How to Cook Rabbit Two Ways | Deep Fried Rabbit and Hasenpfeffer

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y'all been asking for it for a while you have and what is it rabbit yeah we're talking doing rabbit two ways one crispy golden fried up so nice and tender and the other oh a brine solution that is going with what a hoss and pepper rabbit come on folks cause we're hopping down the trail [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on a wonderful day and we're back down here on the ranchero we are and um things is looking good and what are we talking about today rabbit yeah you heard me hop and hop and hop and hop it dog well the rabbit dog as y'all can see is on strike he says he's had enough now folks when you talk about rabbit and you watched any old western movie or any movie a long time ago what they do had a rabbit sticking over the fire now that poor rabbit they didn't cook that thing's pieces dried out but when you didn't have nothing to eat i bet it was pretty good dining but we're doing rabbit two ways today a deep fried rabbit and what hassan fever y'all didn't know i could say that word did you it comes from germany and hassan means hair which is really what they call rabbits in that country and pfeffer mean pepper so hair pepper now it's not something you put on your scalp it's something that we're going to cook but we're going to cowboy it up do our style of huss and pepper but folks when we as little we eat so many cottontail rabbits going out there going hunting and just getting us a rabbit mom would come back in she'd either stew it or she had fry it now we're gonna fix it up fried it's got a golden crust on it that is oh so crispy crunchy you'll be wanting to dip it in the gravy every bite folks when you get that rabbit and it's gonna come most the time to you cleaned but always check that chest cavity open him up make sure that the heart is gone the lungs the liver kidneys all that stuff and folks be really telling me from over there across the water that if you want to save the best part of that rabbit save them kidneys and that liver it is really good i never have eaten but if y'all have let me know what you think about them i never was that kind of fan so to marinate a rabbit is going to help a rabbit get tender now i used to do deer meat the same way but it really works well on rabbit and today for the deep fried rabbit we're using a buttermilk base but it's got some thyme got some rosemary in there things that are going to help it break down and get tender now when you got it in there soaking and folks it needs to soak overnight now you can see when he comes out of there ain't he pretty all dressed up and he got a little green stuff on him which is some of that rosemary and all that now i like to if you can go ahead and get some of this off of him while he's here under that pan because all that needs to come off and we're not going to wash this rabbit but we are going to dry him here in a minute so let's lay him out here on the board i don't want to hit and split that breast bone open to where he would because it comes just like that folks so i cut it to where he would lay a little flatter in that solution but folks i like to start right here at the back just go ahead and peel that leg on over there come right up here to the front do the same and then you can just take that rabbit and he ought to just twist right out of there and there you have what you call a rabbit leg now what happened to the other parts you put in your pocket for good luck shin oh yes i don't know i had a rabbit foot did you you had a rabbit foot did you yeah you remember they had them on key chains uh-huh did bring you good luck it sure did you yup me that is right now i like to sort of split this up now we got this piece this piece and if you want to score it to where you sort of think well that's pretty even and then that's pretty even and then that's pretty even so just take her through there helps if you got a sharp knife and just chop through that backbone there is another piece of rabbit one more piece of rabbit another one and we're not through yet because see that good loin and all that meat in there now we need to go ahead and get rid of some of this rib so let's go ahead and break it on out here like this pull him down to where you can actually get to that rib meat a little better and get rid of some of that because even the big likes more meat on his rabbit than that so we're gonna discard that rib cartilage get over here and get this other side i'll tell you what worked really even better than that would be a hash knife now pull his front leg out of the way a little don't get your finger in there cut them ribs out all right now you can see we got this piece here with this i like to go ahead and cut them front legs off right there they'll cut just so pretty easy right into cutting right at that joint you can find it right there and what's left is what we call not a whole lot so really you could stew this down give it to the beagle but today we're just going to use these really good cuts right here folks and you ask yourself what does rabbit taste like cowboy can well to me rabbit tastes like rabbit but really folks it's sort of a cross between a maybe a chicken and a pheasant to me something that's a little more wild and gamey but these can be fixed in so many ways to where you can make these tender but folks we're going to deep fry them we're going to let them set right here go ahead and dry them off then we'll get the dredge mixed and the wet mixed up and i'll meet you back over here in just a second well we got that rabbit out got her cleaned up got us a towel and dried it all off picked everything off there pretty clean and you want it good and dry because that way it's going ahead and let that flour and everything stick to it better now i got two cups all-purpose flour in here with a little garlic powder we're going to add a little baking powder to that i don't know which way the wind's blowing looks like that way today shin and a little bit of cornstarch because you know the baking powder is going to make it pop a little but you know the cornstarch is going to make it adhere to that piece of meat that is to but also give it a little better crust too now to that our original seasoning now they ain't the one place to get it that i know of and that is at so we're gonna put some of it in there if we can get the wind to blow it in our direction which is about that much some smoked paprika and everything that we use today folks will be listed down there in the little link below