Sadhguru's recent conversation at UNESCO Headquarter on International Yoga Day | Sadhguru | Yoga

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so for a child we just say this is a powerful way of empowering yourself to whatever you wish to do in your life whatever because yoga does not define what you should do do whatever the hell you want to do do it well with all the teaching see what we are doing hello with all the teachings see what we are doing in the world simply because there is no inner experience and there is no substitute for inner experience any amount of teaching any amount of philosophy any amount of ideologies when your life comes to is threatened all those things will fall off the only thing that stands with you is what is the nature of your experience at that moment so yoga is not about Unity or connecting with people it is realizing the nature of existence the nature of existence is already in Union suppose for one day for every one of you say we decided breath will be left in your hands you can run it the way you want if you are little angry you will forget to breathe like this guy foreign all right fortunately it's not in your hands it's all running by itself because there is an intelligence beyond your own intellect and what you understand is my intelligence beyond that this is working [Music] we don't pay attention to it we just make conclusions oh God is running it finished it's over do not jump into conclusions just pay attention how is your breath happening how is your heart beating What's Happening Here how is this alive without me doing anything it's still alive isn't it how is it such a complex machine who the hell is running it if you pay attention you will get to this intelligence which is beyond memory [Music] [Music] thank you so much don't ask any difficult questions I promise what a privilege for me to have this discussion with you and try to go really a little bit further regarding the mentions you just did with yoga my first question will be dealing with the definition of yoga itself you said that yoga is all about ourself in terms of self-knowledge in terms of identity but what would you say to a child who would like to know what is Yoga in order to prepare this child to also have the willingness to physically and consciously being a little bit bothered and I'm saying that for children but we know that we all have this relationship to yoga the way to accept that you guys also a question of physical of body so how would you define yoga in a very simple manner to a child I think my own story of how I got into yoga I would settle that okay for the story so I'm just about 11 years of age and every summer we go for a vacation in my you know traditional home of my grandfather which is a large home and we are about 36 cousin brothers and sisters we all gathered from various towns only during that time for about 30 to 40 days so it's one rollicking situation everybody's out of control so were the young boys one of the sport is there's a well in the backyard which is just about eight feet in width and 150 feet in depth Summers mostly it is about 60 70 feet down the water one of the sport is to jump into the well you must jump straight down otherwise your brains will become a smear on the wall and for coming up there is no any footholds or ladder or anything just holding the Rocks you have to come out so literally your entire weight is on a few centimeters of your tips of your fingers and you will be bleeding when you come up the nails will be bleeding because of the pressure so we like to do it I'm pretty good at it one day we are all preparing to do this a man an old man I refuse to call him old anymore considering my own age at that time A Very Old Man over 73 years of age were standing and just watching us quietly then without a word he just came jumped into the well I thought he's finished but he came up faster than me I didn't like it I asked how he said come and do yoga like a puppy I followed him I did not know anything else about it so he taught me some very simple physical aspects of yoga nothing much very simple but a powerful transmission this is what is missing in the world today it's being thought like it is some exercise yoga cannot be thought yoga needs to be transmitted somebody should live it so it was transmitted to me in a certain way just a simple practice he evolved into something fantastic in the next 12 to 13 15 years time but at that time I had no clue what I'm getting into and within a few years significant results in terms of my physical progress and my intellectual capabilities that was good enough for me I was not looking for anything else but this was a surprise bonus that other things happened so for a child we just say this is a powerful way of empowering yourself to whatever you wish to do in your life whatever because yoga does not define what you should do whatever whatever the hell you want to do do it well beautiful so this notion of empowerments is very important in your life my second question will be linked to what you said about Unity that is really a core of yoga you mentioned that our way to be better connected is trying to unite spiritual and material trying also to unite our own self to the other can you tell us concretely and we can feel it here you know in in this room we can feel an amazing Unity thanks to your magical presence how can yoga could help us to be more connected see uh when you say connected that means essentially we are separate we can hold hands when you say Unity also means the same thing we are different people we can be United no that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about Union Union is different from Unity what union means is as I said when you breathe it's not about you caring for the tree it's a part of you today modern science has brought this in different languages so let me speak that language today they are telling you or sixty percent of your body are microbial life so you have more microbes than your parentage within you so it's not that you have to connect with them you're happening because of everything else because of every other life happening the way it is happening you're also happening so you are not an independent entity in any sense this very body that you carry is part of the soil that you walk upon but we are far away from it so you don't have to unite with the soil you don't have to connect with the soil any way you're connected but you can realize it either now or when they bury us this choice we have when this realization come to us so we are not talking about Unity we are not talking about okay all of us should be together no whether we like it or not we are happening here as one big phenomenon of life if we realize that if we experience that not intellectual realization If you experience this If you experience everybody in this Hall as a part of yourself like you're experiencing the Five Fingers of your hand as yourself if you experience all these people as yourself after that you don't need any teaching of thou shall not do this or that hello you would not need any teaching these teachings have our efforts to connect people to unite people but there is still no inner experience with all the teaching see what we are doing hello with all the teachings see what we are doing in the world simply because there is no inner experience and there is no