Express Adda with Sadhguru, Founder Isha Foundation | Sadhguru Exclusive Interview

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you should be very warm welcome to adaa thank you for taking the time I've been waiting for this conversation for 25 years because 25 years ago uh you had come to my school in Bombay I was sitting in Udan assembly and it was the first time I thought or the first time I believed that um uh science and spirituality can mix and be together I was probably I think uh 13 or 14 years old uh and I've been actually wanting to talk to you since then and 25 years later here you are so this is wonderful very warm [Applause] welcome sguru you know one of the things that I admire a lot about you and I think a lot of us do who hear um is just the amount of they didn't say that they didn't say that I think their presence here their presence here is proof um I think the amount of attention and the amount of uh just the constant effort with which you have been talking about the environment um and I feel like environment is a very uh thankless cause to take up uh it's very difficult to kind of keep talking about it it's very difficult and you know when I have traveled I mean I've traveled all over the country since I've moved back from college uh I see no one cares about the environment it's the last thing that that are is on anybody's mind nowar to everyone well uh to uh initiate environmental awareness is uh not that difficult but to initiate environmental policy and environmental action is uh uh you get old doing that just to give you a simple perspective I've been talking about soil for over 30 years now to Ordinary People to Farmers to bureaucrats to ministers to many heads of state in many parts of the world everybody listens to me and says huru this is very important what you're saying is really really fantastic but I think on that day they will use my talk as a pillow and sleep well because nothing [Music] happened so uh in [Music] 2022 I thought time is running out for me if not for the world I said I'm going to ride a motorcycle from London to CI people around me thought I'm losing it others thought it's some kind of a fun thing that I'm going to do but uh 100 days 30,000 km want to activate a massive number of people around the world so initial days everybody appreciating the ride how is the ride sguru how is the scenery this that nonsense by 13th 14th day they realized this is a suicide mission because whether it's raining or it's snowing icy roads I was riding through northern Europe so 27 Nations 30,000 kilm 691 events along the way but we managed to move at least touch 3.91 billion people yeah [Music] [Applause] so why this kind of activity people who are uh many people around the world a whole lot of motorcyclists think I am a motorcyclist uh I rode motorcycles when I was very young I crisscrossed India but uh over 30 years I never sat on a motorcycle nor did I even think about it I've been too busy when I was doing rally for Rivers because in Bangalore bangaluru I'm sorry people have heard stories about my motorcycling in my Bangalore area so they said sadguru you must ride they brought one motorcycle and parked it there I didn't know if I could ride this thing after 30 years so I sat on the motorcycle and I decided to ride late in the night night and I sat on it then I realized I haven't lost a day since then I'm doing all inter city travel on my motorcycle both in United States here Europe wherever I am so when I announced this thing motorcycle friends they said sguru nobody has can survive a 100 Day motorcycle 30,000 kilometers in 100 days nobody can survive that yeah then the next set of people came who are transcontinental Riders they said uh maybe with your energy you will survive but your back will be broken you cannot your back will not survive here I I'm well yeah and uh I did no preparation no special anything just like that because I was on campaign before the rally I was in campaign in Caribbean Nations all of them and United States Europe I was in campaign mode trying to activate the leadership because this is about changing the policy see you it's not so much about awareness as much as about people in power actually doing something yes because you can do something you can fix your kitchen Garden that's very cute yeah but it's not a solution yes if we want solution we need the fundamental policies to change otherwise you do something good I do something good it's fine for the day it's not going to last everything was find some time ago in 50 years so much damage has happened even if you do great things tomorrow the same thing can happen unless it comes in policy so to activate the policy in Democratic societies the only thing is the numbers the most important thing is ordinary people have never spoken really they sit in a tea party and talk among themselves they never clearly Express this what we want want this the problem if 60% of the population this was my simple logic if 60% of the people on the planet at least the oting population those who have franchise if they all Express strongly this what we want no leader is going to ignore that yes it becomes an election issue so with that in mind we thought we should touch around 3 billion people because 5 .42 billion people have franchise in the world so 3 billion people is what we aimed for we ended up ended up with 3.91 because after the 13th 14th day all our sleeping volunteers around the world they were like SAS yeah they all came alive because they thought I'm going to kill myself so unfortunately takes this how much ever since you speak nobody wakes up you have to do some drama real drama that you put your life out there and you you could kill yourself I'm saying 100 days being on the motorcycle no matter what's the weather doing an average seven events per day is insane you could easily kill yourself and in this 100 days there were at least 25 to 30 serious incidents where you could have you know anything could happen once they saw sadguru is going to kill himself then they woke up how unfortunate 30 years I not spoken anything different I'm been speaking the same thing but no sguru when you do such a massive uh project and you know you you're social media sort of phenomena there's nobody like you on on on the digital medium um there with that comes a fair sense of I mean there'll always be some trolling that will happen you oh not some what are you saying some there is nothing that I have not been accused of and abused of in everything happens but that's their mind what can I do no but but the recent one that I mean I just saw one from a guy called uh I forget his name he's got 40 million followers on YouTube I think it's Kylie kri manati kri manati 40 million followers on YouTube uh and he just did a kind of a parody thing recently about I think maybe 3 or 4 weeks or maybe ago what is he saying about me he was just he was having what's wrong with me no he was just having sort of you know he was impersonating you and I think you know it it seemed to be that's okay quite funny and power I also think uh not just one I think a few thousand impersonations need to happen that's what I'm also thinking hello but do you feel like this kind of um it doesn't affect your credibility when you go around talking you don't think it you don't think it harms or it's just like it doesn't matter because the more people talk about you the more people know you the more you're able to get carry your message I I made myself like this what somebody says whether they call me God or they call me a rogue it makes no difference for me I am who I am that doesn't change so I am not somebody who is made by I'm not someone who is made by people's opinions good or bad it doesn't matter I made myself in a different way yeah so in terms of who I am and my experience of life nothing changes even if the whole world says the same thing but definitely in terms of effectiveness of work yeah it makes things unnecessarily difficult because all kinds of rubbish is put all over the place it makes uh you know uh many times doors close you have to knock them down these kind of problems are there around the world they campaign negative campaign is not in one place around the world yeah Indians have reach you know the incredible thing is I have massive support in Pakistan about the same size of population in India is against me it's okay it's part of uh working in this world why did that surprise you though it doesn't surprise me because uh see there are a whole lot of people who have nothing significant to do in their life their their only thing is somehow to make a livelihood wherever there is something they will attach themselves like fleas on it it's okay it doesn't hurt me so if they don't want these things to happen they don't want soils to be saved they don't want rivers of India to flow again if they don't want that's their choice unfortunately yeah I would like these things fixed I'm sure most of you would like it fixed well will everything happen I don't believe that will everything that we aim for happen no in this generation at least if we take a few steps next hopefully we'll take more steps this is the only way Solutions will come it's not that you are a solution for everything there's no such thing you can move it in the direction maybe the next generation will take it further and further but if they don't want that to happen I don't think they don't want that they don't know what they're doing most of the time especially I don't know who this is you're talking about but uh I'm not surprised if somebody is an influencer any kind of influencer if you can influence 10 people or you have two children see you this happens to you you may be living somehow but suddenly you have a child the moment they're looking at you if you smoking you put your cigarette away if you're doing something else you do that why because the moment you're an influencer in your home the moment you're influencing a young life you try to change your life in some way to the extent possible for you so if you're influencing what is the number 40 million yeah if you are influencing 40 million people I hope you become a little more responsible yeah it's very important yeah but uh sadguru when you you know when you talk about uh sort of these Solutions actually it's a little bit uh it's a little confusing right now are these Solutions global or are they local are they both so especially when it comes to the environment I'll just go back to that because I think cop uh is around the corner everybody's everybody's involved with environment is going there I think you're also going there the prime minister is going to be there and there is a certain refrain that comes from the West which is that look India is not doing enough right to deal with this cop India is the only one who is going there proudly all of them are slinking around because none of them have fulfilled the promises India is ahead of the promisees yeah yeah yeah but the West believes the West believes that India's taking lesser promises than they should have so you know so that's no the thing is this see this is in uh 2009 when I was at the world economic Forum they rais this issue of coal and oil India India and China are the big polluters in the world so uh I said see the important