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Hi, I'm david so today let's see how the loin is prepared but then the loan wine what is it what is zilina and they use it is nothing more than the part of the pork loin or the chop as you want to call it the loin let's say boned where we obtain practically we also call it the pork loin and it is exactly this part here logically you can also make the whole whole pork loin I choose the leanest part because I like it more it is my personal choice but you can go to season both the fattest part let's say the back is also the front let's say I selected let's say with the front because I like more to have londonino have a lean slice let's say like more or less bresaola have such a slice while instead the slice of the back is a little bit more marbled and even perhaps visually it is not very beautiful to look at but it is good the same is done then I took two pieces of from the front let's say now I go to settle them take a look check that there are no china and I go to eliminate a bit of the glans of excess fat then I now in this case my heavy on about 2 kg they come back to weight after he has fixed them and so we can do the doses in the salt then I just pull away the excess fat because the loan zina must be a small piece a rather lean salami I do not know if it is present throughout Italy from here in our part we say you can find it at the salami counter from a very tasty greeting very good indeed I advise him to prepare it there are many types of preparation of l'ondina because even if only by changing country or city everyone does it in his own way I will do it only in the classic way that is salt pepper then after one you can add spices who wants to bet the chilli cpc puts the fennel seeds I like to feel the taste let's say more than the meat he asks for the spices so I'm going to put only a little bit of salt pe pe and then behind I go to do genre here I check well that they are not bones because then after this he fixes some workshops because if a small bone should remain in the only but small when we go then when it is seasoned when we will then go to the cut with the slicer the little bone but to ruin it blade and therefore I am always a bit fixed I have to pull them away it may happen that it remains but if one was waiting for us it is better ok I would say there is more here then another thing to say now let's start with the salting and it will have to stay c for 5 6 days we see at the end there are different ways to exonerate it and to put it in salt there are those who put it in the net directly I show you through the tube puts it in the net and does not put anything else in the gut does not put anything in it and so it remains practically living flesh during aging there are those who in the guts in the gut and the gut and what is needed to be able to stretch the pillar ge nature because the gut qu ello a little bit bigger a little thicker means that the meat is seasons but it will take a little longer and it will have a little longer seasoning and it is also very protective let's say surgery that I will use that synthetic pocket that you have also seen in the preparation of the bacon that will give it a few more days of maturation but it will keep it protected and a safer also from the south rod to the maturation of the salami that said let's go and salt it then 35 grams per kilo of Carlo I go to weigh then I am left I am the weight after having tolerated it remained 3 kilos and 600 grams will access that there are about 35 grams of salt to whoever it is more or less and if there is 5 grams more then nothing happens I thought to put 120 grams 120 grams of medium cervia salt used in Cusco in San Marino and I prepared 6 grams of pepper then they will tend then sorted the two so if you want on two kilos of meat 3 grams of beppe are enough ok said quest or I go to mix the tete with the salt in this way then you get but the usual with a grill a grill with a hole this way if you do not have a grill to also use the oven grill leaving it a little inclined and mines that it drips with a tray underneath then i go to place simoni and may 16 for the moon yes like this and then proceed with the salting as usual a nice massage to do for the three weapons nor the salt and make it go a little everywhere here especially if we continue with the massage a them as usual if you want to use a bag of foodstuffs so as not to dirty the around you can put them in the bag bag with salt inside if you like the aromas of the and put in it you can put it garlic rosemary I do not put anything only salt pepper and every day you go to massage it take care to eliminate the water it does every day when so when you take it out of the fridge because it will go in the fridge of course you have to take care to eliminate the water that will make you with this system here of the grid the water on this will happen below and will not remain in contact with the meat the whale I would say that in the meantime as regards the salting there is nothing more to say put it back in the fridge and see you in five days then the second part of the video of the lonzino naturally found uncle giorgino again in these parts in reality he was here from the video of the cup we cause the market we continued I take this opportunity to make him close in our loins in the sleeve in the sleeve synthetic model dario synthetic so thanks for stopping by and I leave you I leave your hand and the word is always a pleasure david then it was five days under it will be because here we say under blackberry when you put in salt the race is born in the end it was five days he too was able to see that they are perfect they are ready let's go bagging if I if we start already from this we however take out of i went nassi used in the we put it here c we clean our hands we take a little pepper and we do this thing like let's say so Tuscan it's okay then in time that he goes on this job I make a small premise and there are those who do not bag it in guts let's say who fills it with pepper and leaves it like this is more or less