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[Music] [Laughter] thank you next segment of the program is a question and answer session it's my pleasure to invite on stage Mr Francis Gary to moderate this session [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you so much she was a doctor it's okay you're a lawyer don't ask difficult questions [Music] sad Guru it's really a privilege to have this opportunity to interact with you and please allow me to thank Ambassador Rajiv chander for giving me this opportunity I think actually it's a sign of the greatest inclusiveness that India should invite an Australian on International yoga day during the middle of the world cricket cup so this doesn't mean we are beginning to go this doesn't mean we are going to be kind to you on the cricket field I've noticed this is so now I have many questions from many people in the audience who would like to ask for your wisdom but may I start by asking you one myself so the Power of inclusiveness Now if we go back in the world say 30 years we see that there was there were many signs of opening walls were coming down many initiatives were taken to open up the world which I think brought many benefits if we look around the world now there are many signs of closure walls are being constructed there are many policy measures being taken by many governments closing borders closing borders to persons closing borders to Goods I wonder if I may ask how you see all this see uh yes it's true you're seeing that as a global situation but we need to understand this bringing down walls without bringing down economic disparity is not going to work [Applause] when we brought down walls then itself we should have understood that we must strive to bring down disparity in the world no man or woman wants to leave their home and go somewhere else to some strange land and live there just for survival nobody wants to do that but but it is estimated that in the next decade there could be about 1.7 to 1.8 billion people moving or migrating when that many people start migrating your wall is not going to work anyway foreign wall will work wall will work when they're in a few thousands maybe a million but when they go to a billion your wall is not going to work it's going to be a tragedy because now you see a stream of people coming well can every nation just open up its borders and say welcome live on the streets not possible yes so the thing to do is which I've been striving to do and failed to do is in the last 25 years I've been trying to bring some key people in the world together so that this initially we started as and I try to create a board and every time we are about to do it some War like situation comes and some Nations back away and it never happened all right the idea was just this one percent of what we invest in our Defense Forces as we call them arms and armaments what we invest if we contribute and we Institute a board of people who are from responsible businesses to be given as soft loans to these businesses to start Enterprises in improvised societies where it's not profitable to do business a business will naturally try to do business where it's most profitable you cannot ask them to go and do business somewhere in one corner of Asia or Africa because they are looking at their profitability essentially this is this attitude is because money is expensive the money is expensive if you give them a softer money which is not expensive for a gestation period of 12 to 20 years and very soft kind of cushion for them to develop an Enterprise develop the talent and create industry and business in improvised societies the reason for these people to migrate will go instead of making that investment you invest in putting up walls uh you will see walls will work to a certain point I am not even saying it's wrong because the sovereignty of a nation is essentially determined by the geographic borders I am not saying every nation can open up and let people inside it's not possible to do that but you will not be able to control it this way nor is it very Humane to do it that way so the only way is in some way we must see how economic disparity is lowered we cannot level it absolutely it's very very far away leveling it but if we strive in the next 10 years if there's enough Investments going into various parts of the world from where people are migrating if you start businesses there if you start Enterprises there if you start economic activity there then the need for them to go elsewhere to make a living could be reduced and migrations could be controlled because nobody wants to leave their Homeland if they can make a living there [Applause] so if I may turn to a audience the first question is from jitendra Khanna who comes from who's an ex-who employee and the question is physicists have concluded as of now that the universe is deterministic so is there free will for humans or is Free Will an illusion foreign right now all of you sitting here whether you sit here in a pleasant manner next to the person who is sitting next to you or you abuse them or you stab them or you throttle them is it by your will or is it by some universal law hello is it by your free will or no whether you look at them wonderfully or you look at them nasty is it by free will or is it because of something else the way the planets are spinning a lot of people thought so forever because people think they are the way they are because of the way the stars are moving right now unfortunately a whole lot of stars they're looking at don't even exist they're gone long time ago but they're determining your future and your life so uh that I see many Indian origin faces in India we have something called as karma today it's become an English word in the Oxford English Dictionary it is an English word so I can use this word Karma means action action means this when you sit here your body is doing its own things