thing is we talking about human rights human rights human in the same breath you talk about human rights in another thing you saying India and China polluters I said we should look at environment per capita yeah what is our carbon footprint what is your carbon footprint we're fraction of the West and we'll take decades to get that way we are consuming what you were consuming 100 years ago or further so the question is not a competition as to who should consume more or who should do less or more about the compensatory activity there needs to be a fair approach when a nation which is where nearly 400 million people are still living in basic like slum like conditions all over the country see slum is not just in Mumbai the whole damn country is Islam go to The Villages and see the Islams all right there's no drainage there's no facility there is no nothing we think we look at it from outside no lights just lamps oh it looks very romantic because you think they're having candl light dinner of course because they have no electricity so when people are living at that point don't talk environment to them it's cruel you don't talk environment to them environment concerns are people who are well to do who are consuming at a certain level we need to do that doesn't mean we should not involve them because without involving those masses we can't find Solutions but but thinking that uh developing countries are consuming more this is just to change the narrative that's all this has got nothing to do with environment it's got something to do with politics and geopolitics and how do you and so what do you do how do you convince the foreign the foreigners when you meet them at cop then you know that that you know what is that dialogue like I I I'll tell you a small story I've tried my I had a a chance of conversation with two people uh when I asked this question one was Larry Summers uh former US treasur secretary and other was Bill Gates and I asked them is there anything you can learn from India from India and the Indian way of life about protecting the environment and you know these are the people who kind of control climate Finance all over the world and they come and tell you that you know poverty is not the solution there's nothing we can learn from India we will tell you how to reduce your carbon footprint when they are themselves been kind of unable to so how do you how are you an ambassador for the America how you an ambassador to the to the world for the Indian way of living which is more sort of uh see uh I don't go about talking Indian way of living I talk about living sensibly which is natural to us here but today we are trying to imitate the West in every possible way and messing ourselves up we'll pay the price for that when we say we pay the price there are many things one thing that's looming large all these things are connected but people think I'm doing separate things I started with project green hands then for rally for Rivers then C calling and now safe soil now next year we're rolling out what's called as conscious Planet even safe soil and other movements were under the umbrella of safe soil umbrella of conscious Planet uh I've been in conversation with various top scientists neuro neuroscientists psychiatrists and others in the world it's not because that you know I have always predicted this but now they all confirming this in the next 15 to 25 years one thing that will be most challenging for human beings is to be stay mentally healthy why this is so there are many aspects sociological and other aspects but one important thing is there is there is not enough necessary micronutrients in the soil across the world the minimum organic content needed to call soil soil according to United Nations is 3% not a single nation not a single nation has 3% average organic content in their soil not even one nation this is the Flight of the world everybody's thinking ecology means uh you know coal oil smoke in the air see these are problems I'm not saying no but if you switch off everything for 3 Days suddenly everything you know during the pandemic time people saw suddenly the air is clean everything is nice so I'm saying it is that simple you can change it that quickly only thing is you're not switching off we can easily do that if you could switch off for 1 and a half months during the pandemic consciously we can switch it off for one month in a year or maybe 3 days in a month something we can do and control those things but what's happening in the soil is very different because there is no organic content when I say there's no organic content if you grow a ton of food from the soil let's say one acre of land what you're taking away is the organic content one ton of organic content you took it away how much are you putting it back nothing almost zero so what this means is the organisms don't have anything to eat it is shocking to see even I've been in many Agro scientist uh events 80% of the scientists do not know that a tree or a plant cannot take nutrient from the soil without the agency of organisms a complex Marketplace they have it is a very demanding Market unless they provide the right things they won't get the nutrients even if the nutrients are there in the soil it's only through the organisms they can get it now 27,000 species of organisms are disappearing every year every year on an average 27,000 species of organisms are disappearing at this rate in another 15 to 25 years we will be in a place where we can barely grow anything in the soil because the simple thing is this if you take organic matter add it to sand it become soil if you take a soil and take away all the organic matter it becomes sand right now desertification is the biggest problem unccd is partnered with us because we are a big Force for them to make soil into an issue in 2022 in the month of January there was a cop 26 in glasow 15 days all the world leaders met the word soil was not mentioned but today soil has become main part of the narrative European Union has declared that regeneration of soil is one of the important ways to mitigate climate change this narrative changed mainly because of safe soil movement so this change of narrative and the way of see the human beings work like this first we change the way we think then we get a little emotional about it and cry about it a little bit and then action comes forth slowly but if action comes forth from all these people wonderful we appreciate but it's not a solution solution is only when the policy happens there are many aspects of policy one simple thing is like this see if you maybe it's a Mumbai is a wrong place for me to say this but in any City the older part of the city if you look at it there is no concept of a window everybody's built wall to wall wall to wall homes but in the newer part of the city wherever you go there are lws if you have 10,000 ft of land you can't build 10,000 square ft maybe they'll allow you to build 6 or 7,000 square ft some space for you your neighbor this is a law yeah but if you have 100 acres of land either in India or any part of the world world do what you want for that you can turn 100 acres into a desert in the next 10 years nobody will ask you why you have done it because there is no such law I'm saying worldwide because this is a global Affair you cannot conduct organ you know organic life only in my farm and your farm it has to be a global process when I say organic aspect soil is the largest living system not just on this planet in the known universe this is the largest living system a handful of soil could have anywhere between 8 to 10 billion organisms 50 to 75,000 species of organisms that's how it is what your body is is just a reflection of the soil this is something most people have missed it now it is becoming part of it I'm sure in Mumbai everybody is talking about gut boome all right in the yogic Sciences we've been talking about biome everywhere 62% of your body is microorganisms only approximately 40% is your parental genetics and today the the the organic uh aspects have come to a place the top level Cutting Edge research is saying I've been saying this for over 20 25 years that there are organisms in your brain also everybody making fun of me all the WhatsApp people trolling WhatsApp scientists have been trolling me continuously he doesn't know nothing this is is pseudo science brain has filters brain has screens no organism can enter today scientists are clearly proving that whatever organisms you have in your stomach their cousins are in your head and they're always talking to each other if you do if you put something that these guys don't like they tell their cousins trouble this guy and he creates moods your moods the way you thinking the way you feel how comfortable or happy or unhappy you feel all this largely determined by the chemicals that they are creating you can override that but they are moving you in certain directions so this is how this is the foundational life when we talk about micro microorganisms we are talking about the foundational life we are just a flower in The evolutionary process we are just in the top flower can dry up in no time if the roots are are gone so soil is about that sguru does it make it more complicated to fight this battle for soil I don't fight while you're creating awareness you obviously have a lot of impact already because uh in the name of environment a whole lot of people saying this is a war against somebody we have enough of those things going we don't have to start one more I think there is no human being who is not interested in this everybody is but they think they will do it tomorrow but how do we navigate the S only when you tell them there is no tomorrow they may act so right now I have no doubt because 81 Nations have started framing soil policies in the world it's beginning to happen but an election comes first thing that gets suspended is soil War comes first thing that gets suspended is soil so we will go like this now the only question is will we wait for a disaster and then fix it or will we mitigate the disaster this is a choice so I have no doubt soil policies will be made will it happen in time that's our only question definitely it will happen it's the time so in democratic nations across the world now we are not only citizen of this country in terms of Internet you are citizen of the world if huge number of people don't constantly make noise about it political leaders will forget it I'm not trying to blame them see if you had a job which is only for four years and in this four years would you try to do something that will produce result in 4 years or would you dare to take up something that takes 20 25 years to produce result what would be your choice 4 years short-term stuff because democracy is all about short-term stuff okay so if if you have to if they have to take up something longterm the resources are always sces who wants to invest longterm unless people say this is what we want hello people AR talking the people unless people say this is what we want how will anybody invest you must also understand a political leaders problem today is right on the top tomorrow if he rules the election in another 3 days five states are results are coming tomorrow they lose the election they just become nothing all right there is no alternate