Old Fashioned Hamburger Steak and Gravy | Comfort Food Perfection #classicrecipes #comfortfood

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we're talking about Classics today and yeah them are Classics but this is one you can eat hamburger steak and gravy don't get no better than [Music] that an old classic today no not me and the beig I'm talking about a hamburger steak with that good Brown Onion gravy that goes on top my mother used to treat us to this on a lot of special occasions when she'd set this on the table because when we could pair this with biscuits and gravy and mashed potatoes man we thought we was eating high on the hog we did and it's really simple you just got to start out with good meat and get things to go on and I think we ought to start so we have about a pound and a half of 8020 ground chuck remember from a previous video I told you if you're going to get ground meat grap make sure it is ground chuck and 8020 we need the fat so we have four garlic cloves that is minced right here we're going to go ahead and just dump in there Shan said them onions were in the state of Nevada of her honor they are and they are what I would call what Shen finally chopped finally chopped now go ahead and put them in there and we're going to go ahead and mix that a little by hand we are just to get everything sort of started and Incorporated well hi big yes this is beef but big the beef has onion in it so sorry Budd you're out of luck right now you are we got to have some as what just on wison said Leon pin W sauce makes everything better we're going to go about that much on it now my mother blessed her heart I loved her so and she was a great cook this would be about as far as she went and then she might put some salt and pepper in it now we're going to come in there with some of our original seasoning and season it but then we're going to add just a little bit more black pepper to it I fixed this on ranches before I have many times for Cowboys especially on days where I knew they' had a long morning and I'm thinking you know that old classic hamburger steak would be really good and to me this just makes it better folks and that is some of that there oh my gosh parmesan cheese grated in the little plastic bottle if we can get in it now we're going to add about 34 to a cup don't be afraid to go overboard you will be all right we just need to mix it really good the parmesan cheese really sort of acts as a binding agent too which is going to bring it all together we're going to grate us some butter right in here in it we are just keep running her down through there why are you grating it because it incor it's actually shred because it incorporates into the meat better that way all the meat will get that buttery taste to it all right let's go to mixing it one last time make sure that everybody's got some of that love you don't see no parmesan cheese laying around down in there loose this is a pound and a half so I know we're going to at least get four out of here so get them in a ball pretty good shape and we're just going to see that we get pretty well four equal balls before we go any [Music] further so get these in a shape that you want you can make them as thick or as thin oblong Square rectangle I don't care but you can see the butter and the parmesan in each one of them it's that time I'll meet you over at Bera and we'll get them to going hot it is over here by Bertha in goes the rest of that butter that was 34 of stick we're going to use the rest of it right in here let it get hot I would say you'd be about a medium heat while that butter is melting right a along let's go ahead and put these in there this is what you call a one pop meal too so there's not a whole lot of dishwashing which sometimes I like but the beagle and major ain't too much for we're going to Brown These and get nearly Plum done before we ever take them out of there so ground beef temperature is about 140 when you pan fry in something like this and we're going to cook them a little under that because when they go back in the gravy and everything that goes with it they'll be done just right one of the first ranches that I was cooking on with Silverbrook Ranch down there south of abene and uh they used their wagon and their team which was probably the worst team I ever drove in my life uh but also them boys each out a house and home usually a crew for me was something like maybe 10 to 12 people 13 down there it was like 17 to 25 he was sort of some one of them surprises most days and the first meal in at noon you know I like to have a chicken fried steak gravy mashed potatoes all that stuff and uh there was a bunch of oldtimers in the crew and they was talking about Classics and about old classic horses and classic movies that they' seen through the years and I'm thinking tomorrow we going to break out a classic just for them old men and uh I remember cuz they furnished the beef and that day they told me they'd be about five extra for lunch so we was cooking for about 26 well I C about 10 lbs of meat and I made some of the biggest hamburger steaks I believe I ever made in my life that's probably this big around about that thick put them in that old 20-in Skillet and cook them down to where that's just right and then when them boys come in there and I just poured that gravy over the top of that meat and just let it go to bubbling in there and you never seen any older in your life that would come under the fly of the wagon and ask you what was going on or what was happening but I remember old Ed's was just sort of like an old goose neck just reaching way over as f as he could and I hear him tell one of them others that looks like hamburger steak and gravy