it's acting that's why we are alive mind is doing its own things our emotions are doing its own things our life energies are doing their own things every moment of your life in wakefulness and sleep these four dimensions of activity or Karma are happening isn't it hello yes from the time you woke up today morning to now whatever number of hours if you are a 12 o'clock person it is just six hours if you're a six o'clock person it is 12 hours in this 12 or 6 hours that you've been awake how much of your physical mental emotional and energy activity has been a conscious process hello how much do you think believe me it's well below one percent so when 99 of your activity is unconscious obviously you think something is hitting you from elsewhere if you make ten percent of what's happening in Body Mind energy conscious suddenly people around you think you're a superhuman being yes people think you're superhuman you're determining everything if one hundred percent it is determined by you they'll start worshiping you God like because all that happened is you become more conscious and the significance of being humanies that we can be conscious see if you look at the nature and activity of your life you are not very different from other creatures on this planet you're there born you are born they eat you eat you grow up they grow up you sleep they sleep you reproduce they reproduce you die they die they do it more gracefully you do it with lot of fuss foreign [Music] [Applause] and the life that you do is not very different from other creatures only thing is we can do the same things consciously that's all the big thing about us isn't it hello yes that is all the big thing about us we can eat sleep reproduce and even die consciously this is the big dimension of Being Human so if you do not exercise this one thing it is an evolutionary problem you're going backwards in evolution the life is striving to go forward this is not your or my intention life is naturally striving to move forward when you are a monkey I'm sorry this is not my statement Charles the Englishman you know yes Charles Darwin said this when you were a monkey you did not desire to become a human being but the life within you is longing to move on to the next possibility out of that we are a consequence hello so the consequence is not of physical super capabilities as Hollywood movies are trying to show essentially the consequences we are more conscious because physically if you become let's say far more capable than a chimpanzee or far more capable than a cheetah or a panther or something you would just be a super animal you became human only because you became more conscious than other creatures if you do not exercise that consciously all the time uh you will fall back in no time thank you [Applause] so now we have a question from nilofa Bawa former employee of the global fund to fight AIDS tuberculosis in malaria what is the future of our planet we are running out of water the Glaciers are melting what happens when we run out of water will mankind and life go extinct on Earth we are not running out of water million years ago how much water was there on this planet still the same amount of water is here only if some men go off to Mars they will take some water and go yes otherwise the same amount of water is here it's not gone anywhere it's not where you want it that is something that you need to look at why is it why is water going away from Human habitations why is it lodging itself somewhere else obviously we are not living the way we should live very simple hello we always went in pursuit of water where there was a river civilizations developed but now water is trying to move away from us we must be doing something fundamentally wrong hello isn't it we're doing something very fundamentally wrong in the way we are organizing human habitations we need to look at this seriously now very important otherwise you have to go and live under the ocean because that's the only place there will be water thank you so I stay on water and this one comes from sasang pie a cognizant I came to know the Isha Foundation Through radifa Rivers please could you Enlighten us on the possibility in progress and how we can contribute oh I think they showed something on the video for about rally for Rivers we made a 760 page policy recommendation as to how Indian River should be managed because on an average all Indian Rivers on an average have depleted about 40 percent in the last 70 years some Rivers have receded over 60 to 70 percent major rivers we must understand this the European rivers are of a different nature an Indian Rivers are of a completely different nature here largely the precipitation comes in the form of rain and also snow and glacial water is probably the main source I believe about 55 to 60 percent of European what rivers are coming from glacial Waters in India only four percent of river water is Glacier rest of it is Forest fed river is not the source of water in a tropical land river is a destination into which the water comes the only source of water we have is monsoon and this Monsoon Pours Down in 45 to 50 days in a year what comes down in 50 days all in the form of water not in the form of snow because snow will pile up and stay for two months and slowly melt and trickle into the land that is not how monsoons come monsoons come like a torrent of water all liquid so how do we hold it we were holding it because there was substantial vegetation everywhere so vegetation and the richness of the soil held it and slowly Let It Go in the form of streams and rivets which all joined together and became a river but we have removed green cover in such a way if you have flown over India if you fly from Delhi to Chennai or Bangalore if every five minutes you look down it looks like one brown desert except for the Western gods and a few patches here and there rest is all formed totally because