there is no second level of job for them fired completely if you had a job like this you would also be very we we need to understand their plight also right many of them are professional politicians they don't have any other job or business or anything so if they lose the election it's finished they're over when when that is the case you must understand there is a certain desperation of activity how they make policies unless people assure them if you invest longterm we are with you this needs to happen so s more power to you for this I uh I must say and I I wanted to say this we should move on from the environment but I wanted to say this earlier also is that don't don't move out of the environment envir um I you know I I'm very disillusioned uh with this uh because I'm very disillusioned with anything to doed you only if you have Illusions you can be disillusioned and if you have Illusions I bless you that you must be quickly disillusioned because if you're not in reality how will you do anything I was in Punjab during elections they used to go down 8 ft for water they're now going down 400 ft for water they're not getting it they're still growing rice in Punjab there's another corner of Punjab where literally Sal in waters coming up out from the ground and destroying all the crop it is an a Gran economy they are not voting for environment in Bombay nobody can believe it's a it's a city of seven islands we are breathing this air it's un nobody can even believe and fathom how this happened we were unable to get anybody to do anything at least in Mumbai you can't see the air in Delhi they can see it in Delhi they can see it so more power to you no about agriculture you must understand this we have have done some surveys not even 2% of the farmers want their children to become Farmers yes so agriculture is being done like it's the end game their children have gone to school college either they move to Mumbai or to America or somewhere this the last generation doing it somehow they're just waiting for real estate prices to go up to sell the land I'm telling you this is not a small number yeah this is a massive number nobody wants to do agriculture because in trying to control our inflation food inflation we have kept farmers in such a way it's simply not worthwhile doing that job anymore it's simply not worthwhile it's just for some passion somebody may be doing it that is that passion people will reduce itself to 2 to 5% in the next few years then you will see then you will see sure okay above all soil depleting that is one challenge another thing is agricultural knowledge which we have taken for granted in this country nearly 60 to 70% of the people can make mud into food that's not a small thing I'll do one thing many of you who are educated you may be an MBA you may be an agricultural graduate I'll give you good land grow me five different types of crops and show me it is a very complex activity just because those people are not dressed properly they know don't speak English language we are thinking these are idiots if these idiots can do it anybody can do it no no try agricultur Andy you will see takes a lot takes a lot but right now this is a knowledge one thing about India is from kanyakumari to Kashmir from from the tip of the Southern India to Himalayas you have a wide range of latitude and and terrain and soil conditions literally almost anything that world wants you can grow and you have 60% of the population invested in this knowledge if you leverage this properly you could become the Bread Basket of the world you have that much talent you have that much land you have those many types of lands and weathers but we are trying to become something else which is dangerous so if I can move away from the environment now a little bit uh there's so much more to talk about and I uh I'm really nervous how I'm going to get through I I want to talk to you I've seen people you know I never cared but there were people when I was studying who cared to copy uh answers from small sheets like this but you were copying questions where's my [Laughter] people so grew 25 years the last time I met you and except for the environment everything else we are doing better than we were doing 25 years ago pretty much everything else unless anything else that you want to flag that we're not doing as well that we've actually Fallen back with uh 25 years ago now we're doing much better than ever before since Independence that's for sure thanks to many things that are being done and above all a youthful population which is responding and policy changes that are happening facilitating businesses and Entrepreneurship much more needs to happen no question about it but you must understand when you're marshalling a very large ship you can't suddenly make a uturn it may upset the whole thing so I think in a calibrated way it's being done we can always complain because somebody will be always unhappy no matter what is happening because when the change happens it benefits this person it another person loses the benefit something will be happening unless the other person also adjusts and takes the benefit of the change they will complain this is there but I think if you see for example on this Diwali in this country 41 uh 41 tons of gold was bought by middle class people 41 tons nearly 26,000 crores about 3,000 Kil of silver was bought 54,000 cars were delivered in one day one day means that for the D just the hero Moto delivered 2.74 motorcycles in one day obviously there is money hello obviously people are doing well live all the stats I don't go by the stats I observe people the marketplaces are full shops are full stock are full everywhere people are selling from a vegetable shop to Gold Everything is selling well this means people are doing well is that the only well-being we want that's a question so one place where we falling back is we are giving up certain cultural rootings we had which gave us a certain mental stability we are giving up those things for that we will pay a price especially Urban India right there are two things that I wanted to explore with you that I think have changed in 25 years one is identity uh something I've really have been interested a lot in off late how we identify ourselves has changed a lot in the last 25 years and the other thing is hierarchy I think in India hierarchy also has changed a lot so if we can start with identity um you know I was thinking about how to phrase this question I'll start with a small little story uh my grandfather today who who started the Indian Express and uh you know if he was to write his Instagram bio today okay he he he won't write I know him he will write a long piece which none of the young people can read yeah I was at the Western command Navy speaking to those officers today and the vice Admirals was saying sadguru after listening to your talks he he came to the Yoga Center in Kor after coming from there I I learned so many things so I wrote a 2 and 1 half page letter for all the officers and sailors and others I said you're completely out of uh you know yeah out of wogue two and 1 half Page Letter nobody reads even if you write a love letter nobody's going to read 2 and 1 half page you must write the most of them can't read two and a half sentences yeah yeah no absolutely um but a Twitter bio is very short um and you know you're the king uh an Instagram bio is very short you're the King on Instagram um you know I think his Instagram bio would read gandhian Freedom Fighter madii Hindu that's it four words if I looked at my Instagram bio uh it said alpaca lover Sunset Chaser um and you swim in the ocean is if you change Sunset you must be there and father of my son's name my father of arinka and I just I mean just just a way to kind of ask you that it seems wife is not complaint luckily she's not here um at least not yet um am I right in saying that the way we identify ourselves today and how we identified ourselves earlier has changed a lot that now we seem to be identifying ourselves based on how we stand out and how we're different 25 years ago maybe we identifying ourselves based on how we're together how we're connected to something larger uh see uh one important thing that's changed is who is influencing you as a child today let's say when you were growing up or maybe when he was growing up 80% influence were parents 20% were friends in school and maybe a couple of people in the neighborhood and maybe some family friends that's about it if your parents were very strong and uh you know you had a good bonding 80% otherwise maybe 70% But whichever way positive negative parental influence was at least 70% today by the time a child is 12 parental influence largely is around 25% that is if they have good connect with the children otherwise it's further down school another 10 15% friends little bit somebody else is influencing them that you don't know where they are who they are what their intentions are you have no clue someone else online is influencing them so that influence is so large grandparents used to be a huge influence they're gone hello they're completely gone nobody is going to listen to a granny only Google granny is the only one who speaks so because the type of people who are influencing you were people who cared for you the type of people who are influencing the children today they have commercial interest they have no care where you go so this is something we need to look at long term this is going to have a big impact on Humanity itself but is it is it uh is it more attractive to kind of stand out now is it more attractive to kind of be different rather than kind of be the same see the thing is you can paint your hair blue or red or pink and you can stand out in any crowd but that kind of standing out will get you attention for a few days after that you're just a pink head all right so uh unfortunately if you are not doing anything significant about yourself these things will become very important I'm not trying to comment about your fashion you're doing some fashion it's up to you I'm not someone to care about what you do with your body you can do whatever you want with your body it's yours but if that is all you do then you have to look at it what is your life about really so the most important thing is one thing that's happened in this generation is it's all about expression everybody wants to express something most of it is just nuts there is no investment in perception you must at least spend the same amount of time that you spend in expression in perception isn't it uh well I was trying to tell you this when I was when I started reading newspapers I was 10 11 years years of age every day I'm like this at that time I will read uh Indian Express because being in my Dean Herald and Hindu three newspapers you know like how from the top to bottom from first page to last page sports page if you ask me in 1970 70s what are the stock prices I'll tell you of different companies I never bought a single stock I'm not interested in that but I made sure I read the newspaper completely three newspapers go sit in the library there's only one newspaper at home other two newspapers you go sit in the library and read up the whole thing what is the use well everything that's printed in the newspaper is not gospel truth but if you don't