for the recipe some coarse ground black pepper some mustard powder and guess what there was some celery salt on there also so when you got all that in there we need to just mix it up really well and we got one more secret ingredient that i think goes good in anything that you deep fry anymore and it just has a very unique flavor to me it does and what is that whole oregano now you can see it as we get it up there close to the camera it's just been picked and dried now folks this stuff has so much more flavor crumble it up good get her in there then we're going to put together the whip well for the wet mixture you see me use what some buttermilk some egg whites and a secret ingredient that me and only the colonel sanders know a little vinegar or vodka is going to help that pop it was going to give it that crispy crustness that's going to take place it is rabbit's dried out ready to go put him in the wet let's put him over here in the drive make sure that he gets coated well now you can double dip them if you want today we're gonna go a single time we are but i'll tell you what since i really like y'all we're gonna do one or two pieces double dip so y'all can see the difference it's like a scientific experiment it is we'll just do the the back legs and that way we'll know one leg was one way one leg was the other now when you get all these through the wet through the dry you want to let them set for about five minutes before you ever go to frying because it sort of helps everything dry out a little and it's going to help that stick together now we have a mistake here that the butcher guy named kent left see this dangling piece of meat he has got to come off there he does and we'll leave him right there make sure he gets that coated again set him over here there's one more front leg peanut oil is the oil of choice today because it's got a high smoke temp and you like to fry at 350 but we're going to start this out about 325 so we've let these dry we have and in they go try to keep if you can the same size pieces in the batch that you're going so we're doing the back and the low ends first and that way everything is sort of the same thickness at the same time when we fry that way everything will come out better now when you're frying rabbit and you first put it in there and it's the same with any fried food at all give it a little shake after that flyers had time to settle on there that way we know it ain't resting right there on the bottom and trying to stick now this is probably going to take i'd say four to five minutes and we will flip over the oil is covering it but we will flip it anyway we want this to be really good and golden brown when it comes out of there and crispy won't take long just watch your oil temperature don't let it get above 350. [Music] don't it look pretty it does in fact and oh you're going to want to do this better and this type of dredging mixture for everything you fry because that crust has got such a grunt grunch a great crunch to it it does now when you be cooking this remember that them back legs that we double dipped versus here you can see the difference in the thickness of the crust and everything else but also them back legs is probably the densest piece of meat that we have on this rabbit they're the biggest they're going to take longer to cook that's why i always like to cook them last the tenderest part of this rabbit and it is all tender because it's been brined but that low end right down that backbone i'm gonna save that for me and the beak for supper here after a while but folks i've been craving me some rabbit for a long time that christmas is good that crust is good and big i know you didn't have time you keep such a busy schedule you didn't get time to go rabbit hunting wait you wait be easy okay and there is the majors and duke says hey i like rabbit here you go duker there's you some rabbit sage way over yonder in time out as you all can see we'll take that bite to her in just a minute but folks that's the fried version don't quit me there because you want to be doing what the bunny hop [Music] it'll make you hop hoss and fair for hoss and fever haas and fairfer nah they don't think that guy wrote that song about hoss and fevers i don't but you remember the first time i ever be here in haas and pfeffer you know where it was looney tunes yosemite sam has it was in this big castle and they done told him that he's gonna whoop his butt if he didn't cook the mighty person what some huss and pepper so he got the cookbook out and what did it say one wasclea wabbit is what he had to have so he had to go hunt bugs bunny to get the haas and pepper but it is a german dish really means if you take it and break it down rabbit meat that is stewed tendered and has pepper on it now we're gonna cowboy this up like i said and i cut this rabbit up just like i did the other but we mixed up a totally different brining solution this is more got some pickling spices in it it's got some coriander in it it's got some lemon juice it's got some stuff that's going to break that down it too needs to set anywhere from 12 to 24 hours i prefer the 24. now when you pull this out of there look how white that meat is make sure that them little cloves is off there but you can see how this rabbit has done begin to break down and get tender all in its own this brining solution right here work well on anything like wild game but also really good for turkey for quail for pheasant like that something is that's going to break this down and make it oh so tender stargazer is up here four tablespoons of butter it has got hot and melted it has rabbit has dried off we done mix this up what some all-purpose flour and a little bit of that original seasoning that's all it takes for this because remember this was in a brine of totally different solutions gonna have a totally different flavor so flour them lightly go ahead and just set them in here we're gonna let them cook about four minutes on each side and then we'll put the rest in there we got the skillet covered up y'all didn't see that happening did you i'm sure you got a lid somewhere you need to cover it when you first put them in there it's going to help put that heat bring a little that moisture and steaming effect in there and we've been about four minutes on each side there on each side we just got one side we do so go ahead and turn them we're just wanting to get a little golden brown and color in there and that flour is going to help on the end when we get this sauce to make everything sort of thicken up really nice we'll put the lid back on cover and