substitute for another experience any amount of teaching any amount of philosophy any amount of ideologies when your life comes to is threatened all those things will fall off the only thing that stands with you is what is the nature of your experience at that moment so yoga is not about Unity or connecting with people it is realizing the nature of existence the nature of existence is already in Union nothing here happens independently everything is connected today we think if I say soil people say satguru where did you study ecology say I've been crawling on this planet for the last 65 years and I know what the hell happens here I am like a worm I am not an ecologist I am not a scientist I am a worm who crawled for six and a half decades on this planet what happens to the soil is happening to me I can clearly see this it's happening to everybody but they don't see it they're waiting for something bigger to happen to them so yoga is really making us realizing the interconnection the interdependency of each is that correct the Oneness of everything see I'm refusing to use the word connect because if we connect you and me are separate when we connect say I I will die many years ahead of you you will die at the age of 100 or more but let's say they chose to bury you next to me doesn't matter what's your gender doesn't matter what your nationality race or religion will you merge with that soil as I merged or will you not or will you stick out I'm asking you will merge right now what is the problem I am asking now what is the problem even now we can [Applause] is that the only way we learn that's all I'm asking we should learn in life not in death I would like to go a little bit further regarding this title you know conscious planets um you're saying that yoga is also allowing us to be more conscious especially when it comes to results on challenges so in which way yoga can help us being more conscious see the word conscious or consciousness is a very hugely misused word everybody is using it in their own ways for this there is a very appropriate word in Sanskrit language in English language it's a general it's a kind of a general word we call this chitta what chitta means is it is an intelligence within you which doesn't have an iota of memory right now your body every cell in the body has Intelligence but this is all by memory when I say by memory do you remember how your great great grandmother 10 Generations ago what she look like you no but her nose is sitting on your face because your body remembers million years ago how your forefathers were the skin tone it still remembers yes or no it does remember so this body is a body of memory there is an intelligence within you which doesn't have any memory it's pure intelligence this is the core of your existence this is what is making everything happen right now everybody breathing that's a good admission so you are not doing your breath it's happening you are not beating your heart it's happening you're not working your liver it's working you're not doing your kidney or spleen or something it's all happening so I am saying there is an intelligence beyond your silly intellect I'm very consciously calling it sleep because we'll come to that if you have the time well beyond your silly intellect of thoughts and emotions there is an intelligence which is managing you suppose for one day for every one of you let's say we decided breath will be left in your hands you can run it the way you want if you got little angry you'll forget to breathe like this guy if something else you desire you'll forget to breathe all right fortunately it's not in your hands it's all running by itself because there is an intelligence beyond your own intellect and what you understand is my intelligence beyond that this is working we don't pay attention to it we just make conclusions oh God is running it finished it's over do not jump into conclusions just pay attention how is your breath happening how is your heart beating What's Happening Here how is this alive without me doing anything it's still alive isn't it how is it such a complex machine who the hell is running it if you pay attention you will get to this intelligence which is beyond memory it doesn't exist or thrive on memory what exists on memory is a possibility at the same time it's a huge limitation see right now what makes you one kind of person your memory isn't it what makes somebody else another kind of person their memory what makes somebody at this nationality or that nationality their memory you erase their memory do they know witnessing they belong to they'll belong to UNESCO [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] so what happens by memory is significant for our survival because memory is an accumulation of experience but there is an intelligence Beyond memory which we refer to as chitta which is consciousness to awaken this intelligence to find access to this intelligence is the fundamental purpose of yoga thank you very much I'd like to come back also to the importance of the international recognition of yoga as you know the practice of yoga has been inscribed in the list of intangible cultural heritage and since 2016 under UNESCO 203 convention for the safeguarding uh I'm just saying on a lighter in lighter Wayne it's a very tangible Heritage tangible heritage that's true [Applause] it's the name of the convention May maybe should renamed because we are coming to the 20th year of this convention and I would like to know dear Circle if you had any message you would like to give to those who are fighting to Advocate the importance of yoga as living Heritage of humanity one important thing is most important thing in the world is Yoga should not people must understand it's not just some simplistic exercise that you can do if all you're looking for a little bit of physical fitness just go swim somewhere you have a river you swim upstream you will become fit or you go play tennis you do something I'm saying it's not just about Fitness yes Fitness is one of the consequences the importance of yoga is to explore the limits of your individual nature where the boundaries are how you can obliterate it you don't have to hold that intent the process will just do that as I said when I started all I wanted was I wanted to become as strong as that old man that is the only goal I had no other goal I didn't want to meditate I didn't want to go anywhere I didn't want anything bigger than that that was the goal it doesn't matter this is the beauty of living in this world if you do the right things even for the wrong reasons it'll work [Applause] a beautiful teaching beautiful teaching so any particular message you would like to give to those people we understand that yoga of course is not only a question of physical exercise or it go deep deeper so you can start it can start with a simple physical process because that's the easiest access front end of our of our life is definitely our bodies so you can start with the body nothing wrong with that but an understanding that you're not starting just a simplistic exercise process because essentially what we are trying to create is coherence when I say coherence well we were talking about it you want the tree breathing it's all one you and the universe is all one every supporting particle today modern science is saying is all connected and transmitting that