know the world in which you're living everything that you do will be not in sync with with what the world needs and if you're doing something that is not required in the world that itself is a disservice isn't it if all our energies are focused to creating something that matters we all of us may do it in different ways that doesn't matter which way we do it doesn't matter but we're doing something that matters to someone make contribut to somebody's life in some way whether a business or spirituality politics it doesn't matter what in some way it contributes to people's lives make something for this you need to know what the world is made off daily what is happening this is needed you live in your own world your ears are plugged your eyes are glued you never saw the world this is going Dang Dang Dang this you're reading something you're playing a video game all the time I'm not trying to comment about somebody's lifestyle but if we live without perception and we think my expression is everything our expression will become trashy after some time no question about that thank you s Guru you gave us a nice little clip for marketing of newspapers usage I needed that we needed that good newspapers good newspapers yes only the good newspapers I said it's not gospel [Laughter] truth no but um but but the idea I mean I I find this very interesting you know in the 50s we spoke about this before we got onto stage that you know the JP movement and even before that Independence you know when we were a you know when we were considered counted as an uneducated uh uh country we're talking about people who were struggling to kind of cross the age of 40 to live our average life expectancy was 40 years old at that time when we had you know we we we just the country seemed to be invested much more in civil liberties they seem to be invested much more no no that's because you're in newspaper business you're thinking like that uh I'm saying you just a few Urban centers you're talking this rest of the country did not even know what is India just know this I have largely transacted with rural people most of them just 10 years ago I'm saying not 50 years ago 10 years ago whole lot of Village People in South wouldn't know what is a nation their only thing is their Village and their pun and whatever happening there they did not even know what it is but today it's different today there's a larger sense of nationhood you cannot you cannot really build a great nation without minds and minds and hearts of people invested in that because nation is not some god-given stuff it's just an idea that all of us agree upon hello it's just an idea all of us say we are Indian become Indian all right somebody drew a line and those people fell on the other side of the line look at the trouble I'm saying recent line is there all lines are recent if you look at it in terms of human history yeah but somebody fell on the other side of the line and just see how it is so human emotions and human intelligence functions based on our identities if you identify yourself as something you're willing to live and die die for that if you identif with something else you're willing to live and die for that thing so particularly in India because still the generations are alive some of them before pre- 47 people were all together families one part of the family there one part of the family here now we're willing to kill each other all right so this is the nature of a human being what you identify yourself that becomes everything this is why in this culture this is the only civilization where before education start started we always try to expand your identity your identity should become Cosmic this is the idea till the age of 12 no education because your body and brain should grow to a certain size and capability then when education has to begin the first thing is that you have to take a step that my identity is Cosmic because education is an empowerment if empowerment comes to you with a limited identity you will become a dangerous human being I want you to understand just look at all the crimes all the Wars all the horrendous things that people do to each other genocides and whatever nonsense this is all not evil this is just limited identity yes or no hello it's just limited identity I think I belong to this you belong to that and when situations come conflict will inevitably come when you and me are two different identities conflict is is just a question of time hello people think there is going to be peace there's going to be this no conflict is just a question of time when your identities are very strong and limited whether it's religious National Regional whatever once your identities are very strong you believe this is it conflict is inevitable well right now national identity is important because that is the only way you can address is the largest number of human beings at a time otherwise if you go down further it'll become smaller and smaller the right now the largest identity for which you have an Administration that you can address for their well-being is a nation so nation is a good identity for now if you ask me people were asking me how much nationalism should we have I said see if it was pre- 47 pre 1947 you must have 200% nationalism post 47 till 1960 you must have 100% nationalism 6570 after that you must have 90% nationalism slowly as the country figures itself out and think puts things into place your nationalism temperature should come down this is a safe way to handle a nation otherwise we'll pick a fight with somebody or the other all the time but is it coming down is nationalism coming down I mean if you look at the graph from 47 I'm I'm saying we did not put the idea we did not enshrine the idea of bat of nationhood in every human being's heart and mind immediately after Independence Independence because you must understand this my own grandparents or my great grandparents they were all people who came as part of Vijay nagar Empire to rule those areas around Bangalore City so after 1947 they didn't understand that they have to disband their armies they had little armies and they were going and they were running the courts they were running the law they were running everything and suddenly one day I'm sorry aana s is here one day one Deputy at that time the highest officer in Bangalore city was a DSP he came and tried to enforce law they did terrible things to him and killed him then only in somewhere in 1952 or 53 the government of India established its rule by really beating them down one of my grandfather my great grandfather's brother was taken to the Bangalore police station and he never came back he was beaten to death because he won't understand what is India he's been running his kingdom for a long time so I'm saying there were many many pockets like this all over this is not only the rulers or the ordinary people did not know they belong to myour Kingdom somebody belonged to this one that one you should have put the idea of Barat into everybody's minds and hearts we should have done that work we got busy with doing something else fine but without in investing in the idea it will never become a true success isn't it we must be invested in the idea we must be invested in that identity if we had done that at that time now we didn't have to talk too much nationalism because we've left out large segments of population from that now unfortunately we have to talk about nationalism I see s from what you're saying that every time identity and you know nationhood becomes the strongest identity of yours there will be conflict should we just accept that there will always be at some point of time a war somewhere in the world is that is that the natural the natural next step of that statement then see as long as human beings are in a compulsive instinctive reaction State war is inevitable War means husband and wife can fight at home it's a War only thing is they're not nuclear powered all right I'm saying the bitterness and the heat is the same more war more Wars happen in families Between Brothers Between husband and wife between parents and children then India Pakistan yes or no yes only thing is they they empowered so just because we are identified as a nation do we have to necessarily fight see one great example I've spoken in various European thing where I've constantly been appreciating them see World War II what a bitter fight literally nobody who lived in Europe was left untouched almost everybody lost somebody and just about the whole place was demolished and everything they had to rebuild but in the same generation they came to their senses and formed a European union today people are trying to look at it only as an economic Union no it is a certain Consciousness with people that you fought so bitterly now you're willing to open up and be like one nation that's a fantastic thing so I'm saying human beings are capable of doing that they still retain their National identities their language their culture but they made it a union I think for this we need some kind of economic parity otherwise it won't happen all right without economic parity if you open the gates it'll all go crazy so economic parity is needed for that to happen in Asia it's much easier than in Europe actually yeah so a nation Union could happen in the next 25 or 50 years which we should definitely aim for so now the danger is Asia becomes one Union Europe becomes one Union America become one union now the uh the possibility of a global war is much much more so the problem is this the global uh geopol politics is run with the theory of hemon somebody has to be a hegemon so when two hegemon came it became war and then Cold War they don't fight directly they make other people fight all the time it's like chicken fight you leave small people to fight all the time but you are the one behind the game always even now whatever Wars happening there is somebody big behind the whole scene all right so the dangers of human conflict is always there if this has to go in your mind and my mind there should be no anger there should be no hatred there should be no conflict oh how will I make a difference because that's how World happens if as long as there is anger and hatred and irritation in our minds fight is not far away hello is fight far away someday when we step on each other's toes because in the world it can happen I'll step on your toes one day then there is going to be conflict so National identities safest compared to smaller identities because smaller identities lead to daily conflict right national identity is the advantages both countries generally understand what is the consequence of this the consequence is not going to be good for anybody so that's not a great way to prevent War but unfortunately sure we in that place deterant I got a nuclear bomb you keep quiet all right so this is not the best way to manage human beings but unfortunately we still there we' still not not in that kind of Consciousness where we can Embrace everybody and live wonderfully in all this if we are fighting for land we can sit down and negotiate we are fighting for economic wealth we can sit down and you know do business somehow yeah the problem is there's a whole lot of fight for Gods once you're fighting for your God there is no compromise because if you make a deal