there is no vegetation and there is no richness in the soil we are not able to hold the water when the rains come there is flood otherwise there is drought at the same time at the at the upper regions of the river there is flood lower regions of the river there is drought in this at the same time at a given time this phenomena is happening mainly because of removal of vegetation to what extent means you must understand this for example ganga basin where it accounts for 25 percent of India's geography 33 percent of India's agriculture we have removed 92 percent of green cover in the last 60 years what's the plan so rally for reverse mainly is pushing towards putting back at least one third of the green cover back on the Indian subcontinent so right now as a sample of that we are doing one short river which is 54 kilometers which unfortunately became notorious as the suicide capital of India which is called as evertonal in Maharashtra where maximum number of suicides happen almost every third family we meet has had a suicide in their families so we have taken this up Hands-On project where recently the cabinet approvals have happened and we are working on the ground our volunteers are meeting every family 9 600 families in the yavatmal region are being contacted and given a cell phone number in case of any districts they can get back to us the fundamental is to change them from regular farming where there is no scale they're just scratching land which is two acres three acres per family they cannot invest enough in a two acre land if they invest they become debt ridden and drives them towards suicide so we are seeing how to make them an integrated way of approach and also towards agroforestry which will revive the river a larger project that's coming up which all of you can participate in whatever way you can because we need a big push for this is called kaveri calling kaveri is a river which flows mainly between two Southern States Karnataka and Tamil Nadu these two stay have been at war with each other as to who should drink more kaveri water see if there were two glasses of water for both of us we will drink our water and be nice to each other suppose there's only one glass of water between the two of us we're nice people but we'll fight yes or no probably because I'm sure you won't no there's no water I will also fight I'm saying people will fight isn't it because of scarcity people will fight even nice people will unnecessarily crash with each other this is what has been happening here we have removed 87 percent of the green cover kaveri is very dear to me because I grew up around this River once I floated down this River for 13 days and just four truck tubes and a few bamboos I lived off the river in my experience I never saw this River and fantastic Forest that was around as natural resource I always experience this as a life larger than myself it's a much bigger life than you and me and it has been there before you and me and it should be there after you and me but right now we brought it to a place where it may not be there what's been there for a million years may not be there for the next Generation we are bringing it to that place right now the scientific studies show kaveri has depleted 46 but I don't agree with this because they are taking the monsoon flow also as the volume of water if you leave the monsoon floor if you just go and see the river after October in my eyes it seems like it's 25 to 30 percent of what it was when I was a child around that place so it's depleted so sharply it's been uh troubling me so now we are doing this this is a this is a rally of a different kind the rally for Rivers was purely an awareness because river is a concurrent subject in India between the central government and the state government we wanted to bring that concurrence which we managed for the first time these 16 States at that time were ruled by six different political parties for the first time they came together on one course otherwise opposition parties have always been you know whatever one says the other will say just the reverse of it this is how it's been but they came together and spoke in one voice which itself was a tremendous thing it showed the maturity that there is in spite of the daily fighting that happens when real issues come they stood up and stood up for one cause that was fantastic 162 million people supported this cause in 30 days time I personally drove 9 300 kilometers 142 events literally we were on the road 30 days non-stop driving and talking ourselves horse but this did the job now the rally for reverse recommendation became the official recommendation for the 29 states that the government sent this as an official recommendation three to four states are very proactive they're going and doing their own thing which is very good another six states we've signed mous but now we need a large-scale demonstration see the important aspect of this is we are shifting Farmers from three month four month crop pattern to agroforestry which will multiply the farmer's income right now we have transformed 69 760 Farmers into agroforestry and their incomes have multiplied five to eight times in a matter of 10 years time so this multiplication of income will happen why I am saying this is this is an economic plan with a significant ecological impact that is what is important because the moment you talk ecology all the businesses become cautious because these guys are going to come and Bash us all ecologists or ecological activists always trying to hit some industry or some business so this is what I want to change and this is what we have successfully changed is economy and ecology have to go hand in hand if you put pit one against the other if you pit one against the other economy will win hands down ecology will be battered so that is what has been happening especially now in India because we are looking for an economic surge