means the whole creation is in coherence but you are not experiencing that coherence recently the Surgeon General of United States said one in every two Americans one in every two is feeling lonely between you and me one of us is lonely what's happening to the other person [Laughter] so you're wearing your heart out so just look at this one in two is feeling lonely in the most affluent Nation when our population is bursting at 8.4 billion we're feeling lonely what is it that is we are building walls of individuality walls that you yourself cannot break you build a wall that you yourself cannot break because these walls are built as self-protection the walls of self-protection that you build today tomorrow will turn into walls of self-impressionment that's all that's happening to the world everywhere it's happening United States happens little more dramatically because they're little ahead of everybody else in a few things so just imagine in a country every second American if they are feeling lonely loneliness is the first step towards mental illness you've taken one step next will come so yoga means you're not lonely anymore because only you exist in the universe everything is you wherever you see it's just you so when you see too much of yourself you'll close your eyes and sit [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] I will finish with one questions regarding nature and the importance that it has so how do we feel we can connect with nature through living Heritage such as yoga or meditation and since we saw that the 21st of June is also a very symbolic date linked to Nature could you tell us why we will be also connected with nature when we will do this meditation one part of the question is why is it 21st June as already Vishal was saying this is the solstice what Solstice means is in Earth's bin it's a little bit of a tilt in that process how much exposure northern hemisphere is getting towards the Sun reaching its peak today from now on it will start receding because Sun's relationship with the planet begins to shift on this day when such a major happening happens we who are just a product of this Earth just the soil is sitting here as my body and your body things happen within our system too today unfortunately we have come to number systems 30 31 days is a month and this and that we have forgotten when is it full moon when is it when is it Soul Stars what is happening when is a uh different shifts that are happening in the planet completely unaware for that there is a price every other life is aware of this the smallest creatures are aware of this you must see just go sit in a forest and watch how the ants behave on a full moon night they're very different on that day on new Monday they would have behaved differently if you pay attention every life plant life especially knows this very well in ayurveda there's a whole thing of if you pluck a leaf on which day of the month how it behaves in your body but human beings the most intelligent have no clue about this this just gets demonstrated in Stark ways when the tsunami struck Southern in India we were the first to be there because we had 23 medical Vans immediately I said everybody drive there and I also went when we went there one aspect of it is there are so many dead bodies wow people all volunteers trying to help with all this shifting and doing things and giving vaccinations to people and all this what I noticed was none of the livestock was dead except those who were tied down in the homes no dead fish or hundred foot wave millions of fish should be dead no fish dead no animals dead not even a donkey dead but human beings died everybody knew the wave is coming the most intelligent species on the planet had no clue something is missing in our lives what is missing is we have no attention for anything because right from the day you went to school where did you go to school here in France yes okay the day you went to kindergarten school from that day they only started rewarding your memory if you read a textbook that silly textbook you read it and puke it on the examination paper they'll say you're very smart nobody gave you any mocks for your attention I simply paid attention to the teacher I knew their past present and future but they didn't give me any marks for that the moment you value memory and not human attention you close doors upon yourself you're in an old soup cooking yourself up with old soup endlessly going on the same old soup so this is the issue this is the fundamental issue that on a summer solstice there are significant changes happening to the world to the planet especially Northern Hemisphere in the winter solstice you know because we are majority in northern hemisphere we are calling it that way southern hemisphere will call that SMS Solstice of course changes are happening there much more so on this day shift happens every Yogi looks Inward and makes the necessary little tuning adjustment within himself or herself because otherwise you will be misaligned with the world around you there is there is a certain amount of data not proper data but there is a certain amount of data which shows during summer solstice people become unnecessarily exuberant during winter solstice they become unnecessarily depressed because the shift is happening and you are not making the shift you may suffer that for two to three weeks or more depending on who you are so yogis always make little adjustment little tuning if you're doing practices it will adjust by itself so are the yogi I must say something about him he came from somewhere he did not introduce himself so nobody knew his name who he is where he comes from but he just came and said unmoving still people were wondering whether he's alive or dead but once in a way tears of ecstasy were flowing down his cheeks that was the only sign of aliveness even breath didn't seem to be happening to initially crowd gathered that he's going to do some magic he did nothing people all left only seven people hung on who were hardcore people who realized something is happening here what is happening he sat there for months without need for food water or any toilet requirements or anything simply he sat they realized he seems to have touched a dimension which is beyond his physicality so they waited once in a way he got up and wildly danced and again he sat down so after a long period of time when this one Solstice came or that Solstice happen to be a full moon night so on the solstice day he turned South he was sitting facing some other direction he turned South and sat down because of that for that position or that posture other yogis referred to as dakshinamurthy that means I'm one who turned South because the sun turns South he turns out at that time he opened his eyes and looked around then the seven people begged and on that day the first Guru was born he decided to transmit yoga to this first seven people so that is how yoga started it's fantastic that the UN International Day of yoga recognized this and made 21st of June the soul stays there as the international yoga day that's remarkable thank you [Music]
Channel: SadhguruGrace
Views: 154,108
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Id: zDqMRlNr-FA
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Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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