right there I hope he's got some mashed tatoes to go with him well I filled them boys up so much that day when they got through eating they were going to go back soon as they did after lunch but I remember old Ed tell them hang on we just going to sit here and wait till that settles they got to camp at 12:00 they left at 2:30 that's what you call filling them up making them do it [Music] right [Music] now you can see as we were flipping them that some of them tried to want to fall apart that's that parmesan cheese and all that stuff that's getting really good and tender in there and it just wants to just break out but if you'll make these chill them in the ice box about 30 45 minutes ahead of time before you do this you won't have no trouble at all well meat is done it is I done slice me up a white onion we need to get it in there so it can cook now you remember we put that rest of that leftover butter in there that we had that's going to help them onions too as it goes along there with that meat grease so we're going to let these cook till they get pretty good translucent and pretty soft and then we'll add the rest of the gravy making to it as them onions is simmering right along over there on Bera you got to have gravy with this and we're going to use half and half that's what's in my recipe and it is about a cup a half and half which is about half of this jug right here so that's about that much to that some more of that d w sauce cuz you got to have it Justin Wilson would be proud he would we're going to add a little garlic powder and a little onion powder and to that a cup of beef broth going to add that gravy to that onion mixture over there Stir It Up and let it come to a really good simmer to where it's boiling a little bit and then we're going to add some corn starch which is just cold water and cornstarch cuz we need a thickening agent and we're going to let that cook till it gets thick then we're going to add our hamburger steaks back to it and we're going to try to just let them come to a low Slimmer Slimmer Slimmer that was not a word NOP we're going to let it come to a low simmer and just sit there and just sort of all them flavors Blended together for about 10 to 15 minutes then we going to eat [Music] [Music] it [Music] oo that dog hunt right there I'm telling you that is a fine meal I have served that to many Cowboys I have but my mother like I said graced it on our table so many times and really my way of serving it is like I did I dish the potatoes down there first then a layer of gravy then the meat then more gravy because you can't never go wrong with gravy you can also bake this dish when you get that hamburger meat and everything done and put it back in that gravy if you want to slide it in the oven and let it bake for 15 20 minutes you can and it's a great dish that if you want to cook in a dutch oven because it's so easy to cook you can see the top and the bottom everything is good to go but me I'm going to have a bite it's going to be good [Music] bab thank you Mama so much sugar for putting that on our table so many times this is probably one of the better classic meals that I think that I've ever eat in my life because it just brings back a flood of memories from from old Cowboys to sitting at my mother's table to having this in cafes so many years ago I had some really good help today where they at Mage are you here going have some potatoes M I didn't know he was having potatoes be be said I really don't like potatoes he doesn't like potatoes it's one of the few things I've never seen him eat and broccoli Lou says she doesn't mind big would you like if it had a little gravy on it B oh maybe not maybe if it had just a little bit of gravy there ain't no onions in there how would you like that but you've had yours big said I don't mind them if they got gravy be sure and check out that events page because we got some good times coming up we do Ritz Theater over there in Wellington Texas March 29th me and the cleverly are going to be doing a show but y'all going to get to eat a meal that we prepared and hey I'm just going to go ahead and just give you a tip right now big old center cut pork chop m going to be good it is we appreciate you we really do yall are family to me and Shan and all the pups and let's make this world a better place and uh let's be a better friend and a better neighbor to each and everyone out there but it is with pride honor and privilege that I take my hat off to all the veterans the servicemen and the women all those folks keeping that old flag of flying over camp we commend you all we do rest of you get on up in here quick cuzz this old classic is fit to eat this classic it is big hug God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the best hamburger steak Trail ever gosh howdy Duty fruity toti why do you always put on gloves cuz like hamburger meat gets under my wedding ring oh really well I think it was 1993 one of the first ranches that I cooked on the silver book starting over
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 502,001
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Keywords: hamburger steak, hamburger steak and gravy, hamburger steak recipe, hamburger steak with onions and gravy, salisbury steak, salisbury steak recipe, kent rollins steak, cowboy kent rollins steak, poor man's steak, hamburger gravy, hamburger gravy over mashed potatoes, hamburger gravy and onions, gravy recipe, cream gravy recipe, white gravy recipe, comfort food, onepot meal, classic recipe, gravy, best hamburger steak, brown gravy recipe, cowboy cooking, ranch recipes
Id: T-YTvdVh6lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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