covered the top of it till it looks like it's completely covered I'll do the same with the onion powder just that it's a nice blend that really they really complement each other really turns out a nice flavored fish black pepper can't have too much pepper for me and again if you want you want to add some teeth to it you got your Cayenne habanero white pepper whatever it's all good this I'm not gonna have the hot pepper cuz I'm going to share this with people that work and family but don't look like the heat like I do so now I got it all covered real good now I'm gonna remix it and I may need to feel it less may feel I need to add more few things and I'll do that it's the only seasoning you can from in my opinion that you can overdo is sodium you can over salt something and once this is all saturated it's plenty of salt from that from the story so there you she could smell it folks I almost want to eat it raw but I'm gonna go ahead and dehydrate it okay now to the dehydrator I had this whole thing about oh gosh over 10 years maybe 20 thousands of pounds of jerky on it originally fry cost me 59 bucks I know they're more than that now but if you use it a lot it pays off definitely you've seen the price of jerky in the stores this is the old style what the air comes from the bottom I'm really love it I don't know if they make them like this anymore there's a lot of a lot of different brands I pop these extra trays for this one I can get about 6 on ADD time on this so we're gonna put our strips our fish strips on the trade and you don't want to be touching I've got plenty to trade so I don't have to get real crazy about lean them in real close look I've got plenty of space for all of it so I just and then make sure they're laid out even not twisted not touching well it smells good people I'm telling you I'm gonna grab one and eat it no I'm not I don't like sushi well I do like sushi with all right we'll call that giving on that layer just keep building their up okay in summary which slice the fish we seasoned it we got it on the dehydrator or your oven if you don't have any hydrated again if you use that I would you're gonna be able to use to put on a cookie sheet because obviously you can't put it on the oven rack make a mess for one thing but if you can and don't have given dehydrator they're all so much you love jerky okay put the lid on this has different settings the highest it'll go is 145 and it'll stay right on for me vegetables whatever so typically when you're drying any kind of meat you'll use a high setting your dehydrator will explain that to you if you got one plug it in to hear it running you can smell it oh man I can't wait I have to go okay so five six hours we'll check in in about four hours feel the consistency how firm is give me some we'll get them before others because I don't have 100% even slices that's okay lay it on a paper towel plate with a paper towel let it cool before you package it so that's it for now we'll get back when it's done we'll have a piece of jerky maybe a bear pop whatever water I'll you the butcher back there comes a really fun part the smell here driving me nuts I'm glad this stuff get done and finally have a piece here's what it looks like when it's done this long it looks like my crumble fall apart it's great chewie great flavor I'm loving it you can still make this hot if you want to before it cooled down you take the pieces up put the tie in on it habanero whatever white pepper go for it right so we're in second piece for pliability kind of spongy yet I'm gonna let it go a little bit little bit spongy listen I think pretty much done you can go a little bit longer let's go see she'll fight sailfin second you take that we've done you can't get a hundred percent when you swipe from that you know directly [Music] it'll fill it'll feel pretty tight very little give to it all right we're gonna leave the rest on it may take up this full six hours for all of it but basically it's done deal again you want to slice it up go for it it's up to you just for cool down alright so now we're gonna let it cool for 10 15 20 minutes that don't matter then we're gonna put it in a ziplock bags and we're gonna I'll keep it in refrigerator you don't have to again planting strip tailgating whatever doesn't need refrigeration enjoy remember you don't know me know your meat man you
Channel: Howie The Butcher
Views: 36,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make Fish Jerky
Id: B0wgqYIUAZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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