the Tuscan method I say well in the act that after the pepper will make that crust that will go a little to protect the meat what you find also in the motorway restaurants but it is very much a lot to do a lot for pato but there are those who like it there are those who do not we instead we put a pinch of it I imposed the sides of cobain and anti bush antenucci and then after we go to ask nerostellati in our sleeve then I have already explained it in also another video this here is a synthetic choice sleeve is a synthetic liar that has no expiration so you can find it you put it at home it talks to us all the cured meats you want and it is very convenient because many times you cannot find the b udelli and or three ski use them fresh and with this one you solve a lot of problems then if you are interested in the video below I will put you the link where you can find it also on the internet where there are not four sizes I say well and this is an average size let's say this here it is an 18 18 suite because there is also written 18 it means centimeters in diameter, in short, that of what it can contain then you do your calculations and you can recover what he needs in short then he did a small operation now l 'he soaked in water because it happens all day in the exact caldine it is lukewarm because because it is believed the model comes to life and becomes a little more elastic ok in this case I leave the elasticity we are not interested in anything because it is a fairly large model in fact we were considering cutting it and making a joint that is fine okay if we look at when we are how we can do it and consequently because unfortunately I took this here it is very gra nde I exaggerated so to us, however, you can come to the head of everything you understand if we make a small cut we exchange a small piece and then after we go to now I receive something on the rope where life costs we are always word we put we do anodyne ago I hold back there if not the classic dino to close the first c but let's say you will do two between closures and of course of duty and voilĂ  after they do not discard run away more see looking keep an eye that cuts that bow in two that's why this fiat model can slip in this way he made a secure closure practically the bow that came to us I do not know if it has been seen towards the images it is closed halfway so ok now we will eventually make a video just to show you the various ligatures only the ligatures you say to close it so that if we close with the truth you see we have already folded it look so diets will suffice there is no need for nothing to happen if the model own the installment david us let's do this stuff here believe ok I'll get you the salami hole let's go and extract the air that's in the gut let's say a way that then I'll show you what we do to close the sausage pull the string I'll keep you here let's do it let's do things now you see but already the release to hang it to discard its affection towards us will make the closure that it did before if we can take a while so you see them that kg cuts it in two so it does not run away anymore because it is tied up on the gut let's say the rope stays still ok I remind you that all the cured meats I prepare in my videos are for personal use our canfields we eat them only we try they are not for sale we find take the tube yes then I had forfeited the speech that this salami here you can put in the network that if very well indeed this network you can also find it from any trusted butcher you are asked for a piece I would say that I can also give it to you ok also of this network here they are of various sizes narrower wider the more adherent the better it is so it holds its guts properly ok and that instead in the tying all I say to Tuscany but in many parts of Italy there are those who happily put pepper in it the chilli c 'is who puts paprika in it what you want you can put on it to give it a different taste we prefer it this way because to feel the actual taste of the meat and not that of the petro the chili in short, it must feel but I do not want it to compromise the taste of the meat bovine is exactly it went well I like it mark well then I said that the pepper is put out and then directly the net without the gut what happens that a crust will form and the meat afterwards will tend to become drier even when they go to cut that little bit of pepper that we put in and mother perfume not August because it is so little phenomenon while instead by putting the model you have the possibility to keep it and seasoning a little longer of time and had a right author season without necessarily having to make a stone ok so it will become the meat and seasoned firm but the outside, that is, it remains quite compact and soft because the cured meat in short you cannot eat your own which is a sheet of paper there are also those who like it so if it is not, however, I like it a little soft or a sheet of plastic not the sheet of what is done a ligature you see I break the nets and the novara buddha adhere to the flesh then this how much we keep it this we keep it from 45 60 days in fact it is one of the cured meats that is quick to make and we what we did before and we finished it has nothing to make you come ready been eaten criminal because in the other videos I make you come what I am updated before this time it was eaten everything showed you how the preparation eventually later shows me how to become ok nothing now we also proceed with that other of this way it immediately succeeds we are a perfect way to their procedure two days out of the fridge even three or four this even three or four weight safe at home you pierce it well with the salami hole you take it then you put it in the cellar there are those who ripen it in the fridge you can do it ok keep it checked because it is modeled will not release authors will not take a fridge duty as I said in the video of the vault of the cup that has no music it was only you who do not go on with the seasoning keep it under control but in the fridge about sixty days should be enough