we are talking about becoming a five trillion dollar economy when we go like this there is a possibility ecology could be trampled so we are working with the governments because it's very very important this is something always at least in India the people who represent ecological concerns have never worked with the governments always against the government if you're serious about doing something you have to work with the government there's simply no other way well there may be compromises because they have their own concerns they have their own political and budgetary issues and various other dimensions are there not just some ideal that we hold so this is a new trend that we have created that ecological concerns are not of people have always treated like this economies today's concern ecology is tomorrow's concern I'm saying ecology and economy are today's concern and they have to go hand in hand so if you want to support in some way kaveri calling will start in September just to tell you how it is being done we are this time we are on a motorcycle a group of us are riding down 1500 kilometers nearly 1500 kilometers Down the River camping on the river creating about 35 events along the way we are asking for the governments to give an incentive for Farmers to shift from regular farming which destroys River and terrain into agroforestry this is yet to happen both the garments are examining the budgetary proposals that we have given whether it comes through or not if it comes through we will go propagating the benefits the government is offering the incentives if it doesn't we use it as a people's moment to push the government towards that policy but this has to be done now what I see is if we don't do this in the next 12 to 15 years time I think particularly southern region right now it is the most water distressed region is Tamil Nadu and it's also entering Karnataka in a big way I think it is a clear manifestation we don't care a damn about our children and their children how they live here it's a very clear statement as far as I'm concerned I don't want to leave that statement thank you so this takes us this question takes us more explicitly to Yoga Yoga seems to be the current buzzword from exercises asanas to meditation for body and mind well-being how exactly do you define yoga Oh I thought we've done a plenty of that yoga means Union even the chant we did was just that you do it somehow okay you do it with austerity or you do it in a pleasurable way you do it sitting alone in a mountain or you do it being with everybody somehow the hell you do it it doesn't matter somehow you should become like this that if you sit here your experience of being alive is fantastic nothing need to happen if you sit here you're alive and it's fantastic is it let me tell you this right now what is the most important thing in your life your bank balance your business your family your relationships what you're planning or you're alive right now which is most important hello you're alive right now that is the most important thing isn't it so you do this much I'll teach you a simple yoga right now tomorrow morning if you do wake up see you think it's a joke you're thinking it's a joke no mortality is not a joke this is the problem with most people most people think other people die [Music] no you and me will die hello you and me will die isn't it I'll bless you with a long life but still you die with a blessing isn't it mortality is a real thing every day nearly quarter million people don't wake up tomorrow morning by natural process so in case you wake up tomorrow morning check if you're still alive if you are will you give yourself one big smile you're still alive hello hello will you do that and and every day if quarter million people die at least five to ten million people would have lost someone who is dear to them you check those five ten people who matter to you if they're all alive will you give yourself one more smile hello to yourself not to somebody all of them are alive today all the people who matter to you immediately will you give yourself one more smile it is uh seven o'clock and you're still alive please understand this what is ticking away is not a clock it's your life which is ticking away since you came and sat here you're two hours closer to your grave hello yes or no mortality is a real thing if you're conscious of it then you will make the best out of this you think you are eternal then you live like a fool you have time for all kinds of idiotic things if you know life is ticking away you will do the best things that you can do isn't it hello you will not do the best thing you will do the best things that you can do and this is all we can do in your life if you do not do what you cannot do that's not the issue but if you do not do what you can do you're a disastrous life so yoga means to avoid this disaster so this question takes us to education and it comes from Meenakshi bana of the blue Bill School International in New Delhi what can schools do to inculcate ethical living in a Joyful Way the moment you have lot of Ethics your face becomes long thank you because I it's like this let's say there is an ethic thou shall not kill for me so I am just holding my hands back but I want to kill but why do I want to kill why why is it that I want to kill we must look at it more fundamentally isn't it rather than stopping it with the value that I set from I know I'm not going to do this I'm not going to do that so please understand this just try this right now shall we try and experiment with your mind next 30 seconds nobody should think of a monkey try please close your eyes and try oh only monkeys isn't it this is the nature of your mind in your mind if you say I will not only that will go on why are you making life so difficult why do you think you are born wrong and you have to be fixed no you think creation has made a mistake with you