you have forsaken your God in this there is no compromise if we take away that one thing the number of conflicts on the planet will come down significantly and sguru we we're approaching the largest election in in the world in about 6 months do you think these micro identities uh get exploited and I'm I'm not pointing fingers at any political party but I'm just saying as a as a trend do you think it's just you know powerful the cost for a politician to just find these micro entities and then kind of you know uh sort of poke those Bears to to kind of make people come and vote so as I told you earlier if you had a job the moment when election happens after that you'll be nothing would you use every possible liver but is it therefore are conflicts going to get worse I mean should we all expect that for every election should we expect that there'll be more conflict in inside our own country almost uh 17 18 years ago I was the first one who pushed the idea One Nation one election I don't know if you heard that way back I've spoken because because of the televisions and whatever else is particularly because of the audio visual thing election seems to be going on just about all the time election in nland it looks like there's a local election going on all right when your grandfather was there even it doesn't matter how much he wrote we wouldn't know there is an election in naland all right but now it's not like that there are much louder journalists who will scream it into our bedrooms and unfortunately there's television in every room they wherever you go they're screaming at us that nland election nland election and now it becomes so important prime minister himself is going there Chief ministers are going there all leaders are going there now it's a big Affair all right it is not a big Affair for all of us nagaland election it's important for nagaland people not for people who are living in Maharashtra Karnataka or Tamil Nadu but it becomes important because of the way the deciel that's going on see at an election time we have to give a margin to all political leaders that they will say a few senseless things no I'm saying no no I'm not saying this is a complaint I'm saying if you were standing for election you would also do because the whole thing is emotional movement all right people are not going to vote you for a sensible thing that you said they going to OTE you like I said save soil I have to create a drama I'm going to die otherwise they won't move how much ever sense you talk they won't move don't think Sense is a great value in the world no it is not I have I learn this in a hard way sense is not the greatest value drama everybody needs drama so what do they do to win an election they have to do drama so when you're doing drama dialogues will you know sometimes cross limits sometimes says things which are not true so I said once in 5 years anyway parliamentary election of there rest of the state elections once in 2 and a half years mid because once in 5 years means those who have lost the election will become irrelevant their people their on the street workers and others they need to be fed on a daily basis something should be there so all state elections PCH elections Municipal elections everything after 2 and 1/2 years so that every 2 and 1/2 years you have a chance to manifest yourself rest of the time don't talk just do show me what you're doing because election should be 3 to 4 months St rest of the time people should work I'm saying in United States election campaign started 1920 months ago before the election yeah where are we going fouryear term 20 months before election you start your election campaigning there is no work left only drama dramatic talk going on so democr IES will become so irrelevant if we go like this that people will say we want a dictator we want a king already nepales are saying we want a king back we don't want this democracy this damn thing is driving us crazy if you are campaigning 5 years of the year for something or the other slowly it'll come to a place people are fed up with democracy please get us one benavent dictator for us this is what will come to that will be a huge loss for Humanity because never before in the history of humanity change of power has happened without blood flowing on the street democracy is that instrument where power can switch without blood flowing on the street that's not a small thing when I say blood please understand it could be yours or M that's a very big statement uhi U sguru you went to uh you talking about War uh how it ended in Europe and how we kind of got together um how the European was formed you know in that war somebody lost and somebody won it was very clearly who lost and very clear who won in the two Wars that the world is right now in uh both uh Israel and in Russia does somebody have to lose and somebody have to win for the war to get over or can there actually be kind of just War ending with empathy see War can be lost only if you're fully invested in this if you're just putting your pocket money in it nobody will win nobody will lose it's an enduring War you must also understand whole lot of nations are deeply invested in manufactur of arms and armaments if there is no war happening anywhere what are what are we supposed to do see suppose uh you are making you have a gun Factory I have a bullet Factory you want the guns to be bought all of them should own a gun but me I want them to shoot somebody if they kept the same bullets for 25 years what am I supposed to do hello I'm saying when I've started a big industry what am I supposed to do I'll tell you this I was at the economic forum and some big Hollywood stars were all going to Sudan Sudan was in uphe so they carrying this African baby and doing photo ops African black babies are always good photop for everybody you know so all this happening and everybody appreciating all the CEOs everybody saying clapping their hands I said what is this they're showing a video of the Sudanese militants or soldiers whatever you want to call them because that is that itself is now you want to call them terrorists or militants or insurgent or soldiers you don't know it's a confusion so these guys are driving Toyota trucks pickup trucks and they got automatic weapons they just shooting at the sky they're going so I said see where is the need to go to sh down right now these guys are shooting the sky if I'm in a fighting with somebody with a gun I want every bullet to kill somebody Hello if you a warrior if you a soldier every bullet you carry you want to kill an enemy you don't want to shoot the sky all right you will only shoot the sky if there's a limitless supply of armament these guys are continuously shooting the sky they shoot for everything they just shoot the sky you've seen that also so I said see this caliber of armament there are six 62 manufacturers in the country I will give you the addresses just stop them once the bullets are over they will have to hack each other hacking you won't kill that many people even in your heart if anger is not gone your arm will Tire I'm saying it's a horrible thing to say but this is the reality of the world this when this man has an automatic weapon how many he can kill when he has a mashti how many he can kill there's a big difference isn't it it may not make a difference in terms of people who are thinking oh what kind of thing is this as long as they kill it's killing but if he killed 10 people here and spared you you for you it makes a difference hello for those who survive it makes a difference that's all it's about but nobody wants to do that because it's business all right nobody it's all war is part of the economic situation in the world too much has been invested in it there is no way you can do without a war right now if Wars don't happen certain economies will just sink Wars need to happen somebody has to buy their stuff and somebody has to use it if nobody uses it it'll be no use so we before we shed crocodile tears we must understand that there are things that we are unwilling to change we we're not changing the roots of it we want to change the consequence of it life doesn't work like that what is the nature of the roots we plant that is the kind of consequence we bear okay super sguru uh there's so many questions and time is a little bit short and I've got actually a good half of my segments left which I keep looking at try to see how do what do I remove but um are you okay you have you have time are you okay to kind of hang on and kind of a d means hanging on this hanging around and I'm assuming the crowd is okay to hang on so I'm going to play a small game with you um you know I'm going to ask you to give advice okay so I'm going to there all these kind of people who this is a simple policy I've taken I never took advice from anybody nor do I offer advice to anybody this is a basic policy I've have set so so so so I'll I you know I I've seen all the answers that you have given while preparing for this and you love kind of giving an answer with a very interesting story uh you know you you make a story so don't think of advice but I'm going to do the story this time okay and you can kind of you know respond to better make it interesting yeah so you kind of touched on this but sguru your advice to the son of a farmer who wants to sell the farmland and move to the city what would you advise him to do do it do it it's a bad thing for the country but but individual life is also important yeah you can't talk about country and sacrifice people all right country country is not a geography country is people so you cannot say you die in your village you must understand this every day 40 farmers are committing suicide in this country I'm sorry 20 28 farmers are committing suicide in this country every day that means more than one per hour is committing suicide and this is the case if a young man wants to sell his land and make a life in the city which all your parents or yourself have made isn't it hello at some point your parent or grandparent was in the village now you move to the city and you're happy if not happy at least you're better off I'll not address the happiness part you better off than being in a village if that boy wants to do that why will I stop him it's bad for the country but if it's good for the individual human being he must do it super sguru little short answers please for have long list of I a long list of stories by the way s all these stories are real I know the people in these circumstances so it's all in that sense little journalistic but still so your advice will be all that more important the successful Indian business businessman has been invited to meet the king of England should he bow he shouldn't go to the meeting he shouldn't go to the meeting yeah because if that is their policy that if somebody comes to meet the king you must bow down you don't want to bow down just don't go there you go there and try to break their tradition why first of all King can't give you any business King can't make any policies you are going there simply because you glittered by the maybe the cinor so if you want to see the kinor please go bow down and look at the cinor if you don't care don't go there okay so is it too long no no perfect perfect so your advice to the talented young engineer who