cecina seasoners for her the first ones I did the director gennaro I mean, however, now it's fresh you can put it in the cellar go easy ideal temperature we always remain at 13 from 13 to 18 degrees with humidity from 75 85 percent perfect ok let's go back to make our perfect I go it to hang exactly I go ahead with this one if it gives you clear that they must things while we are here but you are not enemies hype a drop of Lambrusco is not there 'you or great neighbor because we bricklayers fear the dry I remember I would say it comes out that there is dust ex ex but well beats with boys ex bricklayer accompanied fruit boys to the absolute to always have a party with 101 thanks thanks a good god and this is a sorbara march he has a good god yes but you know why masons like me like so many others before me there were so many there are then found butchers or facsimile because it is not like now once he gets much more that it was much colder a bricklayer once made from 90 to 100 days or 120 in unemployment then instead such a change as you did not get anything then what you did I went from home to the farmer to slaughter the pig and chops that made 50 60 pigs a year and he would go on and ask us to a great deal that he didn't take but they don't even have to sometimes no otherwise he was at home go to the stereo take me from the valley took the juke instead many many let's say so butchers nuts that but who were never also bricklayers but most of them were bricklayers at the cantonal level that never at an industrial level we do not leave the canon also that the time the butchery was composed of the undoing of the pig the z with salami cup with hams but paris cicoli and lard of the black pig hung because then I was the olive oil for the farmer there were these black puddings that a Portuguese held our most heart all this made us macaroni such as the first macaroni and comb or with the heart if there is a forget instead, he asks those masons who stayed at home without doing anything we go to the tavern they played 5 6 bottles every day look at the true stories that they procured at home they have children and are the large families when they went home they already had a drink there it is a clear value if then you say why that once there was no money and it is the bricklayer I played 5 6 bottles he played 5 6 bottles bricklayer because he did not pay them he played them if he lost them I put them to listened when I went to someone else he said to play some bottles I want meat so I want rods 4 I understood you understood that it is not my story however the story of isolating is not the story yes it is the story of the older ones who resign or who for around that he was about to say it but I don't want your miles in Rome not even two important minutes very well I have many that one of the signs I wish as many maybe there will be too many I would not like as many I have many but I wish you all health to grace and the clarity of the ground is important that of health clarity and the actor ok we're going late look you saved me time it was a pleasure to have you here but also to hear this in fantastic stories are old like me but it is now that we young people we have to carry on the tradition then one day if I succeed but I'll show you a video I see that it will surely have a 40 years ago from one by now you had already named it to me then a vide or since he starts to make the pig from the outside he looks at it comes out of the chorus from tragically you will not be able to show the part that is the most crucial one because starting from sectioning the triggering of the division of the pieces up to the salami in short, there is everything the video until lunch which lasts I don't know two hours two hours higher then he has it in vhs on videotape exactly he promised me that he will let me have it then let's transfer it we make a vintage video then after I will put it on the channel I will put it on the topic those who want to see it giorgino at the opera racist koirala veroli if I leave me to be don't start asking me because until I can't leave it from there they give me even 10 thousand euro I don't even think about it for a joke dance away gave away new to make it public is such a thing for me that it reminds me I remember these things these hardships nor phenyl when it snows with the frost with the fog to be out there in words never badly because there will be here that small part to be cut true because something in company with lambrusco escaped if you are scarce there is little robo but a little something that is better to analyze it well better not for now let's go cut nothing scandalous but it is that there were make them feel no not okay okay then you know that now I call you every day until I had to bring it to you in days but nothing then my memory makes a few holes at 6 to 6 here little carrion you arrived at the oven dino to keep you installment a bit rope and we solved the video of the uncle no the video the third of the order then I would say that we are a bit to say goodbye I would say because this afternoon is not given to work a lot as a video and therefore I would say that I thank you for the visit of thank you for your cooperation if instead the pleasure this and runs to the center of your enzo satin and already pierced the parade we give another fort and in your competence of his impatience I would say that we can easily see in another video that will be very soon I remind you that if you want to write the channel click below and mail info box you will find the doses the weights to make the loin is a hiatus dear giorgio thank you and I would say that we can see that he had the our guests greetings then above all thank you and as long as they gladly thank you hello to all hello to all good health oh yes thank goodness
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 115,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lonzino, stagionato, salume, affettato, tutorial, maiale, ricetta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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