hello you think creation has made a mistake with you no it's fine the life the way it is is fine you become something because you imbibe all kinds of nonsense from other people you call this religion you call this education you call these morals you call these values you call this philosophies ideologies for religions and ideologies and philosophies we have killed more people than for Crime isn't it so hello alone [Applause] so all these morals ethics values philosophies ideologies are only an effort to prevent crime but in the end these preventive measures have caused more death and horror on this planet than crime would cause isn't it so why do you think I would like to steal what is in your pocket I don't care first of all why are you telling me thou shall not steal I I never thought of stealing anything from you all this all this comes because you are in pursuit of happiness that's the problem have you seen every one of you when you're very joyful what a wonderful human being you are but if you're a little angry frustrated miserable you're nasty yes or no so this is what we need to create we have been always trying to produce good human beings it's a terrible mistake we need more joyful and sensible human beings this is what yoga is about Joy is an insurance when you're joyful you want to kill somebody hello only when you're miserable you want to kill somebody isn't it thank you now I think if I'm reading we're coming to it maybe we have one last one perhaps okay there are many many questions but the last one from here and Johnny here biz spirituality and I think you've just been addressing this to some extent spirituality and religion often are often misunderstood at all levels how could you explain the difference and the overlap in easy to understand terms spirituality and religion religion okay see if you say I'm religious you naturally identify yourself as a Believer isn't it hello that you believe something whatever that is what is belief let's look at this something that you do not know you assume and if 10 of us assume that this is my religion if larger numbers happen it becomes a big religion but essentially belief means you are assuming something that you do not know or fundamentally you are not willing to admit I do not know but I do not know it's a tremendous possibility only if you see I do not know the longing to know the seeking to know and the possibility of knowing becomes a living reality everything I do not know I believe now what is the all the problem in this world one man's belief versus another man's belief religious or otherwise yes if you saw that you do not know would you have a reason to fight with anybody so if you saw you do not know what do you do the nature of human intelligence is such it cannot simply sit here with I do not know it will seek when you become a Seeker a spiritual somebody who's on the spiritual path always refers to himself as a Seeker the qualification to become a Seeker is you have realized that you do not know yes you know that you do not know once you know that you do not know seeking is not an option it is the nature of the human intelligence once you really see I do not know the nature of my existence sitting standing sleeping your intelligence will seek you don't have to go on seek somewhere seeking does not mean you join a group if you simply bring this home to you that I really do not not think about this life I'm asking you do you really know do you know where you come from and where you go hello you don't know no you can yourself I came from heaven I'm going back to Heaven if you are so sure that you're going back to Heaven why don't you go today I'm saying those who are dead sure about it are doing such things isn't it hello if you knew that you are going to a better place than here why don't you go this is the greatest crime upon Humanity that we told people there is a better place than this this is a crime because this is not allowing human beings to live their life to their full depth and dimension because they think the real life is elsewhere now do you have any proof that you are not already in heaven and making a mess out of it do you have any proof [Applause] if you understand if you pay enough attention to life if you see on the surface this is a leaf this is a flower this is this this is that everything we know but if you pay enough attention you don't know a thing you really don't know a thing not even about your own existence isn't it when this really comes home to you that I do not know you're a natural Seeker you don't have to join any group you don't have to follow anybody you're a natural Seeker in whichever way your intelligence can seek it will start seeking in every possible way it will seek because this is the nature of human intelligence seeking is not a choice you can stop seeking simply because you make up something and you believe it if you don't believe or disbelieve anything you simply pay attention to everything you will become a Seeker because it is only human attention which opens the doors of this universe without a penetrating attention nothing will open for you but once you believe you don't have to pay attention to anything because you know it you know everything how it happened and how it's going to end it's already ended thank you so much thank you thank you
Channel: Varun Sharma
Views: 440,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual video, sadhguru, mystics of india, osho, enlightenment, yoga, sadhguru destroyed a Lawyer, Rapid fire round sadhguru, sadhguru heated debate, sadhguru best replies, sadhguru vs javed akhtar, javed akhtar vs sadhguru, heated debat, sadhguru best answer, who is sadhguru, best answer, life, how to live peacefully, Foreign, anchor, sadhguru rapid fire, united nation, united state of america
Id: DFC86vDg_ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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