go about another four or five minutes on that side and then we'll add some more goodness to it you didn't see coming to the haas and pepper well been on about another four we have everything is getting that goody look to it so get them out of there we're going to place them right here no they've done yeah no we just got to get these out of here so we have room for the participant like the butter and the sauce to get in there and get started now if anything sticks to the bottom of that don't worry because that is going to help that stuff be even more tasty so that's where what comes in handy one of them not their mesquite spatulas it does and just give that a good going over there on the bottom don't be getting rid of it because folks we need it we do in go the other four tablespoons of butter make sure you get it in there and get things stirred around a little i got a lot of flavor already coming out of that pot pond and it is so when that butter gets nearly melted we got us some garlic cloves minced up we do put them in there we're going to let that cook two or three minutes till we get all that good flavor of that garlic going on in there this is where it might get tricky and you might think the cowboy's lost his mind because a huss and pepper really is stewed down meat but we're making a special sauce here and i told you we're going to cowboy this up some so this is sour cream it is to that what some of that honey dijon mustard get that in there too the butter the garlic the fawn that was left in the pan when you first get it to where it's just beginning to break down a little and you can see it begin to simmer back again then it is time for you to watch call it a day folks go ahead and break out the wine now you can use a red or a white me i'm going to use a red because it's really going to help break down that rabbit even some more you just want to get this stirred around there to where everything's smooth we're going to get it back to a simmer place our rabbit back in there let it cook with the lid on probably about 45 minutes maybe and you want this on a low simmer we don't want to burn nothing we want that rabbit to get four tender this has got hot sitting over here by the fire that's what has happened now i'm telling you let's place our rabbit in here and he says i'm loving that there bath you making for me okay lay it back on watch your heat on this you don't want it to burn check it every once while simmer if you need to add some more wine to it or you can thin it with water either one you're not going to hurt my feelings and if you ain't got none of them you want to put some chicken stock in there hey it's okay by me so keep eye on it let it get tender don't let it run out of sauce [Music] so about 15 20 minutes in this deal we'll flip that rabbit over to where everybody can get really good and coated with that sauce but right now i got to slow the heat down on mine y'all got a knob i don't [Music] haas and pepper shen that's what i'm talking about and folks i want you to just look at that good rich broth that just cooked right over there and you really this dish really goes well like you got some white rice cooked up or you just got some biscuits oh my gosh you'll be in good shape the thing that shines through there to me the most really is i mean that rabbit is so tender but that honey dijon mustard sort of just jumps out there and gives it a little tang when you mix that with that sour cream and that red wine folks this is what's happening this is what you call five-star michelin dining and we didn't even change the tires on a pickup not in area time we didn't it is what i call good it is duker did not like the fried rabbit because duker's pallet is what you call refined duker i need you to try this duker says i think that'll work right there so let me get the bigger bite big you could have caught this rabbit we could have done this earlier okay i don't know where little there he is under there i see him now because we can't leave a pup out mage this is yours say it i'll bring you yours in a minute you're still on time out you are and folks this rabbit will what it'll make you do the hopscotch boogie what do you do you got to have a rabbit pose you get down here sort of like this stick your cottontail out just a little bit hop hop hop hop and then you just give it a number because it is some fine dining it is remember everything that we used in the recipes will be listed down there in the little link below and if you can't find the recipes there it's always on the website just go to hit the recipe tab it'll take you there for sure but as always folks it is with great honor and pride and pleasure that i tip my hat to all service men and women and all the veterans that have been keeping us safe and that old flag of flying over camp it is we appreciate each and every one of them to the rest of you you know your family we love you all we do we never take it for granted that you watch our videos and if you'll come on in here for the great big hug because what we talking about fried rabbit and haas and pfeffer i'll see you down the hop hop trail god bless you each and every one mages i didn't get no rabbit you're not a rabbit dog you're a schnauzer schnauzers don't know nothing about rabbits do they shotgun boogie draws a bead so fine look out bushy tail tonight you're gonna be mine we're talking about rabbits i'm just gonna put that in there i didn't that's the blooper okay what is that it's an old song over on the ridge is a scaly bar kicker nuts big you can see them in the dark them big fat rabbits are jumping in the grass wait till they hear my whole shotgun blast boom shotgun boogie draws a bead so fine look out bunny rabbit tonight you're gonna be mine okay you like that i did hadn't heard that song a long time we have launched some new apparel some t-shirts sweatshirts we got you fixed up so be sure and check them out
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 950,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook rabbit meat, how to cook rabbit, recipe for rabbits, cooking meat rabbits, cooking rabbits, how to make hasenpfeffer, hasenpfeffer, hasenpfeffer recipe, how to prepare a rabbit for cooking, outdoor cooking videos, cowboy kent rollins, deep fried rabbit recipe, cast iron cooking recipes, cast iron cooking over fire, how to prepare a rabbit, how to cook meat rabbits, Fried rabbit, rabbit recipe, cooking rabbit, Red Dead Redemption recipe, tender rabbit
Id: 1WmfqbAHwzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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