has gotten a job at Double the salary abroad should he leave his parents and move or should he stay at home with his family she is going see uh you want a short answer short answers will convey wrong things see this is not a this is not a rule you must go you must stay it depends right if you think you're going to go to some other country and create something fantastic or learn something wonderful it's different you're just going there because only because salary is double I would say stay back but if you're going there to learn something to gain experience to create something where that possibility is not here you must go the're two different things okay your advice to the Chief Minister I'm saying don't sacrifice life for a living okay your advice to the Chief Minister who's going to lose his office on Sunday no no they will get at me please advise is uh I'm going to ask you to predict with Chief Minister I'm saying any whichever chief minister lose his office on Sund you guys are making the prediction you already made the predictions anyway say I wish uh people were oting genuinely looking at the developmental work done or not done if it was so my advice for the chief minister would be very different right now it's like a potluck bad luck it's like a it's like potluck potluck so I'm just saying bad luck what to do okay your advice to the kid graduating college who says no to a full-time job because she wants to be a fashion influencer on social media well if she's so stylish why not okay your advice to a woman who has married in a house where the mother-in-law and sister-in-law fast for KVA Cho but she doesn't want to she has to read the Harvard Medical School intermittent fasting and she will do it she she won't do it for KVA it has to come right from the right source so your advice to the economy's most powerful unit the the the dink double income no kids uh so your advice to a dink who says children are a selfish Act and the act of having a baby we can never be selfless see uh if you are a couple of tigers I would say please reproduce because they're endangered human species is not endanger it's your choice whether you want to do it or not okay you have the choice now when human species was very small population you must do it yeah but now it's a choice 8 .4 billion people please uh I actually instituted an award for all those young women who are healthy enough and they can have children but they choose not to have children I'm I'm giving them an award super okay your advice to a college student who wants to come out being gay to his father but is nervous the father will stop paying his college fees so uh what you see nobody tells when you young you did not tell all the truths about you even if you did not have that kind of aspect you never told your father everything come on be honest about it so it's up to you okay your advice to the Pandit whose 13-year-old son says he's an atheist that's a good way to start to be a pundit because I started at the age of 89 as an absolute atheist graduated into becoming an active exite moment at that time because it's very important that you don't simply believe something because somebody told you something well when you're young you tend to disbel but if you mature the important thing is you should neither believe nor disbelieve The Atheist and theist means this both are in the same boat pretending to be in two separate boats both of them believe something that they don't know One Believes there is God another believes there is no God both of you don't know why don't you say I don't know I don't know is a tremendous possibility the moment you see I don't know your intelligence will become active day and night even if your body is asleep intelligence will be active this you must do to yourself not just with God and stuff with everything if you see I do not know this is not a policy actually you do not know a damn thing hello do you know where you came from do you know where you will go nothing some idiots are saying they came from that place and they're going to heaven and whatever that is fine with them if they know they going to heaven I don't know why they're not yet gone if there is such a wonderful place why are you not gone before me because once I go there you don't know what will happen h this is all belief system means you're not honest enough to see what I know I know what I do not know I do not know if this much if you bring in humanity what I know I know what I do not know I do not know if you bring this a whole lot of conflict will go down my whole effort is this to move people from religion to responsibility somebody else is responsible for everything no you are responsible for everything that you are and everything that you have done and everything that you have not done hello so your advice to a man whose wife insists on using her family's last name for their child depends who the family is okay I'll take that as a funny answer but a duck it's still a duck no you must look at the scape of the nation and look at it being a journalist you must look at many names okay advice to a man who has recently discovered that his wife used to be a man oh whoever your wife was at one time she was a baby what to do hello and at one time in the mother's room her gender was not determined what to do if now she's a full-fledged woman what's your problem okay your advice to a woman who discovers that her husband is gay after many years of marriage what makes you think I dare to advise a [Laughter] woman okay I'll try one last one uh and I hopefully you won't duck your advice from the sadguru on stage right now to sadguru 25 years ago who came to my school the same guy same guy it's just that people are seeing me differently but I the same God people who are around me know that in every way the world changes its opinions but who I am doesn't change because of their opinions okay s advice to people your advice to Rohit Sharma after losing the World Cup right now we are in cricket morning we don't talk Cricket anymore for some time we're in the morning hello morning period you shouldn't uh okay your advice to the rescued utak miners this is something uh a whole lot of people talking about these boys when they come out they'll have mental trauma post-traumatic stress nothing these boys came out and they fine this is the resilience of bat for nearly nearly 8 days I think seven or 8 days they were in total pitch Darkness but after that there was some minor light and some food going in and stuff food means in 4 in pipe you know what kind of food was going in 885 m it's not some Sous meal something so that they didn't have to die of hunger and the way things were going from outside we are having all the news we watching all this and everything but they don't know whether they'll ever get out or not but they played Cricket I believe it's really nice maybe some Stars will come out of that we don't know but uh they kept themselves well they walked in the darkness up and down after eating something and when they came out they're saying that they talking so I'm saying mad something something you know that guy was doing one Puja in one makeshift Temple and they all think no problem and they are fine you will see they'll go home and everything will be fine no post-traumatic stress stress nothing this is why it's important that's why at one point I said we are giving up certain cultural Mings if you give it up then you need a sight atrist nothing wrong with a psychiatrist it's just that it needs too much furniture for each one of you and it's too expensive and inefficient with one one person he has to sit 2 hours 3 hours talking this is not like that this is a very inexpensive and Mass delivery of Psychiatry where people will remain psychologically healthy we must uh invest a little bit in that okay your advice to Putin uh I think he's done great for his country well mistakes people make but mistakes are made because there are historical emotions and stuff going on and because whoever controls the media they control the narrative the other side of the we have a large following in Russia and in all those Central Asian countries many Russians even now coming you know a lot of them staying in The Yoga Center and traveling with me and all this their experience of the war and their experience of the whole situation is very different I'm not trying to say they are right and somebody else is wrong all I'm saying is I don't take sides in war because godamn war is wrong not the question who is wrong hello the question is not about who is wrong war is wrong we're using technological empower powerment to decimate each other that is wrong so I don't take sides in the war what advice would give zenski should go back to his old profession no because in this personal staff the number of people getting killed what is it whole male population of Ukraine will be gone and if the see Russia has the endurance to fight this for another 10 years or 20 years if you continue for another 5 6 years hardly any male population in Ukraine will be left when they were all gloating about they crossed this River what that starts with the Deon yeah yeah I'm not remembering that River we crossed they were gloating about it so the Russians said the average life expectancy of an Ukrainian Soldier is 48 hours that's all they will live if they cross this River and the that's a fact I'm saying what are we just burning up young people for what what are you going to get so they should put down their weapons and let Russia you should sit and talk we will not talk it's not good we must talk when there is a conflict we must talk to resolve it everything will not be resolved immediately but we must open that thing I'm not willing to talk me uh where will it go your advice Netanyahu H in Netanyahu Israel you trying to get me into trouble no not at all I'm tomorrow going to Dubai and he's I heard that he's not coming so for the cop 28 okay so I I won't push we not comfortable with don't answer uh your advice to Iran supreme leader Ali Kini see uh advice unsolicited advice is always a bad thing to do all right nobody soliciting my advice or your advice for them everything is written down and they know everything those who know everything there is no advice hello okay fair but people who are very lost what would you advise a Palestinian living in Gaza today get out right now because you may get bombed out what's your advice to a Jew living in Jerusalem well uh in a short span of time you made a great nation which everybody appreciates and everybody wants to go to and everybody seeks advice and techn technology and other things from that country but if you don't manage a few things well all this can go it may be not all your fault or somebody else's fault the important thing is not about who whose fault it is the important thing is we manage situations situations without destroying each other that is the important thing question if you talk about who is right who is wrong there is no end to it everybody thinks they are right isn't it question is not right and wrong conflict is wrong whichever way it happens but once it starts stopping is very difficult because both are fighting who is to deliver the last punch that will become the issue isn't it so once conflict has started no point advise and nonsense you can talk as much as you want but human emotions are such that I want to deliver the last punch not you this is the way of the world super I don't think you're going to answer my last two but you you have advice Modi he's not someone who needs advice do you have advice for Rahul Gandhi nobody's asked me so let's get some audience questions in I get a just show of hands I obviously I I can assure you I will not be able to take everybody's please rash me go hi it has been delightful listening to you sguru let it's been delightful listening to you sguru in fact religion has been dragged into politics do you ever see that spirituality will also be part of politics I wish it was because uh nearly 6,000 years ago it was attempted but failed the probably most people in the country do not see it this way you must understand if you say Krishna you will think butter girls flute hello all those things happened only till he was 16 years of age after that his only mission was to marry political leadership with spiritual process because simply seeing those days the king is a biggest influence whatever he becomes the citizens naturally go that way so he saw that if you transform the king naturally the kingdom will benefit most people probably completely not aware Krishna started over a thousand small ashrams across the northern belt okay people only know butter girls flute War that's what remains after 5 6,000 years unfortunately but over 1,000 ashrams he built on the orders of his Guru sandipani so the idea was you can go at grassroot levels and try to bring spiritual process first of all you must understand what is spiritual process spiritual process is not about going to Temple mosque church this that prayer no spiritual process is about turning inward that means your experience of life has become little more than what you have accumulated when I say accumulated if your experience of life is only the things that You' have accumulated it's one way a lot of people are like that or if your experience is limited to your physical body this is also accumulated over a period of time what you call as my psychological process your thoughts and emotions also accumulated over a period of time so if your experience of life is limited only to what you have accumulated either in the form of body mind or things and people and relationships around you you are living your life without having a taste of life you're only having the accessories of life you don't have life so if your experience of Life transcends the limitations of your physicality then we say you are spiritual if you sit here something more than your body and mind if it's a living experience for you then we say you're spiritual spiritual is not looking up looking down if this doesn't happen to you you will be driven by your body's needs or your mind and emotional needs right now that's how the whole life is going most human beings are busy their entire life just servicing their body servicing their mind and emotions just see all the arrangements that you make in your life just servicing the body servicing the needs of the mind and emotions isn't it no this body this mind and these emotions are supposed to serve the life that you are not the other way around so should spirituality become a part of politics 100% all politicians should have some spiritual sense within them so that they don't act with boundaries body means boundary isn't it hello this is one body this is another body there is a boundary and it's very essential this boundary is needed and this boundary is respected mind also there is a boundary these days you don't want to overlap anywhere everybody I got my opinion you got my opinion but there is a dimension within us which is not of boundaries unless you touch that any amount of teaching any amount of philosophy will not bring you know peace in you Joy in you it will not happen it will be just here and there sprinkling so because idea of separating church and state it's a very Western concept do you think that that's something that India also should be or do you think it's something which we've mindlessly kind of aped uh ape is the right word uh but ape has a mind of its own that's the problem if you had no mind it would be okay but ape has a an unevolved mind that's a d dangerous thing okay no mind would be fine unevolved mind is a dangerous process so this church and this thing comes because the religions which were very dogmatic trying to dominate every aspect of life we have never had any dogmatism in this culture individual people may say some stupid things but generally there is no support for dogmatic belief systems here even if so-called thing people that we believed are Divine entities when they came they could not give us any Commandments when Shiva came ad Yogi came and opened his mouth his wife is asking him a thousand questions Krishna comes to his one close friend after 35 years he tries to speak that fool has hundreds of questions hello nobody could give us a commandment because this is a land of seekers there are no dogmatism here given at a given time what's relevant we will do if we have to change tomorrow we will change everything this is the nature of the civilization this is very important not for India this is for the whole world the whole world needs to do that human beings have still not come to that place where they can do without any handholding they need to hold something but we must know we created the handles if we want to shift the handle from here to there we can shift it no the handle is there and only there you must be forever this is going to be dangerous and that's happening in the world today ra you spoke about uh European unions do you foresee unification of India Pakistan and Bangladesh in near future see I'm not an astrologer but uh we must have a plan I don't believe in predictions I have plans and it may not happen in our lifetime but we must plan that someday this if not one country at least a kind of a lose Union must happen because you must understand before 1947 we refer to this land as a subcontinent by cutting off what we today call as Bangladesh which was also Pakistan at one time and Pakistan now we have turned this into an island you want to go anywhere where can you go from this country can you drive anywhere only place you can go is Bhutan and Neal all right anywhere else you want to go if you want to send anything can you send something no it has to go by ship can you get anything do you have a pipeline do you have a railway line do you get oil in the pipelines do you get gas in the pipelines no everything comes by ship no island nation has ever gone to become a a great power on the planet it cannot do we need land connections if we want land connections we have to come together once again as a subcontinent if not as one nation if that is not possible at least as some kind of a union otherwise we will suffocate ourselves Mr sguru I have uh seen several videos of yours many of the things that you say keep reverberating in my mind but I'm sorry sir if I'm bothering you like that sir let me stick to but I'm an educationist I'll stick only to education and at one place you have said that modern education is crippling humanity and so if yes then what is the way forward what is the way out that's one two is you say that there are three eyes for a leader you know so uh insight inclusiveness and integrity we in management we teach leadership so how do we teach Integrity how do we cultivate Integrity inclusiveness Insight in an individual and in a corporate perspective what are the metrics and yard sticks for measuring these uh uh qualities and traits when I say education is crippling us right now the whole education process is about Gathering data from your kindergarten you just Gathering data dat data so one next thing is you process this data and find permutations in combination expressions for the data that you have so once you have substantial data this data like is reverberating in your ears or in your head wherever head it's reverberating this is data this is the pro this is the ban of all educated people some nonsense is going on their in their head all the time because they gathered data and if substantial data is gathered then it just goes on cycling inside so this means there is no new possibility in your life data means is of the past Isn't it past is circulating in your mind continuously it may be useful for your survival but you will not do something significant and absolutely new because the only the past is circulating you cannot switch off the past hello if you could be on with your data for some time and switch it off like your computer then it's okay but data is on in your wakefulness and your sleep it is on so all the data people are feeling very insecure right now because of the artificial intelligence and especially if the artificial general intelligence becomes prolific which I feel will become will grow faster than most technology experts are predicting it will grow much much faster because it will create itself when it starts reproducing itself then you it will grow like that I think it's fantastic time because I remember in Mumbai in 19 you tell me if I'm right on the date I think it's 73 or 74 when they they installed the first Gantry in the mazagon docks all the Mumbai Port coolies went on strike they were taking appr o imately 28 days to unload a ship the largest vessels in those days were 100 100,000 to 125,000 today most of the vessels are over quarter million tons they would take 28 days to 20 30 days to unload these ships they installed a Gantry which could unload that ship in less than 24 hours so then they said what are we supposed to do with our muscle and they went on a 3 Monon strike putting Mumbai into serious this thing that that was a time you know it was the time of strikes those 15 20 years Railways will go on strike Port will go on strike bus will go on strike electricity depart you remember you too young I think you don't know all kinds of strikes going on so mazagon docs went on strike how could you explain to them this machine is good if the machine does the hard work you can do something else they won't understand right now the same thing with professors and academics and various others doctors lawyers everybody because what you were doing with lot of fuss including the priests and pandits what you were doing with lot of fuss the machine will do with no fuss hello the advise that your grandparents were trying to give you with lot of fuss today Google hello but once AI comes any data collection process and expression it will do it it better than a human being and I think it's a great time that means if this load is taken off the human being human beings can do something more human right now they're trying to fulfill the machines job we're running out of time got have two more questions uh can I can I put the mic on V dala uh she's FL from Kolkata to kind of hear you sadguru I have a mother of two girls they fall sick very often and I'm very often I'm reaching out for the bottle of antibiotic on the prescription of my doctors please advise me how to treat my children with alternate remedies medicines alternate signs you know you in Kolkata is that what he's saying yes in Kolkata Kata I think Kolkata is full of infection they shouldn't fall Sick by now they should have been strong anyway please I add that question if I can you know when it's in Conflict when when allopathy and alternates are conflict antibiotic is murder but can you live without it no because we are living in such concentration which we have never done in the history of humanity this level of concentration of populations as it is in urban cities right now has never happened in the history of humanity this is the first time millions of people are living together not out of love because stock market is here and something else is here here which brings everybody here all right so if your children are susceptible if you're really committed to their health first thing is you must move out of urban center set up a small farm move there I think you can afford that please do that let them play in the soil let them do some gardening put them out there if necessary take them out of the damn school for a year you send them to me for one year I'll make them very healthy and send them back but that's not important see their health is is not important your children must be one step ahead of your neighbor's children that is the [Applause] problem we're running out of time there's a lady there can get a mic to her please we'll take two questions at the same time so I'll call that one question and then we can wrap up I know s guru's been very generous with this time in front please right here in front sorry um and there's a gentleman at the back with his hand up the second last row we just take two questions together please keep the question short please thank you for a wonderful evening sadguru um my question you spoke some wonderful things about the soil and how it's connected to our mental health and how I'm sorry I didn't get that part little bit um it was a wonderful convers a lot of interesting insights about the soil and how it's connected to our mental health are there any particular Foods you would recommend uh which are you know which are friendly for the soil and also friendly sort of for our spiritual journey friendly for the soil and our spiritual journey and our spiritual journey see uh soil is definitely not connected to our spirituality but a soil is not connected to our body but our body is soil isn't it hello the question is just this will you get it now or will you get it from the magots one day but we'll get it one day hello when somebody bues us we will get it we are part of the soil but if we get it now we can live wonderfully well if we know we are walking upon our own body how gently we would walk what a wonderful human being you would become isn't it so about spiritual process suppose you sit here your little finger is in lot of pain only little finger not anything else only little finger I'm talking about Enlightenment are you interested you want to say sguru how to take away little fingers pain even if God comes that's what you will ask because this is the nature of the body if you don't keep it well it will become the main issue in your life the idea of keeping it well is so that you can keep it aside and focus on something else bigger things are possible in your life only if your body is not a concern isn't it if your body becomes a concern it's a full-time job only little finger is hurting it's a full-time job believe me yes or no but don't go around like this it's not good last question really short really quick please hello sguru this Isha visar I'm seeing a phone in your hand if your question is long we won't have time no no it's a small question the greatness of nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated uh sguru we would like to uh have your views on the way animals are treated in India see right now in the urban societies their idea of an animal is just a dog at the most a cat they think all the other things are not animals the things that they're eating are not animals all of them are animals all right so animals means all animals all life around us animals also include plants I'm not saying plants are animals but it's life as much life as anything so in this culture people worship their animals they'll you know you probably you don't have this experience in my grandparents home and all well to-do homes but still animals are in the center piece of the house in the open area of the house animals when we are little children every day my grandmother will take and show this one particular animal and say this this is she is G this is the milk you're drinking every day and they give us milk only from that cow not mixed up with million cows because you must understand this is the way life is made this sophisticate it is I know a whole lot of uh trollers are at me just for this one statement but you can check it up you can research yourself or maybe many of you some of you are doctors who may know this yourself if a human mother gives birth to a child if it's a boy child she will produce one kind of milk if it's a girl child she produces a different kind of milk so I'm saying it's that specific life you drink milk from a million cows at a time all kinds of animals and you think it'll work out well see you may just live somehow somehow if you're robust in your body it's okay but if you want to unfold all the aspects of your life then the subtities of life has to be managed so when we say animals we kept the animals like this because they were as much a part of our life as families were today because you living in an apartment a cow or a a donkey or an elephant or a camel is not possible you have brought in dogs and cats it's okay with me but they work together they live together and they were part of us they had names they responded I'll tell you I have very profound experiences with these animals I know when somebody in the family dies nobody goes and tells the cow it is not in front of the cow somewhere the cow is just standing there and shedding tears like that it knows that person is dead intuitively so that is how close relationships people had but today you think it's already right to eat that one but your dog is sacred but somebody else in another country eats dogs and you're very upset about that I'm saying if we do not value life around us whatever life it is whether it's an insect a bird an animal or a plant life around us is not separate from us we are a consequence of those lives we are not here by ourselves today I must tell you 92% of the freshwater Aquatic Life is gone in the last 70 Years Gone Gone okay species gone 82% of the insect population is gone on the planet in the last 70 years the biomass of the wild animals is 4% of the planet 32% are human beings 61% are cattle Western Cattle you know in the cattle Farms this is definitely murder of the planet because who we are right now is a consequence of all the small life slowly evolving and we here above all microbial life is most foundational let me put it this way so if tomorrow all the microbes die we will die instantly if all the worms die we will die in another one and a half to two years our life on this planet not just us if all the insects die somewhere between four to 4 and a half years all life on this planet will vanish but if all of us die Planet will flourish so we must know this we are not the be all of this we are just a consequence we are like a flower of evolution we must be fragrant hello we must exude that fragrance thank you last bit or are you through what are you showing like this I small portion small I don't do those things for the road on the road I'm small bit small bit I'm going to ask you the toughest school interview questions that in Bombay city has uh that that Bombay City Schools I have been asked when I was going to for admission for my kid that's why I didn't go much to the school they couldn't ask me those question these are it's very tough the school interview questions for parents is actually quite so I want to I want to get you know what what would you answer um should schools have male female and other bathrooms I think if you bring sufficient responsibility into our children even male female bathrooms are not needed if we make our children very responsible we have made them peeping Toms and giggling idiots because of that separation is needed otherwise why can't you why can't you rest respectfully Make Way for a girl if she's going to the bathroom and because we have not understood her biology maybe she has a little more extra need in the bathroom than you have so you just have to make way for that why this responsibility has not come at an early age is because uh we have taken on to Victorian prism that is not the way this country was some time ago okay um how do you explain to your child why his or her nanny eats dinner on a different table what that how do you how do you explain to your child why his or her nanny is eating dinner at a different table she's eating separately maybe she eats better than you and uh anyway this distinction one who cares for you is not cared for your children will not grow up healthy okay would you rather a school preserve the child's naite or toughen the child up with exposing her to the harsh realities of the world what do you mean you want to expose them to rape murder and everything Rish children will learn as time comes the important thing is to bring a very profound sense of responsibility to everything this doesn't mean when the at what we expose a child who should be age appropriate if we don't understand this in the name of Freedom we'll destroy them wonderful it's a great way to end a wonderful conversation s thank you so much for your time again I've been telling 25 years I've been waiting for this which is why I've gone through only half of what I wanted to get through but I think I can talk to you for days actually did I get the admission or thank you so much ladies and gentlemen request all of you to remain seated while we continue you can catch this conversation in the express conversations podcast on Spotify may I now invite Dr Rashmi saluja executive chairperson religare Enterprises limited to present sadguru with a bouet yes yes thank you Dr [Music] saluja please be seated Anan goena will now present a token of appreciation the ation is by suit de request everyone to please remain [Applause] seated as we conclude I would like to thank our partners presenting partner reig gear Enterprises limited co-presenting partner F frr immigration and fosta experience partner Club jolies please stay back and join us for snacks please please request everyone to please remain seated hi request everyone to [Music] please
Channel: The Indian Express
Views: 113,072
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Keywords: indian express, sadhguru, sadhguru live, sadhguru reaction on carryminati, sadhguru latest, sadhguru meditation, sadhguru on carryminati, sadhguru mimicry, sadhguru exposed, sadhguru on relationships, sadhguru on shiva, sadhguru on love, sadhguru on anxiety, sadhguru on marriage, sadhguru on spirituality, sadhguru on spiritual awakening, sadhguru interview, sadhguru podcast, sadhguru positive thinking, sadhguru express adda, express adda sadhguru, indian express live, satguru
Id: sx84QMSriJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 50sec (6770 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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